: r I THIS PAPER js pcbuuhicp ererj afternoon, Sundays ex cepted bj ";.: 'r : v ' : JAMES & PRICE, SD1T0M 1IB PaOPlIITOBS. Srascmirtioxf, ro8TA Tixui One year, $5.00;)3ix monthi, $2.50 f Three months, $1.25; One month, 50 cento. The paper will b delivered by carriers, free o charge, in anypart of thecitj, at the above tes, or 13 cent per week. Advertising rates low and liberal. pOI- Subscriber will please report" an j and all failures to receive their papers regu- OFF FOR THE MOUNTAINS. Just before -the excursion train left the (C. Depot this morning, there could have U-vh seen making his way through the crowd a portly looking gentleman with soi nothing less than four reams of paper prt je ting from his pocket and a Centennial pencil adorning, his ear. Wc "will , not tr.iiiMo our readers to guess who he was, l.ut will state at once that it was our Hditur. He has left us for a three lav's trip up in the mountains, fur the purpose of recuperating, and giving a little re, nMtion to his weary brain. Lift him up gently" and treat him kindly, our Mountain friends ; give him iis much butter-milk' and clabber .as ho wishes, for we want to see him return to his s.mctuni well pleased with his trip, writhing many pounds more, and .with all ih" j (Si per he carried, and more, too, jilk'.l with pen and ink sketches. If he . .n t, we are ready to fight the whole of WYstrrn North Carolina. A Quaint Old Bill. 'i'lu' following curious uccomit for re-, storing a chapel was engraved in French ui. a watch crystal in the Swiss depart ment r.f the Vienna Expobition. The hIimIi; w as placed on ii scroll less than an im h square. A. painter had been em j..yed to repair a number of pictures in :v rouvent ; Ue -did it and presented bis 1 the ( urate, wn.. refused to pay it, say- ii in mil mi ui n.iiiwo iiiivi u ituumra jti", iint iiiu tuuim.ua- wjuiu require a Mil .K i.iu. jne iKiinior prouueeu u as Mimwn. Cum t te.1 and revised the leu Com- iiiaiiitititiHs, o irancs anu lz cenumes; mU'llishcd and renewed Pontius Pilate nut new ribbon in his bonnet. 3 "- f jC - ' t -a ft I Iniiiis t; centimes , put a new tail oil the 7 . ....st.-r ot St. reter and mended h scmb. fr,,xt9n miitiins- anil . . t .i- i -a . '" r .i e- i- I i.M'nit'U ine leu wing oi me uuaiuian i i itvwca Ufa ven, auiusieuiwo scars.miaea I II I i I 1 a ' I 1 lla. tlu! Hun and renewed the Moon, 7 francs 14 centimes, reanimated the Flames of hirgntory and restored some s6uls, G iraiiM 7 centimes: reviveil tho Flames of Hell, nut a new tail On tftbllevil. mended i .: .. i' i r i ua i : .1' e .... u ijis 11-11, vvui, aim uiu wvoiaiivus nu w.o Daniined, 4 francs 10 centimes; put new spatter dashes on the Son ot lobias and dressing on his back 2 francs : cleaned mines centimes ; pui ear-rings in me ears of Sarah, 2 francs 4 centimes; re- bordered the robe of Heaod and readjusted his wig, 4 francos 4 centimes ; put a new of (Joli ih md IrtPmlpd his lees , francs I t.oli.ih, and oxtended nia legs, a irancs 2 centimes; decora ted INoah s Ark 3 francs; mended the shirt of the Prodigal Son and .stone in David' S nsr. en arsed the head ed the shirt of the Prodigal. Son and anei tne pigs, irancs 9 ; vvuuuiva. . . . 1 ii a r - i. . 1 Total oil francs 1 1 centimes. Frirhtfiil Death. :: , , , u . , lhc unnatural habit of kissmg dogs has becn the cause of a horrible death to a;,wuvg i;,.,-;uj, . rt. tells us, had for some time been atHicted with periotlical indisposition, frequently Wcnnuns so serious as to produce swell- u,r of u,e abdonipn. ine neu.cines - . . 