""r .- -- ---::.,;. nv; at ;-sr.: -V- " ". :" -i :; I - , , . - . (- - "i ' - ' r.". I . i i THE WILMINiiTuN l'0:vr. Filming to y. Friday M6rni.no, Oct. l, k.6'.;.- Horse and Mule iiutJ. Sheriff.. Taylor, tt .:-J.ruiwick, w j j the "yvar path" aflr a utile ttml hory; ! thief, by the uuuie of V. V. .Swain. ! It Beema that he htole a Valuabhi huiac - . .. ,: c ,,, i Iroin Air. iavia i- wweri., vi umw. county, on the unrht oi uic uu on Oc tober, and a few daya ticce the b'atril!' receired papers for Swain'a arrest from a neighboring county in: fcrouth Uaic'i-. na.'The thief ?ot wfnd of the cfibi being made to capture him ai:J 11 n ally succeeded in eluding .'the ;iiil;i-iicc; df both hia urauera from Ijidcu :iud the sheriff's pesae in Briinawitk. At Liat accounts Tie waa making iu the Uirtc tion of Wilrjaington, and it ia btljevfcd he either passed through here or buLae quently changed hia course for l-Vj eLU ille or Bouth Carulina. . h- .vaiii - vvus tried in Bruuswick in 1875 fjr the luiir der of a negro man named Cobt,: ii ar V Phoenix1 P, ()., on tiio V (1 ruaJ, At was acquitted, and waa altoiwarda aeut to the penitentiary froui Nyw Jlaiiovtr . " for laceny. : . v TEL.uiiKAi'11 uiti:viTii;v. Chief Justice Coleridge "5-i viaitinsl Baltimore! IT The United StatT)t&i remc Court convened on Monday. Physieiaua of l'enaatola dtny thti . iatence of yellow fever in that cilvvt - A ifoUUO lire occurred in New Or leans Monday morning. In.-iufawo -$22,000. . V The visiting joiirnalistrf.. from tins state received ijuitc ' a') -ovation Boston. Thirty viitiui; miliLiry - compaVsioa' are expected to attend flu- tflati lair ;.t Richmond. Senator IvJruund i will rcigsi-.ai'piea-ident pro km. of tlry otratc wheu con gress ntedta. Greenlaw's Opera liouae aijd aviial business hougta in Mtmpiii.i wcie Jc Btroyed.by lire Turrrday itij'ltt. Lo.- about 170,000. - President Arthur spent la-.tSurid.Vy at liaritau, IS. J., aa tire gmt i Hee" retary Freliughuyseii."-". The .Washington ieom,. i'!.:! .; the number tri rrrales i-. i1h' hh who ciriuot write at j, 151, ll' t. Mary Dalyf aged li'i.-iv Lilln! .'. ! nighfasirrce by iallitrg .lo.-. fi .-.Uir''tit her residence in ' llrooklyirl . The 03J Hemi-atitirral eooli !vni .- ;i tho Mormon Churelr w.n hl I Lake City ou Saturday !a .i." 1 Malignant yellow It r .. oped at !JrewtoiiraVAl;i., (vo gomery and Mobile K;tilruii. . ; tiimou Macks Co., clotlifn facturera, s'ew Vork, ; t.( ' i'i vej ; :Mo,:t- uianu-.i.j-.nl. Tae .prefejroiiccs' aru lii- tr .;';ti,0tio A rumor is current that Sir Stattard Norlhcote had beyn shot and drrr- oudy wounded iu IieLntd 1 !: u:ui: r lacks coulirmatioir. A coltou lire occurred on hoard ! a steamer at Savannah Sun. by i:i-l:t. Tbo lire was trcckid alter j 0 balca had been dcatroyed. 1 u hiincuiml Itt'tit-ral .isivi i A i r. in session at Philadelphia, h.M -lepoi ud ' lavoraory on mo creairon oi ttivw diocese m North Carolina. Cotton returns ot the lU"pa:h;u'i,l ol Agriculture show that the Condition ei the. crop on the 1st of OcloWr,' wa? worse thau ou the 1st oltSepler'nl.r. The l'cuusjlvauij' State Koara of Agriculture is not i lied thru phuro pueumonia h:w appeared amoiig the cattle iu Lehigh county, m ul an ii;ve? tigatiouHias becu orJereii. The celebration oi" the bi-ecn'.enu'uil of the hrst Ueruun colony in thi couutry, at l'hiladelpliia, Took place throughout the United States M "i: day. At Pittsburg, tut? pni-cssu.'-was fifteen nnlea long. 7- ' r- .tlivv lo JIolbeiN. Arc you disturbed at night arid lru keu of Tour rest by a iek child satier ing and cryiug with pain of cutting teeth? If o, . send at once . and get-a bottle ofiMiw. Wrfri ov'.-? Soamuinu 6?YRur voKCiiii.pr.KxTirtuiNt;. Its yalue is iucAlculablo. It wul . leiieve the poor Utile xiiuorvr iriiintd:A'e!y. lVfud upon it, mothers, thcro i-. tui mistake about k. ; It cur dyscftury and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wiud - colic, s.!teiis the gums, mluces iutljyaaUoii, -5md gtVca lone and energy iSThe wlude y ,-' .tern. Mks. Wini.ov"s" Stui Syri'i roR Cunj'KKN Ti ut n t s.. i pUaaaut to 'he taste, anvl i? the pu Cfiptiou of one of the otdet and Li; tVmal pbysiei.us aud uuiaca in t!.e Unilnl State, and U fer a- . Vv ul drujrg it throughout tUo ot!'