VOLUME XVI WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRU)lY. NO VEMBERl. ISS3. $isglc Copies 5 Cents NUMBER 49, wlLMiN rroN post ibriiat the Tosloffice, at Wilming E'f r a Second Class Mailer. . , , lo, M .' gTTFADVERTSING. Eight (8) lines, Nonpareil type,con- Fifty cents per Hue for the first in , and twentj-five cents per line 'tdditionalinaertipii. All advertisement will be charged tics. idvertiseiue'11? ,bove rates, eicept on special it tie - contracts. Ibe subscription V " Post is J2 00 per year; six months II 09- I I 1 All communications on business fflurt be addressed to The Wilming TO? POBT, Wilmington, N. C. 'P.. r. IV.,.' nlBi uwtnxt, 8EBV IC'IS iBnit'l Keport or Sargeou,ven tJtl Hamilton -j Sick ami tfonnded deamen Cared lor. . The unnual report of Surgeon Gen- ,r4i Hamilton, of the marine hospita mow, stows that 40,195 sick and dis tlilfd wa-nen were cared for, at an ex pa of 131,525. This include sub swtence, medical supplier, instruments and piliance, salaries, of officers and MPloTei, traveling expenses, &c. The examination of pilots for color blindness" no longer meets with opposi tion but the surgeon general is of the LWvmlliat the examination should nlend lo acutcneas of yisiou and hear iMwell. 'He renews the recommeu- dutioiw relative to the. phyfiical exami naiiuii of aU seanieu preliminary to shipment, aud the tstablishmnt of a rniiloiV mtur harbor lor seamen perma Dfiilly injured or dioabled' in line of duty, t ' "inVivember, 1662, the ehrp Amia CamiL f H.th, Me., arrived , in fcan Dit-p, Cl., with twelve ctes of scur Vy "M board, but as they were exttnu a'is nrcumstaoces there was no prose niiiii. 1 he rerwrl-nnoff4 that nu "deitlr Irum ontagiom diseases c cirrcl on passenger vessels en route for this country. A lew cases of small ' poxUppeareU along the coast and on weitem rivers, but not so many as in former verH, owing t' vacciiiiiti n of crew ly ollicer of the service. , United States marine hospitals a ". ..W.on. Chicago, Detroit, Key'Westi lviuinille, Mobile, New York, Vutl hutl.Me; .an "r rancisco, rU iiouis VirnrA Havn. and VVilminelon. N I'., ha Wen tevarn at a cost of 35, lio. Nt n hoipiula.are to be erected or a,re in of erection, at Mem phi", Cairi'i l!;kiiuire, New Orlean and CinriiiQHli, and a hospital build iiiR w:n purchased at Port Townaeud Wash. At ' poru where no United tsuiles marine hospital buildings haye yet been erected, special arrangements for the care ol sick ind disabled sea men are made with the local hospital of the towns. Dr. Hamilton tivs that experience has hown a national quarantine sys tem (o be a necessity. The precaw, tions nuut Tary at ditVerent ports, but must be greatest at the great coniaier cil pons. He. says that great aid was rend-red by the lmisiana state board : ot health, and by the revenue cutter serrice. thip island quarantine he . coosidrrs a dangerous location, and sjts it has only been used because l we was not time to establish another station. - He refers to the opinions ol pruaiuent men in the profession favor t a national marine quarantine. He 4not favor government interference !b municipal sanitation, but say that Jfiht "epitlrmic fund", is continued, 'ipeiMive yellow lever hospitals RouM b ruablislml at the principal Run pointa. He summaries his plan tor preventing yellow f,er epidemics in sn wor.ls, "muDicipal cleanliness, uV-'k,n,; ,,,it!!,' n'nal quaran- , flowing estimates are submil .J burgeon t;f of rl lUtuilton for tb rroiM.r buildi0K, ,nd running ex Pnmof the proved United 'states 4urntme sutions: . v . UuU quarantine Condemnation of ' .tLu fWi,on of hospital, $60,000; ' fVW: wharf. flO.OOO. S , ii! "n''lurantine-Sepelo sU- , 'wiu n quarantine-Site, build f ad wharf, $50,000. Kunninc cx 'P Wand, m,000; Siuth ii:,$0; CP Charles, $10, k 1 m!Uon K' " account ol T ,a ''nacoia and ol the pre TV Ukf0 lhfnt he spread I M ' Cliswx, N. o , Nov. IS, 1SS3. M'lroa Ir;-Politics to this coun- to t at a very, low ebb.1 The "Hjrboo, ar fioundering about, while uf ,ril,ciDS t Mahoeea delVat r ' ,r,B. o"er with more levek r ftwd it as an ill oaea (ot ibeir oe xt year. They are sensible to T fcVi "solid aouth makes a , eaially when the o- oi u, aouth is eUbUaled by siethoda a tho employed at I willtafcw day. prior to the late 37- t Makooe U not dead, r bt sleepio,, Wi will find ion. I he readjuster party is stronger td-day than a. any previous period of its brief existence, and is destined to be a powerful element in southern poli- . . . 1 o political organization in the history of this country has made such 1 f 01 mis country has made such I a record in so ahoit a time, since lU birth, just a half decade ago. It has succeeded in electing a governor, two senators and a majority of the Virginia representatives in Congress, weilding an influence heretofore unknown in our national councils. The Republican victory won in New Xork should, and will amnjate every true Republican in the land to arike Anrl tin hla fill I cllll h Kia nartw rli,r . 1 mg me coming atruggle., The defeat of Benjamin F. Butler is ? . . I j j ... r.v v.u. . one of the grandest characteristics of modern politics- He decends from the gubernatorial chair f the; old bay state, to make room for the pure and honored Robinson, who bowed to the call of his party and redeemed Massa chusetts from Butler and Butlerism forever. - I note iu the public priuts of our . ,! . , . . j.j r be the gubernatorial candidates of . rrt IUC IrllU 1IOIHC3 : UCAt IC1. XI1C UaUJCO I of many ble 'i and distinguished men are mentioned by their respective friends on both sides. I, lor one. have I no stock in the bourbon selections of nexj; yea except to do my dut? to- ward accomplishing their eternal de- feat. But as a-Repulican, with the sue cess of the party at heart, I do fee some mterest in who shall carry our banner, believing that we should nomi nate our most available man, and there fore take 'great pleasure in expressing myself unalterably.iu favor of the nom inalion of Hon. l). L. Russell for Gov ernor. Judge uusseit is a snrewu pon tician, astute lawyer and a cultured gentleman, endowed with all the pure and iioble qualities, that constitute an j bouest statesman, worthy of the chief magistracy of North Carolina. His re- cord in the national house of; repiej I sentatiyes will be held in enduiijng re". hv hia Hiousands of friends I .11 n.r iho tJB Fear section., for his m.-..iLn;.,i i,,iihif l,,.l,Aif i.mwinir " " ' . , . man j 'v " j.""' T - y i n i i.: -.ir .i... i .J ..0,...i.v .! ihn t-uniiv l" riu i bon encroachments. I lluseell and victory should be our . . . s I'iraii next jeu. .iore anon. J T r3 j L Pkuby. tki.kc;k ai'ii inti:vi tils. The Georgia cotton crop will average from G3 lo 70 per ccul. Eighteen , dealhs from ; yellow lever in IlaVana last week. A saloon .in lUyille, Indians, was bWwn.up by dynamite on Monday last. .Three latn were killed by a railway collision iiear Cairo, III., on Saturday. Seven tenement houses were btirned In Chicago on Saturday last, and one I man perished in the flames. Albert Slade dioppea dead iu a church at Peterburg, Va., on Sunday, while about to engage io prayer. Anna Dickinson has decided to go on the lecture platform again, under the auspices of the Knights-oi Labor. A sou, lf Senator ;Vance failed to pass physical examination, lor a com mission iii I he army, owing to local trouble. V Eight ' ihousmd men hive been thrown ot of employmeot by the de pression in the iron trade in.Pennsyl- vania. The wharves and warehouses Af the t .....,;... . i.inM siainshii Comnanv ihvi - .... . - I in 1 nnaucij""";"'1"- ,........ urday last. L-'fs f jtW.qw. Two crown i brothers in uiayion county, Iowa, named Pennington,. f into a dispute, wheti one stabbed th other to the heart aud killed him. A furions snow storm raged on the coast of Newfoundland on r riuay ana Saturday Iat, probably -attended with vast destruction of life and properly. i K..;i-r xnloition at a mill at Fairfax C. II.. Va., on Satnrday even- ine laU killed one white and two col- ored employees and,frishtfully injured ootbew. Oeo. O, Munroe a r'--- oOewpon, iv. i., u, . :- m . a . j-. aiiiiiia n w in 1 UWM ' J " ' - ing a veidic iu ? .gainst a bank, . i- - i. ml M LjdiaMayber and her daughter Annie weie mnruereu i;Mwr, a t j. 1' .. a i ia U I., on Saturday laal by some person unknowu. Mr. Gaston Mayber was also nearly killeO. Am Vsmasisil Cste. KioiMoxn, Ark , Au S, IS1. II. H. r.d oUhronic diarihvvt by yonr was cu i't..t- IV TscuMOS. son o'MN tarT of the Navy 11, W. Thompson. uity Items. Mr. J. H. McGarity and family, who removed to Bs.ltimore a few months ago, have returned with the view of . - - taking up their residence here again. taxing up their residence here ae&in. The Norwegian Barque Amal, Capt. f 1 Lunoe, cleared on Wednesday last with Wf4 balee of cotton, valued at; 82f- wv. oiuuui a con were ine i Bhinnprs ' f I the etere foot of Dock Htrpftf. frtrmprlT I occnniiwl liv nplir,f cu fift n rnr hsm:Air ; .Ui ,1 l ; Jr ' ', UWuUB uutness ox & provision nroier. i . - -,Qaptain Thomas Beck, a well known clUzen ot Wilmington, died suddenly I ln lhIS Clty ou rue8dy night last, in I J"' ft h" Heart d- ease is supposed to have been the cause I of his d5ealiu Hays Haws, colored, o'f Pender, was lodged in jail Here on Monday evening last, underj a commitment from Grat- tan Williams, J. P., who sentenced him ,on the 17th in9t. to thirtydays im . J - J. pnsopmeni. S Among the visitors here ou Tuesday, I in attendance upon the railroad meet- inc. were Judce Howard, ol Tarboro. I Captain A. J. Galloway, of Wayne, Messrs. B. F. jNewcomer Baorge C. Jenkins and H. Walter., ol Baltimore, and A. Branch, of Wilson. mree new &aa uanasome sleepers have beeu added to the Carolina , Cen-T trai uaiiroaa, ana two similar cars nave been adued to the equipment of the hoe to run between Charlotte Raleigh. Death or An Old Citizen of Bla- ,' lien.- . 5 1 Mr. William King, an old and high- ly ri'spected citizou ol Bladeo county resident 'of Iudian Wells, died on the 11th inst., at the advauced age of 85 years,. having been born September lOlh, 179D. Mr. Ki)g wasi a planter, and -inem the ablest citizens of the county. Deceased was thel father of . Mrs. U.(l).-rt ICemipdv. wife hf the fore- j w r man i tuu mnpr Ii n l.rifA l irrlf. nf rlati va xrirl iVipmU ti iiioiirn ... 