' V-'. ' -i'V. '-'A 1 1 4 ;. f . . i 'ff? ; l ' If ' 11 (;? ' f ported oct et our lines, one oi ;-incnj wrwuu 1 U n&nffc)lO Ot ; l)Z' tlll00. (,'en. Grant a'ad'said : General, I atn anxxcw the settlement to yoa and Gen. Lee." W1I ... WILmTiGIO:,", FEB. 2S, 1C35. -. TTieIleraid'of.tZie Union; ; tJoderxaan: difladvaatagef . Tp IIkralu of 'ini Usios stakes iU first 7 appearance. The mctionof the military authorities was con- vejedWus last evening after our printers had I retired to their horngs for the night The pa-j per we present to the public this - morning i ' therefore, tb"e wort of baste.; : Ar this issue we shall sk no apologies from oui patroris-V I , "V Tbe proof of the Dudding is in" theeating.y If a daily journal i ddservi g of public patron -age,.the fact will rrry Quickly ibecpjn'e appar ent. K The Herald opthr Union shall, in its - subsequent issues become whU Jt is the de sign of its founders to make it--a,Vrr ntics-paJ-jrit will be quito as valuable o the m public as to the proprietors, and will revjuir ho lau- .datory notices to give it' circulation, j . 7 j ; The present: are1 war times. In such times politics A'TerWAal.-jOne'a .country to-day . stands foremost in the vilw of every patriot, us his God fills the largest place in ; the , mind of ' rarr christian. From the. wreck and t ruin, of f of a'cruel rebellion the stout, arms and brave hearts of our valliant .soldiers and sailors are rapidly restoring te.old landmarks and re-erecting Ihe old pillars that-marked our once hap- py rahtry. - The Wave of trouble which must visit appoints that 'have been t infected with ths rebellion, has ijrokf n' oyer, this city. The .waters are recedingi; A few . days more . and the - wonted "quietnessand 'peace . will :; reign amongst us: The. Vave passes on, and rapidly is covering the" eniire .infected erritory, to wash lout ihe stain of secession. Then, when. it shall 'pa'wiUprosperlty.-and peace smileupon those "other regions, and, the blessed Union Vhich' we - herald .will be restored to the land. Tor the . ' consummation of this good work ' we labor and .pray; .Whatever tends to this end constitutes fa main' plank in oar political platbrm-i The t Union Ino'w and forejer is "our ' mottoV. ;Those -who like our principle will patronise us J Ve want patronage from no others. " - 'Terxs. ; j-v - 'y : Tite Herald oiJE Union1 will be furp ished to reguUiit131 the,rate ?f fort7 001x15 ; Tbo trsi8e" will bo supplied at a fair discount . from this price by ;Mr. J. C..Tulley, at Cutter A Trer-H establishment, South side of Front streel,L v doorg Easipf Market street. All .-news, deal Nnd agents will apply, .to Mr. .V i 'The Itfews. ; ; Sorthei7i papers to the 21st, have been received by one or two parties in the city, but in the haste - of getting up a gaper last nignt we, were" unable " to find tnem. " Re present; however, this morning ' i full compilation of the latest foreign news, of 7rwhien that .from Central and South America will -, b found.very interesting. The speck of war that - for a tigne,!owered -over a portioh of the Southern "Continent seems to " have passed away. To Peru is accorded the iitle to ths Chinca Islands, of v which Spain sought to despoil her, but, very sin " gularly, Peru, thus being declared in the right -in the controversy that nation" is required to foot the bills which Spain incurred in seeking to rob her ' ' A-. ; England- speaks, through her press, her views kr on the.fail of Fort.Fisher. The extracts we print - will be read with interest. 