. j THIS 1'ArSR 'V. . . ublMicl every afuico. n,. Sun lays ex-' cepted by , ' ; vs JOSS. 2- J A in as, KMTO'K ANa rKOFRlTO.. . , I-IJSCkII'TIONS, POSTAGE .PAID, rear. '6 j ,i0 ,B00ths, $2 .0 ; Three iKir-tfi?. $1 One month, 50 eehts.V-- - . .- ": paper will be delivered by. carrier, ,f harge, in any part of Jhe.city,, at th? l aten. or 13 cent per week. - : ' Ivcrtisiiig rates low anrr liberal. f Subscribers will please report aty ar.l lilurtB to recciv( their paper regularly. - ANNOUNCEMENT. C t 7 - ......... ,wvived HtAjiLW. ;s place l.i before :n, re ider$ tod-iv - Ju-natne it has viianged but slightty am J will be ii jjureafter as Tite Daily; Hkvif.w; J. of tlie Kvem:o Ukvikw, . iih fJr- In makc-tip i cloely lesemblesi ;," ihc issue which WHfAg'u':i (':, 1875 ami ran nearly a year nvn i nslclltlel publication a ".short lime withdrawal of the present pro ,r Our vw.Koii: for following go ' .ffir 'ThtS tf ?iuyis ; t!ersainc t l&s i jducodL us. bX ut leai pt j bcjpi7. u-pf the new aml Ufoumr I tin ' t Ijfc i , f ' - - ". i ti " i u'aiity wjiii'lr; tho r paper, h adj -.c.1. ' !"'- - - .-- . - -'- - - - .... ...... e p jiit witft't'liug t of , both -. pridcr k'hsnre, to uiv hnnas.imc. 'amr suu iaf ;irray of advcrtiseni2:rts' which ir in this, tb.3 first issue of the new 1 and surely- we aro justified in .ro i" this as an evidence of the apprc- which a generous public is already i" to acconl tr gi!rla,Urs." We can jiruiDise in relum tu fparu iio" effort uHl serve to' cnhuv?cr the hitcrcsts pnnp?r in the eyes of its foany lund li E X ! : H A L O R d ER N O. 1 . v vily circulation bfthe Daily Ue has bee i sold bvMr. "Uco. who will see tg'ifs proper cifcii'a- iid siipply all wants .ii! tins lirec- ucjndin tlicco!!ectiMi of subscrip-: Orders' left with Mr. Ilarris'or at will always receive . prorypt THE SITU ATION. ; i political parties fcceni iestiij on. ins orcnaratuvv tt the final fierce ieh will le niaJe f h?n tlie reports nvestiatin" coirsinittccson thesis States arc all in.' Tluij Senate has 1 the ioint rules not ;.n b.ice flnc Use that (lu'V sfe1n;f ice iinov at Xit the iiatter will Test iv.v tWc have coiifidence in the result lieve that Samuel : J; vPilde.it the ily elected i'.-neident of - tlie United the man f ir whom so large a ma i the popular vole has lien -given, M'atcd on r the, IViuth of March iMtwjthJitipjfling ; the machination Ltrivances of thotjc? '.who style three and would now steal a President. . Raleigh ObserTer.i : General Assembly, SENATE. f ; IpjjitAVrtief.ll. lt,)biiis, judiciary: Piil to prevent Uicious attempt t injur J per. o.ial ty, iccommendrm; that tt do pass l'olk, ludiciarv," bill t ehanse the of paving Solicitors, -renor'twl a sub Tor the same and recommended its same, a bill concerning the paupers State, recommend sus pension of 'era the bill liultl t can be ascer what wilV.be 'the nature i f the lun and county government. Cinhamjui3ipiarjv- bill tcjj secure uetter protcciion , or uuuuiu i;ie, imeud a suspension of actiou on . the, other bills . relating- to tha same t shall come up. ; " l resident causetl to be be read a unication from F. II. Dusbde, Esq.; ms a resolution of I l.inks which adopled by" 'the Elctoral "Cvllege, "their meeting, for the courtesy cx "by tho Senate in tondiug to- them j of the Senate Chamber,, ordered to .Hiaou the juurnah - . Askew : Bill relating to the bands y officer. Hefrrred to the com .on the juiiciarv. -Aroy . uesomuou f instruct mu to kite Geologist. VI ral teadi mgs under a supsension ot M. .i I'uui.luun-IiiU bn'authoTizQ the I Milul to subscribe $10,000 in stock to the Miltwi trja- Sutheilih bange 1 idnnul. .;Place.l en CN tl 1 ceMdwit awjountul the following . W tteiHku to thj.vnnmitcie cf ry an l c anity government; toAvit. ;uary-- V6rs. Meba