I " ; C . i MnrrrrMT l- " . .. i - - - s ... - - T77 J THE nERAiDFTKE ' UXIO ifilmincton; Ma ir-. t.. i r .if EIlOlUWISIIKGlOi'. - ... . . r . - riaes i -NEW " - t'.i . . J - J. i t : ,t AUV VAVw fm j- v.f- 1 . lfc . . - .1 - - V-T-J i i: V,!-. ,-...1 .. . I 1 .1 i 1 I AiSUaA' PrOSreSS Of tllC intemai ICYenUC, depreciation, n4 lends ' to perpetuate this de- .'aeapatekirteiTedv hens' tornight frob Gn ; M1,,r 1 Jthoii3tinS pnces.r, I) CM S ' diiiily ActiTity b display ed aloog DXSIUTCH OF t UE IZBAU. .. . i r , ix-ctox, Feb. 21. 16C5I . 1 r : -i TERMS OFj SUBSCRIPTION: . B MU of CarTler dne week , 50 Bf MtH Ckrrier. nmentk.:.-...:.-...,.:..r...I"J.'-' Bt Mail or Carrier,! V3 'month's 5 00 To Newsdealer- j, . ( Per each 100 copier.... . "V . Pr each ICOOi copiea.,,. . -.-'M 00 Wholesale orders for papers most be handed in on the erening preTiots.to publication, -and. accom patied bj the cash, i ' i RATES OF ADVERTISING: One Square, each add urery insertion.. v 00 Half a Column, each and eyer- inertion...... 8 00 One Column, each and eferr insertion::....... 15 00 Special noticcrt tftll be charged at the rate of twenty-fiTe cef. ;nf -iinc, each insertion. A discount T -aier cent, from these raes will bt made or v-riis'cments'inserted one "month or Joner. ' ' ' frXt adre tisements "till forbidden" will be receiye. T .' ! All orders f i: papers or adyertising must be ac cora penied wttj th.e cash". Job Wo:!- d; 'with neatness and dispatch, and at inodtrat nrs Accoreinciv. asbeckl comnjitcekon " taxation In thUnited States Senate on the 24th iufc I was raiseby JhHouse )sf prescntaares, the Hon Amendatory ' Internal Keyenoe bill was reported back from the Cortmittefe ori Fi nance by-fcnator Shernaanfwitb tmdry amend ments. auKtj them to strike out tli exemption from duty r isx of bibres, te.stame nis, or toi umes consiiting only of partof ether, prayer book-, arithmetics, spelling booksgeographies, grammars aad school books or the-' kinds' used in common rtrimarr ocbools, and ill books prin- ted exclusively lor tne use orapuay scaooia. But the eie not to any v lar- The Senatels .Finance Committee report? following ametdments to the tobacco clause who baye broushtfonrard a ctrater proposi tion the leading feature ofvrhicb ! is ao, en ieayor to brm-Ba ek theperationsthgoy rnoicnt'tx) the X)ld speiejc jrajE It proposes to purchase or Jfrd or impress,: till raw! cottohl aVcl all tobacco. ' - w w-F- - . . . - Wm 7 i I - manufactured ok uiMnanufectud,"noyr in the Confederacy, paring J ost amapeasation for it, at a price agree J or appraisedaccording to its raluc in snecia : the Daymentno, bfei maJe in tion proposed bythe House was j bonds for specie t run five fers ager jba war, toXfatf&faffaTjfit theSectnfd - corps' dls- - m -a il' H I I t-nWM - rnoHIA rwir Til f f If MM I I f 1 - lit I - i fi! ' " ( a 1 r . I. Jl ume vaiueaai more man iwo aoi- i miuceuM ct,c.v-, - -T i coverea r?l;ittqvemenxs, apparently wim mm UneeajiPebrsiarg to-day. Extensive changes ; of location: pt1visions hare beec xiale, on some paHs "ofHhe line the pickets i ve twt4. rfniihlwl' and 'drlior indications of some in rJW rant movement are riven.. It is the upinpn! jf veteran officers f(? the front. that they .are'abtf ilppomattsxl THf PREM DESPATCH. ? iWAsinsaTOX. Feb.'2-lL 18C5 ti Ah officsr whdf arrived from tho arxriv to-dy i. -.1.1 i . ii i . reDdrts tDatrXDfae aays iso gio aignai omcier it brnus . in tiorffAnr rMN iritli an adklitiona cetton or tobacco f si per ceniiper annum. uisippointttl in not ders beicg able to . .. . f s morning details o e 2d