T ! t . ..i. . - ... i ; i J I1" 1- 5 (1 t ' tins iwi'Ku Is rcmisHKO every afternoon, Sunday ex cept, by JAMKS & ,;KICE EnlTOKS AM rROmiETOBS. ,St u!CRirTio.vs, r)STA.fc viv one year, $5.00; Six'. months, $2.50; Three month?. $1.25 ; One month, 50 cent-. WVhc paper will be delivered by carr ier, free "., charge, in any part of the city, atthe above rate?, or 13 cents per week. Advertifing rates low and liberal. T- uWribers will please riprt any and all failure to receive their papers regu larlv. ! - .STATE CO.NSTITUTIOAAL, COS VK.TIO. 4 TJIil.TV-FJKST DAY. K;dcirh Niw. ItALLKill. Oct. 11; Tin- Convention met at 10 187.V o'clocl President Hansom in the chair. 1 Mr Turner ltrcsciitol a ront'lc of ln-tl- tioiis from various lax- aycrs of Wake county, proposing that the Convention would pass an ordinance preventing the (Jeneral Assembly from paying tliefr'eial t:i Im.imIs. without first submittim' the question. to the people. -Calendar. Mr. liennett, from the committee on tin Judicial Department; Mr. Keid, from the c tininittec on Revision, ano! Mr. Manning from the roinmittee on the .Judicial De- partment,ubmittcl rep wis, all of which w fc placed on the calendar. Mr. Allerston moved to suspe nd the rules and take up the ordinance defining the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. TIim-motion wa;f adopted ami tlx' ordi nance passed its several readings. Mr. Manning, of Chatham, move! to su-pejid the rules and take up the resolu tion declaring that the Oeneral Assembly shall nopay special tax binds without first consulting the people at the ballot box. Au acclamation vte was taken and the chair -announced the motion lost. Mr. Manning, ot'Cliatliam, insisted that lie had demanded the yeas ami giays he lore the result wa announced. The chair said that the result had been announced before the demand was made. A confusion followed, lasting a few mo ments. The chair then ! reiterated his decision, and the motion to suspend the rules was declared lost. . Mr. More-head "moved to suspend the rides and take up the ordinance ret the unrulier of State Senators to 2". Lost ly a vote of 55 to ;";. Mr, Manning:, of Chatham, r en e wed his 1 notion to .suspend-' the rules and take up the resolution in regard to-' the pay ment of the special tax bonds. The . veas ami navs were called and the "motion x, ' '.failed to prevail by, the follcwing vote, 50 . to II. ' - ' . Mr. Turner changed his vote to the negative, in. order to 'move a reeonsidcr , ation. Ily Mr. Jarvis, a resolution to adjourn .sine die at II p. m. to-day. . He moved to suspend the rules ami take Hp the res (V loot ion, the resolution lor consideration and 4. ne can ami ! cit; i;oieu on im motioh to suspend the lilies, and the rules we,re suspended by a vote of 10S to 2. Mr. Turner moved an amendment that the Convention adjourn to-morrow at G o'clock. ''''. Phis motion incidentally-brought about a discussion concerning, the special tax bonds, -.which, was : participated in by Messrs. Turner and Clingman.. x 31r. Durham 'moved tlie revious ques MM 1 ....... ... tl,. tion. Adopted. Mr. Turiiers amendment was lost. Tlie motion to adjourn at G o'clock was jopted by a unanimous vote. Mr. Wjlc.ox1. arqse tu a question or ,-per-mal privilege, as a niemler of the Com mittee on Privileges; and Elections, in which he represented that the action of the Convention in regard to the Kobesou county contest, was unwarrantable and an act ot Injustice to th . people ot Kobesou .county,-to Messrs. Nhrment and JIcNtill. and to t he people ut the State. 1 Mr. Wilcox asked that he be allowed to resign, his position on the Committee on Privileges and Elections.