. 1 XV S H mm VOLUME, XVI. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, Y; AUGUST 17, ISS3. Siiigle Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 36. -o" . . - FT.IDA ViriiKaTQisr post Entered at the rosloffice at VHmi?ifjr toil ' N. C, Second Class Matter. Urates of advertising. Eight (8) lines, NonpareiUype.con atitute a Hquare. ;r Fifty cents per line for the lirst in-,-rtioit and twenty-five cents per line l,,r tach additional insertion. : -U advertisements will be charged above rates, except on special ' contracts. : :: . 'riubscriptiort price to The Wil uisntos Post is 12 00 per year; Hix months $1 00. j Ail communications on business mU3t be addressed to The Wilming ton' Post, Wilmington, 'N. O. Ex -senator . ItoHCoe i Conkliuij and frieiult", returned from the Yellowstone Park on Friday last. Kx senator Whyle of Maryland who is now the Democratic mayor of Dalti niurc, la ''con malfeasauco in oflice, "iiiru the rascala out." fcVIKIMIA. General W. C, Wickham, heretofore the leading Uepublican of Virginia, has atci'i'tt'd tho- Democratic' nomination for slate weuator from Jlanoyer audi Caroline counties. Politics truly; make trui Iw ti fellows. . ' '. 'j SOP l'H CAROLINA 1NOTEM.-'' - , J ' . Hou. Edward V. M. Mckey is still ;' improviDg ud is expected over iu Chmlenton ' soon. lie has been very ' : -. v , - William U. Urecse, trashier of tlio Firt National Bank of Charleatou, b. C., died iii his 75lh year on Monday last. " ...' ? . f Jh;irlenton telcbratod its 100th anni miiujr; as a cily on Monday last; it wan incorporated as a. city oil lueJBlh day of . August, 1783 it is "the oldest cily in tho United States. ' Mayor t'ouitircy delivered the address. J The Charleston SS. ii., Acwi ik Cou ."r.'(V -comes out in a brail new dross. It i.i ono fd' the best-and ablest paper's itj. the south before, but now it Is tha biiiidsoiuest. Tlio paper deserves sue was lor Us ability and cuenry. we wish it continued prosperity. ..." (UiANtiER, Wyoming Territory, Augu-Jt 6, 18S3. J V.pvioit roar: Dear Sir:. If your ' icadeni ViU follow the line ol the Union Pacific Railroad from Omaha, AVbrnka to the 110th meridian of longilude west fromrcenwhnd cut it north and south at about 11-5 10 de grre ot longitudo , they will find this plico which is now the junction of the OrcRon shbrt line, a branch of the Uiiion raciflc Ilailioad which runs f Intm horA liii tL nhrth wAiifArh dirantinn through this Territory and -Idaho and which has now reached Boise City in the latter Territory, sbmo 400 miles from thw place and is being rapidly pushed ahead -yito Washing'Oa Territory to lio m outlet ou the Pacific Ocean. In-order dyiibtiess ;o aroidpaying Uibute to tUe Oehtrll Pacific Kailroad whkh has heretofore been its only l'aeiuc Ocean connection. ThU uew branch (the Oregon Short Line) yMes through and opens to the world a section of country heretofore a .'crni inorjidtu to those iu the "states" which is rich iu minerals, andiiae grazing lamU in Wyouiiug and Idaho, and tappicg one of the finest f&rmtug xciions on the American coutiueut in Orfguin and; Washiugion, connecting4 with the t'uh northern whose lines ex- itcuds trow OaIoh. tUah to lieleua. Monlaua and crosses .the "North Paci'tic Railroad near the Utter city. Thus by . short cut not only reaching the Paci fic Ocean., but ojniug to the world the erriiories ol Idaho, Moutana ami Wash- on. the road is well constructed and w already doing a hkI busiueas. as is vieucpl ty the amouut of merchau ie t arried west, and the return freight w 'lfr bullion coming east Uiu muck lor the route. rHR ; cvi-NrKv niRoiuH wuuii ir ' ' -S - ' ; : . ' ' l'A.