OLUMH XVI. 'WILMINGTON, NORTH 'CAROLINA, FRIDAY. AUGTJS'l 31, ISS3. Single Caries 5 Cents NUMBER 38. c.lrr?dat t ic-Tonf office, ai WUuiiiifj , .V C; M tifond Clm Mailer. Fight (8) l',,i', Nonpareil type.cou tinea f'luarc. ' .,.' ceht8 per line.for -the first iu fimRii'I twenty-live cents per line IeacUaMiUnal insertion, .ii a,lverti'nir'incnt -will be charged eve rates, except un special .ontracW. i -r TheMiycnpU-m price to , ,fS,.v rwT.is 12 00 per fill's fl ' ; ill -coinrnanicatioiw on uboa'Mre's.'el to Thk Wilminu h i'osT, Wilmington, N. C: - (oi.okiTi coxvEvrioN. The colored convention which meeta Jymmville, Kentucky, ban been jjprf ' good purpose, and we hope see tli Old North Slate fully rcpro iteil. We- Hope the stats convention, vitU has'breu- called will Select its rybct-t and. most rcpreHentativo col e, (.n , wlio should attend the con nliun -and! labor (an they can) for tho ojiil and intellectual elevation of the ,lrc, people of thi.t country. , ; li i; Wl l. ycar; nix business oivioinn nit: t'OKHlKD : i . von:. " H fowl vt'ty important, and .obyiious, ,1., iiicpt'en. that w wish toinake ,n 0b vior'li-U men . in thisji faTelectors cease when the ntpo'H WiccilXfroin lii-i political iu-4 tfgijty ml I persuaded t vote from rti('af lutitivi-M. On the day that the i0fi Icarnij to Vole To &y, on .that aylLc rn.Ii men, and f specially the rtat hix.l-owncM, will ho. the ouly i.tl ru'er of llii-t cuuiifrty.j-.-aiid wo will ave (lie .worst, lot m of an- urihtocracy, do Iiiiilt -on fnoiity and the destruction f I'litical ; virtue. vWhen the fjrrai intliwd tan! buy bin tenants, ;unr the re t inert haul the. town 'taboreiS of he loliircil Ipeoplo, : the. "poor white rash'' will be no lunj-er consulted. It , iiL"iiiie ejiocih to do so now, and bfn tin y carry enough coloied vt n Dt'mii ui ketrt l iwee) ..thuTicld by j!CiJi'i' their .uwiiYlaW aud tho Ger tie anil dependent, dl tho whit s tho klinu' lit ;ilje latter will putty .soon nu.s llial Mhakini; of tho hand v and i iii.lt ii'lio solicitude , as to their m.iwm hch. has been lei incd "ckc Wurnvtmi'l u the past. iMlhe Lwehy of UiiatV-nntaHi a-a 'ry-tw,,.yo.iM; lived long enough to achieve the re verse of what waadesigned; One would have thouht that the Ignominious ex posures they met would have warned their originators and endorsers of the fatal facility of falsehood lo wound and irretrievably "destroy with its wan to a and envenomed strokes, but the only admonition which seems to have been conveyed is, that calumny is only sure of i n object when wreaked on ihe help less ami unausvering dead. Tho ' lies which vcxe-d the heart of poor Garfield in his life had, as we; have said, been disproved an.d forgotten; tho voi'e even ol seftionid and party rnalevolcuce bad ibecri hushed jtnd rebuked by his pure, land, miparlial administration aud when, at leuKth, from tho fierce cruci ble of sickness and death, his character lotd bne out rtlined, gold, detraction stood abashed by tho view of the bravo, manly, patient and heroic sufferer, who had k-o nobly illuslralt;J, all ofc which A nu ricAii. should feel proud; and b the . uuiversiil aiiflrac - of . the iiaTion, and under, a deeji conviction of its truth, he was recorded a nano as high