, , - r j v lip . PWIM f f mi VOLUME XVI. Wilmington; north Carolina; fridax. September im iss3. smgie copies 5 cents : number 42. WllMlNCTOISIFQST ' Entered at the Poiloffice at miming. m n as Second Vlass Matter. (0, . ADDITION OF THE! CROPS iS' TIII SECTION OF THE There being- considerable interest ana he t; fi0.f business circles aoout ... ja'masre--to crops, first, by the droulb.tbeit by the storm, last by the ifirrt'ws, ourTeporter. interviewed WTeraI business men of this city, and ledii; farmers of this section on yes terday. ' , j yfe first met with Hon.- Daniel L. Russell, the leading cotton farmer of the Cape Fear section. He said the i..inDiirt wtrfl H am bit m vpru crops 111 uiumi"- - 5-b . . 1 1 . . . ......1.1 ...... ...... 1. considerably, out vuuij uVv ojr uu much.' ' ' '. ' ' i Hun. O. S. Hayes, of Robeson couu ty, said that cotton and cori was cut 'off oDe-ha)", while the pea crop was entirely destroyed.- ,1" - V Li . 1 -f - -1 L . if.iniiiiion that the idamvRe 'would be. LUV -( -,i :M hia Hftiou of the slate, oufc-lhird of 1U uw - ' i iV . all the crops. - . ; v Captain Jack Juhuson, when asked jboiit the condition of crops in Bruns wick, held up both haudd and said he w8 tto "blue" .to giv an estimate. . Mr. John . Garrell, a. very success ful farmer of New , Hauoverf a large m . - if i - iict plMter .sltitea- tnat nejnaa not JOT ijinaged any, but the i.oss genef V 'would, be an average pf 25 pe cent, on torn, cotton, and rice.. i Col'. H. 11. Slfort, of Columbus couu t; said ibat he had made careful inqui re iil.nii ttm I'diulitinn of the'erons in Columbus, ami from reports Bfrom all 'lectioiiH of Uie couuty he felt. perfectly ato in -aviiiL'.tlie damatre to d6tton was at' Sia'ftt 00. i4r cent. Corn ,was very . -badly dauilaged, but not iruite as much as cotton. His own loss would be at, leant, ohe-balf of his entire crop. : lie said the. storra had done great dam- Rgetu tjiptntine farmers at places over hallolulio trees were blown dowu As Hie reporter was leaving tlie Colonel ca1 led out tluit there was one-crop that would be full, iu Columbusjl, The re iwrler slopped to imiuire - what crop th&Uivs When ne was informed that Oulutubus would produce a full crop of Dewoctvi, h iibual. The laud is too iwjot for auj.iing else, said the report er, and dodged behind fhe fdoor, as a otit, from the Oolonel'o bootn; ; Mr. DonM McRae, secretary of the Ajirassa Worku, which - owns., also Targe rice plantation at Meara' Blutf, Bruiwrct county, stated to the reporter that their loss on the rice crop would be at least one-third. Mr. McBai said he had recently pnssed through the center of the statr , and fron the appearance ohhe cottiki everywhere, he estimated that the falling off would be f at.ieast ,2' per cent., and also thought ibat the quality would be inferior to the cotton of 12. - : . l, :. . 1 ThoamsB.Ku8.Hll, Jisq., a botherof Judgo HuAsell, vvhu owns an extensive Won farm' iu Iiobeson,.jrighvj on the iliue of Kichruond, reports thaifthe cot 'ton crop iu liobc&ii aud Richmond IcuuDlies has been damaged at least one ."if. He thinks that an average corn crop will be made in the two fiountise, ! MM). D. Southerland, lat ol ' phi couuty, 'slated to the reporter that t vts iu lHmliu last week rhd made , aureful itiTetigatiou about fthe con ' mv)( the crops, and according to i!?rj bet information he Could get &ttt would not be more thaii a half crop of corn and cotton made, iu the cvunly. . lhe merchanla iu this city who have rrr.jHuijenU in the country give us thfi'r oprmW.as below:" l " Mr. Woody, ot lhe firm of Woody & Clirriv.comksiou merchanl, ho deal m rarKtljr in votlou, said he:dul not iMnk the damage iu the cotton crop in Wern North Corolina aod that ortion of5s)uih Carolina coutigious to WH iooD, woukl be more thaujj 25 per wot. J .; - Uoger Moore thought tjie dam 's' ufd be at least 60 per cent. Mr. Owen Fennel 1 felt very sW that low would prove at least half of the Mtoncrop. f ' K. W. Ukks slid he f?had . Uku pains u rind outand heiwtima- idamace,at frooi 33 ifl 40 pr f . A. A. Willard said the filling off wild