, ' ' ' ; .- - : - " ' : - r -ixcH .rTTUU Y VT .HigNgg&g POST 7Adlokoflwt tat miming" 37 at Second Class Mailer, W, A- ' ggfADVERTISING. cieht(8)lies. Nonpareil type.con 4liunc square, ji . - r,fiy cents periine for tuest o , sand twenty.-fire cents per line SSAitionai nsertion. , . m .dTetlinemenU will be charged .'at & rates' xceP on peal contract. ' -'. : . - " " The subscription f rice to The Wil MioTosPoeTis tf 00 per year; six ajonthsll 00. 'jf j ill coamuaicatfons on business ' mn'he addressed tp The Wilming- BREVITIES. fyi. Dt. TtAw&$ ! h oul west lec turing. . ;:;, f. French roiuforcetrtdnta are hurrying toTonqiin. .' j Navigatiua on th' Pennobscot river cloaed Sunday. .,; ' . Sight KhooU arelto be opened in the IndiiM State prisons.', r . - , Cold weather in . prmoiit has caused the factories to shutdown. . . . i boiler explosionfat Pitisburg, Pa., onTuesday, killed l "Wo- '.-' . Martin Wiley, of Histon, has beeu jrresled lui murdering nisjwife. ; j The cotton crop insight on Saturday i last amounted to 3,f6,273 biles. ; Charles L. I'er of Beaton, was fiuud dead in his owise on Tuesday ! . Hit ' ,: - v ; ! A large art of tbe Wwu of "Dub is, F wai destroyed ftr (ire on Sunday. A richly dressedffady died suddenly in a street car in Brooklyn ou Monday. Aechooner Kunkpu Lake Michigan during a storm an twenty lives were - 10I. f: - , ! ... Eire in a kalUibore warehouse t-u Wednesday dmtroyed 2,000 bales ol c ilti'ii. U. -, Pool", the Uepuliiicau caudidate ni tbe first district, wiB cutest tSkinuer'd eliction. ODouoell, the ihurderer of, Carey: w banged at Wewtle prin nt oiittilbu- . diymuriiiu ' '' Tbe tsjiiale hast clutiriiird the uouii nation ' ot mermiS f Hbtwuu e Coin m in niotu r Eaiif. 3, (, -,..: ; KeTiiue olfifiials r( rt the destruc tion of two illicit distilleries u Lenoir county, N. C. Kqreeu(atie L) J. llaskell, uf the sscoud Kauiaa district, died in Wasl ington on Sunday. During a dtunken quarrel in Uead iug, 1'., on Sunday, jJacpb Finkbone fatally . stabbed Darid Kelhenberger. flighwayinen in Oregon robbed a msrebant of f 15,000, railroad pay muter of tll',000, and other persons of large sums. ... j '. p' ' : A cargo of 100,000 hundred we;ght of American wheat his been imported into Austria, the first ever carried into that country. . ' : FWeof the Binks county, Ga , klm pruonera have been sentenced to o yean each iu the Albany peniten - uu vi pay fotK) each. : ! y "Al Rre"ytown. N. J., on Saturday Simm (Utmin was assaulted by KtytTt who Bhot ind lhen t him until he was unconscious RpreNnlaiiTe Skinner was. sworn in wdnfsj,y inembe of the x, but his ca.e has been referred to eoamitiw. on elections for a report " V", "wp uoaanuge cjumy, .... . " I r IT r "Port ol the lynching of 8,11 Kuney, as he was not harmed. f George Morris, an aged Presby. "o Biwater, WM guflocated by gaa BaJiiiaoreon Sunday last, "having r?ntw out when he 'went to bed, . i b NorV Iron Works, at SSouth on. Maw, ; hat been sold U a , Pwl,atihe head of which is Mr. i7.l;K4B8- T Price rid Uaaidi 1o be $150,000. , , U-kell, of Kansas, on of the TJ on the Republican aide of dW W redde.ee her. ft7-.T".0 was a victim of Mf Mr. Haskell was . UT of eront. Ht emirrated to Acr traduatfog al YaU Ool UeUmeofthe rreatpro- cornet in UxU H. waj Mat member of the Way. and uSr4,1? wit lot Uif proUc SiW of atroBc eon- The Southern PeonleJ Tbe population of the southern1 states is composed of two races of men radi cally distinct, and to some extent at leaot incongruous. Of these the color ed people, or persons of African de scent, comprise only one-third, the oth er two-thirda being white people, like the overwhelming majority of our own northern states. When, therefore, pol iticians make U3e of the phrase "solid south," they are guilty, to dome fftent, at least, of an attempt to deceive their hearers. For nothing cau be more cer tain than the fact that the freed me a as a body aro Republicans and Vote the Republican ticket now whenever they can get. a chance to do so. Moreover, there appears to be a very numerous body