. ViW 5 cvuu a boutc. ly t4mleMHrM un Ihr Nnth C.ir- We arc iaforanx! tlut vv'...tt.'a. ! atTiTI w the Kalh lVr im lioe. il the CA'iiu'.ic of KoKxh; au I (X4umbubi kU lor the xU ntVn of the aalhvKfitif- li appear tUat l6e COBTeoirBCtf of ,Vcapr ifr.-. !!; t-f-der ba induced .renal nhisky ; ' i, ade nBoer i iatr'. the Urxlvj;!, otS'erioc lor a?e . hi?ky on i iv U neither federal in t tAte t bx Ivrn pid. , U uinl uu.creh vtria;- . , taBcet whisky i uvt dr juii to iu rauoo, but gawk-d iu gir ? .p-iauiuK becaue of the tecv4y r "'mikiu hay nte the aa v' Th.. -uu- of Hair ca!.iajitl'tr- wtf iv uu. : ia Je bkh tuUo1 ia 'tUe Atxih oX ooe aa and -'he twii wvi.t.i'. of aaotaer. The only di-trcoce beit& ct yrd z4to to a feact. " UUTJECTIVE'S EXPEUI- His Nue Ossiul Uudertnkirig and Kra-ie from uu luipcutl ; ing Fate. Luffafo, New York Actc. " - . ' . . .- -. . . - . .ami.'Y null .J (1 1 1 1 1 i,... . kLk i-,iit t, ;,Slo.v j:siif u Jhet-abtrHinall baud ol Klu, mbs have be4u fieeu deployed uboiit a house on Ferry street, iu liuf- re va noiniug hiw- c. i!J lU dre33 of appearance oi the run itldicate gj,. intention, but it was f?n liof lia.l tuminOSH 'of lDl-i 'Mia- b4tV portauce on hand Suddenly a man appeared at one of the windows, took iu ts e situation at a glance, and, swing ing himself outward with woliderful uUKkneaa, scaled to the roof the,house. Ihia man was Toui Ballard, the noto rious counterfeiter; and armed to the teeth and fully realizing his situation, Le deffed justice and the officials below him. Some , oi the officers, knowing the desperate character of the man, proposed! to shoot him until he was killed, but oue of themmber prompt iy .protested, I aad declared that if his brother officers would assist him to as cefcd he would cajtture the man alive Aceordiugiy he began the difficult and dangerous task, aud succeeded in briug iug las prisoner to the ground in safety The man who accomplished this task $Vas Mr. Thomas Curtin, the present superintendent of city police of Buffa lo, N. Y. Mr. Curtin ia a man who is known by every prominent detective and poli;man in America, and he tanda preeminently iuthe, front rank of hia profession Quiet and gentle manly in appearance and manners, he possesses a courage combined with marked physical powershat make him the terror of evil does arid the pride of U w-ubiding citizens. Few people can realize," however, the trials, exposures, and even privations, to which the mem bers oi every municipal police and lire department are exposed. Compelled to Le on duty at uncertain hours, sub ject to the most inclement weather, and often necessitated by the nature of g their duties to protracted undertakings they endure a nervous ana pnysicai .strain that, .is terrible. Such was the experience of" Mr. Curliu iu former dav; and it is not surprising that he i'.iULd himself suffering from a myste rious physical trouble. Iu relating his experience to a representative of this paper he said: !- . -."At times when I was on duty I v.X'tild hel an uuaccouutable weariness ;s. jl lack'oi euergy. My appetite was itlr'o uu certain and my head seemed dull and heavy. I did not fully uu-. dcrstand-.thesj&trjjuldes, but supposed, -must people suppose, that .1 was suf fering from ljiili'ria. 1 tried to throw oil' tho feeling' but it would not go. 1 th'Ud.t 1 miirht overcome it but found i -.vaa raitiikeir, aad I fiually became .i badly ell' that Jit was almost ltnpos c'ible to attend to my duties. I have kn. v, ii ;my imiiiber of men in the po lice and lire departments of thjs couu trv whor have been alllictcd as 1. was, I doubt, not there are to day huu d'ijels.sim'ilarJy troubled who, like my- .