be about one third. I . N'. John C. Hyer said he was, pre rrtd to cite an etUmale. Ther? would b more than one-third of I crop of xtt made in this , sectioa nf the r U. . Worth; of the hrm,iof nh 4 Worth, who has a Urjse nam of cotrrpondoU In orth and CaroUnjk.said there fere so many ?uiottt, and some of then so extrava tt, Ua he could hardly rive an es at, bat after coovarsiof some UaM t the matter, he said hethooxh tfecrtage would be at lct a third lr. Mr. W. P. Oldham, who haa bejen in the country, said from all he could see the beat information he could get, nought the damage would be two- thirds to the entire crop in North and South Carolina. 1 It will be seen that the above infor mation and estimates are.' from the eadlng farmers and cotton merchants of this city and section Some of the m estimate the failing off atjS per cenf, while others go as high as 66jne7r cent. Afte talking with them all, we believe it is jafe to estimate the shortage in the cotton crop iu. this section and the portions of the two states contigi ous to this city at 40 per cent, of the .cotton crop and about 20 per cent, of the corn crop. When the quality ..of the cotton , is brought iu the damage will prove to be about 50 per cent. - ''City Items. To Fust Subscribers. : Office of -Tue-Posx, WiiJmington, N.C., Sept. Q-i--' 1 have been employed by the Editor of the Post as ; mailing clerk of this .)aper, and I am determined that every subscriber shall have it, aud I rtqutst those who fail to receive the paper promptly to notify f the editor so the cause can be investigated.-; livery buo- scriber is entitled to the paper and I repeat that I am determined that they shall have it. Respectfully,. ' Jamks B. Dudley, . v Majliog Clerk. . . ; , Postmasters should comply w;th the aw aad notify theublisliers oj.news lapers wben subst'riliers fail toiake the aper out; of their respective -post offices. ' f ' - V The steamer D. Murchisoir, Capt. Smith, which has been undergoing a thorough repairiug,' has resumed her place on the river again, baviug, left for Fayetteville Wediiesilay evoiug. Mr. 11. J. Joiifc8,'who has been a'i- teudjnu. the session of the Sovereign (irand Lodge of Odd Fellows of the United States, at Proyidenee, U. I., and who also stopped lor a short time at Boston, ak in g iu the -Exposition. . W. II. Scott aud Lucy Elliotrwere before the Mayor Monday morniug on the cliaiire of hjihtiui; on tue wharf near live' foot of Mulberry s'reet . - The defondauta were; made ta pay a line of t5 euch or be locketl up in the city prjson for twenty days.? 'liev. li. Iiaylos assisted 4y. the liev. John -T.- Farrow of this city, has been carrying on arotfi'-cted mctting at the chureli at Lake Chapel, Peuder county. Considerable interest was manifested on the part of the people, twenty-two per aons joined the church and was bap tized. " . Temperance men are gettit'i; up a boom in Wilmington. The K.-cbabitts now have two tent of tbeir order here ahd the membership is rapidly in creasing. This is the only temperance order here now, aud we are glad to see that they are awakeuhig interest in the community. such an 1 Mr. W. O. Canady, of Onslow couuty, brought some very tlue New River oys ers here a few day i ago to the order of kr. Jame B. Huvgiuswho purchased them for Fish Commissioner Worth, who ill forward theau to the Boston Fair, ' The oysters were very large aud frouy cultivateil garden. Antone Petersen, a seaman emplojeil on the Norwegian Barque SulHjeliua, which has beeu lying at anchor bf low for theT past two or three weeks, tell from one of the spars to lhe dect ou b'riday last and received severe injuries. He was brought to the city on a steam er the sae eveuiugl and taken t the Marine Hospital. Mis Amy M. Bradley, the accom plished Principal of the Tilitoo Ncr- sh.l. haa rcturueu in uh visit' to the north, where he has been speuding her vacation since June, anyl ill .Htt heir iHpuIr school uu aioc day" ucxt. the' first of October. Chil dren eipectior to enter cbool are ex pected 10 be prmptly onj hand at V o'clock that moruiuif. j 1.1 vdtuaii bv the nana