of tho white people in; all of "the southern states who are Republicans also, and who cannot be crushed out by force of terrorism, because they be long t a race that is not accustomed to submit to such things. ;V In view of these considerations, we find that in point 'of fact the sauth is not now' solidly Democratic any more than the oertli i.s solidly R3pu'licia Ever since reconstruct m wen. into ef fect there have been rn&oy districts iu the southern states represented in the legislature's unu in congre-is oy the black or white Republican-. We need not now g into details on this subject, for it is a f act of no sfmall imnortauce that those who so loudly insist jlhat it is to tbe interest ol rtulauelpuia! to be Democratic, because of its large Bales of goods at the south, are not correct iu assuming as an indisputable fact that the sjulh is solidly Democratic. It is our own belief that if a full' and fair canvass of the whole south could be made in 1884 quite a uumber of the states would cast their electoral votes for tbe liepublicau ticket; nut. through the influence of the colored vote aloue, bat under the mote powerful auspices of that portiou of the intelligent jwhite population which is so largely interest ed in the great question of protection to domestic industry. A Our readers, therefore,' will see that the subject has a very lmportantjcoui' inerci il- aspect, in which the powerful Republican party iu Philadelphia serves as an advantage rather Ilia", as a disad vantage to th business iitercsts iOf the city. The prosperity of the south, about which there, has justly been so much rej ticing has not beeu caused ex clusively by the'piaatation aristocracy, but baa been chiHy due to the rapid development oi railways, mining, man ufactures, bankuisf, insurance, internal tr.ide. focal .. improvements, and fi reigo coiuioerce, iaiuly under the auspices ot iioilhu.n cai'Hal. Philadcl . North American ' V Eiix-r s say IJroid river, at lAu- thouy olioais. Oa., has a volume of PJ.OUO.OOO cubic feel of water per min ute, and its velocity is 175 feetj per minute, its fall iu a mile and a quarter beinir D2 fseV The horse power is cal culated to be 37,286, while Lowell, the the fi 'vest developed water power la Uuited Srates, has oiiiy 16,000 horse po"fr. Aity Items. All subscribers to the Post, who fail to receive their papers regularly will -please notify the undersigned at once. 1 am aetermineu iq.naTe very J . a . subcribi-r receive his paper. Thomas Kniuht, 'Mailing Clerk A grand holWay ball is announced to take place in Clement Hall, Wal lace, Dupln county, on Wednesday night, the 26th inst. The Italian band from Lhijcilv will fuiuish tbe music for dancing.. i - " Rev. F. H. Wood and family leave for Fayetteyille on Friday, and Rev. Dr. Yates, who is to succeed Mr. Wood as pastor ol Frout street Methodist cburcb, is to arrivo here tbe same even ing aud will preach on Sunday. Mr. James B. Tilgmau, " for forty has been agent bf the Peters'JUg i -r - .. - 1 - Weldon liailroad, has determined to mat Vilmini7tin his future home. He is the only auryivpr of the party, under Gen. Walter Owyno, wha ruaae ine .nn r .r the Wilminctoa & Weldon Railroad iu 1S36. He comes of gooa old Maryland stock. " Small" Fir. . A aotalt house at the iutraeclin ol 13th awd Market streets caught fire Ola Tuealay evening last, but through the exertijns of ihe nighbrs the fire was extinguished and the butldiog saves! TknN.ut moraintr a small frame AMlvw - M , dwelling, at the intemcuoo ; of Tenth and Market street was destroyed b1 fir. It wasoocpied by Stephen Jooee colored. Geo. W. rrice, of this city. U wrlUog a biography of Bishop James W. Hood, of Zicn'i A. M. E Church, Ute Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of colored Mason, of North Carolina. Bishop Hood haa beta fiUinf the thepoaWosi of Grand Matte for nearly nfteta jean, and In' retiring it Ida dealred by thj Grand Lodx to seenre a proper rexord of hU lift and erTtceaa .W the church aad In Oaallasoate order. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, A4 handsome little revenue steamer, (V. T 'II. TT . , ... I. J. x. uawiev. r.nmmanrlpfl hv i Lieut. Brian, bound from Buffalo. I -J I w j - I a. x., to Mobile, Ala , where she ia to be used an in here on Wednesday for saDDliea. ; m . mm The recent report of Mr. James Bprunt, as president of the Produce Exchange of this city, which was sent w ironaon Dy uonsui vvaikar, of South Carolina, was presented; to both houses All were for foreign ports and the ahip of Parliament and ordered to be oers were D. R. Mbrchfarm A On Pt- pnnted with other reports and docu I i ipl:. i- . .. . . I uicuus. auis is a niga .compliment to I Mr. bprunt and secures the circulation of the work throughout the world. Guilfvd Holliday, who has been act-1 ing as special policeman a the rail road depots for some time past, was ar rested Wednesdairmorning for exceed ing his authority in threatening the ar rest of a man without a warrant, wbn has been guilty of no violation of the city ordinances. A meeting to arrange for the repre sentation of Pender county in the pro posed State Exposition at Raleigh, was held in the new court house at Rnr. gaw on Monday night, ' Captain :R. P. Paddison was elected corresponding secretary, and Messrs. J. F. Foy, C. O. Woodcock, D. Shaw, Robert Durham, jr., and others, were appointed a com mittee from their respective townships to collect speciaens for the exposition and to solicit voluntary subscriptions. Cliuiatit-al Condition. . iverr, iormeny otaie ue- ..i u... ... . . . I ",uB,ai. more-iaiieny counected o. oirveys, was nere uunng the present week, and on Thursday went down to Smith's Island, wishing o, l..f it.. i I lJ 1131 ,UB correctness oi tue theory tuat me isiana m qiestion, which is the largest ig. North Carolina, is as mild climaticalty speaking jts any spot in the United States outside of FJorida. On Tuesday he was uear - Maply, iu J mour couuiy,.wuere mere is an area t : - i .i I u. very nigu lanu, or a very large bill toyereu wnu pino trees, aua uoon actual measurement he found the ele vated tract t be fuilsix hundred feet above the leva', of the sea. Prof. Kerr intimates from the mildness aad dry ness of the atmospheric surroundiogs it would bj a iiapital placi for the lo cation of nh sanitarium. : Cirnud Lodge ol' Colored 9Iasons The GraudLode of Colored Masons pf North Carolina had ' staf fourteenth annual meetian in Kinston on Mouday, the 11th inst., Grand Master James W Hood presiding. rThe body established a beneficiary fund department some years.ago .for tbe relief of widows and orphans.; ' Under its jurisdiction relief has beeu sent to many of the unfortu-1 hate, the reports showing that over $5,000 was disbursed in that direction' The following named officers were elected iand appointed for the follow ing year: QGraud Master James WTellair. Deputy Cfraad Master Jas W Hood. Senior Grand Warden Stewart Elli son. ' , Juuior Grand Warden Wax Pelhell. Grand Treasurer J as H Young. Grand .Secretary Jos C.Hill. Grand Tiler R D Bailey. All the other . officers wtro filled by appo.nitneut. Toe session was closed to meet again at Siatesvilic in Decem ber, 1 SSI- Death ofau Old German Citlaen I Mr. John U. liauman, one of our oldest German citizans, was seized with a paralytic, stroke ou Friday evening last, atd died on Sunday Minrnlnir The announcement of his death caused profound sorrow in the EW- MIW. M " H community, where he was creatly roe- loved and respected. Decease J came to this country . from Germany about 1S3S and settled in Charleston. In 1S43 he accepted the position of clerk hi the store of Mr. H. B. Filers io this ritv! a. .-cfte here to live. lo IS44 he com- otd the business of a grocer himself rvscninti on the corner of pmnt ii.) Market streets, ia the build ing now occupied by Mr. B. Solonwu if. ... m.rrl! twice and leaves seven .ktui... .