THE WILMINGTON POST. Fkiday Morning, Nov. 30, i83. , Who Mat be Pension Claim Agents. Secretary Teller declines to make the order asked for by the Commission er of Pensions namely that orjljr at torneys at law be allowed to appear , bffore the department as pension claim agents and he gives good reasons tor his refusal. In the first place, it does not ppear,that the : Secretary haa the authority to adopt such a rale. Con gress has not only not required that a -pension agent, must be an, attorney, but its legislation on the subject seems to imply that mch requirement was never intended. ' J?? Butl even if the Secretary had the authority, it would hardly be wise or expedient to exercise it. There are inaujr capable and worthy, agents who would be excluded from practice sim- ply because they are not attorneys, while unscrupulous lawyers and sby ters might ply a fraudulent traffic by virtue of being membeis of the bar. The sensible course is to weed out all disreputable practitioners and to re cognize, all honest and trustworthy agents, whether members, of the legal profession or not. . T- Uut the rules and proceedings before the Pension Bureau - ought to' be so simple and convenient that any person entitled to a pension .would have no difficulty irjjl getting it without being put to, th6i expense and trouble. of em ploying aii geiii.Eichanje. Protection to Garfield's Body. Washington,; Nov. 27. Pol. A. F. liiirVwpl! SimprintRndent of I'ublic i . Buildings and Grounds, in speaking of the guard in the cemetery where the late President Garfield is buried, said that be was! not desirous of having a perpetual military fore stationed there, as reported; : but he thought the body should have the protection of some kind of guard until arrangements could be completed to; ell'ectually secure it. Such arraugf mentn, he believed, would soon be made. The monument Com mittee was -about, ready to begin the I construction,'! the proposed Garfield j monume nt, and as soon as the funda jtioua should, ibe laid the remains of the Wc Priidt'kit would be placed in them - and thus teciired agaiobtthe pospibility of theft. ' SecrVtyry of the N. COonlereuce. In , commenting'' on Judge Black well'.i Utimony before the committee investigating th6 Dauville butchery, . the ' Philadelphia V .vt say . If thi.-i docs not d.irc:tly confirm Gen. poor .victims were found dead hi alleys, in warthcusep, ar,d under tarns, it lends strong probability to it. The Democratic; committee reported a few negroes left dead or wounded on the scene of the affray, put the number who were mortally wounded" by the fire at the retreating negroes, without at once falling iu ttuir track?, must have beep considerable. No amount of whitewash or explanation can make the Danville aaray any ttiing.else than an unprovoked butchery by whites of unofiend l ngneg.rot-H. ' The fac' ih'it the administration au.d the Republican party in congress re jecteJ (he public demand that party ervices thould count less than cbarac ter and capatiy in the selection of the minor ofhtetdurAlef the government ought nut to lwiv been countroed by the bourbejua tf ihe south into any abatement of the popular determiua, tion to place above all other things tuj fight f every cit;z;u to an eual par ticipation iu ihe goveiuKieut through the ballot box. A disiiirectaiit introduced to the L medical profession by the late DrGool- deu hss been used in Ijondoiv eight years.. Half a t'racbni .of nitrate of lead shtu be dissolved in one- pint or more of boiling water, ami two drachms Of coin in in t& t iu a bucket of water. Pour t! two solutiou together, and let the sedimen. subside. -A r4ot hi dipp9i in this aud hung up iu a room will .weftcu a ieted atmosphere in- otartly, or the soluliou thrown down a drain or over a heap of rubbish will ! 