THIS PAPER pushed every afternoon, PLEASE NOTICE. - We.wyijbe Ud to receivn roramuaifations from our friends on any and all subjects of gtnt taliiUtreallmu rv-rr firrtf f.riT The name of tte writer must always be fur- nished to the Editors. X?omnia&ieitlon muit lwTittcn Ronly ou Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under etood that Vhp editors do snot always endorse the views of correspondents, unless so stated in the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sundnvs cx- U repte, by JAMES PRICE, Editors and Phopristoks. Y Scuscairnoss, roTAE p.ui: - t -One Jir; $5.00 1 Six .months, S?.50 ; Three ; months, $1.45 ; One month, 50 cento. v Tic papcrwill bo delivered by ciTiCTe,frce f .barge, In any rrt tn dtJ at the zbove rac.i, or 13 cent! per week. Vdvertising rates Ion- and liberal. Vi? Subscribers will please report any id all failnrca to receive their papers regu arlv. " ' CAROLINA. :4U S 1 '-ifJiU., U. tf--. .h L. A.t- : J . . . , : : , : . -t-.. jr.l-V- : - r---r- --'-r-- : - r ?:fr: : ' ' -if ' : : VOL. 1. WILMINGTON, N, C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1875. NO. 57. sc.i. ;v 2."C0. i j - j j, a. hairs of cotton. .'-'.- . ! . i Vftkc Temple, of. Honor; j'bVe: ; tkwWclin lfaleigh? - - ;i Two Mormons are in Charlie, preaeh iii" the d.ictrine of the Latter-Day S;iint.. The Farmer's Savings, liaiik of Char lotte is to be converted Pito a National bank; ? f f - ..' ffr ' The new Masonic ' Lodge,, liooni in Raleigh will be dedicated cm the evemng of ttethtnst XfivVfoceeRc; of TITlIbor6, on Tn-liy -4 . killol a bog weighing 409 pounds. ;ri i 7 foot i inches in length. , r - Mr. T. J.'?llolnn.4i, Vith-'n sufficient force, will start in a1 few days to survey the line erf the Fayetteville anil Goldsboro ItailroiuV, v$ .' r f" Th'c Rtalc ' 'Agncnltural Society h;d taken'strong ground iu favor of a rcprc 'iienhition of North Carolina products at the Centennial. . ' i ' Gov. Hrogden,' in rc;o;rse to'a k-quisi-tion of Gov. Chamberlain, of South Car olina, has issued a warrant of delivery to the authorities of South Carolina for the lxly0 of James Fctncr, now in 'jail at Charlotte. The' Charlotte Obscrrcr iys: . A 'geu t Ionian who arrived in the city from Con cord last night, in forms us that oil .yester day, Randolph Sutton, colored, Ava.s sen tenced to be hung, at that place, on Fri day, the :21st of January. Sfttton is the negro' who committed a burglary. 'ii5x.n the tjttlro of Mr. C. C.Onoper, of 'Steel Creek, in this county, about throe months ago. The Raleigh Sentinel says : To-day we TTerc shown some tine ' specimenj?. of gold from the Ransom Iiridge and Arringtoii old mines, the former in -Franklin and the latter in JNosh county, in ciose rox imity to each other. The specimens have been declared by experienced miners to be exceedingly rich. Mr. Thumas, the pro prietor, was for many years the sole owner of the old and famous Tortis - mine, in I'l-fitiVliii rlinrr n mivd' thousands uf X 1 (til It llii t ' - m- - - -- dollars, and, after selling which, jnir chased the mine at Ransom's Bridge. T!ic I'ortis mine is now being developed by Mr. Sturges, an experienced miner, and svo learn that, despite 'many disc nr aging litilurcs, , .this-., old mine is nving immistakablo evidence of riches. The quart. of the vast new vein, recently opened is being shipped 'to Baltimore and New V'.k,and produces more than 5 ounces (100) to the ton on an average. The decompi sed iitiartz slate and gravel in the belt, on being washed to a depth of some 20 to 25 "feet, produce more than $i to the cubic, 3ard. Messrs. Cake & Sons, AVillard's Hotel, AVashiug- ton, D. C, and W. A. Browa a mining engineer of