v-v.j-i .'h.,'-. .;i-t;. -.. .';;'-.-'.'.'-. r , . , Mf;; ; I y v - , t i 4 ; - - - -r . ' - . . . . fr .- :-WilmiDgton, u,JeD I , Li : -Hi ,4. 1 i A 'f. ! . . l-h.- -H- ri, M l" -n JtVno in oiir 'iOTercirn might, U nnr rnleri to be. ' '-j. Tm-J be equ to the other in Hght . Tpplift Ind trneertjr . For 01 nca j T i.C k An4 of fch, Uthe tlneld of the free, ... Ti the fares uu jiiiv-, , i. it inS Uiat the failed, th reasons kno trhy, Tot in rfch is the Tjsnple of FreedoM, -; i Ajd in inch is the-ehietd of the free, ' -7- fce iu-eit a safest protection, . , : ThVt for freeoai-we canuarantee., .; ' Letns mention th ih, the college aid press, Jen the rich andhe poor wUl equaUj bleea : For in tb4e is the Temple of Freedom; ; And iAjhesfi it the. ehiel4 of the free,; ioycwJ'D v 1 1 Thai for free4on we ean, guarantee. ,-i - LI - 1j . 4 rI. ProToat Marahala in thia jJepartment wui u- minister the oath ff .allegiance w men person, tftneT irithin the prorisions of the Amnestj Frocia-, mation of the President of the ; United Stateapro .M"B.firfip(? that nch persons deaira in good faith io'aid in restoring the national authority and that tber take.the o aWofj allegiance cheer I and Untariljrrrr-:-,i-& IL! Beportr wfll be xnade ; weekly tejrroTQit Uarshal General, gjringthe name, age, and place of teaidence of erery person who shall haT.e subscribed,, to thevoath'tff allegiance; also "ofVaUj other adult white persons redding within the juriadicUon of each ProTost Marshal, together with such inforntation aa can be obtained touching the character an conduct of each' indiridual.- f Ilt-Personsof lmown'dibyaland those, who shall by their langneg'e or conduct xnanifest hostility to the.GoTefnment of the ;.TJnitd States,"air W ent beyond the; lines of the army Sy an order from th Provost Marshal General, or be brought before a Miliar Commission for tril and punishment, according to' the ('nature i of the I offence. ; : . LVi Officers authorized by law to appoint General Courts Martial are empowered to appoint Military Commissions, 'and to confirm and exeoute the sen temces of such Commissions, with the same Umita- L- ti nf rtonpri rTnnrta Martial. : i UUU3 O.B 1U Wivww w. . , t .Vn.h fnii aintll Win v. r if areottwtxed nvjpa Cos.otue.iree . .i ..-K.n inni liermsr. ui iuc oi: ip - . V Z t :-::s"T ii r-iftneaind the stars . 1t. . 7 1 ' m -V taATATTi : And hf this ii the shield of the free; ; ( fc 'Tis thosurest and safest protection, ii .'To lor.ireeaom wc wuu ;vt , bt an bstitutionsbo folded, wnere au These -trntns may.uBj ivi5uk, free -'-' --V - v ; ; i 'ittioial safeguard by which we may call Ljbis as tha Temple'of true liberty ' - ' For all these maKe tne xempie 01 jecuumy And all thesemake the shield ofihe free; Thej're the surest and safest protection, , That for. freedom we can guarantee. , OFFICIAL. lrdQ'rs Distor Wilminfetoli, - L Brevet BrigadieriGeaef inWH; Rri-ade: 1st Dttision',- 24th L C, is hereby assigned to duty as Commandant of. ! Post of W ilmingon i Brcommand.f:BrgfGen.liawLRT:t "'i"-.:; E- LILWIS MqUKapi.. . UEADQ-RS IS DEP, ARTMET CP, N, CY j ( iRMf ,OF THIS PHI,) f ingtonJ N C.yTeb. 28, 186S. Wilmin SESiaAL'OBlJXBS, , Lieutenant CoUaet J. lirh.Barriger, iC.'