on: ; WILMINGTON; NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY; SEPTEMBER 1 1, ISS3. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 40. ..- '..NrTN !( )ST I ' -j"' . . it-:... V I ... BOticio .... Si.eriim-" ' in . . . . j m . A : A T ' ttr ri i." t i A kv. .i VV Otl viwi riv -Am ijj fji' i-AV IN REKEIi- t'.VC'K TO TUB. LATEST " BdURr.oxf.KrNK. . - - -.-- . " ' P lake it that fair-minded iuch' hi,ut reference to parly, werf-wmio- . t wtiiui''t;l at- the action of the ' V -i ."i II - air (toTcrnor oi tuis state in caning f jjcijon to lit 1 the . vacancy created - -. . - . . . . . - .i.. .It-ath ot lion, waiter i. 001, e.iitatiyi-ftcci of the firnt cou- ,.ijlfdihtrict, -.Hi Hie district not as .llte,t wlieu Mr. I'ool was elected, in the district as .fixed by law Hincc I.eVliiii:' Tlie I act that the district fkitnl M r. I'ooi was a ltepublicau . i.tiu distinct in which it L iki t In? ynucccKsor is iccount I or, b.ul r Hit, II; ' rut. ,mUe7 i-iy nl txcu".'lt,iV lccny of the peo- .jg..kr!UlH - ol oOiaiii.Hi Jor uie- ' . t. ,,ru 'I I ii .11 -i (Vt 1 1 1 1 ' I I 1 til i u"r reporter yesterday U,on:'U few'.iih eunversali-jn wilU W'epvtbrMVi t Ue ri-iUL : . "i ii i n ii. II til"' f'Cflll. , ('I in.uiui.il, i.fii die i:tiiiir fxecutive in calling the ,4IM to fill the valiancy v.auwei.1 by , Jv.tth (' M r-. Pool, it in the ilii- Iutrk'ilH Tool, but in the n v lii-nfr- I ri;al it art a clear viola ii f t lie w r i tic t k . I a w , .il a t y a i .1 1 i 1 1 u -n!. :i(J" tli ? wurxt -"rt iif' H fii-o of j ,f.ii.Trlntitiii as well; ai of the r.h;ht.t; ir y I'l'll'. ' ' ' 'l L'l' Vv' ""' ;1 brief way urcii'im lor tlii.rt.roiir.lUfPiil I. i, you ineaii lcal or p i.u l.ir .n..' - V. I Well, lilli - but lit in- have the v f.iKini-' lir"i.' . ' ,. ' j - v f . I it iccm.s they are plain and ', l i i , i ............. . hi UWvi'.- I in i;a invni i r.i in." " i..-(int' (il talntory tohrilriH linn, ' nthcrol li'j;irtlative puwt r. Let Jis i.hlcr tltv lt lirst. ' '1; he at ti ng ( iov r niio i-tsucd thirt proi laiiialiuii !, 1 xiU'i'iHC, hi-i exciirte lor thin liliul in the ml 'l fllarcli,. !.., itli Mm irivnlcn; the xtate into ,i ilfMpiHlwV ivlfiMk"lor the ptir-n- ot 'ei'Ui)pnnc represenlalive-i to c I'lmiriif i'l iIih I'iiUhI otatt s." and hUh'h the net to be in force from aud r ifvfr(Kjliiiii, This is all ol the u It Im1 ;ii ,repealinj v.lauaot" it K iirufesrt to repeat laws tix" iifBinlillcreiK-e-il -it lui. . Ji.iu mo inii'.ircriaiiU to; treat tnirt as a re ilctslt former laws Iiximr . distrieta hli-Mi tmontend that when the lirst ifict it to" he asvertainetl he inust k io the fiislin law.' and . take it as .at dt-liueJ;1 Now tho state has iu rr under the Icderal constitution to hiiMliftncts -as to destroy the mi f V ,1 any porlum of the electors jriiiJ iiiuler t'he innstitutioii of the : :MMateh vote for members f f .Hifl nor has the state any power Jotroy th rcpresentatitin of any i".ul the people who are guaranteed rfpiesen auon by that .couslilu a. Nun here they are doling both. j cm no mere do il' ii tiUiK va- uct ihtu they mit in an original 1 Mi'n. ' ' Q,. How are they doin.t'hat? I Why the Vmiuty ol I'ertie b ? V to liio ilmni'i which elected vl-thatU, the present lirt district U dKrict which, for all purposes of t'ti-uiou iii the present, the 1-kh v'titw, u the lirst district. There is M w Urt district - only a present krl JU.'r.vX juJ a lutnre Jlirst district. J itll pretvll i.ho yi'U. This ' j; pI IWrtie is to be deprived, cf J;U vote in this election. What's tft'wuiencvs? Why (. had no vote tfB 0t theoil r Uijutj tr representa- , aud tlieielore' it is t, have no 3:rr,i VI the other' jhple oi the '! iivc til. ir iiifi.i'iilliv.4 K.M li.. s.'uii, I'he riiiU her "-whole ?. un. men: women :ikid children. vry.in' cvcept InduiUnot taxed '' i'-ibflt-re the 1 Uh auicndineut.) itpthf-ef her Mualihcd voters to ''-rytk.e lit thissffepre4nutiou -all "K4a vluu by lius ; 1cm ai ?io j;to oiml party nn adv-if.ae :T'aVUlrr- -vow Ihu sort ot con l'l th rij;ht, of