M J ft ; . , ill .. '-.'' ' - , - . ! ; ;. v '1 . v T . v -.-. ' ; - ' 1 , , ., , . -- . i -v . i ; - 1. -i . -- v i to ' - . j- f - ; . ' - ' , ' ' - . .' . . i . . . fc- , .1 i n -. 4 n u, - .r i ui ' : r n-1 Nl i.: " -V : VOL. L WILMINGTON, !N. C; THURSDAY MORNING; MARCH 2 , 18U5. NO. 3 '. - THE'IIEKALD OFTpUXIOX. r MARCH 2. LOCAL jNTELLICENCE. At the -r ! ' Wanted - ':t"r '--'I office of Thk Hebald of the tTsios Ibree good Compositor. Good wages ; and steadj i jHEJEK. - We -regret that ur columns forbid - li, extenaeci nouce 01 aiiss -unuges, vauiiuc, ui liai erening. . To-night she appears "as 3ianca in tie Italian Wife, hen'ire hop & to give ourselves lhe pleasure of seeing her, !and give theublic our opinion OlTne penormance. r- k ; ; s ; f; Ii Kxveb Kaiks but ii Pouks. The -old ; ad-:. ig ; has more than one application. : We present car leaders a surfeit of news this, morning from U parts of the world, and,; because of our circum scribed limits, are compelled to omit muoh inter - tsiisg matter - S' '' - v. Gassy. The' assertion that Wilmington is light ed with gas is decidedly gassy. A poorer ermore jniserable apology for'gas'was never known!' It s costs . ns several dollars per night ifor candles "to i see the stufl j burn. It is j probable tiat the go'v; . ernment- will becalleclon to- a v large amount" for. ps consumedtn the various ; public offices. If the article would give light doubtless the bills irotdd be cheerfully' paid, but" iny quartermaster that pays greenbacks for such an imitation as is f ur nished in Wilmington,' deserves . prosecution for siding and abetting 'a fraud unless he pays i in rebl money, which is on a par with lh gas. ' f . Mobe Paboled jPbisonebs. A lot of nine imulred Union .officers .prisoners fit war paroled under the new cartel, arrived in. the - city y ester-' day. They presented ' a much -more decent and healthy appearance thanj did the poor privates .who preceded them, and whose pitiable condition ; has excited so ' much commiseration. ;" . Many. of these officers, however, i had barely sufficient dathing left to cover; their nakeJness. " .They wil be sent North by steamer to-day. ; 4 ) - Captain Thomas Pingof the 17th Iowa regi ment, one of. the officers who came in to-day, has laid us under obligations for files of ' Southern pa pers, and also for. an interesting narrative of the moveTnent of our prison grswhich we are obliged to omit this morning for want of space as well as outer jurors. - j r .: . ,i- friendsof the United States Government guch ' articles ef wearing apparel as can be conveniently snared Coats Pants, Shirts, Shoes, Blankets and Hata." These articles ' are required for a portion who- are destitute, of 'clothif g".:,.-''.'X ;'" It is belfeved the . appeal will meet with a gene rons response. . The clothes are only for temporary use,1 as a bountifah. supply .awaits thdse noble patriots who have periled their lives for ouf Lib- erty. . -i ' 1 "? 1 : t j ). ; ; r 'k ;'J'X' i-'':f i?leaee send to my Store at'oace. ' ' . ';rV:V A:'-:. 'XU vj GEO LITERS. " March 2nd; 1865.' ; " -V;: 'r").'-- - " .'- .' r ; NOTICE TO CITIZENS. -An Appeai to the BeevoX,est. -Mr. George Offers publishes a card elsewhere in this issue calling uon .citizens for donations " of wearing ajpaiel lor the paroled soldiers" thai are now 'ar ming hi the city. vThis is an appeal of no ordifla. ry charactef. 