-,cl4 J:d not know the cauaeT br really wh.it :.il. . " Vour. prc;tnt appearance, MrvCur liu, does not hididate much physical dcbil'ity,',.s'akl thoyiu'er viewer as be l.ouked at tho 2-0 ypo'iuds of boue and um.ic'c-.-.tari4lii.ig nearly live feet elevcu iuches iri height before him ' . "O. in-: 'that i. altogether a thing ol tLe j.ut,'I Fiae eujjycd almost perfect i.j,u!i'u, ajiuough I now realize- that I wiT on the road to certain d -atu bv Uii: tl s di.-e ease i ot tne kiuueys aud traveling at :t veryapid pace. llovv uiCj you IK'UlO to TCCOTCI SO cotnj.Tetely''' -."That is just what I want to tell you, j'or I believe it may be of great 'service to many others iu my profession who may possibly hear of it. I began xhc ti-e ot a poj ularl remedy at the,.earn e solicitation ofa number of friends ia lliis eitv, and found it to- my great -j gratitieatioa thai: I began feeling bet ter. J nis lecling contiuued and I gained in strength and vigor until now 1 am perfectly well aud wholly thro' tiio '.instrumentality of Warner's Safe Cure,-which I believe to be the best medicino tor policemen, firemen, rail road men, ur any other class of people exposed lo dauger of a change of wea'.her, ever discovered. Since my recovery 1 U:tve recommerfded it every where, and never knew a case where it I failed either to eure or benefit. I would not ot? without it under any considera tion, and 1 am positive it is a wouder luUj vr.hiajb'e aud at the same time ' ei.tireiv lianuless remedy. Indeed, 1 see that lr. tiunn, dean of the United SiaWs Medical College of New York, speaks of it la the highest tera."j " So you experience little drthe',u'4jr' in the execution of your diHies now, .ir. t'ur'.in, do you?' 1 " , '.Soiic whatever. Our department w.ia nccr in better' condio-than at ln si ::t "V ' '- ' And Jo; you never have any fear of sumo of the'- desperadoes' whom"1 you have leen the means of bringing to i j-tici ."' ' . ) ; '.'Not iu the lea:. - Such meii do uot try.i.i retaliate, .partially because they havv not the 'courage, -- but oUener be-cau--;bev respect and otlicer who docs hi ;k:ky.:' 1 he oiiccuieu , hrcmen, letter carri r ..u.i otbei public employes iu this c: ';: .: v ii.;ve a particular trying life. When, ;hert i..re a simple,' aad pure teme'y thalcau restore aud suiaiu the t.eaUH 'ofaij such meu is fgund, it s'.i. uid be ciHsc tot great congratula ic-:, especially w;luu recommended by u. Is a w.ui :s Siipcrintciideut Thomas e 'uu ;n v i liu;U!o. : s-of the New York cite ie-ii r. t v : ,-sre tm.0: lo aj;ice ou j-finciplci.' Their princip'ei "are seTeo ir. ui.rutsr, xh: five loavc &ad io sj' : ht. Tamaiauy will hate the a v 1 svo and the cvunty lVmocracy re'fu.M-1 be jHit ulT with the Jilj litlie iJijbesw The di:Tereoce i Iboujrbt lo be Ifnct'.aJc. "Rim sU'.c of a'airs ba$ fuVaU'the- itHiWicaas in bb glee. .4'Miu!;f-,-.lw pper ha evolrel aa hvs .ecnrt" from ' author tialite uarU r.;' o 1 the eiT-t' that there a rt, it Kenuol brtweeb TiUr tU:viki. that lie "o:dtkkct V iha;i .U w ir aaj thai Joba Keri dhl jrr jvrt of ' .Taaiaiaay. Tbe ::.trae. M r har ta rrtat t, aa4 pi ih .-U ' ta iutut altca of lit Qjtitt. A IT. H. Consul Jlurdered Chas. Seyiuour. or Wisconsin, Killed iu Chiua-Tbef Work of Mob. London, October 7. The startling intelligence has just been received here from China, that Charles Seymour, the United Stau conaol at Canton, has been assawinatetJ. . The news from China is joflhe ra vest character. The population ot Canton has been in a furor. The popu lar turbulence baa been directed almost exclusively against foreigners; The immediate cause f the riots is dissat isfaction oveT the sentence imposed by the British consulate upon Tidewaiter ljogan. T , Logau w as placed ou trial September 2G, upon a charge ofTCaying been a ringleader"iu the'riota on the quay on September 10; and w ith having during the fight . drowned a Chinaman by throwing him into the river. The trouble began in a dispute between a Portugese and some Chinamen. The latter attacked, -the former in Buchr numbers that Logan interfered in his behalf