k, of K(ek , Pftart,lWus-m:H;.l PJ h.M,- fnty G KerDinent Mesirs . Marler, and Whfcr ; and owibg-tb-lfce F- . .. ebaije, of Roi-lij.g,am'i Jkiolu ) pay Enrolijug. and Eugrossing lutt s.une per diem is aliwwexl to Jcipal and Assistar.t CUrks,ra s.'d . ..... - ps cf .Mr. plU.,.,r. t,n PrM. :f,il f id. Mr. . ''iorgan:;; stormed ch lesfn v1 " c!n? , Uing the United aiusi fi" "V Gibra tar she discQvercd ) ru ad bank LitheFto uiii?nown. 1 "vuviu. rasseu. .;-' -1 'W?lcnd 'cctiun 40 of cliiorv-87 A' ivevisal. ielatin?r to r,7t l.v 1 ltsevcral reading:-M nXZrZ VOL. l. WILMINGTON, N. jC, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, w r. .r-.. 7 - li! the State in canvassing the vote on the constitutional amendments, ami the ad- Uitional Jsiun of $31 for clerical services rendered in connection with the same.) Mr. Askew moved to strike out $100 and insert $G0. The amendment was lost arid the resolution passed by a vote of 23 to 14. . . M - . Resolution by Mr. Troy, lookiug to- the organization of a department' of agricul ture, passejl. . ..,; Bill to secure the better protection of human life, was laid on the table for the present. ' TVi bills in relation tn thn rAnnrrR of the State were llaken ot; one WA-niien-: niieiy postpiuica, ana ine otuer .was laia on the table for the present! ; : ; 'r-'v f Bill to change the mode of pay iug -So-; licitors. (This bill prevents ! Solicitors from securing half fees from counties in ca'scS' where the defendant is acquitted.) Passed its severah readings. ' ' " :Bill to prevent malicious injury of pri vate property, passed its several readings. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mosdat, Dec. 11, 1876. Mr, Richardson saibrnitted a petition signed bv a portion "of the citizens of Co lumbus in opposition to the prohibition Jjfhcale'of intoxicating liquors within 2i miles of Piney Forest chutch inr.Co- lumbiw count v. Under the rule; it - lies on t he labie. -. - j . -. - - - MrfTodrl, of AslRvfoR.liie committee on corporations reported: favorably on H. B. 1 30, to i ncor pprato :Zenqan Itortge, . O. O. F., in Edgecombe. wcounty, ahd H. 15. to incorporate the town of Liurinburg in iticlr.roiHl :counlyj, a10I uftliio!r;U)ly upou ll. li r4, to extend chai tersgrantetl .within the past two years and Hi B. 145, to incorporate New Hanover Industrial Fair Association . Calendar. v : - Mr. Staples, for judiciary committee, reported favorably on H. B. 134, to allow mechanics GO days in which to file their linHK. which took its nlace on the calendar. ; By Mr. King: Bill regulating the publi cation of certain" orders of courts in the luyspapefs. Referred to judiciary com mittee, '-' .By mia, colored: Bill to be entitled an act in fa vor of SJinisteiv of tqe Gospel Referred ; to t Ci:raiiitt03 on pr 'positioris and grievances, ' " ' ;i ' Py Mr. lVel : liill to n-nd. action 22A chapter. 27, Battle s Reveal in relation to c:unty flnanco omm'ttees. . Bcferrd to judiciary committee. 1 -: B. .114, to incorporate the town of Laurinburg," iu Richmond county past 2d reading., Williamson, colored, nn ved to postpone till Januarv 10th, 1877, which prevailed. - Mr. ShoUvelj w$s pei'mittedtQintra.iuce a resolution to rais a joint comniittce consisting of 5 members jof the Senate and 8 members of the House to consider the amendments to the State Coustitution, said committee to sit 3 davs during the recess, to hear opinions on the matters of jur;spi utkrjce, county government and . internal rmproveir.ents, and to receive rcsirlar pe'diera foruie'ihveic dayS.; If. R.No. t). in relation to the, iiitte of tllerijgl.it- of John'W. Dph) to a se0t, up n the flojorio4 the liousg, and the rigut of Pender ' county to vepescntatloll, to gether, with the majority arid minority re-. ooi ts tf the committee on privileges and election. . . . ' N - The minoritv report submits tho fol loWinir-resolutions, iccommending their -r .