- 1 '-mi VOLUMK XVT WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9, ISS3. Single Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 48. JS-- J .. ! i J - 11 . t 8nr l tl little -iai;..Y .1,, "ii,i,i,r .lu'rfr0 - i - . I4. dm 1 I no es lr. iii r. . mi .1 p-1 it,. In ajv. 1 ; rnci. h r iN(rroNro8T o Wilmlng- liter o, i 1.:., ----tr-- N.jiil'i.iri; N Kisi,,! . .lUti'1, , ...u;ir-- r 1 1 1 i ; i ( si r li'ir Ml! . : ,,l tivenl Jiv.i' .-in ..,a,lliti'PHl insertion. n5Wriisem'ws will be charge! 'JJ.Iwve rat" except oh -special Theubscription pride to The WlL u.sotoV Post is I2W Ier year; six All commumcltion on business ..belrwHedto Iue Wilming-' k post; Wilmington, N. C. " -l-he'yaiBcrtie,njonty in New jery ns been reduced. Miasfssippi, the negro-killing Btate, remiios solid for the shot-gun and the bowieknile- t m ' iifcsHchusetls, thank God, is against BMciiDg the negroes of the south. It bail"1 given. 30,000 Republican majoruy. ; m , H(KRI FOIt. XUBUASKA. Agnio t'u5 dear old Nebraska comes invj line for law, .order and the Union bj fifing :',0W lpublica" majority. XEH VOKK. fcih branches of Tthe legislature of St York have been again captured br the Republicans. Por Cleveland's dueomf.rt will be vory great. Maryland came very near being re- deemed by (he .-Union, lav and order j; candidate-!, and it will be in 1881. The 1 good people, of that state are tired of 1 the orriiptionif their servants. It is to- lay the most corrupt state in the ' Uuiim. ; ; 1 X M. ft " 11 A CIt K. 'The S'(-'Fa"- its rooster up crowing over the nerj massacre at Danville, ' V. That paper is known as a conser vative organ and pretends to be in favur of a lair vole and count, and ytt ftknowUbat had it not been for the wanton ma.'nacre; of negroes at Dan ville, the state would - have gone very largely fur the readjuater ticket Sikamkk John Dawson, November 7tb, 1883. The lait whrill whistle of" the Bteatner -arl an bete Uuy come, pell mell ill ronfuMon. 1jVi life everywhere, the l.y and siulhful loret to "trim tbei, lamps," aud wJ'f n the emergency couifs are to:i far away to confront it, thougli they knew the cteamer would hive at a certain designated moment, fur with her "faithful Captain, Col vin, he never varies. Vbt thev are behind. While the energetic and prompt are uUut duposed to complain of a loss It of time, from (lie detention occa- B until by the stopping at the sundry Uudin;8 for freigln, a'we come along Wilmingtoowari tr'ueh w life; complaint is a standing . dh for ihe human family, and motj vuncioiH do many of them indulge inj it. We have had some little experi fnie and .opportunity to learn some Iuiiik of hiiiiian naturf, and we have ver fuiind that the most exacting and : tJiuen, abroad, are those who have the ? J"er resources and UlpSsings when at ! Tlpy expert as much done for . '.... .:. J. ' . ... ' . "7;uve ttnn tj the more uocra tKi gnerous would f ir as many dol- 'r. They UoUl the nrcVle'isd close te taeireje at to hide the dollar iu the usance. .Bui then this is all, right; Mi'iit it where nould be'thal vanity nii li cousutute Hie ."pice of lift?" Mr - Miior, is a lovely day u.ture barmouiiui; ylUl ad pro C'auu.iu theSuiiniie;attribntPa ofUJod The foret bMri,lg au ia vet((ct mi.iu with the scMon, demonratea: ntP Aanlf however improvident M may be, eack naxvti will claim