inst. The mails ed at Federal Point yes. the pressing demands derwrtment for water lay before cur news from the nor tXto and northern papers a terday morning, hutowi 0B the 'luartcrmastcr transportation, co , boa tnem up unta a we Hour in tne mgnf io- gtitute for tho House clause of sixty cents a morrow ive snaii priniieiaoorai.e aeiaiis oi every- i pejunu on an cigars, cufroois ana cigarei fj thing of interest by tli3arrival. j tax of fave dollars per oiiethousanu on cbei oots, .short sixes ana -ail cigars valued at jess tnan fifteen dollars a thousand. Reqhete. The paper. we were compelled ,o give to our patrons! yesterday - morning 'was "sexy far' from being w'sat in should have been, or what it is our desire that is sbail always be. We al--Jude to its mcciianlcalappearance. , The public cannot appreciate the difficulties and embarras sments unJer wiich a publisher labors in issuing a daily newspaper aya poin so distant from re sources of mechanXpspnd materials, The Heraii) OT tHE Union has len established just one week. It was established jnShe wVcck of a brcken down rebel journal. Th ottbc was in a horible condi tion, and what materials xould be found t? ere the most inferior Quality anddescription. Wo once sest AerIr,f(rj supplies, urHilthereceUqn of nhich On rfniiffmaniifactured of tobaceo. or ariy siib- A ,Artnr flamnL nink-; t,i X. iw,,v rtfn arfnHnria But not more tbanlhaJf the cotton or tobacco t ci rrf v Sonti nAi- nrkunrl I owxied by a Dersoii is to ba nupresa ; ; nor is auruuic if a. i a wa a v w v m w k''- . -- r j - . . r . The committed propose to strike iit the tax oT the raw cotton held by th Hah iIup'. twist I maHufaccunnsr oneraUons, nor an,) oil r.tor irlnrlc rf maniifafitured tobacco, cotton to be 4mD0essed. Ins bon id. given not herein otherwise provided, for. They pro- to Be assignable. . t t ,,'( : , , i!i pose thirty-five instead of fo'rfy cei ts a pound ''The amount of cotton impressed- .shall bear cn fine cut chawing tobaccp, whether manii- the same ratio to th.4 whole amount in the Von- factured with $ tenia in ornot. however sold, federacy,' that tbe' timtity ef tobacdj impressed whether loose, ia bulk or in packages, rolls, shall bear to the tothl quantity m .the Cpnfede- paper wrappers br boxes. On cigarettes made acy,r the property iripressed shyi ammediate- of tobacco enclcled in & neper wrapper and put ly yest in the Confederacy wiereer t . may be, up in packages dontainirifr not more than twen- appeals' only affecting the compensation, j buch ty-five cicarettesf and vahied' at not more than j part of the impressed! cotton anfl tobacco shall . " ? , i , . e , L. - ir. J xiftK llt: kJ ..Knll ue appiieu 10 ine use 91 uv ary Biia.. . u necessary j the rest toHhc geaferal ; tises of the treasury, for the payment' of tippropHations. The scheme also .piroposea the issuing of a , new. class of notes cafied u xeyenutei bills to the amount of two hunUred milliaDS of dollars, which are to be paid for services' rendered and A '. . ,1 .fi.. .1 'x iiirhi ab.5- Cotton BeaivitD.