aud in the contest threw'one of the natives overboard. This act re sulted in a riot, and the Chinese, who were greatly inflamed against all for eigners because of the French opera tion's in Tonquin, made a combined at tack upon tne European warehouses upon the wharf. Among the besieged were ten German - and five English merchants, who in the defence they made of their property fired; into the mob, killing five Chinamen. The Chinese military finally overcame the mob. - i On the 28th of September Logan was convicted of manslaughter in drown ing the heathen, and was sentenced to serve a term of seven: years' impri&oa ment at hard labor. ' The sentence, however, waa denounced by the China men as being too l'ght.' They wanted blood for blood aud demanded Logan's life. But no notice of the demand was taken by the British consulate, and the Cantonese have since been in a state of turmoil, vowing vengeance against all lorfiguers. Large bodies of soldiers have been called into requisition to de- icnd the forergners aud they property The mob daily increased, and the na tive soldiery learned lo sympathize with them. ; I be rioters even made de monstration;) against the native officials, Fresh troojwi aggravated the troubles, and the natives have at last broken over all restraiut. The American consuL isi not known tj have given any oTTence to the na tives, as be took no part iu anr of the recent demonstrations, but the Can toneMi are up against all. resident for eigu rs, ;tul h ia feared that the prejfe cnt riots will culminate in a war ot ex termination. No foreign nation has a naval rt prt s. ri'.ativo iu Canton ade quale-lo the protcctioii-of its interests or people i here, most ot the foreign men-of-war beimr at Huue? Koue. The Marquis Tseng said to-night he reared that the news about Itbe Fssassi nation, of Mr. Seymour wan true, and leared that the prolongation ot the UlS' pute ueuvceu Trance ana Uuiua was tending lo irill tme beyond control the war iteting in China, in which case it would be absolutely impossible for the Ioal authorities anywhere within the empire to sitTord .due protcctiou"to-the liven or property ot .foreign resident?. Avenger 0louueH.H loiinsel. CiiteAcio, October 7. Al a meetiDg of the Irislr Natioaalista last night committee reported that Senator Logan and the Chicago' 'congressmen will, at the request of their constituents, ask the Department ot State at YVasiiiotr ton to furnish a reputable counsel of this city, or resident iu the State of Illinois, with a letter to the American Legation in London. I his letter wil authorize the latter lo ask of the Brit ish authorities the courtesy of allowing counsel to appear tor U lauriell and particqiate in his defease, if OtDonnel should prove to be a bona fide Anieri can citizen aud should set up that ctaim. In cjuinuttee were instructed to communicate with Senator S. M Culioni and the congressmen of Illi uois not resident iu Chicago, and to ask them to co-operate with Senator Logau, Congressmen Dunham, Davis, Adams and Finerty. It was ordered that a cablegram be sent to lion. A. M Sullivan, O'Donuell's counsel in Lon don, to ascertaiu if Patrick O'Doonell be an American 'citizen.,.. The execu tive Committee which - had charge of thv Og leu IJrove picnic of August 5 decided t.i lorward the 3,-10 which ws e'eartd, to be used iu the defence of O lu!u;e!l. IncrettHiMl 1'onIhI FacililicK. ..WAsiiiMiroN, October G. With view to facilitating and hastening the delivery of mail matter in large cities the pi?stotlice department is gradually extending the system ol sorting yty mails in postal .cars which waa tried on a small scale with very satisfactory re- su'.Is some time since. Tbe plan is .to c!auy city mails as far a possible wbue in transit by dtstributiug the mailer in postal car under the heads ""lor postmasters, ' "fvr the general oiothce, lor lock boxes, Mlor bancs and banker," and for the severil met . . . . roH.)tuin ixvtiai utious, so that u saay be baRdIei with greater