v i -" : ' . . . - " ' ' ' y - : ' V.!- ' w .. :,.. !,"'.'''"-;". ". . " ,. '- " r i .- v " -: ' ' " ' ' ". " i . v " .f -h- i .r: j . ---..'.v. -......:) t .... .- -i TDK. .1. m Joi: I , ; - - if I i ' t i " t r-iV Vv'f. L,,; t - !. 1 1 ( j I t ir ' 1 .. 1.' 4, ! .' l. .t j 't M - ? v ..-..! I . - 1 - . . , i - jrcrent,ranj further 4b an -seext. warranted 1J a f actnal-'dcitsand.' -Traders inEst, thercJre, press their I cJaima with cicdcration.' 'C " ' . - , . . . s - In C is Reason: fpecific-eat-Pole's viU b-pliblisti- td Cor the 'frcidanbf a!f I1 18 int'rP;:tc;' SP" tured and-abandoned;: property will be jet-eiveii by pi;1;Uc as to myself, anil it Is, I trust , TcasoaaLl ptL-Xiictorj' anufencouxgTn i all. V'ith hihliope for the futn ,'nort-pctioiiin roi;arti to it is vti.tuiod, oi' 'tl.e ccin ccrri.-- 1US ttfhch Kepyrl Uim NUidi :"' - airnfi and' .isil'Oantii viirectlr EB&iir mv coatrol I : i . ; - t , ?, r ' s' . ? f 1 . . -UOOAi;:INTELLICErWE;-:pQW according V the i 'ioC.rY :r.,cuia-rCow.aiius here been ; ... VviUiv. ,A . ft U.. thcinrvu-dral oMtess was lsmr a it IS vercrt funri f : - I ' - . . , . r lilt UIIU CtC 41i iiCV , V "S j.. ji.iu J 't .!. .-,..- , , i , " it' vrtr? bv'citv sabsenbirs. Krcry.efiort on our i:. ..A . iU f Un-ion wiflioat-.trar- ifsstm:rit a;-crits tere in- , :,. ; litill Lcraae to senile prompt and-euvS de-.y bej-eouired.'vTe fbi-ra of thehHcati n to'be ; ;!Uc f f Tf V'ip ;1 !ivor'r jl.e.T:tDer-eadh ntoruin- aud .Tffe.'.iavel.ttad'ft ia each" caae will .'jbd furnished'at' the diiica I 1 -i.7ilL;.t.::'jn-r- . v ! t ' ... , - it! ttiif.iy taken ttcps'to piiuisa delinquent .can-iers. named. 7 ' . -j ' D. JiLAluXj We -4H'UianK thcab.-irribcr' vho" shaU at any .V. .;;':i.;;fi.iSttptSpejcia4 Agfent.Treas. Ppt. . tijuc " 'see. .tLcl'reul:rr' Uiera' sell hr- papers . V Wiloi ingf on 'N. .C.1, Starch Sth, " : 621 .. 1 W;f-.,,-u V.t fi t '" rvrfors" .iffi! Tint f . ' ''" " 1 . , '', 11 ifl r:tf.ke var rfcer tbnn Je. the m.l vill notify us of thK fact. ; Carriers are; not I t r;j:;Le"'.l to scll to aiybp-ly. . t . . . ih ;cr.Oai "citizens iiv very much in need of vx -:;i. Vntii cii-aiigci:aU cau, le made by the i.rufxv auil:;orit:tui-f ttrnisliirg the cesdy, pcr- ns. livin'-. convenient to -the iwvn? .and bar. Eg -US ACQ DEPAirpiENT1 QE N. C.y ) Y.Kiir ok tu onto,) ' '. Wilmingto'nj C, Fib. 27, ISG3. J h' r.exotiatroii. i . ' Both parties rddprcestd; wnr tJiemTou i ion survi rather tlia iMiaUSv of ' Hie Itehv on 'Jli--Career. 1 1 . .Siit One - . - - ,i - - SrcciAi. On.D.EB'S, Union, bd ' YII. TheGbf CoinmU-sarj'of Subsistence will: seize: all. surplus subsistence epppliea to be found' in' ful in teres somehow , i . l ot wmj wlio'e ,popuiaho:j. ored Iav(:xiot;liStriUutecI gcncr;;!lv t located in the tile: u 1 iiiese datfis co-R'stituied a'p-oi; lia i'SfUfc f "the-Hvar, over 'th-j art ci It.: -n t ;-3. To strcbtheri, perpcluato aiiJ c'sti-jul tii'e in- ; rest trrc tn,Q,oi)jeet uv wh;:ch , tbs irfufgonts l ln iii:? tu;!;;l3j will- -.n.l.sl.Iy jhc' .afforded 'sucli protce-j Wilmington and Ticin:ty,. causing: memorandum re-; , 4.J .i 1t ,,ii:n(,' csipfta to be givn therefor, and will turn the roe vn t. M3r.hal. !ia ilia buiiding-knowu asr 'u'over toa Comtaittee to be composed of the following J' 1 4j.vl . ;i , c u'niiul'ib. Tl.cj xnll bad it a -U F:it a n i ?iT....i?. ?"e arc unable to compre- f reason or" iho edarcity of fishand .oysters-1 in t he market. U""b-miiiitv has Teeh afforded-1 o-: named gen,hemO, citizens of Wilcjington, to wit :i v , . Jie?srs..."Di WALLACE, President. . 