'i Tttt I lVom visiting, several years, watering places of established reputation. On the contrary, -tlie maiauy grew to oe o m- . 1 I A . . I tolerable that, upon conference held, pay- Meians called in Privy Counselor Wilms tor a consultation. This physician, ob serving the sick' lady for sometime, and alter having propounded several ques ti tns, suddenly; asked: ' lias this lady, perhaps, a dog?" Surnrised at such a question, her friends shook their heads negatively. "l.ut did she ever have one?" the phy sician continued.; . "Yes,1 some three years ag," was the answer 'And the lady certainly allowed the don to kiss her once in a while Mr Wilms asked. It, tcx, had to be admit ted, when the doctor felt fully satisfied i.f the cause ot the indisposition. He concluded that in kissing the dog bladder worms-fintinitesimal animals with which none but sick dogs are troubled, as usual- lv -were' made to iass into the liver of the patient. 1 he operation performed by ii ii'i ' i .i .. i .-. i - . . i Mr wiims. snoruv auerwaiii. iiuiv es UisUsl the correctness of the diagnosis 1 he liver of the patient was peopled bv innumerable worms, which it was patent bad passed from the dog. -The lady was ojrated on three times, and the fourth tslir dietl. WTe are of the opinion that this case should be read far and near. We add auother medical observation in ragard to calfs liver, so popular in most families. The consumption of thisarticl ever calls for great care, and it should never be used except when in its raw. state it is of one color. Calf s liver is Tilso frequently full -of worms. A mere speck lighter or dark er than the rest is enough to cause sus picion. . June was the month which the Romans considered' th6 most propitious season of ne year for contracting matrimonial en gagements, especially if the day: chosea were that of the full moon or the conduc tion of the sun and moon; the month of .May was especially to bo avoided, as un 'dcrthe influence of spirits adverse tobap Jy households. , 1 1 r .. t , .1... 1 ii- 1 i wuiuukihj iui xjuiiti 1.00 is ,-)uu 1 ltllitl L IT ill Ii I'I'I I III 'I K I I Ml 1 II ll I.... .... I " rVi iT V. iLi T ' :.: that lie will not be governed by any State, and wil be r s,nanu ;u.n !eM,u.m I' . action of the District Convention, legged Con fedbrate m ... ... , ' !U1" 110 ucnevcsj, yvjii ue iiayieu 111 so lonz couhnetl in a 3 VOL. 1. CAROLINA. is ' Mr. John C. Rhodes lias' resigned as one of of the Penitentiary Directors. All the counties in the State were represented in the convention except Gaston. Mr. G. S. Bettis, of Littleton J has just shipped the first peaches of the season from this State to New York. Edward E. Gayle, a young Italeigh lte, has just graduated with honor at Wes Point, He stands 13 in a class of 43 graduates. Mr. Jacob Iinitels a prominent mer chant in Charlotte has been stricken with paralysis and is not expected to recover. Prof. Winston, of the University of this State, was married on the 5th. in Mm., TIr..,,..Al.: ' ' I A verdict of fifteen hundred dollars was given II. O. -Bawls by the Federal Vour agamsu tne Atlantic and-Northa. vaiuniKi luimuiiu iui 1UIV1UJ4 111s uugu broken by an accident on the road. .iva1 .1 j- i : i o-ne j?rauKiin uourxer says: in a light between two men named Caw thorn SlTirl Tvirkljiiirl in fii-nnvill rn Saturday, Cawthorn struck Kirkland with his hst, killing him instantly. The good folks no in Wilson turned out all over last Thursday to receive the next Lieutenant Governor; and Attorney General ot the State. JIon. T. J. Jarvis and Col. Thos. S. Kenan, on