and t in own, the tebfe ed'orU of puny ' antrry, notwithstanding D9 voice ot pn erastination, the f- "U'UDy vMo nbnj, is only heard - op uying i m, whoK cries !above llinathl roar of the awful cataract too W for Irieadship'a hand to rc,1 him. I he only true philosophy w aeu? upon nd utilite the pacing me luuire may neter cvrne to f t of ibi; we will futorp. ' v . say more in ...way w Mhe day for the meet c - oi -tap Urd of county commit "m 'a pepder, aad as we had heard uch Mid tVui the loos way in "c.iftey did busioes." we felt iome accordinclr went - .u1 i thai the only wonder to ui they ever do anyt&iag right. och coafuaionchaoa confoao fwhl not more fully diwrgaaite PHpei matter. There the poor t, fully .wallowed up ap ob ".'Tr" lh naogry crowJ who, like around a lreh carets, were I 20,000 MAJORITY ! Pennsylvania redeemed! Last year 40,000 Democratic.' This year 20,000 Republican. Hurrah for Tennsylva- nia ! This insures it next year for a Republican Presulent by'100K)0 ma jority. The negro massacre at Danville helped to do it. pressing tneir bills witn a greediness that argued great want and very lRtld repard for the opinions of that august body the jrreat custodiaus of the peo- ple'a interest. You would have been amazed to haye seen men who have so oner charged the Republicans with a ack of order and propriety in every thinirj oblivious of cverv landmark of ommon pro priety, anu even decency..' I IS ever did we expect to see the proud Democracy so wrped and twisted .by pecuniary considerations. I (.dots seem to us that for the standing and charac teF of the dear little county, the boad should put a stop to all such scents, Let men approach them one afa time, and then away from their table or pc sition; far enough, at leatL, for thtm to be seen and recognized nd rtsitcted as business men in authority. Who respects a body of men who will allow themselves to jbe treated thu? Person ally I. believe them to be gentlemen who intend and wish to do 'right; but it is imoosible to do business" satisfac- torily, intelligently aud succfsafuTly, tin . - . -. I without a cnan-e. vny, sir, wne.i tney were tHBvying ine ju-y .or c- .. , . i . -. r .1-. l- cember .Superior Court, you eou.d bear the ouiM.ters as a Darae wa? drawn out procla.ru Uiut mat is a goou man; ue is all riiriii; ne win uo. uu: neavea.ue liver us from the futulure, un'ess the nrerenl is changed. Ve are f r ordey, I and the highest respect. to be laid to thoss in authority Resptc'.fulJy, VlSKEx. ' . : ' . uity Items. fcsday The r jlored llreroe i paraded oa 'l u afternoon and jirac.tlced with ttielr ratus ou Market street, T ' - appa- An unusually lare attendunce of du'u- iral.es Is exnected at the auDroaehinK s-cfesion of the Preshyterian'Synod in this city Dr. W. Ci-'MurDliv. of render, went on the boat ou Tuesday last to the raj cue- ville futr. taklnsr Willi hiiu his t wo tiehtnti ful dapple srays for exhlwlibu. sea'taau naiuei Su3. : Carjt" niuililve of Antigua. West ludies. vas drowuetl on k,.l,.i-.. r Albert 11, WfiU'. h 1 OtT Haltcras on ttie;4tUof October. f Mr. Jacob S. Allen, ot lialelgli, is gettlug a renuiuou s ovuuj ",",v', ... .......! t. u.i.h.11, .... ! nt Mnnn't llolfv church. Ponder county, on Sunday last. The Norwegian baniuo Kmbla, which .l.