i v i: 0 t - " .. .. - c .... ; I .- . ... ... - f TIIE HERALD iOFTUE I i'i-- f i . 1 - ; i. X 1 ' ... -SUBJUGATED ; Vi.- 1 liit f Wilmineton arc; subjugated. ; Since the s fcreakinj out ol the rebeUion the word designing rebel ; pollutions and, .leaders hare "frightened the people into hostility to the Kadoal ' authorities Ihe historj of words does n6t pro duce k single instance of greater injustkef to r From the first attack on Sumter te the fall of TiahCT subjugation has been dinned in the, r.ii rlire aHernatite to success in rending the f,ountry in twain. The issue, it is true,' was. fairly presented- Sucb, in " . . deed, has been : thelternatiTe. But a moment's consideration should-haVe shown any candid per son that the ; subjugation so blatently threatened, Vvas4 not' the "molf tlrfeadful punishment in the scope of human ingenuity - ! :. tor subjugation implies a bringing- uner, cqn: trQUauotherpoier. jrthe case of the Spolhern ' people the effort has been made to take them from . the control of themselves, f It was. not the South- era Deonle. who inaugurated the t rebellion, -t It wa3 smply a few disappointed peliticians, acting on -th; rulexor;:ruinJpVincple.;They kit .their control; or fancied they Jiad, of national aaaxrs, and immediately proceeded to destroythe coun- trv. Their schemes were not approved' by, the ' toasa of 'the people," certainly not by. the people of North Carolina, who opposed them by every nou orable means, on tbe stbrnp and at the polls, until these dtsignicg demagogues, had fanned a civil . war ; and then, hy specious .argument and tricky . scheming )iie body; of the" peopji were ma4e to believe f that their rights' were assailed, and that they were taking up ..arms in self defence.- In other words, .'they, were told that the North was seeking to subjugate theuv." .-t j ' The difference In - the application of this term subjugation, is; apparent. In the one . instance Yancy, ' Rhett, Shdell; ' Davis and the rest of the rebel - god-lathers sought to subjugate th4 SeutlW ern-people against their' will, be it -remembered -to their own purpose and ends; to take them out of ai government which they loved and had always respected;, one which had ever "been wisc and benevolent towards them ; one in which they . were equally represented, and. of which the ; formed a cart. On tllie other hand the Rational power was exerted to prevent this crime ; ; tb avert 1 the destruction designed by the traitorous band ; to 'perpetttaie to the people of all part? of - our common country he .blessings of j a free; govern ment; to give to the people of North Caroling, in : common with those of ,the whole landj a represen tation in the national councils- : ;f. The people of Wilmington have experienced the former subjugation-that of Jeff Davis and com-pany-i-and are . now beginning , to experience tLe latter 5 As yet they: are not represented i a the natiocal 'Congress, nor have they any voice in the authority by which tijey are immediately govern - "y. ed, 'They understand that these things are apart of the fruits of their subjugation .that are yet to come inTgood time. jBut. they f are subjugated nevertheless, and .henceforth they will be compel led to f.rcn a part of the common nation of which they have formed apart for upwards of eighty years; and subject themselves to a government to which they have b,een subject sinoe the day they cut "loose from Greatj BriUin. . All this is very hard,- but we advise ;our readers to bear it with submission and christian resignation.