-'SKS. ' i The cvniutry through which it passes ( ia Wyoming) mostly grating lands, dtToted to horo cattle, horcs and sheep, aaJ klmot miraculous are the accounts of tie fortuues made iu this business. Sorting with a few cows men hare beu aawn to taake their thousands within qw y ari, such beef and mutton as hTeAin our table hero in Clrangex li compare fatorably with U best W of hold Hioglaod ' Idaho is a a graiing county, and in ad J i lion tksftto is rich isv minerals, but Mon trrgoaind Waahiogton are both uairg , farming and grwipf Territo ris hoixw, cattle and Vheep, being th nock priocfpally raised. The coua lJ U bWoaiinf rapidly Jotted with to and tiling op with a good class aattT bora people, who do not come lT handed, bat prepared to ba? lis aad stock and become natures. The territorial la we a-e rery etrickly ea fd, t oa huadrtrl dollar, fine and costs being imposed for what one of our city magistrates would dispose of for "one penny and the coats," consequently there is scarcely any crime, and deputy sheriffs and magistrates are plentifully distributed that erery offence against law is soon known. '. COST OF LIVIKG. V Good board can be had here (which is a fair average, of the entire country) for $1 00 a day, and less to regulars. Coal here $6. pr ton. Fine beef,-10 to 12 cents per pound; mutton, 10 cents per pound. Potatoes, GO cents per bushel; apples $1 per barrel, and other things in proportion every thing being the best.r Fruits from Utah and Cali fornia at fair prices, but the finest ,the world cau produce. Good farm hands, $10 to $15 per month: coiniHon laborers ou railroads, $2 50 per day, in other employ, 3, do mestic servants get go'jd wages. Cook5! (good ones) who can make god breads, $G0 p'tir month; other servants about $20 to $35, iucluding board. T w I NO GENTLEMEN WANTEIV Jh is is not a premising- couutry for tjehClciiaitytXho kid gloye perauasionj unless thoy have from $1000 to $2000 capital. With this amount they may form a partu'trdhip with some stock ineu and do well; but the farm laborer with hh hands alone for his stock in trade, stand- equal to a $2000 capital ist eyerywhere in this country. It is not at all a strange thin": to hnd culti vated men with a rough herders shirt and over-alt looking alter thoir stock on the fitiigc-. , The mistake our poople vast makB iu their opinion in this ouutry is, that when hero they have to "rough it," in other words, submit to privation and hardship. This is erroucms, they can live m will hcic us they cau east so far as nccesairies arc concerned. But, of course,' society being iu a crude state, all tlio litle relincuieiils and. luxuries of the ast are not available, jxecpfin tho cuisine. The jfcoplo herja arc hard working, energetic-, smart - aiul gener ous. Ki.cli one ieo! the necessity of pishing for himself, but under the nat ural western brusqueuess there are warm hearts ami willing hand-i to assist a good neighbor. At this place there is a? good house kept by a southerner and wife, where all the substantial of a good table and no few of its luxuries cau, be had, and where' most of the passengers bound oyer the new short line remain over ivight for the train. More anon. -.-'..".