1 i : i - ... i. f m . .1. : ' produce a use rerun, vioiuiog worn iby a patient with infectious disease, or bd linen, can be put ouce ioto this so- dilution without'- ii'jury to the material, fthus ihstrojiiig the risk of infect on Jl'or'thte persons, who. wash the clo.h- jng. Aitiu tipn it is a strong HMikn taken tiile iraliv, it dots not injure kkiu. - A lovin could b scrubbed i he the solution, and would-, be entd at ouce, by the presress. weet Thr Uwi ol" Trade. "TweBtj thrt dollart for that Vre tOTf?" sh"r xclaimed, beore-a Wall S.rtf a" rf i uiau, a she held up h-r ) aids iu horror. ,f '"Ye' twentytbiee," L 114 l'U 99 WVU ',; -Yea." : " '' " '. "PTeteen iu the paptr during the last tuoath where as many as six .big irvn companies have failed " Helir - V Well, lUat vugbt t- mak storta chea vr, and I know i u" I--. . '. '. l A JIIUIUI. ID Uf TO BUD HI t&k has lai 1 his biad UfHn as msny as iectj-Ste roae ue in I hi :" to.". j; i - Vr. jKMr thiojs." '. "luit are the nuninc-bottl soy chevr than 4hree aoalhs aro?' :&'. , she slowly ad mil ted. f oo aJM. Tn Us j d m u throw in a horsratlih grater, if jri take ite store atjfJV. j .Fof an &Je'l:ot rrsswB. wh imm ar miller larj mot xrtitm, itr ciwUit aUsXactioo ia ai k oi taeai TKi ta bcttrwalu. t. o Longevity in Different States. A student of the reports of the'tenth census has, compiled a table for the Boston Commonwealth, for the purpose of showing in what state or states one has the best chance for a loo? life. New Hampshire seems to him to be the favorite refuge of green ,' old age, for he finds-that one seventy-fourth of the inhabitants are at least eighty years ojd. The proportion among native white males is 1 to 80, but the environ ment in New Hampshire seems to have been even more favorable to the preser vation of life in the other sex, for the proportion among native white femites is 1 in 58. . Other New England .stales do notcontain quite so many old per sons, the average proportion far the six being 1 in 131. Coming to New York, he finds tin t for one person who has reached the age of eighty, there are 161 who have not beou so fortunate, and in the three Middle states tho average proportion is 1 in 182 As he goes southward he discovers a greater preponderance ol young blood, for in sixSouth Atlantic states the average proportionj is 1 in 203. The Gulf states afford a less attractive he'-ter for the average, is 1 in 300. In Texas, where o many worthy persons die with their boots on in the prime of lite, only one octogenarian can be touod in a group of 697 citizens. The average rises again in the interior states est of the Mississippi, but in the Great Lake states it falls to 1 in 263, a good old age being attained with the greatest difficulty iii the wealthy and prosper ous state of Illinois. In seven states west of the j Mississippi river the aged rarely appear, for the average propor tion is 1 in ,453. In Iowa a crop of &31 persons yields only one who has reached the age oi four score: in Min nesota, IVebraska and Kansas only oue-i .r.i - i . : . : i f , -1 oi luese ageu tuizgus cap oe iouna in, a group that would yield Itwo in Iowa, and in Colorado 1,150 must pass in re view before an octogenarian comes in sight. The j old are even more-rare in. Nevada, but in California and Oregon the proportion is nearly 1 in 500. If the inhabitants of the whole country could be assembled iu two hundred and twenty-seven groups, it would be possible ; to place at the head of each group one patriarch of eighty or more yean. I So our student, assuming that long life' is the inalienable iright of those who reside in -New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine, cries: 'rle to the mountains of "New ';oglnnd for health and longevity!" The lied oi" an Kasteru Prlnee Some time latt year there was wooden bedstead manufactured which Was intended! for the um; off the Kiog of Siani, It was fourteen fett wide and divided into tiuree parts, the. center part being raited about eighteen inches. Tnis piece of furuiuA, being of such unu al ilimeinions, ctrused a slight sensation anong all thore who wrrte permitted to examine it- Bat the bedstead made in Tar is lately for an Indian Prince would draw thousands to see it if ex hibited ia New- York; even, if fancy prices were charged for admission. The bedstead' is partly made of real silver, and cost many thousands ot dollars. At each corner siai ds a beau'.ifully modeled liur'e female figure, (iif .-'-Maa.) holding a delicately const rncie l fan. i.cti figure it is, skiu, wears a witr f real htir. This is1 'to be regularly lr ssed'f . by the couribarber ouce a week. On the grfeat'piieina!e gettiiig into bed the weight of Iws binly sets certain machinery in motion, the effect bf which is thati so long as his royal highness enjoys his horiz )uial refresh ment the silver maidens gently the .1 . 'rr.u. :i.J. . . r . Bierper. ii iiik ,ugores ai Hie loot, OI the bed are required to rxsrt them selves iu a like manner, tins can be ac complished by the aid of a clock-like apparaTus! Moreover, shoul i the dus ky owner of the ied wish to be lulled to slumber by the.dulcet rounds of soft mush4, this cau bei doueby touching a spring. The botiom td the bed con tains a large musical box which is so arranged that the itlues can be loud or Soft as desin d. J The Center of Population. Xtentral Walker Superintendent of the Census. Bureau, has published a curious bulletin showing the position of the center of poouUiieu since IT'.KX In 1SS0 it was eight miles west by south of Cincinnati, having moved west fifty eight miles during the preceeding de cade. Thefjllowiiig i- the approxi mate locatiou of lnimrt.nt points from IT'.H). Tweuty-three miles eat of Bal timore.. 1H. more. 1S10. Kighteew mile west of Bslti Fort? mile uertbwrst by west of Wasbiogtou. j , 18'JtX tixteeu miles north of Wood ftbek. 4-'- .-' : IS30. Nineteen wiles west by south west of Moore field. 1540. Sixteen miltssuuth of Cisrk burg. : '- " 16u. Twenty miles souinvaat uf Parkersburr.'. Trnij'anti'u:b of 1 hitli Cvlbe, '"': . , 170. , Foriy niilt east by txurtb of Cincinnati. 1SS0, r.ihi miles west by suih .f Ciaciooati, The act ot puttittg a lead rxncil to the' to( Ui wet I. jat before wri-' line , whlCQ W bai(bai i;h mn!r f- pie, is one of the oddities fvr wfaicb it. u hard to gir any uwe it btn in the day wheu pcoctU were pourtr than now, and was cvwltoued f expl to ibe nexgeoeraiioa. A iad iC)l shoad ort be weL It hardens U leJ aai ruins the peociL Tais (act to kaowa u se-ppr mto sod :eaograpars It is U the nat art of ropnUr Mart Menu wbeo the bocds oi ataoity are orrt-tnrm l) br iato aaarcay. Tae woods' wrf4U of easttn oa naaktriviag Day. A ineiuber of a manufacturing' firm that employs fire buudred men told ibe Senate inetigiing committee that ihe knowledge he possessed he got by I reading the newspapers, and not from books, and that by reading the papers he kept himself informed ou the lite- rat u re and curreu even U of the day. prominent business the same acknowl- Thousands of other rnf-n woiiUl'miika edic-medi