1 is not that the government is unable to furnish its soldiers with suitable cloth iugt or that, the" soldiers themselves ar6 in indigent circumstances. Tlo trouble is that there is no clothing here for them. Jt is patent that they are" not sniiably clad to encounter the chilling March blasts of a Northern climate to- which they will soon be subjected in their . journey to the parole camp at Annapolis. Unless the'public do some irnng for them, much, suffering must ensue. These men hate already suffered enough. Let the citi-, tens generally respond tj the patriotic and humane Suggestion otMr. Myers, and they will .find thiem- seiTeaouDiy blessed. . - rf I ' Commasdast or' the nDistbict .or Wiljiixg- tos. By the official order whiqh appear else "where, -it will be seen that Brigadier General Joseph E. Hawley is, assigned to the command of r ". lhe District of Wilmington, embracing the-terri-' tory occupied by the army operating on the Cape" or river. General Hawley is also charged with . he duties of Provost JIarshal General throughout M i District. I ' :? ,j :: " M The selection of General Hawley for thii impor- ' - ' I ' " v' - nt position, is another Indication, of tMe:many daily occurring, of the wisdom .of the "Major Gen end commanding the DepartmenL It is not acci- dentai that a commanding officer always finds the , right ma'foVtho right place, but it is wisdom , ; that dictates 'such assignments. -.".-The 'people of . .VUmijigton are to. be cbngratulated on tLe ap pointment of Geneial Hawley to this - command. There is "not to be found in the : army, a larger hearted and truer. man; a more cqurtgous and per-, -feet gentleman or"a better soldier.': ' t ( SPECIAL NOTICES. . ... - i . -I : - . . , " AN APPEAL ? '.: - Inhzfia'f of our nolle Soldiers (Exchanged - Prifonet t) who 'a7re. passing 'Iftrriiffhi our ... The Subscriber' respectfully 'solicits from the 1 Paovosi Maeshal's (XrncE, i Wilmington, N.' C, March 1st, 185.( All Stores,': groceries and Shops of every kind, Eating Saloons and Restaurants in this ';city;miut be 'closed at 7 o'clock, P; M each evening. ; j ' fCitiens known'to violate this order, wiU be .afresr ted,-: theirs Stores Shops oc' Houses shut -up, and their goods, merchandize or cither property foud therein Confiscated. ; , . ; . -7-':'T :. :-, ;; ' '. W3I. J: JORDAN Lieut; Col.. j .'. : v i lblth Ohio VqI. iaft'y, .S:f r .' Pro. Marsfial. Marched; 1865." t , - : 0 "itt .OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL. ; I (abky op the ohio.) - v It ' t fy v Wilmington N. C. , March 1st, 1865 . i The following order is published for the benefit of all concerned: , 4 ' . 1. 1. ,' ,. All contraband goods shall be reported to the Provost Marshal, 'and ; taken possession of by, hiinaccordin .to special instructions. . , II. Stores and shopYof loyal people can be open ed, and stocks now; en hand sold, which, can. be re newed only, in accordance with.the permission ,of Paragraph 5, General Order, No. 8, Head Quarters Depar tment of North Carolina., - The Provost Mar shal will Wee that price? are reasonable. Ili.'No liquor shall be sold to enlisted men. un der any circumstances, 'nor to, citizens, exbept by . authorfied Druggists, who may sell by the single bottle or small measure, upon the certificate ot a re gular Physician, to the effect that it is necessary for medical puipose3 said certificate td be retained by the seller, and subject to the inspection of the' Pro-' vost Marshal. I . j ;, "':'!- ; IVt If necessary, "regulations -shall be established from time to time regulating the prices ofprovi- . - ? ; - u ' .' -. -' '; '. 810US. .