., 3 an nounced as a memhe.r the Deplrtmentai Stan, I. j :m -1Sw T.? Wt rinlnnpl K. H.' Treat. U. IQU 1111 ICJWTV alvuvtBw ------ ' k, as Chief CommLrsaify olubsistence; Depart bentofNoffh CaoUni. CK" 1 - - 1 V t V. Commercial Intercourse withitf the limits of this Department will be governed strictly 'by the fawa of the United States and the regulations of the TreasnTy DeFtmentVandwni; whichToay be necessary to . supply the wants of the loyal people wdingwithin;tbe line? of 'mUitary oc cupation, and persons, in the employ of the govern menti;' None; but persons of .undoubted loyalty. and gojd characte will be permitted to trade within the llniitsof the .Department. : .. n.? V j. Interpourse between towns ; occupied ( by. the army and the surrounding country within the lines of Jmilitary occupation,: will be permitted,: under regulations to be established by the Provost Marshal General, ibr the; purpose of en ibling the inhabitants to Bupply the'mselTes with the necessaries of life. ; -j' yili The lotal - people of the country residing within the lines of the army, will; be permitted to bring freely to market the products of their farms,' and to receive in payment the currency o the Uni ted States.: .They wUl also r be permitted to pur chase family supplies from irersons J authriied ,to trade; upon permits . granted by the local Provosf "Marshala.t.'"v"--"f.'-K;t.:"t--'t- ' vi-.. ;'' V 111. Bail Koads i and Telegraph. lines are under special .military protection. Any person who shall break, injure or in any manner inieriere wnu iuyi military use, brshall fire" into .ny Kail Road train, or vessel navigating the waters of .this Departmept, shall e punished .with death, or otherwise, at the discretion of" a Military Commiesidn. . "' 7 . 1 j i .1X1 tThe destruction of property," public or pri-v.t- ia a waste of the national wealth, and alike in-; jurious to, the people and to the Government.; It is OMfArp to h avoided-fexceot where militarr ppte radons render it necessary , the highest Commander nrp'sfjit must alone be the judge of such necessity. - . ' .... 'it .1- itV ent of Noffh Caollna. ; " ' X. The troops- will be supplied with sucn 01 tne By command aMaior G enerJScnof ixl : t , , products of tho country, especially vegetables, as.are 1 CAIIPBELL; - - necessary for their health and comfort, Thismust - '"Assistant djutant General. De done by the proper fitaff Officers acting under the orders of the Division ana ungsae yonxiuiiuciB.; XI J Straggling, and irregular foraging by indi viduals, are prohibted, and will be severely punished. EDQ'ttS.DEPT: OF XORTH CAROLINA, mtiiierofc N. C.; March 1st; i865:-5l ' By command of Major General Schofieid : p . i i .: :l 1 ?- " J . 'A. 1A.aiJTJJjcixiJu,- N ie :-5i;.i.;ikki.:ti'.tL 1 Assistant Aojutaiitviciici TV. TrW. Opn'pral ioa. JEl. Hawfef U herebv' a-" I OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL' GENERAL. ' signed to the command bf the District ofVilnung-l . j 1 abjct of tub ojiiu. , 7 ... i A-ilIiT:.