- If others will persist in forcing blessing? upon us we should ' ' not complain.. V t - . I ; ' The bugbear of subjugation we opine, has lost its terror to those of the Southern people who ha ve bowed their hecks to the Yankee yoke. ' 1 New Or- -. - . " r . --. in"'irnutd hardlv be willing to cut.loose again from the United States! -Tne people of Savannah have found very little to find fault with since the k ' ' -t . ' - j. : . Federal icfijJancy of that city. In our own .town .c ;. v. t ; - of Wilmington- it 13. a very common remark that Yankee soldiers are' not lavages. Tn. fact, as the eyts .of the people are opened, they, begin to; see how. grievously they" ave been deceived, and .every where & heard Expressions of gladness that next tO' Lee in tile rebel ;nrayri?Wcked out of comh beusel nss of the Union army.. ' Joe Johnston, wom 'rt.J?. has abusedlever since he didn't; stop Sher- ;nhntlla .marcf from Chattanooga to'AtlataV is fc4back and put in Beauregards place AlV I this looks" as if Jeff; wafloundennglyIt ( SifrU.'? however, that; he designs his -army to keep en- retreaUn jr, ana ; mereiorc -; "charge of the greatest retreater'the war has pt- iuceu. . . .. ; - -; 1.,. Cdir.lECIAL.; 11 : - e Illinois Ct,ntTBA ...... ... .... 4 . r.IeTeland and rHt5Dttre-..-.-i--!'! Tiie'Pat ot. Armt OrriC:-Ofiicers of the Army will be pleased to larn", aVthey will hyre-1 ferrin g to Our. column of w asningioa . , Congress is makiug some progres towards in creasing their ! pay. It is very, singular .that the, government should hesitate or delay one day man. act so manifestly just and. proper. ;No; one, in Wahtnrton or elsewhere,questions the inadequa cy of the pay of officers, especially of .those below the rade of eeneral officers. The absolute justice j- of an advance being thus generally admitted,; the delay in granting it seems more iuuu putuxo.. Wasliins'ton Wews. u THE INCREASED PAY OF ARMY-.; OF- . . FICERS. ' The bill rpported by Mr. Sclienck, from the Military Comrnitte ,toiDcrea3e the pay of offi cer;?, and passed by the House, provides j that during'tbe war officers shall bs exempt from the payment of-tjfe Income tax on their "p ay, and increases the monthly pay of ail officers below the rauk of Brigadier Generalf Trom Jan uary 1, 1865, as follows: Infantry Colonels, to ne 'hundred and forty dollars ; lieutenant colonels, one hundred and twenty (dollars ;jna jors one hundred and five ..dollars ri' captliris?) ninety dollars ; first litutenants, seventy-soyen dollars ; Second' lieutenunts, seventy . dollars ; colonels, cavalry and. artillery, cne hundred and sixty-five dollars ;. lieutenant colonels, one .hundred-and forty .dollars ; majors, one hundred and filteen dollars captains, one hundred- and two dollars and fifty cents ; lieutenants; -eighty dollars und thirty three cents ; acting assistant 'surgeons, one hundred and tWertty-five dollars. This bill does not alt?r epmmutations for raU tion?,' &c, but leaves them as at present provi ded." : ;; '' . j . illE LOAN BILL. 1 , The Ways and M6ans Committee, on the 21st, - - - ' . ' 1 , W eetinz to consiuer tne i.an CtosrsPaiCBtAr! aitU6niar,f JJ oaK ' Vew Yosif rebruary 20, 10.5 f; :; Ohio and Miss. Certificates ... 