- t.lt Junrhtet-heiiir the wife of Mr. Kduard! Peachau. Genua, . -. , t .ili- til ... imperial ivui v wu S.t: h- oraniiia of St. VmmVm U.thr.a churcniathciiy, i. iSjS, and was . i .i ik i Cburct ecu. Ili was second littt- - . .i . tenant of ue vttnnaa somnwresa, fine mUiury company that existed Here w.. ik -r iWaaed retired from vavinuv . ' ..r kl- are ainaa and has heU a poaitio. in the .tore of DWira v - - j Mernrs K. r-ecan I A Westemaw ti. ... i. the SA4rear of hi. are., ..v rm wu ranl a .-r .ar- " " Lnlhtran chorch on lovuy after- W !r, .k. -amai ml - the reaaaiaa were tUlowed ta Oakdale OtaMtery hj a larrecoa- cahin of moml.c relatirt. and trieada, Mr. A. A. Nathan, this citvl ia Knnf tn nnsn t. T -- . . "CI" m BW1 .U MHISJtUIBE tb hn.i v W WUUIabkW MI1N4W JMAV firm name of A A. NatlutB & C0w A lh Xorwe&An Barque Jermaei, ,Ue Norwegian Barque Palasdex. the Kor wegian Brig Baak and the Norwegian Brig Congal, cleared from this port on Saturday last, with carroea of navaf stores and cotton rained at $85,219. ercon. Downinir A fVv nA Mr A sTT. . . i ureen. Messrs. J.lL. Cooler and D.; P. McEachern, the former of Richmond and the latter of Robeson county, were nere a iew aays ago in the interest of a Scotch immigration scheme, in which they are assisted by Scotch lady of Dundee a Mim McLeod, TheyViay that a party 'of one hundred! ahd twenty-five Scotch immigrants will ar rive here about the last of January. ' We learn from Clerk VanAmringe that 141 cases were disposed of during the - late term of the Superior Court. which adjourned on Friday last, of which 90 were continued, in 80judg menta were rendered, Id were non-' suits, 4 were compromised and settled and 1 was abated. . A special term was decided upon to clear the docket of the large number of cases upon it, and the recommendation to the Governor to that effect was signed by Judge Phil lips and a large proportion of the members of the Bar. Som hosr r in K roii.. J " i roflkino- rhnrcho. nA hp,tr.or h nnt nf th .inln. Tl, Vrt Baptist and Lutheran edifices have re ceived their ecial &ttention. A num. ber of giM1C9 ia toe windows of the former were smashed on Sund-y last, between th mornimr nd vninr .nr. viceJ!. A member of the church siw n r i h rort. thrnn .nH if A hurled bv a white bov. The authori tiea shou!ll atoD lo outrageous J . j. ' . conduc, ROd Hhe perpetrators should be severely punished. Nnvnssa Guano Company. At the late meeting of the stock holders of the Navassa Guano Com pany, held at the office ot the com pany in this city, the following officers were elected for the. ensuing year : President Hon. R. R. Bridgers. Secretary and Treasurer Donald McRae. Superiuleden . f .e2ci?fj---t Y w. ju ueitosset. Agent for. New York .City Walter E. Lawton. ,' . Directors R- R. Bridgers, John C. GrafUin, Edward Kidder, ' Walter E. Lawton, Winfield S. Dunan, Smilie A Gregg and Donald McRae. A dividend of 10 per cent, was de clared out of the profits of the past year's business, payable on the 1st of January lo stockholders of record at the date of meeting. City Matters; The Board of Audit and Finance, at a meeting oa Monday evening, in con junction with the Committee on Streets and 'Wharvea of the Board of Alder men, approved the contracts entered into bv the Board of Alder Tien ijr - - w paving Water street. Tbe action of the baard in agreeiog to pay O. G. Parsley $445.71 in full o a.11 damages to property at ihe corner of Ann and Third street, by the heavy rain of June 3d, 1SS3, wai also ap proved. ' , . ' The matter of dredging certain docks was postponed nntll the probable oust can be ascertained. I The matter of repairing the floor of Ann street enzine house was referred j to j. jOQeSf with power to act. An application from the W'laington Hook and Ladder Company for a set of awingiog haroess was granted. Fire broke out Saturday morning in a small boose1 on An. street, next to Fourth, which was occopietLby a bed ridden colored ma., said to be upwards of SO years old, named Prorideoce Bryan, and the flames had gotten no I der snch good headway when discovered that Ue poor leuow was wii u.cui.j rtecued from the burning buikiing. and his bddif a.4 the other few jmides Ike ivMaeeaed were coosamed. The fire i r- coeamnnKated to Ue bniUi-g adjeia ing. a tl aho, oa the eoathweM cor- m mr a a e - a a jm i nor tf Ann ataa rw !, w that wan alio y wkea I tk. aiMBf Litile Otaat r a . , l - , , oa is v - , " "V T I another was started throngh aeectwa I . . - . .J . .W. 1 of nose lT9m m si. ' I . , . .. .