- We learn. from the S bury Watchman that 125 boles of cotton in the suberbs of tat town ivere consumed by fire n tnfl wort ul auiiuceuuiurv. urn tunun iu;- they oiler $3000j reward for the persons gui oi selling ii cm ure. ' t A ' Poser LFobte was once met by a friejad couldWared to bring fi" dollars per oe hundpackages, five cents . .. . , 6 per package. THe comiitteo propose to sub- our in the niht- To- I ...A, .t- A. i r :x in town witkf a young man who wasJ fla&hiiig; away- very ormaanny, wuub- xww? sucujeu grayeV- " WJiy, fFoote said hY friend, " jjeui are very flat to-day ; you don t seem to re inn ai ioke.? Yob. have not? neJ yet," skid.' Foote. ..j The committee leavej the principle ot the .m- t-contracts maac alter, tae monm oi Jiay nuxc come tax untouched,viz: A jduty of five per Tbese revenno bills are Uo paidJon specie cent on the escessover . six hundred dollars, valuations, and are to b rt deemed in goyern and nnt oxoppAlrifr fivfi thnnm dollars and mentcotton at fiftv" ceiitaainouiid.! when pre- . An iN'ftENious Device. An Irish girl tld her. forbidde4 lovler sho was longing to possfejss his portrait, and fhtended to obtain it. f "."Bait how if ypur friends see it?" j inquired,' he:-' ' ':!' .Ah, but 111 tell the artist not to? make like you, so tpey jwontknow it-' f it thousand dollars bulfc propose, to strike out the ( one or more bales 6r cptifh.! ' VV hen redeemed rUary, of lung faver, tiESTKK C. JOHNSTON, wey.may be reissued, iae cottonso reaeemea-i only cbild of Mary is. and Anarew J. Johnston, duty of ten percentif oh the excess over five tnted in amounts' eftaferit t'tlie value of . , .S I . ' i .ft. ,i. J. '.-.X.., l-l- J following proviso . Tt?at not profits realized by DIED, Ta'this toSvri, onitbe marniDsr of the 2lsfc of sales of-real estate pnrbhased since January 1, I from the government, an all cottpAf jand tobac- lbo4, gna1 be chargeable as income, andiosses cq,transierred by government are torever aiter on sales of real esaate purchased since January wards exempt from imppssment, ad may be .1,1004:, ami soia witnmuie year lor wmcu in- expurteu to neuirai cuunvries wiwiouu rBtriu come is estimated, shall be deducted Troni the tioh, except the payniffnttof export' duties ; to income of such yea?. : 4- j secure which cxemptiei and 'privilege the pro- . m ! . J m 1 l T I J A- - . l J . n I- 1 ne committee propose to stripe out tne sec- periy.is to ue iueminu uyipr-pei :wijs. j r Al A i 7 rV 11 i ft - ft f i " until tiuiyjA, loyo, nn on anu an.r mac uare a It js.hope! 'j .r.v:li not again-bi ect;pelled to daty of five cents perpound. ' : end out such a v-cti-lv-printed sheet , .s ire issued i The committee also propose Ho exempt coal f.Vfl'risr, j viiu, r --- Tr i r :-i ry 1 t-i ri . . . . which no duty hs beenpaidj. and which is not diate use bf the cotton .and tobacco the I on. exempted by.law a duty of six cents per pound ' lederacy; on a credit Whici' will I continue' .at until Julyil, 18Q3, nn on and after that date a least two years afte the expiration jof thenar.. it makes this cottc, at falty tents apoima, the basis of a new issue 'of paperi whicikl fs intended airied 3 years and :rdayi For.manr loin .dtavs and nights wa? Hettie watjeh-t ed with tender care and nursed with, the banc of affection, ba jalksi In vain ; the beautiful i bud ra fcorn to bloom ?in a brighter land. . . ! 4 j Hettie w3 a molt interosting little' girl, fond nbd attecuonate, to) ner parents, and tho centre: of attitac-i uon or all who cant- under her genial lnilucDce. May tne alructedj lamur end consolation in Hiw, rs the FificTtolbe shorn lamb. Wherefore ahcfuldJyou moan, thd daTlinsr child is dead i She to early rest is gone, 1 ahe to paradise u fled I . Yon can gbto per, but she r ' ; Never can return to thee." t . I - ".i . ft'.. i " f ft . jj 1: 1 1 a . : ;i x jf . . 