ot r-rtha Hal! who has been acuni tranxely for some time past, went into aatore oo Saturday last ana we off with a cabbage. She was arrested for larceny, but (Wrward dwtcargeu. it being shown thai h wa io lhe habit of goinr Into storw and claiminje that the Lord bad UU her h could have what she autvl. She o proneunced insane. - . The gradea school of thW der the superintend aocc of Prof. M. C Noble, .will open cn Monday tV. with a god at tea dan c. , The Lykus, 1 We published a special from Smith ville, last Friday morning, stating that the Lykua arrived inside Thursday night, when in fact the Lykua did not arrive until Sunday night. We looked upon he author of the communication as j reliable, bat it turns out that he give us the information on what an other person had told him. We try to make our news column . reliable, and when a mistake is made it is on ac count of such errors as the above- Two boys, sons of prominent citizens i of Salisbury, who had run away from their homes, were here during the pres ent week, and made an effort to ship on one or more of the freight vessels in port!. They had a friend and corn- panion in the person of one Alex. Chaffin, who formerly travelled for a shoit time with Kobinson's circus, and who' was at one titrie employed in a printing office in this city. The parents of the boys whereabouts. wero . notified of their The stevedores employed in stowing the I cargo of "cotton on thio British steamship Woodside, at the upper com- press, struck for better wages and a re duction of the hours of labor from teu to eight, but during the same afternoon a compromise was agreed to between their "boss'' aud themselves and they went; to work again. Police were od hand to preserve order, but (hey were told that their services would not be needed, and the sequel proved that it was so. Mr. Jack Earnest, who is to have charge of the Southern Telegraph office as inauager, wheu the liue is extended to Wilmington, was here on business a few liays ago. He says the line will be buijt he-rp ' via the C. C. Iiailroad, and tie wires will probably reach us in about three months, ii will come south .frouij Norfolk, running through the counties of dates, Hertford, . Pitt, Mar "tin, Lenoir, Duplin, Pender and New Hanover. Mr. Earnest was at one time connected with the Western , Union office iu this city. ', i -. i ' - ' - i ' ') " .- ' -f ' i Some of the peite living in the vicinity of thu county jail complaiu bitU rly of thtr auuoyance? they have to experience ou account of the noises with Which their ears are almost con stantly saluted, coming from the in mates of that; imtitut'on. Theythink tli9 j til ought to be loeatcd in a part ol the city which is not so thickly settled. 1 hey claim inai mc cuy pounu is mou uuisauceaud ought. to be removed to a less freiueuted locality. Of course the matter will be takeu under considera tion imuiediately'if not sooner. - Sudtlvn Death. A colored man by the name of Moses Dunn died suddcu.y at W. H. Howe's plantation, formerly the Prigge place, near; this city, on Saturday mgnt last. He asked permission1 of woman uanted Holmes to stay iu her houe all iiiht, a he was feeling unwell, and duritJg-Hhe nighi the womau heard such a noise iu the p.osage, where the mau was paiug-. Ih6 night that she got frighteued and went to a neighbor's house. The next morning tne nus- band, who had been absent, came home early and found Dunn dead iu the'pas sago. Dr. Potter, who was summoned, was of the opinion that he died from some natural cause, and Corouer Jacobs dicliued to hold au iuquest. Major Dunrau J. Devane. ; Thw gentleman we are exceedingly sorry to learn, has been indisposed for several days, so much so that' he failed t.x ..non.l th nnirt at SmitUviUe. He has. a large practice in Brdnswick Jcourt, being rciained on one side or the other in nearly every civil suit now ...... 1;,,,. Auinr Devane eioys the proud JlslitutFoii of being considered by his brethren at the bar as the best lawyer iu'hisviiy- He is cecUinly one ollhe moi popular attorneys in east ern Carvdin with ihe.masses since the death of Col. Uobl. Strange, and we hut f xirts the Uesirc of this entire populatjonj when we wUhhim - ieedy rtcovery. . 