-nm-J from this tnrt for Autweri on Tuesday, tukts out C.USt casks.splrlts tur- l.'llllllP Vll I ucd nt f 11 .70ii. M e s i i. L U. MuictfTson Co. were tho hhlppeis On Monday ulijht last the ' fllowlnj; del-' tjiuea were appointed lo rbpreent the Klr.t Aiii-ti.st church in llio impusibiaie Conveutlou. whlcWiU neia in caicd Ion on tliellth: Kev. Dr.T. 11. Prilchard and Mosra. W. P. Oldham. Jas. . a.oiiina. U), li. rirum.j. .aj.v. , . - . i vir T.,.i.r i h vima w I. Uoreaud H. L.Gore N i " Th Wilailti Ktou tox Club haJ lively chase ouTiiOidfy tuoriitus, latliH iroiu 3.30 a. m. to 10 oc ook, enmns I'V-mc io tftklrn; refUiit lu a tree, where he cap u-iii.nt liavlnir i-ct-clved MTlatfll. ii'p win te turusd itMsoii the nihtiof the full inoou. when a'u ' excltlns ruu is ex- pccteil. lu which a buwwt.w. '"u'w" " . . . . iii i prouau.yt1. ' r Mr. James M. Wlbrook. a wen I . a 1. vn(lwn uj ireuiav uearicti ituun tliril At hiA home at LJUU T - l Rx-ky Point, otr Monday mornioglast ol Ptieu moo iay. aged ouly 3l yeara Deceased had many warm frieuds in Wilmington." lour children lis leaves a wile anu Th- funeral took place Tuesday' morning The Sew Uleewe. St. Jam?' Cnurcli appoinU lhe,jol - lowing delegates to the tonvenuon. u. tbe new Uioc wncu . bero, IKSN lam: . ..... i Delegates: ir. a. j. ; v .a V l .1) -a. I Uurr ana . a f . II V T1 PIkklea and Wm. Calder. Alternate. Ii- Calder, J U Boal- rieht. Lr Thomas F Wood and J as C Muoda. . -; ' :t sr. Mini. lVdrmteaBO O SJonrood, Job a li Davia, Henry D Sam peon, Samuel Reid. , Alternates J oaeph " D. Sampo, William Stewart, John Nixob, yalen M IIowe CONNECTICUT 10,000 HI JORITY. Last year the state of Connecticut went 5,000 Democratic This year it I has gone 10,060 Republican. If the I whites of Virginia had massacred a I few more negroes, there would have I oeeu no iemocrauc votes t m m ine north. . I S I We have no hesitation in saying that Col. R- R- Bridgers and Captain John F. Divine are two of the best railroad it.-. men in the country Trumps are getting quite plentiful about town. Ciiy Surveyor Fremont has his office i the City Court room C. H. Weasell's new store at the, foot of Mulberry street is a handsome build ing- The ringing ot cow bells and the I . . . - Orinir of uistols should be strictly for- I uiuucu u,iue sueeia, ' The funeral of the late Jas. M. West- brook was preached at Rocky Point on Monday lasi by Rev. F. H. Wood of this city. J A colored man named Henry Jewett was drowued off a flat at Market dock on Thursday uight last. He belonged at Town Creek, Brunswick county, and was about Jb cr iqjears old - : ! .-f. ; H Mannin colonel K. R - . B .Qk 0o, p w .Foater Mr j,;. H. ,, unPrt ;n Pender tolinty OI1 a hunting frolic. M . , i , , 4 amuel Adams, a J. S. prisoner, un der se'ntence of six month imprison - mer.t for selling liquor and tobacco without a liceusf, was discharged from I... . . . . . . . . jail in this city on t riaay last, nis term hiving expired. Col.. U, B. Short, of Columbus coun- ly wai in tbe city 9P yesterday look- I . -J I I 'Pt. il..l ! 