Ihu ptnple is. -HHuiunuI. rtie fiseral .consli " Hie Iiams of ifoiescnlaUOu rkutei-s the r'i'hl to voe for U lie fjcine. Wiieu U savs. ?oifivrs : hall be tcUvken by !Vi ef ihe several ilates.' aud 'ar jbat . u meanji 1t ayitt "jple ' thus'relVlrreU to aie KwyMtic ceitain uuUuc- a4 not ieti a fUrt of sucV 77. it aiea-is the bote "iple. tati subtrtct th'f popl of tltau this. They not only disfranchise JJertie out aud out. but thev nartiallv confiscate th&Votea of allthe orher peo ple ol the UiatnctiT : ti. What do jou. mean by that? A. Why theyputiii Carteret county, which btlengs to the present Third District. The effect of this is to iye Carterett two members while Bertio has none and the rest of the people only on. ICvery man in Carterett haa two votes while tho rest of us, except un fortunate Bertie, have one. Now the effect of this is to dillute the votes of all the other - people of the district by this watering process. If you are one of an electoral body which consists of live thousand members and live thdu Hand other members are introduced into it, does not this reduce your vote to just one hair of ,what it ought to be? If this introduction of new material is unlawful then one half of your yote-is. confiscated. It is just as much an out rage upen tnuality ;and common right to unduly extenl a right as it is tu talre it away. Therefore, I say that if the law of the state is susceptible of the construction which is thus attempted to bo put ou it, it is uucoustitulional and void. (. But, I understooil, you to say that such is not tin? proper construction of the law. A. -Whyice'rUinly .there is no such statute-as they contend for. It is a settled principle of construction that statutes must'., "bo read together and where they eeiu to be iueousistent' they must be reconciled if it can be done without violating their exress words or plain intent. Auotber rule is that they must be read in the liht. of cotemporaueous history and with ref erence to what was in the mind of the law iver at the time of their enaet nietit. Now apply ."these principle to this '.-'case.' The census Was taken hi ISSii, upon its return to Congress it be cinne the duty of that body to fix the 'number of representatives which beiny so fixed entitled under the consti tution each state to a certain number, of members '.'to be arrived at by a simple arithmetical calculation. Under the constitution congress ;is a rij;ht to es tablish the dintritHs-.'!. j right which it has 'exercised in a jtjualilitd w;iy.. Con res made .this apportionment by the act of February, ".1XS2, wbich-Kiler dis IribiHin the, loembcrs to each state, 'c ! in i? to the ceusus ou liio lidcral basis, '"provided that in tit's ISth, and each Mo ct cding cj-ieri-sv the inerribtTrt hliould bi'i clceu d ly d i Uriels com posed of contiguoin territory, and that, un less the :-Utc diMcted otherwise,, they should be elected ai now provided 'lo the lSih congress by law," and that in iuv state wlu re there was ati ii'icrease of .membets- tlio di..triel.s sho'iild elect as fixed by exi-ilin law, and h.e addi tional iiiVniber.or iiiembers by the tato at lare. f)ur legislature did not ''oth erwise provide." ro, in the election for the -l.Sih coUiiicss-heUl .last year, NJie districts - weisedixed by federal ainl i lot by state, lav, fi'his ;tct ot congress provided for the clectioii ,of nnSnibers for that t-oiigrexs", and aplics by its express words to thedsth ooni;iess. TUW Wiii;ie.s isik contiiiuing bAly Wlllcll, uu'ilei ilii: urMli..i.. , 1-'- J ..oil ili.v Ivli Hl'-March. " ' 168&. The uieniber now to be rlecled is fjr thii ISth con-rcssjust as much so as was the dead member, .Mr. I'ool- hi the language ol I he act of congress he is to be'Vlectevl to the ISth congress." And the di-stricU ',fvr lUit Conjns without -reference ti vh- h the eleciion may occur, whether this year or last year -arc lixed byllijit act, aud cou timo fixed, until. that Congress expires, thir stale law of ISSI'j, when Tcad-iu compliance 'with the p?iueiples of con st luctnni which i have slatcil, has uo. application to lhe"isth, but only to sub aeipie.nl congresses hen it was passed the tegular electiou.tJ ttfe :: lth con gress was di ni and ovei'; that congres was hot in the mind id; the legislature II i iitw were onlv prbvidinc tor sub- - - ; IJ II...