1 . ' ' . e. a. Kiiirn, ; :v: r !" ;v JAMK$ H. SIIACICELFOiil), ; ' ' WILLIAM li. XTTLEY, . ! JA3IES AL1JEI1MAN, -vvouKi :e:iaer v.e,-pnion 1 W I..;; ; ,:i T 1 1 .While, thej, Govs-rnment ''claitrie'I u9.;'ri;i:ht. :.jt:!'an ; to do ffioiie thah'to reside. iiiio."U iirftivi'ial ;-crj-'i Tareinciitf of itJ- .Neither party rcpe'-id Lv. 'tlu. t wir tne iitagratUGe 01 tn,---aui-aiou vr. t iit- :v'hyi f-r ? iv.liv; r - " v ;'.;:-L; lk-:.' y, i '"! M-'id a? :.tl iWVIs!r:-.'lari '(01 r4:. : 1: ; I-. I 1 " ' - I f i' i.; '-v,i ,.-K: ?r-.Ti" .:-., v . I y. -.Merit: . ?ei-f- Iready .iaifair;eci(- J ".e i i cause 01" the OiiiUiCt Kught -c-aso .ifin 11. -1 .'died., for An . ei Sjier tr mnh U'n.' a. i;su!t ;.0 - .'c V t funoa'menltaiaind astound int.- " Both 'vjad the stiie .oiloo 'ah- - . ' ' . , . . ; Who will receive and i;sue the supplies tp tlid 'gou.i nnd loyul-iacn to Ifriag to market anything J , ; 1 - ; ? f same UouL" audi each invokes ills a iUi poor. ti;:il is gol tt cat.. iie inuueemems are grear. , TlcQuajtermtster Departinlnt will fin nish the Tl.e mouey ii bt-aer, -the people a.ro better, and 1 necessary transportation. '' i !-.;: j:...- : the tiinivi 'are better- 'tltiu. formerly. Why not I bf'ng ;i.e:n in, and -.bring the: a plentifully, au'd-j receive plcuty of greci.bcks in return, r j i-y transporcat Uy command of JIajOr 'General Schofiei : ! . - j. a. cai;pji:ll, . : Lieu t. CoL & A. A. 'General. f-; T( wx. .dn and-Mrs. Harry ,Watkihs, tlie ;:v knuwn M-tistcs, celebrated ; for" their' dra- j i . ill':. . 1 I Y A. j . i .. . . - . . t ii;.c otner. 11 niay seeia f-cra.? t fc'.ould uaJ:e'to add aju.it xlj- vvriTicing 'their .bread ifoai the-- swit rnq'n'c faqes';. bti't kt Ai-'? 'judciiot, ?' I::U - ve );o 1 ,r , . laovijirt now tJj-K.-nx: in.a to i'he 1 : -1 ..- 4-tat:ce' in oi ot.icr - - r one no- i- 3 iMl . ! 1 Oi t If nv.lf las! rnnch therein ittiHbis'v .op ;,'h . o mi. the n. SECOSB I S A lf ,S l It A TI 0 !V OF i..:iv:e and literary attainments, arrived in town j yt.Herday. "Vc are not lnfornivtf ol tiie plans 01 .- .- . ... ' . . j ( "t!u-- amu.emrnt givers j but -suppose it to be their ImpOSillg C'UiC , ailll ' Military 1 . - i -t : l. : pmpoe to graniy our people wun men puitimi. ments. If so. we can pi omise them appreciativ audiences. Fmr:. The fire 'in tlie northern part of the town yesterday altcrndon, was paused by the burning of -so"ae. wa?te rosin scattered about in, an old still-yai-d, known asFillyvs. The fire was close -to Messrs. Chadhourn & Co.'s mills, which at one time was considered in danger, but by the exertion' of those in the neighborhood it did not spread. There was no serious damage done . 4 -:.:"'-:;; ' The Streets. Tte. are glad to notice tb,e im protementsin the appearance of the streets in our towa. The proper military authorities" haying taken the matter in' ha.il, we look fr-r a clean and. healthy state of tbinglo 1 ;futufe, which Is tnorV thau can be boasted of in the pat. : 1, Dispiay. ...... ' " ' "THE IMlIGURAli ADDRESS. i' C ' :i;t'iudefi. Tfc:e prayer oi .'i-uth co svTred that joi! .'neither f Las . bet ; xiie .miigiuy ,-nas firs own nuri3s-lf?.