their return from Convention. The Goldsboro Mesnenqer says : Wil son gave a grand oration to Capt. Jar vis and Col. Kenan on Fridav last. They were met at the train by a large n.oi f ii.n . " i"i gy a brass band Kenan' and sheppard made elorious speeches. rpho ricw nrUMn c . x IHICR fiiiiilrfi ntrhft mnppin uitonioc was killed bv Mr. W. I). Stiiula v jit AiKinson s im, in, Joiinston county, a few days ago. It measured 5 feet 10 inches ill length, ; 13 inches ill circum- A J 1 -w- a - r.... oi ; i .. . js, . ""Vf "icues uoui ee 10 e, ,,,,w:n.clBucu l'uulJUS- lUG .UOldSDOrO MetSenMY SJlVS. 1)iek Kinfr. nf T,Piiir isi'iTi thfi fipll jie . ,:v ?' 7, ' "vr". tne interest or isroeaen. Tlie lienu h- . . - - n- . licans of Lenoir have endorsed him. We learn Jalso from good authority Jnage xnom.is win tokb ine up against vxuv. piogueii, aim lL - ? bacruiceu meiciy 10 iimntj iwui a . fi fnnp. Thfirfl isflin n lMf fnr the Black District. The Goldsboro Messenuer says :The iwnnvofa win ' f a,Vo tia. I maae tneir nominations, wnen tneir i candidates will be invited to a joint discussion. UV special request COl. Kenan andia,. aa- at Stonewall, on the 4th of July, and Qoy yauce maymake a few speeches in the Eagt but the canvass will not iin till 'after th lAth nf.Tnlv. when uf v """V v"""": unm till after the 15th of July, when xhti candidates will go to worKin goou . J Ml A t earnest. Gov. -Vance will probaly speake first ill Wayne. . The Charlotte Observer says: llie The Charlotte Observer says : The latest thing in stealing, is the theft of Ui.imnHvft Pifcrinepr T-nwrv's material train, on the North Carolina ruuiroau. Alio wugiw .8tuwu from the side track at Salisbury, Thursday night, and run to between xmaiiiuluii uim j. uuuuisi mc, .umicn 2l-ovfliiinr nn t hfl lTinin lino hvfl nillPC I V" ."" w , vvfint.e,l an aceident whichmirfit nave i)een serious. . A negro was seen i A 1 - K7 A ' A- I I t0 get oil tlie engine alter it nau oeen stopped, and every enoit is ueing made to catch him. LOCAL NEWS. Index to New Advertisements. Jas. Danforth County Teachers. Curtis & Boatwright Ice Cream Roxes. R. M. McIntire Hot, Hotter, Hottest. A. Shrieu We Will Have Them Monday. P. Heinspkrgkb Summer Pleading. J. W. Lippitt Meerschaum Pipes. Strawlerries are l)ec'oming few and far between : Nothing doing in Magisterial circles this mor um From all sections of the State comes the report of heavy rains I i We understand that there was a meet ing of the "Whiting Rifles" last evening. Governor Vance will begin to canvass in July, after the session of Cabarrns Court. Ibere was to have been an eighth com petition by the members of the Athletic Rifle Club for tho frrvt.l' KiW. this aftcrnoon. Thauks to Mr. Jos. SIcIiaurin for a cluster of fine annles from an apple tree! in his sarden on Market street. Tliey were very fine. The June term of the Superior Court for this county commences on neit ... i - T i ir.vr n.nrf aiouuay, ouuseiucivojr 1M.a.v.,ui,. win oe in session iwo weeks. '. . . i. People should just now avoid exposure as much a possiblc,and adopt all the pre- cautions that scientific knowledge may RiirTPKtl or reason may dictate. 