- Ex-Ebb: lrcileiil Arthur aud Hie Au- While in Louisville, the President remarked, "that In making two of hiB best appointments ho was influenced by the fact the gentlemen were expert fish ermen." Now everybody need not go fishing, expecting an appointment, but eycry one may, by leudiug $- lor a ticket in the Commonwealth Distribu tion Co.'s next drawing, Aug. 31st, in LouisviUe, Ky., catch a big prize, 1JoO, prizes, amounting to $112,-100 Capital prize, $30,000. Tickets only $2. Address all orders to Ii. M, Board man, Louisville, Ky. ; r Miiy Items. Sell's circus will exhibit uere on the 2ith of September, The heallfi of Mr. II. W. Chad wick is said to 6o 'improving. Hon, O. II. Dockiry was in Char lotto ou Tuesday last. . Col. I. J. Young is at the Sprius in Virg'tuia spending a pleatant time. Uou.JjL K. O'Haraf member of coo gress, is at Nag's Head enjoying the sea air. Mr. F. W. Faster left ft New York last Mouday, where Ins wile is ou a visit. The C'oauuiouweaallh Distribu tion To. Willhavc their next iHpular monthly drawing August Slst, 1JK uy wui dLilributo 1.1HJ0 prizes, aiuounling to $112,400. Capital prize, $&,000, $10,: 000. $o.000; 10 prixea of a $1,000 each Tl.-kts onlr $2 each. To clubs they give the following libera! d'lscoaut: 27 tickeU for $0.; 55 tickets for $100. Address K- M. BoArdmaa juisville, Ky. t . The buildinz of Pender new eottrt Ka..t at Bunrw is about to be con m?ncd- ' Miv. 1. B. Kahnweilcr and family and Mrs. J. I- Macks are wmmerisj it at Atlantic City. '- '. :' '-:- NatifaUoa oa the Csp Fear has been alsaost eetirely sr " coo-jii of the low water. llowa. Thomaa SKtle aad A- S Pey mour are spend las- omt mountain of tbh Ut The crops in the Long Creek and Point Caswell section of Pender are said to be looking finely. The bridge over Lee's Creek, on the Wright sville Turnpiiee, which recently gave way, has been replaced,. ; There waa a big crowd on the Wash ington excursion, under the manage ment of W. II. Howe, Jr. A prospectus of the Wilmington, Wrightaville and Onslow railroad will be published in the next issue of the "OST. . r jt,. Bathers in - Green's mill pond and Green field pond were "hauled over the coals" by the Criminal CJourt last week. This week has been observed by the Methodists of this city as a week of prayer, as recommended by the Bish ops. ' ' '""' ': ; :. ' " Mayor Hall made a speech, at the big Confederate re-union at Warrenton, N. C., on.-the 10th, following Senator Matt'llansom, The County Commissioners were in seioni this .week, revising the tax list aud hearing complaints in regard to aiscsineut on property. - ' "First Hi War, First in Peace, Fir! in the Hearts of Our Pa tron." ; - ,:' j Of such is the Commonwealth Dis tribution Co., who for tle past six years have without postponement had their popular monthly drawings in Lou isville, Ky. Next fair and honest drawing, Aug. 31st, 1SS3. Capital prizes $30,000, $10,000, $6,000. 1,960 winuiug tickets; $112,400 distributed. Tickets only $2 each. Address E. M. Board man, Louisville Ky. There were seven interments three whites and four colored during the week endi ng on Saturday last, of which three were whiUsland lour were colored . ' Miss Margaret. McLeod, aged 8,has just completed and fojwarded to the Oxford Orphan Asylum a "comiort, made with her own hands. Air. Wm. Keuyon, formerly master carpenter of the W., C. & A. road, in this city, but now a cesideni of At lanta, where, he is similarly employed; was hereon a visit during the past week. i i .. -The newi Wilmington and Baltimore steamshin line will'coromence opera tions about the 10th of September, Captain A. D. Cazaux will be s?ent here. : The put on. Balcigh will be the steamer like Died. We the following notice from the New York Jlcrald of the 11th inst, On Wednesday; August 2, 1883, Emily S, wife