1 a v. t - - yrair.Anrr' U, ii -. ?. ... : Irom the OU-V 01 twenty per ceniuiu jtuuiuouai I -u etmivaicii-. w kuiu, ucyauao , . - , - - V'- !' ' ' - & on. the rates ncrw proposed to be increased to into cottoq at thi gold pric bf fifty cents, a w , U,"?;W"- om ...xi.iui u. that tent on early aI1 f thd ,articies mciuded the time,-but the iiaTp7iing' of which again we in the ninety-fjpurth section dt the present law. have applied ourselver to prevent. They report in favor of striking out the sec '- Mfr- tion that ever national! banking association; -TuERF...LPos:fioN or Dr. Gwin as a French State bank eState-hanking association shall r . - , . . oav a tax ot ten per eentum on tne amount oi ex if iv rr nrm(k:rs lrnm int- ntpcr h.iirino.n I . " j . -. . - advices on the fornia, Chil.u Louis Napolcoa lian, andthat "viceroy of these Mexi howeverlhaf the pitei. convertible TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS Stage Manage! . Prompter,. Leader of Orel THEATRE. Tft r i 1. iii t- I - , iruuu, .iex xfturopean notesof any State bank or Statt banking asso- uo suDjeci,,xx.7. .iflnora, lower uu- ciation paid out by ther naid out bv them after the 1st of Janua- . . i . . m f.S" C SJ f NAIV1 1r.O-ft-.1 fb-v I L ft-l. t .4 ' J ; iiae-A TxlvM Colony : : by Maxiinil- 1 jThey.Jropbse-to reduce the iduty. on crude , TV-nis, therefore, six "to tvro cents per gallon. ? -u J V 'bT . ' . . --i."fHWiinrrfitt nrnnnKe: several new secudnf tttes. at'is-a-unittej., ..; Wj:n!? saifta U24 -of one nir centum. Jf 1 es . Jt is af'aait i t u. ia states been ; But the bill of the spee.aHcqmmilti!e oil tax ation seems to provide for the . eertaan defeat of itSv own object in thissregard .bf eniedyipgan authority to the Secretary of treasury to make a further issue "6lTTreasur4'ncstou amamounta i oiaies nr.ye Deen roudihrf-Jlhat the President shall appoint an liabilities of iurned ovr for a time to LJwis Napoleon, and that I tdditicnal" Auditor to be ; called the Auditor of and unpaid;; The nabUlf Dr. Gwin" has Kin appointJeas a sortof geacral Interttalffeyeie; with the-requfsite number bilitfes exceed four hundred imiHbnk of doUars., ii .rr in iha b,n-n, nf fr-rVJr,-. ftl cifirfiyt amuorisine ine csecretary oj tne J.rea- xnis auuiuoa 10, meapresen. ouTsianuiuz nve T-VV H "--.-vo v ,.w..u& "um- ; . :MH... ft. . nr ."fti I i J--JI .ill!. Ji' i . ai explanation which doesnot materia! ito cr. -nal story.; It is jbrobable that Dr. Gwin VI. n A I V .ie oyerio rance to. procurennaciiinerv. I t-atiuo l? rnav mircnr, &c., with whioh to commehjerations. of the gcif irnmeiat; ' xepedliiorapieadin the otic; but tbe value of ithis tax in Idnd. .shall ? be rIf so, he will be very apt to find on h'Sifturnthe bouhtieslpti thetBnage vtf febleBgaged in creditSdupbn the generaltak on prbperty,, and l.tbfAplntjxt, and cluringf thapresent war J ofebmmodities iri Treasury notesi Futther-and"e-ie- yearthereaften tltlael I moreY all .ajrricultural productions! which Khali In I of postagfton letters beicras from three to I be impreedsftetthemmith usual, wilj I Hye cents after Juiy-l,vbwi.v.;-- L I bepald for in revenue,' bills-at the usual market bills that is pound : and which. It this! obiecit succeeds . may operate to bring, prices down to tneir nor mal rate's. If tho old rates! should thus be re-established currency of troi hiiind red toil lions in the-fofta-'of:ihlserOTl Te ample for ie goverebtjlhd commu- TUESDAY EvMlNG,JfAIlCII 7tht lgb, ; ..fi i-. 'r- ht tit i a ri- i. rp -. t - u ft j t, ,i. . vt-a. m wftvot""vf wuiw o . vvivyft . vvftftftur I'll '.-. -r i w-.