and unsullied as man ever bore. Who would have th'jftght that the exegen- cies of patty hIiouM have called for the reviyal ol tht.ii buried .slanders, - ai Joiiud mk Ii n snrreclion'sls-afrxnrsey and iMua? : 8uch4s--TTie lact! 1 rom onjejiii-fTlorlaiid t' the other, the men 'who wept ;"a htatcorub ol tears" OV( uity Items. Hon. P. K.McRaehas returned from o'clock, the premises of Jostko J. C. 1 couraging circumstauces by which they a visit, for health, north. Improvements are being Bjade to St. Thomas' Catholic Cemetery. I j Chicken 8 tcalliis. I of the band deserve credit for their On Saturday night last about nine j successful efforts under the very dia There was a "Phantom Ball' at Sea side Park on Wednesday night. r i ' Bladen superior court has been in session during the.present wek. j Millis, ia the southern part of toe ty, I were surrounded. were invaded by a thief who broke I The decorations of tho ball were of open the chicken QOp and stole three I the most magnificent order, adding hens and a fine rooster. He Mt fright-1 neatly to the attraciivcuess of the cx- ened off or woo& tore increased his hibition. Here tho ladies showed their booty. On Monday night TOvllose- admirable taste and skill, while iof two ley, colored, living on 7th, , between or three days beforehand thei r nimble Walnut and Bed Cross streets, bad a fingers and ready hands were devoted visitor of the same sor. who fi off to the work before them. Too much Lumbertu visited theV seaside la few tne lock of the chicken coop. days ago.l The Colored Baptlnt Church. Miss Luola Parsley has been elected ' A. M. Oonway, paster Of the 1st i e . urn ' a i t : l Librarian of the Wilmington Association. (ieu. Joseph 11. Hawley sailed from Liverpool for home on the 18th.. He will probably be home to-day. One firm iu this city received 47,661 chickens during the past year, and the i imo hooso shipped 4,2'JO dozen eggs. . I . The family of Mr. Lyman'B..May the new Superintendent of the National Cdiuetery, have notyetTreached here. iiejv-1; W. Eason has been called to 5aptist Church ;in Fayetteville, made vacant by the resignation of Kev. Mr. Ebeltolt. Library Baptist Church (colored), fat this city, returned Saturday night ' after a trip north in the interest of his church. He securedinsJJ.contributions amount) ing to $403, and of this amount $153 was contributed in Wilmington, N. C. He desires to return"thankao those who have aided him both here and elsewhere! He was not no successful I artte hoped to be, because the fact that so many who would have assisted him were absent at the sumer resorts. He expects to go north again in the fall. ' Mr. Win. A. Guthrie, of Fayeltteville, who win a Candidate on tlio coalition i j . i i .. i i :.i .... ' I me grave oi u.o ucu ticket la.t year for iudge, was in our l.uuenting mm no. less as inei lxecu- city yesterday, tive tliau as siatesnian, nero auu cnris tian, are to-day L-loatiug with rabid de-1 The -Norwegian bark Orvar Odd, iKbt over the details of Dorsey's slan- I Which cleared, Wediiesday, fojr Ham- dei un.iupiorled by one vintige or I ourg, look oui i,u i. uarreis w rosin, tittle of corroberaliou . All honor now I valued at l-lC.SSG. A Sunday school . excursion 1 from 8eTen