1 .1 . f v OUIMK XVI -Zjdlheftitoffiee at Miming' Second Class Matter. XpVERTISING. J : M (g) lines, Nonpareil type.con- feful,re--cmy cents ,cr line for the Orst in- d twenty -fave cents per line fXadditional insertion. lilbove rates, except on special ..fa K rnaiubwription f rice to The Wil- months $1 00. . - ill Komliunications on business : mm HPosT.Wilmington.N.C. t be iddressw TOil " Salt Lake City, Not. 30, 1883 EvitokPxt: -Having business here ltheCpiuJoJHormoniain, I thought from w noted a quarter might jite some interest for your readers, for Pie8"11 the ""kJ51 of Polygamy' attractinft national attention. The I Edmunds bill, which disfranchised i nnlreimUt, has. signally failed in its J.ntpnded effect, the Mormons haying, b?wn the Gentilo element at the polls - witiiout the double marrfed element of iheir sect voting at all.',- Religious fa "nitica and greedy politicians may say i what they like about the horrors of 1 Mormonism, but in travelling through i wt the Mormon ettlements a straoger l the regions of purer morals and iJer civilizHion will be forcibly im prwed with the tact thav wherever jie teea Mormon farm 'or- settlement he Mod domestic peace, thrift, 8)briety and progress When you fial a bar room a Gentile usually keep it. ;t ilheMormoosare.as a general thing, farmer, land they raise almost all the county produce consumed in this en tiretwciion of country. Every settle meui las ksi store, called "Cooperative Ziuu." alTuf which establishment are branches of the principal establish menl in ibis city. At thete stores they make il'. their 'purchases, and you can imagine the revenue derived by the chuich from this source alone. Yet i thest stores sl I goods at a reasonable j profit and do not attempt to presume 1 upon their corporate authority to ; 1 'squeeze iheir patrons. The direct revenue of the Mormon Church is derived from a system -- -of Ufbiog irecioly sim-iltar to that of ; tin i CiihokK, ami Episcopal' Churches of ns,au4 the o4 days, which thy cheerfully &j when use. Siocs th death, of JiiJge Jere Black the Mor rtfons hkve bad ha coufio!ence iu tbiir ability to lioM on to polyguuy and many ol the, more fur-seeing' aud con . servative amongst them are beginning to c-irUit ihs number ot their wives. Therein no doubt that Judge Black, during his reun'.iou'as counsel for the church, wauled oft many a heavy blow 'f ..from her. On whose shoulders his mantle will reaceod no one as yet knows, but the Mormon Church .will, like the Catholic ot by -gone days, have tie best counsellors hit money can procure, for the, people are all house rid farm twuer and well to do, and the church is very rich. I hv been very much interested in sunoiin up opinion on he recent 'ecljunt etst. Just aftr the Ohio tlectioa the Democrats felt sure of trie presiJestial succeosiou, nor did the re alt w PeonsyWa-jia aud New York kavaas deprensiog ao- eflect as would pmwed. nut when" tile telegraph ;- JaahftHhe news of tho Danville "riot" KcilWin compliance to our bour boa, friend' feelinc),- then you could . ee the change. The northern Demo1 cnx ww forgotten in the American citi o, and men h?ok their heidi omi ?ga,lI.ai said it would ueverdoto , the wuthernbouibous n control, af ii j wis government. . I have auea,.iDDemjierstsry that t .-v ".I'uu.n.u VJ '" in power until the south was J'diwd and educate! up to the stan . n n!f ff Amer,ct ciUxenship, : DtQcracy stood some chance be n he Virgioi election of carrying W", PMbtbly twonorthern states, but U "nof has made a solid north. The mh utich aml m0Qfy u conserva UT and this hnuKr. nr . k..MuM md lot of poor, igoorant ntgroes' Mk,-Wth slumbering embers of IK.. . - ' ; -! 