quick new and facil'ty when it reaches us destination. The systrai ws reevnily' tried no eral trairifi ruuuing ilo 1'biLaJelphia, ana tbe serv ue w so sts(Actory that the pvotAiaster of that city asked to bate bis mails -rtd oa all Uaiosk It is ibe intjention of the poUifice depart men: lo eventual It hive the nail mat ter 'cvl in this way oo railway trains 'or j'l irge cities in ibe country. The pKtery factory at ChaiUnen ga i certainly to be tnfi: tro Ohio aaea bating rrol lo sfce t ) of I'm UKt, ami the i;uetn will ra the bitaiw it f.;o, which i the aatoqat rtswirevi. : f ' i i f h ia crwp ia Uerria aaJ Fb- ,hlj he ibe W' ever ma b i Tbe barat are fitied w,Ul cn bkb'is tetUa at 10 lbltl? u bet. ! Have You Seen Them? i r Nor. T.VKK A tMiK ATOCKXEI tavi iMtM XvDyiAL a BOVOSX. WLurailfQTOIf B1ABKRTS. ' :" :"-" v October 4. -Spirits Tukpeu tibe The market opened quiet at 85 cents per gallon, with sale reported Of cv. casks at 66 cents. Later we hear of small sales at 35 cents, at which the market, closes. Rosin Market dull at ?l m for Strained and tl 17 J for Good Strained, with no sales to report. Tar The market was steady at f 1 bO pec bbl of ?S0 lb, .-frith sales at quota tions. Crude TurTentine The market was steady, with sales reported at $1 25 for Hard and f2 00, for Yellow Dip and Virgin. X vvrvia XCaivlraf Hnll wirh ma Lou rn . W4ivaiumav uwii vwa ov aw- ported of 40 bales on a basis of 10 1-16 ceata per IB ior Miqqiing. ineiouow log wera tbe official qnotatiooa : Ordinary.'- ' '713-16 eta tt Good Ordinary, 9 1-16 Low Uidillng, ,-911.16 Middllr , ; tlO : M6 Gcwdlllidling, 10 7-16 M II tl. M ( October 5. Spibits Tubpektihe The market opened firm at 55 cents per gallon, with sales reported of 200 casks at quo tations. Rosin Market dull at $1 12 for Strained and $1 17 for Good Strained, with no sales to report. Tar The market was; bm at f i bu per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales at quota tions, i CauDE TuBPENTiNiv-The market was steady, with sales reported at $ I 25 for Hard and f2 00 lor Yellow, uip and Virgin. ' Cottok Market nrm, witn sates re ported of 200 bales on a basis of 10 1 -1 6 cents for Middling. The following were the official quotations: Ordinary. - - 13 16 cts $ tb cts (i Good Ordinary . 9 1-16 Low Middling, T7J ll-lb Middling, " ' 10 1-16 Good Middling, 10 716 . October 0. Spirits Turpehtine. The martet oDOBed firm at 35 cents per gallon bid, and later we hear ot sales oi lov casks at quotations. Rosin. Market dull at $1 12 for Strained and $ 1 17 ior Good Strained, with no sales to report. TAR Market firm at 11 0 per bbl. oi 280 lbs, with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Markt steady, with sales reported at $L 23 for Hard and f2 00 for Yellow Dip and Virgin Later we hear of sales of 145 casks at $1 00 for Hard and fl 75 for Yellow Dip and Virgin. Cotton. Market steady, with sales reported of 800 bales on a basis, of 10J cents per lb. for Middling ami 152 do on private terms. The following were the official quotations: Ordinary, ' 7 15 16 cts ib tfood Ordinary, U " Low Middling, 9 13-1G " Middling, 10 " Good Middline. 102 " Octobers. Spirits Tubpentlm. -4 The mar ket opened firm at 35 centaper gallon with sales reported later oi 600 casks at 36 cents. Rosiir. The market waa dull at $1 121 for Strained and $1 171 for Good Strained." Small : sales reported at II 10 for Strained and fl 15 for Good Strained;" -4, i--- ,"! TAX The aiarkel was firm atil 80 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales at quota lions. CRTTDieTrTRPENTIN ilrVot atoody, with sales reported at fl 00 for Hard and $1 75 fox Yellow Dip- and Virgin, with sales at quotations. Cotton Market firm, with Isales re porUd of 300 bales on a basis of 10 3-16 cents for Middling. The following were the ofhcial quotations: Ordinary. ' 8 cts 'i? lb Good Ordinary 9 3-l Low Middling, 9 13-16 Middling, 10 316 Good MiddUcsr. 