-. -i . ' - . ' . , - ; . V. No property of any kind,, hot required for" present military, use, shall, be seized,; unless by au thority bfrthe Provost- Marshal, who ' shall keep a careful record of the same name of owner, amount : icV, a certificate of, which he may give, whieti cer tificae"must be recorded. - . : . VI. All places of business, xcepting those con- nected with the Gqvelnment,; and Druggis t si shall : close at 8 P. M. - ' - VII. ' People coming from the country tathe',cityv! With marketing, wilt proceed directly tathe ' Market . House, on-Market Street, where an offi'cerofef Provost Marshal Department, will inspectIispro 4uce and give him permission in writing to sell ifhe shall deem it advisable,"1 and also a pass out of the lines.''. '' ' ' , .' --- ' VIII. Town people come and go outside of our -lines by authority obtained from th e Provost Mar- shal. " ; ; . . v,; ; , . , '": . By .order of il, ; " v P. C.i HAYES; Lt.( Col. and ' . . . ' , Act'g Pro. Mar.' Gen. A. 0 Marched, 186. y-j-f- 3-tf FKOjI ILiELEST(m: it Particulars of the, Evacuation of .--.- the Rebels, a Its : Occupation by the Na -4 ': v Troops. " v: ? THE 0L1L FLAG RAISED 0 : -: . .-v' t ; ': ?v .t!.:. ' - :tv;""- &c.; ioaal FORT fj - V . 1 - ' Nfivi YdRKrFeb. 21. The steamship Fulton, Captain Norton, from Port 'Royal and Charleston ' bar on jbe 18th inst., at six o'clock P. M, arrived fee this morning. '; , V V."-!' 1 'r,f ' . Chartestonl waa fvacuated on thq bight of Fridayheni 7th, leaving the various fqrtifica tions4uaiDjuCJf besideis over 200 guns which theypikedn-X: ::- v ' '! ; .;,V' " ; The, 0vaeuati9n;a3 ! first discovered fat Fort ; Moultrie ia the morning; at tenjb'clock., Part pf "our troops stationed at Jaines Island crossed over, in boats aad - took possession of j the city witlicut opposition'.; ' . ' I " ' Tho upper, part of the city was on fire. ' Prevjous to ev6nating th&: city thel Kebels ' fixed the upperixt 'i of it,, by; which' spile "six thousand bales of Cotton were burned iand it was sfipposed before the Barnes could be, sub--dued two thirds of the city ould be dektroyed. A fearful expl6ion occurred in theWilmiag ton Depot, cause unknown, "bf Iwhichi,! tty wast reported, several hundred of the1 fleeing:' citizens lost the'r lives. A The baildin was used 'for commissary purposes,' being situated iothe'up per pai t ui me wi. . - i f . . r Admiral uawgren was the farst to run'mpl to .-, Gen. Q. A. jUilmore followed soon after jin the steamer W.. Cuyley anji had an interview, with, General;Schemblfehn he being jtqa first in comihaud.T ': ' "i ' '"; I- -; . It 'was supposed -that : Beauregard evacuated unanestoa m oraer to concentrate and give Oaropnians! their, nfble revengo : for the heroic resistance they! lttTfeencoantisred on every cld ai; we nanus o the! men. Yet that is not con queiihj: acouStrv. ! On the kin it unconaheraile where th- hml of mri' is of the right kind: - There is reason to believe thatJGeneral Beauregard is carry btut a de- iiMciubtf ucsiu auu buat : onerxnaa u near ,1a . end of bis triumphi, - ' 'j &Yi ; ; , mny regard this audacious march of. the enemy through i thfheatt ofuth, Carolina aaj uuo ui mo consequ faces oi removing, u oanstun trom commandtof qur nnyof Tebaessee. FROM REJBEILBOM. - ; .t ' PROGRESS Oft SHERJIAS'S ARM Beauregard Reliev of Coni- 'i- maud !" 'ahffl.y Joe. Johnston LEE'S ARMY H ; STRAIGHTENED FOR --4 &c., :&c From the! Sherman battler. r ins blbw arrived HDQ'RS DEPT.jOF NORTH CAROLINA, . Vl 1 ARIIT'O THE OHIO . ' WiLMisGros, N, C.,lMarch 1st, 1865 Special Obpkbs i ' ' V ' ;-No.'i8: , f j i - -i i " ' . , .( I Y'. Brig." General Jos. R. Hawley is hereby as sinned to the command of the District of Wilming- O . ... ton, which will embrace all .the-territorytinder.mil-' it ary control in rear of the army ' operating from Cape Fear River as a base,". .' ' '' ' t Gen. Hawley will be responsible for the protec-, tion of the depot .at Wilmington,Cape Fear Har bor and the line of raili oad in rear oft the army. He will also 'perform Jthe: duties of Provost Marshal General for the District under his command. . f i..