- i? in lliia absurdities into which these men have I times, and one had better have ft bad got themselves, according to them the I epitaph after his death than their HI a . j ui u - preseni memuurs oi me tow congress u:i- u i. i:.i trn.!- lm tmm dont represent the people who elected Fy"' . them, but the people of such districts of th newspapers In general, D as are designated by the act of 1883. specially so of those, illustrated PtpCTS If a member of congress wants to know which faithfully diacharge the offiw urViof r Taf i-trf Vi a Mnraaand Ka m tint tr 1 v m - - - " - - they assume, of holding up a mirror ro look to the people who elected him, . ' V --.fi, but as they do in the penitentiary, he the Ume8 The work of acceaaml U to fix it by his number. Fe is num- carricatnrist erer calls for talent of 0 ber 1, 2, 3, &c.ras fixed by the legisla- inferior' order. The cartoons of the ture. "Sometimes the will find that he ,1 t i: . ii. j;.:t t .11 "t w6a ui t uuim uvot uvu live m ""t , u ,. r. f 1ta rpsuloa in fliA nam Vlntrift with uuiM I wuw ixuiu Buwuua w " other member, Truer it is there js period as do the draughts of the great nothing in the coostution ot the Uni- I architects or the desiirns of the ereat ted Statas to prevent a district from acuiptorg. Tne cunning of the hand ciecuiiK a uuu icaiucut, uuk outu lino i , . . , . . , never been the practice of !he people nd " of. rtwt not to be nn- of this state, and to fix up a sharp derrated, but the "dmne idea whica trick, by which ylhe people are to be I lies at the bottom of appearance," that represented by non-residents, whom it is which ieqoim the God-given en. perfect any work that will lire. But It is not our object at present to dissert i EXl-XANATION. in is is gence. carpet-baggery with a yen- on the conditions of art, nor can we on When we sneak of Gov. Jarvis as I everT occasion on which -we introduce cuttihg a poor figure abroad, we do not J a thought from Puck give' BO-aWrate 7 lelss-Didi liome mean to disparage his capacity to the J a prelude. If we should, our readers degree of representing him as a weak might prefer to dispense with even or ignorant man. i As a qu iet, private I these bright and reefierche fancies. So citizen, or even as the sober and sensi-1 now for the second of our scenes from bio representative of some remote and I that magic pencil uupretending district in Congress, be I An old man with locks of scattered might acquit himself discreetly or even I grey, and wrinkles without number T(i. ........ i .. i i .. . : d... :i I i i : i . . i arouuu uis ueep set eyes, is seaieu upon the historical "bar'l" of 1876. But if the contents were not of a quality-so .well known to the world, we might sup pose that they had displaced the with some Imodest reputation. But it takes a big man for big things, and we are cotnplaccut enough to thiuk that a stale of the Old Thirteen, the Jirst to declare its independence of the crown, that chagrine at non-recogaitiou is at the bot torn of the matter, ' However, these facts will uotstay for a inomeut the profligate utterance and circulation of such charges. i-; , city Items. Ar"Qysters ' Will soon be making their appearance in market. t:i ' Kiekecl - by a 3Inlc. iELias Halsey, a wel I k no wu colored drayman, was .nearly kicked to death by a mule on Saturday" evening last He had gone into the stable to feed the animal, when he turned upon him, kicking him on the side of , the head and knocked him senseless, after which he kicked nearly all thc.clothirjg from his body, and was winding up tfie per formance by stamping hiia to death, when M r. - Lewis; Sailings, another drayman, rushed into the stall' and rescued Halsey in a breeding