3 arrow Kcape revl stev adore, named Edward Thcuias made 4 very narrow escape from j drowuiog iu Monday morning last. I He was along side of the brilaah steamship Lykus, which was passu tiii thk river, and cast loos from the vessel as! she was passing thefooVof Dock! street, when the Doai oruw into the v nex caused by the propeUer and immediately cap!. Thomas cluatj to the bottom of lhe boat bat was la eminent danger of being sirwea oj the head by the propenec. Xttt getting free from thU daaget he slill na. tj the boat and was fiaally res- ce4 by parties in a boat which rt. from khe there- Ought to Hare Swung. Fraley, who murdered Walker in Stanly county some months ago, and whose trial commenced at Concord, in Cabarrus county on Thursday last, was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to the, penitentiary for 12 years. S j ;'' '! '.- The Jouhial-pbterver .says i 1 "We hear that revenue officers were in Con cord Saturday ready to take Fraley to Albany on the charge of illicit distill ing, in case the jury had cleared him of the charge of murdering Walker Solicitor Frank Osborne made a splen- did speech for fairly covered the prosecution and himself with glory, in Charlotte will be Frank's friends' glad to hear such good reports from him. He is creating a fine reputation at every court and is making the peo ple of this district feel proud that they made him their solicitor. -He is prov ing himself to be a capital solicitor and evil-doers will learn to look upon him with terror." 1 Telephone and Telegraph Poles . A meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held, on .Friday afternoon last to take into consideration the matter of the erection of telephone poles, with the viewjof regulating the same. so that they will not be in the way. Resolu tions were passed to that effect, requir ing the poles to be erected immediately withing the curb, or on a line with the outside of the curb, and in all casesin such position as to prevent the least obstruction to passage or traffic. The resolutions also require the W. U. Tel egraph Company to have their poles conform to the same regulations. As some solace to the the telephone and telegraphic companies, lor the trouble they will have to undergo, it was re solved that no person rshall be allowed to deface any of the poles referred to, by advertisements, printed or cut there on or attached thereto irr any mauner. . I , j 'I . 1 Two Ocean Steamers. Itf looks very much like Wilming ton's chipping business was improving when we have two ocean jsteamships at lone time lying at our wharves, besides the many coastwise steamers and sail ing ships. We are informed by the Collector, Capt. Pennybacker, that an other steamship is on the war here and . r -"f will arrive within the next few days. We are glad to. see this evidence of prosperity and hope it is not tempo rary, bat will prove only the beginning of a successful direct connection of this city with foreign countries. Why our opinioB, the merchants here can, if they will, provide cargoes of freight for the steamships to bring as well as cotton and naval stores for them to take away. We cannot compete with other American ports unless the vessels are loaded both ways, therefore our business men must have an eye to the import as well as the export trade. If thev will do this. We have no doubt of the success of this new business. The Wilmington Firemen. The reception tendered to the Wil " mington. Hook and Ladder Company by the Howard Relief and Wilmingion S. F. E. Companies, took place on afternoon. The Hook and Ladder Company, - with its new and handsome truck was escorted to the City Hall by the other two companies, where a speech of reoeption and con gratulation was delivered by Chief f the fire department, who was followed by Mayor Hall, jn re sponse to loud calls, who spoke briefly but earnestly and eloquently. Coionel Roger Moore was next called upon and delivered a stirring little speech, after which the procession