-1 r " ' adoption : The Iltuse of Representatives do re solve: ' . . " "lr '.'- ; l. That Jehn 'W. Dunham, contestant foiva; seat .hi. this Hoitsp as a Jtepreaenta? tivc,fro:n the county b New HanbVer, "u not entitled thereto. ' ,; "2. That the scats of Aired Lloyd, sit: ting member from Pender county, and o James Wilson r.nd Joseph C. Hill, sitting members from New Hanover cpurtfy, be declarcHt vacant. 3. That the Sie;ker of this House in form the Governor that the scats of three members of this House from the county of New Hanover areAacant, to the end that an election may be held to fill the same.1 .. i - -'.." - Mr. WShon , of Trausy ) yanja, offered the f.dlowing resolution: ' Resolvetl, That the committee on privi eges and elections be requested to prepare a series- of Questions, embracing all the matters of lw involved, and that tlie Speaker.!, ft he, House of Representatives reiruest,4iriting, the -dpinioa of the .IiKt .if the. Srmremo 'JOlirt 01 ioriu C;ir.linn noon the stibiect. as soou as pos siblc after its meeting in January, which .was placed on the calendar. V Theiv wero' 91Q deaths in. Sarahnah from yellow feverduring the fonr mohths cndiiig Xov. 2Uth. The total number of deaths during th.it period wag -tl574-a ghastly'recVrnf. ' :- .'I '"'" . tu 3 stress of San Fren Cisco have always be'oii remarkably free frm beg- gnr5, Ono-armeii aad'one-leggedsfjldiewJ - iuve, rpceni.y appeared AViin io?ir, naiiu- Udren qow play States steamer Get- iyal. Madeira, to an Immense poral . in latitude 36?.- SO.lotigitude liU3which it isbeltered rt ,sne iJaccs-rlses to the- surface : s ttur--Hti , .Tl1,; 1.1 o 11 . vi 't -3.1'' r 1 vmiiuti. 111 .vc w : Tiirw invi ro mi irt rnF. W (This lit! - b o ,r , "bcrever scatoedlWWd UJ AIM llll 111 IM 11 I I 'r. 1 I - 1 - - - . . mef members, wherever scattefediori 7 it m celebrating its sixty-fifth anrilvrsaty M-'U - ..'-I' '-.r . - i i ( POSTAL. HOURS. The tnaiU will close at the City Vwi Cilice until farther notice as follow : , s Northern ihrousrh maile....4... .t 5: "JO P M Xorthemthrongh and way iaiUf !. t 1 i dailKL... : i A M Mails for the C. Kailroad, and y. routes 8untlied threfrom, ait .vt-u I J Southern mails for all points South, . daily....; . 41 Western hiaiL (C C Railway v daily C:CP A M Fayette vUle, and oflicea on Cape 1 ear River, Tuesia3"8 and tri'iays, i:wi Faretterille bv Carolina C-ntral - Kailway, daily (except Sundays) G 00 A. 31 Onlow C. H. and intermediate of- - :t Cca lever Triday..w..;-. a-" Northern throueh rtail9.;::...i.a.:- 12:5 V l Northern way and tlirougli niaiii, o,w m l i Th Smith rilln maila. br steamboat, close at 2 P M,'dailT,.except Sundays. - r- 'i- 'J MaiU for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Supply and Shallotte every Friday it 6 A. M. Mail delivered from 7:UW A 31 to :uu r jj, and on Sundays from 8s30 to 9:30 A M. StaraD Office open from 8 A M to 12 M, and from 2 to5 5:30 p Money Order and Regis ter Department open same as stamp onice. i stamps tor sale at general neiiTery wnen stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. ' ' . Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4:30 P M. y i '. LOCAL NEWS. .'';' New Advertisements. Ai Siikikr All Made Linen IJ;jscm Shirts for 90 cents, worth S2 50. : j; hl ? C. D. Myers & Co -For tin Holidays Choice Family Supplies. : i J. A.' Bvi;'E 'Jeneral Insura:ie A"geey. J.; A.s Spkigek oi) Tons Coal. DANForrni For Common Use. , IIeubex Joxks Tho (iraml Centra!. ( Geo. A, Peck Seasonable Goods. , J.iW. Wooi.Vix-rUndertakerund Cabinet Maker. ' . i Hart, Bailey & Uo Plow.i . E. Artis Fashionable Barber, 4 Chas; E, CUBA pok New i-BsirlH.r Shop. PtTTEWAY & ScHULxa-dnCoiisignihnt Petteway & .Sciicr.x ex-Merchandise, Commission and lirokeiage Ilouse. Geo. My eiis-G ive us a Call Fancy ant Choice Family Supplier. ! Keystone Print inj; In J; (V,; f T, V, lj'Rows.