1 U-.l t V.a i ing wen. i,ue v,J"i1"c kuc nsme of his office chauued from Flem- ington to Lake Waccamaw, after the b3autiful Lake at that place. ,er.irra7lo7; of Brunswick, ha, seen a letter from Yi. H, Swaim, the party charged with stealing a fine bay horse 'from , Mr. ..'David Flowers, of Bladeu ct-uuty, and a mule from some one in South Carolina. The letter was to bis sister aud was mailed atSJaueh- terville, Ueorgia. Sui-itntl AHiHiant Kncineer -JK. P. i ... . , , . . . .i j ,u I HtOOCr UBS OBCU liruercu lu luo vuui mand of tbe steam lauucU Uiscover at Savauuah. Mr. Webber has been tem . tuirar lv attached to lh Revenue Cut- tr C.llax oil tnis staiioa. I'lle will go to Savauuah as soou'aa his successor (Mr. Ribitisou) arrives. The name of the postofDce at Sriog- er a lurnout nas oeeu vuaui(trM w rr 1. 1 I . I I caoiaw. So there are two oftices in Co lumbus county the names of which are ; . . ... .. lake Wacca nysy - lit , . . .l f l ii I maw wnicn is at ine nae, auu wi. Short's otticf, the other callci Wacca maw at Capt. J. H. Springer's office. :OicrH IIour. Phe1 i-erfurinance last niahi at the Opera. House was exceedingly poor, I . , r4wT concerns ought not be al- lowed to rent our beauium ioeaire, 1 ii-l;,'u1u. tn f.l tki, r-onla. lb leasee ougnv m giTo " """"a"" I a . . . i i oeuer iiorwuvr ljv. Dr. Prilchard, the new paHor of the First Baptist church, arrived . Sitiintm niifht last, and waa UilV VM - - ' ' ! itL a ih deiv.ti by a number of ihe members of the church, woo gave mm . a tr a warm welcome. I In tnouay oe preached two admirable srmon.WBich lu.ened to by Urge audwncea. 1 H f4miirhasot yet arrived, and in meinlime htf u lbe gQo4 ot u Geo, R. French. 5r- 1 .. ,,.. c. ta.Lnt MP 1 nitt I V ii bj I ua. SJ71 avn mr ' " " J , 1 rtl in t ulua PIUU WWrifaa t-- . - , I. ..... r aociaent rnw ws- if- knocked down or the fallinr of a bale of cotton against his;, .k- .jhw iaa' fall upob kirn, UVts IVIVV - " anml inlftti nfBttttciioaa cos Tu bat finally came to hisMeU, it was found tkat be waa k41j . rrkt- vi- arm Ki do boa, were broke., Hi many frieov'a are gtau to a now that be eiaped UgbU,. j - '" :: - 1 -. ' SE.XT TOES 25,004 HLAJOBIT Y Lut year New York west 196,000 Democratic majority. This year It has rone 25.000 EepubQcan maiority Three rooaing cheers for New York. Let the roostera crow. Jhe negro maa- sacra at t)iwvillf Vshmrl tn An it. In the case ol 6. W. Davis r. Nor- weirian Barane Ganirer Rnlf. for libel. whlch WM trfed before the W. S. Di- a , q ---1 j lrict (jort last week, judgment was rendered in fayor of the plaintiff for $439.50, the vessel being responsible for the casts. Jerre Lamiere, convicted of embez zlement and sentenced to four years in 8tata penitentiary: but who appealed to ine supreme lourt, nas just naa me case decided against him before the higher tribunal; after nearly a year of patient waiting. If he.had not appeal- II. I 1 tl At ea ne wouia now onij nave mreo jera before Inm nu r:.:w n lue uriiisa umjuo vjikjub nunu cleared from this port on baturday last took out 1,110 bales of cotton, valued at $52,000, and the Norwegian Barque Kepha, which . eleared the same day, took out 1,800 bales of cotton, valued at $86,000, a toUl of $138,000. The shipments in both cases were made by Messrs A. gprunt & Son, the former to Liverpool and the latter to Bremen, Germany. . At a meeting of Mexican Veterans, held at the office ol Col. J. L. Cant- well, on Wednesday night Javt, Col. S; Ls Freemont was elected President and Ji O. Lumsden Secretary. The Secre tary was authorized to issue certificates 1 to such members as may desire to at I tend the national re-union