irquestioued on the subject. Tne tendency of all literature is to ward expnsion-o the most industri ous reader of books cau scarcely in a lifetime become well informed; news papers, on the contrary, coudencef near ly everything iu as few words as possi sible. AVere a student to attempt to give the political, social, religions and lue'ary history of the world for a dy he might do it in a far more elegant style tban the newspapers, but his story, would- occuy the reader's time for at least 1 a week. The newspaper is the true American university. Iu the forthcoming report of Attor ney Genera. Brewster attention will be called to the unsatisfactory character of juries drawn from the citizens of the District of Columbia in cases, of na tional importance. The attorney gen eral will recommend; that in all nation al cases like the star route trials, a list shall be made up bv taking the name of two citizens from every state in the Union, and "that panoels shall be drawn from this list. 1 The effort of the the responsibility bourbons .to shift of the Danville slaughter from ther shoulders is as ridiculous as the attitude of the sheep killins; cur which whines in fear be hind the feet of Hm aster whenever ii sees a lamb. Thieircry that the ne groes and tne white Readjustee were wholly-at'tault is ridiculously foolish and fals?, aud they know it I Loudoun Jdephone. j -k I Reliable Inlbrination Wanted. We believe! Edillr Dana is a safe counselor, aud we therefore run to him for a Jittle information. . If the demo crats are obliged to have the electoral vote of New York.jand Mr. Tddeu will not be a candidate, Where is the man that can carry Johuj Kely7- -Atlanta Constitution. j i The occasioujs which would ship wreck a weak will' are tne opportuni ties for exercising strong oue. Natural merriment is the best food for c'uldreu. They ;hava only j.ure thougti s an Ubright dreams. Na'ure iit'-o w-se a tnester 'to spoil her ctiititr. i;n icy i Wliiimrv jri'OW dAHKCTS. iNovetnber 22. M'lKirs luiipaNiiNp -The market opened steady at So cent's . per gallon with no isal.t to report, qlt.sicg firm wi'h buyfeVs and toilers sp.rt. nosiN-pilarkel hrm at l 10 for fctrained and 1 15 for Good Straineil lAR inem ukel was. firm at $1 GO pt-r ui ot io, wnn; sales at quota lions. CliUDK TurFkntine The market w:;s, fieady, wnn saies reported at $1 '( for I Hard cd 2100 fur Yellow Dip 'nd Virgin : ottov;-- im mnrket was 't.ady Willi sa'ef rj.iiteil of; loO IjiI.h on a t-S'.s of 10 cen's per lb ' 'lor .U id llnig. iTio,,iik,wir.g were lh- fJicia qii'C.all iii.-: i t )rd inary. 71 i ClH r It G ).m! Ordinary, L'w Mnl-l'ii.g, Middlio)?,- ii od .Middli-ljr, 10' i X iovenib'T 23. mikils lUKrE.vriNKj-Tiie market opfiied dul at Hj cemi prrg.iiton, with Siles reported ot 4 irtsks at that price. . I- r- UosiN Market Orm at $1 10 for M rained aijd 1 15 lor G".d Strained, with sales as f furred. j Tau The market was firm at $1 60 per DDI 260 lbs, with Bales reported later at i bo per bbl. I, van we. I URrr.NTiNK-Th market was steady,: wiih a'e reiiortHd at t 00 hir, llard and f 2 W U,t Yellow Dip aim irgiu j ConoN The market - was firm with ;..itfs reported of S00 bles on i ba'sii. of 10 cents for" Middlit. ine i i:oving were the official quota nous: Ordinary -, i ct8 vtoou orui nary y Low Middling", P Middling, 10 Good Middling.- 10 J , November 21 t. i l ni-K .;!