'C 1 The principal topic of domestic:1 uews is J that!,. relating, to ; General "-Sherman's move : meats.' Of t this more was Jcnown in.this! city. : PlVv t0 its -occupation . br ,the Nationalforces , s. than nas,, yet; transpired at .the North. ; It is certain that Sherman is pressing oti in.his resist : less course", and that the rebeltfon has thus far been unable to; raise an : army sufilcienjt' to witll- iX Jhere.are rtxmors. afloat, brought by some mys terious underground telegraph, to the effect that y Lce hfts evacuated: Elchmbnd.. They are traceable ; to no more authentic, spurce; than stated above, aad must, therefore, -be received with Vmuch al- JowanceJ i. 1 ' . '.'..' - :aid Grarrt,.. I prppos," this Summer? i, Yu' tJ settle it with L?r - The ErTECT cr TiiEPLLor Pokr Fjf?r. ox NAS'sArThci sealing , of the'pori cf ? minjrtan , azK-i the Eii cllh Rebel" bpck3d' runners has ,bcen a f earfyl blow, to -littb town of Xassiu, id ev Providence is. ami, Xa- bamas. A ccj-respgndent informs us that com-. ' a-Military Comaisiioa Ior Jtml end nisbacnt, .according to, the nature nf thq cZcbcc. " IV. OCicera aatlwrized by laV to' a'ppriiifc'' General Co art 3 M-artuI are era govtuxcd t-i ippolfct iliTrtary tence's of such Comtahsions- with Besaaiiii' . tions as in the case of General Courts' Mart5Uv. , T; Comnjef cial iatercoarse, withiil the . limits1 of taiiUepartracnt mil Be oversea sxneuj. or av , Uwa of tbe tnited States and the' regulations of he Trea'suv'-departments snsf will bei liaited to that ' ed to the'grcat; cotimajrcial activiiy which so copation inst., 'therb wre' lying'Tdle oyer j Lirty steamem and about a hundred, sailing .Tessels: recently ', enaed in the " contraband trade with' our Southern neliels.'djjd'the wahouses are filled -.. i 7 with goods. forjrhich there k nowno market., The Kcbvjl pirato Tallahase, now , called the Chameleon, was at Xa?sau in' the- beginnxng of ; this month, and: the attention uf the. Governor had been called tofcnery. onueu , oiiie! Cpn?ul. ThUnitec Jrtatcs gunboat Honduras arrivetl - thsre; on 'thij?31st'..ultM and her: commander-asked permission to anchor in the har-' bor, but was refused. . - r PROrEssioSAL: JscbifEs.- -The. Indep en dance i i'Belge'f .gives thcfollowing particulars of 'the amounts - reoeived,by; various artists 'as the results of jingle performances: Mali bran at l)rury Lane received' lQ each nitjht The same price" was; paid to Lafdacbe for, two per-, fonriances..: Grisi at New York -received 400 foribne performance, arid shortly' after obtained 2,400, as the" rdsult of. one nigh t's entertain ment ijr London.;; Taglioni, received .150 foi, every performance a.t Hamburg, and! at her second benefit at St. Petersburg she re,a!izcd. the extravaffajib sum of 8,160, in addition to. tbo' magnificent present of dianiond ornaments maae ner. oy ine izar. A; BITUART. Pk0Fs40.ElJS0SI),1 THE ASTROXO- HER.