& SoNsWa!tc!iinakers twtd Jewellei . .;' ' --';.'. Ml J, N. StaliN'u.s Annyiineemont.. R, M. McIxtiui: IVa 'CIJarmony. Cou- eord. "' ; " j: AVunted A AVoiivinpc Mnii Gto. Fj Titi.EY Fresii Meals at Stall No, 8 Market House. Si Yats Stationery of all Kinds: Joiix II. Alt.ex-AVat'h maker and .Iew eiier. -".' '-.'. Prosetus SuiuVy ouM1: MUS. M, 'J' Pi K TT--sTq the Pub'. S. G. HAM. Bot)k and Job Printing. At Mirsos's-CJothiud FiiEMAX A IJai.dwin DfiitUtry.. 'VANO::nsL'i.-t-Artl-.tle Photography Wi& i It.. Ill-Schedule. )j '.-;f..;.. K" : Wl C. & A. H. 11. Schedule. i C. C. I.V. Schedule. - J.'TI ,VANXoburl '4'; I . :ilF.OKUt G'kw & 'Ct-'.ilier Ibr, )aly low, N. J a ( o:u X n ia s Hardware. ' S The Oj) CL.Ar:tj(i)bjf .Is lnlts Jo(y.. J J, J, SHEPAKliDrtn't loryet. ;'.-'--.''. .."T.-H. IEowey, Jr Boots and Siioes.'1 1 ;f CtTRTls & BoATWKlGHT Toys J Toys ! , Mekcaxtilk PiiiNTiXtt I't'u Plain and Fancy Printing. II ; II. N. Latham Express'. Notice, W,: M. Coelixs Oftice SaioiK James jy. Ln-yiTT Keino.al.' '' ' NORTHfloi X Cr.MMi-G Niagara I"ie In surance Cpmpany. ' . JoiiJfsok Euvell-Heinoyinir, ' SOL iE.IK IpiptiDry (H,ds,'cio;hiuL', Boots andLshoe, i J AS. E. !ke a Dentistry, f I A. H. Leslie Lea;e UrJei. Jxo. WJ Gosixjx ' Bro Iixal nctkv. Mrh. E 1 r... f T t A. Stboc:: 'Jhristma j Toys. Cburcii revivals ai.u ui m irdcj r .'-' l ' ii Green riork is wort ti from 7 to 1) cents. .. 'u' 1 ' I Col. S. L. Fremont is the citv for a few days J ' ! ' I The store fronts hays' oil then Xmas apparel. i 1 Hen fruit remain vibrating in the balance a 25 cents a 'dozen! "the tit: of tiavei iiw jjs Southward and for ttiVLaud. lf Flowers. -1 Our prices current baa. been karefully kbmpiletl jand will be kept konertcd. ; Poultry market d. week. aud pigs will be p'ehtiful ia and th e loiiuwius " 1 ' Squirrel and ducks afe rei-rtetl as plentiful i n the hunting "grounds ;u this vicluitv -t NeV riyer tytors arc soiree and Coill- 1 ' ii ....:..- n-Jwtlii" iu the ! bucket or the shell. Advertisements intucqul r r lunioti ia the Ue.ieav will iase be biudetl in not Uter tliaLVihVk ufijach dav. - " - 6ld S.iuteCl.ius has lit hji ntid is nw hamWing 1 reimWers with the sleigh full af presets for nip Hlrle 'boys and girls: T :' ";. ; If anv 6f our-sHbsvTibeM fail ti receive l'. ? - !! i . - . . " v.-a theu paper regularly and prom pi.j . . that the ueccisa g i wl1 be lodged Iwith'iislt once so that the mat- o i 'I Our Fire Department. . Tapn altogether the Wilmington Fire Department, under its cnegetic and ex perienced Chief, Col. Roger Mooro, is hard to heat. An evidence of this fact is the 'H - appearance of the ruins on Princess street; the result of last Sunday's disaster. This frc occurred just about 'day break, at thcjjmostinoppoitune hour of the entire twenty-four, and on one of the coldest mornings of the season, and yet, but one of the i buildings was entirely consumed, although tali f tliem, lkilt of yellow pine? and highly inflammable, were huddled close together. ' TJic IS ft wt Without Poison. Tlie New Yobk; Obsebtkb claims to publish the bcttfkmUy nacspaptr, and repudiates all unsound or objectionable teaching. Even its advertising .columns are free from all' quackery and dangerous advertisements; and the whole paper, both in its religious and its secu'ar department, is filled .with pure and entertaining read ing, j While we commend the position of the Observer in this matter, we also heartily endorse it as one of the most de si rabje-periodicals for any household. The