83K i Chicago and XorthwesWrn..-v.-i rr-: 0 : Chicago and Xorthwestern Preferred....... 634 Chicago acd Rock Island.-fv- Tv I Pittsburg, Ft Wayne andjahigo..j.rr-? atoct jaarsei. ubm, uu,,r,Tr"8 r after caU 19Mri 1 ' , I -.A. OFFICIAL. , 1 -HCAWni di:pautmi:xt of & a, i:;! f .Urekeripoint X. P Feb. 9tblS ;51 rittpliceiwWcrsotiitne 3wr iie; 1 !. ' Flour...... "Cotton i Vj'vj Ordinary..... Middling- p' . riA Tl( ilrHirif ...... .i.........i.."if Hay. ; Provisions . Porlc...;...... Beef,-:;.. -'Bacon.,.....; . Laid ; Batter - ; Cheese :. Rice s " "- Tobacco , 78 a. 83 a 80 a s60 a 71 S3 I Co . te- ifft i i1" f-v f e a 60; : 2!V U a 24 C Stt JOO a 00 42 a i 14 a ' 24 PM a 10 a - 13 A CAKB. held a special nv bill.' ThComrai ZVeW York , 505 BroacKvay, March 1lat,;i8C5.; : 1- i : )wy jirmer fr'miZs mid jtoii, X. C.y and surrounding CWnlry : To tningto ' Having' located; myself , inthis ty,'I; am prepared ; to' offer at pur House, ;.(ofc & Bald win,) next buiiains below; u St. Xiciiola?f'- . Gents' Shirts,1 Drawers, ) Collars, rayais, &c, &c a full assortment of Furnishing Goods. , Under GalmentsW aftttindbeau; tifully made, accurately cit and of tile j bet mate-; rial Linen, Cotton, Silk 4nd Flaancl. Alo conv-' plete assortment fprjilisses and Boys. 1 j ; j One hundred Girls workr on the premiss, and all garments made under the immediate sa)erybi6n of the proprietors. ' Mrs. Wintle's ' uarajappears in another column-to which the attention j fi Ladles is directed Respectfully, 31 arch 1. QV'gAllHlN.-.'- ;t f2-4W-lS. fiiUtlciJobeUAMirtant AdnTUnt GtiH Mi j.rm M- Wherry, aw- 4 .Capt; Wnj4'A;.Mrd, ; - ;v 0A tederal Pint,3f. -.4tf A?. afeXEBAL ORDZBSA . ..! No.! 3.M -. -:f ; Subsisted cei':;; 10 r. , 1 aptain".Wm ,gijDeer;;4w ; ! By order! of 3 rt f TUa rii.,t-;W dPJ'rs are a3siznea to uutyif m sc. bers t,f theT)cpar&ental'Staff- ReporUdlbf nafi, and Wines' aniaited.through them, inaccordi nc iVith Ti5ti6ciorddrs and rejeulatfons v; 1 , i'.-.-t'f -tii . iiJJiaI V?if Onartn-rmaster." j ''It'; CoS4 R.1 B, 'Irat; Acting Chief Commii -,.i,4. - ' i. '"4 j Surgwki Edward $hippTB-Aet-3ledkaa.:ri 5ft onimisiary of rtc- j-' LlJ Twihinjr. A.;D. C.Cfaiet iy a? - ... 1 aj, Gen. Schotiei.d : i ' ,XA. CAMPBELL Alsi?UntAdjutant Generil. ISUi. J li E A ll U' I SI D EPA R TM E N !T-' OF -,-; , (.AibirfojMTas orio,)- ;?: -.1 -: : -: . Wiioington,- N. CJvFeb.32T,. t P.kria rr3hil InT this Department will minUter MthM'alieiianci'fsuch' pers'bnl,a. come within th provlfioasf. the Amnesty Podt- mation jTliIjPr ro JiridedthearpM goba"faith ioaid' ih testoingthe national nd that't&yj tak the"oath of allegiance cheerfullj t and voluatarfiy: I . .; ' , . ,: made week! TO-DAY'S AD VERTISEMENTS the natfondl forces are ' so steadily advancrag and recpTefinJtterritorynnd delivering jjtos people from the thralldoux of traitors and demagogues. i . i 1 iiijr the liverv". FL6trxDtf&ixG. The rahellion', U floundering. Jeff. Davis is getting, into a. very .bad way. -ot on!v 46 the ractveiaents sand successes. of the Na-' J - tional forces i6t give satisfaction to Jeff .Davis and . i - CeApanj,- but the Vovcinents aud achitjTnicht ( .We -cannot call.