was reformed and marched through a number of the principal streets, and finally drew up at the ball of the Little Giant Engine House, where a banquet was spread for them. CapUia John Cowan delivered a ahort address of welcome, on behalf of the two engine companies, and then all partook or the splendid cotiauon before them.. The Howard Belief aod.W. 8. F. E. Companies had llwir eogiaea in ifcc processios, and the Honk and Laddei boys were dressed in their new uni fbraM, consisting of red shirts and dark pants, with helmet hats. Aavtee ! JtXaenu disturbed at niht and bro - 4 re torn Van of our rest bv a sick child u fier ier, and cryins-with paia of cottlaf teeth? If so; eetKl al osk aa4 gei a bottle of Mka. Wtsauow"! Soothuw fitter roaCHOPaTaxrHtso. Iu value is Incalculable. It will relieve lhe poor Utile so&cer lsaasdiatly. Depend npon H. moUen, there is no ratstake anoai u. 11 v7 and diarrboea, rflal th staach the' rSBtT rirrs looe ad ewerf? M iem. Ma. Wubiuw Soihim Stacr roa CaiLpajui TorrBurw b pleasaat to th taau, ai tW m aaiefoMQrtM.ftUe a4 Wat feamak phyakiaM aa4 nan-w la Ue n a United Seated awtm w ijw off dnajx lk T mn , ; '! We have had a series of very.' lovely days during the past week. Criminal Court for this county meet? next Monday. The dockef. is a light on e.' i j ' Mayor Hall has had very fe w cases to try lately. Wilmington is a well be hayed city. . : Prof. Noble '. ias returned home and is ready to open the graded schools .on Monday. ;--,;- '. James Hill, a small colored boy, was before Mayor Hall on Saturday last for throwing missiles on the streets, it j i - .Send now and subscribe for the Post. The cheapest paper for the amount 'of reading of any paper in the state. Rev. Mr. Lide, an able minister from South Carolina, is to occupy the pulpit of the First Bar. tist church on Sunday. :- - -; . t xhe German brig Diana Capt. Shroe- der, which clear d from here on Fri day, took1 out a cargo valued at $29,- 606 SO. - j ; ' Capt. Nash i Bunting, sleeping car cenductor, has recently been' trans ferred from the Savannah to the Wash ington district. - , The schooner p. H.idacomber,which arrived here on! Saturday, made the run from Boston to tlhe Cape Fear bar in 3 days and 7 hours There had b'elu another Lrt rise in accounts, but it was again falling off slightly. Other streams tributary to the Gape Fear afe on a big boom I High tides hav oeeu causing much crop. Some of the injuiy to the rice wharves are uuder water every day, and cut rice along the line of the river is daily submerged. The telephone exchange . v rill be re moved to the New Hanover Bs nk build ing on the first of October, the upper story of which will be just the thing for the purpose. The interments iu Oakdale Ceirier terjF last week were one adult and -four children; in Bel still-born infant, evue Uemetery one and in Pine Forest Cemetery cne adult. A deserter by the name ol Oscar Bergensen, emplo red on the Norwegian barque Sulitjelm4, was arrestjed and lodged in jail oh Tuesday last, 0 await a requisition from; his captain. Rev. S. H. Chester, of Mayes ville, Ky., filled the pulpit of the First Pres byterian church on Sunday last, and of the First Baptt church, t. We are glad to learn lhat Mr. Geo. R. French, who is on a visit to Hen dersoD, N. C, is improved iu health 1 and we hope to see him soon among his many friends in this city. Mr.. J. S. Ernest.- formerly ol the W. U. Telegraph 4 k)flice I in this city, is io be manager of the Southern Tele graph Company's office here," which will probably be opened in about two-months.