j r THE UEBAID P.CTE;dJHKVr 7 "ira-MiNCToavH jj Alien 10. tj: n vi s 3S:3Ssc n i pti o n : B vH aTro r IT 1 r He r, on jwfct . -. . . . ( ou j wgcmci. .ut wv.-. . A. .$ 10 Br "Slail or Carrier, thrpe 'months...... "5 OQ .1 Fcr fccfel;COpie,.f...;....;....:...'yi... 60 00 WJjcVesaJe ordr$.fr papers mast bfl handed in on the ereninff prtTiowjto 'pubjicaion, And accom- . j RATES Of; ADVERTISING ; One 6qare each and, tvery insertion.......... 1 00 Half Column, -each and every iaMrtioal..... 8 00 Oae Ocrttxmu, each 'and e very 'insertion... ...... 15 00 Special notices will be- charged1 at fas rate of twenty 4ive cents per lint,. each insertion. . ' AjdUpount of 2 per, centf from these. rates will be made for advertisements inserted one month or longer. ' " T- JF&Xo adrertieemeatB 'tm;forbiddea will be received. All orderf feffpaper or advertising mwt be ac companied with the cash.- " 't . , , Job Work done with; -neataess and dispatch and at moderate rates. ' j " -,: ' reacting: the Mayorcr - an ybo Jy cisc- - H. T t , " T T " V"- . i - -vrv -r - -W- - rc-ri . Idjed togetfcejr-witbui , the stockade, a4. xsalarg no hdVB no suciT-tention ctrr. ,4T2f -Mayor jStscrysF . f . . t:l.t-;.-i - . .. - ' . attempt to acpe-r Baring ten da re th entire daJj estimable and a loy.aman ; whose reccrl if, al!6w4nce four W s?0I.fal Uf corn meal uttopeachablC;;- Ifl 'everybody else reoor4 wail ea? ra prisanerl We irere ninety:fiine : days with- AS-ciear, cv(v C1?f irt'lff uyTx pnx meat of Any jcino. w e were u.rce 3T,wiuiptt lion to sqnirm noir that "thetinritatlon is extead- aay food irhiteTer, I know of my ok- knotcUdgt, - ...... ; ? g j . - - -- - e4 to show hands., tfhe only ault we haye tofind with the Mayor is that ke-dkl not call thi jeple It Is exireoelj'gratifyinetp be pBuredlat ox ioiprefeious Jhe.iadiriduai loyalty joC.the'people- probate thatHheVe'is cioro '.binYfjJitfiiity to'ttih irifc ize in the tfoath. .Sah:ari have all along assert- I J'hwi is as fL ehould be. fl;,1a'Ud we Htfeiti th$ 'fd'trf Vs f o be tfern'on'strSte-i - by thViiticnal fortes; tjT.maia irdl&itarily tag Pes9iolf-etneBt.,- Bat-if he wa"slow in this respect, he has ghown himself fast enough inmost others asd.-tre forgfre him - Those peoplewbo thought we were driving a thai functionary1 will, therefore, see how widely cf .the mark they hiL It is not their turn to chuckle yet.. Go on with the meeting and then let us see whose laugh i is. : ,r. . " . - - ; P. S. . After the above had been pat in type, a call far a ." National Unfon Meeting," to be held at. the Court House, to-night, was handed in at our office, signed ' 3Iany Citizens." Such a call is all very well so Jar as k goes, but jt has no respon sibility, and istherefore, suspicious at the least. Irresponsible action is not what is wanted in these times.' Such, action is more injurious, frequently, than no action at all. We shall be- glad tc publish a ctrll' for a meeting but the call must come to us thdt thm milUia soldier $ vko guarded vr of fir$ by (A tommindmntio the Jpo4tayrloHgh for Theguardf oftened endeavored by promising food or means of e cape to lore onr. men bejond the dead liae$.' .. ! H i". J" Edward C. Crandall, C. C, 7th Regiment Con