of iRichard A. Risley, in the 61st year of her age. . . -i rr- T. 1M. Gardner Esq., has. received from the TJJ S. Circuit Court the ap pointment of U. S Commissioner, for the Eastern District of North Carolina. He has made a No. 1 magistrate and will make a good Commissioner. I The train the A., T. & O. R. R. run off the track, going west, Thursday; morning. r There was a large party of Ta.i;a from Wilmincton and Fayette- ville on t board, but no one was hurt. Two flat cars and one express car was completely smasncu . . . - Messrs. Josl II. Carr, A. Williams, Kcnansrille; D. D. Wells, Magnolia; S. M. Carleton Warsaw; DiS. Williams, Rackfish; J. S. Westbrook, Faison; T. J - Armstrong. Hallsville. aftd J. U. Oliver, Mt. 6live, of Duplin, have been apiHinted delegates to the Fruit Fair Association meeting iu the city on the :2nd inst. - llrooklyn Fire Engine Co- No. 4, has been organiied by the colored people, with the foilowiog officers; Joseph I i..rmn- A. A. H. Lord. 1st -S i ..;t. ni- -Tm llajmer. 2nd Assistant: J. B. Tucker) President; Wm. Uouecil, Secretart: John W. Smithy Treaserer, John Pearson, Pipemsn; John Martin, Hydrant Tender. T Kheda over Nidewalka btst- rase era the Peesle. " Beforehand after the war, up to lis x, U- ... . n t alhia-Mil -T BUI who wished to do so to have a wooden h4 in front of h'u store oer the sjde alk. It became a threat nuisance and the public demanded that they should be removed and in aCcorxlajac wim that j wt demandi oa the part of the tax payers, the Board of Aldermen passed ordiuance that the crection of sheds ow the sidewalks, ao4 erderia .the ouushal to remote those rthat were s ready coaitructed, with the excertioa r tk. tKt!were Uaaed. Ia coeam- saae oXsi4 order, the saarshal had them ail taken down, vua ie exorp Uoa of those above referred to, they .r allowed to remain an with the ex pms nadenUadii Uut aoo as Ue post auppofting them ahotfi. need rei pairing, the owners ws to. x the whole obstruction. Eat ' we suppose he k respottsitl iog eheda to be again const if the matter ahoald continu:, walks viQ eoon be corered4. 4 -J and onr dtv arxln made to I: country town, aad it ie slneexcl heped by all that Mayor Hall will st,? tma outrageous nnisanee at oncev Ca Can not make fish oi one other, if he allows . one to hare ft new snea ne must auow au., xie u a mi 4 Jr. I . " M of sense, therefore, we mf expect U be abated as soon as hH aaenuoa muiu wj in.; cd 1 Firee -th FiMtt "Weeki tfif On 8aturday night tatt A ; two? ttory rame dwelling on thepre dseS oCts. Fulton, on 5th between Princeell and Chesnut streets, which had jastei removed from Cottage Lane, was nearly destroyed by firje, which was said to haye been of incendiary origin.. The hnild-i ing bad been purchased 'by Mr. D. O'Connor aadthe loss amounte4i;0 about $150, which falls opon ir. ChiuC liorrell, the contractor. No insurant On the same night a small, frame building on the premises, of Mr. B F. las much improved. Picking has com -Hall, on 9th, between Market aad Prin- I menced to a limited extent. cess, was burned, and it was said the! lire in this instance was also incendiary. nsured. Hr. R. C. Taylor. This gentleman, who has been in charge of the National Cemetery for the past seven years, has been , ordered to, Annapolis; Md., to take charge of the cemetery at that place. Mr. Taylor, although a stranger when he first took charge of our National, Cemetery, soon made many warm and strong friends by his uniform courtesy and gentlemanly manners, and he now leaves with the friendship and best wishes of all who knew him, for a long prosperous and happy life, and regret exceedingly to part with him. Mr. Taylor is a good officer; he believes iu whatever he has to "do in doing it well. He has kept the cemetery in perfect order, one would think from the condition oftbeshrubery, hedges, grasses, - flowers and . mounds that the government was spending thousands of dollars for the maintain- ance of the cemetery, which is not the case, the Department makes an appro priation of only about one hundred dol- t -it .wxT -i-iJ.