- '"'.. "r T''-.l::v. y-i-.'tVT.rvtv M By command of Major General'ScnoFiBtn : .' . " - -r" "p: ... ; v-' J. A. -CAMPBELL, -' : v; Assistant Adjutant General. U&TCh 2d ? ':',': - . 3-tf - !::ii'woOT THERE Wjll be a.meeting of the Fire Wardens at ' the offic o f E. T Kidde r E sq. to-night at o'clockv- . V-l':-;. ;,'." : -- v-''-' - .:'.vBT.ordeK.-'. v',,; :-Cv.-; -:;.? '.''.-" ' " vf V-'' -:" . .. JAMES MITCHELL, .V ;f ;' -. Chief Fire Dept.; March 2d V ;'.t- 5: ?. , 7; : " ' . 3-H' : yt " ; - " ; i-. -V&" DIED. :: ;;. .'."i, u? ; " In "this town, on the 21st; of February, 186opf , pneumonia, . CapU JOHN" WATSON, ia the 66th -year of his age. . - " ' ' ' -: .. .The deceased was; a native of Sweden, but for many years had been a resident;'of ; this placed- Mr. W. was an . honest, indn&triou3 ind- worthy citizen, and leaves a largo circle of friends and relatires to 'mourn their irreparable wrss. S-':. " X V '" ' t '. - ' ' ' '" . -, s- . '- .. ' . ' .... . -. . '1 . The remains of two iron clads ' wSrl - found, wmcn tnc enemy , naa aesiroyea , oy them up previous to , the evacuation. . The blockade runner Ctr en e, iust ht ' z"it i i , . rom ixasHuu, ieu ;fuo our nanas, ana rwo otn &s were expected to run in on the night of the jl8th..- :;-;;;.:7;,y.y.j'''v .--". .-!.l;.t - ' : Tho first flag hoisted . over Fort Sumter was raised by Captain Henry M.MJrasraf, A.iD. C ' on Qeneral Gilmore's Staff, having for a stkflf an oar ana Doanooit lasnea fcOgetner, -. r j t-1, ' The lqwer3 part of the - city was found jto be, completely riddled by the shot and shell thrown into it during the protracted bombardment. v The wealthy part of the' population have de serted thj;city, and now all that : remain of its brmei.mhabitants rethe poorer classes! vrixd verb found to be suffering for w.mt of ifood. I; A. movement had been made by theforco un qer General Hatch; "which, resulted in the1 capr tara of six pieces of artillery which tbi;Rebels i ad? abandoned. The ckrriaes'wcra- delstioved.4 j The ' Savannah . Herald pf tItITth Icoh'tains ira;news oi a military cnaracter. i ;c L A file at Hilton .Head had destroyed the' cf nce' of Captain J?ratt; ordnance 'd5cerl ait one it- . . 1 1 " .. ' . . n . . - t . 'i i i ; trae me ure greauy jeopariaizing omiaingss con tuning ' large suppiits lof k ammunition, ;rovidentially,' they escaped. 'i but, FAII 0 COLUMBIA, S. ! (!. - 1 A REBEL ACCOUNT. From thd PuJhmond' Examiner, Pet . : IB. f The State Capital of South Carolina 63 ia!!- u en; : .tiommnia is intn naaa3 ot onerman. it the mere overrunning ofja country wore Icon- ' queng it, the xankee enemy ? might begin to boast of ; the Subjugation of South Caolina. For so far they have adVancgd and penettated the very hoart of the State without seriofis op position. . But the only value of that advapce, ;fbr tha general: purposes: of the campaign, 'con sists, in its beinf; a step toward cobperatjing with Grant in tho investment of Ricmon. Tb;us Sherman's", enterprise rs only bfcgihningii i : The future plans or present dispositions of Beauregard are unknown here. ; The likle tJon federata arnajr, Koweverj is calfe, arid' knaj' yet; lead Sherman such a dance as.Greene ed Com ;wallis over those (same rivers L and swampy. .If v the Federal army ; cannot reach the Batif ille flailrdad, then it had better hafa ,stii( iaj At lanta all this c while. Bat "it i3 a ht cr to Lochow . ' . -'.