Philadelphia, hive recently, purchased the Mann mine in Nash county, and, arc actively engaged m erecting the Ver machinery to grind -the -.quartz. They have, it is suid, found the true vein. audit gives promise to be immensely rich. Many intelligent engineers and capitalists . hare visited this section recently, and large sums of money will no doubt ere Ion; ho invested there in gold mining. v In the Tolls. On Saturday evening two men and a woman arrived in the city by the Savan nah train, and registered at the Charleston Hotel under the names of II AV. Davics, Thomas Nichols and Mrs. Joseph H. Nichols. Nichols is the absconding teller of the Canadian Bank of Montreal, who, on the 11th of September last , stole from that bank quito a large sum of money, and in company with his father levanted to St. Augustine, Florida A reward of 10, 000 was offered for the delivery of Thomas Nichols at any place in the British Do minions, and Henry W. Da vies, -a well known detective, was tent ia pursuit of him. The' detective has been iu St. Au gustine, Florida, at the same hotel with Nichols for several weeks, but could not arrest him, there being no extradition treaty for that class of offences between the United States and the British Prov inces. But he kept his man in si;ht, and finally worried him into a surrender. This was accomplished by advertising. In every portion of tho city a circular was posted setting forth the theft, and offering $10,000 reward for the arrest of the fugi tive. Every morning the following circu- lar was placed in a conspicuous place in the hotel at which Nichols and his family boarded. THIEFI!$10,000 REWARD. Oa Sep tember, 11, 1875, THOMAS NICHOLS, Teller of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, at Montreal, Dominion of Canada, stole from aid Bank a large quantity .of Canadian Legal Tender 5 otes of the denominations of $500 and fit000' n1' ccoinpanied bf his father, JOS EPH H. XICIIOLS, fled from Montreal, and these two fugitives from British justice are novy at the Oriental Hotel, in the City of St. Augustine, State of Florida, United States ofi -vuienca. i nereDv otler the following re ward : $5,000, gold, for the recovery of the amount stolen, or pro rata for what is recov er?,d,?H5W rr Uie delivery of the w w J?8. N1CU0LS at any place in the Uritish Donunion. orDavies' Detective Agen 7'4Jvvi Ptfeet, Xew York, U. H, A. HLN RT W. DAVIES, Ajjent and At torney of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, St. AngasUne, Fla., U. S. A.. Five weeks of this kind of conspicuous nd pcrsistcut advertising effected what the law could not. The defaulting teller, unable to shake off the detective, volun tarily surrendered himself and offered to return to Montreal to stand his trial The parties left on the . Northern bound V?- 1Sturd: cvewS, en route for the British Province. JWtcj and Courier' b:is shinped thi Mail Hours. The maild wilt close at the Citr Post O nsti! farther notice as follows : I Southern mails for all point South, daily : Chfyl6ton, dailv at Wolterte tnaiU (C C Railway) daily 5:15 P M 5:30 1 M I i exoepi nnnaays,; Charlotte mail closes at.... C:30?Mi Jf' ridar 1-00 P M Favetteville'.' and oflSdei on ' Fear River, Mondays and Fridays Favettctillc bv Carolina Central ' - Railway, dailr (exccpSundap) 6:30 All ficos evcrvTrWay:... 