- 'sue-; :.. ( . j, : , , . .. ,.; , uuiw ivs-fuau fjsi;uije ui-uaeuccv, iur.ic must : ,. ;. v ,, ., . ... -i :im r r-c... vv , fcv LliUV . - ' A ,.'1 i I , J . . -.iu , - - A of i titaii try Sf sevebthehca-if: rc.ii'Csi-: s apvt ii Misery ; , - , . . ,i. ., L..,,on ii;uv tji ("ivnii-y ot irom lour o uo i-m-o- "m c-h answered . - 1: 1.'- . .... in cd aft -1 ii. 1.. sx: man by Whom the one ne'e ccmeth.f .) 41 we- iaouid sunnoso ttrat Asnerteajn IO Uilt; IiUi3C uuwt JJi lift" UlUViUtULC i T t n I Aiw-r.-.r.JIi.r.., i .,..v..v Jr."!. ... i men.) ills ariilkrv IviJ, i;:vr.s svk! sanai. ill we.jriv'e uulniDra, nt Cnai lisjo.t icn thoufafcd; and SGf)Qheld af . Wdtmnitou, Jill WaWuixgtox, March 4. fJATTExnos. 3Iessrs.tT. W. Murray & Co. ad Tertise in another column a fine stock 'or Sutler's goods, groceries, etc. Purchasers are recom mended to this firm as gentlemanly, higKminded dealers. " They have a fine stock of goods, which they are elliug at reasonable rates. THE-VTBJE.To-nightboth jliss Bridges and Mr. Davis apiajrtit jhe Theatre In Shakspeare's com-' edy of Catherine 'and: etrncho, or .Taming the Shrew. - Katherine, MfssUridgeSj one of hergteat .characters; retruchioL MriDavis. The perfor- . " f ... - maoce proarises unusuil excellence. Arrival ax Depai&crs ov? 'Stxamcss. Ilcreafter we will present our readers dady yrltK the arrival anepartut'e of steamers' to and from Wilmington', a Federal rxint.f D ue notice wilh ' be given of the establishment of mail lines. - . .... 1 - -- - r The procession to escort the President tothe Capital is now forming, though a lieavjr rain is falling, and the streets are almost impassable, with mud. . .' : " " ' i '".' ? The Ayenue is ,one ; dense body of people. The inaugural ceremonies wjll take' place in the :i Senate 'Chamber. j ' : ! j 1 1 ; t ; i j ,"WJhhinstox, Ularch" 4-12:30 Thd rain has ceased and the procession ; is. now passing down theayenue. The display .:ia oxceeding graiidi - " The sidewalks' are j a mm e(l with people and eyery window' and house-top is occupied with ladies and gentlemen, who are waving their handkerchiefs an i hits with great enthusiasm. The' visiting Phiiadelp'iia Fir Be- groat tinuedf through j his - appointed tiiiiej lie' now wills to. removeaiKl that lie gives to ioib north and south this. terrible war as the Tv;o,b due to those by whom -the offence ; came, sliAlii we dis i cern therein an r: departure from those Divine attriQu'esi whjeli the . believer iu7 a living Uod, always cribes to him 2 : " ' ry sr j. ': '-1 - .. .- . je onaiy aa we jiope lervenuy uo iwe pray tuat tis mighty scourge ot war may! speedily pass away, jet, if God wjfis that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hnndred and lihy .years of unremitted toil shall be ?unk, and uutu every drop ;of ' blood drawn with the lash shall be paid , by another drawh with the sword, as was said three bun dred years ago, 8q. still it-: must be said the judgmentjof the,Iord are. true and righteous altogether, with malice towards none l with, charity' fbir all ') with firmness in the -right, a uuu gci usiu hco i,ne ngui, let ns jstrire on to finish the work we are imto oind up thfe na tion's wounds to care for him who sall have, come irom tne battle, and idr lus widow, and Jus ophan to do all which may achieve an4 cherish ajus auu. iu.ung peece among ouEteives ana with all nations. tills ft fun IMPORTANT FROM SBJRIDM. attention by- their beautifully adorned apparas Jlcportecl ITlovcmeii t on Sltaniitoii, .'I: ii ' tus. Many' ban os "of music are- interspersed throughoutthe procession, and, "the entire line is one continuous ring of music. . - The ClironicU represent atipn have, a large truck witti a printing press printing an'extra Chronicle which . are Scattered1 among - the dense mass 6f humanity. - TuASKS.We redehted to Admiral Ains . worth. Captain of the iPort, or files of yery late rtortnern pacers; and Other.favors. , . 