'ympathy which the "th or Jh Brown gave lile to, and which "l-DcIt Tom', Cabin" and fh. " per book cfass of iliasUaUooj and .Wmmr. nurturtJ lnu aTaJaBch M op.a.oa of which thej emaiiclpatloo rMxlttuoo wu the- only safety TWe, w. Joha Brown", spirit is a? ain oo, and t,9tj .UU1 country w'papw od all the Urjr daliie and wkhes are filled with severe coalmen oo,ihe peopl. who.-i Une of Uft thir wire, and lefencele lB cbarj, a4 ai the mercy of thw harsaiess slavey who w a hair ol their heads, 4 who now, with the reins of political power in their hands, with a partisan ju diciary, and frequently a jury system the same, find it necessary in telf-de- fense to brutally and cowardly shoot dowu these poor, defenseless wretches. Southern men residioz north are aehamedjof it, and feel that the south is never going to get out of her shell of warUlate and prejudice. ' ' : Well, the blood spilled at Danville has done its work Not only has it done what the bourbon originators of the scheme intended, but it has done frhat was furtherest from thetr inten ipne. It has carried Virginia and solidified the north. A 'solid south will make a solid north! It is one of the political compensation! fixed by the war, and although1 the man be a north ern democrat, if he owns a house or is doing business, he is blow to work for a party candidate whose national policy may in all probability be shaped or in fluenced by some of the gentlemen who had a band in "redeeming; the Old Do minion" with the blood of the poor Danville negroes.- . The committee of forty, selected I presume especially on account of the number of negroes they, each owned before the war, may make re polls and endeavor ,to whitewash it all-over, but we who were born aud raised south understand aj I that .and laugh at the attenuated, translucent covering they give it. The, idea of white men who fought Uraut ten to one and held him at bay, being afraid of a lot!, of poor negroes; it is a libel on the courage of every ex rob in Virginia, and they laugh at in their sleeve. , You have no idea what an impres sion this circumstance has made on the northern mind particularly in thr northwestern 'and northern states. I paid particular attention to the In diana country papers, and found that whilst H e Republican press character ized it in unmeasured terms, not one Democratic sheet attempted a defense. There is a spirit of manliness in Ibis uopolished western character that makes it a point of honor never to at tack a man unless he is able to defend himself, aud tluy would tcorn to shoot wheu a man had no arms, or haying, would not evince a disposition to use them, and'th's Danville husiDess struck tliem hs cold blooded, .calculated scheme to carry the electiou at the ex perjse of aJfew poor negroes' lives rou wMl bear ol it on every Htump in the next campaign, and thi way the IngersolU, Logans and EJinuud will word psinl the picture wilt uink an impression that years of bourbou press conservative.'yaukea-loving, northern neoule iuvitinjr tditorwls will not efface, and" when the uext Democratic nominee for th3 -presidency is euueAV oring to find the prime factors in the .sum of his defeat, ha will find this "nigger-killing" business one of them I see Judge liussell lueotioned as a practicable candidate tor Rovernor by- some of the state press. lie would make a line governor aud I dare say would poll more than Ins party strength, and if the people of Norlh Cirolina have good Beuse they. will put hiiu in' the chair, if-he wants' it. What a change it' would be 'from ttie late run of governors. K ilher. " ; More anon., i f Ex Ueb Peudrr. Deab rosr: I will, now give you a few more facts concerning the misrule and abue of power in Pender under the influence of the Burgaw ring, and my veneration for old age compells me to pay -.my compliments