6:00 M J , TheSnjitliville mails, by steambtrat, close at vrr M; UitilT-jiexcept hunaays. ilaiUjfor Y Jiabjlown Creek. Bell Swamp, Knpply irh'd'ShUflottc every Friday atr, A. M. i Mails delivered from C: 30 A M to 7:30 P JI, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9::?0 AM. t Stamp OfSoB' opeBftOBfA.'lirto 12 M and Troni c to ff: 00 P M MSnjr Order or Regis ter Department oDcn ameasstanjp office. : Stamps for 6ale ' at ' general- dclfvcrj' when stamp olice is closed. . ' Ker Roxeaaocessiblet ,11 jhoufsda and niffhC . -i V 13 Jj Jrails collected from ftrect boxes ererv day at5PM. ; rf,?k LOCAL NEWS.: - Index to New Advertisements. " See ad. headed Santa Clans Coming. ' J. II. FllEKMAX, W. E. Fk.eemax To all may concern. Cuas. P. Myeus & Co. Elegant Stick of -Family Supplies. See notice of Fair and Festival by the Ladies of FVout Street M. E. Church. Setii W. l)AVis, Auctioneer.- Night Auction. " - - ( j 1 ! I V. K T V, R OC ISf A liljA U D 1 Irt rilCSS, Soil-lies and Trunks'." stores are all dressed in Xmas re- I IK O ra!ia. Pretty b-day and pleasant out of the Wlilt 1. ' , , .. Gold is quoted in New York tc-day at 111. The Haver) y Minstrels perform in Nor folk this evening. - Tiie ; holders in Fine Forest Cemetery did not meet last night. . The steamer A, Adrian was out yester day ' fot, trial aad -practice, Mai. It. M. Orrcll has been nominatoct : for Postmaster at Faj-etteville. - Families' are getting in their supplies of miscellaneous goodies for Xmas. Hall's Combination re in Charleston for the second time this season. A colored convict by the nflmc of Robert Tate Moore escaped from the Work House near this cit v. Tlic tax-payers vs. City of Wilmington, comes up for argument before His Honor, Judge Henry, on Vedn?sday morning. Cotton in New York dull at 13 5-10 to JoJ ; spirits turpentine steady at 37, and rosin dull at $1. "70 to $1 ?7i for strained. Bev. Jos. B. Wilson, 1). 1)., of the First Tresbytcrian Church in this city, lectures before the Cheraw Lvccum this evening. - PviucoKs strest could well be called ''Printer's Avenue," a& just two-tbirds'of the printing establishments' in town are located on that street. A new schedule is soon to go into effect ou the N, C, B. 11., by whiqh the mail train arrives at GoldsWro in the evening and leaves at aloiit 8 A. M. in tho morning. A Doctor in this city gave the following prescription for a certain disease : "Keep one ' buck-eja". in your j pocket, and if you do nut feci relieved after a week, put one in' each pocket.'- ' . Beautiful nev; regalias, 'from the. manu factory of Sisco Brothers,, of Baltimore, for the officers of Wilmington Lodge Xo, 04, I. O. G. T., arrived here yesterday morn ing and were worn hist night for the first time. " - The Charlotte Observer says : The Xcptuue-Fire Company,' of this citr, will attend the Fair of the Colored. Men's 'In dustrial Association, at Wilmington, during .the holidays, takjng their eugiuc with them." : " ' !4 rr Why cannot Wilmington boast of a mouumout of s-jic. 5f XoTth Carolina's. great sons? A monument just in front of the Market-houe with auiron railing around it would make things look city like. Who wants to die? TiT TTffU : r : , ' i i'i. t ; Wo were gratified to receive a call, this forenoon, from Mr. Sampson" Boone, an old and much' esteemed citizen ; of Fav-' ctteville. He is on his annual tour to the land of beautiful flowers , and luscious oranges, Wc, wish hjia- a. pleasaut and" I safe journey.r 'o Northern" (nighty ail for rmll jwtetfHh East and Wf!8t tTOJ&fii BKl W45 P M t)aarUfPigiraiitejim4 1 j except Sunday... C:50 A M - . Rather Rough. f t Tlicjcejiort of the "W'estemXludU Tele graph Company, just ont, saya that the net profits of the company, for six months of this year, were 94,45 1 48 more than for the same period last year, and simul-l tancously announces that the compensa tion payable to all officers and employes of company iu xces ofthe rate of ir huu- 'dfw'tloHnTs per aunnm, is to bo reddepd, on an atcr thc a.V of January next, on a sluung scale. Irom tventy-uve to five per cent. ; ,ly ' . 