1 - T their bereavement. I A burglar entered the residence of .41. i. r i,..;. .... ' ; " wiu niniivan.i icnin Mreew, ott oaturaay night last, and stole $15 for $20 in money. The : fellow iansacked the hnnse, but tbfi monev was tatfen from a bureau drawer in the room! occupied hv ..., f Dr. KnVs .laiu-hiera. The empty pocket book and satchel in which .it was kept were found in the yard. The robbery was perpetrated about 11 o'clock, before -ill the family had retired.and his presejice was finally dected, but he .ucccled in making his escape through a rear door. ; .Suicide ola Sea Captain. Captain Wm. Knuth, of the German barque Emijie; which arrived here on the 13th iust., from Liverpool, com mitted suicide Vednesday night by jumping over Doaru irom aw -vessel at Fowler' iS: "Murchison's wharf. The body was found yesterday morning and an inquest was held by Coroner Ja- cobs, the verdict being that deceased bme to his death b his own hand. Deceased leaves a wife and one child at his home in Swinemunde, Germany. The remains were interred in Bellevue Cemetery yesterday afternoon .. i . . i . . enevolent Society of The' LadieV ,U I thi. Mtv tt3d thAr annual meerng lor ... t the election ol omcers at tne uan.oi tuc I Took i Ladder Company, No 1, this . . " - . . afternoon. The othcers oi last year .r .11 ro rlected and are as follows: t ct CI. Kennedy. a. irwiui " ...,,. f a. a Will.r.1 v ice rresiueni .'' Jfwretary Mrs. N; O. Diiiiel. Treasurer Miw Dettie rrice.. The nieetine was very interUg an) WlU made Bore so by n appro- -. t anJ ekHiUeot addrew, delivered bY F w E j,chau. r$lor of I TauVa Lutheran Church. Tnrnrf.9 x. v. Aim e for 11 , Th. OW I rvJIIIDir. unu v.j -.. j L,ly half a century-has been pay 1 . jWxs lhe home and - w , lf hu i 1 A publisher. Jamee li. IU!h N; C. Aa aauaL il ts ;mn.iriant information to all i irvin v i w - t e!a. and eepecially ti Ue tarmer, ' . 1 w.x..Arr ia h(NB It rarufn a" vM.n., fa ioTal-.ble. A very valuable fcat-m fTumer e X. a Almanac w Us An- nual ute Kcjrd. in . . . : .k .-k n hkh s re- wrvla Ahm aiol important ereow. . . frtej af chance, tfie "", Lrk!.ti who sell the Almanac, on tV. -uid Kor term, ele, a4- LOCAL snonTs. - t - - - Criminal court meets next Monday. Mr. P. H. Havden's : new carriage I factory is nearly completed. ,. I , w .iT I . .. ... , . I Benevolent Society w held yerterday. 1 na nnnu miii tm lra i Jtn Rer. J. O, Crisp will preach at I Scott's Hill. Pender Wty, on Bun- day. rlnv - I M 4 . . , J I Iiur. f . xuaruns xiueq lew ajtys ago i a hoe weiehine sU hundred pounds, cf his own raisinir. &. I , . . . . . .1 ... -.7B.' J W.y, wm.' I 119 UIIB On U. TIBIL I . . . , ...i. I The magistrates of thfecttf haye not J had much to do in the y of trying I criminal cases laiely.3 ,v : A I - weU an of the eastern part of the city: aged npwards of 80 years, died suddenly on Tuesday night last, i , l James A. Lowrey has built a car- f riage shop in front of the City Hall, on irnnceas sireei, ana -is now reaay.ior 'Q0Ternment Control of the Telegraph," amount contributed for sustaining fee-business- " ! I ..u;: t (l.1.i-,.;n. r bin hurr.bPA and ! miniatmra Ma -2 057. tbe week closing on Saturday last, of I which one was r white and two. were colored. n,, vn,ti,,nn nf(u n.iT,r.l ainOMM nf Knh .nil Rn.itH n,'miit. hag- been OQ a ?IljU io thuj cit dnri the past week. The work of putting up the new tele- phone wires and removing the old ones j has been completed, and the men have gone to Danville, Va. PrPbTtrian Svnod dnrinirthn navt wopfr n--' if h Tf,I1,lnn n r I a diatiucuiahed Misaionarr of China. I . . . I , : . l i . ..... . i . .1.. : I i. uiivaic lcitci Dime mat iuc icai- i i I dence of Mr. A. H. Slocomb in Fayette-1 n.3 uuu uu A morning last. The property waa in- 8Urfca A fight on the National Cemettry I rond was broken upon Sunday last by - . - a paity ot gentlemen, who were out i - .. WJtlking. The combattants were young I colored men. In attendance upon the Presbyterian Synod last week was an bid gentleman,' ii