--i--l,--n . W!in,!nit.nii: Tf.C. March Is U 1865. ... I mi' '1 .ii.ll!- i. nviuTiorl for "tli ft benefit nary control in rear 01 tne army operating iriu 1 , Ane loiiowujg uruw. a 71, wipe ear ait cr as a u.a c, 1 w n vv-vvf"-- . . . . . n . - Uan, Hawjey will .be responsible for thejprotec- ! , 1..,,? All contraband goods.iShaU, be reported. to. '1 . ' , i ! ! -r 1.1 '. tTa I . " .n'i.'ial ?ntrrift tions. . . Dcr ana tneune ot raiuoaa in:reaxkoi .aeintwj. 1 ann nccuriuM v , .. -T Lnt . - 'i i- .ir ,vi ! it oM.a .nvi oVinna rvf invnl ueoDle can be open Will Tllfrt n&vfAvm T n A finTlPfl f 1 1 . rrUTUBC -JUAlBUai I - 1 duil uU sjaawww a. . nMiMi -j v T!-:-i r,At. v,a irttntn mid. J -si ill f ii: riii fnlri now on hand sold, which - can be re- ! 4 ' . . i . Hl7il.li7 : n Af I i t. . ; I nawedonly in; accordance wnn me - periuisaw; fBy command of Major Gehefal Scow'a tn'r-f - : " j paraaph W General Order Tof 8, Head Quarters, . i"' ,v-c-ut:"x'-"', , ... 1 Department 01 jxorin rumi. . ,.uo 4 '"''''Aafl!sUnt Adjutant Genei'al. I- . i:?ti .11 t,U;fl ri win able. V .1 h Mch2d i . " ! . f . ; 3-tf . L ixi No Liquor shall .be sold to enlisted 1 V;.-7 .j; i r f wmmmmmm ,,775,?ii. ,fk' -It:. f -?7' ;LV;' 'rir;:1 Vffi! .,:!-,-;. iH. ..: - r ' ''"v- '- X'" r,-iV!':fc'"t''rsiU"-- IKSUTLEESff STORES, 7;'. ' '-;. ;'i"ir" -V "t - " 7-'S.i ' ' CLOTHING, ; 1. iW pw'-f- if '" '" i . ' S; 1 : . - f 'tf -; TMMMINGSj GROCERIES, EQUIPMENTS, ji '4 'V: " ; .r-jt1 V Vi 5U'!'t-f . 4 S EVERYTHING 'i v - ' ; i ' . "j ' I 7 : . . c - ;' thcif friends, "tliroughout tie'; army, tbattl '4n(l Tetail and in anyquantities, : j. RFfllll'REill ifeTHE ARMY. k3UA,'"ut f : rfni'-j v ,.;,7 L V-, 4 1 -;". . .'I ,.-,;. k i'J- :-f:viL,,'JX :iU:Vl'UoiralntWr? crnffnt ! :L4V Attaccea to tne usTAiiiisuuiiN i u uAciy ' 1 . . f ; " : ; . " :': " NovelSi, .r n : x i 1 2 '. . I Periodicals, 71'. -1 I7 J. Wmj B. Cutter. v Mngt6n,;;.:3 and Hyell selected stock of.! Stationery, .'. V, '" ..'... ; ; &C.j 603, .. , Geo. Z. Fkeoh. ft are. r. A !! 1 t. i .- ' ' ... . '. .... ''i .j WiinmN sa lrchllst,?i885 '.AU Stores, Groceries and Shops of kery kind tiaf'inValuons and Restaurahtl in this eity 'must taiclosed at7 Vclecliv Vj.ere.. (Ztxzens known to olateder, wi 1 be. aryes r I- tbeir Stores. jShops or 1 House g 1 shut upr, and tbeir goods, merchandize orother; property :found ttereiaconnscatel."j;'- : 1 mm unio v 01.1 inn vv i , vt:.P- iPro. Marshal: M arch 2d, 1865. ; iCOl. If) ,., 3-tf r r men HEAI'B DEPARTMENT OF If. C un- "Federal Point. N. n.- FAhlfith BS5IBAL 0ACBg- -"A6(i hi pai4'tC ,s5o. 3. der any circumstances Por to citizjens,jexcepi -by authorized Druggists; who may sell by h. single kiiiK !k amn Tm"anrinDon the certificatet ofnre-? pjivsieian: to the effect that it is necessary for The foUowinrxfficftlareiassiined to dutr as mem-1 . - ' w .iv... &.ZJinW ir tfie ProA , It. Qol. R. B. Trejfti AcW CMef4Cojtuni88arr of J 4 T . -1 ' ! -" ' . rlarired"fdr b' li! wa , i -I, . i -.