-. Mr. Withers, from the Committee, de lendetl the action of that Conimittee. After the matter "had Wen placed properly Mure his Committed', he had. as a 111cm jer, lnovitl an immpdjate appojntniiit of a (Lk'inmjssioner in order to investigate it fiilly-and fairly, and that the minority of the Committee (the.-. Republican meihlJers.) objeeteil upon the grounds that the Com missioner would jiot have time to move in the premises Udore the Convention should adjourn, and that what ever delay bad been 'occasioned was chargeable to the llepubli cans otj the Convention, who had eudeav i'HhI to sjiuit Mtsi'ti. Xoi ment and McNeill Without the investigation demanded in lustTce to all parties, and not to the 0oniT inittee or the Demcratic members of this (Amvention. . ' ' Mr. Manning, of Chatham, Chairman of the Committee, said the Committee had leen as prompt in thoj discliarge of its du ties as it was possible for them. to. 1-e. He t hoi i reviewed its actions from the K'gin ning of the session, lie ku4w of uo iu stance.where a contesteil case was decided sooner,, and certainly, not w here the com mittee was without rules and without re icdom. Tbey had acted onlv with 'the Intention of'doirig jiisticc talj ' parties, ipid any iniputation otherwise did gross hljllsttcj! to this eommjtteii, Mr Turner thou took ' tho. ilor on a (iiietion of personal privilege, vcupying the lloor for the space of an hour in an exiosition of railroad frauds-. - During his remarks some half dozen llepublicali members endeavored 'to' reply to siiue of Mr. Turner's chaeges, and much confusion .prevailed at one time, t!;e cjiair: tjnally secfiring order. "'" 1 ' ' "Mr. Atlcox again obtaiii'evl the lhn.r in regard to the" Piobeson county contestcnl in resjioiist! to tljerejiiarlisiof Mcs. ithers and Manning. Mr. Avery, on a question of personal privilege, in response to Mr. Wilcox, said the majority of the committee on' Privi leges ami Elections ;had used every ef-. f'rt to have the Kobesou county, case iu- II II II Hi II 1 11 II 1 J VI II I XI .11 II JLJL1.JLJ JLJ Y Ull JLJL HJI VOL. 1. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER., 13, 1875. NO. G. I fh;t-Mr.AVilcA-;.as li vestigatcd. -ill" I member of that cftumitt.e. had never iti c mjii lit t fiieetiii . made .any motion looking to ;;n investigation:' that the Sec retarv -f tin- ( ' immittee rep'i tel that Mr. Wilcox had never made any -motion, at any moetniir; except to ndjoiini; that. 1m? (Avery) has always Iwcn in favor of ap pointing a ci.nnnissiiiner to to llolc.sjii county aixl investigate this matter and let the people know which contesting party was entitleii to s ;its this Conventioij, re.anllcsH oT th:- tart tlif th" Onventioit mi.ht adj'-nrii -'belore said commissioner mi.uht. report. T. th" ' appointment" of this commisioiicr, Mr. Avery" charod that Mr. W'ibox and all the -minority niemiiers of tin- -oniiiiitt(v were at all times- oppysed.-oii the ground that the coiuiiiissi'.'icr could n-t perform his duties and return to the C invention in time. Mr. A verv. continued at'some length in an able manner to dclcnd toe action ot the majojit yyf the coniniitt 'e. k On motion a rot-ess, was ta;tn u it'L1:30 oeiocK. KVKNIXi;, SKSSJoX. Tlie i 'on vent ion reassembletl at 5:30 o'clock, I 'resident Hansom in the chair. , Mr. VoJing mii'ved a suspension of tht iul(:s in order to consider the question of paying the contestant from th.1 county 101 Sucry. Motion withdrawn. iMr. larrii.igert. Kep., asked to read a protest from himself ami a number of liis party friends against the action of the (Jon vent ion (being a