hens and together with I credit can not be awarded to our noble laaiesior ine inieresi uispiayeu uy uiem in promoting, the -'success of the Fir and adding to the pleasure and enjoy ment of our visitorsil'hey never prove laggards or-drones ou such occasions. The managing committee are entitled to much praise for their increasing labors in behalf of the exhibition. Their pri vate business was sacrificed for. the time being, and nearly their whole time and attenlentiou was devoted to the work of preparation so necessary to tho suc cess of the Fair, lu their efforts to this end they were nobly seconded by Hon. Edward D. Hall, Mayor of the city, to whose zeal,-forethought and energy much of the great success cf this new and important association, at its oej annual meeting, has been duelt was through his efforts thatCapt. I'addisou, the President of tho Association, was first induced to interest himself 'par- to whom'.' N"bt the great man gone, whose dteds ;.io his monument, but lW politic;!.! "boily-snatchW (d the V(, who iiiolaii rou .ly disinters hi rotting cadavcis, to giee't the eyes and nostrils olsuch asuleli'd.t th.-i-iu - , An attempt was' made on morning last to burn the livery of Mr. J. H. Jones, but the wore discovered iu lime lu out tjhem. Friday b tables flames t l-rsoiial. - lit. Wli-. li-r jiiid l'ul.Yo.iin., collic tofVi of int i'ial le'veuui', havo been iu tho cily of. Washington, 1. O..- Ilon. i;. W. M. Macluy, of South Uaioluni, aid lion. II, IJisbee', of flor id. i, li.tyr I'Mio -.yi .-it . I iii d on S ilurd.iy nioruiiig, ihu 2ath' nistiint, in Kliz.iht'lh t'ity, the Hon, Walici : l'". l'o jf, nn inbcr ol couRlt'ss from the lust conj-ressioiMl district, Mr. C. Ai; VauOrsdell, of this city, has abutter kuffo which has been banded down from father to sou in the VauOrsdell family, lor over three, hun dred years. y . ! . - , , -, i , The ypleiidid exhibit of evaporated d.icd fruit, made by Mr- M, T. hlughes, of Guilford, h:a been turned bver to Mr. S. U. Worth. to ':be takeu Uo the Lostoii exhibition. . Messrs. A. Sprunt & Sou 2,800. ca.-.kas ol spirits turpentine Hull, E iKland, oa ihe German Barque iJidri-'r'f fAftateneil a j revolut ion to iludi-h (Ik enonnlij., t ti.o Lt 'rtfliKliC' t'y which th'o treat landed jjglrt wiue eat h enabled ; to bribe or . L il..:r l liMiiints ti return such as :brT aid it llie numerous .members of lrlimttit Who owed their seats to the W" el lhiv haughty dords. hen he lper riste l the '.genuine- British i'.n tiie arounM and 'mighty people, va::utl a or which; so-Hcared.eveu H ill ol.l Williain tha Fourth thaf he emvutal evou to the creation of more mm from Ihi ranks of the people if Vfvfviry io tsrry the Bin'oKM' Bll.U, dnu tiic clti'iutfice tif Kusaell aud Grey VtfTiiW Mvcr atistucratio" exclUsive- n.; aiid' lust ol power, and tho liiou- trom sbiite waa remedied. Shall we, iuiKuSril'latul of .Republican Cree- i m n4 prorcis turn back the cluck yt ajit.Vml aiiauiuTate a political ."lib- " vmnKt to wealth which even a kingly . l lfrumcnt had to relimiuish. ' r'Wa iftper so thoroughly abreast iimes s the ;Nfv York lh nu'd . i afloul to jetur to the somewhat t.'il U'iic ol '' IVuney ' lUidgct ." one as muwM! Md uufcleulious as ihe Pobl" .may