-i.i-- ). y.""l' - UUU JJUdtillS Mr. X. G. Huntley. eBira, rror. j. iienemcc the JCLIANA, HOXEY HlOOJf. if' ....... Mis3 Eloisb Bruges! Joun Davi T. Amler-on Supportep by the whole Companiy- .. . " l-sniy -ColSppfoint ajDommission of thfe ,mem- j hundred millions of, circulation wiould render gt ny eiftT.ng 1, 300 pes mtbtdi take into cdiisjdera- the whole pyesenf currency yaluelfesk H :' - . -1 1 c ft -r :. j . iiiii ft 1 --: i . !.. j 1 'V s I IHU -CkUM' . Uf JVC lAU' I OlOWi, Ail,lvllaUvU Cu" I UUl IIU IUC1 , ijiwme. wab U1C UtitUi ui MUU ne over to France to nrocur1iaehinerv. I vnnnn a a ntav W npsoVv tn Kimnlic thn too it c i fft1 RfJ.'.'m.ri f .K. t4r..ft-n.ti .n.too. Xf elements of a new order of things. HMl blast banK nun -tter the is tobe esumatetf according 0 the market prices ii t.'- j ft ft- - , ;,sr v., it 1 uuiuui uv-ak auu iHitvvuu.u:.t;i war i ui-wuiuiuuiti-s m xreasuryt noies; xuxvner fr. T' oonoraana tnaneitner. andfllrfthereaftei.-tKat liipifesent rates more; all agricultural productions! which shall tlAir:iilI:sn rnr o r-1 o --r?.'.r .nntnl V. T-. I i- i t -L .-r ' -ii i I . ?. j. ..-- . j ...; . -1-v.vvir VVJftft.ft.Wft ftftft .ftftft. Pus event, however, the Doctor, as look cut for number one. without sticking at tri- i Senfttorherman has given ridtice'bfaii amend- I pricet, estiihated in revenue fics- , f ' ' Imerftiivhich he intend-5 to olTe ' " - T" "is ": I in" Uaii nf th a nmeirii-. fn tv tKorw cKall Vio i-r 11 I ThA fa A-n in'pnmAa' 'fr-fiia YrrtaaeZnna 'ntiA te-fCn and lifter July-1; 1865rone fourth per I emp.oyrrfeots is to be dbuble what ifc was for the cent per iholith, and after Janoxury, ' 1866, one j year 1864. . ;:' :' , 1 I ? .-tb' if -. -... l 1 . e.--u ii--''i-':?: 'i'i J-!l J'JL . - ;!l! oLL.it uiepnneipai pruvisionsj, ox tms newj, auw jjauucMitH - ' -i uffer which," ..Mias Selina Wirjncr To conclude with the Laughable Farce of . . - . . ' - - - i - RAISING T1IE WLD, OR to Specimen Itbel Soldiers j rrom me uaieign Jrrogress,' r eb. I4,J jy nan perwii.uuuic eTcg auiwum wi uauuuui : B)ysGt-ArA bank eirc&lation. ' - i - '-' ; -v h .. ; CaptyaKrhottsesJcbmVariy nder sejetiteen, , '." . ' , "'I.'. 11 volunteered tvsrind guard night' before last- Still AiioUir Rebel Financial Bill. This was patriotic tiul praiseworthy in .the jjicbmond in HxamxS ixDtcd in visionary boys ; butjike. saany ofher soldiers vre have peen, theyrlobkcd ratheTvMi"e worso yesterday : morning (b'r lhb;r pi 318 1a4rejit'ure--a histo ry of whith we ljave heard, out, will not . write it. If grown IIbmeuds,'get tighl'and are incapable of performing; duty, is it any wonder that a hoy Jhercjand 'there ebould go to sleep upon his p)st ? oir th.it he should imagine the kicking of a horie Iu a neighboriDg staoia'to be seme one breaking into the hwuse after the salt . he was placed j to guard? All honor to the ' Jtojrs. ... ; ;- . . , . Extra Session ot the Hli$ssippi J Legislature - The foliri proclamation,- dated Macon Jdiss., January ralgCor is published by Gov. Clark, f Mississipp .Whereas; the; dettmrftKnrtionT.f thv. . petple calisi for araedif telief, and other mat y ters of importance. to tte Stlt demand prompt . legislative action ; aad" yrhenia?- the "city of " Jacksoi-eremains danerons frofa the proximity I Of the enemy, therefor I, Charida Clark, Goy ' einsr of Missisappiydo direct that the - Legislfc. - tiire of the State e-ivene at Colambas. 'Sriss.. W- Monday, tho IQfh day oi February, lg5. J . - bi.