necticut Toianteer8, gave the following! testimony : "The Rebel Commissary a Salisbury Jforth Car olina, replied to the request of our soldiers for food after they had received none for-two days, (Dec 2Sth, lS64,i) i will have every dd one of you in the grave before the last of January.". , .J Such is the blocdr and barbarous record. Coin men't fd unnecessary . ' J. E., "7th C. Wilmingon; K."C.p jlarch 7tb, 18G5. I V' V ? . XltEASUBLY REGULATIONS. f fiKTH Special Trkascky Aexcy, ): Wilmington, Xi C March 10th, 1S65. J ' The following temporary rules are j announced tbx. the information of all patties interested at Wilmiugton' and-viciaity : ' i . ; - uxjjj k tUUJi FIiSlDKXT. - t il r The Coamittecof Arrangement for th- In ji ratijn of lYesldent Lincoln hTerdered iLf formance of Mr. :Janticr' national cn- iare Our Presidentf a3 a pan bf tae cere'r,,. It will be performed by the Marine Bandiner ately on the conclusion of the Inaugural Adlr iWe pablish. the wqrda aa follows; v i " "If ! I. Feruuis to keep 'upplr Stores"; at Wilain'- from some-known -sou 5ce. ' In this-'connection it 'a- J UrSw 1,.r-if o, may be "pr'dper to state, as we hare teeri credibly'! wno tuUy. cpmply with the general -'ireaSQryiK.egu- Ar ' i, . .... .1 ' , - . - , -.:! latioBs by taking the required oatu m& himg the frmcil; th'at "artangetnetitS 'are making for ai the1 proper I bond.' Application t6 kbtE "Suimlv err ; Ag-ut, or to. an Assiatar.t Acrst. j r-ccple are waking up on this subject. I f . 1 1 .1 Pill j Itl: F . , ' II i .1 i ..it 1 ... J "- 1 ITi'e o.nly.meUipd of deindastraUrie- it. is to rptmica of all th"9fQ)jth)taAe- such :V4d. faa3rtion$ of principle to come cut in. public and show their hands. It is " not tlue righteous, but sinners that iijs(imfl toiii"ilteJ ;3linhbytlvr6tfgl out all the da3' of darkness, jvhen to be faithful to the , gorernwenjU .yai o. be , djuned pplitioallH socially anf Wcubfariiy, never waVered from tn'efr 1 . allegiahce, arc nqt tke mT5nf tlim further tests are reauired. Thev mar. in these brizhter days. " by an , exerciso of magnanimity, encourage the-, wca:, rrect'Jthi'Vimid ?ind -halting give example and counsel to thoso tvib i see Chfeir former errors, and so in mapy ways advance the good cause of the rcat oratipn of jnatipaal ; anthorify and the, will ing submission of the' masses. ' "But what is most wanted, we imagine, is' that those would-be saga cious men-gnod lords Jgoqd devils-i-the:'men who are all things to all men, and very strong union men just at present &s strong- indeed-as they were rebels three weeks ago these are the men who should jaow be brought out and made to say publicly and unmistakably which Ceesar they propose . to follow. Let them be brought out. Their speeches will.be quoted on both' sides of the lines, and they will thus be put squarely on the record for or against something. . ' It will doubtless be understood that the govern raent will form its opinion ofthe character of the people of a community by the manner in which they, receive the national flag .when it, is brought to their doors. - The .pqopla of Wilmington have pot received faat flig at ali as yet, " ! We under-. Stinl thai this arises from unavoidable circum Ftances, and that. vczy &&ti:psi expression will be raadesi-" This -is- pleating-intelligerice.' yr all inWHd let'lhe' expressiba' hi ijaadh.. 