withcut (ear .'of censure folio w iuch at) i-ianiplc, in a diluted imi utuu ot flie :Inu; the rieat Now York r-rwfUtie f "iiult'pt'iidei' l" jouru i'Htu aJdi ilm weight of iu c'udenina Uko to tki. I'oul :t,Ial. .tirst mahipu and ton circulated through ehe rouuiry, by the daily a paper we McsiIJ i baT Umil Car above" the v.nk.of nuh ribald ud groundless de- atici'. What the ll. mlJ has to say Mrvl'ool had aluady gained a wide lepulhatiou as ;i Jvj'cr. ami .his argu- lUUeUtS ht lolC llil'MII'ICIIIUHlui. -ae slate havf beii poken of' by sorn of the' most., cmii'cnt lawyers in the state &s displaying . a legal attainment, ami especially a h gal cast ol mind )o a de cree almost .wo i nu rfnl. . 11 is c-aiivass lor congress was miost ably -conducted,. and gave as.-iii ranee-, ol a political, ca reer! of tho highest order. His death subject of universal regret, id heems really a public misfortune. if ' ; Ciusing a serious - loiiimgmiiouj tuuately it was put out withou damage. For- much, Mr. City and County Statistics. It is learned from the assessors' books that the increased assessment upon real estate in thhvcouniy amounts to $214,200, of which $185,000 is in I ticularly and to use his iullueuce with Wilmington and $29,200 in other town-1 the large proportion of western mem- ships. The whole amount ef real and hers in getting their coimeut; to having personal property given in for taxation their second annual Fair at this iI;ice; in Wilmington township for the year and when this was accomplished he 1882, including incomes, footed up went to work with a zeal that knew no $5,066,006.. For city and county $5,- abatement to insure a succcistul.cxhi-.; 537,245. Amount listed for the pres- bitiou, relaxing nov in bis cllorts until ent yeart in Wilmington township, $5,- J the large and beautiful ball, in all its 257,611; for city and county, $5,752,298. j gorgeous splendor of decoration and its Value of property in the city upon tcinptiug array of dolici fin fruiu, iu which no tax is paid, the same being almost endless quality an variety, in exempted from taxatioh, $541,220. all their skillful; arrangcnicut aud de Number of new buildings erected tail, with tho numerous attendant at during the past year, 247. Value of tractieus, with its throngs ol pleased property not listed and placed on the and happy visitors, attested that the delinquent list: Wilmington township, Fair was: indeed a glorious reality, a $15,735, county townships, $31,215. To- grand and brilliant success. ial, $4,95U. ;' I We are glad to know thai oui v..wii... noMihM " j tors from a distance were delighted -at' On Saturday morning last a colored recejaiou they nceivcd and the at- tenuou wuicn iney encuea iroin ine managers of the Fair. ' It is looped that the iuiciv ot tiis, the first annual Fair of the Fiuit lirw er's Association held in this city, may induce the officers And ". iueiubtr.s, at their annual meetiug in October to d-j-termine upon having their next one here if they should conclude to do so, they can rest assured of a cordial wel- wtiii-ti RilJk.ii r-xt r -C ti- L.r i ht . Harnett, between 7th and oln street?, I coinj,ieteDess even" lb;t which greeted got up at an early hour, as usual, to I them this year. . u