first to ou Probate J udce. William Yate Banner- mau a widower only 67 years old, w. falls in love with every crjettTgirl be sees; buLbeiue tod-ftfOnomical to marry otoJwv-irTmself a new coat, he lives one and wears hi first wedding suit with nis elbows out in winter The abuse of power oy this pliant toil of the Burgaw ring.is withouC a precedent in the history of North Carolina . ot very long since there waa a v jfcancy of one macistrate in uoiumoia townsuip and a petition was sent up; to this Democratic autocrat signed by oyer 100 Democratic tax payers of the township oravioc his majesty to appoint Hamon Bland te the vacancf, but the ring knew they could not use Bland; so Tarn Konett. and Dao Shaw, aideU D? J no. D. Towers (the old capon) sent in a counter petition signed by themselves ana two men from Columbia township1 asking the appointment of C. C. Wood cock and of course he was appoinwu Soon after thU a similar vacancy oc- ura id Oraet township, aaJ a peu- Uoa was sent up figoed by a majority fiS. DmocraU voters ofe town- hip praying ' kU lordship to appoiat Oeorre W, rvllock, but 8baw. .KaaeU and Utir Hoc .knew Uey could nH bm rollock, therefore he m Mt p- hat Uery J. Mtuuuua, maa of !no eJtriac wko ieither expvtea or wtlt4 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. pointment now .fills the place. We next hear of another such vacancy in Union township caused by the resigna tion of Squire Filyaw.who recommen ded a Mr. Carrol to fill his place, there was also petitions-sent up asking Car rol's appointment; but a superinten dent of Public Instruction was to be elected and Carrol could not be counted certain for4 Shaw's son-in-law, and therefore, Dr. Walter C. Murphy a very pliadt tool of the ring, was on the morning of the election appointed to fill Filyaw's place. He hurriedly qualified, went into the meeting and elected Shaw's man, came out and han ded in his resignation and Carroll was appointed to fill the place; all of this was done in less than two hours. If any such abuse of power as this by a Republican official can be named we will reward "more anon." for the infor mation. I have put myself to some trouble to get the tabbing of Hale the poor old blacksmith who fought through the late warry in the confederate army,' simply because he, happened to be born in the state of Maine and now votes the Republicau ticket. There happened to be a little piece of vacant land near Rocky Point which was claimed by a poor unfortunate and pitiftfl fellow, one Bryant Brown, a man of' some lit tle means, Hale entered it and in due time obtained a grant from the state, having paid for -the same. Under this grant he moved into a small log house on the land and allowed another party. to occupy auothe small house near by. Ou the evening of the day he moved in, a mob headed by one William B. Hocut, went into the house and in the absence of the .man (Hale) and in tha absence ol any officer or legal process, forcibly.put out the fami ly with'.their bedding aud, furniture into a cold drenching January rain. The next moruing Hale iu his dilemma went into the other house, but had not been there but a few .hours before an other mob was on the ground, headed by one Thomas A. McLendon, a Demo cratic justice of the Peace, who, notwithstanding, he was warned not to enter the premises rushed with his mob np t the door where Hale was aland iog whom he took1' yiolenily by the collar and dragged him out of doors, when he was set upon by the mob and violently restrained Junti! McLendon a limb of the law and dispenser of justice could clsar the house of other members of the family aud furniture and nail up the doors. Some months after this, the houses still being vacant, and log house No. 1 being