price, $3.15 a year ; post-paid, can hardly be made to return as 'much good, spentjrin any other" way, S. I Prime &, Co., I? Park Row, New York. f The Wedding RInjr. The wedding ring and its signiiicance are qtjaiatly characterizetl by Dean Corn ier whei Hie says: "The matter of -which tliis rifaff is made is Tilirn rrnld Ricrnffvincr - , T o . x--.. c 1 "'o"v "'e how noblo and durable affection . t is the form .6 IK round, to imply that our respect or re d shall never have au end; the ft at placij ;of it is on the fourth finger of the left fafiind, where the ancients thought there: 'was a vein which enme directlv .life i from ti e heart, where it maybe always in viewf abd, being a finger least used, where it may. be least, subject" to be worn .out; but the main end is tbi.be a visible And lasting token of the covenant which must never 'be forgotten." j Fires in Wiluiington. - Since the coninioncement of the present pci.tUry Wilmington has been visited with a gient many conflagrations, and the area!; of destruction at different times would cover almost every square in the old pHj-tion of the city. The most disas trous tires, and which are more particu larly Temeinbcrcd, occurrpd o.n. the follow ing (tajes, x : Iu November, 1819, four antir s.fiiares were consumed, bounded by Market street 5n the north, Orange on the.south, Second n the east andV Water street on the west; The" dcstrnciioii of property was great, with the loss xf one life, an estimable citizen, Mr. Ferghus Mcllae, who was killed by the, falps of a brick wall. ;; j - In the year 18:? a whole squafe was destroyed, bounded by Market,! Front, yocic and WatertrceU. j In t o year 1840 the square bounded by Ma ket, Front, Princess and 'Second streets iwas destroyed, the fire originating in the store on the southwest corner of the square In this fire the old courV Uous whlcli stood n th,Q cnti-o of the intersec tion (It! Market and Front streets, was de stroyed.. But the most disastrous of all fires occurred Sunday morning, the 15th of April, 1843. At the time the aja,y;n was given most of o; citios were as- s?;iiffl m tneir respective churches; the t .' i i-i. i . uay was, oriyni anu clear, but a very high it b jwiul was prevailing, in fact ew almost a nale. TLo fire origiuatl fw a spark from the chimnty of a building or. the premises of the Cape Fv.ir Lank, on Front street, which ignited the fhingle roof of an old building in the rear of the Banjjv Tie wiudj was blowing (roja the &uth and in less ihikii three hours frcm the time the alarm ,was given the destruction of eisht squares . of the cityw as complete. Th rapidity of the flames va ' to greet that aHhogU it Wfu in the day time, many persons lot their entire furniture and some barely neaped with their lives ; one old negru woniau was burnt up in her yard litfore sle could reach the street, The I' f VT'U'VrU V)f great Yin.dvvrua! and. V the corpora? tion of the W. & . R. lUul, iv wai Utt meusel Al thoir d;nt bHllding, ofilcea, mauhipc shop, foundry and many cars and engines were dtryed. It is grati fying to know that we have at this time a very efficient fire department, with Uam, fire engines and ;lriididly urigl compauics, whjch suraij to our cm-. tens greater purity frotrA Y devouring element,' ' ' - ' : J Think of your poor " neighbor and 1876. NO. 275, : . . r,' vx; "fM.. New advertisements oa , firt, second and third pagqs. We have nofree listl It is strictly and emphatically suspended. . . a: There, is bur three-fourths of a cent j difference in the price of xtton letwcen the Wilmington and New York maikets. Numerous pleasure seekers h.ivel taken I advantage of this Ireautifnl weather 'to visit the sounds yesterday and to-day. r--fi: ..