vparnTTf airs . lay dnleirata who I ' ----a had neTer Mfln a ,ol MJ kind bef5 h(j camfl t-v-;, The Norwegian barque Lena was cleared from this port for Fiume, Aus- t'iai on Tuesday, with a cargo of spir- its and rosin valued at $8,380. Meesrs. A. Sprunt& Son were the shippers. I -j;wo colored . barbers, named John anJ Murdock Malloy, murdered one charlesiWarreo, colored, at that place jR9t week. The raHrder took place in a ball room. The murderers escaped. Mj. Robert Bingham, of Bingham's school, who was here in attendance ujmju the Presbyterian Synod, Tisited the various graaea scnoois oi me cuy, and was much pleased with what he 8w -t rs early all the pulpits in me ciy 1 wer failed by members of the Presby- j terian Synod on Sunday last, and a rnUmber of fine sermons were preached. some of which will leave a lasting im pression. V Three fine coaches are in pioceas of construction at the shops of the W. A W. Railroad, two being for the latter road and one for one of the southern roada. They will bo magnificeot spe- cimens of workmanship when comple- V- . -. . . . . .... . ; 1 The bandaome iiui riggea snip, mao bv an officer of the ' Revenue Gutter I i . . .. Colfsx and presented to tne iwrcas c.;... f St. Paul'a Lnlheran Church. l-.l (T .1 ik. Mm Part riven I vlll9 isiucu - - o . i... .-.4 rll tn i j me viiy am .v the possession of air. Utnry aaaman. , . , , . . - . A commission de indw "J""-'" examined into the condition o! ooe0ijBA; I. LncT Hill, colored, Tuesday last, and prononnced her inaanov hsrenpon she 1 . v i was oraereaio ooma io depart meat of the coanty poor H b said that tn one of her crazy nts she tried to kiU bet ssoUer wita an Xhe receipts of coUon loc the crop . sbi-b-. It to dale 6x4 aar from J5ctemb 1st l dale tX up 42,103 balea, aa stalaa fl.TJS boiee .v. J.i !.. ikteiaf an In farw of nf SfiS Ukr kaa hewn a decM tallier off of -. M tvo M Compaq I . . . , 'i v. ' i eu witn rrevwwa wren. . i; - tf " j , TTTI . K"'- - r- rw wmm ZTr VT ol the aUwynoTihs) city Bnnday nijht a a aa a mi aaa ami vxa w awmanmi I . -.t . and was taken to the station She cUInlo Umck n4 nitW I . . .: v . or tmswa. osmm vmtm r w ik UnhahUnl slnipini in n foods The new time standard agreed upon by the Associated K&ilways went into effect on Sunday last, the 19lh inst. Thn muntrT in divided into four di- 1 il. :i : I. J: viaiona, and the railways in each Idi- vi.ion will h mn l.v Ll. standard time -j 7- - WtaWe to that division. WilnDflg tnn ! in iha n.aier,i .livinuwi with t Charleston. Baltimore, Washington, -1 FhiUnelphivNew Yort, Boston, CM- . i . . . aa, etc. ihe new sianaaru trequires A. : .. i. iA..l-i. ;.. jKld I iamuT1V6 uf ' vwva u j just twelve Minutes, tho railroad time beine eicht minutes faster and the four minutes beine the; difference Previously 1 exUUnir between Washincton Ume and our local time. The city clock was set I . . ... . I to the newstandard Sunday at noon, and it has been adopted at the post- office and by a majoritr of our citizeaa. 4 ' . No intelligent reader can fail to be in- """KM11 lQe contents oi me American Eevkw for December. Thi question oi the telegraph has thepiace oi i honor inthe number, Gardiner U. Hub- h rf Dointin out the reat aivantaires that would reault from the pr0p03eJ Ibuu guuniug nuiu tut; ci'tiit"vo v i several Europeaa countries the bene- tits to be derived from the incorpora- tion of the telegraphic with the postal I service, i'rol. J.. .Laurence L.auchlin. m . . J of Harvard University, shows the "Evils of the Sub-Treasury System,'' in its absorbiug nd withholding from circulation the specie that is constantly needed to insure stabilitv in the world OI finance. "The Dav of. Judgment.'