1 ; Lec'it be Vpfeti . aid 1 free? L'e't hiSnc e lefti?ciaV Vritp ;sc;creV ltjter. into tha rebel es denouncing-, the wholo; affsirrus njixackai caftcus.in'' which cone but th c. t2"eet:Ki!d 'Hrtve' t.:v.ife. ' Lef MI-the people' be cfeciblcS,"! flren in thifpublic'cupaclty'A- "vrheiher they prefer thi,- or."that" or the" other iueg, ',Thfi7.anthpEitiei .Tfill-thcn t 'know j what it. aieaas.'oi'iwilV thad Jtabw Slihetiier they have; lit: xi. -in paruts tfuo sen gqoas. warea, ana iner- chandide wifhbufe obtainiffg- a pruper authority, will j bs liabl.vj to ji.,ave.:their ewtre stock'.iii trade seized, I condemned -ajjd soid as pravilod by Jaw , - ; , III- Ivo person, shall dj inteifesto! in more than' ,The inost aagaaus of the--eold operator, in ;- -Ppiy ptorm Agency anu tap naiL-o ana .. f.W WW-i -i 1 -locationiot overv uartv so; lnterestedinuiat be mvea NeOTknd glsewhereays the. NaUoual Intel- j to the Supcif viiing or Assistant S'peciallAgent, be- , lore tue auijnority or permit is- i3Uea; I Tne inaxi- 1 m n in arrwiiinif that nnv tirm niav ho imrirnttnil til iit r7, ..r .5" v- rr GOLD. i. liyencer, are now speculating upon a fatl. clfange on Jnglaad is now cheaper than gplgi,' and j port-tor sale, shall Tin ftnmmftMi.il rAsitjfin n,in lio irivpn fnr n. rit; in : UaJeHS tho Gomnrahdilj gold at present. It may be said that when we fall upon a great financial crisis, gold will go up, or that if we maet witufc militaryVeVersles, gold will rise. The public, d4bt la large and increasing and the expenses of the war are .neither diminish - ing nor likely ,80on to be dispensecLwifch;- Should Sherman pursue his successfut'marc.h to the fortifications pf RicEmond gold will further, dUWhen MatJ cit siall faU'tKlivoiitwali and military prganizatipri, of, the,, rebel, confeder acy will berokeh up." Gold will' then, perhaps, rate at .only fifty per cent, premium, and general confideinc" will be felt:in the uUimate restoration of the union, and of the ability of the country to meet all its obligations. , Some of the newspapers are calling lustily upon Congress to reduce our too redundant currency ; but that is past praying for. But there is no rea son why that redundancy should be increased, while our j military prospects are so fair, though there ia probability that it can be diminished. . The New York Evening Post apprehends that; r almost the whole of the ' banking capital of that city and .State will, tinker .the, national system, pe V 4 V fc H TV Vf VajV 'V V-1 W (1UMVM 11 4AAV the redemption of tHe old State bank notes will be a-yotr:Pt Hirife. ' Unless vkraetntfl'g,; ialjs the J?,iitifeAw? -fa pr-;;puk a stop to this tendency to expansion, we shall seo-tho. price of v bt r a as c:s up airs iisvua. '.:.' v- i. .; . AC hail ! unfurl! the Strip and Star? ! The banner of the free 1 Tea times ten thoasaxd. patriots erect The shrine of Libertv ! Come with one heart, one hope, one a! An undivided band. To' elevate with solemn rites, . The ruler 'of our laad t " ' ' '' " ' n. - 2fot to in7est a potentate With robes Of maieitv: Not to confer a kingly