of veterans at Washington in December, and it was 1 :. ... urged that as many as pos Bible avail themselves of the privilege. Re7. f. W. E. Peschau. of St. Paul's jL,utheran dhurch of this city, left I . . . I I .1 I ltaursday evening ipr ajonooru, id tuia gtatg where he isto officiate as one of I tne Spe4keirs in the celebration of the I birth ol Martin Luther, the author of f the Reformation which takes place there to-morrow. On Monday evening Rev. Mr. Peschau lectures at Charlotte for the benefit of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, his subject being the 'Ceme tery of the Sea." A cotton ore at Teach ey's Depot, on tbe W. A W. Railrokd, on Friday morning last, caused a big excitement Nioe bales were badly damaged, and I me wareuouse, m miu aumc pu i . . j.-. i was storeo, came near oeing aesiroyeu. A school was in session near the scene of the lie, under Mr. p.qgald. McMl Ian, &.nd le childifjtf all worked like veteran firemen in "toting" water in buckets, pitchers, etc.. autl,, citiajr it in the bandi of Ue men. who threw it F on the Are. Haverljr's Hiatrels. This splendid troupe was here aa Friday last, and no Uetter minstrel company ever . exhibited at the Opera House in this city with but few ex ceptions- Tbe house was the largest, with but one exception, sioca the war; at least 1200 people being present- Mr. James H. Brown, of Qua city, u trT-lin with tha coeapanv. and takes rt 0j; lhe JVinceaaf Ma dag as car, and the uousually large attendance at the Opera House waa owing U his popularity in his old home; at least two-thirds of the audieaoe waa there to se Jimmie. We vua aim ana Haverly sacceaa.' Sooae two weeks 'ago Captain L. N. Siodder was ordered to convey the Rev one Steamer Di. of SAvannaa, t Xew York. They arrived in New Yr latt Sunday mornieg, a week ago, and oa Friday Baomiag Ue OoUax UA ta Sew York dock lor Wilmington and I ararhnnd off market dock ia lki city. I ' .aki the ulp in k- tnan fifty bow. I m I !A,r u M of tBa i - - uve an crvi.g - .y eter see, and (torn wk4 t cab ieara ol him time h o betlet worker ia the orp-it. aiU ntke rtnt a wiU be eauarwlj BveaBAAaaa Atail I ad aaad remly lor t wtntaf GV leg- TVeew a maaj yd da, srork i w.w? u r- "7 I V .-',"'.- " ; :: MASSACUVSET j 15,000 MA- JORI Last yearshe Dja tocrats carried I Massachusetts, but tSi,old Bay SUte has 8gain wheeled intfee line of the I Union, and on TuesdaTue state went 15,000 Republican. 3f ihe whites of ine sou in continue ioaji negroes iur political purposes, the:Fth will con- I tinue solid. ' tev. Mr. Peschau, ;?t. Paul's Lu- tiieran Church, preach sermon on Sunday morning last ojsb-o "Results of the Reform ation be. continuation evening, whichwas tion itself. There were leu iuSrf'menU in the various cemeteries d the week endine on Saturday las& which four were white and six cololed. . Jul LOl'AL SIIgUTS. Mr. W. A. French i&jJ daughter baye arrived ho ne aftet-a protracted absence at Abe north. A car load of westtg-'-N- C. apples 1 a f-kii 1 Ir n aai am. I I . v .-t Wv 7i 'mt iln aval Q (T f I , . iir J . consigned to Mr. K. iNlfll?tigall. iur. v. r . .i..y u.ouuci vuuuy, e d v iirii .. . "ifiEj!il-...