open, HaW moved back in 10 il. When this same fellow, McLendon, issued a writ against him aud selected a sham jury most of whom were not ciiizens of the township, all of hich beiDs; done, poor old Haile was caught up" by McLedon's officers and taken to Brown's private residence for trial without au hours notice. He was not allowed time to get a wi AesS nor to send for counsel, but in the presence ot Browu'rt vindictive family was forced into a drum head trial, convicted by the sham jury and would have been throwu out of the house" by- this third mob, but for the timely arrival of iflur iff A. C Ward, .vt our last court the graud jury fouu i true, bills of indict ment, gainsti McLeudou, Hocut and oilier conspicuous; character of the mobs, and McLendon was put on trial for au assault and battery upon Hale in collaring and dragging him out of the sesond ihouie, the facts of which were uroven lamjip, out mat smiu ig specimeat ofja Judge Alinon A. Mcj true to his lawless kit kluxreCbrd, un der the 'influentejjf-Mid Tom Eu nett andJiwftngT who evidently has oumdence to try to proetitute our ' 1 U ilt.ln-A Will solicitor anu sum ui je. - be influenceil by there, charged the jurjlthat they must be satisfied that McLendon left his home intending to assault Hile before they could convict. Hence the jury acquitted him and was taken in a bod to the nearest" bar room and treated by McLendon for theii valuable lervices to himself 'and the coantry. This is a true picture of Democratic justice in Tender co&otj, all uoder lhe ioflueoce 'efj the Burgaw ring. In my next 1 will tell how John D. Powers, (the capon) Dan. haw, Alph Paddion and a few others col luded while in .office to mak, money outoftheccuBtj.ana will also tell you ot a plan now cn foot to extort more special tax from cur poor people. .:; A RrrcRUcas. The Norwegian barque Tunst, the iiermaa brig Exprwe and th$ schoooer Litaie Major were cleared from this port oa Wedoesasy laai, wi. mw Havre, France with aaval stores ta cood named to Uverpocd, with cotton and the Utter to SC Marc, Hayti, with Lumber and saint leMjTWe of toreUn exports ;forathe daj beia t.020,6i, t ; HOwg begin to wear a lritsaas Uka appearance. 1 :-,'i uity Itemo. . , 4,, Rev. T. Page Ricaad wiU preachhis farewell sermon next Bandar. T Mr. Adam LatU fornjerjj a Wil mingtonian, but now a resident of Sa vannah, has been hereon srisit during the past week.' : A party of younf.men Shattered the steamer Minnehaha and -went down to Smith ville last night; to attend a grand ball given by the people ef that -place. Captain ;F. W. Potter. Mr Jaa. W. King and G. G. Lewie axe all Quite sick. Mr. King's condition has been critical, but at last accounU he was better. - Mr. A. P. Yopp, who went to Water Valley, Miss., several ' months ago, to accept a situation in the machine shops at thai plaeeifieturnecl Tt'few'uays ago and says North Carolina is good enough for him. , ' j Rev. F. A. Bishop and Rev. J. L. Keene, who were on a visit to relatives in this city, left Monday morning for their respective fields of labor, the for mer at Plymouth and the latter at Co lumbia, Tyrrell county. Two men were arrested here a few days ago on suspicion of beiDg pro fessionsjl burglars,, answering to the description of two men . who had been operating in Richmond. They after- tvards proved, however, not to be the. men looked for and they werer eleased. .' On Monday last, while the proprie tor of a promioent business house. on the wharf was - absent at dinner, to gether with his head clerk, some thief effected an entrance to the private office add stole $3.10 from the casn drawer. No clue as yet to the perpe trator of the daring theft. - Among the contributions from Wil mington to the Oxford Orphan