crown, y "Xr bend a subject knee. We bow beneath ao seep te red svra'y Obey no royal nod ; ' Coln'mbia's sons, creet and free, Kneel only to their God !. . III. r ' . Our mler boals no titled rank; .No ancient princely line; . . No regal right to sovereignty, ' ' ,( ; Ancestral and.divine. A patriot, a h is country ?s e all, ' . RespndingIto, her voice; i One of the people, he becomes A sovereign by our;choice , J'cM: '' ' i ;; Aiid now, before toe mihtr pile . v : We've reared to Liberty, He stvears to cherish aud defeud ' . The charter ; of th( free I . j , : God of our country fljeeal his oath , , With Thy supreme assent, , God sive the Union' of tha States ! f God save our Presiden t ! , ' m JLitcr Croiii Secriitury Fu$ciittii On Tuesday the follo.wiiig:lettcr i'roifr H. United States Senator, wa: laid beforo t!r. ! ,4 islature of Maine :; . 4,i loft the Senate before th cIov yfellIfirEaing- in foe-'&win' W iTioldVy ; -we may &ti cgSi;Panaaer3s jticrltfie' at the if atfV-M'VtbVfel 'Svirh'Dr .'open' 'ehdtJlesf hil v Bfe Wt5otfedA!iX93 e6n'tKe. r lit" i gt'TTeniin t nt Thots a. who- iuDnT' an lh"vi tttjt ut 5 t iUn Vi ilviilj fipj-easj oyi, .tirking eju c lL;t tma T7drlc'Ji',?iftaded Ser 'Who-biiit'e lapiv rogtI YATria&tjiapqfLthft utonia ille mixed withitlisF ttriMO ifiJppiwh1g rutns? We urgb Cjp us, i iIHfcC9'ngr3ihayJle31atbi?i,wit the last day ov twldado icihinglnioheckvibe evil indi ot eKceft'd 's'ao6o,00 per month ; of my second teraotin ofcedierice to .what seon iupr General of the District fr i to bo a necessity. - ."I shall return to it v.-itli th military reasons- requests h to , bo large rp Reg ular ) consciousness' that, However imperfectly mrr authorised parties keeping Supply Stored may sell ! 1 gf pfforia' have been criveh to the dlseha tl to6ther authorized rfupplv Stores for tesale ; the i t-nuns iiae oeen tyen 10 inc ateciia.. tfh fiding. to me the .honor of four noblo State, as- one of its representatives, j'ou have shown ihj. my ettorts to serve our beloved country, in tie place to which I was thus called, have ', e:i ' satisfactory . to the people you. represent. ( r u I will venture to express the hope that hereafter, as heretofore, no -act of mine wt.li tarnish the lustre which their patriotism ani devotion to the Union and to freedom have won for the people we are so prond to serve. " iheterm ot President Lincoln's adminis tration now about closing has been marked by extraordinary events. It will form a remaikij ble epoch in history. According as men lm played their parts in it as they have arrajei themselves in the struggle which has enchained the attention of the world, and the result f which must seriously affect the- welfare of tb come will be. the judgment passed upon them, either as masses or as individuals, " Let it be our boast that from the beginning Maine was found true to the cause of human liberty : -that at no moment did her doodIc falter or faint ; that no sacrifice could shako her pur pose or weaken her faith, ; And may the futuro. prove as the past has proved, that, in her- inti mation, a cause holy enough to figbt for is never to be abandoned. ' : ".With great respect, your, obedient servant, J t Washington, Fcbruarjvl8, tSC5. Supply