1 ' s : r . " - ' - Amateur Papers. Wo wese shown yesterday some "ama teur papers, edited and published bv Yankee boys iu the North and West. Now, wdiy should not some of our Wilmingtou boys do the same, and if they cannot buy a press, get us to print it for them ? Those shown us were printed at "regular printiug offices," and one is of a very good size, but is orily issued once a month, and at the tyw price of 25 cents a year ; . , ..- , , ' Santa Claus Coming. We call aUention to the advertisement elsewhere of the Fair and Festival aiid Promenade Concert to be given by the Children of St. John's Parish at the City Hall, on -Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. Santa Claus will make his headquarters there on the even ings in question, and Christmas doings will be offered for sale then at low prices. Everybody is notified and is expected to 1)6 on baud with his wife and little opes. Mayor's Court. The following cases were tried before Mayor Canaday this morning : Josh Tucker, larceny of a box of tobac co, bound over to the Superior Court in the sum cf $200. . A party charged with being drunk and disorderly, fined $50 and. costs, or 30 davs on the street:;. A party for violation of tcx ordi nance," was ordered to pay taxes and costs. Beuben Looney, larceny of chickens, bound over to the Superior Court in the sum of $200. Grocery Supplies. We invite attention to the attractive advertisement of Messrs. Charles D. Myers Kr Co., as it appears in this issue. They 'have now in store an elegant stock of choice family supplies, which are all offered at lowest cash discount prices, to suit the times. Their stock of fancy groceries, for the Xmas trade, has been selected with' much care, and will be found fresh, pure and sweet. Jobbers are also notified that they may obtain rare bargains bjr calling on them. ; Temperance Turnout. , Mr. Theo. N. Bauisav lectured last night at Tcmperan?c Hall to a large num ber of ladies and gentlemen who had as sembled to hear him. He was introduced to the audience by Mr. W. M. Hays, Dis trict Deputy of the Order. Mr. Ramsay said that he was, cordance with a previous announcement, to speak iu the interest of the temperance reform ; that he had now been engaged in the temperance work for eight long j'cars, and during that length of time had trav elled the entire State and had initiated hundreds of men, women and children into his order. The temperance move ment was a" stepping stone to those vir tues tliat adorn society and pec dinrly be long to the elect of the Ahr ;ghty ; that among its warmest supporters and advo cates were some of the best men in our land men who had"-attained distinction in the field, on the forum, and in the pul pit, lie then gave a brief history of old King Alcohol anfil his -satauic work in our country, and sa'u when this great the day would come evil ia North Carolina shetl. lie said it was a would be aboli shame to the gooil people of Wilmington that so many drunkards were allowed' to be seen in their- beautiful city ; that four fifths of the criminals in the countrv were made so by strong .drink. He pitied the poor drunkard. He said that the order of Good Templars in North Carolina now . numbered ten thousand with two hundred and thirty lodges that he was constantly canvassing the Stato and planting the banner in every town, villago and hamlet. The officers of the lodge wore heir newt and beautiful .regalia at the meeting, whicli prcseutod a handsome appearance. A choir composed of a number of ladies and gentlemen furnished music for the occasion. The meeting was a grain! sue--cess, . Collecting foreign