-I. - - , ' ' -It is true, the Federals can -gratify ' tlieir fine 'sense of"4 poetical justicei". (or,; as- we: should say, their petty malice); by:'::..iayang,: -,wast the.' oiriprbtectad homesteadi of tha riobieSltateS ad wreaklpg apop the: women and cbildreactf Sautli: telesrilaphic column of the Stati Jaitrnal we extract the; following- dispatch : J , Slier man's Movements. '! f Charlottk, February 2t3. Thece i3 no additional news 'froin Ithe front ii It is still supposed .the enemy are making their way north, by Wytneviile. i A News from Colutabia corroborates, the kind treatment) to - tho inhabitants- - The - Ursalinei Convent is protected by a guard.' . No. public pro perty is allowed, to Ibe burned' In the vicinity of private, residences. . ' . , . , Sherman's ' headquarters on Monday were at Nickerson's 'Hotel; J A large force is reported in the western part of jthe city. . ,r ? u .! " f t , The, alarm inj Charlotte has partially subsided. xue weaiaer i3;Daajanu iue roaas neavy wy fefing with military.! m6vements.;Vi"U,';fC! It is known in this city that General Sherman's ... ' ; I -.11 forces occupied ' Charlotte . several : days since. Editor. ' l., ': J :.'"',, ;".'' At'K Eeaiireard ICelieved by Jolinton The : following ofder is published this mornl - CaARfcoTTE,'Feb. 56. CnARLotTEj Feb; 2b, GeSeral Ordeks, .'No. 1. In obedience tp orders of, tho General-in-Chief) the? undersigned assumes command of the' Armiv of Tennessee, and' all the troops in the Depart - menu ut uuuui viirupti!, uuygmaau f lonua. j -. He.takes the! poition . with j strong hope be cause he will have in . council and in: tho field, the aid of tho high alents and . skU of the dis tinguished General Vhom he succeeds. ,. . ; , Jf , . lie expects all ajbsent soldiers of the fArmjy of Tennessee, to rejipin their regiments and co front the cnem tlfqy- have so often encountered jand' ran away; from Editor Herald of the u Nipx, iporh'erji;,xOeprgia; and always with honor,. --l.;; :1-:-:-J-';.:.,;.KT1. J. He- assure? his comrades of that afmy, who are still with their i:olors,;that the confidence in their discipline and 'Valor which he has publicly expressed, 13 undiminished. j". 1 K ' . ' (Signed) Josipn E J3iixston, General. . m , ry. : .:.:';i. :4. .. IFrom the Ralegh Standard, Feb. 24ll ,,The latest riews may be given in a few words. Charleston, Wilmington and 'Savannah arc in the hands of the enfemy, and "Sh eimaa ij sup posed : to be movinpi in heavy forcei on Chester-i ville, which1 is 9ome forty-five .miles south fcf unanotte. it seeuw to. be understood tnat .tue Confederate forcei will make" a i stand at Ches- terville. Wo Hope tor the best, but wo confess we fear that Skermku will not be" routed,' or even ser ioudyi&eclkd. the columns of the vance through this It mav alsoi turn' out that enemy are preparing to ad- ocuie oa a line couaiuuij to the Eastot Charlotte Goldsboro,' Jayett ville, and evenjRaliigb; are in danger. 0 fear tliai.what has been! will 'be : in other" words, Ul tiie enemy toill con tin ue to overrun and oc eupy ' the cfuntrv. 'aho people erpect the truth m iui3 pappr, ana cney suau uave u as, ur we: are abif to tell it; ' 'iJyX: ':, i . . r" - " - ' !' ' ;;o have nothing later ; from Petersburg Richmond.- We fejar that oar troops at these noints are Istralfrhtcncd for .food. Kowfno' fa' the difficulty bprobanig transportation. Ve hearj compiaiuu; iua wejuo not ucem ic pruuenb 10 publish.' , -j :;: '."-V' .:'-'. , ;,-:-"! I Tho prosjct 13 Iglcwmy. ,Wo; can " see" no blessed star pointintr toDcace. but on every side the clotids bf war. tipped with thefires of battl; are rallying' aiid Surgmcllow; many nabra. wiaows ana orpnans, now mucn more-suuering. and how many jnore )f the true " and brave ? of! 9ti5 veteran troppi must, be aLughtered ; beford ux ena snau cornel 1 Uh it y the peojpUjQX . jftej V" ' i. A rl 7 i V 4'- 1 I ! - r .V.:' r-J.." . I, .1 f t 1 j, 1 -.4