10 7-16 ii it ii ! October !. c3rjRiT8 TUKPEKTian, The market opened strong at 36 cents per gallon, with Bales reported later of 150 casks at quotations. RoeiN Market firm at f 1 10 for Strained, aad $1 15 for Good Httained, with sales reported of 1,000 bbls Good Strained at quotations. Tar The market was firm at $1 SO per bbl of 280 lb, with sales at quotations. Cacos TtrRPKJfTiss The market was steady, with sales reported at $1 00 for Hard and $1 75 for Yellow Dip and Virgin. . ' Cotton Market firm, with, sales reported of 250 bales on a batis of 1"! cents per lb for Middling. The follow ing were the official quotations: Ordinary, S MG cl ? Ir Good Ordinary, il Low Middling, li " " Middling, ' 10 " " tJoini Middlinr. 10J -. ! October 10. brmiTs TuapEJtTia4. The market epenrd steady at S6J cents per gullwn, with sales reported later offlOO cks at qootatioiw. . Kosis The inarket was firm at f I 10 for .Strained and tl 15 for GoodSualnedwith snail sales at quo tations. ' Tab. Mazkct firm at II SO per bbl of ZSO lbs, with sale a anoU' ioo.. Cat7DBTcajcXTlxr-Alarket ady, with sales reported al f 1 O0 for Hard aad 11 75 ior Yellow Dip and Virgin, With ak at quotation. -; CoTTF.---Market fi.ai, witk eales reported ef 375 bale va a bw of 101 ceaU fH Middttag. The following were tae official qootauoas: Oritnary, Low Middling , "ood Middliar 10 " 104 W E W A fi T " Jiffi r ' : ': "i 's - OXKORTWORXliABLE,lXtiTKKC- tv asxL otrm potclar booca. Olkt Ur al wkmmmm cr a. ex I w fca j . U ml A ssTt-tJ Dl D CH VXVX TKI ta lem y iwnit av. r. Mumin X, ADVERTISE UENTS. "ffi ' "' jl CP!VrTVE FAC-gmiLE-Prointawt L-. -, ALL while on a black gruad. !are of dealrra rrho allempt ia palm off :-HTATIO.bl'HTrrL;T10. orWORTll KHM goods which yieU them a LARGER -"KOrlr. Nunc are cuic wiehout the C". S A F E; m It. II. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N.Y. may 6 If. OPUOTDI T MrW women kuow ere ODllljl DLjJ lUIiW this iliiitol" tbo many diseases aud UeraugemeuU, of the body each lias a separate cause or origia, ana that each lieedsa dillercnt method of treat ment lu order to-ell'ect a cure, and amo uieut's reiyetiou ruust convince that any of the nuatk nostrums foisted upon the public clainiini; to cure all of a number tf d-iametriciy diuerem uistues muse prove laliurt's, even if we donot call them hum bufrs. - - DhflT) PrnPl V and people of moderate rUUIl luUr LIl means, hud even people well U do or wealthy ilmt that the enor-. inous charges ol practising physiciaus are a serious burden to llieni, ami also find that afler paying themselvits poor that no bene lit lias accrued to tliuni, that lu fact they havftlhrown their money away. To over come these evils we oiler Wheeler's Ho. 'M Sure Kemedies to t he sick aud sullerinj; one Kemedy for each disease, without for a mo ment claiming that one remedy will cure any other disease than the one claimed for it, aud as these -rtmedies have stood the test of vears without a siuulc failure, we ltreeto lefund the money paid in every luf tauce where a cure is not positively ei fected. The remedies are entirely vegeta ble, can do no harm, ;u:d will lMjsitiveiy cure every disease for which they are pre scribed. -. DUriTU li TTOlf liuat, Iimeuess of IlllLUlIlllllOlU. .loiuls, JSciatiea and Teuralgia are relieved al mice aud posi tively cured by the use of Wheeler's No. IHJ Rheumatic Kemedy. Wewy boldly thaW In the worst of eases ol no matter how lonjf standiDg, how serious or how paiuiul, we can not only give relief birr, positively cure for all time, r ailing todo ihis we will posi. lively refund the money paid for the treat ment, and if your suileniigs are uot posi tively slopped lor all tune you have not throwu your money away as yon would ou any othsr than thess guaranteed remedies. The price of WlieeU r's 'n.. 'f Ktieuinatie llemedy is only cents, obtuiuable tiuiu druggists or sent fiec fy mail on leetipt ol price. Stan'ps la1 - i. j . ' . f SUFFERING WOMEN1, uatuic wr.h.a prelly race, oeuuiiil llgure, faultless euihplexion, as weil as the Bwvel est of tempera iiud l.iiniU-ss 1110111. il quali ties grown prematurely oid. gmy and wiiu kled, her fiiria loses its p.