-' them'.siicss'cs-f the rhcl Gcn erals Wem to'-mtediss;Ui6factioyt-' 'Sherman' has ,. . refased rtilie whipped,'-; lharety Venderpg'it im-1 fim't tbr, pobiefolBerefcei uenerais to wnip him. ihis. I..' tasHnndi Davh;tery 'nhappy ''elVha's fjore f -. v'than1-make" 'hini unu'arpy v.Ifhcrmain boi6:' I ( . - - "t 7 - .' . ' ; - ! . I ' ' ' -iT .1 Aw nann !toTo will Jia iiKttl iz-fi ' -il'r to Twifp .hiar;-andno rebMHw -;to etricd. ' IJ Committee have delayed it for seve ' ral 'days iiv the hopti that a ne Seeretary!pf thlj .' Xreasury vr ouiu juc.sipjwiuiou n u AXiiuu uion te confer with themf upon he subject. They have determined to-. report it at" once to the House, leaving.it t5 the Senate to make ; such alterations as -inay be thought . necessarV, ih case a new Secretary is appointed during! the com in wee. The following is a correct ab btract of the bills."- It was submitted bySecre1 . ry Fesnden : ' ' . - ; ' . '; -" ;. obligations, (prohibiting, however; legal tender notes,) not exceeding six hurt dred , million of dollars , payable at not over forty - years ftorn date, or redeemable at the pleasure of the! Gov ernment a.t not less than five nor more 1 timti forty years. . The amount issued in other forms than bonds may be controvertible into bonds redeemable, &c. "as.the Secretary may deem expedient. The principal or interest, or .both, may be payable irr coin, or id any other money or currency, declared by Congress to be lawful innnov or leral tender. - The interest in coin is not to exceed 6 per cent -or upon currency 1 . . -. j m i n , exceeuiog t oiu per annum. . ine cet3reiary ' may , ell bonds here or abroad - on such Condi tions aSiHo.rDay. deem advisable for coin, lawful money, Treasury- notes, or certificates of irt debtedness. Aic ; The bonds are to be free from municipa,! and State taxation. COMilERGI AL INTERCOURSE WITH THE ! REBELS. Iri the United States Senate oa Mondar. Mr. Chandler; from the ' Committee . on Commerce, -reported a bill to repeal the. eighth section of the.Uet of , July 2,, 1864, which .was additionaHo several acts concerning commercial fifvtefedurse between -loyal and J . insurrectionary; States,; for the collection, of abandoned' propeity, tx That ,..-ir.fi,r ia in fVirc trnrd. fthd is the most 15 hp. ral provision , yi.our ejatutts on the suliject of commercial intercourse with rebel communities" previous to their formal submission to 'the Union arms: .. , , . : , -ir-y - . '' Sct oiv S. That it shall he lawful for ithe ' Se'cretaryk f. the.,Treasury.. with, the appro pf the Piesiatnt, to authorize agents to purchase . c larf d i n i nsu rrec t ion, . at su h places, therein !ull bt ;designa(ed "by hTm, ut such prices as THEATRE.' ! v - - . ..- :Li. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH Will be presented the highly tragic 2y Play of a: 4 r '? '' '-' or , - ; ' ... -!'.