-(-1 n msrxet opentd dud xt:l cents ! per gallon, wnn no i to report K3six.Market brm at 1 10 ;or irdintsl and f 1 15 for Good Strained, wnn sales as ottered. Iak The market wn firm at $1 60 per bbl. oi m) Ibst with sales at Quota tions, and also !es later of 60 bbls at f I 70 per bbl. I v;KCPK 1 URPKNTISE The market steady, with sales reported at 11 00 ior aard and f 2 00 for Yellow Dip and irgin. orns. The market was firm, with a re portt-d of SiW rau on a batis of 10 1 lt ceou -er lb. for Middling. The following were the officiaf quota lions: ' i Ordinary. G-xxl Ordinary, Lt-w, M iddling, Midlliac. Good Middlint. 7 ia 16 cu p lib " " ? 11-16 - 10 116' 10 5 16 " November fc. nati liL SVtKXUttL-l Tnw nu. krt oford eady at J crsu per fal- ko, wiui m.; or ssj casks at taat f - I KostiTBe market was tm at 1.15 fo braised aad II 2 fvr lrKi SriaeJ, .with sale at jooca- , TATTh sm ira Hl 70 perHTortHiiXaita sales at qooU lov I ' " ' . CkrPK TrarKtDsa-Market teadr wttb uW repurted at ft tor Hani lKfe Yelw ihp aa4 Vwria. I u)iru Jtara waa dau, miLk rfpo.ed of 3 baies o t o 10 1 16 centa per lb for Middling. The following were the official quotations: Ordinary, 7 13 16- cts tt Low Middling, 9 11 16 Middling. , 10 1-16 Good Middlicsr. J1C 5 16 it f 11 c .. November 20. SjPIKITS TUKFtTLBTB The market opened firm, with 5ao sales to report; 34 J cents offered and 35 asked. QEtosur Market firm at $1 10 for Strained, and $1 15 for Good Strained, with sales at quotations. Tab The market was firm at $1 60 per bbl of 280 Ibe, with sales at quotations. Cktjdk TtJnPEirriifK The market was steady, with sales reported at $1 00 for Hard and-$200 for, Yellow Dip and Virgin. Cottok Market firm, with sales reported of 400 bales on a ! basis of 10 cents per lb for Middling.1 The following were the official quota tions: Si- I Ordinary, n Jl cts ft Oood Ordinary g Low Middling, ' 9 Middling, 10 Good Middline. 101 ii '. it ' it it N i November 28. SPIKIT8 Tukpektihk. The market was opened dull at 34 cents' per. gal lon, with no sales to report, closing at 33 cents bid, but held at 34. JSosnr The market was firm at $115 for Strained and $1 20 for Good Strained, with sales as offered. Tar. The market was firm! at $1 70 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales at quota 'ions. ' CftDDB TpBlteNTiNE-Marketj itoady, with silos reported at $1 00 for Hard and $2 00 for Yellow Dip and Virgin. Cotton. The market waj dull, with sales reported of 300 bales on a basis of 10 1-16 cents for Middling. The following were the official quota tions:; I I Ordinary - .71 Good Ordinary, 91 Low Middling 9 Middling, 10 -?ood Middline 102 cts"$ lb ii ii i ii . h j" ADVERTISEMENTS. SENSIBLE HEN and women know ere this that of Ibe manv diseases and derangements of tho body eacn nas a separate cause Or origin, and that each needs a diflferent'inethodof treat ment In order to effect a cure, aud a mo meat's reflection must convince that any of the quack aoelfoms f.iisieii upon tne public claiming to cure all of a n -iniher of diametrlcly dltfereni aiseases must prove failures, even If we do not call them hum bogs, i- PnnB PrflPir and People of moilerate lUUU I uUILu mana, hnd even people well f do oi wealthy And that the euor mous charges of oractislnz Physicians are a serious burden to theua, and also fii:id that aioer pajing uiemseives poor lbt no beue- ni nas accrued lo laem, tual in mey umo tuiuwu utir luouey away, ru over come these evils we offer Whteier's No. Wj Hnre Remedies to the Mck and suiter Dg one Kennedy for each disease, without for a mo ment claiming that one reined v will cum any other disease than the one claimed for it, aud a tnese remedies have stood the test of years without a single failure we agree to refund the money paid in every inrtance where a cure is not positively ef fected. The remedies are entirely veeeta. ble, ean do no harm, and