Sterp, making the; purchase, in np instance, towever, to' go oeyona tne amount, per month, de gihate'd in' their authority. ' IV. Every person connected with a Supply tftore as cieu or assiamuL, uuu not a memoer oi me nrm, will be Ireouired to take the oath of JLovaltv. and file the same with the Supervising, the A'ssiatint, or one of the( Local Special Agents. - ' j - V. Any act or expression of dislovaltv dr manifest indiiations of sympathy and favor, for the success of tne present rebellion, will oe regarded as sunicient cause for theiimmediate cancellation of theiauthority. This is intended to apply to ail members of the firm as well as clerks and assistants. ' ' . VI. The books and accounts of all Supply Stores will be sub'eH to examination by the Super vising or k a. T"I "1 a a. 1 a 1 - ;- Assistant ppecisi yigeni, or oy me proper liocal Special Agent. I j ' VIL' Merchants and traders will be permitted to selL goods and supplies in reasonable quantities to loyal parties,! who reside within the picket lines of this Military Po8t, with the certilic'ate of the Local Special Agent, j To trader or merehaht however, will b allowed to Bell to any party permitted by the Military authorities to come from oeyond aid picket lines, unless tjhe permit of said Local Special Agent is exhibited to said trader "or merchant aid then no greater quantity must be sold than specified by said permit. All parties coming jv'It rough said packet lines before making purchases are directed to the office, of the Local ' Special Agent.- Permits to come and 0 through tbe picket lines are,. givra entirely by the Military authorises. , . , . YH . y.6 mercinl or tracer will be peimltted-to purchase or take possession1 of the goods jand stock In trada of ano'ther Supply Siore- wiihojut rivinsr ""due notice and obtaining permission from this office lev and" eggs,! r n. i- . 1 poultry fresh fish, meat, Glares, and fresli oygtSrsJby loyal! persons residincr iaithe coun try to Posts, land Torti, under the control ta military auth brities, to be Hisppsed of to tjhe army,' navy, a'nd citiKetis witi be- rioiil fa Militated by IeH mit Officers and Local Special A gents. . ; ; r K X. ! As.it if'of the liighesfelmportanieo to the public jnteresutnatitiae yvar; uMavyanaf ireasaiprweparti uiats, sJiuld.act harmoniqusly, all Oilicefp, Assist CO?VI3ERC!AL. KEW YORK 'STOCK EXCHAXriK. . :. Moxoay, March 3.' f ngress once more to do sonithingWt prescrte im f rplri Vf fi jnflat ed WJtanyin. banks. ' Jk& fwieouO o: j&Mtmoi tjo -Mc irfiWuW sented ih this article msv. aeaV trt2ftis!ttl Citi t, vcrliu2i: r,s thu,eSvho arc inn ' &lFHj?4 1 iTnctcvaaX!'eftt,.,i,xyti6mr! nniv?i r;je'n35raV '. wtiioarsoijUert $ouaciiaca. ana srt-azsrtursr Lca-?er, V " ' - Y " T,!?-i ed "tiw ixicUi'tD liSrTheir 4h'.trtaS i;u,i.vU f0pco!;i(.riVwA3 ' -w. jet;ji2 1..; .