doctiinent some :0 or 10 ages in length.) . Mr. .Jar vis objected fo the admission -tf the protest. It vas wrong, grieyously prong, that at the hour of the close of the Convention- a protest of any character against anything that h us occurred during the session of tliis C invention shoiihl he ollercd by any one. l''verv .fair-minded man in the Convention must admit that such conduct was" totally wanting in fair ness, and he was surprised at the .conduct ot the gentleman from. MccliltndHirg in doing this thmu. Mr.Tkarringer moved that the protest ue received. V Mr.-Toiirgee m vol th- previous. uk tlon. - . . '.- . ,'i f 1 ,1 . mi. 10 onoi-O 10 i;i inv oiinm .01 Clr. llarringer noon the table upon which he called the ayes and noes, but before the jvote could be announced, (wliich had pre vailed by some nine majority,) the 1 resi dent announced that the hour of six hav ing arrived, he declared the Convention adjourned sine die. . .. -. 4 ; ". A MEETINti !!' Till-: lEMHEIiS, AND RESO- JjtTION ol TIIANKfe. : 'After the Convention had been" declared adjourned, Mr. Manning:' .f Chatham, J took the Presidents stand and called the J I IV Villi LIJIV.1, n nv.ll I'll ,,IH I'lj t'l iiwm- ingham, said, that an adjournment of the Convention having tauen' place before the offering of a resolution of thanks could be made to the presiding otlreer of the.. Con vention, he would now utter the following resolution, which was adopted : , ': Jicsoh'cd, That the thanks of the mem bers of the Convent ion present arc due. and hcrebytorrdered to--the-HonEdwari Kansoiu for the able; Signified and impar tial manner in which he has "presided i ver the deHleratioiis. of the Convention. Dr. Ransom responded asJ follbws : Gentlemen: The time has arrived for our dissolution.; we shall 'soon be scattered to every part of "tlie State "to our r'espee?. live Lotiies, afid in all probability inanyof us w ill never ueet again, ;i Allow mo tlo congratulate you upon the harmony and; good feeling which has pre vailed since we assembled; your labors-, though they have been.ardn.msand laliori ous? ytt rou have''Viiikrged' t1oin with that zeal ajid. energy', never before exhib ited by any other legislative bi wly; you have faithfully complied with the. -objects' for Avhich your loii; wa& cm lib I logufljor. and have discharged the Jiigh duties im posed upon you with 'honor and credit to yourselves. . I sincerely hope the amendments passeil by you may meet the approbation of, the people and be abundantly fruitful (If great .mxHl in developing, and promoting ' the peace and happiness of our citizens,, as well as building up living monuments of lionor and glory tor yourselves mor last ing tUuvlu;.- ; ; ' " ( : ; lVr in i t me to re t i i r n i n v u n lei g ned t ha n ks for the resolution you have just ' passed, so comjdimeutary of :'mysuif as yonr pre siding officer,. 1 sb.ai I ever cherish it in my bo.som as a high and warm explosion of 'a Katitlactoi y approval of Iheihharge of my duties, though without experience and feebly done, Yet I endeavored to discharge them honestly, impartially and satisfactorily. , - It is with no little degree of jdeasitre that I return to this honorable., body my Mlicue gratitude' tor the ait;uice,l,'eur fesy anil respect Which' h is Ikvji exteuV-Ml me as your presiding ollieer. The Ashevilh ( Wizen thus gets Into rap tures on Autumn of th mountains : The most Ivantiful seasvn of the year- in our nioipitiiin cotntry is nowijH.'uing. To the; ijrandeiw ot' out mountain scenery there is now added a beauty which must be seen to le apjinviatetl.