- 1 The Wilmiugtgn Library Aocik- tiou" continues to shit. Nine new Sncreaseju member- members were re- ceived at the last meeting, making twenty four since the present directory went into office. A colored man named Thomas Foy was arrested a few days ago for Tailing to list his pall-taX, and it afterwards came to .light that! he was . a party who had been wanted jor some time past on the charge of larceny. Col. Edward (jantwell, formerly of Wilmington; but juow of Charleston, I delivered a lecture in the latter'city, beforo ihe Historical Society, a few; days ago, which is spoken of vry highly. He is to repeat it iu Atlanta. The Danish barque Lovisa, which was cleared from this port for Hums ca, P. Iw, on MoHjlay last ..by E. Kid der & Son, took tut 1W,7W feet of lumber, 60,600 shinies and 30 barrels of rosio, valued atj f-.o76. The schooner Alice Heatn, Captain Fiemming, which left : here for Phila delphia on the li-h in:., returned oa Saturday hut, hi ring tprang a leak daring a gale of v iad off .UaUeras on the lith insL Sale was lowed to the bar by the sleamet Lone Sar sad then 1 Uken in Ujr.by the ta5 Alpha, of thU porV She was la. I oi war and had I u be discharged Ix repairs. She k: part of her deck I racial 9 altera. PoelssaKer Briik has bees saakia aaother cf those na:tr suokes is tie inUreat of the pabtk,aa4 i which ht deeerrea ihe thaaps of the roeaaaUy. The sUp o5ae asey oriet ofLce aa4 reaieri ode are ' sil aepa ! rate aa4 drauacl aa4 esct U preii star be aa aflnmaajdaUag aavl rklite altcolssl. pro v Wed wUh ail the . . . - YeMtKC tk.aamaf mm rr0"" dItch. The WpBisjVa fxaoSUw aaay now be w ft be ae cuareftacaily Wtaavt4 as aay Uj thacmav. ABOUT SEPTEMBER 15TH & 20TH A large and attractive Stock of IDry Goods,, . . (,M,-;, Oil ClotJas and. Will be ready for the inspection of the In the meantime we will i! X1';. ' " A few Piece 50 cent Carpets will closed, out at 1-4 cents September .7 tf : PERSONALS. Rev. Benj. Robertson was iu the city the past week. ,r Ex-Mayor Fishblate is expected home on Sunday night next. Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar and family ar rived home, ron yesterday. The Raleigh Evening Visitor is a very pleasant visitor, and a lively one. Sheriff Manning will be heme soon to ihe gratification of his many friends. Messrs. Brown, & Roddick will more to their hew stand about the middle of next week. ' Mr. John A. Sutton, railway mail clerk on the C. C. Railroad, has been very sick, but is now. very rapidly im proving.! Maj. Charies hi. Stedman and family, will return from Europe about the 12th of October. Mr. Thos. W. Strange will return about tho same time. : 1 - Mr. Thos. E. Oilman of Onslow c6unty, was in the city several days last week looking iu splendid keeping. The grdcerying in Onslow a evidently good. ; Col. Thos. N. Cooper, the popular and efficient collector ol Internal, lie ve nue of the western district, has been in Washington for some days past ou offi cial business. - 1 ' Mr. John O ldenbuttle, has gone north to 'meet his wife who has been on a visit to Germany. He has entirely re furnished! his residence as a pleasant surprise to his wife. Capt. Eric Gabrielson has beeu en his vessel at Newport.' If any man can perform that pleasant duty haudsomely it is Capt. Gabrielson. I 1 ! j. l)r- Jonn J. Mott, chairman of the Republican state committee is still in Kentucky. The North Carolina Demo crats would be glad to have him to per manently ;locata out there. " , Will the Goldaboro Lidlclm inform its readers whether Messfr. EVE. Smith Geo. T. Wassom and James II. Robin son arc Republicans or Democrats? We happened to know that these' men all fav red Mr. Baker's appointment as Postmaster at! Dudley, N. C. :t I , . The Federal Ul(riet Coart. I 1 i The following jurors were drawn for th fall term of the U. S. District Court by Mr. W, H. Shaw, clerk of the same. Court meets on the' fifth Monday in October, tut jaiori will not be required to appear! until the second day of the term, Tuesday, October 30th. Duplin Counly-rA R Middletpn, Wells lipney, Lewis Herring, Friday j Hill. R M MiMiieton. W R Bell, J W. Drown, Irving Deaman. ! ''' - was. . 