-. vi r'1 men t cc-utfircan-iiucc . ttffh!irjrJ sUlu, plfel? ;JcV' iv-'1 'M0. evc f' ; FtrS'Hir?:iAM very : to 011313;, their. lk .U-.pYiyaAc oir-s . .94' .dci'rarait iat2.ga!f dxti ejj;f ai;t andLoc,ij.,Ageni5..coonpctol,with thil Agencv win.,rVanifv',an'sVirer:- - .i!eh ' fmlniridi and" frire sue support-as may be in their jiower to those?' engaged jn the nsiUt4rf fd naval -iervice.. ,,-v'isr-! V' ' -JXI.?,UflUHliTiminirton,U dechted an otoarporfc by, Prociatcatiohjof the lVtfsidj6at,-.Qi '.until inland smitn niuaita t i ua te . (ydiojto- ami, t a the r 0 rt vU au A fortji jtrd?r&d&tbiipdint musfnefeesearil bte jnlcli restricted. Hp long as the blockade contiacebo pbseidaj Jsupiplfes caokonlyi bo breugbt 41 eclJyCto .jain??toii5viaCape Je'eftrWivec aa armUStf rfeepeg, sitywTCtfe'appHcanmiistw&tifia thajccrpsihttlxf t'he iyrleparlmeAt is Wa5hju6;g5fcoo before KtiieiSream rjy.Je3ajitmnit'epiriUj .sjtippepl dif rectiy to this place, as aforeiaid. On.tbeikflrivtl of Soote at tiis m'onitt Sb .pertaittdL ihe-i mu&tifcb 'first: 1VV' ! -I iflHoifcdtatke Lcal Affebiaird'thm'sQldantiiiafr. rt.'!;M3IfCi: Afii v-trahi t.i nmoasitli 3t;fUlV ; i chrdae&lh, wtah! t ber irHvikal VRaKttiA .l The I.riiV- tIMfiff&QMMfimiiMdMM 141 Ae4t wUfceita-tij the Wascej;bti8iiIltlerj Vwrd ilJLBf0iftirii'itn:t' ii!J i, I it wmparea.witatiieKiaoiaeatesiarwaefl r j- r;TifHjdejmd hsretch fcrcrwilttta.aa hdi uactasrsr Qtaot tbj;te Jtiaiony . bf4itih Mmim ftfcrcln:7Bsi Willises' ar"verefha tlr efdc feels' American -Gold Ohio and Mis. Certificates1.. .... Canton '..i : .j... CurnberUnd...... .k. ... ..... .. ... New York Central..!.. '.. . ;. . .i. . . Erie ..I... II udson Ri vev ; ;. . ... . Readinr f I Iffchrffah Sriuthom.;.1.. CHevelani and Pitts bur....V.i.'1 . . . . . iChicagp' aund Nprthw'estern.',.,. ...?.- 'Chicab and iioik'lslaadv... PitsborgV Ft; .Wayne and 'Ciieigo..U.... ......... f IT 1, ..l',. .,"Ai Ui ..?:.- .v.Jil' r -7' -. 1 is, ; -1 -.1 ! : - A . ! 1 : 'I iTOOi5:Y,'S AD V R V S (2 f I E f 1 T $ t - - . . ! l';' iProm,ptei... ..... : :t.....T, O. TlUN '! jLeadtr Q,Q?cJjc3tra, .. iVmf.. f - - and 6th5r pCttEa0Wsf.flv.4Sd or IcfU j TO7 feulng, llarcli I0tB, ltift5 : withlthfnitby kpexsoewlpsonsMne Ito " 'EIjti'ISE i5'jfSPS, ' t delrytur mataa tolbi chfjr?d cf-'ds captured,ort4;fc'c,;u,ajv u ' ri" r . ., ,r ' 1 ohrpy Tefif rfvrin fatddOi, nlgl tAMMMdYu mtliin ihe Relfel Und3 iT.e..fl' fore ill idii ! flm4...v yUferept ,jv aorD- ihiUscTiaym; XuA ; riiu Jf-i v'' Wiu l - .q- MlitMiW" fr;5kvrjanrflu-6rih"i ftrfstWti tn a v.";.-.. . , . : boiexpxietositfifivo a1c4iToitjiMM.-'l.irf lv - " " iJ " "' '- pYiva'e i'-M'i ait-' f?H . tiGf;..roin'MfeA t6itiii5.''?tib' iafotma tiitt ' vi8 : 1 fit iwiti i.IU j t V, L . " 9' ?twn wifv;f 'TITLED. J1- ncac: ur:tl,-'-WhM;.c;r Statement of S. J.W alker, Co.0,3a5IOfta lK f, J( ,.:;' iHHoH i - ' '? P & r T : ' isuch .t-Iotfetftee-andlPBeefcHies-jiitafong n?Trjr'io Wedi-sdiy rcH' tl4&i 4 lQth,.I8S. . -J. " I k CPiuIJCS oi InbC h:sc rc-l nert ns no-lp. - ...... , . . ,, ., , , . wu-au,-.) , :?t-jiva 1 i:ea , ,..,.. : f yrivai -tS ' "' ' 1 i- w f wN.J r , befcrerthey tii,to?gticTawledfrr3- 0 CrtM JWJSitnYflHhar! 0 5-jl-lUw ,-.;V-i!f55JfiDrr v-:;.- Gf-Aes-CUm vA V: 't ' f r 'ntly ymaiedAf; ktstill't 1- re&eMU 'beflt feUtMlr vtill p?obJ - V Heaqaarters Btb f a;. i 1 .1- I .' ' ';, . . ' . V . - r -;;f -'-.f ... i ; -j-' : ' .: ' .. f'--.;.. ": ' 1..;'. .' j ' ' ' ' " "'i '- i: 'V !' .i;'. " '- : V-'- !' - '.. . . 1 'ft- : - : -' ' 1 'v;, - -t. :-f::lv.:. ; f'- . r. -v-: .-V j ; ; 'J j. --i" '.,r' , t - .V.-! v;1;:hC: - r