-Medical Diii; nresant military use. shall be.seued. unless bu lptimW:Twinin D. C OueMfc. LthKSy thft Bto.T to.shai,:FM i$gt&& 1 1- x 1 a.-fviI .nnrn ni me namu j mm;uMwv iuiecr Tederal Point, ie coming from the country to.the,citj - - - - : '..Fi v m:.v.f;n(r. will Droceed directly to the Market CTJIEAL KDEas, - ' - . f Vi-Tcet Street, where- an offieer f -the K -r v -P1 rrv, w , TWt. Protest Marshal Department wiU inspeeti Ms pro IfS la compliance -wuh1 orders of the War Depart- I '""t nun,. ' II -p"iTi ." -t-' .V Ia f and rfrehim permission m writmrtp sell if he Oil; t'Sm istirict of Wilmington, ;s?: : , , . .Wimiusiox, It, u, Marcn i, law. ? 0SOT OaDEKS, j. . ; iiji.;'" - iyv t laeencd to'.' orexg-ciijred front ;Ma.GnJ .SohofieldCommdan : : fe$7 !t sime command of th Disiof lnito...tflia trict will compriaei all thettoryUnd a-jitary fcontrol in rearvof" ttiej armiea1 operating ff om ..Cape; jrpar River as gSa&m xlso charg ?d with the fnPtnf Prorost Marshal General, within the limits deswiSefe- V"; T ! 'Q fijp- Jv -1 ' j : My head-iar ters .are ; es itahl.ished in Wilmin gton. XriptK :X;;fy iiS1 ;J Acsi?? diutant"neral,XiK -4 '"- :? -M- -b: Libutl Cl.? James yjlt RandietV 3d JfewSimp ahire: is appointed ProTost Mars nil of Wilmington i j foxlier staff appointments will pemade soon. - ; 1 HAWCEY, QenU-jS. SPECIAtiVHOTICES, . 1 - - a t.w. tiraVcnVigB: 1 tmm, -frrnjyf trirut alitl : T)rt trOTli OT Wli-1 V. arch . S.-BALDWIN - Volunteers to man the different Engines 6f the partment. ' Erfery effort and expence ' wUl noW ho inade tonike 4-vefiicieni and therafoieti'irtre ! 'be made'ijamediately.:- ''- ;-,'; -r " ' --ll H - " -i :":4 Chief Eng'r. Fire Department of toy n if f ..-..,;;,vJ iWiltkiinglbn-.:." " J ' " Marcs. S.'18i5.:'-tr; ':v-, T1 "'S.l-' SCOTT, & B A sCpWlNfO LailiSIisses mid Cliildrci's OUTFITTING -ROOMS. t. . Ste Nicholas " Btackt 505 1 Broadway. 'Jit ' ',r Formerlr of "Genin's Bazaar,") .: "f Tjf bEBwbdse Suparintendence the abore Dei . pax uucuh v --f - r" : - ill d the Ladie of Hew x ore penerallr. that, in conneobon with thenumeroui ARTISTES under her t direction, ane , is preparca 'f arni8h2romp7rr WW - (. r ' ' t -hadits, I -Alkie and i Children? Ouifiting ! . ' T aIiTPQ' TTWhP'R TJVCW. ! Of fine QnaUty, Kpt in Stocjc, ready fpr immediM . . t-. S : 7 . . i .. . A . ' ; -r.--;u:-:C Particular attention riven to -1" nnvni tliimncon t TV ; -i! t"ri ' PormerlT' or W ummffton. PeWjaiw -f- - -88Marl&taret? iiinr i n Jiinfiiiuii ; i -i suppli HE 6iib8CTifceiL'bes.;Waire to;.inffm hisijuem and tie public that .his Store Mnf ?Peaf wtiii trpniral assortment f .rrorl KSteapandhlp stores and! Ship Chind- Jerf USrocWieiDty. Good and ;Hardware, V$t Jt fhnA'moch .Chainv Cables. ami r n-Jr?. rnmttln , :Tiaflar. Line fScaiana S? Shofhread; fwineT and L March.-1.-.-"-.J , ilVri, . - h ;ft fir .f ;' . -L w"f -. w u r.-x.tA hA fannd in to archqv , - ., i i 1 1 it t . 1 4 7 ' 4 ; . uth i i S I . 1 ; 1 t si V .1 1 'V. I- . Ha j ir,::"; enosi i. k v- -; 1 .ft?.... -r .'f. if, t"'l'iJ i Hli'f' 7.1, I'- iMihr '.i'nooTa5 ;!)( xljurw '- - ;' : . .'111-

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