-rlevi cjuiour. Uie compleiiou bi-tsontes siiuv.-, tiie brightuess leaves the eye, a ltelui; il iaiigimr takes the place of the euce .buoyant spirits, an irritable nervous iraetiUMitss makes life a burden, things that once were trlilei worry her till -Hie becomes unbeaiablc. All this being caused by the physical derangviueuls so common to women, which the inmate modesty of lVmi.iine u a !'.;. e vv events their maK iuejkiiowc, simoi w nirrf me ignoqame of the medical pio!esio!i .leveu ls a e-ure. llidy Keade,r, pause and cjussUcr, 'tis a dntv. you owe yourself, your taniily and your God, thAl you should cure yourself of these troubles iidd once more fed the glow ol perfect healt'u and spirUs that nature in tended for you, Wneelei's No. tfo l'rescli tious are jileasaut aud palatable 10 take, contain nothing ofan iiijurious iiuture.aud may be taken by al; ages at all times and In all conditions without possibility of 111 effect, autl Wiil positively cure uy of the peculiar diseaf lo which females are subject- Failing to priKiUt-e u perlcct cure, the prorlelors will refund tike money paid lor the treatment, li yoiijiavo u sallow com plexion, constant orjiiitcrimuaut head aches, backaches rt strej ess, lofs of ape tite, suppressiatis oi '.moiithly Mow, or ir recBlafiit'eR thereoi accompanied by h pan aches, nervousness, hyste'ies and similar pyiuptoms. Wheeler's No.. ii Prescription "B" will positively' 'restore! !ou to heHllh. If you have a h-u- ttton o: (i.eat aud throb bing In the back. iit'iU-.-nt tainting sells, Leucorrhea or" white UiM-hargt painiul or sealdiug sensatiou iu urinating, leddmli or white deposit In urine, hot aud dry skin, W).f,-lpi- No. W I'leserintlon "t." will give immediate and lasting rehei. The price ef Wheeler's No. 1 test r; it ions "li and V are 50 cents each, ohtaitiable-irom'druggisU or sent by mail, secure from observation post paid ou receipt of price. Postage slamis taken. PIT 1 DDU !t ' !u a'Sf to "tscriit the ll fi I AuUlliSJ li'l'l"'"' ol this nauseous di sease thai is sapping the life and strength of only too niauy ot tho fairest aud best of both exe, old add young, fullering alike from the jhmkuuous dripping hi ihe Jiroot, the poisonous nasal dldia"rges, Ihc'Ictid hreathaud central weakue-, debility and languor, aiue fmiu the aciite suilcnugi uf llil dlsea-e. wii.cn li no; enecneaeau only nd lu loss of palate, ko;ir -encs, weakened sight, loss oi mvmory, ueafuc and pre maturo death If not checked belore It is Uo late: Labor, study and fcVe.-.rch iu Auie-t li'n. Kurope and l-rvteru lands have rc- suluM lu ve"heler's No. l. rut.mt iU-n. f and Sure I'ure lor e ! irru,a rt-iutily which contain oo hariufut ngryiuau, and tut li guaranteed to cure t-ery. e.e of acute or chronic catarrh oi iifoi.ey relun.b-d. Whei-Ier'x No. . .luxtai:; fiHf aud farr Cure for t"tarrh will eure wry c-ic ol ca tarrh, hay lever or a:nu.a. price fl.w n r package, from Jrugsisl1 vr sent by lualL oal ad on receipt of prJic-; WhelT's Jlo.' !urc t wrr :pr Kidnty aod IjTer Trouble arts ...i Hi.kue aud on-o" of kiJuejs. Mi llwuum alien u kid- uey ior liver, price Wheelers sgcl I in' are the tnjly remedy IUt cure o-ult.paiiOii. cving na- lurai a io ot l.e nmm ii!Mit pivl-- loc. rurstw:. aiipit,- r pun. l'rice Z ceutA. of drujts.su or -y tiii. Wber-Jer's cr-itic.io4iic h,r ii.r. ul de- fRiUiIB. ic o siuiiii -J. taasr, tr no or ott-f lax (ivu i ! hv tri i tu uaHl. pr otu:. . m M . V. - . . n . . . P till 1 U 1 V T I I ' r ;u v-rj rJJ Pid- dM at . lit: i-i --rm J ihi lakr. llic tu.. ajsd lnttlbe trKsic wits nnf n.ro wii'i ri!ij;f vitUcmi eStit me ii-p;ft. ll.nt jAjr.? jr i , ibi BOW TO GET A! Kir U M. 11 MIT jut -Hf fcLIM.Ki;. HI. WISE: a-.rca L. (4. b y -. u i:rwM uf wail i-c s.t O'rs rs-Ma ia y. a f -st rp -a imt.i wws, ...- tt.. urn sa-J-tft..