attnnd market, when he was seized woman, named Lucy Laboo, was found dead in her bed at her residence the corner of Nixon and Seventh streets. hipped I Coroner David Jacobs held an inquest to I and the jury returned a verdict that deceased came to her death by some be the I cause to them unknown, though It is Erna, a few days ago, said to largest shipment from this pott ever I supposed that she was a victim of heart made oik any one vessel 1 - i I disease '' A rosin shed, the property of ilers. "196, bck G. W. Williams ft. V., lociuea on me west side of the river, caught fire Tues day and mado a narrow escap.e fiom NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS- IJEW ADVERTTSWMENTS. Groods, Caipets5 IVLattings, A complete stock of DRESS GOODS and Trim mings, at all seasons, u - i HO USli M'UMC.VMSMiiiVG GOODS VI Sl'ECIAJLTY At this season BARGAINS mav be had in CAR PETS, as the Stock must be closed to make room for New Goods, mtUSSULS CARPETS as low as G5 cents. MATTINGS, we Can offer extra good quality for low prices. july.l-a tf R M. McINTIRE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Less Than Cost. Three .stores and dwellings were de stroyed by lire at Sumter, S. C', on Friday morning last. Loss from $25, 000 to $-30.01)0. i..: "....I- i . AirK ARK OFFKR1NU LOTS OF LA UA-V1UT. AJCUJ . VAJUtJ 4&UU 11 T U a I f taches were removed from the post dies and Mlsies ' SERGE, BUTTON BOOTS, . y AND BALS., ' . at less tban Coal to close out. Oooda are ollice' at Atlanta for ileged general dissatisfaction. A lire at Miltlingtowu, Pa., .on Sat urday morning last, destroyed a hotel, postoflice, aud a block of brick stores. Loss ?-oi;,i0U; insurance $47,000. The Kivcrdale, an excursion steamer, blew up ou the Hudson, opposite 16th strcel.'-Sew York, on Tuesday. She had fifty passengers on board. Malaria has appeared at several of rporiunity Willie none the New Hampshire beaches, and many people are ilj. Come to Wrights yille if you want to lie healthy. "'lite siockholders oft he Richmoudl and Danville U. K. UOtupany are talk ing of increasing tho capital stock of the company lrom live to seven million of dollars. ' The Bishop Bros., ouo of the largest grain firms iu Cincinnati, have made Wm. Jenkens Co., worth In value from t-,50 to li.il aud we .. -i - - ' are selling; them at 11.00 and llij, aud II. iO. Come aud get a pair at once, or tlie op- CEO. K, FRENCH & SONS, jy 13 tf. JOB PRINTING. Lowest Frioes. severe at last to re- l'iiun-ratir li'fei' iou. ; WASIUN..ION, I. C, Aug llmioi; lsi; lu voufequenco of the treat iiiMHrtaiue to the Democratic party of a" favorable Vesult iif Ijhenext . : ... :.. V., rid rVr.ilin-i I t. ir HtllA.ll if lliu ile ireiierai ciccuou .:suti . im, rinua. u. v. wv..j. ' - - . -t i eral private viauc.uses nave ueen held in this i Little Mary, infaut daughter W. S. Newkirk, fell from the piazz of the lesidcuco of the family on Second, between Mulberry aud Walnut streets i.n Moudav last, ami; received injuries, irom which, however, accounts she was in a lair .way cover. . ,- being with a sudden choking, lay down on his bed and In a few minutes breathed his last. His death i supposed to have been caused bv asthma. He was between 40 and 50 years