-.4 recently du'ir ud an InJ'arl soear head on his land, near whidjSre traces of . . , ? , il r Indian graves. Messrs. J. H. Daniel fij4 Pembroke Jones of this city were 'tpyug the As sistant Marshals at tli3FayelteviIle Fair this week. , During th") mouth of dVtober Jii ves- ipwr a ,ves- sels arrived at this iportPTj' which 22 were American aud loere loreign, aggregating Io.'JJJ tons?;"4 T, r ' , l45ii l- Thfirn were b.t arres ..lw ihp no ice . of Wilrrvincr, Hiirini, 1 1 montK of n . l'r . ,- i ,i $100.13; and the pound to lU.2o. Messrs. V. lu- Davis ilCSon caught a large white shad in the traps at the mouth of the river on Ftffiiay raorMng last, the first ever knowaito have been caught hereabouts in the tionlh of6o- vember. ?f'.: t Rev. T M; Ambler relCan inUrest- ing.essav Monday nigfiO btlo(e the Historical and Spientit; Society, on MA Tradition Concerning? jUie Ancestry of Chief Justice Marhy;i? The foreign expjrts frjfm this port 4 for the month of 'Jotobr just closed fooled up in value $7J3rfrp ,of which $7.12$ was carried on Atirican-! and $718,387 on foreign botlow A special term ot tho crftTi'mal Court has been aunou need byJige Meares kji tne juiu ijsi., maue ttw'cessary oy the fact tha'. the Superiorgiurt meets on the first Monday in Dethiber.' The receipts of cotton'ai'thij iwrt for the crop year lVom t&pWttiber 1st to November 1st, foot uploOl bales, as against 30,114 balos irrthe uoie time last year, a gain of lates. C'onuly l'utuiniHeUeri. The BarJ ol CjiaaiissiorbefS for New UanoTercounty m;t ia,rcgrr monthly asssion Monday lau PretKd; H. A. Bigg, chainum. aid tCjiuiiouers J. A Montgomery, R G. W'W, E. L Pearce aod linger Moore. Tbe Treasurer submiiteih;m nthly report, for October, ahowioa. balance joahaodof 112, ll-of wjs?cih tS0 u mscertincate of deposit a,i exhibi ted five con poos of 3.Kl aa and two of $15.00 each, which I wrrt-Luraed in tbt presence of the.LoArd. he Eda caUonal Fund shor a baiaG of $40, 7SI.SJ. i The Register submitted bimonthly report of teem received for -wiiiage li cenaea fll.ti and exhi?rJ tee Treasurer's receipt for the Ordered, that the p!l tax raia J. F Sellers, Cape Fear towatJvps- be re mitted, that poll tax cbArfwwa. J. W. Dame ia Wilmington ul4'iip bt remUted be being a resiicof Har eU WWMtif. - that ifjll ui: )f 11 Uclavle be remit:!,, be Wa rrai dent ol Colasabo oooaty; Itt Ut CAarged agaiaM Car! Marge iVderal txuat tawawAip be rvaa.aol.J tAat Ueary E. KaaJ b cLarptvl t'ia fvil tax la said towat&ip, tbe laagaa him. la WUmigtm towaa:piajg rr Ordrtl, tkai tA iaa W. Wiggs W ao&y m Aawl si f 4,1 cerrctei U ltd. A; . ia41 lu on $l,0u0 listed aa money on hand by Eev. Dr. Wilson, be remitted. Also, that the tax on $1,200 income against W. B. Phillips be reduced to tax on $200. V N. F. Nixon wis graated license to retail spiritom lrq jors for two months fn-i N'.vembcr 1st. " lit-mi.-i-iii of pull tax was ordered Tur Wm. Jjncs, Philip U. B!ue, Eliaha Merrick, A. M. ( had wick and Lisbon Smiih. f , Ordered, that all persons who have made themselves liable to the payment I oi a aouoie tax on account ot aeun quency in listing property for taxation, be relieved from the payment of a double tax, and that the sheriff be aCt thorized and directed in all case3 where a double tax is charged against a de- linqueat, for 1833, to receive ami re- J cwpi iot a omgie ia wmj, upon cci-i tificate from the Rsgistsr of Deds set- ting forth that such tax has been charged as a doubla tar atrainat auch d.i; . The 