Asylum, for the week ending December 5th, we notice $100 by D. MacRae; $2.50 by G. Rosenthal; $70.26 from the joint thanksgiving services at the Lutheran church; Worth L Worth, one barrel of molasses; W. H. McRary, on? barrel of flour, and Kenan & Forshee, one sack of coffee. "i- ' ... . Sampson county has a colored man nne Tlinton Mftlvin who is rradusllv turning white. The ;transfonnation commenced about twelve years ago, alter he and recovered Jrom a severe sickness. The skin in his case seems to gradually pale 'and -aot-fteei ofi, as is the case in some instances: " Melvin i in the employ of Mr J5. '.W.; Under wood. He is a queer tookins: - indi vidual. - . "' ' : Mr D. M. Allen, formerly of this citv. but for several vears past a rsi- 0 9- . j dent of Montgomery, Alabama, was.rin stantiy killed by the explosion of the boiler of a locomotive engine atjthat place a few days ago. He held the po sition of Car Inspector for the road on which the a accident happened. De ceased leaves a family at bis adopted home and has a number of reattlves in .Wilmington!, . . At a regular annual meeting of Cor nelius Harnett Council 231, Royal Ar canum, held Monday evening the fol lowing officers twere fleeted; Uegent, Roger Moore; Vice-Kfgept; Jos Price; Orator, J. GWrtght;'ChapUin, S. Mendelssohairwiide, J. C. Springer; WardenTK. Scharff; 8eBtioel, W. W. Dnaw; oecreiary, i. a.' nnw.i, wi lector, I. Weill; Treasurer, Wm. Lar kina; Trustees, M. M. Kali, Samuel Northrop, Nat. Jacobi. j A number of rsewberi lawyers were here in the early part of the week to take part In the proceedings on an ap plication lor an injunction to - restrain Sheriff Jones yf Ctrterei county from collecting taxes ia certain disputed territory lying between ' Craven and Carteret counties, but Judge Phillips, before whom the case was to bare been heard, had hie entire attention taken up with the business before our Supe rior Court and would not neglect that to accommodate persoes from a dis tance. It will probably be heard next week, while Judge Phillips is bedding Pender Superior Jsrt. The Saaaswoa coaly friv, which coea t0eoced ie Ctieton "Tnnbday laal, and closed on Saturday, is said to have been a sreat success. The lair was not fomaliy epeoed eetil Thursday. O' Friday Gov. Jarvfc, who was ti.o duced by Chief Marshal J. T. U'.fbj. on of the late Dn XTete TUrphy, dtlivefvd a very gwed aad r y jrracti cal addmi, d was fcUr S by the rreaideat nad other. ' e'day aad Fridav alfhia there w a bail, the Basic foe the shuss ym rwaiahed by the Italian h 4 thk city, aad they are been rij Mievahte oaea. Pm wm a Urjftal- a . r tT. il. ii. rti undaace n0sM DECEMBER 14. ISS3. A colored man named Simon Lewis had a heating before Justice Hill, Sat urday, on the charge of .bigamy, he having married Annie Sloan, while his first wile, Elsie Pigford, was still liv ing. At least the evidence ,waa deemed sufficient by the magistrate lo warrant his holding him for trial, and he was required to give bond in the sum oi $200 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. He fur nished the bond and was discharged.. - The improvement of Liilington riyer, in Pender county, whichjhas been in progress for some time past, under the direction of Captain Bowdpin, with his steam dredge Energy, are completed, and the work was inspected on Satur day last by U. S. Assistant Engineer Captain W. H. James; who expressed his satisfaction at what had been ac- c?nSjiJbjMthat there is A r , . , - , ... c - in wu iui yuaia umniu icoo iuu uve, feet up to Lillirjgton bridge. V A horse ran away wfth a delivery wagon, the property of Capt. J. L. Boatwricht, on Front street, on Mon- day afternoon last, and on turning the corner into Dock street, the .driver, haibg vainly