- near the rac wa. 7 T tjosme adjolalac I nrsv bt le aasaea ww y I v. tasanaead ta i uaxTasa-w r 7.J V Osi. W . L DeEosart and tho eh -as aaeBW other tnsiooa tion. The hat DECEMBER 21. 1883. The graded schools of Wilmington are said to be growing in popular fayor, and the public are becoming more and more interested jm them every day, as is evidenced not only by the increasing attendaee but by the number who visit the schools from- time to time to wit- neu the , exercises. Teachers from abroad, too, frequently go to the schools to witness 'the peculiar methods cm ployed by the efficient Superintendent. Masonic Election At the resmlar meetine of Concord Chapter No. 1, held Monday evening following officers were elected for the ensutne term: c :. i WHChadbonjrn.HP. M tlKttz, E. . WWAileri,e. H C Prempert, O II. R Greenburg, Treasurer. HJames O Munds, Secretary, W A Wiiliama.TP S. " ; J W Woohin, R A C. " r J McD French, M 3rd V. J M Forshee.jM 2d V, J H Hanbv, M 1st V. B G. Bates, Tiler. v 1 - : V A 30 Biblical Prize. 1 The publishers of RuUcibe's Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for January, among which is the folio wing; We will give $20.00 to the person many times the word telling us how Bethlehen occurs iu the IVcw Testa ment Scriptures (not the New Revision) by January 10th, 1831. Should two or more correct answers bcireceived, the reward will ba divided. The money will be forwarded ib the winner Janu ary 15th, 1SS4. Persons trying for the reward must send 20 ecu is in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their an swer, for whichthey will icceive. the r tbruary Monthly, in which the name and address of the winner f the reward aud the correct 'answer r will be pub lished, and in which several more valuable rewards wiil bi" oflVred' ' Ad dress RUTl EDGE PLTiyLISlilHU C'OMl'A- NY, Eastou, Penna. liuights oT Honor. r At a meeting of Carolina Lodge o. 434, K. of P., held Monday night, the following officers were elected lor the ensuing year: R D. Walter ismaUbones. Dicutor G A Pick. I V. D. J C Fore. A. D. JobnW PerJew. Reporter J H iPugh.; -Ii.HPQxter John JU: Dudley Treasurer WA.WiHsonJ Guide E D Williams. Guardiau T F Bigley. Sentinel J M McGowau Medical Examiner Dr F W Potter. Trustees Owen' Fennell, Alex Johi- son, John D Taylor. ! Representative lie Grand lVxlge Clayton Giles, j Alternate J A Springer, Officers will be installed on the hrst Monday iu January, 1881. The New Diocese and ' Bishop. the New The primary Dioceasan Convention, which couvened in Newberu on the 12th inst., far the purpose of electing a bishop, for the newdiocee recently es ttblished in this I state, unanimously callei to that position Rev. Dr. Alfred A. Watson, rector of St. James' church in this city, a'.rl it was decided io give thenew diocesa the title of the Dio cese of East Carolina. A large number of delegates were present and the ses sion was very harmonioui Bishop Watson is 65 years of age, aud every way qualified for the high trust confi ded ia him. In administrative ability andx?al for the churc'i he will have few equals. His consecration rill prob ably take plica early in the ensuing year, as the first regular convention of the Diocess of Eut Carolina will take place a-. Wathiogtoa in My next The election of Bishop Watson seems to have given general satisfaction. A meeting of . the lot owotra aod Tmetees of Pine Forest Cemetery was held Wednesday uiht io the Mayor's Coartroom, at the City Hall. Daren Burney acted as Chairman and N. G. Satnpeon aa Secretary. f The report for the fiaancial yearead- ieg December ISth, lfr3,i ait ready approved. A vote of thanks was tendered t John G. Norwood, tre-urtr, fuc hta ac tive aad cUnt settkts ia behalf I Pine Forest tVaaetery. 