old. No in quest. '. :. : ; . , . -i The Frnil Fair. , The Fair of the Fruitgrower's As sociation closed on Thureday night last, and by Friday morning, at- 10 o'clock, there was but little remaining I on unday, five per-.)u perished in the of the splendid exhibition that had I flarnea. gladdened the eyes, cheered the hearts j a fire at Williampoit, l'a., ife-Uoyed and watered the mouths of so many I fwm 25 0oo,lW to ui,,".. ltd of lumber. '"- A tire at San Autouia, lVxa-, Moiohiv ir '0 aavoutil ol TtiiKtacvi'ii KKi;rrii:s V , . -- , The Queen of MadrgUwjr.is de.id Prof-Lwis Swift has disv. rid an other comet. The Count l-e Chainbord died ou the morning of the 2 1'h. The iirst bale of new i jU'ui Iioui North Carolina sold in'. Norfolk for 15 cents. . Iu a tenement house lire in Boston an assignment. grocers" aud coiuiuissiou merchants of liichnion 1, Va., have also failed. Sawney Younger, Reuben King and Isaac Evans, were sentenced at Dau ville, V.;., to be hunur in September 26th for murder committed near 'that place on the loth iirst. ' NEW AD VElttTSKMENTS. Iiiir ins iI' a-far Iti vt be. low ilniiiiKtiii. . C lro IMMtitl lor Mtoue. I', s. Kst.iMKKR Or KleK.,70 Savatoica HI., Il ii-riMoKf, Mu August .iid, 1sj. I l- l ISA IS, r.,t-,urni.in trt&e r.r , A-iYmwrfiWttC.VkOHH; Fear River, Knmnetr Olii.-e, Wilmington. N, C, una ! lu-'l uniio vllately Iln reller. I or uiMtiit .l.imi tons of Mime. 1 ; I .t 1 1 k loriiis. MH'cillr:il ions, uu.l any l- Mifit intoi iiihIIoii eaii le ti:d Ummi appli- (l ion to this Dili, e, r to ihe Ti sulcnt- t.u no er. Mr. 1Ikm;v BveoN.at WilmlnctoD. N.r. . ' .WM. 1. CKAIUMILL, 1A. Vol. of KriiUueei. L.8.A. F YOU WlHHI .TO HAVE Letter Heads, Note Hand Bills, YOUR Heads, madtr a narrow ; escape from uy by leading Democrats tilled -or badly injures a few days hundreds of people. The exhibition from different parts of the couutry, BvtHe, while riling on the C. CuRoad, J M indeed a most magnificent success, who assume to have the dictating of by a rock thrown into the trfcin hy and given, up as such by all who wit-1 night, destroyed a the moves of their v-irly on the po'ili- some unkuowu scoundrel. U trucK neiJfltj Jt, We have already alluded m I property . 1 chess board. It ha- been suggested I tbe w'mdor sill with great force within termB of jaTor to the very creditable that some actio.ir be taken that will a few inches 6T her head. ' ral election through-1., 7T A gold headed cane was prcseu wi w It. V. Vaddison, ou friuay precipitate a cenei .ml the state this tail. The plan re commended is lor ccrUiu associate jus-: tices of the supreme court to - resign. lnlluential Democrats from North Car olina, who proles to know something j of the temper ami sentiments oi me IW I niucli alarmed, and state Varde, Tatja, Circulars, Frogammfa, PauiphleU, CaUloguen. Price LlaU, L blc Ticket. Visum Cards, Weddiug Crd, Blauka of all kind. Ac , A., A.. I'rluted promrlfr and neall. Wrlta in E.B. WARROCK. P.O. Box. 12. VHelt-r U) Kdtto o( tbm paptr. april S U- '"! CM Tho rumt'n .l -zilleted vcllow tv-ver a'. displays of the most prominent exhibi- Teusacola are declared lo) be uuianal tors, among which the most notable rheumatism. was that of Mr. M. T. Hughes, q Encouraging