endeavored io check him, made a desperate leap and fell on the rock pavement, receiving a num ber ol severe bruises about the body and a deep gash over the eye. He was taken up and carried to" the store of Capt. Boatwright, where he had the at tentions of surgeon. Iu the mean time the horse turned the wagon over and was stopped. The attention of our readers is,lre spectfully called to thejadvertisemeut, in another column, of i. M- Ferry & Go,, Detroit, Mich., the celebrated seedsmen. They do the largest busi ness in their line iu the United States, raise the bulk of their seed on their own farms, by the most, approved metliods, and have obtained a .orld-wide repu tation for tlie quality'' and variety of the seed they putjipoii the market, and their integrity in filling- all orders en trusted to them. Their beautiful Setd Annual for 1S84, sent Xree" to all who apply for it, will be fouud of practical value to all who Jesiref purchase seeds true to name. The case oT F. J. fSwann vs. L. A. Hart and J. 3. Bailey, lor the recovery of certain property in possession ofthe heirs of the latter, whichbas beenrun der investigation before . the Superior Court of the county since the second day of the two weeks' term, was brought to a close oti Wednesday by a decision adverse to the plaintiff, whereupon the latter, through his counsel, craved an appeal to the Supremo Court of the State. The plaintiff was represented byMessrs. M. O. Waddell, Marsden Bellamy, Russell & Ricaud and D. J. Devane, aud the defendants by Messrs Ge6rge Davis,Juniu.s Davis, and Mc Rao aud:Stran?e. THcre are four more of these cases and a larc;e amount of property is involved! Three ol" the remainiog oues have bceu contiu over and the other removed bus county. IlpiiiOYluc n Itcl rniu 1115 Order. LaswkBrown Bros., who were ngtho creditors of 1J. II. Kacpro- wicz who lately made an assignmen". to S. H. Fisbblatcbxouht a creditor's bill against the 'patties, obtaining a re straining order on ex 'cvaiiidavita, together with the appointment of a temporary receiver iri place of Mr. Fishblale. The c uael for Kasprc wicz and Kishb!ate moved t t vacate the restraining order, thus removing the temporary receiver and reinstating Mr. FishbSale. Messr. Brown Bros, were represented by Mear. U?o. DatU and son, Russell A KLcul, McKi" and Strange and Devane', and Meim..Kas prcwirz and Fishbrate .bad fur their counsel lajor C Mi Pleura an and Mr. N. A. tedman. Xlter a mewhat sharp aid excited argument, Judge Phillips vacated the restraining order and removed ' the temporary receiver, reinsUUog Mr..FuhbIhte. ! -Eastern MUaionary Baptist bute Ooeventioo was organised io Newbero, NC-, last Thursday. The tc41owing leHonf. wr elK:4. officers for the ee suiog yeat". ; ; treident, , ! I- Jobooo, Nebfrn. Vke-Pr; ol, II Hcker, rafcrl, coud. f Lcpg. Hjde cocoty. it W l, WahiDtoa cvuatr- S tootv Cra- Tea roast;; L r uarao.' rmn, Harry Cbwaa. lUwaa CMaa'.j.Ja i, .-. . " - lUywawrv. HaaUx coa.ly; t t.ra- ham, CtMesabu county- SecreUry. A M Cooway. S lia- over cwsaty; Cocwpoiia Scr4uy. J H fWJ, .New Uaover caty. iresvsarerer. a -ai- j Trsslraa. Wea Boaaaaa. WOaais-g-toa; DSLee, Pasalko; 1! Pdy, A J Marshall. Newbers. H J Jcakiae H Colli, Ceaafert a:y, Prof J U Carey , Kiantoa, UetT to;o urn- V." Slagle Copies 5 Cents LOCAL SHORTS. The Wilmington. Clinton knd War saw telegraph line is paying. Our merchants are getting in their Christmas goods. Advertise them o people can be IW-od. Monroe Turner, Gilbert Hadley and Peter Smith were taken to the Work House on Saturday last. Malcomb .Little, a lunatic from Smithville, was taken to the Asylum at Raleigh on Friday last. . , Wilmington was treated to a Black Dwarf . performance at the . Opera House on Tuesday