-P ,r II-pcr ;,, ,vprtl,read; C is woi nohfied hat; the Revikw ,will st only to thosha pay. for it promptly. : New Hanover county scrip is feeling iter. -If was at WcTuhe as low as fi fty better. If was aVoncYimc as low as fifty cents on the dollar,3 but has improved tits on the dollar,' but has' improved considerably within the last few- weeks. The Review starts out on its juissiou to-day vith a large circulation and, Sve hope and believe, with every prospect of a rapid increase day by day. In -justice to our advertisersjis well es to ourselves wn T shall tow; t .. e. .1 1 ' dictions of late that 11c u wcrthv to be ooiini fin r i rrnYn V called Old Certainty instead of Old Prob- abilities. i " - This issue is hardly an average sp-cci-men of what we propose to make Vdir paper. Our advertising favorl are neces sarily forced, nearly "all of them, on the fourth page and the picture lias forced out some interesting articles. In a day or two we will lo able to., classify and arrange everything and to organize the varions departments. , Bridal Hop. The first Hop of th'esban .of. the L'Ariosj Pleasure Club will take ldajcc this evening in tlie roonijnn-l comfort? ble Meginuey Hall, corner of .Market -jaud Second streets, and tlie indications'. are that it will prove both . pleasarit and brilliant. It will be given coin'plii'neiitary to a number ot bridal couples who hare recently joined hands for the voyage of life and will be ah occasion "long: to be remembered. ' Ladles' Hcnejolcnt Soeietjv The Members ar:if Yisitf-rs are hereby informed that a 'chafrgc iu the place of distribution fixes a spe.cra! time for sup plying the wants of, applicants. :- Mrs. George Chadboun 1 for the present will attend to this oh Tuesdays" and Fridays in the forenoon from lo- o'clock tl, at her own home, -cornerVFmnt and Niin streets. ' y Oliver city papers wili)lcase insert this notice Thurslay and Friday. City Courr. Before. the Mayor this morniuir, Harriet Farrcll was' charged with rcfailin iquor without license. Case continued, . Adolphus Thomas, for . diordc'rlcon. duct. was. fined and costs or GO days wdVk on the streets. " ;';f- Mcscs Hamilton, for .tho E.in;e oflense was fined 50 and cc sts or i)3 days work on the streets. JarQ Shtahrtii. charged with retailing liquor without a license. Case continued. Several parties, arraigned for a violation of the general tax ordinance, were dis charged 011 paymeut of costs. W-i-. mm, A Pleasant Surprise Lat evening, at the conclusion of the regular meeting of Cape Fear lllge, No. 2, 1. O.O. -F., R.'J.- Joac-, Ki '; a mem ber of the Iyxlio and Grand blaster of tlic ordcf ia this State, tendered an invitation to the members to visit him at his home and partake of a supper, the occasion being the 33d auniveria V uf lr. Jones' wedding dy, The, invitatiou :was'ac ceplod land the member',- in a b jdy , headed by N. Jacobi, Kq., Noble Grand, proceeded to Ir Joucv residence, where a delightful rej.ast, accojiipaLil by deli cious wines, was spread out hefcre'tbx-'ia.. A numberf of rc pc.T.$ to add hp cbarrK of tl-ir prc23CO to the occasion, which WiV doolared by all who wcr tbero to havu becu one vt the taost bVPrghtful they, hil ever encoaaUred. In iho course of the cvctiinga congratnla tory address was delivemVxth much L-wt and feeling, cr, bf of tho lolge' by Mr 4k,oJx 'bftb wai duy tespoodI o,by Mr. Jones, and this -as -follow exl I Vj o$V vxtonual addresses and rcspon- soa.' At a late hoar the guests departed, one and all, expressing their moit cvfdial good wishes br; the ;coatiBul harvpiness and prosperity of theso wluhads j long make continuous, amlsteirucus etforts 1 ?tnncowmnanyjwrcseiited herahvks j ards swelling .cuiUist of .UibscriWi : -X &k'&SV tem attain: T correct ifte JmMX PLEASE NOTICE. - v nm uc gita w receire comiattnlcttloM ft om our fricTsds on tny and all subjects of general interest Lat : - ' The name of the,; writer nut alwtjf U fanmtej to tht Editoit r Communications mast bo rritten only on one side of the paper. ; . Pcrfonalitics mnstbe atoided.. ' the ticw of correspondento. vnleM m in the editorial column. 