-. K..t arr Taylor being an exceedingly good landscape gardener, determined that his cemetery should look as well as any in the city, and he entirely iucceedca. We hope he may find It convenient 1 to visit his many friends in North Caro lina often, he may rest assure of receiv ing a good, old tar heel welcome when- Tr ha mar come. And all the harm we wish him, is that he may mak as manyfriends in his new home a he leaves in Wilmington, The cheapest edition of the Waverly novels ever published. The WJ novels, by Sir Walter Scott, complete for Three Dollars. T.'. B. Peterson A Brothers, 306 Chesnut Street, Philadel - phia, Pa., have just commenced the publication of a new and cheap edition of "The Wnverly Novels,' by Sir Wal ter Scott, which will be completed In Twenty-six Weekly Volumes, eac vol- ume being a novel complete in itself, and one volume will be issued every Saturday until the whole are published Each book will make a large octavo Tolume, nave on nan luustratea uover. and will be sold at the low price of Fifteen Cents a Volume, or Tare Dol la rs will pay for the foil and complete set ot Twenty-sia volamea, and copies of any of the novels, or complete aeU of the edition, wiu ae sent to any one, post-paid, at these rates. This edition will be called "Petenona Cheap Edi tion for the Million." and it will be the wneapes fituwo w w vtiij w- U nKl..l.Ml in thm vnrkl. and -it will contain all the Author's notes, as well as all his last corrections awd additions. Remit Three Dollars to T. B. Peterson A Brothers, PhUade'phia, aad they wiU lhea mail toyoa. at once, pes nid. as fast as issued. Om fall aad cemv plete set of -PeterscW New aad Cheap Edition lor the Miiboa'" of TVs Wa- rerly Novels," ia Twenty-six tofaasee, tociher with a IrooTlmpteseiea of the beat Portrait etrer taken of tar Ual- ter Scott, sjaua, aaitaate R nauaf. 1 Aelvtewt Hwtfcetw, Are yoa distarbed at BlgBtaad bro ken of year rest by a sick child soscr inc and cryiB? with peia of cstUaf teeth? If so. send at oace aad ctt a bottle of ktas. Wixffrt Sooth uw gyaxrr roaCHiLDaaaTxrrHiTO.' Iu yalne is lacakalahle. It d rtiiere V. mm . - lift La mmmrt IssmiTTlferT Depewd apoa It, mothers, lhr Is ae mistaxe aaoot iu u e ijwmn tw 4irrim M-mlaiM the fc and Vewem, cures wiad cotk.:ofiaae the gwam, rscaoes Hrswrsiwa. aa rim tone aad enerxr to the whole y- um. Ma. WiLOWj SooTaio ktw vna Cimiiaa Tuimue k pkasaal to the taste, as m tae pre scritieaoooeof tt ULml aad lat smsU ohvakiaaa ami mama U the V'aiM5y jAfe-Slf fi drwaisai thjesuhoml the wec4- rncw KXBqPlIi BEVITES. Richmond had a $25,000 fire Thurs- dajmerhing. ' W.H. Milfer & Co., stock brokers, 1533 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, have Aurpended. , . .'