night last. The next session of the N. C. Annual Conference of the M) B. Church south, will be held in Wilmington. Our Methodist friends are delighted fat the Idea that Rev Dr. Yates is com mg back to the Front Street Church. The boys have commenced blowing their Christmas horns and the men are getting ready, to drink their Christmas horns. The Register ;of Deeds issued five marriage licenses during the last week, two lor white and three for colored couples. " Mr. J. E. Willsou is reported very sick, and his brother, Mr. Charles D, WiHson, is just recovering from a se vere attack.' ' , T- hi i , V" I1" ' v Mr. A. D. WesBeH'a two new stores on Front street, opposite the New Mar ket, have been completed and are al ready occupied. Rev. l)x. W. H. Bobbit, the new Methodist Presiding Eider was at one time stationed at the Fifth Street Church in this city. ' j " 'j The Norwegian barque Atilla, which was cleared from this port for Antwerp on Tuesday, takes out 4,275 barrels of rosin, yalued at $5,417. " " ) f There were nine interments iu the various cemeteries during the week closing on Saturday last, of which five were whites and four colored. The Thanksgiving collections . for the ' Oxford Orphan Asylum through out the state amounted to $1,215, which will accomplish much good to- that no ble charity: Rev. J- C. Bittua, of Philadelphia, who has been. here on a Jrisit of some length, left far Columbia, h. C, a few days ago, where he expects ,to spend a part of the winter. . u ; . Rev. Dr. J. B. Taylor, late pastor of the First Baptiat Church, has assumed charge of the Baurinburg Baptist Church, together with the churches at Shoe Heel and Spring Hill. A colored Baptist Churcnis being built on the uorthwestjrner of McRae and Walnut streetsr It is' tox former members ofhetbnezer'Baptist Church, who haesevered their connection with fat body. I TLc mill at what is known as Green field's Vond, just south of the ;4city, known a "Mcllhenny's mill," has been put iu thorough order by Mr. W. it i i- . . ... u. xurimgion ana wm commence griuding next week. 7 '' '. Rev. 1". A. Bishop, ol this city, was sent by ibe lale'Cou ft rence to Ply mouth, and Rev. J. L. Keene to Co lumbia, Tyrrell county. The appoint ment ol Iwsv. W. I. Hull to the Fifth Street Church gives general satisfac tion, i. The Little (iiaot Eajine Company arej gelling up fand to (purchase a beater, w hereby .the water in the boiler cau be kept atiiill tisaes at a boiling temperature fb hsater will cost t-Z?, and the Jieceary amraat has nearly b?cu saade up. A i .k was thrown at the train on the W., C. A A. R. R , between Cerro Godo and Fjemington. on Tueaday night last, which crashed through one of the windows, Lbrowiag the shattered glai into the face of Mr. A. J. Me Nair, fVho wai i'.ling by it, but luckily daiog k;o no friou'daaaae. A sire ! Mel Iter. Are you disturbed at aixbt aad btro kra f roar ret by e sick child suCet isg aad crying with psia of cuulsg teetlt . If . fctd at octce aad gvi a bou of Max Wrjrf low's ocrTMtM fTxcr rotCHtij'aTrjrTMiS'ii Iu v'b w iocicari, u m reurve l poor Hu e vnScttt ifOJ!y. ' lVrri or-o tt, moibtt. Ibrrt - it o mu it 7r, ruHj aJ diartlK irj!aV the acoaach j aad WvK care. wid coUc wkAtsM tedaces faasaaaik)a. aed Uu. wTrw. T.t STarr ra CitLrax3r Ttarataw to flumt to ' Ui, 14 a ik ! erfpUM of ia uint aad W fcatr f aywkiaatt aad arm ia the Vmw4 tHAim, a4 m 1 tar w drrt tajWt the wrW. rrice Si ceauattfui ly NUMBER 52. The .Surgeon's Daughter T. B. Peterson & Brothers, - Philadelphia, publish this day, "The Surgeon's Daughter,11 being the Sxth Volume of their hew and cheap edition of The Waverley Novels, by Sir Walter Scott, which will be completed in Twenty- , six Weekly Volumes, each volume being a novel