-r-Professor Bond,of Harvard Uriversity, died on the 17th inst., of consumption. Tie was about to receive honorable, ; testimonials - from the English National Academy. ' .Douglas'.Gravi;. One branch of the L?gis lature of Illinois has passed, a bill appropria ting twVnty-fiye' thousand dollars f6r; the pur chase, on behalf f the State, of the grounds in which repose the remains cf Stephen A. Doug' las.; ' ' ' A.-y UCon'VicTeof JKAtDs. Franlclin W. Stcith, a Boston merchajit, has been convicted by court martial oft frauds in the quality of articles fur nished to the Government, and sentenced to two yearsViciprisOnment and twenty-five thousand dollars fine. , . A - ' i A . , , One MouE.--The .Canada authorities have. succeeded . in,.' arresting another of the -Ch'esa- . peake mrate: st named Sinus Seelev. ; Important to tlie Pnbl ic. , . Moch inquiry ha's ben made as to the duties ; - - exffected of our citiiens under the restoration of r Unioa authority. e are happy to be able to afford li ..T?" .toora.ing;- fuU inforio upon th subject in the copy whch we prini elsewhere . ... or uenerai&chofieloTs order for the administratifcn or aflaxrs in Wibaungton.and vicidity: to which OFFICIAL. ' . IIEADQ'RS, DEPARTMENT OF. N C., ' A.RMT. OF TUE OHIO, i" ' Federal Point, X: C, Feb. 9th, 18G5.) GENERAL or.DK.ES, V '.V - No. T: Jn compliance with orders-of the.. "War; depart ment, the- undersigned hereby assumes commandfof, the Department f XorthCarolifia. Department head-quarters will oe with the army in the field." - V v The following staff officers are on duty .at these head-quarta-s : , I !T ' r : Maj. J. j(. Campbsll, Assistant Adjutant Oe neral.1- Maj.Wt. M. Wherry, Aide-de-Cauip. 7ap.4 .1. Twining; n 'V Capt. Win i Av Lord, . -1 " ! "-I ; . : J. :r. CHpFlELD, .,' j " '..: ' IIajor:GenoraI.- ,, , . . - :. : - ; . . ' r. HtiADQ'Ri' DEPARTMENT OF N.! C, ' ARMT OF THE -OHIO, ' : Federal Point,- T. C, Feb. 16tb, 1SC3 CKKCRa ORDERS,) , ! - . r :r i : 3, j S ' . ;A ' '. f .The pllowing officers are assigned to. duty 33 meni bers pthe Departmental Staff Reports will be made-, and biiiness transacted through thera, in accordance with existing Orders and regulation ; j r Cot Geoi S. Dodge, Chief Quartermaster i i LtCo!. R. B. Treat, Acting"Chief Coram issary of jubi-istence. - ; : , which mar-be ntcoWarr to 'supplv the wautsorthe loyal pefle residing witftin, the linesjof military oc- ,'and persons in the employ O the gavern- rone bat persons of -undonbited lovaltvandi ood character will be permitted totfade! within the limilsjof the-Department. :-. I '.".w. VI. Intercourse-between towns tuccapied by the. army aid the surrounding country within the lines of military occupation, will , be permitted, sunder regulations to be estahlisned bv the jprovfpst Marshill General, fhr the purpose oT enabling jt.he inhabitaats o sup'ply themselfes with-the necessfie! of life. VII. The5 loyal people of v the cpun .ry residing within the lines 6f the army", will be permitted to bring freely to, ns a cket , the ' products: of fheir. faxmj ' and receive- iii ; payment t.hfr;urreicy (ofthW .-'Tnf? red States. They will: aJsojbe jperm;Utiedtop:ut' chase family supplftr fr toj ..trade, upon, permits granted by the loqal PofostJ ,Mar ahal?. ' i.