and sense- aud now couutiug its pputation by the I sinews of war of former days. When, hundred thousand, is great enough to I however, we Bee "Democratic Brains" have a real ly,great man to preside oyer we can no .longer indulge in such a her affairs and direct, her desl'ny. Few surmise, but must suspect a rather men are to b Hi cue that they have hot I spiteful joke all know the pranks and the capacity for- such high employ- quips and cranks of that elfish Puck uieut, but those who have not should intimating that dollars and cents con have the grace to seek humbler sta- stitute "the brainsy of that party. A tioiis. NoblesxetoblitjcaxkJk he who'd wed pilgrim is on his Way to Greyatone, the the widow of ssea must be. tJble to "seat" of our ancient lrieud above de- His eyes are 'soil I -of fantasy aud flame," a- Fowle a lyicllae, was not present at Boston and a surgeon called in, who succeeded in restoring him to consciousness, and at last accounts he was improving as fast as could be expected. A storm of wind ' and raiu com menced here ou Monday morning and continued with more or jess severity until Tuesday afternoon. 1 1. came from the northeast and alt&ined a masimum velocity of about Pi .'uile.s per hour, while the barometer was ueariy as Ionv as in the famous hurricane ot lsst The damage iu WiIinig-ton' was 'com paratively slight, the incst of that sus tained being caused ly the high tide consequent upon the long continued east wind, which Hooded f number of the warehouses, damagiuir salt, etc. Numbers of fences were prostrated aud shade trees battered or blown down. At the sounds the stonur v.i.- more se vere than here, the bath houses being wished away,; while -many liucus and trees were laid low. The wind bsaid to have been simply awful, whilethe tide was remarkably high. beud the hero's bow. Who that prides I scribed. His eyes are blinded by ,a Jiimself on bis native slate does superfluous bandage, and the top of his not regret that some gifted son j of crauiuin, falling back like a raised the proud old commonwealth, with a I helmet, discloses a perfect vacuum or I where ! the brains are usually found to I His foot, as he advances rashly aud stand iu the place of Jaryis aud speak I blindly, strikes against a rock, bearing I Sells Cereal L:posit ion "winged .vorda" which would lly on the word "Tanfl and though he fan-1 Will exhibit at Y ilmiugtou batuc the lightuiiig's track through the ex- cies himself treading safely and rapidly I day, September '2'Jlh. As a general nause. of our contineut? As we have I on the road 'of "No Policy," he sud- I thiDir complimeutarv notices, many of said, we cannot blame Mr, Jarvis for I deuly finds himself, about to grovel in I an extravagant character, precedes, the not being equal to such au occasion I the dust before the very eye oi his I advent of a circus aud meua-erie,wLich but we do wish that Gov. Jarvis would I master and chief. It scarcely needs the I after its departure is as often sullVred curb this uufortuuate projiensity of his to be lunuMig all over the country ex1 hibiting hiuiself, aud, thereby ua. Such conduce iu Graut or Arthur would be repiesenlcd as "juuketting,'' but some- h-ovv our people dim t seem to care hd soiiietiiiiea wo fancy from their in- dHllVreuce that they would not take ,it to heart very sorely if he should get in the notion to come back no more. - "tilt. SHKItMAN OS 'THE ;j STUIP. We very much regret thatthe news paper reports which we have seen pf the speeches of this distinguished ora tor, and patriot have been so meager slightly altered lines of Shakespeare to I to depart without word of comjiiijnda- develop the full meaning of the picture: I tion. In justice, however, to an exhi "TUellQie8 hvebeen that when the brains I bitiou, or rather a series of ivhibituiu.i wore out the man would die,' I . . ... .. ... t, ,, , Ami there's an end. bulvnow they rise again I Comprised in tho . Sella f .rolhers Jixpo- A in s4 lira Inl oc a hit mn ulnno t li a nut Ii tf I i.ia i lame." He