-. THE ; Vim v; Biahca, ; , Miss -El Ojise; 5ridge3 , Dance, Song, . - - "4 admission; Press Circle Parquette CentrTGallcry, Do6rs;open at 7 i J Curtainrise .at' "'T ;:4'chDcS . VeK 2Sv. 7:;. .. s; . ; -, '. . - i - Miss Selina Warner, . ' . Miss Hda Morton To esnelude with the farce of tbeij I . ' 7 SPECTRE BRIREGP.003B fei oo 1 .50 1.1 00 1-1 1. ' Il lletiortsi wnibb Marshal 3enei'al,tvrii to the oaih of allfe anifejalso. of" all other, a -:hWi tiWrmris rtikilln within the iarisdictiou qf Prprost 4larsbal,ogether with aach jtifriuaioi u can be obtained touching the character and pon act ofeachirijauad.'':" t . , : III., Persons oflffcnown disloyaltvand thosj; vfto shall br theirliaEifuaKe or conduct laa'nifeat boetility , to the Govern meni oft the ; United States,,- shall be tent beyond the liies of, the army by an order tr.im the Jfcrovost warsqai uenerai, or oe urouguB. ueir a MmtiiKComnifssiu -and' pujaiihuiiat, accordmgjtd the nature of thepnen.ee. ' . ' IV.ryfflcfra autjiomod-by law to appoint Genenl GourtstMartial ar empowered to appoint Military Pom missions,! 'ana to. confiroi and execute the e &k tencei of iuchj CoEinibsioiis, with the samu lim ttr tions ; as itt th cas of (general Courts Martial. ; V. ComrQcrcial' infercoii'rse Vithin the limits of this -Department ' ' kilt '' be governed strictly 'by the lnvra of thalTriited States ;artdthe?retrulation3 of the Treasury pepartnnt;; and will be limited fo-t which maV belneciwary to. supply the wanti ol loVal people rkidifeg within the iine of military meat. N8e but iersons of undoubted Joyaitiy aiid ; - "7 , - V-'IShoraair i& ciarcnuig on." Apeauy we near nt -1 cu.ae muney mu iw, vtuw - cpcusc wviirew 1 hinf 'WCBarlttte.. "Uavis nay , near jjJ.niuvin -"Tel ;r 11 " , . ' - Vi'-"' t! the United States;. and. the- accounts of all; : r - cloaej rTmy tothe rsonli, majfy. -It- fat andidshallibcendered . ' frrghtenjuhjias'i'lt .Jse makes him angry, andiil ''to and audjedby Ae'pr(er: .accoui ;'v vv, ' poor aoliieha can help i'axe xacade'lto'siser bf therejwpjC tWiiiU .' .;' - ' 5 . - ""rt . : - ' f ;. i-' : -v'-. :' - " - .y ,-i .; ..'- . .. , ; ' . fc . .--.." - - ujwMiwiwrrirr-iiiiiiM n"" 1. " 1 "r-Y "" - Jt-i., I,, f Tr Mll Wi MHMHnnMMHWHMHMHHHeMni le market valuethereof at the pliQc of deH nqt cxcfceuing threefpurths ,-the mark ing-. - ..i'Jtnaa:, filial' no.piiri.oi .ji&.p-ixrcna$Q iiio6cy;'fi pufaked,, Ehlalt. bfl;. naid,or" iir'ecd to" Le paid," oiif of cyi,othr' 'Sttifpfari-'oftbe Trf asiir v. and thn monevaris- M n g : thefeiTbml after. the. pay ment .of 4 the 1 -pur- SCOTt & BALDWIN'S r Ladies, Misses mid Cliildrmls OUTFITTING RO;OMS . Nicholas Block y iSOo" Broadway r ; ( Formerly- of Genin'a Bazaar" j TTVDTIR whose Superintendence the! abovef De- I n.;t-tm-nta.re conducted, is pleased to announce in her former natroai I and the Ladies of-Xew fork n: 4t,of in Connection with thfe numeiroU3 !cuci"jr u"r " ' , . . , T:.r,. 3. . DfTTOTva nnrni dur rtirpp.t.ion-Liuie U Breoarcn to AKTISTfiS under. her. direction,4he M grepa furnish, nrbmptly, .! ' 1 - U C ' I ladies; jjlisses atid Children3? Jfytftink ito, i .'