2 oticc relating to tlic 'Trcamry Re- - j--y-r-V- giilatloiis. : ix fThe Treasury Regulations will be appUed ija WH . ' . imiagtonand other.Tlee,recet,J' coming under - - Federal authority in North Caioilaa, at the earliest j . :-r practicaMe m6ment:;iThuirferiigBed having cour .1 . snitea wita tne military junnonues wm ue The procession is oyer an hour passing f any irirAn nmnt. TbeaYyiyard'delegafion has a' JfoiiUbr in linet with a turret turning. '-; ; , r' The-immense amount "of mud in 1 the streets interferes tvith ihenagnlficence of Jha dis yet it is. nevertheless exceedingly; fane. y- .vJL;'XD:arVcd:featurb.ine': turnout M the -col ored troops and Odd Felloes with their 'bands f r. .-jf;X the JUchmond Dispatch,; March . r . The e.nemji on yesterday, were ctpj roaching Staunton, in ifecivy-'jotec,. .rom -Ae raileyr chiefly cavalry j .. :; :. c. A ? TFrom thelRichmond Disnatch. March 2. . jVe staled. yesterday that the enemy,! in heavy force,, pelieved to be mostly- cavalry, were ad- van cing ii d the Valley towards Staunton. As yevvre ime receivea no t omciai miorniaiion on tbe subject -of'their advance. r V" thotisahd, we shall estimate the whole Y;rtike.j force! niw operating in tlie Carolinas at. bat tbou4a!id men This, we think, is not farjl'roni the mai-k:1 The Yankee papers, make thep ngr. urs jmucb larger, and give Sherman, an immonst! cavalry force. i j ITIovcifiicnt of Geu. Sliornitin, The Examiner; of March 2, has tlie foillowf mgj ; 435ince Sherman has already, beeareportt ed as! movirig towards Cheraw, there O no im propriety in mdiaticg' the opinion thatr thit' may, be a movemeotby the fiink. to cross the Catawba l'iver beiow the railroad, and thence. ' move on Charlotte along the eastern bank; or n may m)an a cnange o ironi, wnu.iuw iuicut lion to reacu r ayeiceviiie, aim ucm The Excilciuen tat Chariot te, IV. C. i . i ms a .a b ' .-. f . 1 1 1 : suosiueu. . ' f fFrom thtt Richmond Enquirer, March 1.1 From Charlotte we Jearn that the anxiety which Had prevailed in that quarter for several days Jialmhsided. Colnmbia advice state! thai . the fire which occurred there on the evacuation , bv our troops extended from Blain sereet to th Charlotte depot -a.?: distance of three-fourths of a nfil,- Ab jniblic property teas destroyed. t The city h inpio in. the possession ' of Jmcrti Jlamrfotfs troops ' 1 ; ! ' JFrom th6 bichsiond Sentinel, March I.) It is usual for those who .set about thejcon-i quest of a country to act upon the miner's rule. Gefalj you can, and i keep ail you getl Hence, htt endeavor to secure their acquisi- tions as they gOj and to irifke tach the basis off T tfte nex.1.'. f'-:.:-f-r.'. - i I . ShermWacts unon a different rule. He is simpiy.a great raiar, -lie .is wnuucung aj no vel military experiment, ana is testing tne fro- blcm, wlipther or not a great 'country can be conquercu oy raia.". r - f t Eiult3, sa far; have gained him som? repu tation for success in maliinff. his transitu, fundi .. .... " . . . 