-a. -?V4ri tt--m uti art imaatJ a Ouw txt; yt. NEW ADVEE72SEMENTS. Ward's White Lily Soap FOB Laundry aftd Toilet Use. IT DOES AWAY WITH j'. WASHBOAEd'SAND BOILERS AND CONTAINS NO ROSIN TO TURN i THE FABRIC YELLOW. . y . IT CAN BE t SED EITIICK IN : ,s -I . HOT OR COLD WATER . . . ' j, It sares fuel, time and labor, and ia recommended and endorsed by seme of the leading Chemists in th country. For sale by ADRIAN A VOLEERS, Wholesale Agents. Uec. 17 iy REST: not. me is sweepine by, to and' dare before you die, somelhlns mlfchly and sublime leave be hind to conquer rlme."Wj a week In your iwu town. $ outfit tree. No risk. Kvery- iinug new. Capllal not required. ewill furnish you everything.! Many are nutktng fortuues. Ladiea make, as much as men, aud boys and Rirls make sreat py. ltead er. if you want, bnslnes at which you ran Jtiake treat par all the time, write for par- ticuiars to 11. Ha mm A Co., lortland. Matue. . "j Y "5 M TO ! t e Srsr - r a 3 -r-- S - D. A. SMITH, The Latest And Handsomest Sl)les, PDRNITDRE ALWAYS ON-HAND. SALES HOdMS & MANUFACTORY MO. 41 RURTU FKOJfT i HTREKT $72 a iibi HIMla- r im ra4M. ljhal a " ya. Mem. Vt;y av-xt - mmi HtlM -- Mta-Airau, rtt "fi3lr'J 1 m itZilxj, mm ' i ,.-, . af J ini r-, : S o - I ' -1 ": 2iJ sSi sajliUrtiOssii' NJS W AD VERUaMEN73. LS TORPID liOWELS. DISORDERED LSVER ancS MALARIA. Front theA) somcea ari.' iut v t.mrtl,., the dlsonJHw of tho Luun-i n c nfLz aymptonij rndicato lbe.rctc-w i-lr!? ApaUt, Uawch vtxllir. H:k HmX! eke, rlliiut niter- ni)ti, avrrataWi iwtlea of Imdjr tne il:vl, J :rut Aat T- ef fod Irritability mt Unfncr7iNl!5 plrite, A fcarlU -ra;lAT. msilqty, IHzAluet - lDiU.rlBeatii.T - re Urine, W.K.vmATI, L ftj Stand Um tuo or :vretiuMly mis dhwitiT ontheUrer. A:i14rer meitielim TWTTa I1LLS havmio vjunl. v Their octlon oa Uw, Kblney.i ami. Skin hi aim timinot; re.niOTW ail lmpurltlrta through tfice thr atai; Mfra of tho ylm," producing pr tite.soniil rthrosUon, re jrnlur stools, cjT, klaajHlaTlKuroaabudy. TCTTS t jt enno no nnusva or griping nor IdImm? with dally work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. tie rrrr.rj like a hk.w mas. I hnvo had in-srwpsla, with ConaUra. t lon, two yoara, and havo tried tea nttTereat kinds of pills, and TCTTS an the flr that havo dooo mo ruiy rjotxl. Tliey hare cleaned tna out nicely. My appetite U Kplendiil, fixxl dhrcsta tvadily, and I now havo natural pastures. I feel like a new ' man," W.l. KUWARlSr Palmyra, O. Bold errtyhprf. age. tffic-,t Murray 8UJ.T. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grat Haik on AViiisKKRa clutnired In etantly to a Ulokst Ulack bv a atngle an. plication of this Utk. hold bv Drufixlau. or sent by express on receipt of 91. Oflloe, 4 Murray Street, New York.- TIU'S MANBAL0F USEFUL BECUPTl FIEE august 3 ly - THE SEASHOKE HOTELBRUNSWIuZ.) HVIirilViLEE, s.v. SEASIDli HOTEL ! WUlLiUTNVILLt:. N. B. L. PERRY,.- Proprietor. 'I'llr.F. TWO s'l'M M 1 H KlUUlH WILL JL be open MUM I A Y. MAY The Hotel ltruuHwltk, t Hmllhvllle. 11 aiuiltd below WllmlDKton, and acceMllilt by two Bist-elaM sleamcr. iuilli( l trlp daily. Tlier'vfsld HnUI l llu.led lu a lath Kioveon Wiubtsvl'le ISound; l iompid olcoltars lor ljtiiiie,ud wilhIB T-nuIr ot WllMUhgtou. at Ibe head a line sdirl! Itoad.'he bt 1.1 In th t-H-ulht i it muiili 130 1 11 'UOI'KLK IN KULh.VItW Ub 1HK OC'F.AN. Js k! surl and 1.I1II water buibm , Kvtty vailtly oi hob, aud .abundant of ' 1 Oysters, t'lanikru'l Ctabs. . 1 Hpaetou li4j"n . wiii nfc.luu l. rf Munlc. To pin Allryo, Ihilurdu an 1 Trrm hUdc Mr-. may Zt-ii " Valuable Lauds for Sale j wiijLorrtii r t t. t t a rtrT; Jt r , t-e ':ea tML Sa a-m l m tii. -.a4 m '- !'. aa fe.t fWvmm Umm t Jtf4)KlM V.t .kk.M - esu ' WMatttlai ! t-n.v. T aetaxf ami wt tit i4 1 . arary. ik.rf va. fc. ' - ', aeaar lieett faisK raita. mt. a ' ' aammt a md.pm, wa ' narf amy m mAm t km) Hm m bmM a toiiw k' lu4 I tM tat mt'etem , l uUU er mJkUt ek ati i.-k. w.aa. 13 eaiA tlav. at nutt.t w t: fji- ;:-. m u wu n -f vrrua w a a w mm a art. Av L aaJK. U4 1 I Tiie 11 Hal it V i. i

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