repotis iof the o'Vtun Guilford, whose eahibit of .evaporated crop come-from the Nas'tville liMiict dried fruits, we are lad to know, is to of Tennessee. be taken trom.here to Boston, where it Thirty thousand eople were pie-M Ut will be assigned a place yn the North t cirangeni pic nic in rennyivania Carolina department. It will be one a few day ago. i . I ..i ik& ratiirM nf the crand exhibition I . Speucer Coleman, colored, w x- kiiicd of the visitors toj the I . . r kn.l. i?;i,m.ir,.i r.i !. tin- burU-' tO Open ID lUaW CIIJ VU U VI f I W i.lVU.uvuv. -y J rvi'MtAin eveniug last by the Fiuit' trowdr' As sociation, (or the faithful manner in which ho has performed the duties of rresident, and for his uniform kihd- new and consideration for the comfort aud 'e.ujoyuieut Fair. ; ' V j;, .'. formerly D. A. SMITH, The Liiut Ami llanlMiiit,t 'Stjlc? FURNITURE. ALWAYS i'N HAND. SALES ROOMS & MANUFACTORY Si . a, ItI ji?? -'s;: rl- t. - i 2i rJCMuio.:ji;3: 5ZS V- via June 3m H. BRtNUILl) & BR0. Distillers, Wholesale Liqaor Dealers AND PROriUKToKrt OF HIS Ml. 4i Miuiit FHoT HiiiKKT kilAMii'lON I'H.AH FACT0KY, l ...... f VI I 11 III all 1 UlV-v 7.,:: , :. 'i ,i,Ht he resorted to; that l ir- . 5 1 teinber. Of our home exhibitors, Mrs. ing of a grindstone it win not do for their party to remaiuT j B, .Taylor, 1. l ., lormer.y tlixapeui "arreu wf :,; : ,; , , , T i . u ... - -n. - .v . iv....:,. ..,i. ..riiuritr. I iii.r. ihmiph there were others who I W. L. Heud.ey shot J- i dormant tm it cm ji- u me i'f m -us vum.i.-- - v, . .---- . .- . UViiu" .,1 . ' . I : 1. II.. mIImsI till.n. htm ln.tjlllllv. rhich cotigrvs-siuan i.eu- Hl Loujya at last accounts, anu mae very no. i j- - " i - ; , , UVIM'".. 1 o. i d l'uo-iav, Mcluiire, 4 !i MINulOS. . i.KT IOI R of ihe ...al.nitv hv whien congi , "-- was W-J J ' - . " , . . i .....ll ....... iU..!til I.:. ..r i . . ) i i tni aiiw i - : . . i ... i v r m inaiar uur aaa t in a cU claims toua.v- ;: naa v., - , ; . ..f to upon. fV.. v n iislrkt. died aV KhMUth i.., iiii-vrrut unauimiiy oi iut rul s, w tuwr l aiaw, rmiui-wu w-.., ..-,.-0 . - ,v . i . . . . ; . . , ..;i,,, tWsith. .. i:.L,;j , iv Old WW. I filial a Urea a&ow CSie twelft or I CUT fcatuMay morning. ..., ,ui, consmer ng mat u i tionists, wiiu ine.. cuiiuuw, v..,j -:r ;r I , . : , ,w . a .ii a xh Kimball liiMite at Aiuuu, Uk- a arm. i t .11 1 ..... i.. ica.i m 1 n nous 1 s it Man it id iiuikiuiI. mwm I nittwr. tVIimii. liVUUWU a.tov - - I aa-i. I ... i I. rcuaui in au en umhltfr thai Utrooeed the hall dor-1 lanred form for f.'rV . - . . . . , 1 ... 1 . . 1 m 1 . . ..j 1.:. 1 .w.'r. . n.i iimUki ' laroraoie a At i (dmcui "' ' - . v-j i L , . r , W V . , ; .. ...t l. 1 ; ;. I . , i v .i -mount ol i'u i 1 ,., lias a orvuurr, vw. ratof what Cia.1 i,.f.ir., l,.. vi- 1. -ut.n.Hl that by lorcntg i"" of raritimcul ana oin r.. . ip wv ... - - , , -- . , - . - . ... 1 I " ad clearly rreuted by tho before the cKcluui tor I rosiucut auu ul9luric - notc aouupju 1.1 i,,t vlTr- I.11I., "hut ..!., .,tl,.-.MH the result would indicate i the W? sl:ou'hh- have saivi He will vit Taris, Na- the character and aniouui r.y.-...