1 I WILMINGTON, N. Water Blefons. j The water- melon seasoul has j opened ; the first were in the market on Saturday, and they were offered at very high prices. Now you can laugh at the dull times, and scorn the. high price of gro ceries buy a ten cent water melon and fill yourself up. City Court. Henry ' Whitehead, larceny of a piece of meat, the property of Thos. if . Smith ; judgment reserved until toi-morrow morning. t ; ! . - ? Isaac Baker, disorderly conduct ; judg ment suspended on the payment jof costs. Five cases werc continued over. A lie Excursion to the Mountains. The excursion to Henry's Station, the present terminus f the Westerij North Carolina li.aiifrn-.id lrft ho. ti.i nnm;, f r ""'0 in charge of? the Manager, Mr; Foard, There was quite a respectable crowd on boanl, and ve wish ' them.' all jv happy A Star Stpancled Banneiv Cen- I tennial. i The Fourth of July is next m order, and manv of the worthy- sons of the sires of 177G, those noble i)atriots whoiwrested the prize of freedom from. Iritain's tyrants, liberty haughty. monarch, and hurled the from our sh oil's ; who proclaimed and lnuepeiK ence, ami with tlneir lite s led on this western couti- blood establis nent a home for the oppressed of every -clime,-- will lie whooping and bowling drunk on tlie crooked licker of this centennial year. ' l A Good Old Rebel, j In Mr. (liuard's bridal part v. at Hickory last '! week, "we were pleased to meet Maj. , IJeuben Wilson, of Augusta, Liu , the bolqest, best tellow 111 seven States. The Manor is a native iof this ecollected as the one- . hom Starbuck kept filthy dungeon. The above is from the Jllues ltidgc Blade. The iallant soldier and Igentle- n al,udedlt0 hl tll;s notice. was the . , f . P1 . wi,0. it will be remembered, loitnd no . .. " . -i ' ' j . difficulty m swallowing tlie iron-clan oath immediately after the war in order to . ,L;;..r. ;.r tt a h;0frf 'low 1 w , : ? , ' . ,,i be had. been ti member oi tne accession Convention of 18G1, which carried North Carolina out of the Union. Weather Report. From the Signal Oflice in this city we obtain the following report of the state of the thermometer this morning at ndb o'clock, Washington mean time, 'at the vrioilj. sfttio ls .ilf.ill;v v f , ... i . - Augusta, On .','70, clear ; Bamegat, 68, cloudy ;Cairo,!lll., 59, fair ; Charleston, 80, f., 7n . n:u;nnti 4A." "i- t G5, bur ; Corsicana, 73, cloudy; ; t ort Gibson. CO. fair: Galveston. 80.1 clear ' ' i ' ' l Indianola, 82, fair ; Jacksonville, 82, fair; .fair; Knoxville, CI, clear; r. - e . -.r ii.:".. rT ycnpurg, m, vlf uur; eu.pu, oi, fair ; Mobile, 75, clear ; Montgomery, 73, ' - cjear; Nashvil e. 70, clear ; Aew Oi lcans, . Yn , , - Nor . , . , , , - w "O 1 ' folk, 81, clear Pittsburgh, 67, fair Punta Rassa, 81, cloijdy; Sandy Hook, 71;cloudy; Savannah, 84jfair ; Shreveport, 6G, fair ; St Louis, 56, i cloudy ; St. Mark, Fla., 75, fair ; Vicksburg, 68, cloudy ; Wash ington, 73,cloudy ; Wilmington, 75, ''clean List or Letters. The following is the list of letters re maming uncauea ior in me umiugujn, (!NT. C.) Postofliee, New Hanover county, June 20. 1876. Persons calling tor these letters will please say "advertised " B W'm 11 Bakeman, Siimuel Iiarllett, Miss Barcily i lack, John Rrown,:(Jeorge Brown. ilson Bn-aut. C Miss Mollie Cavenaugh. I y txm- anhton, Benjamin Curtis. f D Charles pamon, Mrs Mary ihcEin S4M1. F Mrs. Fsinnie Flcminsr. Miss M h Foreman. V 1 G Rev John G Green. H Abnun Hark ius, Miss Maria liar- kins, Miss Mary E Harriss, Miss Julia Hnrriss. Mrs Jtmrnimca Hill, carei alter Ive. Robert Hill, Miss Clara Holland care Benjamin Holland, Joseph Hysmith co i v 1-Miss Lnvenia Isler .T Miss Mana .lackson. iud Johhuson. Allen II Jones M Miss Nicie Mclntire, Ir 11 McLn- tyre. Miss Rachel Martin, E W 3Iason Kictiard Jiauisuy rs tmaiy ix? e, airs Mary Monroe, Uliani juurpuy. . V E U Mie, Isaac ro well. i Ulie f - . w i' V k . ii Rowers .Monsieur Potter, Wm Pyle. . Ii Mrs iusan a lieuuing, v x,uooiu I son. 1 o Mhij, K11mi Slieolienl. care Geor?e I . I shnl TTanah Shinman. T A G Thornton. V Mrs Minnie Venters, care 1) jC Ven . yp B Watkins, Mrs ChantrL A 1 je. ,i II W illiams. - Bubert W illis. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, Rambles about the W. & ' W. R. R. .1, 1 Various Improvements going on. On yesterday we took occasion to visit the W. & W. R. 11. for the purpose of noticing the many improvements that are going on. We noticed that every one was hard at work,; and that there is more industry there at present than any where else in the city. The work of de molishing the Union Dejot is almost com pleted, and e're long the work of putting up the ) ! ' NKW rASSKKOEll DEPOT will be commenced. The new depot is to be situated on the embankment on which the shops how are,! at the end of Ifront street. Its length will be about 350 feet, and its breadth oO feet, the latter about one half the breadth of the Union Depot. The entrance will be by the bridge at the head of Front street, over the tracks be low. No carriages or wagons will be al lowed to pass over the bridge, but will stop at the foot of it, the pas sengers will walk oyer, and the freight be conveyed by means of trucks over the sbridgc to the depot. It has only been about three weeks 'since, that an old car shed on the embankment was torn down to make way for the new depot. The old. stone wall on the North side of the tracks 'below the bridge, which has been standing there for many years, is now being; extended about GG feet, and being built as high as the embankment, for the purpose of supporting it. In digging down for the purpose of making the grade lower, leading from the old shed to the Union Depot, was un earthed between Second and Third streets, tlie foundation of . AN OLD TUIU'fclXTIXli blSTILI.EKY which must have been there many years ago; an old inhabitant of this city, says that he can remember twenty-five years ago that where the tracks ,n)w run from the old to the Union Depot, there was once a large stream of water, which ran down and emptied into the Cape Fear, but has jinTooollJction -uf.a.f urpentino distillery being any where along its course, so from this, we can safe'' say, that the distillery was thereover twenty-five years ago. An oid well at the shops, which has re cently been put in use, (as the one for merly used has been drained) is now being jored deeper, for the purpose of making he water rise more - freely ; about two weeks ago machinery was attached and he water is now pumped up by means of steam . I he machi nerv . haying connec tion with the engine within the shops. The boring has .already gone down about 50 feet below tho original bottom of the well, and the drill is now being used in boring through a large rock, which im- icdes the progress of the water. i A NEW 'ENGINE. - At the shops there has been very re cently built, a new engine, Xo. 30, the second and finest engine yet made at the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad shops; it is very neat, has a ljji inch cylinder id 5 foot wheel. It was finished on Wednesday last, and on the same day took a 4 mile trial trip up the road, and on Friday, it went to.Weldon with a train of cars, returning with another train on Sunday. I As the telegraph 'wires are at present on the grouud where is to be built the new depot the poles have been shifted to the other side of the tracks below, and the wires connect with a telegraph pole on Third street, on the same side of the tracks. More anon. Death of one of the