- 'i'he variegated hua. of tl;o toliage of the iptVei-enj varieties of. the iihdvr' covering -our" ino'imtains', with which Natiuo is iiy emybingthcHiiin the transition from the rich green of flie Sun mcr to the "sor Virt.ylow 1kuI of au tumn." pseuts a picture,, which for sub lime iieauiy'and grandeur cannot 1m? sur passed an'il th? soft and balmy atmosphere ef our Fall season has sjich a niUdly bracing inlhieiuv the system, jas to make this an exceeilinglv attractive season. 3Iail Hours. The wail will close at the Citv l'oct (Mice I ' . . . until further notice a follows : Ynrflinm nirrlt 111:1 ll flfiT nil Tll?llt4 irlll Kast and Wet of.Weldon, daily at 5:U.M pailj' Ibrtugh ar way ((Uy) inaUd - g v VAUVpL O U UKllll .......................... vwv . k. -'X Southern niailai'or all points South, dailv r....... ':15 I' M Charleston, d;Uv- at : 5:U0 A M Western wiU C C Kaihvav) dailv . .feictpt SuM?y,)... ......... ..'. 2:m P.M Ci-arloite aia ch"?.r( at 2:30 V 31 Siii.:tbvil-;e ( viyiKa-sr Hill and Tow n ' Ci uck V f jdaV3 Saturday.-, 0:00 A 31 Farctfe?uuS-B '' '- Cape ' , ! - Fear Ilivionoftrid Frtdav??, 1:00 1' II j?ayewenic tu vaccina eanrai Railway dallr except SuniUvs) :,:0 A. 51 inow V..J1. ain.-nvcricuiao 01- i 1 i i t '1 1 7-jt. . f 1 1 The Smithriile mails. bvift'Auiboat, cloc at u v i v 1. rifiar s ' mini ,. C Ail 4 1 ff 3 I' M, dailv, except Sunda'?.1 Af:i?U rlM vprl fr.'.rt ll- MO A M in 7: 50 ' M.I and on .Sundays from 8:30 to 9::50 A M. . Stamp 0tice open from )S A M to 12 31, arid 1 from 2 to C:00 P 31. 3Ionev.Oitler or Uejriif- ter JJepartment open game as stamp ollice. r5uiiui.s iur saii; ai general ticiivery w nen .staiiit) ollico inclosed. Kit isix- afr--.ihli :il ail Jiuurs, ua HUH ..II 1 1 .l I 1117111. W 1 - i I 3lails collectfd f rum-street hoxes everv dav at : P 31. LOCAL NEWS. Index to Sew Advertisements. Mks. L. ". Fi.annaoax lillinery. Jas. Y, Lii'i-rnT The Weed. (J old is ojioted to-day in New Yolk at The regular semi-monthly meeting of the lioard of Aldermen .falls due on Fri- dav evening.; ' Mavor CaiiadaV will leave here ifext Moud-.v to attend -another meetin- of the Western N. 0. llailroa.il Commissioners. Cotton in iew York Jinn and higlier prieos. asked, penrine ftrin to Sl.To for at lo; t; 14; spirits tur- it 40, and rosjn firm at $1.70 strained. Thanks t(i Messrs. , 0. M. Harris.;. N. Jiv V,.,m .,i i:,i n. r .:..':.... - - ' l'l' ' ''' on 101 ioi iitmuiiiii ui the .Ttmperaiice 'Hall to be evening at Tejmperah.ee Hall. uiven this l'l IE 'i'overiinient steam lred"-e Emma f! .'..!'.'. ' 1 J,""'t' - - "v-o.. i o h at v,;in- ),,.,. I,- ,;,i,.,.. 1,.., ,. ii -ii . sidvy ship yard for more- than a week ast. yill -probably K .ready' for work acain next, week. The Sclix) Board'for t his township li; vve biaugnrat.'d he plan of -supplying the scholars ot the tree s.-li ; ls with the nee cssary text books, taking n;o'ipls therefor the books to )e returned . at the cinse o the session. A. wssATisFiE) street car horse piroke from the harness this forenoon at the corner of Froht and' Princess streets und when last seen was oft Tikii a hot towards th,e arUhdls. leaving both tracks and traces behind! him. i Escaped. We learn that two nrisoners .l:nn. KobinVn and Kicliard V. hn. ea)ed lYuni the Souh Carolina l'eniteiiliary on the 8th inst. They were both sentenced to ten years hnprisoniuent Kobinson for burularv am graiul-larcenv. and Smith lor stealing i mule. A suitable Tewnri has been offered tor their arrest. A Chance for Somebody. AVe have received a note from a gentle man residing in Pittsburgh. who luM sjiue. thouglts of emigrating to" Xorth Carolina and; who writes to us to make '- i - empiirics in lj-gard to the purchase of a plantation near Wilmington or the .ex change of real. estate in this city for the same kind of property in Piftsburidi Parties in tlu ieinity desiring to exchange or sale are reouesied to notify us of the fa( t. giving ;.U luiul in.ticula.sl ' " , ; H '. " Steanr Ferry Boat. We lea ni t hat the work of buildi ng a steam ferrv iKuit for the feirv across the Cape Fear, oppoiro Alarket Dock, will probably le l-kgun early next month and that the Wit U ex'pected to ie ready for service in Janjiary. .She will be a ' dubie- Cllder" jlljollt !?" feet wide bv 7." feet in ' . - - - - - 1 11 1 III I . I.L..I. ... I.I . T . . f lenirui ano. win oe miiii in i r rv r r.e will l;;r,d tie, Ws uuv. land, at Mar- 1-... .1...L- .,AV tl... V.. T.1....1 -1...1- Il l i'M. J..I,IV lV".JV ... opp,.te. i ie v-mpany yr: ,t the nu.thuripes. ijl peinat it, t dmlgc out these d'vk Ui a depth of six feet, at low water, at the inner piers. 1 Personal. -Mrs. k Windlmrv, re.ict f the late M4r-Geneni) D. V. AV.lbury, U. S. A., passl t'nMigJ'i ll.i cjiy. ye;derlay. ait route. for Soul h (irol ina. Airs. Wxi. Ibur v is a tia i i ve ( t his ji-ity. where she n?f:id'.-l pre vious to the War, he? husband, tlen dipt- VKlburv, havuig IteeJi tationwV- at Smithville for several years. ,v-1- l-T-net t. .delude from j An- in 'tne iV.dvention wVd go up the (Jliar- lbtte Toa.nhisevchmg ii his return to his h..ln.. nf V,,l.lM.r,. t v " Mayor's Court. 1 lietbre Ills Honor, , the Mayor, tlik morning:. Susan Brown, disorderly conduct, guilty, 10 ami CObts. , Harriet Fiirrell, larceny, . ...1 bound over ,h i tlw Superior Court. . . I litnic Handy, disxdt'ilj-CoiKluct, ouiui ( uity, aud flneil $5 ami costs. I liin-tl 5 and costs. Francis Gurrie,-. guilty," $5 and costs lirderlv rnndiH-t I j ? 1 w, 11.;.. .i;....t.j' ti" "'"""'V jM.-y.i.j m,..v.., . i .....1 i . ti,..,.t.. 1 c muiuii 1,0 iiiur&ui , ' .-. i . - r i it? ,i! m . I wianc-b urpny, eiug ..uor wiuiout liceitse,- ctsc coutiuueil to Saturtlav. v., ... . . . I " 1Ml ,"'. not "ttiltv I For the Fair. Three very handsome contributions to I .. ........ ... ' 1 ,r S :i o 'I'jiir i n nm i -orn wn iiti I ",w amivi ii .vi iiik i i . froiii this city this morning. One of these is a iikhIcI, alxjtit 18 or 20 inches in I length, of the steamship. Ratciyh, of the if.wLoiioiu .um no to i -luu jiue, cvccuieu i.,u:.. at:i.:. t . i' i hy Cajit. John S. Oliver, the commander of that ship, and is u faithful and exact rep resen tuition of that boat, and the others are leautifttl pictures of the steamships lleyulaior and G ulf Stream, of the New York and Wilmington Line, skill full v worked oii velvet, with colored silks, the production of a common sailor in New York citv. Capt. Caz;mx has had these articles in liis oflicc. for some"'. few . months last, and on their return from Kaleigh will be ready to place them on exhibition at' our Fair next month. - The Fact of the Matter. An article has been going the rounds of the fctate press (having been published, we think, in this city.) to the effect that ill letters on which the stamp is not alhxe.l on the upper right hand of the en- velope will be sent to tlie Dead Letter ollice, through directions from the Tofct- 1 ii-iasiaiv. IphomI Th ven nro infnrmi,! I ' . ' .:. i. i...t . i. is an enor, ,as no mico iiisirucuons nave leen issued from Waslrington City. Cer- tain is it that no letter carrying the iirbper stamn. no matter wliefc affiTPtl. lias nvnr been casf put of the mads m the ofliccun una cuy.. uie same tunc His uiKiount- edly a matter of great convenience to all postmasters to have the stamp placed