? Dy Gail Hamilton, is a caustic review 1 0f the less amiable and moral traits of Thomas Carlvle. Henry Georire writes l,o declares to be prenoHerous. unless more wealth is produced than is want- ed. Gen. W. B. Fi'aukliu sets forth the views of naval and military ex J , , . , 1 , i . . i 1 nprl- an tit w at . ii Hlisriliitt'lv upptlpil . V . r , i- Und war material, to in.sure the "Na ,, ..:... ,..,:, road "and Public Time," by Prof. Lean- ard Waldo, of the Yale College Obser- vatory, explains the system of uniform .1. -i . . . . Ume standards now being introduced y into the railroad service of the United States. Finally, there is a discussion of the question of "Morality without ReliLion," by F. A. 'Kider and Prof. A. A. Hodge, of Priucetou College. Published at 30 Lafayette Place, New York, and for sale by bookseller gen- erally. . Kailroaf Meetings. The stockholders of the Wiluiiugton A Weldon aful Wilmiuglon, Columbia & 'Augusta' Railroads inct in this ciiy on Tuesday last. Col. H. B.. Short of ficiated as chairman of both meetings and Col. J. W. Thompson as Surclaiy. The most imiHirtanl action taken by the meetiugs was that of the W. St W. . : i i .:.. i j.i .. i. .. nite penoJ the schema to build a ' cut off " from Wilson to Florence. Prei- I ent BriJgers favored the buildiug of i the ,,r0poeed branch, and stated that it ha, ben surveyed at a cost of $25,000.' and was ready now for contracts. Mr. B. F. Newcomer, one of the Baltimore saockholders, while originally, favoring the scheme, was now opined to il on the ground of recent action by the leg islatures of Suth Carolina and Geor gia, with prospective similar actiou on the part of the legislature of this state, in appointing llailroad tVr. missions am' virtually taking the control of the railroads out of the hands of the stock- . . . . ! . . holders, lit wanted better assurance that this would not be the ie before he 5houlJ ftTOf thp 91'Cndiug of s I much money to build branch roau. I ... r i r loany iur u oig mu,iuu-, oi ferel by D. Ma, tve and read by I . . . . 1 air. newcomer, waa auoino I Whereas Iu view ot the eTiia which have grown out of the legislation of . -f , L, . I me ol. toe aouiat-rn 8ica. wocreoy r . 1 . V ... I l gjQQjjfr. ha e hern practical I r de- i pnved of the management of their -urn i raiiroaaa, anu oi tne vianerou agiia- liou ot lh. ab,xt in NoVih Car- I ro.W, That ail consideration of subject of uucticg a bTaoch I road from the ilniio-'.oii V e!Joo d n lke dirfClioo tr Horeoce be for Ihe present postponed. l , XTs VO roada re-elesud the uoe I a.sd board of directoa witk. the exception of Mr. H. Waiter, cf 1UIU- I Baorp ho waa eiected oa the b-ard of 1 the W C A A. K. K. ia p!c of J. l. I CSasaeroa Tk.rpu o: ibe ofioal. I bow a very eovvoraxsor cihibit of ike I conditio. ad Uu:t pr.pu u tc two important railways. f Tae T-mrd cf D rcvtoea sf Uf U. A I TP. tmiirJ daclArI a areai-aABBAJ UfM-J ef r : erst, ssisMt es I al;ef Jaanary it a4 t w , I (X A A. E a HmiJ d;vj4 ja. w I of 5 pet.ceni, pye a,-iT ja- I nary 10th, A Parts dfica sys Franco a4 I Chiaa kart a-ewfd ubtniMm d Presbyterian Synod. , The sessions of the State Presbyte rian Synod came to a close on Saturday evening. , A large amount 01 Business was transacted. Winston was chosen as the next place of meeting. The Synodical agent of Sabbath schools reported a trratimns: increase, both in interest and work accomplish- el. There Vre 154 schools, with lil li v i , n ..o- .1.1 toners, Uu iv,no kuvuu. sr.hola.rn