8choul committee for 9choo, di8. in , iessmant act. a.sHPJwmnt ta ceiyed 11 votes; no assessment none Ordered, that the clerk of the board make a list of all taxable property aud polls of the white lax payers of Cape rear township, and command the sheriff to make an assessment of ten cents on the dollar, and on the white polls a tax of thirty cents each, which said assessment aud taxes shall be paid over to the county treasurer for the benefit of Ihe public schools ihsaid towuship lor white children only, r 1 f . i ' I u'"o ncicu-onu ivi iuo ucnui i aD(j Crimiual Oourts; as follows: I oiTPrmriD eiti t?'r i.f tcn w rrir .w-.. ...... J A Wilkinson, . 11 li Ueide. J M ni,,.... -.K w r uunobcu, u.nntuuaii, j row-l ler. J H Schroeder. C W Stokely. W H N Koch,; James P Watson, George Grotzen, Daniel Lee, Williani Monroe. - tir:i.:., r iSECONIt WEEK, J A Hewlett, Charles T Bouum, W Skiuner, C Lietgn, Joseph fDoane, (.Jeorgo W Hughes,-Duncan M Wil iiam3 JohnTBiddle, B J Jacobs, Wil liam Uahn, John W Gerdtsj Charles Robbins. if - I - ': CRIMINAL COrjKT. I - ; I v L' n..n- a t iri uimi; 14 x A " " --er, n nuam Jackson. Jacob Scott, A A Uartsfield. , ,ul"D; u J eorge, n la S5-ott, I Tnrling'ton, James A Tare, Robt Green I C W McCIammy, Thomas L Williams, John E Y George, Roderick ; McRae, Charles Craig, WH Flinn. William I Walters, Henry Reeder, Nicholas Hul- leo, George Chadbouro. F J Lillv. ir. H N aftr T P Sykes.'D B Mitchell, ' vvr iauUJ I KI.tt.lt VI'll UKKVITItH. A dcsiiucl: Vcycloiic pxuscd. through Missouri on MOuday ial, wrecking many itoi-(s. At Sprlnglield thirty bulldlas were destroyed, nearly two hundntd others damH'.'Cd hudft number of the inhabitant klllsd and inured. Lost f loJ.''J to IJA', tWJ. The Savannah surlerer havo received ample lunjs. Three colorvi children, locked up la their housa by their parents while gone to churcU. Were burnel fo death at Suford, near KaJeigh, on Sunday night la; I. tha btitidimr haviu" causal fire. L Mr. Eil.il.eth 11. Gibbs, wiJow ti Dr. is. 1". uibbi, C. S. N.. threw hercif from a Ir.m Dlir lUJliiujre oa Saturday "last aod died Boon aflcrTarda. The turn of th.0OJ,vMi w Hi lw rt-iulrd to y ivan:on for the next fW; X year. f Arthur B. John u, a protnlncal Uwyrr and Hlitician uf L li. , N. Y.. abot himalf dead wilh a p:Ul oo .V(urjtit murnloi P. N. GUalier, the oldcil editor in the I uiled Stales, died at Cbaxioui wo. W. Va The u:i o( a 'oil .he J at St. Ju . N. P, auJ two tuca and rnjujjr wniii four o.tit ra. The giawotk at LaaUU, 111., wtia turutd oa Monday. ! f ).. The Ip will bold oaalVavua mlta uiuvop on tbe anWte of Inih lnal(!t- ttoa to AmtrK i. A wealOty ciUio of Mdvaakc. Wta.. named Jco Kipp. w hU oa ba w l.oca the Meaieia Oralrai Itiaitm, t cwmoMtl u f . aad Uan nor lr4 j road HU, wba arjaUy uur4 (Tm'iwmcS- drLfliavcal U 1 tbe t i ' - ' ' :j ts?f Lao u ia ti hvaviUi. Tb be BftT of roU4i MUtof4 u Uv- of wahrfc Li' m Amr- rMMllbu .luaui ILkiiWay CM(; Utt ..m4. tor avlMSf-aiae tea t Taa- Mttifas ii, jr. c r-rrt a uiba iAc.i: rvjrt l Is j 1 4 i' ifa :iw J. . i 1L t it m a. T &aM t.la4UMl MM'4 A a-r eua m amaafa ul a hh4 y MiaMa em MatAt mci 4 - A SUamt M,V MMlMM M IM atx. MMi. aa Wfeitaeaitnf . Of aun!UMtlW.Mjf Im tattMl ai !tC 1 DIED. ASHK On November sih.at&SO o'clock Aiacs Ashx, wift of J. A. Aah,'sed 46 The lanera.1 wilt Uka