, ;-MkpQ?R8 DEPARTMENT OP tf;4C.,l ' - , . AMr OF THE OHIO, , ' ' r ,. : , Federal Point, N. C, Feb; ICth, 1865.) - i-r 1:. 15 view of the fact of the'withdrawtfo colored men from, our Fire Department, and the increas ed stocks of Govornment Stores, public and private la our City, together with , the increasing popula tioa. all of which increases the risk of loss by fire loot -The following officers are assigned to duty as meo- ; ax Ders of the Departmental StafiY Reports will be made and business transacted through them, in accordance who existing orders and regulations s -CoL Geo. S. Dodge Chief Quartermaster! . - r I ' fia- I propose and byorder of the General in Command to reorganise the Department and therefore call for '. Volnnteers to man the different Engines ; of the De partment. Every effor t i .arid expence i trill no w bo made to make ,it efficient and , therefore require CUTTK ;Lt. CoL. R.:3. Treat. Acting Chief nnmmissarT of lad 14 Subsistence.' . ! " . . : j - f Surgeon Edward'ShippeV ' Actinz Medical Dire-' ior. ' . . i - , t" ;v Captain ;Wm; gineer. Jt Twining, A. D. C, Chref En- names to be nanaed me promptly, that action maj hemadeiaamediatelj.;' ' i-.r ." ' ,. JAMES H. MITCHELL :J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS special fidricis .' ' . :i ' . , : - , -.-i.- , '-, ...... I, ' t- i "F- ' I " . ' V , re !r. to te t. By order of if i: fj 9cntitrn I V Chief Eng'r. Fire Department'of town of. I - J. A. CAMPBELL, Assistant Adjutant' General. vv uminrion Marci, 3, 1865, t6. ; V j ; IN all manner of Sutlers Goods, Part eyors and Agents for the. Department of North Carhliot -i r A CAI1D. 1 . - . - - ' . ,, " . " New York, 505 Broadway,. . . :,: " : - . !! 'March J 1st, 1865. lo my former friends tin'd patrons of jWU- mington, K. C;; aa surrinmiing Cfcwn fry . 't " Ha?ing located' '.myself in this , City,' 1 im prepared tooffer at our ihouse, (Scott & Baldv win,) next building below "! St. Nicholas." . Gents' Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, . Ties, " 4C, 2fcC;, a full assortment ofj Furnishing Goods; . Ladies' Linen Under Garments of all kind, be au- v tifsllj made, accurately cut! and of the best mate rial Linen, Cotton, Silk.an'dlannel.; Alsqa com plete assortment tor Misses and Boys.'-1 . .- On hundred. Girls work- on the premises, and all jrirmenta iriade under the immediate supervision of thu proprietors. Mrs. Wince's" Card , appears in unotber column to which the' atteation'of Ladies is HEADQ'RS," DEPARTMENT OF N: C. f (AKlfY. OP THB OSIO, : OKNHBAL 0BDKB3, . ' NO. 8. Front Stree t, (Wilkes ilorrijoM stand,) WilmiDseton, N. C. Wilmington, N. C Feb. 27. 1865 I. Provost Marshals in this; Department will ad minister the oath of allegiance j to such ; perspns as come, within the f rovisioas of the A'mnestj Procla mation of the'President of the I United States, pro vided they are satisfied that such persons desir n good fafth to aid in restoring the national authorUj and that thej taice the oath of . allegiance cheerfully ana voiuniariij.4-'-:v.: 7.-i. ''T . : . . Mi 5 ' - I ; II. Reports will be made weekij to th e- Provost J .their extensive stock may bet found all articles .permitted by the Wilson Bill to be sold by Sutr 3Ie?5srs. CUTTER & FRENCH announce to their friends throughjout the. army, that they art prepared to furnish at wholesale and retail, and in any quantities,1! everything in their line. Among directed. "N. Uarch 1. RelpectfuDh Vv: 7 .n- ' ! . 2-4w-is. OFFICIAL. gFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL. : (ARMY OF IHE?iHI0.) j j . Wllmipgton, N. ;C. ,XMarchls t, 1865. Ihe following. order. is published for the benefit of all concerned :. . ; ' ,. r . , ..: - I. . All contraband goods' shall be reported to (baProvo8t Marshal,, and tikm possession- of. by Liinaccording: to special instructions! . . .1 1L' Stores and shops -of loyal people can be open d, and stocks now on hand sold,, which- can be ,re-B'-'irpd only in accordance rith the permission of Parajraph 5, .General Order, Xo. 8, Head Quarters, ieparimenc oi xvortn uaroiina. Tne Provost. Mar caI will see that price i are reasonable. r ; ; ill. No Liquor shall be sold" to enlisted men- un der