btamps and coins is all "the go" with the boys and girls now. a i Cape. K TV. Maiming has offered two blocks of .phVfld trO0d,'.' procured by him from HiC Olive koy years ago, to the one in the. congregation of. the First Baptist Church who brings the largest amount of money in his or her mite box' a prize weU werthoirking ifor,!.V-: WHrhtef?.v yA w, llie average weight of twenty thousand men ana women, weighed at Boston m j 18G4, was: 'Men, junds; women' . The following is" the list of letters re l4i.I$WcdiiL iweetest part of ciea- maijaing uncalled for in the Wilmlngtsou, Uwi i doneupin tbjg 'fnallest packages.; (N. C.) Postoffi.ce, New Hanom county, A New Article of Exiort I I The CaroHna Central: Kailrcr has re cently brought from the neighborhood 0f ua fort, locust tree muls of fincquauty., These are used for ' ship-building " and are exported largely to foreign ports. The locust timber of western North Carolina is said to be of excellent quality, and abundant in Quantity. , , The Poor The Christmas holida'vs are at hand. . ',, -, This season particularly, should draw the attention of the wealthy and well-to-do people to the condition of the needy and unfortunate. A good substantial dinner I to the poor would put them m a better frame of mind to enjoy the Christian reli- gion. Hungry people rarely exhibit large I religious propensities. - County Commissioners. A legal board of county Commissioners consists of five citizens. New Hanover has had but four for several months. Every measure passed by the board, to be Clara Holland, Mrs Elizabeth Holmes, Miss legal ,rcqinres a majority of the whole num- Harriet Hill, Julia F. Herring, Ellen Ilar ber three. Is this law heeded? It riss, S. F. Hardy, M. A Howard, Mrs V1 , ,, . P . , I cnom n hl-nlt' armo vita Anll ln nJ I wt w ;u make the htth member of the Board. Weight of Material?. ' ft is pxreodinorlv diffieulf; to narrtRin I the weight of common material, and quite as difficult to remember, so we annex the following table Material. Brick,firc , do common ... Coal, hand......... do soft. Cubic feet to ton. 22 22 to 23. 24 to 28. Clay...,. Earth, Common... ; 1CJ lirftvH . oni' " llrvXftnrl 182. Loose Sand Moist do Alud.... do with gravel Granite.. Limestone Marble Mortar "Water, fresh.... do salt 7 24 17K 22 17 ...13 ............UK 13 23 36 :..35 lhe exact fractions are not given, but the above is accurate enough for practical use Counterfeiters. Fhe case of the United States vs. Jesse v. nu., ui.iri uu pas&iug couuier- feit nickels, which occupied the attention of United States Commissioner Cassidcy - TPAfpnlav. was tAkfin nn jiin thi-mom- - -o ing; after the testimony of the witnesses natt uocu given iur. vassiuey, seeing tnat there was not sufficient evidence to con- vict the prisoner, discharged him. During . y i the course o the examination, one John r isner w;is muicteu, ana orougai upon tne stand. He exonerated Jesso A. W ood, but implicated himself. Louis Wood and T;V,1 lVm-i;! All bn rarHr with tbrt i haraod. have been Indeed in iail to await Q 7 a j a hearing before Commissioner Cassidcy at some future time The case of Lawis T. Wood will be tried to-morrow. John r isher is alleged to be the maker of these counterfeit nickels. W c saw some of them at the Commissioner's office this morning and while a few arc very good imitations the most of them look "that's too thin." Wax Work. We were shown this morning by Capt John L. AYooster, Librarian at the Wil mington Library, wax work in the w'ith flowers and mington Library Association by two ladies of this city, by whom it was made. The cross is a plain Latin one, rising from a mound made of wax adorned with flowers, and