that would fail to discover the Tilden in. the aged custodian of the barrel, would be as destitute of brains as the stumbling patriot depicted. Another scene is about as good "MisS Columbia" is j in her kitchen, . andi mzilv bffore the fire lies a sleek and well-fed cat, which is sleeping sweetly after a recent meal from a;bowl of "plunder" near by. Throiiah a partly open door, looks in a lank and hollow ml r,vln wttth fnriAnA AVAR Ol QUXiZtt What we have beeu fortunate enougn - - . ... I , i um.i nir i.Maal .nil demand- to obUin has -been crystalized wiwlom P" vb - - of tho highest order. makes no' efforls at what is popularly termed eloqueuce. He leaves that to such as are driven, to an appeal to the itr, KhirmVn ing, "will the time never come when pularly she .will turn out this rascal anu give me a chance?" In stilt another picture Mias Bennie butler, with silks sitiou, au cxceidiou h6uld be made for positively it, is the only show of the tr'ufy au'd iWuIu1?6VM,feVcry, rom'ls'u set forth in the advertisement. We do not believe that one of the leu thou sand spectators .-who. jwituessid . the arenic performances on Monday uihl buti will cheerfully admit that 'tl.'ey were the best aud most unique that they have ever seeu, uiauy being l i start ling and decidedly, original character as for example, thoei of the lAiveuc, Slirk and Carou families. The nun agerie is vast in proportion and choice in chara'cter, containing, amongst other curious specimens, two large hippopo tami, a monster rhinoceros, -a herd of giraffes, and a school oi r,ea lions and leonards. beside, as the oiiis an- .i ... i . , .. j i..i'wrui w,.- sctient coirTscs.L ncitofc - . . - . - t .ui.i I and seai-stlDS. ana leminers aau i .., - t....i. . ... .-.,....- . . .i: .. I.. i. II, .i I oisliOlrt ill LllB vain IlUl'C o inimuiui ... ... I DUUuicU. UCIU3 oi i,i '"."i, i,'i.t :j...;.. ,ii i ... si ami mat Oi me nation. They tand toother, hat look at it the other way, see o what abur .1 :t i.- it had. upposiHthe legislature wheu lthey coiueto red strict the utate 'by this act of !SS;t, instead ot begin lltlliV 111 the northeast. at Currituca, had becuri in the southwe-jt at Cherokee, n'?l li iil Jaid otl say tin comities ;up there, and failed thcul the first dis . l t. . . J i.p.ii.iiin.i iwil trict. Accorouig io iut i;..;..- tli.Trt would bo mo election m p...,V. .vutri. i but some counties up iu tl.. mounfkius. which have: alreadj. their own living meuibt w o u h I e 1 ec I l k I s- s u ccc Jor M. i -i bit more aburd tempt t give t'.ir.eret and I'ertie none; the accents of reaion. After the windy . "--M " . . etc., and at least 1W cages ol animal. oraU.ry" of the Democratic dema- solid south. Though killed in the Jhe cxpeuse of rilIlulllc lhi, uri..lIlia: -oitue has spent itself iu sound and ogleofa roguish eye, her arts seem must bc immcie, but.t!.e reputa- noth tie-then, the I . . - . I tion of the Sen- lirotners wiii nure wno i errunuij iu uv - fury signifying NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- NEW ADVERTWMENTS. ABOUT SEPTEMBER 15TH & 20TH .' ' v'i - A large and attractive Stock of Dry Goods, Oil Cloths and. Will be ready for the inspection of the public. Carpets, In the meautime we will close out ODDS and ENDS at such bargains as will , v. ' ' ,- . ..... j '!-. i - ' t " ' A few Piece 50 cent Carpets will closed out at 37 1-2 cents per yard. September -7i tf - - - R. M. McINTIRE. a. Hon; : E.U',Hara, M. C, ?s ou a visit to NiJshville, Tenn. . SE V AD VlUiTLSEMENm 8TATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA. . : New Uasovkr Co. Sci iuuorCoikt. Before Clxkk ot tbe cee-uoK Cocbt, Brook G. Empie, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Holmes, Edward B. Dudley. 