'ran lirunswica county j n uavrv, 1 J Mulforl. Joseph Stanaland, Robert McKcorie, Peter Rjurk, J-C Gribea, Geo W Swain, John McKentie. : New Hanover County Joe S Wil liam, Robert E Lee, Elvin Artl, Seth W Dsvisl R W Chadwick, Wa Mc Laurio, John li lexry, Alex HoeUer, John R Snellen. E J Lilly, jr, Thomas B Carr, E J Eagao, Wm A French, John T Piatt, J Weill, Loois NUoo, D M Smith, Chas Murphy. Phil PeaWl, J W AUemaa. T B Uppitt, John F Garrell, Daniel C Davis, B P Harrio, John W IVrdew, J H , Iarham, Saml G Northrop, Norwood GUea, James W Jacksoav E LUf, Lais P Davkn John M Cxi k, Aaron Kellocg. A H taca. The nriliah aleaxaer Weaiaedes, at th nppet Oxapeees whart, was yieUsti I by a larfe aaaaber of lhe carina osmrs oaSas4syla. !t at las. I beiae the Urreat Tewatl that ever 1 fla tlets' Laos port. I . ' '! ' ". I eaaaaaaaaeiiaaaaagaaat NEW . irEKTIllT Photographs, ;) . ; - . ji a 1 HAW aMm at teeaeee rs. Ceeftetg a-f4; a4 exa It. O a.ee yg tn.l..; : ee.eja. T.-e 4Hei ataaA - . H rawias 1 f'tlt ! 1 t J 1 I . !! t public. i 1 ... . . close out ODDS and ENDS at each bargains as will t : attract. - '..': . ','.; ' (--. .n per yara R. M. McINTlRK NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' Bids. gEALED PBOFOSAia WIXL BE RE ceived until 12 o'clock. October 1st. 1SS3. at Offioe for furnishing WLNTEK UNI FORMS tor the City Police Force. Mate rial to be of Gray Cloth-,TiarloltesvUle Woolen Mills, Style If o. i.f Suit to constat of back boat, doable breasted; Vest and Pants. .WoraunananJp and Trimmings lo be flntclass. City to furnish tjattons. i . . .i )'.-. 1 JOUJf L. DUDLEY. Kstpt2S-li J Chairman Com. on Police. "T STATE OF NORTH CAKOjMNA, 1 New IIanovkb co. Burauuoa Cocar-f Bkokk Cuuik or thk lurBiuB Ooost. Brook U. Emple, PlaluUff, vs. Mary Holmes, Edward B. Dudley, H. B. Colaoa avnd wife bailie- B. Colaon, and others. Defendants.; 1. IT being made to appear to my mtuiarf ,Mon that Edward B. Dudley and H. B. Co1ob and wife Bailie U. (Jul ho u are noo resldenl of thla male; and cannot, arter duo diligence, be found In thi Kiate, and that they are proper parties to UtU artlou, and have an lntereMt In property In thlx Ktate : Now those are to command Ihq aald Edward It. Dudley and B. B. Colaoa nndwlfo Hallie B. Colaon to appear at my oflic. In the city ot WllminKtou. on tlie 6lh day of pioTeniDer, a. 11. issi, at 10 o'clock in ue morning, and answer or demur to the com plaint, or Judgment will ;b rendered against them according to the relief de manded la ald com nlalnt. Ulven under my hand and leal of office this the lith day of Heptember, A. 1). lNvi. j B. VANAMKINCirC. Clerk Superior Court New Hanover Co. ; pi i-ow . . j 1 A Brilliant Scheme. . THE DISMAL SWAMP LQTTgRTj ? ' ' . OK j ' '."'! 1 Norfolk. Virginia, 25,000 T1CKKTS 356j PRIZES The lranthle of this enterprise U taard upon the harter of the Dismal Hwamp Canal Company. , The purpose in view U the "lmprova ment and extension" of that moat im portant connecting link of tlie inland watera of Virginia and North Carolina. The legality or the IxUry taita bcu (airly teavod and eatabtlahud before lhe cort. It . U the i , . MOST ATTRACTIVE SCHEME ever yet placed before the public, and an examination of the detailed plan w IU abow that II li far more tavorablo to tne ticket bolder thah any diner : of elanUar: cfear . acler. Capital prize $5,000. CUVSM A. TO BE 1KA W!t AT NORFOLK VA..U.V ThnriMlay, Xos. ''42ae1( tssi. J. B. Q0RB1CQ, Slamacri f MCHEMB: 1 I'llie of la., la. 1 do - , ! l.iMI :W , a ; an 3D 1 . . . io I i Vi I do I do do do do do do do do do 1 1 1 1 I s ti ! ia.. to la.,... la.. art- ar..f --lKi, aj I .- 14 xtrmii-iAtion raitaa i of. of. s of. JU9 A rrua. LXaUlbauag Si.w TLA Or TUE iJOTTilar. Plan ot UiUmtf atmliar to tfcai ot Lo'.S iaM Con pee y . Bee -irem;r. Tio KtrtOrljlrwti wlU W aae at Jtefca. Vtrgtai. eat TUURsDaT. xa s;or xov. mx arte i tbe rc aa-4 la fake aeae ear ea Uwa Tnirl fTbarlay erf eaxst teuaaK.ea aeaava. At-t)mUa ke ta raioa. mr $m ta&araa. tmm en Mf AXee Ii eila a. attew.ia 4aiaay enuea. ai4 a, auaeqr Wire a c of ertiver attaai II W al rat&ev tstaa y r. U. aaeary a-ten e rg leaerad MUera. - Mil aaa earra $m ti ee4 ag. ana fce m i t a-y te iywy. J. P. n nLZXQt, Jteta-i; Ve. t-y itrr Tom no.vcvm tioma i DOS T TAXE AKT 0X17 & WOlID. C0XS JLKD ESaUIJUa 12 ru03m xjuct. V 1 'f I' ... . 1 . t . .. ' . - - ,"-..'.' ' - l- - -' '"'"' ' . - ... '', -" I - '-' " ' ' " r .. . ' . - - -.. .-;':-" '.-- :"' -':;.'; :: v;r - "'-.;-;'r ; -. - ' .--'--'-' . '-'' ' .: -. - -'- -- - - - ;- t -- ' ' r ' - - r- -' ' - . ' ' ' ' ' '