hmvn hr-n rprpivpd into the - - church. The contribution3 were, for school purposes, $2,373, and for beuev- olence, f 1,20 J It was ordered that the earlier records of the Synod be copied, and that the , , , l r original recorua oe aepoaiiea jor wwe keeping in the archives of the Preaby tsnan Historical Society. - i Major Itobert Bingham delivered an interesting address on the subject of -iubuuvv.. The agent of Sustentation, Rev. Dr. ", jcji icu -u, - wvuwiouvtv ior mimsieriai suppon; me average saiary paid laboring ministers $703, an ad- vance of $83 in the average. The Twenty churches have been built or thoioughly repaired. There are thirty- three manses, three erected during the A FPl ! 1 t m prwciu ear. ine invai.a iuna con tributed was $1,1 0 Ihe report of Rev. C. M. Payne, aeut of Evangelical Labor, Bhows in the Synod 5 Presbyteries, 231 churches, a"d nearly 20,000 communicants, a net ga during the vear of 4 churches and 029,nienibers. Total amount contrib utu evangelistic work, $3,200 The report of the CommUtee on SU- tistici shows 11G ministers' and 234 churches, decrease of four ministers increase of two churches.1 Teh miuisters have been teceived. Twelve have been dismissed. There have been two licensures aud two ordinations. There have been twelve installations and the pastoral relations have been dissolved eight times. Three churches have been orgauized. Thero are twelve candidates for the gospel ministry, six having been received during tho year riil ... . . - here were lour ueaths in the min- i-try. The report af the Committee on Sys tenialic Beneficence shows a total con tribution furfhat i'urose of $10,299.-17. Tho Synod was the largest ever con- vened iu the state, and the greatest j harmony prevailed. Tho steam yacht Mermaid, was found anchored and abandoned olTvFrying Fau Shoals ou Mouday afttnnxiu last, by tho pilot boai Grade, Capt. New- t iii, the crt w haviug taken refuge on board tie liht bhip stationed . at that point The G'racie took the yacht in tow, got the crew from , the light ship and jToceeded to Suilthville, where he landed the same evening. NEW ADVERT 'M ENTS. J. O. NIXONj " UkALKU IN (rocfries, Liquors Tobacco, DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. Ac. Will PUrchaco Country Produce N. im. NIXON AND EIGHTH BTSs n.iv it-t r r PARKER & TAYLOR, lH-alcrs In th- eclebraltd i 'tloldcii Harmt." Fariaer'v ani i:S8utlicra COOKING S'l'OVES, Hvailiv;; ' tsiovee or trfry arwty; Uuoa. Tinrr. i'HW Ware. lmi and I'uuj ik Kt i-nt Oil. ni Hon X . utLt-h c; vjwJ s'Btraily. ., 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. not -lf Bargains in Shoes; Boots and Shoes Iji: tally a.i (t yor Wut bee I'i Ntffth-'rci -MrteU- Jf l tf. ' B. F. Sparkman, , TONSQRIA t ARTIST, tKxl. r.rf Mstif Bit rti : UiM MlitUM fmii M tjmz',f a. DIED. KINO. At bia residence in Bladen coun ly. November llth inst.. Ma. WILLIAM KING, ln the bith year ot his axe. NEW A l iVEKTISEM ENTS. A Brilliant Scheme. DISMAL SWAMP LOTTERY CO., OF Norfolk, Virginia, The iranchiae of ttala enterprise la'baaed upon lbe eliarlcr granted by the Leeiala- ture of the State to the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, and iu legality baa been fairly tested before the Court. . The oblect in view la the "loiprove ment and extenalon" of the Canal, and that fall opportunity may be Riven for the prohase of the UckeU, of which there are only f 25,0,00 WITH 356 PRIZES, The Drawing will take place ou th 20ru OF DECEMBER, at which time It will be made in the City of Norfolk, before the public, and under the auperviaion oi muy autnorueu wm. tuiaaiouera, and in like manner each suc ceeding month. The Drawing or November waa moat successfully and satisfactorily conducted, tho distribution of II .0oi rIvIuc assurance of the stability and eood faith of the Com pany, and. now Claw II. is presented with lh following . t . SCUEMSt: Capital Prize $5,000. l Titae of ai,ooo is $0,000 1 do 1.500 ia....