1 ' Oa moUoo ef Geo. W. Price the lowing were neaaiavaaaly re elected di reciMK J- W.TcUaIr. Uak U. Uewe, Jao. G. Nersawd, Lbaa Ltliraade, Jaa. P. Greeae, Edwird IXxm, JaSa M rot. of than is was aaaaisaoanly tsjadendto the ilayo aad Chief U IV lica. A ad the hjard and fsaeseted ta ae every eari to late aaoex all the Vat koiiT a gtvater prii. la the faaptuiaaveat U kxa. SIsgle Co; tn 5 Cents LOCAL SUORTS. Bishop Watson is 65 years of age. There was a slight sprinkle of snow on Monday morning last. Five marriage licenses were issued daring last week, all for colored couples.. The ladies of the Front Street Meth odist Church had a festival and bazaar in the city hall on Tuesday and Wed nesday night. The weather tk early part of the Week wai very winteriih. The ther mometer on Monday mornine reeis- I S", o o tered aslow as 26 degrees. There were six interments in the va- rions city cemeteries for the week end- , c, , jt i l e i-- u log OC Saturday Ist Of Which one was whitiiFni) fnnr rii .-ntnrail wnito ana lour were colored, , . vt fV--m "' ' !-n i. r,,. . . : Next Tuesday Wlll . be Christmas, e :1j-'Tu- .'i: i happy Rev. W. J. Jones,! :v. W. J. Jones,!' Whose parents-re- in this fit is' here on a visit in mis city, ia nere oa a M ill ft Next year he will have charge, of tbe churches at Beaufort and Morehead. The Norwegian barque Tros, Capt. Brager, which cleared from this, port for Liyerj3ol ou Wednesday, takes out 2,350 bales of rcotton,valu?d at $108,000. Peader Snjierior Court Judge Phil lips presiding, has been in session at Burgaw during the present week, meet ing for the first tint 3 in the new court house. . The ladies of the First Baptist church had a package tarty at the real- j.,.a ,- p ii rirniiire Vmh nn deuce tt IU. ll. Wct-iUlgg, lsq., On -i .1 Wednesday n ght, lor the benefit of the -- . ' , poor of the church. poor -Rev. T. Page Ilicaud, pastor of the Fifth Street church, who, has beeu ap pointed to tho Washington station for the uext Conference year, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday. Governor Jarvis has ordered a spe cial term of the superior court of New Hanover, to conyene on the 14th of January and to continue until all the business before it is disposed of. A meeting was held' at Burgaw, Pen- dor county, on Monday night last, in the interest of the proposed State Ex position, and we are told that it was largely attended1 aud very enthusiastic. Mr. Samuel 11. w'iley, a Salisbury 1 baujter, was here last Friday to see his son, Mr. Willie Wiley, off to the Medi - it- r.,n;;k'k.m... nt-Hft Vjl IAUCAU Jl VUQ aauu ay a va-- amaiV which saneu irom inis twt on mu dav. The receipts of cotton at the port of Wilmington for the crop year, from Sept. 1st to Dec. 15th, footed up 71, 237, bales as .against 80,934 bales for the corresponding 'period Lat year, a decrease of 9,697 bales. J 4 An incendiary attempt was made late Monday evening upon the Union school house on Sixth, between' Nun and Church streets. Neighbors extinguished the litotes before much damage was done! There was no general alarm. The Norwegian barque Nordenks- jold, which cleared from this port for t)uecntown or Falmouth for orders, on Tuesday, takes ouUl.ftO balea of cot ton, value-l.rt f 17,5y6. ' Mr. A. H. Grreue was the shippe. Wilmiogtoa and vicinity was visited by a good rain on Kridsy last, the first of any consequence in about three months. Itwaejjcme to every body, but especially to those who are dependent on wells and cbtjrns lor water ."' Mr. Tho. E. Bond haa teaig.td lie t f rk- V.. VirV it ur the ew. lor pouuou Oi agent tor lue .s-w tera t tv.i .t.'