on l. . ... J. -i t i i , .t , . e tlie uiiper right hand comer, arm the let- I 11 , ' ; tcr writing public arc tirgcil, as a matter ol accommodation- to others, to so affix them. The Week's Markets. : : ! The-cotton market in this city has been 'l11 Uvplj'. of late, and prices havesteacli- ly advanced during the past wcekr-Thc receipts to-day Avere 747 bales, the secQiid largest day s receipts of the season.' The J'.wket'is activy,and at times excited, and 1X1 1U) Iimo 111115 Iar rmgr tne season lias tiPpb Cfl11 to. the demand. An 1""1"kc one cent nas oecn gained du- l,n "t ",l t,'lsl!'"1 "w iniuuimg. 1 he markets for" spirits turpehtincand rosin have also been encouraging,' spirits having risen from 32 cent on AVednes- day hist to 37 cents to-Lvy4 while tjic mar- Ivetfur lidnoil rosin has fairly held its, own. In tar and tnriicntiiic there has lieen no change during the Week. The Athletic. Club. at a meeting of ht. George ami Ht. Andrews' Conimittee, held last evening , t,,e fol,owil1-? Pronr:me of vorta U be WTYWU rhaidisvmj? JXy, was $ub: witte4 by Mr. Glwvve and adoptetli: Oiienmg bpeech..,. 10:00 A. M. One mile walking race 10:30 4t U it One hundred yards running race, 10:45 Sack race 11:00 Hurdle race (250 yards) over tour hurdles 3J feet high...... 11:15 Running lonj jump. 11:30 Running higli juinp .11:43 tt it Kitlc niatcli -12i0Q M. I Ono-lialf mil riin'inA 'r l-'no 1. Ai . , . r,. . ...... w - " I I t- ...... V,.1 s. a . "... i m1 ii-v Wc m running rcj;..;.,,.....,.,, 2: uuuiu wjja ,..,.WWWMtt W I I. t An UeeJtarrw rice.............. :3 Trowfalg heary hammer:;...... A0 Eegg and ladle rtce....M.... 3:50 Fencinsr. 4:00 I a - Cricket... - Quoite... - The following ;gcutleme onipasa ihp (mrrntte ci . ArageaenH: Messra. P. Kidder, Chairman; John Colville, Ihxldick, R. O. Ross, A. V. Wood, W. L. Jewett, B. Gleaveg. Mcnibcre arc rcqnestetl to make their entries as soon as possible to any member of the Committee. 1 r,-, The coldest night of. the season was the bet, OTCceedetV to-day by the wet; and J nlippinefw ehnrftctriHtic of a dismal: day I J.. T.fl - in nit i :;m . In Below. r German brig picicH, IMa-cns,- Nor- wc'nnii Iwrinic A: , V. littic. llendriekseii . a Norwegian brig, a tern hc-hxner and n forc-and-aft .scIiwikt, names all unknown, .... wcre rrp.rtctl this morning as in the river r1 lound up. They will probablv arrive at the city to-night or to-morrw liiornin. ifv air state that lie has instructions tdadvertise all . A . .V .- nroiKTiv 111:11 taxes nave nor iHen naiii on property that taxe. have n ly'"rJriday the 15th. inst. Gnseiuentlv " ' no iu trill fallowed to waive tlvir a 1- . rrr.....h ... ;,!,; ,.t.w. j,s A - ".'li' iwi- Mill i -V V- thdr lia m w ht f n,lvt.rtisol .., . ' ertv, should go ami see the collector at - ' & oilCO. Rapid Drivinc. A colored drax'inan ov tlie name ot Chris. .Swann, wa.s'arraigneil hefore Jui 5, ti.tn n.. ...M.... l. nvv; v.i.-rniv ipu ri.i v.iin mi ill ocfiiiig on uie charge of raiid driving on riincess stree't. The case was dismissed on payment cf costs. I ....... ii.: . r. i. .. . . . i i i u memiou mis laei as ;i reimimer to I the city authorities that there us an ordi I nance prohibiting rapid riding and di ivii): I on the public streets, and we suggest, lor I the safety of. life and linihj that it le strict J ly enforced I A Marvelous Bonnet. An astop 1 1SIUUS cxnimtiou at me recent opening of one of the fashionable millinery establislunents ;tt the North. That OUr hul rc;ulers ,,ls. ""derstiiiid what t AVrtS aml what is threatened for the,r flUr "cads, we publish the following description of it "It was made of dark .grifcn velvet and . ecru silk two of the stvlish colors fi.r the coming season. On the back of the I bonnet, resting partly on the crown and PartI; on, 1 10 ,jrim'as an elalxnate wWch answcml for a 1Wiit wuro illckxi six. birds of the sic of sruirrows. THcv were mounted on wires so as to, liKjjve I easily witlx the motion ot the wearer, or I fi swav HoTitlr in the breath of f li broi't'c I ay T f , tL trimmimr on one -v o j - - v '-t- side of the bonnet," and a large w ing as intermingled with the bandeau of Velvet S1,K On tlie Oilier, me iroilt, large 1 11 j 1 a t till 1 CXquisite Sowers, loops and twists of velvet and silk and an additional wing. A yard and a half of velvet ahd half the quan- tity of silkAvas repiircd for the comple- I iiou oi mis JiioiibiroMiy oi icimiime neai I " r i t i i i I rpr I wt vi! birds whkts kiy wbol birds, masses of flowers, leaves and wreaths, I velvet and silk in unlimited quantity cn tercel into the composition of this "love of a bonnet." , ' . The Great Show. ; Never, except -on . the celebration; of luarui uras, nas our cny w iinesscu sucp a gathering of Je0plc as that which! assem- j bleil on the streets5 yesterday to witness the advent of Ildwes' Great London Gir ' t -m r w ij .iti f . 4 lr- Ti 7 1 "i appointed for the appearance ot the grind cavalciule people began to assemble on fthe ,1. principal streets, along the proposed i he of march, and when the first notes of '4 he baud, which headcil the. procession, Acre heard, every availablo-spaecwhieh c; fluid aflbrcl A gooil view was occupied. Win dows, balconies, awnings and sidewalks i . i i I . . were crammeu wun pe pie eager to see the siree? uiay, aooui me magnmcmee i " i i: l . it ... I of Avhich so much kid been said. That tlicy were not dis;ipi)ointed was manifested oy tlie exciamatiyns ol surprise an l ami ration that grceteil tie living panorama at every point, Uiupueslioiiably it was more Wautiful thiin any similar street enter tiunnient ever offered to our people, 'and was, but 'the foretaste Of the inimitable lerforinauce that was seen later undei thu. canvass. The cavalcade was many sip tires iu length ami was cojnpjml t'ti civaliersj i ill- i - i i .. Kin gin s aim lacues on iiorseiuitK, Jvauan clwriots, drawn by horses, fuir aj)ixat, a cage full oXAV-H11 hyeiuis, ani'Hjg w hich k-arlessly s;t the negro keeper, ' I r-- uuois luaiaus aicscu in mar un tiistic costumes, painted an I- carryinig imrJwnwUs of Indian wartarcy the j live performing clepjyant. a uuuel, a nuiidxr ol wagons on which wei;e beautifullv painted alleg.'rical pictures, and 'contain ing the wild animals lM.-l.miivt'- Snger's English Mena'A'rit... 'Vlie striking Vultures a( ibp djisxhiy Avere two ntigniticent ihar iots, drawn by richly caparbjn.'.d hirses. These charicts were handsiHily nantel and gildoil, ;wl di!i4lyel on the ites u number of mirrors, which, as they njoved along, multipliel anl retlecttl thelgir geous pageantry, protlucing a plea-s;iijt ef fect on the lndiolders. To attempt a iiiu ntedescritioii of the display would 14: al mast an endless task, as't-ach feature f it presentexl irnething entirely new .-uihf.tr eclipuig any circti display ever ma4e in' tile South. Menipltii AcolancJic. PLEASE XOT1CK. We will be glad to receive communication from our friends on any and all subjects of gene- mtcrcst out: x . ' 1 The name of the writer mu al ways be fur-. nidi ed to the Editors. - , CoinmnnicaUons, mut, be , written only on one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it b especially and particularly under stood that the editors do not alwavs endorse. the view? of correspondents, unless so stated in the editorial columns. Quautkhly MF.ETiNc..s?