will positively cure every disease ior wnicn mey axe pre scribed. I . DTJPTTlf iTTGIf Clout, Lameness of llllliUJaaiiuJH, Joints, Sciatica and .neuralgia are relieved at once and rati tlvely eared by the use of Wheeler's Ko. 96 Rheumatie Remedy. We say boldly that in the worst of cases of no matter how long standing, how serious or bow painful, we ran not only give relief but poaiiively cure iur ui umaiisuuii wan uus we will posl tlvely refund the money paid for the treat ment, and if your sufferings are not post nveiy stopped ior an time yon have not inrownyour money away as you would on any othar than thess guaranteed ramciiim The prioe Of Wheeler's No. 96 Rheumatic Remedy is only 60 cents, obtaalnabie rmm drnggtsU or sent free by mall on receipt of price, ouunpe ium. i m snu utom, neauuiai ngure, faulUeas complexion, aa wall as the sweet- ei or tesapers aud faultless mental quail' ties grows prematurely old, gray and wrin kled, her form loses its perfect coaiour, the complexion becomes sallow. the brightness leaves the-eye, a feeling or languor takes tne place oi we enee Duoyaut spirits, an Irritable nervous fractlousn ess makes life a Duraen, tnings mat once were trine worry her till me becomes unbearable: ah ti.i. being caused by the physical derangements so oommoa to women, which the inmate modesty or feminine nature orevenu their mak t ogjk nown, and of which the Ignorance oi ine seaicai proieasion prevents a cure Lady Reader, pause and eonssder. 'tis t dnt yon owe yoarselX, your family and your Uod, that yeu should eure yourself of these trobiea add ones more feel the glow of perfect health and spirits that nature in tended for you, Wneeler's Ho. t6 Presclip- uuu sre pinuut uu paiaiaoie to lake. contain nothing of an Injurious nature, and may oe laawn ojr mtt ac;ca a au times and in all conditions witnout poasibllltv of in effects, and will positively cure any or the peculiar diseases to which females are subject- Falling to produce a perfect cure the proprietors will refund the money paid lor ibe treatment, if yon have a sallow com. plezlon, constant or lntermittant head ache, backaches restlessness, loss of appe tite, suppressions of monthly now, or ir regularities thereof accompanied by head- acnes, nervousness, nysie ics and similar symptoms, wacetera f. w rrescription "B" will positively restore you to health. If ion nave a sensation of het and ihmh. blng la the back, fiequent fainting spells Luoorrhea or white discbarge, painful or eaiaiag sensauon in urmaiint. reddish or whita deposit In trine, hot and Urv hkln WbtfeleTs K PrescrlpUou C" will cie I named talc and lasting relief. The price of .. . . A I. - . .... " s otf icr no- nrmrupiiooi a and tr are 50 cents each, obtainable from druggists or MUfc oj mui srrurt irum ooervllon post paid obi receipt of price. rotage stamps taken. nifiDpn !t l needless Co describe the UUI BUUUii) Dipioms oi i nis nauseous dl km thai ts sapping me me and strpocLh of only too maay ol tne fan-eta and best of ooin sezee, oa maa young, saserlng alike from tbepoisooousdrlpptog in the Jiroat, the poiaoaoaa asasd discharges, ibe fetid hreai and general weakness, debtlitv and laaguer, aside from the acute suQertngs of tais queue, wnwa ii nut cnecaea ran only nd in looi palate, aoarsane . vssksnai algbt, loss m memory. aeafaaa and prew nwmiv u aw enow venire It IS too lata Lanor.stiMraaa research la Ame rta, Eorop aad Laatera laada bave r ealted la 'heeler's io. at rmsusl Raitef ana mtre m i ior vt-srra. a remedy wblrn roe lain bo harmful lagredleatr, and inai to gwarmauwd t rr cbroaie eat Wheeler No. 10 cure every case of acute