-r - T! ' ' I StflEMES FFrom the Richmond Examiner. Feb. 22.1 . Two sehmesof revenue, taxation and curren cy, are proposefl in ConsreSs. ' That of the Fi nancial Committee of. the'. IJotue oF Represen tatives was set ifoth with jsomfe detail in these columns the othar day. jltyproposed to raise three hundred -millions oi dollars by a tax n currency, equivalent to xp . and one-fifth per cicnt. in specie, on te' old xssessments ef general property ; .and alsoUo rise one . hundred and , fifty.millions .of cuirenr by a;tax on incdmes, ; trades and special; subjects. .: It proposed, in addition to cobUnuythe present tax of one tepth. in kind. It: cAiinated' that - these, three elksses of taxation yraild produce an aggregate revenue in currehcV on commodities of five hun dred -and ninety 'millions of dollars; and, that there would be "ho6ded-Resides this sum, for .the, current calendamear,M)0ut fyur "hnndrd,.and seventy million of dolarsi. . This , deficit was' expected' to be .upplied-Vfirst' fi"oia the , saie of s-t per cent, n&i - taxable! bonds ; second, from the use .of deposits and loms on cefti&&tcs,' uodair a view platt1ot.$epbfi,tsJ".abottttO: Ijcj .Inslii tutl ;adet Aird,frop.ith4e of vernment fcottca o hand Vfr stocks U, : foreign; bills., Tliis pcheme ol finncp-ya , $p systn, pf 4cuxrcncyt Vfcd the present of scheme ef fimince, wMch has beenjbroughi for ward in competition with the.scheme proposed by Mr. Xrenholm. Its leaffigieaiure are ihel impresment of cotton and tpbaccd. And the sub stitutio& of revenue bilis9 redeemabTe in cotton after tlse first of June next,; for the currency now extant. It proposes .'io.'enlirge the present' cir- culatiorl by fur hune then io leave ititb be absorbed as far as'may be, by the taxes of 1865 and' 186; Tfi ffiis particular the plan is very fofectitil '.' No increase of ihepres ent circulation ought j) beermitUd iox: th. money taxas of 1865 and 1B66 wilj not absorb the arculation already , Extant. , The! scheme, provides for the issuing of four .hundred mil-, lions r of drctilatiobjf'orlifecfV Witch nc setnbUnc&.jfprivisirM "it '$ddfc 1 ft'p-- rtt)f ; This elarinrs defect w ill- laaye'td ber!medifd? and we bave onley to addhat the preponder ance of epinibn, n and outi of Obigressf seemf to be in favor of the'plan of jtaxatioii- and finance which we hare -tbusf sketche.' .' Few FitiESDS. bat a miser, stoppi lone, the carriage wa lmplonng alnis, to OUU UiVl! ft IJ U1C t going round4 to.1 the o batwlol out in the oj 11 Ai-1 -'' ill. it'll! ,' y yu, tuy loru, juss CJ 001 to glass- exireniely HcTf.:' change horses af Ath4-: rroupdedjby paupers, uo luruau a near ean ragged old. woman' IIOW TO GET A Jeremy DiddLee, Hiss Laurelia Durable... n; n. -i I i.Mmm rcgjrj i-iainway, Dress Circle Uentro: Wailery, ADMISSION. BREAKFAST ! ........... -Jr. John Dwvt9 II ns. J. Dvu ifis Ida Morton 50 60 Dodru openj at 7: Curtain rise at o'clock Mar en yth, 4- iuviioY GROCERIES AXD V I CHOICE Ali?SORT3IENT Of the b,?t -iu J of good3 to fclose oat thecariA, congi-ti-, Mackerel,-' I" '-f- ; - , .: Groceries Fresh Meay.'V ,Kewp & Co.; K Salmon, . .Coffee, litT of,.!'. it)-- i Tea aiid ether ALSO, " '! - . '- ' 1 T tft J I ft- J retaoie-', airu i nns :pu- nn .York. For sale by j On Set-poser Caroline k- Corneli ; -itf ..." I. v ! -root.,6r,Do.:.3tr March TthJ854; " : ': " 1 7 ; '-. '- P-'V,. . 5-..--3L by WMTEI). ' tXtTHITE PAf A,Rr suitabh fo-c trews or jub4'to- V f We will. Iay Ubenl .prices in cash.. Afejily l.f . I - -. .: -! T. , I - ai tae counting rn.m vi ; . I FV THE HERAfcD OP TlfC UNI0W Mareh 7 th 18a. ycair coan, ana ru answttr rdyi carnage, iriease e ot ihft efs hearm efi.nriy;i(jf litit auyottr ST j J(msL0DGE Xp. J, T?MBSGEi-r llBETI'G THIS EYES. IXO , r:" - HH03. Jsj CABR, Secv U March 7tK, 1815.1 - ' .''., r-rfi-, 7tb, 1S( mi 3t at 7' 14. It HUDEP :0UJ ;EWSPAPEri$ij.ha vT-l, gooq oraer ior zaie cneap, at ii.e oii.ee oir r THE HERALD OF TUE UX10N. Wf3 r T