4 Our experience to-day is thai- local uews does'nt grow on trees hercabefeti. Tlw chicken thief is abroad in the bad ' now and the old rooster that ho Cta't c from his icrch dttrin this form scrsou isliardly worth crowing OTCT. So' keep a sharp lookout for him.- ''J. '. A Roost Robber. The remises of Mrs. Robert II. Oamn,: on tlic comer of Second jland Nun stroeta, wcr visitetl by a roost robbet onMondar X nifih Jrhe fowl hf j dressed ducks about the street S : a dollar and there is reason ' to auppc that he knows who robbed that roost, hnfc tbat he knows who robbed that roost. but as yet no one has been apprehended. Pretty Prompt. X uc, understand. tUat .Messnii ? Jnoy. 37 ' 0or'w & paid yesterday toITrJC ' ijC'ie ibs anioitnt of his loss. At tht Prc 911 last Sunday morning. Mr. Jskfoj ..wasjifsnred: in thC-IIamburir-Br--'- T? -V iS- ..- V.- . t frit. W ? ..- ucoi v 4b i uiu . iri" lull-' ana i.t -2' . T - -r 1 . fu-J Jhu cn;VDic t( make immed ate Wkj' . f . . .X v-' restuniog business.; 2 Wofcca-P mend Messr3. Gordon & P.iW totKo! in suring world.-' Thcyvfcprescnt a .Iargv amount of assets, in first-class. companies and parties insuring withe them ' mar dways rest assured of the most liberal treatment It New, Advertisements; r DENTISTRY. T IlESrECTFULLY CALL -L attention to mv Oiera.tirfi and ' Mechanical Dentistrv 1 being equal to the beet, and all work war ranted. Call at my Office, No. ZVi Soath side Market Street, Wilmington. lo . JAS. E. KEA. (,ec13 Surgeon Deotlst. Removing. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE LEASED V X that portion of the Review ; Buildinr re cently occupied by Mr. James Danforth, oa Second street, near the Poatoffice, into Wkieh they are now removing and where they will ' be readr to-morrow to fill all orders for anr kind of Upholstering Work. The patroaaro ' of the public ia respectfully solicited. "r" public respectfully solicited. dec 13 JOHNSON k EL WELL. DEWTISTRY. VE ARE NOW PREPAEED to extract teeth without pais by the use of a harmless gas. Ttth inserted on cellalnid. raKK M gold Waso. ; , Special attention given to all difficoll opa rations and satisfaction guaranteed. I fREEMAXA UALDWlff, V dec 13 Dentists, 38 Market St seTejj wheat. (Spring, Red and White.) . m, nm ooiiiisy, com, OA TO, PS no. For gale Low. t PRESTOX CUMHINO k CO.. dc U pock Btraei. . a To the Public t- GOOD BOARD on MARKET Street, at MRS. PICKETT'S, over Shrler,i1 Clothing Store. Rooms neat! r fitted nn. Hoard from QIC to QQQ Per Maati. Call and examine. Mrs. Mary P. Pickett dec 13 ARTISTIC PHOTO GrBAPmr IN ALL ITS BRANCHES AT -l VAW ORSDELL'G A R T Q A LL E R y, Market Street, Wilmington, IT. 4 5ar Abo a fall line of plain aad f'"T rxtsos, Cord and Taasels, 2ailj, Ac dec 13 Tobacco Coodc. THE UNDERSIGXEB TlkS OPETED tule, a very carof ally selected stock oV ' " Tobacco, Cigara, Pipcjtdt- bil U khem Choice Tlranda,rhidk art ?7Zl at the lowest luring prieaa. My FIVE CXT CIOAR a 8!. dee i: J. T. VADT THE WILMINGTON v PCBLIO sE3 respectfully notified that I am now r?t3i iBg, at ray old stand n IVineeas street ia ' Eraas Block, a caper b afaortmeat of TOVSI v . TyQ I l FOU Tnir HOLUUTS 1 . of alsw every imt finable quality, stria. ia ; icription and price. , 1 nrkiSf ffoeda rerr, Ttrfc rery low, and it will ba money sared to exaslsa then before porcbasing ebewhere. LLrrv-r-W nil s m 4". ' ' A, 1 V. j'' i : 1 i 4 i Tvb'

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