tarrn ot muney ratanJoL S lastaat Relief aad Mar Cure sot Cstarrti wtu -re every case n ea iairn. aay lever orasuiosa one luv prr picti. itimi w wui dj mail, poss swtd oe recatps of prtce, w bvaier a nsaitsrt Sor Kldaey aad Liver TroabUs cares ail weakness aad soreatassji kMaeys. laBsi stloo at 114. ny tor Uvr. prtew sua. MfbeeJerls VagetabM nil are Ibe only remedy that rare eoarupauoa. giving es larai mtUom e tAe boweta wttbout poyaKw lag. peuTlag. artpiac r paia. rrxw s rrais. Of rggiata r ey suii, , waeetems ervtae lwatc aar seatl d presKtosv, losa of saaabood. laacsnv. wa. va.-sie, prapeS cvaia. WEGUAfilRTEE-wurri pad. We piacw oar srw tor Ms at bass lass M ivssums o Um -rw taked by uibars sor rwiiiUis ap wbtrb row la ail Us tbs ai as w sMraaity avtts) Use) llini mt U saaay muu s bate attest saber waisaw Bmrt mr oralssaS Usesr miws a. avta bUksUsat SsosdlSe llliasa. HQ? TO OBTAlIl-aS taey wrtseas mmm tawy sms earkrtMO. Mtrmm yaary, UVMMXkltacU. ' . Sv . ta.usw ML 41 TI wUiUt. XIX U-tt NEW AD VER7 iSEMENTS. Ward's White Ialy Soap FOR Laundry aad Toilet Use. IT DO Ed AV"AY WITH WASHBOARD'SAND BOILEES AND CONTAINS NO ROSIN TO TURN I THE FABRIC 1'KUiOW. IT CAM BE USED EITIIEltllf HOT OR COLD WATER" It saves fuel, time and labor, and ia recommended and. endoreedfey Eome of tie leading Chemists 10 th eountrj. For Bale by ' ' V .' i ADRIAN A VOLLKUS, Wuolesale Agents P'ft'T'not., lire Is sweeping by, go and lc V I dare before mu die. something lll0 I mighty and sub'ime leave be hind to conquer rime."i(6 a weejtj in your own town, to outnt free. No rlski .very thing new. Capital not required.; We will furnish you every thing. Many are, making ronunes. toadies mane as mucnias men and boys and eirls make creat pav. Read er, if you want business at which vou can make reat pav all the time, wrlt3 f r par ticulars 10 tb. iiallktt tx ix., roruano, Maine. 5 is?: o " "2 .g.r? 1 o Malb a 05?" fi z 5 -it:? 2 7 . r: J; tr-- E z. c - j, a - -. M - D. A. SMITH, The Latent And HandomestlStyles, FURNITURE .WAYS ON HAND. SALES ROOMS &: MANUFACTORY no. north front strbxt WILMINGTON. -,c aag i in - si n 7 1 a m J r- ; ii fpfO " marfe ax kve fcyu!! UI fc-rst-fc. ca4tai smX spaa ed, We wiij t"Jkf yt-a. tta. wsaa. eya sm girrs waai4 vryare Vo xa - SMIWUa Vsi fare Uas. mr fvmr vfcw Utm to tl ta . NlKM MMMM-vUi MT Jv mm caa Shii sa F.S-r rvt r rz S ?.l st4 A il Jec. 17 iy 0M S si n I JiiflfTj'i Z l- s o 'f ouiiilllnsll PROSPECTUS. THE 4 WILMINGTON POST FOR, I 0 83, With its ExceediBgly Large Sub- scription LIST is the Best 1 - ... ADVERTISING MEDIUM ' ' ' 4 , ' ' In this State. It is the Only - ' ! , - j ! Republican Paper Published in the Second and Third Congressional Districts; j It reaches all classes of the pople, . .... n -, . ! WHITE and COLORED. .'. i . It advocates Equal Rights before ' , ! ; - the Law and at the Ballot ... 1 Box of ALL MEN, Its location is in the ' i . - i. m II ARGESTICOMMERCIAL CITY in North Carolina. GIVES dF LATEST M niii: And MARKKI IfMPOUr IT Irt OPllWEDBrrO ; - RINCs AND OL IQU E 8 Railroiad. ! Political or V Commercialt And Exposes them Whenever Found. ADVCRTIPIINU RATU LOW SUBSCRIPTION TRICE QSL Y J TWO DOLLARS J ... .. - . ;-T - - A Tar ta AfjTr. ' , '.( ' Do lot fTftX to Smd Iht, Kttry Wuk Yotr Has. Address, Tn..triiniXmTo?i rosT. t ' ' ' ; " ' ', ' VIL8UIOTOjr,V;a ' Na IK AD rERH3itEJnr3. J. g. yoss. X 1IAVE MOVED MY BOOT ANDSflO. MAKING and ItEPAIRINO ESTBUSH. MENT ou FrlntM between Frout aa Beoond streets, here i shall be glaa toies iny old frleuds. WANTED. -Afeentsfor"ljfaaTime' Frederick Dbuiasi, written bviiiLnself. OuLrivi. .... Ji Tom's Cabin " inMhrining and' ronJ.?!f interesU Fully ilrustrated. r0lul4 V w -a a O .S 1 s 1 . uau tuuis iu rauutnrru ACfnl . ; PAUK PUBLISH I ii lx) i UartK,rd.0-n TORPID UfOWEILS. DISORDERED H lVER ' r and MALARIA. 