..v 5- ;t":'t'",' i ':6riiefX " '. - LADIES! UX0EK -MNE, Of fine (lity,.Kept;tttock, ready &me4at Feb. 284 w Partitlari attention' giveft totri; BRIDAL TR0SSEAUX. Formerly 6f "Wiliaiafeton, ;3S Market Stree PliRMC SALEi I LL be eold atf public Auction", on the, beach - VAr4T Pfttnt. a caro consistm of Sut- t'b Stores for the benefit ot the Underwriters, ton onday; M a rch 4th 18G4. f V . i. J ; ' ; ct i ; Jttaster ot cnponer1t ranci9!tia.renit ;' is tMaW of Sch boner Franeaa iHatchf T wn'" 'wi'it. j rik-'-Mbl ' '.ill-:' ivJtm, V. '5 : - flT AREXBO SAL00K ''., - ' . -So. 8, Jfarkeit Street TT 4T:TrYS fhe best fare to be fbim irt! fl Vgotith 'o expense is spared to firnlsh; erii- ckres. tne rarest aeucacies oi me season. . . , '-;te4:'Ktl,?;4tJ he March L LIGUTEROG. IB Is rrvHE; office of laaaELL airAWs. Light- Ing business in their line will call atlhe fcbovte'plaoe i inarch 1. - ' - ' - '-" -. 2-tf v'to thorroTMt intr the name, aeci and plaoac'f r'ese.nciof 'eiveVjfT pfersoni who ihatt' have aubscrijbed lucli h it good character wiljl be permitted to trade witfi limits of the Department." ' YI." Interconrsd ibetween .towns ' occupied by ivmy andithe surrtundin country within the lij 3 Tie-' ; luoe of military' occupation, f will ! bo; permitted, ' nnior reffulations to bo fstablidhod by the Provost Marsh d General, for the purpose, of cnablin; the.inhWti-iU to supply ihemsel ves withj tha necessaries of life. ' . YIl.; Theloral j peppla. of the; country re idin' within the lines . 05 the . army will bo permit ted 1 0 bi'ing freely to marke the products, of . their iarppa-y , and 'to recei v e i in ay la e a t h e eurren cy of th t-Cnl' ;tedrate J ey wii j ' also be . permitted Jo ' 'pjee chase family upp lies from persons authorized te .trade, upon, perm fcs Vjrnted'.by the local ' iPrroont ' 'iiarshals. ;.i( -j. ?L vV :V-" : ' ' ": : YjjL i Rail 'jSUia. ! vM'uit Tlcgap'h ; Ha are - anKl'ir special military ' pr ntetion. A n-y. person who t'tm& -Break, injure or in any manner interfere" with tiieir military use ojr all jre jj. intq any Kaif Road tr: list, or vessel JiaTatiig jtbeyatera othis Iejartjn ii shall be" 'pi'nisfed pith . death, "or 'oth'.-rwise,, tie 4iiscTetk)nif aMiliiar 'Commission ,. :-.,( ., , IXUThej! dektrufctionbf Ipropertj, public; olr pri- . vale; is a wa3te bflthe national wealth, and aliiolki Government!, i It: ia therefore o be aviided, "extept where mintarjj- dp.- The highest Commaodi r 1 orient miist aloiu bkh jadge of ,such necessi iyi liSXhel troops ;wili: 'hoi .supplied with sucl of ti e products qtthe country , especially jregetaoje,s aw necessiry';jrot'theii, health and.comforjt - ThWiuia 't be.dbna bvi the trorer litaff Umcerat acting uwlr iion jana ingaqe uomain ldersj r orders b f the D i v 5 s XT? Strastinff, land; irregular forajinz by yiduals are prphibtoed and wijl be sever ely pun ishk" iBv cowraand of Major General ScnorfiiiLn'; t V. il- J- A. CAMPBELL iJ. AisLrtantAdjatantQenerat HEADQ'RS DEPARTM EN T OF N. C 1 -; V - i " U ( -p jti , 0 ' T HS , OH 19; ) v . ; WilminitonlX',0., Feb.J?3, 1S63. 'i 4 . --.S'T.'V -v'' ;, '.-;' : - - - - -Jit-' fc.--." : I t JLiieu tenant CoI el 1UY BaxrigerrU ' noanceu as aTjpieTnperQy.tiie UepartmeniaioH iand wil 1 reiieve liitutenaiai' Colonel R. .B.TrettJ S as Chief, CotoWissarrAbf ; Subsistencje; Dep By command of Major General ScaoriRLD : f iskstaht'Adjutaht CJenef at L tap. i, --. ;".V.:.- V