1 - cpnseqitehUy exhibit the theory on wncn ne is opratipW .under its, most favorable conditions. He has Wided ertirelv acros 'th'e.t;itcs of Mis - elv alcros th sissippirf of Gebria and of South Carolina in his gucce6sfve ; entbrpri.?H- What permanent result Las- ho .accornpligbod ' In Mis-i-sippt his-enteVpriss is forsatteni, and notone of hi4 r r . -'-. t y. ) - 1 . J ac- jo.iyAnnal?nTi. nn and' after the 9th inst. in ' ,p -i f Aaeijoritbr thffopening of a suitable number of laraUGnsliave constantly called forih tin uevry ' -1 vtuppV; etef e n ilmUigto11 The claim; oT each point and phas of thegreat contfist which stilj Confirmation . of the i Orderiiis Away of tlie United "States Coa l isiti:a-aiataiiiras,ArcJ" '1 1 '&SMm-'Qnu:AXiL :;Felx 20--4 P. til' ' J, s A rle.ttetf received in this city from MaitarooraF, ' a'fM-'Criisnr M Y!anmfijl ft.-bi I.WptJ rirdprnfl Quition. remain. ' : In Geori i , sav the :garri: out "of 3raiam6rasrexicoI b tnorelclearan-j son n Savannah and the- dstroctiCn along his , .:-The.olIptving is Prtsidint Lincoln ejftangu-1 r? , C,;,J juv?L0..,-irThe riil?, u uthXorohna will be s in lar. Tai Address: , t, v t , ( between Me Felloit'Coirnirvmtn : -At this second appear- j probably t.i-ft bA nfh rf th PrpsidVntiai office. 1 ' The same there is less occasion, or an extenaea aauress i.--, tf.n - , -rtWwWsiS tKt subdue u and tlm, eomluetrte. the dred l it n.4kat Than o tfatfimanr I . .f . , . . i . i i Pn' 11 !. . .1..,.! ... iv l. i somewhat in detailofla .cotirse lo b. Tpursue 3I 1 r:vj.'.z:Tz-v -v'JL- tr VtvS t 'f . iv-ii iMr " A WAmn'.t. '"-Rjifriiii- 'r -.TTi scope rauon oi lour yerts-,uruig wiuc pqwiKucv- ; - . "1 - m 1.1. xicoaqd the United i3tateSwoulU4 H'W s",Ip:iTi?'a. !Vrtl througa tne bejihscontmued lorfSome s ttmi?. 1 J . v . , v ; ' , J letter.also states that the ichqoner ' It maV be ?am tnat Uhee rfiKls are aesti;tiQ-t o J Mdtritnras -waf tive to (lur renontrees irndweaken, if they i not . $ letterimd all on boardlosfci Amorig sulLaviUs to be cod-red : n answ.ej itperishedisfa Blf.Ym. lleriick, fd.J 'JH.f ?iTk rrltl lf ric'in 'Thorn nn JtUrnW 'TTw scope M rftf nuickly retranrl; No . erh tie- to their ton 1 : t r 3 3 ...appucaatto, enjoy, tha prmiegei oi iraae o absorbs theattention, and 'engrosses ihe euert .v ! f K -!? -fyA., T'i!?h?. -giWef l&eo; Utile' Aat U' titeg .:. . oa record ai unauestionaWy foyal to the Iational - , - x ''a I'A sd fefWfjV f .If. rirJflagwiU be permitted to ieuifwwMu,wpjww. fr .f v . ji r'ViltaninM - f n,ww.r. ciLiiT. ;.nntf hiiitendftd: f6rta : Thewogtes of our arms, upon 'Mlich all 1 4?JU? htfrtt been innitc-i 4ft.. 4 1 ".?;-: fr vi '.'.v f by ratdsir jltfifty bct fttrther i-nwrrd uial: u ; TOilfiCoriipo ;r k 'let J t 2pQVE2i JJeii.Mawh'fillSeo., a ating mr country th y ery jitiiteeWf-. the Coustiftuioa of Dela -fare; blpw ihiis. struck at it vfOnhl 1.0 an jujpfedU .qdvexiibra!abr7esi 1" kfie -gebatpv.WI "inetit firrthVleneafy WsoJj Thenceforth the-, fine-i cbaies 'GoyerorJbf Via? 5taie for the unexpired iny could ovAy.i traf eiVitfr Itat rala4f;of uoveraor juannen.. . e. wi, TrppaoTa oei riies. y, mvu wosuu . uc wa :v H,li-i, 4i,t,r, v J . .... I : . 9 AT V. X T ' f ! 'I ded iiere tomorrewr- . !.: .11 . V "Mi" v?: " .li';'-":5: t .- , ; . -1 i .... . :.i-:- . ' v -. - . -.: , -. t - - - : r- ... 2" ' ; ' T y ' i, ' ." i " ' '- ... - - i -

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