1 tha.dlaicaaM of u,o ,..! aymptoma tndioato Hm. m-i, i , -! J.. "1 Appetite lliU oii,i. r.k m!!?' exartlon of body ,T. iUucT.V plriU, A elina: f lK l,rcl1!I some du.y, Bt,.lf tm.t.TSt Heart, IJoLs be . , , j h.,"V VL red llrtae, vri tVVTIo f " ' tho nan fit ivnux'i- i!"1 onthol.iror, AsitUvV-rHiHckw 1vn& Klilnrvs nn,1 VK-i,. . t. ... mi impn;ii,;.v,h:xW; tr,:zsi;;T: engrs of itir, j i ,.- jMxlu-i(; opn. skin u.l :V virous bolr. 1 V XT'S 1'II.Uj S'V.V". n? " frHphu; nor ii.U-rlere Hli a iily work anil aix n, tU ct ANTIDOTE TO M ALARI A. nu fetuj i.iui' a : jy max. "I hivo limli Dystx psl i. W!WCtnittina Uoi .tiyryrtrvnn.l J,:,v irl. d rn tltuVrenl kinda f plll-s ;;n.l TIT I 'S un tho first that hnvo Ooiip mo. Any KOvj, n,t.v hsrs cleannl m out nicety. Mv aprvilje U jlea.llil,-f,,Nl lUzrsta rontllly, mid I am li:tvo tiuluii'.l pasnuea.. I I lik n,. man. W. 1. KUW A RDS, Pahny rn, o RoHrvrrrwlH ir.arso. O!8,o, I MurtsyS T TUTT'S HAIR DYE; Grat II tin or Wiidixfm rhanpd is, stnntiy tutuilwir IlLHi l.v usinsWsiL pM.ntion of this 1ti ,s! 1 DniKflSs. r si nt by xju esi ni ilrt-Hpt ji'.f 91". i OrTco.l M;irn.v t. Sfw VtVtk . TUTT'S MANUAL CF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREk augubt a Iy i i . - . Farm for Sale. I KAKMtOMAlNINli TIIHKE ( TTuuircd aud ten acrt'K. ubtuit one bun dled arrrs clean d aud in a riue state of rulllvatlou, thrrti 111 lien from Enfield, on KlfclklfliT 'l Ol.l" II iif. r H . n. I 1 ' ins. witli four rooms, aud kltriun, thrre rox1 tenant liuusfs hh,( LiyruK, ali" new, and a cotid well ol hIi. Healthy loca llou. fiuall on Imrl ol jouuk apple and 1earh trees nnd a few craie vlnea. Price' tJAO.; Addre JUl.ll t I Tt IUNH. ict ".-If . . Knrield. N.C. ri NOTICE! Valuable.Lainls for Sale abetUr pier-uf Jatfd in u,m .Uter-boue lui'jrn Ki icmott'. ? TKUMs Hr S M.I . r , IJmoollia lillllf. tul iilMr,l 1 lun! mi'.l . Ie na.1e f. t uil .li. fn-m .foitus ! ! ut r It l.y arittfi (f tojjir mill l, nitt4 the IU;lrmd and J -m-dl ratry tiictu tf L Tllie ppr Jrrt, H. i -. ;IK. iy l.Vtx . - lr-ef ''arc al!ay mi, I J ul (lmnit l'i ic ;w lit' ( . If I J fc. far ijlnn. and m t ' ''a Wfaithy'; Ihixt )iu do uol i 111 1 ! v U H op(vrtanllle trntaln In tvrf t ' t-t mauy ipeji. at. mm. t,) s aiid sir . I . soil tor u riglit Iu tbr.r nun a si one can do thp word prtrt-rr 1 r-fro n: f f- uminrn ntji -)J lij '' 1 a ten lih.f or liuaiy (. Mi,i.i iv fit lurnltieli.rrr Nu !: ' ; u ti.j4' alia fnake iiioiir jr r i l a fu - "Ji our we iiiii lo tu i i t , w?- J your tuotrtu. u.. .1.:. j. .. and ail Uiat 1 rifwlnl f ni fjf A iirn HTtaao A C Purtiaud. Jdali.e. Sugar, Collec, Flour, Jjf VLU WTUCK VS If. AMI. For sale ky aik: 4 OI-I. K. tBh IIU fi FiOil ae4 IS H IRBKN C. lULKMIV. r'i Ij-ai.i. Kht Ml.' 11 At 1 :i Groceries Provisions, a.ruTitMi:!f. JTJa, fl. Ual.' . io?toj:t. It Wfif tr wim s 11 t h - .... , J Wit l.l'KH K t i.U r-Al.l. AT hlK KV ...... ... ... i'Ti 1. iii ui r-t 't is r , l'Wvt. S'-n vol ftlle t,- f.ti, afTMrdi., lyinc ( in- mii m.'iu U. a Phi'dI aw ysr.L of ilir V. a W. Ii. U ,i,d ii tnj friiu WiUtiiiitoii nt tl.t- Insphu llftail. The prlnrlpal nmwlli 011 U. Jui.djn jH.inr. hickory, rrin. . i.iu jti -pin. tmk. gun r under jr.mUi p.iliin t:... rUit. n.)tt r Ar '. It-fpt Mtx.m i iirr r l4r- 41', and i Have You Seen Them ? It J'T. t it t 9 aa4 r vt. a - a t"aa. T tv Cmsj,- 4i, 4a en va. s. 1 MtltAOAL A ii,t.

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