-ApiKitittnent;, of liev. W. S. lUack, Presiding EldcK for hi n.nrth ronnd of Oii.irtrrlv Miiiins for the AYilminirton District of thcMcth- (dist E: Oiurch, Smith : - Topsail, at Kockv Point, - ('t. 1, .17 Whiteville, at Shiloh, ...i - - Oct. .23, 21 llladen and Clae Fear Mis- mm, at uindsor, - - - - Oct. o0, ol Wilmington,' at Front Street. Xv. 7 Smithville. - - - - - - - Nov. lo, 11 Clinton, at. McOa-'s, Nov. 20, 21 WizaiX't litawir; at ayjnain Aov. z, .1.' V 'X 1 w-.v. . . . i:1-ii.u. . ; x ... Ills nop Atkinson's Aftointmknts', Appointments by Ilishop Atkinson fr pii Autumnal vi?itatin : ' -' - ' l xington, ' - - - - - Oct. 11 Si. Andrew. IJowan co., - - " 1'" Chrit Chureh. lhwau c., 21t. , Sunday, after Trinity, - - " 17 Salisbury. - - Oct. 18 10 draham,' - - - - - . - (Kt. 21 i. AT '.. I . lIilllorouh, - - - Chapel Hill, 22d Sunday after 23 1 runty, - - - - - - v 21, 2-". Nov. 10 " 11. a l' 11 ; lo n; - - is - lit 21 Durham, - - - - - - - (laslon. - - - - - - llidewav. - - - - -. - Warrenton, - - - - llendeiin, 2."th Sunday, after Trinity, - - - - - Wi-lliamsiMiro, - - - - - Sassafras Fork, (Jranville Co., - (Joshen, Oranville co., - - -Oxlord, - - - . - - - - liouishurg, 2'th Sunday alter I nmty, - , - - - - - Franklinton, - - - - - - Kittrells. .- -. - 2:l Hotel Arrivals. Vein -Ei. i. House. j. . D;vis, Tropii- etor S. Kosenheiin. sew loik; .lac(li I jMimuel, New York; M. H. Williams, Chieauo- .1. E. Duval, A. Westheimer, I ...... j H' II' Il ?l' . I I .. 1 .! .. . l'altnnore: unison, i nMaoe.pui.i, A. Harhcr, .'viaysvuie, i , FOR RENT. COMFOIiTAULlv DWELLING HOTSK V 1 on North ei'dc of Market, between Second and Third street. Applv t oct 12-tf CltONUY'A 3IOKKI.S. gllAKES OF CAl'ITAL STOCK, Brunswick Uric aiid Ferry Co. SOCK in tliis dividend (inontldy) nayii poration. Tor sale by inr cor- CKO.VLY A MORWS, Auctiner.s. net 12-3t Stock k Kcal Entatc brokers. MILLINERY rum: lxdkksigxei) wishes to i.v- J foriu the ladies that Vhc has iu.st returned I from Xcw York,, where she had -been for cv- craI wctU ln;lkin.S la!l parctias in ,, vK Fj vSm MILLIXEllY. "n,l win ,H" prepared in a few dayd t..hou her friend? and the public generally the latest blVR'a 111 FKEXCII I'ATTKKX DONNEJ.S AND HATS ;lh'1 evcrvtiiin- ;;rtinih-to tl.e liuimw. . I ili.' ve al-oa very liuujsclectiouof raucy (tootl.-. con. -iding of LADIK.S' COn.SET.V ' ' ' HOOP SKIRT.S," POMPADOLK'S LAWs FhlXGE.S, Ul'Tl'OXS, .Shll'l'KK 1'ATTEHXS, MOTTOES ASD FKAME.S, Linen (.'nll.iiv anl Cuff. HandkcrcliicfH, Xcc Jt litrf. Uuchiug DvlU, h5witclie, liraid, and tlie l.iiL'ert and cheatict stock of Zcidivr I Wort.'i and Shetland Wool t be hadtfiH solicited and attended to itli prouiptncM and care. ' uutrY SroKE42 Market Street. Mus. L. FLAXAGA.V. tt 1- 1 -rialw THE WEED. ft MOKKKS WILL FIX 1) A LAKGK AXI clmitv ;-tn tincut of the most popular brands i.f . CIUAHS, TODACCO AND HXCFF8 at U.e .-tore of JA3IE8 W. MITITT, Xorth Front iStiiTt, oj'pojiite Forced! Hou-c. A full and complete assortment of the inw-l de-irabl? phkU in thu line kept alvray oi ..I I hand. The hck U contantly being rvphn- i.die1, and .vinokcri, chewers auul tlippcr n ill find there the hot g.oJU at the lowcft pricc! oct l'l - 1-Cin-nacdcrr HARD WAKE. Parker & Taylor, nciieits is tlM:jtYMiE, STOVES, GVXS, LAX- TE11XS, 1'UMPS, . Kcroicne Oil?, Tin aud Sheet Iron Ware. nr2- Tin and- Galvanized Koufing dont at short notice. Xo. l!l Fko.vt St., oct7-lm-ch , AVilminyton. X". C IHITLXO AXD . i- WEDDIXO CAKDS Printed in tbo best of etjic at the ; KEVIKW OFFWK, RAILROAD KECE1FT.4 format the r