any circumstances, norito. citizens, except by ! authorized Druggists, who 'may sell by the single battle or small measure, npcn the. certificate of a re- jtaar Physician, to the elfeet thatit is necessary for m dical purposes said certificate to be retained by tttf seller, and subject to the inspection of, the Pro V'st AlarshaL . ' ? p , ; - IV. If necessary, regulations shall be established Iti.ji time to time, regulating the prices" of provi- 5nS. .. . ' I ' .. ; V. So property ofaay 'k'nid, not ' required for ?r..idnt military use; shall.be1 seized, unless by au thority of the ProT-ost Marshy, who shall keep a care.al record of tJae samer name of.owner, amonnt c, certificate of which he may give, whieh" cerr w cate most be recorded. residence of every person who shall have subscribed. to the oath of allegiance j also' of all o'ther adult whitepersona residing within the jurisdicti :on of each Provost Marsh alt together with such'info rmation as can be obtained tonching the character an .d condact of each individuaL , 1 4-?'--"'' - !. Persons pf known disloyalty, and i those who -shall by their language or conduct manifes hostility to the Government of the United States, i shall be sent beyond the lines of the army by an o: rder from the Provost Marshal General- or be bronsrl t before a Military Comtnission for trial and ' pur ushment, according to the hatttre of the offence. ' " IV. Ofiicersauthorized by law to appoint .Oeneral Courts Martial are empowered, to appoint "Military Commissions, and to confirm and execuCe Ihe sen tences of such .Commissions, with the samei limita tions as in the case of Gejneral Courts Martia l! y. Commercial intercourse within the litmits of this Department lers, including Apples, Pigs, Butter, ci Wallets, Brooms, eee, -Milk, Syrupv 4- : " i Molasses,, ' ! 'i Raisins,! ; Boots, Candles, Crackers,' Shoes, Looking Glasses; i PinS,' VL AllplaC3s of blusinessi excepting those con- and Druggists, shall aected with the. Oove.nment, ciojett8P. i ii. people! coming from. the-country to the citv with marketing, will proceed directly' to the Market Uetue;6a M.irkef Street. wWa 1 Ami:'r k . 7 J w w. Vf irxvrpst Marshal Department, will, inspect his pro- otu e and gire him Dermissiori in writin-o- to p11 if h fibiiideem it advisable, and also a pass vVut of the, U. .7 t- ...... : . Till. Town DeOnlL noma anit' trri. nn'laAAn 'e v- by authority obtained from th e Pr ovost Jkfkr, ism. By order of S 4 . PJ JJarch 2d, iges. i f. C. HAYES, Lt Colt; and . Act'g" Pro. Mar; Gen- A. 0 :. .. - s-tf 3nQ'RSVbEPT. OP NORTii CAROL! A, - j akju op THE O H10,V Wll.lf tKtrnvi W i n ' ,t . i. , ' ; , 1 nJ i i - - : :-"tw" u., juarca isi T looo. STtrtkT. flB i W . . ; - ) is h Briff. !.: :i: will be coverned 'strictly bv the laws of the United Stages and the regulations of the ireasury jjepartmnt and will be limited to that which maybe necessary to supply the wants, of the loyal people residing, within the lines of military 00 cupation,and person s in the employ of thegovern nient. ? None but! pe fsQns of undoubted loyalty and good character ;wil be permitted to trade within the limits of Jhe Department. j VI. -Intercourse between towns : occupied! by the' army and the' surrounding country within the lines of military occpatin, will be permitted, under regulations to bej established by the Provost Marshal General, for the purpose of enabling the inhabitants to. supply themseives with the necessaries of life. VII. The loyal people of the country i-esiding within the lines hf the army,-' jwill .be' permitted to ' briig freely to miarket the products i of 'their farms, ana to receive ml payment the curreh cy of the. Unl- ted. itates. They will also be pern litted. to pur chase family supplies from, persons authorized to tradeupon, permits granted by the Jocal Provost Marsha.' --: , j. ' ; P?'- '4- ! '' : - :-t ' '' VIII. Rail Roads and Telegraph iic es are under special military protection.