. Wella, Faigo Ai Co.'s cjawess was roDDea oaiuraay nigus in ahz jui uj masked men.' The Republican State Convention of l nc:?ncan MAryan(j wiU -m BalUmore Sep and flesh of anj JjJ - 27th- Up to Saturday last the deaths from cholera in Egypt aggregated 1G,488, of ich 6.366 died iu Cairo. " 4 The CttV National Baafc of Law- 1 renceburg, Indf. closed bin Saturday I last, but will probably resume. . ... I . Frean outbreaks in Spain and anli I Jewish riots in Hungary help to , keep things liyely in the "ould country." trrowlng crops and other property woteadly damaged in several coun- ties In Iowa on Thursday last. I A schooner was libelled atBichmond Ilast week for violating the neutrality 1 lws, havjog ou board a large quantity I of war material.. I Reports from 45 counties in Georgia I aud Florida represeut the cotlou crop On Saturday the mutilated remains I of four men were found, in a camp near Comberlaud Falls, Teuii.,and it is sup posed they fell iu a duel oyer titidi. Thejgoveruuient is iiiakiij4piuvisiou for: the emigj-atiou of the Irish people on a largo scale.' It is proposed to send 10,000 families to Canada next spring. A farmer named Joe- Fulfoid ' was lynched iu Milton county, (ia.: or. Sat urday last, for the murder of his wife, in which he wa aided by two colored men. A. Texas llanger named Jell Miller got on a spree in Monterey, Mexico, shot a policeman, aud was himself al most literally cut to' pieces by the po liceman's comrades. A fire in Vineyard Haven, starting in the Baptist church, Sunday morning, burned over 'a territory embracing about 50 acres of the heart of the town. Loss $200,000, aud hundreds of people homeless. - The Kimball House at Atlanta was destroyed" by lire rfumiyy morning. All the, guests escaped.' The Gate City -.nK was also our nca. ipsa a. together .labout $1,000,000. Insurance about p200.00- 8,d to bo incendiary. .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW Furniture Vareroom IT No. 20 ilHAMTK ROW, T SOUTH FRONT ST. 1 1 have opened with what I think is a J well se!ectd stock of 7 (J ft JTtUx H and EUBRACINU MANY tIGNSs IN NEW 1K- rta'iainnawi nul I OtuUK Mil Jl atltl Oar aim shall be to deal Uiriy aad squarely with all, and re!jie.lfully ak I t ashareofthe public patroaa,;. Cbarteoas tret t guar -xJ to who Catoc ase with a calL THOS. ' : i C. CHAFJ, ' Agent. lT3m Mllaalxar WHstlIlr mmd OsU RaUrML I I a HMJOVfo or thk ou w fwwnaita w. v.:a A.t&. a.. uj v wui - - -'----- kk.i. u c. mt la Omw2 sp-r.3.u-sirt. I Immdmi i wu. i. I s4 aa4 Ha aaas u r oiml w. rRios. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- Dry Groods5 A complete stock of DRESS GOODS and Trim- mings, at HOUSE TURJYISniWG At this season BARGAINS mav be had In CAR PETS, as tne stocK must be closed to ; make room for New Goods. BRUSSELS CARPETS as low at 05 ccntf" MATTINGS, we Can offer extra good quality for July 13-ritf NEW ADVERTISEMENT. SALE OF VALLAttLE LANDS IX BRLNSWICK COUNTY ODER DECREE OF FOKECLOSlJltE. IY virtue of a .decree or the Supreme 1 Court of llrunswick County, mads at the Wprlnjj Term A. 1). 1SS3, or salU Court, iuacertaui civil action therein pendins. whtreiu Slartlia iK. l'oter wax I'lamtlff aud Martha Ann Jacobs ft. at. w.ro Defendant. the uuilertinued. Keferee aud Oommls- siouer apioiutd hy said decree, will ou Monday tli day of Heuitembor A. I). 1S83, at 1- M. at the Ccfurt House Loor In the 'i'owu of sinith ville, iu the said County of itruuswick, m.11 by public auction, lor catn. the several tracts of laud ordered to be sold ia aud by said decree, which' said iracUof land arc hi tutted ou Hoods Creek, in North West lowusliip iu said County, and are hounded aud described as follows; Begin ning at a Black Hum ou the edge of Hoods Creek ruuuiuK theuce nortli bO dec. east 'M chaiMR to a stake ia au old field, the origiual euriier of a till) acre survey granted to iMuram veruon. lyinsr ou botn sides of Creek aud ruuuiui; theuco north 78 dec. east IS chains and lllty Iluks to a piue. tlience due north iu chains to slave, them e north iijdct.'