Principal Mer chants of Charlotte. The Key. Mr. Mendelsohn received a telegram this morning from Charlotte calling him to that city, for the purpose of performing the funeral rites over the body of Mr. Jacob Kintels, of the well known firm of Wittkowsky & Rintcls, who died there this moming. lie will leave on this evening's train: A novelty just imported is chamois leather basques and aprons in their natural buflTcolor, wrought all over with gav-colred silks in chain stitch and in point liusse, Officer Walcott ii still busily engaged in taxing ine aog census, ne uas an covercd that there arc about as many dog in Wilmineton as people. How about mew-mew's ? A western gentleman advertises for 'self-supporting'' wife. We have seen numerous announcementi of self-supporting hose, hoopskirts,and the like compo nent details ; but it is doubtful whether the entire machine can be manufactured on the same principle 1876. NO. 235. For the Review. Eiiisuia. , U A : I arn composed of 11 letters. My 6, 5, 11 is a large vessel. My 1, 10, 9,3,2 is a bird.. My 9, 7, 8, 6, 1, 9 is an animal. My 4, 9, 7, 2 is a narrative. Ml 7, 9, 3, 1, 2 is a large siear. J sly whole is the name of a nice place,, ' " a: v.. Answer to yesterday's Flowers'hidden: Helitropc verbena, minonctte; Hidden flowers: Tink, rose. :) Per Railroad The following are the consignees of the 7:30 freight train on the W, & W. R. RM this morning : '' ' Giles & Murchi son, Lilly Bros, Geo Myers, -.J ames Danforth, Brown & Rod dick, Evans dc VonGlahn, Journal, " Jno Dawson, D Pigott, A Shrier, Binford, Crow & Co, West & Co, J & H Samson, S Kasprowicz, J T Mclver, P Lennehan. Wilinington District, Methodist K. Church South Third Round of Quarterly M eetinzrs. Keuansville, atCharityChapT July Magnolia, at Harrell's Store, " . 1, 2 8, 0 15, 1G 22 23 29,' 30 o, 1j 12, 13 19, 20 Uokesbury, at Bethel......... Smithvilfe, at Smithville... Clinton, at Andrew Chapel n n unsiow, at Aug, . Topsail, at Wesley an CI tape,. Elizabeth, at Carver's Creek, 1 Whiteville and 1 . f ., , Waccamaw' M. fat n,on Oi" o JO, Ik Wilmington, at Front Street, Sept. 2, 3 W. S. Black, P. K. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 WE CAN FURNISH ICE CREAM IN IJOXES and will Guarantee it- to keep HARD ! We have the Patent ice Cream Boxes for moulding 'Drickb." Can furnish any quantity at short notice. 5rWe have Spe.cial Boxes lor sending out a j. Single Saucer for 15 Cents ! If you want ICE CREAM, Come or send to ie 20 CURTIS & BDATWRIGHTJ COUNTr TEACHERS" ! CALE AND SEE IF I DON'T OFFER special inducements for you to purchase YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS OF ME. A full- stock NEW and SECOND-HAND. Many of the Second-IIand Rooks arc as rood as NEW, FOR HALF THE MONEY. Try my , BLACESOARD FAFEU ! Can be put up any where and is ready for use CHALK CRAYONS and I BLACKBOARD RUBBERS kept always on hand. JAMES DANFORTH, je20-tf Near Post Office. Hot! Hotter!! Hottest!!! jr EEPINO COOL SEEMS TO BE THE XV principal occupation just now, and to further that laudable object, dress as lightly as posHible. Use i LINENS, LAWNS, GRENADINES, ORGANDIES, LIGHT MOHAIRS, LACE POINTS and JACKETS, LACE and GRENADINE TIES, FANS, PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. ALL TO BE FOUND CHEAP at R. M;-McINTIRE'S, r41 North Front Street. READY-MADE LINEN SUITS i FROM 5 00 to 810 00! jo 20 We Will Have Them MOKDAY ! THEALHIADE SHIRTS excepting Buttons and Button -hoUs, and we aruarantee them to be SUPERIOR to ANY PARTLY-MADE SHIRT EVER SOLD! Warranted to be Wamsutta Shirting and 2100 Linen, for 90 Cents! 