8. B. Oolson and . wile Hallio B, Colaon, and V. others. Defendants. IT being made to appear to my Fatishw tion that Edward B. Dudley, and 3. B. Col sou and wife ttallte B. Oolson are non residents of this !3tate, and cannot, ailer due diligence, be foaud in-this KLat, and that they are proper parties to this action, and have an interest iu properly iu this State : How these are to command tlie aald Edward B. Dudley andS. B. Oolson and wlte Kallle B. Col so a to appear at my olllce, in the city of Wilmington, oqtthe litn day or November, A. D. 1SSJ, at 10 o'clock iu the morning, and answer or demur to.the com plaint, or Judgment will ;be rendered against them according to the relief de manded In said complaint. 1 itiiven under mv hand and seal Of ottice Mebaue, Eso.. editor and I thls lh9 13tu uy of September, a. d. ivy. r.t... nr .,.'... ... .-YMf"N"i? . b-.t 14-iw U. S. MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE . OKricE Ccstox House. WiLjtisuros, N. C, ;scpteniber 11th, 1S3. CKaUED pronoKals will be roceived atthU Olliee uatil 12 M. on the 21st day of Kcp tember. lsst, for all tho labor and material required iu tho erection of a stable ou the Marine Hospital reservation. ' hi accord ance with the drawings and KpcciflcatloiiK wmen may oe had ou application to tun Olliee. - FAIRFAX I IIWIN. lasaetl Aulstaut Burgeon U. ts. Marine Hospital .servn e, hepli-lt u Maj. John F. Divine, Isuperinten- teiident of Railroads, has been visitirg the Baltimore Oriole. Gen. !S. II. Manning is still in Liew- i-ito.wn, Maine, aud we are glad to learn improving very rapidly iu health. Prof. C H. Moore has been appointed iu the Bevenue Service, hy Collector Wheeler. .-Splendid appointment. Jos. C Hill, E-jq , the newly ap pointed magistrate, has been given the title of "the Duke of Hauover" by his friends. Ueo. A. proprietor of the -li'imur Khleririss of naleigb, was iu the city a few days the past week. I'nd'. J . Ci. Dancey, editor Scniiiwl, has beeu appointed Deputy Collector by Col. J. J. Youug. 1 We congratulate Cii, Vouug ou this appointment. Hou. Frauk U. Darby and A. EJ llicau d, who have been north, have re turned lookiug yery much improved. We hope tho boys had a good time. Hon. Goo. W. Trice Willi lecture iu A Brilliant Scheme. Beaufort Moudav nii'ht next, for the bcueht of Elder Sorryer's church, and: TEE DISMAL SWAMP LOTTERY - i titl Amall voice of his reason is heard I UCI w,,cw . y " '.' ... . , I them crowds wherever i they exhibit. ..f ClhI above the uoisv echoes of tnent pen. of falling a victim iq ner u u by lar lhe ,hw - - - ... . , . a. n kiiiT i ., . . I . 1 1 DnffDI iicruui i- . ... T- . . 1... or the Jvainlhe whvde pevipl of tho JcIkVmiV It iiik-ht Ihkaa ub- siii.ooo tne preehl membfr. ho is riifiel by and repicsents tlw Mate at lrge, shv.utd resign, or what it ncarlv withiu the scope ,oi rea- r in congress Yet this than the :tt- two nuniioers the retiring storm. Me mases tne people of Ohio see that the tariff is the .;roit quest iou for them, luat on that ouestiou the Democrats have held fwyWtfw until at length .they have come V ' view, but express luei.r whole c?eed and policy: in the slogan, extant.' 'ijhiea-jo Tt uj, M ry :;' Adonis, he prefers "the chase .1.1 . ...rt. hi. m I Cret l(C01UIIUIt III wuu -.fe.v, from her wanton and languishing glances. A few slight changes might make the scene' more life like and na ttiral Vnr instance if Wf COUld hTC A su . ... - - ... . ..- bourbon pandar behind the solid south inc cnrJ . . t i ... ..l. .v. v 1 urn l he uepuoucau pny mu.k v. - . . lnw . u ,. ratals." That on the other sj rr more baud, the llep'u'blicans have held sound aud cousisteut views ouIthe matter, from first t l1 selves the. true aud Aiui ricau UtHr though There was much point aud wmi quiet maidenly suitor; or suppose our cuber Siiile Number Irotteriet Ntv mul Striking tifur iu Sinul Xuiubrr Jlrawliig. On the la4tTJiurday of evi rv mulli Hege Lottery tv.. of Ken tucky, will have a. pub ic driw iur m Masonic Hall. Masaaic b ii'diu. , 1- u- natorial BarkU as as ubsutute repaying Mf. Kndcr, Uarie on Tuesday uight iu Newberu for the beiitii't ol liev. Mr. Thurber's church. i. Dauicl A. Smith, the furniture i : i . ... ... . i ... . . ueaiti, nas usi returueu iroru lioatou, where he ha.v been ou business con nected with his furniture store. We hope he had a i;ood time aud wi'l make money out oi it. the credit ol sending the 1'o.sr the first pisial note for a year's subscriptiou to the 'Wilm'ugUui 1'asr, and Mr. William Mcl'orkle pi Salisbury, for the second. They will both accept our thauLs. : ltcv. W. H. Thereber of this cityj is now iu charge of the A. M. E.'Ziou Church at Newbem. Heis verylpopu lar, and'iias iloiie good work for the religious" cue iu that city. His many friends iu this cily Will b? delighted to hear of his gf eat success. f ... iion-jW. . 