-' Ahy perso . who shall break, injure or in any manner f interfere, with their miUtary use, or shall fire into any Rail I toad train, or vessel o a vigating the Waters of this De 'partment. shall be punished with" deathjor othirwi se, at the discretion of a Military Commission. r IX. . The destruction, of property, p'ubl ic or pri vate, is a" waste of the' national !wealth,,and. alike in- jurious to the people and to the Goverhme nt. It is therefore to be avoided, except where mili.tary ope rations render itecessarV.' The hisrhest" Coi bmander present must'alone be the judge of such necessity1. ; fr-X. The troops; -will be supplied with such of the products of tho country, especially vegetiibles, as are necessary for their health and j comfort This must be done by the" proper tft'aff Ofiicers acting under the 'orders of the Division and Brgade Comaianders. ' XI Straggling, and irregtflar foragiixg by indi viduals, are probjibted, and will be severely punished y commancroi Major uenerai ochofxlb: i J. A CAMPBELL, - 1 Assistant'Adjutant GeneraL ' GloresJ I" Washbasins, J j Buttons, Pipes, Matches, Blacian rushes, . j . Combs,' ; Emery, Books, TobaccoJ U" ', Stationery, i , 1 iSweet Oil, ( t Razors, CiVarg. r" f Suspe I "M ha . eta. - ! : Scissors, 1 Needles, ' Canned Meats, ' . Canned Oysters, i " . i ,- Canned Fruits, ( r'P : Dried Beef, ? ' - f Smobad Tongues; ft "Knires, i. Feocili, Canned Vegetables, i i r reau Vegetables, , Pepper, -It Mustard, I Yeast Powders', f Pickles. ' I " Sardines, -'j Sausages, 9U- 1 1" ' Flour, Sauce. Pans, J 'i Coffee Pots, ' , ' -f Plates, . , ' Cuds, : : ' . Knives anid Forks, Mackerel, i 'ojfisb, General Jos. li. iraTOi- ;a .L . jt ed to the command of th District of W liming- which will embrace 'all the territory un dermil tr control in rear of jthe; . army pperatr og from r niJ as a.Dase, . t . J" n. flawlev will be resnf maihlA rA vWi,: u-ot the depot at Wilmi fwtnd the line of raiboad rear of the an oy. He r- o perrorm , the duti es of Provost M arshal r8! for the District nnfro '? MmTn.' ) W MA Ultf X " ' "111!"! . - pimand of Majot Ge-'neral'ScHOFiHLp : . ' ' , ' : J. A: CAMPBELL,, . ' t. ' AUIUtAttb VI CXI V 1 CLl HEADQ'RS DEPARTMENT OF N. C., . Wilmington," N. C, Feb. 2S, JSGo. J GEKKAIt OEDEEsi . ' .' . " " ..No; 9;.--.; : ; T Lieutenant 7olonerj W. Darriger, C. S.t is an nounced as a;membr of the. Departmental Stafl and will relieve Lftutenant 7oIonel'tl- Ti Tvof r S, as Chief Commissary of,- Subsistence; ' Depart-' ment 01 iiorin Carolina, j ' JJy command of Major General Schofikld : , ' : " -1 : ; ' J. A. CAMPBELL, ' V Assistant Adjutant GeneraL SnoOna: -ifV" rapping: Paper. Unitbrm eta, etc., etc., ' etc. Th Clothing, . Shirts, .(' I. Drawers, his ell gant stock has been selected jn the Baltimore and New York rnarketa 1 expressly . this arm .y, arid has been bought at thd lowest eashpricejsj enabling lis to offer bur customers, fit r 41 EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. it; ; Regime ntal, Brigade and Division Sutlers are. requested, to give fuss a call upon going Notfb arc con uneus iiiac we ixui save uikiu me cost.oi iransportaiion. 5 , , - HEADQ'RS DEPARTMENT OF NC, . - : iKii ur tub -ohio; . ' Federal Point, N. C.f Feb. 9th; 1865 If OXICE 1 :o CITIZENS. ;i Wilminirfi nn . V r? ir--i,t, -i . "i'l ofi;- Stores, -Grocer Ve.t 4a fzB I nl "coa Known ti j m t . . f J .ttdr Stores, I Shops or . House s shu t u -p, and ia or" tT confiscated . -? t-, ; ' . :i v. - y ; . ; " .. : RETAIL DEPARTMENT. aa GENERAL ORDERS, ? In compliance with orders !of 1 the War Denart- ment, the . undersigned hereby assumes command of the l)epartmentftv NorthCirolina1.' Department baad-quarters will te with the army in the field. . t : The following stattomeers are on duty at thes head-quarters: " p : - . j - .1 ' 'i JIaj. J. A. Campbell Assistant Adjutant -GeneraL Haj. win. M. wnerry, .Aiae-oe-uaap. ! . v CapL Wm. J. Twining,; . '". j' . " i Irj 'connetSt :oii. "with our main ttablishment.w& have opened;a retail department, Iwh ere 'officer arjd, soldiers ca all theqr wants ... , - , , ,4 t ;, ' , , . ,, ,;: ... .t..- - v - . .-..i - - supplied at short notice and oh reasonable terras. . - 3 - P,pRVEY0R9, tr ; 5 J..' t i v.: ) WJfJRDAif ; iJeut C6I : X Cant. Wm- A. Lord, ;i v X" i)er4rtcient'of North !?irolliir . . 104th Ohio Yol. InaNv iU2d, 1865, ; rro. Mrtnhal. 1, 5-tf -;ffr. Jaajor-Geseriu JIarch Jstv ...J : i'ir i .... ,.;.; ! ' J-