complete in itself, and one volume will be issued every Sat urday until the whole are published. Each book will iuak a large octavo . volume, uniform with "The Surgeon's . Daughter," Count Cobert of Paris, Wa verley, Guy Mannering; Ivanhoe, and the Bride of Dammer moor, already issued; hare on it an illustrated cover, and will be Bold at the : low price of -Fifteen Cents a volume, or Three Dol- , hirs will pay for the full and complete ; set of Twenty-six volumes, aud copies . of any of the novel), or 'complete seta of the edition wilFbe sent to any one, post-paid, at these rates. Tho edition is called t Petersons' Chop Editlop for j . the Million, and it is the Cheapest 1 Edition of the k Waverley Novels pub- f : lished iuthe world. 'Besides all of Walter Scott's novels, the edition will contain all tne Author'! notes, as rwell as all his last corrections and additions. Bemif Three Dojlars T.'B. Peterson & v Brothers, Philadelphia, aud tluy will then mail to you, at once, wrst-paid, as fast as issued, the full and coupleto set of the Waverley Novels," in T wenty-six volumes, together with a Proof Impression of the best portrait ever taken ot Sir Walter jScott, gratis, suit able for framing, as a premium. NEW AbVERTMENTS. rpHE ANSUAL MEETIXCi OK LAJT Owners at 'l'lue Foicst Ctiuetory Company will bo bald in Ike Mayor courtroom City nail, on Wednesday evening. Deo. 10th, 1S83, at s o'clrx k. . By order or the Board ol Tiute. JOHN O. NORWOOD. Beoretary and Treaaursr. dec 1" It 1884- . Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTUATEU. Harper Liaiit 1 alinc l lie mini iifiil and brilliant Household Journul la exist ence. It In the acknowledge.! arbtlrr ot fatblou In this country, lla lasUtou platci. are the newest aud most i-tyllsli; uud iu pattern sheet lupplemeul and eiouomlc KuggMtloni ulouo are 'worth many limes the cost of subscription. ' Us Illustrations of art needlework ure from Hi e beta niurn;, lUt lltemry and arllatlo merttc are of the highest order, its Korle. poeuis aud c Bays arjs by the llrst AiiktKmu uud Kuro- Seau authors. IU ctiblce art picture would 11 portfolio, and Its hutnorou cute art the iiioki amusing to be found In rur four nal In America. A host of brilliant novel tlee are promised lor fssi. DIRPER'S PfiRI0DIClLfr : Per Years HARt'a'4 BaZAK-,-.......;.,., tl 00 IlARt'EIVd ltAdAZINE iw" riiARrEna avkek ly! HAKPU YOUNU 1'Edri.K 1 W. lIAUrEtl4 KnANKMN tKJ.VUK Ll BIIAKY. One YeariJ Nuiulcri,. 10 u roataae free to ail ubi;rit.- in the' United fctates or Canada. The volume of ue lU.-ti; brlnm-iih the first Number for Januaiy i mco ymr, When no time Is caeuttoneO.il wiuie un derstood thai the subftorlber wlehea 1 row menps with the Number next alter the ry oelpt of order. The lst Four; Auuual X'niuuiee uiliAU rtR's Kami, in ueat !oih bluaiut, ii be aent ry mail, polacrld.ur by rpr-u. -free of xpene. f providi th irrlja; tw not exceed one dollar p-r ouiuca, iur r vt) per volume. Cloth ai for eeh iv1umr, aultal! Uu. binding, -w.il lfcnt l in.tii, (ifiO, on re-etpt of fl (u-a.-h. Kemlttan'ce .iioul.l bo sude iy Iot Offlce Money urdcrox lran.o itutilrlMiir ol toa. Newcpapera are not U -' liawo alti-r-tlaement without t lie r xprcji ordr o! II a a i isa Uaoriiaa.' Address HAItrriC J. I.1."IUXH N York. lii kr ri i-d m.nhd fBtf tO H ?-;- ' f 'it4aesjrT- L llaWt W-:tlr - t rVt4 Vrj. I " let alnjtHIc to . DJ. FERRY Zl GQuUt 4ee 1 1-Jaa J. O. NIXON. i (.jU.a ! DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. . .. .. ' i. . Will Parch Cowsitry' Irodacc. ? , 1. 1 vii. j s a d t; o t it h r. Bargains in Shoes, Boots aiid 8hoc ,u vm r.i.At,' ava-Ata it - M A Y ;a9aja, S4. Wwf.ti tli A4 . "J!a V , Sm , I ft was 4T csjfcsn i 1. f ! . i ii i 1 ii i i i i i f . . fl T