place at 61 Bt- phena church, thli cvesinc (Kovember 5th) at a o'clok P. MKrlBd and c qnalntancea are lnvite4 to attend. . NEW A u VERT1SEMENTS. PARKER & TAYLOR, Dealers In the celebrated "Sontnern Oai" e fJQOKING BTOVES, Beating Stove of every variety; Guns, Tinware, plated Ware, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Grocers' tcalea. Drill PutapSvJte-osene Oil, and Ilos Furnlbblng Goods fenerallyi 3 SOUTH' FRONT STREET. novSMf Bargains in Shoes, "yy K U WE A LAliOE STOCK OK Boots and Shoes and orrcit srEciAL ua no A INS ON MANY tKlNl3. OMENS MOROCCO SHOKS AT tl.Zi and H, WortA f 1,75 aud I X0. v Call early nad get your Winter Shoea from - GEO. R. FRENCH A SONS. 10S North Front Street. jy 13-tf. B. F. Sparkrnan, TONSORIAL ARTIST, FltANKUN, VIKOINIA. -. - ;- - Li, " Hood, easy aha ve and hair cut lu style, l eriect satisfaction giveu. S(ecial attention paid to family work. ,, Wllmln Um p, KraukJ1 u Kilu,eU I',,. Gazette, .ltitre News, Norfolk Vir- Klniau, Norfolk Kveula),' News and Port. mouth Times Ukeu . WiMiuEtOll. COl. & AI15IISti R. BldO.. " T -j SKCKKTAlY S OKHCK. , - 1 WILMINGTON, J C, Nov. lst.l. ii kmMu.'j ir-iTlAj rpiK annual mkkting ok TUK I btockholdera of the Wilmington, Columbia A AujusU R. R. Co, will be hold at tho Of Oca of laid Company, in Wllmfnglouiou TUESDAY, tba .lUb Instant; ' I J. W. THOMIVjON. nov 2-il Secretary. - WilmlEEtoa & Weld on Railroad Go., RECHKTAHY S OKKICE. . WILMINGTON, N. C Nov, lu l.J,r Pill: ruRTY-EIUHTH ANNiaL MttT- a 1 ng ol the Stockholders of the Wilmington t & Weldon R. R. Co.. will be held lu llit? Ot- flceofaald Company, lu Wlti.ulugtuu, od Tuesday, the '.Vlh taHnt. nov 23t i Mrelax . A Brilliant Scheme. DISMAL SI AMP ; LOTTERY CO. Norfolk, Virginia, The tranchlM) of LhU entrrpnao ia ta-d upon the hartr granted by Uij Ixiia1- tura of the Htata Ut tba IHanuU mp nal Company, andrlu l sutjf bu tn JrlyUaled Iwtore the Court. Tha -object- In view l tlie "laupro.. ment aod eitenalon' or Ilie t"ni. m l that ftrll opportunity mar l utxen fur the purchase o the licKcla, oi wl.lca Ittcra are only: 25,000 WITH 356 PRIZES. the Drawing haa bean ft inl t the 22d of November, 1 883, at which time. W4THUT PiWTlTlN E- MENT. it will bo made la tha cHy l Nor- foik. brfora the puMlr. and ondrf luv au pmlilffli'ot a. iuamnll nt rui.l rn-. HDt. anl lo liae tnt car k aw-vnllOfi AOfilb. -Tickt Wrar'.bg date Hr ttue iXh bold good for the l.vawiag ol-l JavveeaiMt. ' ' M llLMK. Capital Prize $5,000. 1 flls.'a4 1. J i' -.14 a r?tM. . ti s au Ticlte t onl.v Hla M . Mvaa tnrt)i .!.- J. B, nottBlCll, 9aAcr. , r r - . Wral aHMtlK t laiMt4 4 tM Mlrt - , tag crrVfee C Va . iaM ? opi n'wi -tss PJiat s.awr I.,M . tArrtAv u arjm - a-aiaki'kMt ar?ta8T-M ao lav t4'v TVfU T1waa'aS a4 J".S tmmmfi M nt tav mum ia lao rae. . jare .aa jltiaa S. ' . ifaat.atvarx teat wawiis t aai im mmt r wo a ? wi:aw rMVo.v i a y r O. i awiaaavf . I SjO 4aa Max VMM V- . VM i - a.-. 1 "la... . . - l." . I. do . .i i-1 ... . 1 da",. i io iii a . I OO ffl' ' Hi.., . JE i. o i i a lav 3 I- do H .-:.. la. oo .. I a li OO H do ' e ' ar J W o , afa., .,, t." irraoiiaTtoa rafA. r 1 .." i..a a of , n .-; , . a , yw Of m Mll Mal iiUW a, - MMartafOtM Sa M4 mV VUHMblUrtlMMtf . ' -L : i ' ,vf . r - r. .v. ' -ir V r 1 1 if1 1 a . lti.

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