. r : -. t .r . .,.t. lake eflrcl in a iew day. It u said that he will curare in business In Baltimore. His succeaebr has nol been nnoin'r I : '- 7 , . ! , ' . . The only two r socers from Pecdtt a nnr coca r iail were take, ua io - Burgaa 00 Monday last, tot tital be- fore tbe Superior Court ia ealo there this seek. " They are Georg- Mitchell, committed 00 a peace warrant, aad Levi Jyhnjn, charged with larceny. A new aeaaer 1 has bees parchad by Mesara. CXewtoo, I IJ. Pr" aad Wat. Wetkt,of Smith viUe. to .be pat on the HeeJoetweea that place aad Wilaaisxtee), Captain Weeks to have oatsaand. t'aeir a e eall feere!r ef tons, bat baa k acesmavialee iW pesirs, ih cams here frta Huk, Maiae, aaj as aaawsl itm Lrmaee. WktUtea l-aictr, taiaeJ, ak aajWKsy awapf eared: frvss Use heme '? hl brtlW , W. IL ff, erer the raraad. oa ariay avoraief laat, has tsraei epaa aaa af the haada aa the kW, American !. lie ta osJflBa eansaBseftsnawvJf (ssaaesp car haljsre aT tiiaari war. msaeed af hi. m ituuw vm iiicuiu uo wuipuuicaw , countyj Treasurer. 1 tneu ueinandea ui f the aeasnd ish Vma m Phrintmaa r.nrl a hannv New Yr " I This was in BeDtemhex andTcarrjr In OctO- Ml NUMBER 52. Te the Voters of North Caro- Keetion. i I have pnrposelr dalayede-xpoaiac tll o-eaJled TOMaoeravUo Commmlonwn of -Bladw ooanty till my anger had Ixcoiue cool and my prooXs conclusive. (' I shall make a plain statement, and facta, not assertions, shall be presented. I , I am prompted by a sense of self-rcepect.n and not animated by paaalen.' Among my objects la the hope that oppression to others meyi be avoided : while my wronta ere fresh In pubUemeruory. I Regardies of politics, and without ref erence to tbe man. I am cenAdeut that one end all will condemn, personally and offi cially, a Board of Cttmmiaslonera. whose prooeedlnKB on tbe lint Monday la Decern ber were never equalled for oppression, even by the far-Tamed "Courts" under the Spanish, inquisition, or the dreaded and dreadful tragedies enacted in the "Star r;,-mK-M nf KnrllKh lvrnnr - . Chamber of Kngliah tyranny. The facta are -as follows: Tbe Commis sioners of Bladen county sued me at 8prlns ( Term, 18S3. of Bladen Superior Court, and Major o. Q. McRae, of jrayetteoiiie. Baror as he had made his report, and BaroRK the Tax Booka for la iwere due, the -Board' appointed, a Tax Collector. Baroan aid' gVea terminated, and kkfork tue Tax Booka were ready for delivery,, I paid, nqt oalr the amount Justly due. but the sum claimed, for which 1 have receipt from the. ber. I Klght here let meaav.a few haodrodt counted by me, and! aaked Ihe Couniy Treasurer If he demanded them.' He aaid report of them would not be due ti l the first Monday In December, aud they would not, by universal cuaioni In this county, be payable till January aud Feb ruary following. A. few daya before the lceujber luevllnt. W. J. Parker, Chairman of Ihe "Board,-' in formed me that at raid meeting 1 would tie required to make full bonds asBlierill aukl and Tax Collector, notwithstanding 1. 4 Uall "was Tax Collector, and bad the Bookja for 1SS3, and notwithstanding no other Thx Books would he due or placed in any one possession till Bkitkmiskk, lvsi, uearly h year I hence. The Chairman further, an nounced to me that Mrs. J. T. Council, U registered free-trader, whom far years this same "Board" bad accepted as une oi vay sureties to the amouut of fourteen ttooif sand dollars, would not be "Kood" with him. I at least, at the lXwmbiT meeting. Heelne that It was preludeed that my ollice I should, law or no law, rmutor wrong, lV' statu with friends, decided to louder all thebjnds. 1 thought that. 1-oshiiiL.v, eve, the "Board" woil not refuse bond thaf I.KKHU iruiu Hit., l. iu uiuur lj ftuun in r wi01nl,y r,e' fut better inau i, or any I other rofll' lal In this county, ever U-udered I before. 1, therefore, ou Moiidno-. ;i of lt- cember, lvi, offered to the aug.ut "Hoard ' the following bonds: : - i Process bond for t-t.UOU. w ith .1 . A. Hultoir, J. D Gilliam, Kvhu Johnou aud U W," MoCall as mrelies, all property holders in Bladen, and who iustllled lor $,0U. This was the same bond which bad been acct '.'Ty the same "Board,'' and under which I had acted for twelve mouths as tsuerlH.with no ' complaint that said liond was not amply good.! ltwss even strougcr by ,ouo na m and by SMKXi than any former bond, being signed by L. W.McCalt (lor ft.uoO.) whuoe: aignatnie did not apper r on my loriner bond.i 1 had the judicial a tlou ol tho . "Board-' oa the former o riou, with no complaint on their part, lu tho Interim, to 'bellve this bond would he accepted, it - suggetlled by the "lloard ' that twooi tuo Burettes were under morigage. AdmltUMl. I mortsagea when '-the were taken before. I Uiit t ri j a i u i I ivit tu ral 1 est av A ii tr. ar also ouerea to strcngiueu tue ouuu i nic- essarFi Bond for State tae lor llJ.lw (over double the actual amouut of taxes; to be collected), with the following sureties, all Lroperty holders in li laden, was offered : utner Cromartic (my late l)ciiiK-rvtic o.