the cross itself is entwined with vines, roes and fuschias, and several other varieties of flowers, which our little knowledge or botany keeps ut from de - scribin!? ' The cross, covered with a class trlobe. is to be raffled for the benefit of the As- sociation, at $1 a chance, and the lucky one who wins tt nvul certainly obtain a Prec j Wo congratulate the ladies, the maters of it, upon the skill and taste they have displayed in their labor on this beautiful , a very pretty piece of I A LL Persons are hereby t - j-..i 1 il tradinr for either of four nrescnted to the Wil- I cavable to H. Brunhild k Bros., as 1 cross Church Fair. The laclies of Front Street M. E. Church propose having a Fair and Festival at the City Hall on next Tuesday and Wcdnes- day evenings, the 20th and the 21st inst. A large number of useful and ornamental articles, suitable for the Christmas season, 1 offered for sale while the comforts list of Letters. ISher 14, ' .1875. Persons calling ;for Jhei5e lciic wIU P105 say .vertisVJ V: AAlbert Allen, Mrs Elizabeth Alfctf, JZelphy Bryant. Gwrgo Watson, j; Blackman, Haneetv Wf Blanton, Hatvy Bryan, J D Bront, tier John D Brown, Mar Beaufort, Mary Burnett, Nancy P lJL Nm CMiss NFcieany, Henry airap- tc"' Alonzo B Chippy, Capt Geo A Char- S' P ir. v alter Lonnaugnwn, ; . jvpss . ucaiey Curtis ! D D H Dyer, Miss doc Datis, Mrs C A Drake, Mrs Ann Dudley, Mrs Emily V ' m A TTu un ' -In ty ro fl I Jnripn I Vint (hoc H-lli"ic? I F-Maggie Forgerty, Austin Farmer.! G Mrs Wm Greeu, care Col W-Greou, Robert Glasgo, Capt T J Green, reter g- i -m r a si l "m r a t Gardner, Mrs Annie Gardner, Miss Anqie Green, C E Gcvens, Emma Graves, Eliza beth Galloway, Henry Green, Mrs. Eliza Gihkeu. t H. Edy Hall, Miss Nannie Hincs, Mis Siller Haggett, Amanda Hall, Mrs Aan Maria Hankins, Miss Almira . Hill, Miss Mervia Match, T riubbaru, Thos Hill, . ' ' . " Marv Hargroves, Jacob Horn. J. Mrs Martha Johnson. Miss Fanuifi C Jones, John Johnson. K M Kirtsen, Geo King, Bev James in Chas Lowe, AV. F. Lcc, Putro Locasto, Daniel Lyou 2. ' Ly( M Miss Carrie McKoy, Augns Mclu tosh, "Wm J McFarland, Patrick Evdy, John McEutee, John Moody, Dr J "W . McGec, Herring Murrett, Eugene Mitchel, Frank McKoy, David Mosely, Alex H. Moore, Miss Matilda Mack, Miss Maria Marril, Miss Annie Morriss. N Miss Xaunie Newkirk, James J Nutt. P Mrs Sallie Philpot, Mrs Julia A Pope, Mrs Gallery Pinny, Wm Price, Dr V 11 1'eterson, 2,1 l'ate, Johnny rough, John Preston, Andrew Pearce, Jessie Parrott, Iimon Patterson, or Levi Mai lory, or McMillan. R A C Ruly, C F Kirby, Mrs Caroline Russell, Flora Russ, John Robinson, Since Robinson, Samuel Robertson, Mrs Mildred I Robinson h N yat bcott, Miss Lizzie S Smith, T G Sellers, care E W Taylor, Dr V N Seawell, Joshua M Sloam, Jeu Smith, I Edward Smith, Chas Washington bhaw, f""' i? a d -m' I Marv If Kllnri Mrs Anni .Smitli lire I 4 tr cj-ui :, . -en u tr; ... i l Sharp, Mrs Wm Small. T Mrs Lizzie Thomas, Madclaine Tar tarcm, Walter B Taliaferre, Thos Toilccr t i T rr l- l t m rm osepu o layior, v,apt u i inompson. i w xr:- . trMiu wku..i. tt Wheel er Jameg AValbcr, Joseph Ward, Josh M W right, Harze Wells, A W Wa I tcrs, David Williams, Allen V aters, Mrs Anuie .J .eiglandMrsrhoclje W ashington, L M heeler, Ldny V illiams, Gray WMbingtoVif- Alice AMlluims, Charlotte .Williams, Jennie Willis. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I n iTm i rtr wrn rtnituwi i QAi 1 A LLAUu LUiilljui 4 FAIR ASD FESTIVAL AM PROM- 1. enade Concert will be riven bv the Chil dren of St John's Parish, under the auroices of the Ladiw, at the CITY HALL on Thurs day and Friday evenings, the . ICth and 17th instant". Old Folks and TToung Folks, Big Folks and Iiittle Folks, are notified -that Santa Claus trill have his Headquarters there and that Xmas Toys and Goodies will be Bold at the lowest retail price. dec 14 57-4t To All YTtiom It Hay Concern. forewarned from notes -of $190 and made said notes J received. will not be paid by us, as value has not been J. H. FREEMAN, W. E. FREEMAN. dec 14-t2 FAIR AIID FESTIVAL ! mHE LADIES OF FRONT STREET M. E. Qhurch propose baring a j FAIR AIID FESTIVAL I 3 I at the fj T T Y H A L L! yEXT MONDAY AND TUESD A Y EVENINGS, TILE 20th A 21L Their Tables wUI be filled with thinrt usef si and ornamental, whilethe comforts of tho dee 15 57-tf JOB WORK done a ort aatiee at the . . REYIEW OFFICE: i chas .D. ICO! 5 67 NORTH FBjONT, . ST. . . ... nave in Store an Elegant Stock of ill Choice FAMILY SUPPLIES I In their lane, which they offer as First-Class Goods and at LoKett Catk Discount Pritt. Seedless Raisins, Crown Dehesia, , London, Layers and Loose llascateL SheUe d Alm onds, ' Paper ' and. Soft ' ' SheU lihnonds, English Walnut?, Pecan and Brazil Nuts, ' 1 ' 'r.' new Citrons Uew French Fxnnes 1 1 UewOrop Currants. Gordon A Uilworth's Shaker and . Ginger 'reserves r j h- ' Marmalades, Fruits, 1t. . ; ' Jellies,' Maccaroni, Knglub, German and American Cheese, Pure Old Bidndlcpi Wines, Cordials, . ! j ; . -Mr Scotch and American Whiskies, English and American Crackers, - ( . , Figs, Grapes. Candies, Apples, Oranges', Lemons. " -"-1 - ' We hare these poods in full stock for Fam ily and jobbing trade at lowest figures. . , CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5 & 7 North Front StreetJ dec 14 57-ly 10.000 AIJD 1! CnniCTMAC PZLZ28SZ7?n ! ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE IM MENSE stock and great variety ef Holiday Goods now at the i ' LIVE BOOK STORE ! If you are in want of something for a Christmas Irsnt call at once and make your selection from the beautiful variety at nEINSBEROER'S Live Book and Music Store, dec 13-tf- NT39 Market Street. . 1! FOR PARENTS AND CHILDREN, ... Friends, Wives Ce. Oweethearts A Fine Assortment of C h r istm as C podo, NEW, RICH, ELEGANT AND USEFUL, Now open for inspection, at ' C. W. YATES BOOKSTORE, dec 13-tf 51 Market' Street. Dentistry. T HA YE REMOVED MY OFFICE to tbe Aformer Picture Gallery of 3fr. CJWTiiss7 and havingsecuretLthe-assistance of .Dn W. M. nu8ton7Ygraduate of the Penusylrania Dental College, who has had four years expe rience in practice, we .are prepared to ere- cure an won m uennstry in the best possible manner. JAS. E. KEA. - No. 32 Market St, Wilmington, X. C. OPERA HOUSE. ONE' NIG11T Oi'SLY ! WEUXESDAY, . DECEMBEH 15, 1875. UISS KAT1 FISW And her Celebrated Horse Wonder 1' MAZEPPA1,; - Supported by , a First-lass Company. . The Performance to conclude with a glorious FARCE I j3r Box Sheet open at Heinsbcrgcr's Book and 31 usic Store. Price as usual, dec 11 i ' hi-td. nws.mmm TO-NIGnT, AT 7 sell the stock of ' O'CLOCK, I ; .,:-' ' tVlLL Boots and Ghoca At No. 41 MARKET STREET, ' .: , Dndlev Cl DUisv Dtczd. Sale to be continued every nigtuatfl en- tire stock is disposed of. Term Cash on delivery.- SETH W. DAVIS. decO-na-tf ' ' ' Auetieneer. GAnPEtlTER -MALliig, -i - Practical Manufactorertf of it.r'. .j.'Oi SADDLES AMD TRUtltCO,' W ,. Full line of Horse Blankets, Collars, Hames, Backbandi, and all kinds of Saddlery Good. The cheapest House in the Sjtate. , . . - r , TrunkGrCoverod, c J2r Repairing attended to promptly, jC, novo " " ;- ' ' , - ria 1SIT1NG AND - -'" -' - , WEDDING CARDS " 7, . Printed in the best of strle 'af ta ' , r HEYlEtf DFFPCS. nil! T AS PRESENTS 1 if M i . i V 4 1 1

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