.atiii::k-liaujs and VjliuSs to a pine, theuco north 70 deir. west 7 chains and dfty links to a stake iu the liue of the original survey, thonee north 20 dec. east 1- chains, crossing tho W. C A A. ii. to a dead pine stump, original corner of said survey, theuce north 00 dog. vest 6i chains to a stascei In the edge of Hoods Creek, now a watwr oak, thence with the meanders of the same torthe beginning -coutainiac wi acres more or less. Also Hiiolhur trat containiuc 40U acres luoro urjlcss. bounded on the went by the tract of laud iust above described, on the ca&t and s jutli by the lands uow or fonuer- -lv ovrucd bv Thomas J. AryistroiiK, and on tne north by the W lliulujitou. Columbia and Augusta llailroad. MAlWUliN llEUiAMV. lug 17-1 w Keiereo-Coiuniissiouer. TRINITY COLLEGE. rpHE HesKioa oi 1KS.W1 opens tlio 5th of X. acpiemuer. i-un corps or competent Instructors, fjocallon very healthy and plea-xaut; aud the moral iuflaences of the conimuuily the very best. Charges moderate. For .Catalogue senfl to Prof. W. H. reram, Trinity College, Handolph Co., N. C. JUKV. M. I WOOD, aug 10 ot : rresideat. CJET YOUB MOXEY'S WORTH I DON T TAKE ANY ONE'S WOKD. COME AND ENQUIRE Tf V M R i C E S . LOWEST IN THE CITY. SAML, O. HALL, Job Printer, K'l I'lllNCEas STUEET. au-nt ;L 'in 1). A. SMITH, Tlie Lattt Aud llaudsmuest Styles, FURNITURE ALWAYS UN HAND. ' SALESROOMS & MAHUFACTOBY WIl.Mi.NuruN. .c. STATi; URTII t tROLIX t. cjw t v or xl w iiAJtov tR- rK-v Hnc A an lira mtmi -r ' . a rw J. 1 r- r. w.i. u. iua kU I3j sriMi;!ttwi mm m. Kii It. tr man it Ja li. Vtina, ..." I I ! miil at IM lk ! b4 m4 ior Um m A4 .1 ; -OLTT t V car littmi. US.M l rmmim ii -.ifA llm im r a "srtr um im w a.m r ! A. 1 1. st4 -m a4 i a ' rtfU KfCMTlMrV NEW ADVEBTTHTCMENTS. ?VI.attirigs, all seasons.; . GOODS .! SPECIALTY ji"pnge8i.f;.:-:-'i:.i,v:-.'"-;-'::'?.- R. M. McINTIRIL 1 ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " Less Than Cost WB ARK OFFERING LOTS OF LA- dies and Missca . SERGE, BUTTON BOOTS, AND BALS., at less than Cost to close- out. Goods are worth in value from I4 to IjO and we are selllnc them at tl,W and 1.2j, and W0. Come aud gel a pair at once, or the op portunity wllle cone. GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS, jy 13-tf. JOB PRINTING. Lowest Frioos. - K YOU WISH TO, HAVE TOUR Bit i leads, Letter Heads, Note Heads,' Hand UlUs, ' Cards, Tags, Circulars, Progmmmes, Painphlels, Catalogues, PrtceJ Lilts, La- bles, XlckeU. VLilung Cards, Wedding Cards, Clanks of r all kinds, Ac, ., ., irintl promptly and neatly. Write to K.8. WABBOCK. ; i r. o. cox u Wilmington, M. C , 3ltelcr to Editor of tula papr. aprlUU f fin 5 CM pr r: oc ;c itajiT . gsftj in! Hi stHI af2,j ', L Jane 21 3m H. BRUNHILD & BR0., Dutillers, Wholesale iitior Dealers . ' ' ... AND PKOrKlETOKH Or TUB .. .. : - "' cjlAMi'IuX CHJaK FAOT0KY. UIL.niHOTO.Wt M. c. HICKS & BRDMHILD I BEOS,, RKIIMOXD, VA., UA-NUFACTUlJIrW OP aLLLUND OF FINE CHEW IXU TO Dl 1 O. XAvm axd TWtrrw, WTIuMULYNCH, THE Tailor and Clothier. . . i HAJ A tPLXX WD A0TMEXT OF Lktlm u4 I" ' :. BrwaclaUa, AJtCSlCAX A 1 D IflfO BTIUt Which he WC3 cat a4 etaka ta lathe taamf etytea. a Cearas a, it ef ftliiwi :sl , 'Hi - i ,:: i X , t. - t: r I H .lU I :';;5 ,-' - If Mm S ('( tt 4 V A ir. " 1 ' J !'! f ' r 1 1 ; -a - - i m ' i f

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