-.. . ' L : '0 , ' -v; AA'- , V TH.;' Rail Road3 aVd Telegraph lines re under- spedat military ro&cticrn; j Any) p;rsoik yh& shall , break', injure Or in any manner iateifere 'with their military use, or shall fire into any Rail Road train, pr vtssel navigating, the watejs of tiiis Department, shall be f uckhediwith dfcath orfbrwise at 4ho .'discretion ot a'Multary' -Commission i-;f ' :".4ft :lt IX. The destruction t of property, public jojr pri - vafc, is a"Svae te of the national. wealth", ajnd alike in jurious to the people audio the GorerBsjjjat;, ; Its J therefore to be avoided; exceptwfee re i:Tt?itary ope- rations render it necessary. Tae' igl est Coiaro aiide r 'present njst alone -be the judge such necessity. ' X. The troops will be supplied. withi such of the; products of tho country, eseciaily'v; Jgetablesas are; necessary for their health anol'eomjfortV This must v be done by -the proper taff Qfficers. acting under the. orders ot the'DivjgiQn, ana jrigaae Wommanders. XI, Stragglings and irregular foraging by indi-i viduals, are prohibtedj and-ill be severely punished. j . By command olf Kajo'r Ceneral jBCHorEi.i : r 'P.;"'; V A- i 'JA.iCAMP3EiiL,4;. : ; ' : , - . i . Assistant' Adjutant General. HERALD OF THE IT i' WON. !, THE EEuALD OP TIIE l:. a, welcome yaiiant in , every - Caip.v f s Room; and PireaidcJnthe country. . 4 iVRl find Tfllf IIEIlAtU gWUT, . CM0i; ''"'.V'.v - A' 14 xtable mediuna of cociinonicaUny with the ftv! ' '' LVH "; i- '"J , u Wesart out rfitha circulation equal t . O.f e-t I. Jit. J A i T A U ...a in ' V-. : . .. h t . i . t : . a . ' . f ,4. 1 ouna, anu we", snau noi,ri?t3rPuc vuun?,.Lcu haveWtablishJ a circuTation unrivallei brj. Journal in the laud. As we are favored i he put)Uc, so w can yxrprrctai favo the public.' ; , ,4 , ,iVj : 7V .v2 patronage of. il - " , At present the name as that of the paperahii? printed inWimington, will be enlarged S'i asvwe caU iproxaire ihe necessary raatiliil i paper from tlie jorth, ' - t i f . pa : We, are. now prepared to res-jpn.d i the .ruie 'p uDiicria iueiexecuiion oi joo rnnuc - Bill-headL' Circj lars. t ti I Jtand-Bills, V : Posterr. CanT?i; t . Envelopes, 7 A IA1I-X STEWS PA2ER,' Will be printed eye ry- morning, jv (S ccpted) at the I 1 mciays 'ex. 53.) , TroiitSt;nmiiigt6iiC be furnished etc,tc., tetcvl, Tti o Subscribers, leliverel atjtieirxe . J TlieHeraMfoftlil Will be devoted mainly to tlje purjlicntion of the Current News of .the day;-; MilitaVyj pjolit i'cal-and Civil. . 'Arrangement?. are nriakinj ure perfected, th,at will give to this jlournal ' -'"Strgeon Edward Shippen, Acting Medical Director.'- y : " ":A '"' ' - A . : "''; ' ; ":' ;' dapiain giijeer. Sk WTndmnn! Verdult has beerj or-" derad by Jud?o Bctts. in.Wr.!..4 o!.;1 . - ,ners Star aAd Charlotte, cantured A.-r Fisher. '-Tilt Pfir flir.i.M T " - ' " fvSi 0f;t m!H Cor - wrlfea.' that a? -j ' V the rebel Pefs.r!nmmr.-T . t. - . i v.. . . -p Wm. J. Twining, ;!A-D;;C, Chief En gineer. , ! ' v . . By order of JMaj. Gen.'ScKOFiELD : : . "V: ' . A. CAMPBELL, . ' , v K''.r''l'A Assi? tan t Adjutant General.- ' IIEADQ'RS DEPARTMENT OT S. C.,") .(ARMT OF THB OfilO,) L ' - :. v Wilmington, N. C, Fb; 27, ISCo.j IRSERAL ORDERS, ") ' ,--No.;8..