- fionent before the people in Noveuibei. SK); K. J.lArider, H...I. McKwiu (the lain 1 it. c McCoitam, jamesr john..u. u. w.' Thompson. Wm.Sh-rman. H. It. t'rldgeu Democratle oandiilate lor the 1 t'ulMalurcv i t-r iH.tXKr l 1 . .' I Bond for county, poor and achool tases collected), with tbe following sureties.; wi n jcbtified (swore ou the hlbiu they Weiu worth) to the amouut oppotte ihur uamer: Luther Cromartle... I a,'-i arcui Disiin . .... Hev. Wi, H. Melvln ltobert Smith, ...... f Itobert Lee.....?...j..- i ... .. ; l,t .. i.; 'Capt. T J.Ureen.olslmr. North fiat. OepU W. A. Itobeaoo, of sltur. Wave, CapU J. U ami th. of Fayette v 1 tlc.w Uu did not Juntlfy. but slened...., CepbJ. D. UobesiOj or tmr. Wave, Uen. Alio l U. Brad, of 1 ayeltcvtlic, I , W Tota lamouut justliled.. !...: te"V".1 Tbe certinoale, under otti i.l seal, or T: 8. Lulterlob, C. . C. of Combcriauil coua -ly, aocompaoled .this bond. aaylDKUcu. a. U.Brady owned very large rent u((r aonal property In CvimlKTind,.uJ liuu tlficallcn lor &), was utuvh Um Ihau hi worth. ! A. Overbaugh, of r ayriievine, ai ftlrttwl a.-MrtJflr.t.A .L.tfirii? tti.l li.n. A (i - I Brady, was a man of 'very ci.niderahio property in Cumberland oauuiy, and that he waa a large Uepooltor ana t kluwd.r in the i'eopl. s NsUon.l litnk of Farettcvllle. Mr. Uverbengb slgaed Ui arunisia a a Director of the said Peopie Bank. T!.r bonds were rejcctel as a wiiei a l.v the aVmrd.nihe member, refuting l. roullet them separately,. The cltairma:; ci ttso "Caucus' Coos mi tue, ' bro. . W . Jonc. staud"tby regarded tftis last bo id (Ine strongest ever offered an this county) a worth about ll,""," IhonjU it w as ,.igat sad J us u fled lor hi,' T the kbic mnowi geaUemea. - , Jy attorney asked th "Iksard ' .to gjve hint rtasonabie time, e ven if lltcy tji!id aa many honorable f rtilirmr u wi.d w had) per;ared Ui -n 1 r by Uiir judiitr yond alt donbt, br irjal ti! 1 Vf1cX eoiveaey of my bond, I mij my would cottar .ib uoos to koixM, to cou viet the - umn i 10007, of II' 1 he " 1mu4 ' l m4 j tbey I it dT. be mmiir uu r, tnl ciTthim aotica bvSur tb4ry ft - mc. Next day (ab, that mraorU, .sii I dav:.aot ten minute alter the 'ix.td I trom uoet of tt. -ivri. .im.-rt.. &3mZm"m'&VyZZ:, tbe prooUaed nrira. IH.t was lbs -tuJag sreae in i Art V. ol the raged yo k.og la roi sea of eomfletioa by t -Ha d -! S, tr gang. taa4u( r vm j. IUjo.- fJ Heard. HCM4)MniTBIIlI AIMVIU Wa- I nJtpJI!'!vm,f'i . .. . . fne ml a alee of Ute "Ooaro. " I refer t : Tbe Ixtnotreta atd- lir a ., w W. ar-ere witee ' who - a ia Vleoaa." I f 1 rer tet J. W. I-tsrdje. a siteb 1 1 114. I liwvaii te ei ;t Trtf . v . j. vi ee tee sa seat us of ( "bVmrw, ' was aes a party t Ue antrace yiimtii t, see, aad, I Wsar si it ta.as.v w : btga awsT ead Mat c m teats. gr-w r mm a. u fee mmirtt-mmi' ye-red. I sav take greMr esa sie I taii a ntj tce see ft ty eg ies.ureu la k ir . -bttMS eg gtratmse.'sewsse cw4Msa te aie a( a. -taosre ' eaotsa tscrns--r ue rwasMw,' tn fnf. ' - as a sf.nne ( iiMsutaw. Ui a ywa Uum asms. m4 ta saw i twtv mt taw ija-a.' I ti-.t eswMa..ir m timin I la kuaery ed u. AiU-m mm l eoavg 1 , 1. wr. r. t-wfc. af rwj? ax-. , X O. WT. !.. say 1 rM nmf. . X M. X teteam. say a iwnsUww... VP,. II man ems. awM iit m tiie 4. t l.V,rtrwt)aM, rha-a '. u t.me tavieewa say . 4 a.-,., 1 mm laiat anaa te gepog ta-a. as .. ias ar Vl, m- swvnw. SvS.4 t fV3M f wees wi ta. mm-1 mi ts mm.mtm a. iaia atr-ke. a sa aeaeetay U ; a .4TIVje. ; ' f ti r ; ' ft s V ft r1-

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