--t i rctUrn. ne u i'lv,UI,i aaii I, T..l.,r n. 11. .'in liome. fcr. .j ... , - - - a: alia , uiHerof importance, in view I tliey would have to do next year. , am Jf tct!iu in arraviiiir iUelfoa the ....t isthal JusUceiUuflio aud Ashe riJe of all question of geucral w.n to calku'upou to inake tlacri. -P1. -With all Vii. .-. llioro ia I . -i ' i t ltssou which the sage of the mmenu of every oo,Ta caady l raymaur 1. 1. iroa uie 01 jm .01 .11 ma.L b henelf Ta two days. I fever. The nt v continue braany. was The display certainly rtflsjcted; ewdil I : Ll I. B. lUtcbeior. V S- UONLVS AVOItTII J DON T TAKE ANY ONES W0HD. ' GUME AND tNtUiRE .Ff IV 1 It tins. LOWEST IN THE CUT. bAHL ii. HALL. Jotb Prtaater. Wll.f IMC.TOX. S.'C. HICKS & BKUXBILD I BEOS., T mi it no XD, va.. XIA-N C'KACTUIU:!.." UF A uL KIND OF FINK fice- fuiucis. ?aiy !arn to his, profit even -from -bH:ut WU nd that is, that the K!! iple have no patieuc . . . . .-. . j -tandal. and that. irTiil inri- Jfvv)tt upon the head of its prvpa I: thrre A . h iiuiiustou Library Aasraclai- I . - ani aBUrariae. aa well I ha datailed a. Pro' I Miiaary w . a 1 n i.. 1 w n.- . n,i l mc til. . 1 ihuiumi .n... BU wmmwmm --w iacrsantBg I N. C, I .. . ,1.1 ...I . ,1 I it .1 a .i.kl.. km mm . .. i lienrv nuci aust i v .tu. i ........ ....... . . . i. wi-i I as taaa - .Mis Lula raraiey nas .nagefneaa of bet fast UbrarUn of theJXilmington Ubrary V , Associalioo. The annual dues H I rVroUckak - dtteta? boia I mvtiettX a. Savawah SIoday mx- iC and the x miUauoa I . 4 '' ... im 1 v,r eid cm are 10 itui vn IX- - & v - i 1 1 Tir r 1 iu ii auv i l.lWe Ht-naaraw. 1 .. . . S i Feb 15. l'SS'l lu 7 Wkh Co, Sir-! Ubrary ' kights of lae Fair J '.. ..i.,r Kidney and Liver. M AlT--- lrt tiriv iu my practice as a pnT'aa , librarv room are to be 1 ctowm i .... iu every ce i -v. - li.v. l. r . ivsua. i L'' MiK.a.V 6ae, limg. tHir cwred waa Crtaury atoym vj af i wis i any one thing than 4 Jauothrr : w hu-h rlrx trx.1 I charm "lot liarneiU it 'waa the diffusion rtvklr and wicievl alanders Aa iaf-tsl tK. war air tlnrine lli ly). Cmlil Mobilierh,ouUmU' "r11; -iarsr .tuer ue, etc, uaev naa i . .. , .iirm aT aad raaaa.1 In ha hut thT and- uch IwprovemeaU rrransred - r . . i . . . . a l4J the aHX-aUon may dee imi jamew i ti fuaae. a - , .- Uesrv Joat, cdrt l,f aj.4 m dows aoa p.iva n vj f . . (! Itaatlrwat. r.i.T:.v r Tim. ' 1 v4- " A km tirvw at Lynchburg, Ya., a. w a has been ar- u eamWlj dered. Sarely it abfiia a.. W V A r w m a Puat w raa w aw Ul - taca an iasUUlosv. tb adjacent bauVliafi aaal streeU. I Deputy aefi - ! --T'- - tv. i,.iUim mUa aitMdawi aracw at- I last yea. 1 u-' rfs . u .itw Mrnfcnii. 0 IM vwaan , - I 14 aiiinkaa It oate'oi Um feauarta va I imxr- - l . -mru. . nt:x. ftksjds larwa of Aa;aec. teauoa Taa Clab Fair. HtVlN ASD TWUT, mm. I - tf ' - Contractors. i2-jhjU rorAiJi wiul as. aaw .v3 pva a r; X. Ta-yt an s, tor UA- a - VarS a yt&m.vj . aa 1 o I a-r-n ! aA a a-siiiii ti Mt Uti. r art-aff.mil . a mmmt a t". V ' 1 .- ... - a-i MiitA. S,'-t at MnW.'MM e a Mri.. , f'k SM-krS t H rwaar IM r4 I w rmx afaaa.4. w.ii.wtAiaw.aJ. 1 ' .--Y " - ' ' ,'v'i- ; - : ' I ' - " -"v-';'- : " -Vi-l-;-' ;r. ' V;;' .-- v Z :- : !:; - ' . ' VV. V-' v- ,;v - -.:i:;V'. ,:' : : r ' '. : ; .1 - -i - ? i! t' lit k k u 1 li IN . a I nt m l f j 1' ; r ' It - " - L ' r r f1