-. loo 1 do l.iMW u .v l,ai 1 do - 3W ls. - ' 1 do . "JJO is . 2Wi 1 do 'jot is . a 1 do ......... aw is a 1 do ao i .1 a 6 do 1U) are WO 15 do 50 are. 7.) ion do : . . , 10 are- .. lJO lot) do .'. 6 are,... l.ww APPROXIMATION PKIZES. a) 9 of.. y ofx.. 9 Of .. IM 3i6 Prizea, DmtribuUna $13.0u0 TicUetH only sjl.OO. Planar Lottery similar to that ot Louia- iaua Company. J. B. 110KB U II, manager; Application for club rates, or tor lulortua tim upon any other btiMiiciiu; hliotikl be plainly writtcu, (lvlng IS la to, county and town of witter. lteiulttancca Hhould be sent by Kxprea rather than by 1. o. money ordern or rcu ietorcd letters. r.xpresa cliHrgeN upon t and larger auma Will paid by the conip.iuy. Addroaa plainly, J. I. HOKUACll. Norlolt. Va. , Agents for the Kale ol Ticket reiuired ihruugliout the JSLalc. Aii(irc appltcaliuua aa above. Tho underklv'ued supi-rvlsed tiie Drawttig CUish A of tho DlMual Hwaiup IxitU-ry Com pany, and certliy. thai u wa roudu led wiUi blricl lalrueWto all inlercslol. OKO. T. IttHiKRM, i caam. ricKK-rr. ejtll-ly Commiatilouera. -2 ; , -.l'.-. 1884. Harper's Magazine. i . IL LUST HAIKU. - ;"- '';.':', -llarper'K taga;tno tu ictim it Kill V- li'illi volume Willi the Ih'ceiii&er .Number. It in the tin w-t popular lllti,.lriitel p rlodK-al In A mi rlra au-i Kui;latil, al wa Imly brrj( of the ttmrN In Hit krealinent ol kul;e t of ' ( urro t mx lal and lluliiklrtitl lulereat, and machaulcal exeelleuce. Am.mt Ml attrac lioii. for I are: a ;iif.w M-rial novel b y William Kla- k. lllutrat.xl l.y Abln y; a new novePb K. I litx, lilutralr. by 4llii and Ulelmnn, .li'in ri.pttvc fllulraul ip r by Oeonce n.LHiushton. Krmik l.MiOrl, C. it. Karnbatu aixl ther-- Important hl lorlral anl biocraphicj! taM'rx; nhort rlea by W. 1). liowella. C1ianc lUaJe. Ac. illRPER'S rKUIODHALS, Per Venr j HARl'EKd MAOAZ1NE il Ot ILARrkrtH WEEKLY 1 ..... I i HARI-EK H UAZAU 1. . 1 1A U F K Ri Y O U S 1 1 I' Eu I I K . I J HAUrKll-H 'KKA-NKM.N fJAl;KI.l-. BUAKV. One rarfiJ utiuerC 1 O rolae Irrc l all u rilnrn tu Uulta Ul- of CaohU. Tin.' vNuai. or il. Muiiinr 1sI'bi Willi tbc 'oinWn for Juno atstt iv.tutr of eah y-r. W!o no lim t i-r!f.d it trill i utiIrlol l!sl Uip ilMril wthca tu biR rbc rurtml um, TIj I a l ljj.lil Voluuin ill il r'-. Mt- in nni ciotb 1j'.d4ids. fi rUl mil, K.ta)a. on rit ,V pf iuittmc. c"ui t , rr biuJluc. u v i toy nu I. pn(ril. tnU. Aoalyitm). .n it ia.r.-vl. IM 4uai. 1 to tn, loi iroro ji;o. u J, oo ril;. lift,, 5oh. f 1 it tAn- tfxiuij i. b rnt- tfTVr Maorf ,Ot4f f l.'f. U turani WlttKKlt tt. I pt t-M U J-f of Hartvr a Urutfct r. aurtn mi Tii r.iXs llt. .citt or ,itMiwru2(. c, si a tub. a orru fc. Nai Hii. laX Scaled Proposals iix nt Rit:v i:t at rut ri sui otiotli f. 14,- Ia? -w. i, te tfc ? w ii t,'54 t y .! I rM ml AActea U f 4r t ,Ji-,v fc? rTyt ia fcjea a4 r - vajbrv fivB sit :'-. t. Hera ti'a tv itttviKfciie a. mi Wirrf .. a. saw w e M;y.T ae r4 k"" ta 1tmti4 - a4 smt MhM. ay m y Jt xa - ffail,nii a4 . MttH. n IL. Ta tt t((Wm W t. ' St P'ttned and msiifuitMt for box UMimc of XXaamrry Srian4, T.mrnit a4 the Untied s&aua. tju. aat sa-a4 e4 Hm ttmmph intht01d Dosaia. irom pMi"" 'i ' . .. - : : P 1

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