35- Those in need will -find it to their interest to examine them. jelC A Summer Reading ! -JTOVELS THAT ARE BEAUTIFUL IN X style, pure in tone and healthy and inter esting from coTer to corer. " THE LAND OF THE SKY," bv Chrwtian Reid. " DANIEL DERONDA," by Geo. Elliot j "FLESH AND SPIRIT," by the author of " THE ODD TRUMP." "THE DILEMMA." . "ISHMAEL;" Or, In the Deptha. " SELF-RAISED Or, From the Depth." HEINSBERGER'S je 14 Lire Book and Mtuic Store. MAY BUTTER ! JUDT ZZ7 21Z7Z 70ZL CilZiZl AT CREAM BOXES G. II. V. RUNGE'S, maj25 N. E. Cor. Market k 2d St. ; PLEASE NOTICE. . - "' .' - ' ' '.' "' ' "We will be glad to receiTe communication! from oar friends on any and all subject of gene- ral Interest but: Tne name of the writer must Iwvs be fur nbhed to jhe Editors. Communfcations must be written only on one side of the paper.. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the editors do not always endorse the views of correspondent, unless so stated in the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ICE CREAM AND CANDIES ! pRESH Q AN DIES JVERY J AY ! wiTfeSi TA F COCOANUT! PEANUT, Ac. ICE CREAM fin . Quart, 10 cents a Saucer. Vn always on hand. - s . HARRY BERNARD, 17-tf Second Street, near Princess, m i. i:iii.BT AlfO. 27 MARKET STREET I WE WANT TO SELL AND ARE DP. TERMrSED TO SELL I Call and examine our LINEN DUCK SUITS At S5 OO. . Our Handsome BUSINESS SUITS At S7.50. And our Beautiful DRESS SUITS At SI 8 OO. THE EXCELSIOR SHIRT STILL LEADS THEM ALL-SIX FOR SO "OO! je 19 A. DAVID. FOX CRACKERS ! BEST CRACKERS MADE. SOLD only hj GHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5 and 7 North Front St. DAILY CONVENTIONS Of the People to Buy Best ' Family Supplies ! 1MIT CASH PRICKS, Are held at our Stores in the interest of ECONOMY MB 1M1IT ! Reduced Prices for CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., je 17tf 5 & 7 North Front Street HO! FOR THE MOUNTAINS AXD TUE COOL SPRIGS! i op the HILL COUNTRY! -r- BY THE JOUNDTRIP OR EXCURSIONTICKETS will be on sale JUNE 10th, AT ALL POINTS, for those desirous of VISITING the MOUNTAINS and North Carolina S p rin?Vat SHELBY CATAWBA, HICKORY, ASHEVILLE and WARM SPRINGS, at Prices so Low that people cannot afford to etay at .home Mhese hard times. &-For further particulars apply to or call on ' V ' F. W. Clark, je 7-tf G. T. A. C. C. R. W. KEYSTONE PRINTING DfK COHPAMT. I MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING INKS, Booi and News Blact a Specialty, 17 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OUR INKS ARE OF A SUPERIOR quality . beincr made from the best ingre dients and under the personal supervision of a practical printer and pressman ; therefore we will guarantee every pound of ink moid to be of a SUPERIOR JET BLACK, QUICK DRYING and ENTIRELY FREE FROM SETTING-OFF. Our prices are from 30 to SO per cent LOW EK than any other Inks manufactured in the United States. A trial of a sample keg will convince anr printer that be baa beeq paying nearly doable what lie snoutd lor liis . Inks in tiroes put Pat up in kegs and barrels to tait purchaser. Address , KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO., 17 North Fifth St, Philadelphia, Pa. je lS-3t II ii fEERSCHAUM CIGAR A CIGARETTE 1 J. Uolders ; Vanity Fair Smoking Tobaecoj Durham Smoking Tobaccos; Kef West Cigars, all Havana ; Havana, Perique. and Tarkuh Tobacco ; - Cigarette Paper, High- toned Set Cigars. For sale by Ml CENTRA RAILWAY mmmm PIPES J. W. UPPITTj Sign Poncb, FrontSL' maj 16-tf h if 1- --co- - 1