- S v'v "'".I :" '-,' I. Proyost Marshals in this Department will ad ,kmini3ter the oath of allegiance to such persons as come within the proTigions iof the Amnesty Procla mation of the President of the United States. vided they are satisfied that fuch perMns desire in j good faith toaid in restoring the national authority 'j and that they take the oath of allegiance cheerfully and voluntarily. . II.. Reports will be made, weekly to the'tpyoTpsi Marshal General, giricg the Dame agei and place'of - residence of every person who Sh a 11 hare subscribed :to the cath)f allegiance; also pr all" other adult wbUeyersohs residinz withia the jurisdiction of ! Provost Marshal; together with such information . as ' UC I.UUIUCU iBUfDuig me cnaracter andicOEduct of each indiridual. ' '' A' ,- i . ' V' persons of tnowa disloyalty, and those who shall bv their language or conduct manifest hostility Ao ihe Oorermat of;.the:uitcd::tates, hall be tentbejend the lines of theai izflj kiijorrfw trom the Prgyoftarshal aeaeraL4brrbe brouihtefcre Uilio.l; The Trndft - - - - , . Agent, fr. ideftces in't'Ki pity, o sent by mail!, at IbH per week. , JTy be. '.supplied by our v par- C. Tulie, at Messrs. CMfr 5r 'Pamphle'i Blanlcf Military Orderi; lc. , L7vrtN v - French's, oppb$ife,'f he Herald Rui'ldiiogs,-ft i 6nable raises. arid in a meas- ITIES, abb' injelli- for obtaining the latest and most rel a . ' ' . - ' ; .- genco of all current events. - -y An'' efficient and "ire liable- v j .'AAxi' A A - C V-'": .. ' y -i - CORPS OF CORRESPOSpEXTS ; 7 ' . 7 " : ,7.. !.' Ha? been engaged at Fortrc.83 lorirokWahinn- ton, New: York and elsewhere from vdhom we look ' - - " - ' ' -" 5-'- for .frequent-. I dispatches, coerin TT O A mi 7 1- By permissioin of Ihe military, authoritiCR m tJESIAfe VENlNG; FEB.UUARY IS. Uc Oitvwhich odejtsion will- be i?? fTi Wnuti:'i play, dramatiSr :by iliss " ELOI.SE'BRIDGF!, J4 AD 17 V AUUimY'Z 1 . events of interest, thus enablinff .... , .. o tth.-ifrhV'.;.' news before pur readers' ifrequentj in; advance of .Ndrthcrn papers. Particular atientio;wili:be paid ' ,;7'- -r V. i : -7' ; Of the great 'comtriericlt centrer 0 wh e'reb we hope "to- JnakeM this Jo anal Valuable - -'i' v ': ' J-' vr j ' ;j:f'- .7 - - .' . . tpf both : producer; anil fcpnara8r,5 and aVrcliable' "guide to all engaged iih'ooniercial Larsuits-'- ;1pursuits7; i refu 1 attention .wiU leprk u .'to jth stirring all uar to layTihe5 7 : :;7 sevcral days sir lienaei Aidtey,...i iMr. D. T7 Aiider To AOndacW with aVi? jii .-;i7 Dresi Circle, Parjuerte, Centre Gallert .AD5aioN;: .'.. , :i - -.1 . 'M'' ' t-r, f .... e; ipor.s open ft 7 Curtain at, TK.'o'clicIr 3v ''i-.N. SOdTT:;&;SAJD V1NS V "thccoQntry; ; WicXill vbe inrkiied th'EeiecS&s inTProse : . -7 "- 7'. :i .-.x-jl ;!777 7" :-an..Pioify;frin-.'the peHSjth ' ktblest- Aineri- ' a"tren wrif! TiV word, too pains or .exponsfe Willi 1 2 fpari'til nake7 si Jlisos and C;liililreii's -7 I ' ' , - ' . F J OUTFITTING 7 RGQMS fev F- e. wist: i-e. fsf..-7 '(rWevlyofGenin't J.flzaar')' t . i ' 1 -a r- -----'t- v rr-. Wll'- LH' I ia f o hi?r fonraer batron3 and tht i:4r vii- Vjti Jll ejection wi th tho njutoer ARTISTES nlidor hat- Wi'r.t i l. 'y ----!- i-4- . 'i-'r-2' r.v-rn V--i' ' ;- "V tM't '7:0rd&i ;-7 ae , 7 7; :il)IESUNDER ti -NEN, yt naeuilit Kept ;ih StoefcreV " dv for iioedi ;j.PaJtarattBtiongIi 'ep ta ' BRIDAL ITROSSIaKX. t-a::S.'BALIJ''''WIN.;- Formerly r.of WIt flmhi r----7 - j, -;,"' .,7 , ji '-T'-

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