'B. :Bobirisori, our U. Diitrict Attorney, was in the city on boturday lat, 'ooking well, happy; and as jolly as of old. llobinsou ia one of taov.' good fellows thatmakes every-1 body happy with hispleadng Manners and side splitting jokes. - - - .Mr. .lo'.ui II. Allen, the uotel jew eler oi tun city h.v accepted a situa tion at linvusboro, N. C. Mr, Allen considered' one of our very best and; iu-'. -kilfu'd arli-7-.iu;' he knows all that tht re i 1 be known about repair ing watche and clocks. We wish Lim ucci" in' his new field. Mai- Charles Ki Taylor, Deputy Col lector of ihi- --r:, .haj gone . with hii t visit to M tine. The Ma- !eea a l u aiad faithfal othcex; cx tcvliugy OF. Norfolk, Virginia, 25,00 TICKCTS-356: PRIZES The iranclitKe ol tbls outrrprliie I. based upuu the eliarter of the Dlmual.bwamp Canal Company. Tbepirpoie In vnw Is the "improve waters of Virginia and Norlh Carolina. The legality of the IUery ban Ihk-h lairly tented aud establish beforeAhe coarl. 11 Ih the . -i . . MOST ATTKAC1TVE i-CHEME ever yet plcl before the public, and an examination of th detailed plan will stiov that It la lar more favorable to the ticket holders than auy other of tdiutlar char acter.' . Capital Prize $5,000. CUVSS A, TO BE IHt.VW S AT NOUrUI.K ? VA., ON :. Ca ThnrstUy, rit. "20th, iH. J. B. UORBACU, Slana SdltMI: gcr. i i i i i i i ii i- 1 1'ilie of.. 1 do . do da do -do do . do' . . do do do do .. i i. , 1,1 mi t. . :r t. j. i..- . .... .. i i. ... .. Ji l . .. jm .. !' arc..'.'...'... I are. ... M ' are . j are....... . .. u a.vm l.Q i in ... I. :., 1 ...;;v .'- j ..." 71 '.'.Z i !. ......l.l.i hviHit 1-eMS: 9lVOUld Uie, UOW would hi s'luessor be elevUd? Why, ..... tt,i itiLerprcUtiou the hv he should cme over la aw tpresrun WtatAt larv-e Could nut elect him. He . w aJvauce such of iu dadired would hayc to be etevted by i hat is ... were sound, when he 1 t . ..... ..I, .i..c,.h! ahd who have got Y-a .. the voustuutwa of.hu owo their repteWnuuve, aiul who would . '.ueutfS the DemocraU extracted ll.ni l.ri I WO, luruiW-s. while the oai l V . .V . auce f the peopte of the iuher districU aud shown them- " K'n , - L .1. In III. hinilV MCJWni OI I " v, "j-t. -I - .ciofnemuot . - and I tor Knights ol Honor, and W. 11. MeJ out the Union. ' I fcrt. Ei . Past Grafii Master ui t; f of .. 51 of.. of AlTBOXIMATIOK l"lIta. -4 . 3 . -TO . 11 jKpuUr with family ia jor s.a- buiuifi nicB with whom ac is brought esuUet i:i a oiliciaV wiy, and they all iioln u in-1 wishing him a pleaaaat and vtaii to Hot own true knight. For her to fl(kt. With all bl. sntsfat, lis day or Dtght. Or la any sort ot 11$ hi. etc. etc ratKl Lodge' of Masvn of Ky., who w;U allow every ticket holder the privi.ee of calling out the number o:i his ticket juat before the drawing Ukes place. ia l im th. tar with the nuaitxr on it cor- ;," a people excrpt th execu- iUec aj returning bvard of xratic party. Sippc thi 8'4 ordani thai the whole, of emSxrui at a rr ular eUctiou w fleeted by the countka wet Tudre! 4old I any body J4 could be doner Yet thu t . t U cornea u. I f you juv dia- feii cctfnty you may duftan u i at And if you can dd UBr tacanov viui can do it at "tCr'i1 a'.i i . i. .'. . .... ..ulJ have onlf oue. ; ou readily that this uecesarily follows if the exc- ulite ia-i'ljthU He says ue looKs lo ex- 1 iw that is. UC Wi o svvera- cd entirely by the act oi ..ivf.ti.h. niue ditrrcw,i men way v . . . . . . .,. .I.1..1 ). ii B (irfiiWiR mr.-v. district: Acwrdiu. to himrticre b no ir sur thit district at all. the. ti.tin law makes H a dUUict, there i. uo'wemlxr for it, Ufa vacancy ..!.. Whi Am' i he have au eecuo. II hit view ia riht, theoj he M guilty of an imtAchabie odTcucj. u not com vlttnc with the law, which requ't hiaa to U proclaiatKHi'.lr ec Mr. Winston's '.eUer. whkh we pub i,-a i- ruu in the Iwr of to-day, U an I respouumg to ta; BuaoT ua v.c able and exhaustive arraigeeient of thel placol io the wheel .ia his preMrace, k.vrK. iVranrrarv. It aneaka for it-1 thus ahaolutely guarantee a uir ihein bV their tvonte prvare oi rau . . , ta-1 drawing. ThU compaay .- J - c k .. ihit Mr Sherman I : . .. . .. .. ,v.li..i r.. iiivnm , i- Hotir c.tir'Y perfluoua. ve aos wx ma. uiiwwiwi''""" j - - - Wrhon nreaa eaprws itself as I wairt fo the pay aw ui i all yriu ..-t;..' u hone that Mr. Sherman will fuliil hipromb to sjk as maay .:..v. . tviAiible' ddring the canvaas. - i - .. . for not ouly Vdf hj word ealighten and guide the true men of Ohio, but thev wilt " admoaiUan and in- fit hfi old home aal friend Mj. Johu ii. tte, ,JciaI Agent of IVasioa OiSee, has been hxue oa a brief vuit, but ha returned to Seaaca FalivN. Y. Tne Major ia naturally very popular with Carolinian., oa account of Lt trtiag ijualiue. There u no Prlic . iHiUi'mtiiis lU.n'i TicketH only l.oo. I'lVN ok the ixjrrEttY. Ilaa or ltrtiery .imilar Ui tti.l of Ii lana com j n y . te circa.ara. ' The Kirt OraU'l Ut awiui will b wade at Norfolk. Virj.asawo theJnliwijAY. TtiK am or i:rr. ii before the rnbilc. and lo like tho Thlrd TljunXay of a-a .ocw.os uoaib. - . Arid'01" fc lb rale., or for lefcirma tia upon assy oUr baln., So'il ! p.a;nlj Win. !'. SuUt. tMslj aaJ Ua of wilr. , . iXaUUs( boU y F r.lh.r lb in ly i". O. raoay ordr t l-.rd IdKK i;irMrhJkr(e apaa aa iarittv wart Ui b raid t-f tbt tMBfuar. A4trsM paly. . j. ivnoai'. vcu, MTtli-1 . . rai. a. CiCT OlE ! hirhlv craunei at the withdrawal ol I they aaav 4X. Ib ctarur U . . . It . I - I- ,1 . t. vri..ioa aalhev da overexert k i oeen oiuuw ";'" vlw .w m.bm Ntrnl H immuT, I corl in .entacay. r r.. i.f-. . -r "-" : 1 ..;v ..'. .i-Ti.'... Wheawe recall the the tacu that Mr. I anu iuoac i.Tawuis --. i Lk-'.u t uxxu ta all of thec UCe lhaa I JoEa M i-W H del ht DOH T TAKE ANT ONE'S WOUD. to have Liu aruad, a4 by tha,' be iu'd ';ui i aacV of-hi lre ia .;.?: l, i arH-iaa a riatOi. e uieckarkal kul nj at Mr. Ii W. t Clr',0otax, COME AMD ENQUIRE trtaMr. 13 rS4V!3 U4t xir;.. Ki.lf has bta the treated 4av. JSep. -.U. lV. "i '- i a " ' clwkcaDeratkkaUure; that f 0.iW; 1 irf tlO.OX-. let ,'2 J .h-rh.. W eaa.bit. atHt nWbroth has b-a aaade a pm. i&600 h; 5 IX j Uri. -k. TW lY atChaprflliU .-4er Daocratk a.. -Kh- p&. i w. , mmp t. J- Uouato till vacauvio. ;f. llw-.r-i ,ml hrie chroakle ol Theia U no Uai't to Ue ridiculous labtraa and or aro suunion throaghout the Uaited Uts Wfa0- mt has beee the treated I day, tf. 2Tth, 4 and ia-'tue saore isspjnnt ana exten sive campaigd of next year. r. .v w a- nrifnrit irv rvarJ Hill aadev Deaaocratic aa- I each. 1, I-i. S. B Via a - ... , I ..1.1 . wi .i . 1 aut kiltr tkal kaa daauwuiatd laTr 1 aaaw-aw. . t SI- ? tideta. j0K wrj ' - r a a. m sa.sj. - aas aa. s SSfavsva aw -" 'SSa . $ t , w V - - Ja av a mar wey w m . i .1 rir. for tktrts : r ana- ody - i a4i t viuniM w jiaper of any rno4. Ihey JSZ u eaa kard ha cWrtl 1 Lm to U. Kmm i imp " " - A Sugar, Coffoo, Flour, rvu. srnx aa it vis, iuar. rreat ti : V :-:.:! - --- ....' v..' ." - -".!',- -' v.-."- : . ' .'.-'.:...-, - ., , '".'. ,.. , : " -."'' '-''' ' , ' ' ''.' " . ' ": '': i V ": ':"'''.''--.' : - - ' . ' :;. " - ; " ' ''' '''.''- ; V -."''.' ; M :; ''''' ' r '..-'.""-'. . . ;- j - 'V- . " i"-'- ' 1 v ' ' i '.' . ' ' :.1 :-.-..':-', f- j ' f a" -'..- J ' U : ' - .- ."::': r ; , I . . i . ;''..''-'-'-- ... - - - j - : -. -".'.'.- "" '. - ..." ''.- ."'. ' :: '.';-' : i ' . , ." ;- :'-- , -'." ' . ... "-'-.' ' i '.(' ' i; " ". -".'" '".",.-' : --. ' :- Jv' - ' - '' :v"- :. '- .'l .. . - ... V 'Vv. . t