i i. . r 1 V 4 r - - r I. - I' i THE HERALD OF CX10XP together. .Therefore, lei everjDoaT auenu. jwjj. : 3IARCII 11. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single C4r...--i""- ' By Mail or Carrier, one week j0 By Mail or Carrie, one month;.......... 0( liv 3faU or Carrier, three months 5 00 'To Nevfdealers-i- ,! Per each If)') copies .......... i... C 00 Per each ltKX) copie A........ f.. 50 00 "Wholesale orders for papers mast be handed in on the evening, prcviou to publication, and accom panied bj-the cah. RATES OF ADVERTISING: One Sauare. each and very insertion..-....... 1 00 J Half a Column, each and every insertion, 8 GO One Column,. raeh and every insertion 15 00 Special noticed will be charged at the rate of toentv-five cents per lint, each insertion. . A discount of ti percent, from tbse rates wnl be male for advertisement inserted one month or longer. 1 TXo adrertisement3 "till forbidden" will be received. ! V All orders for papersor advertising must be ac companied with the cfisb. . 1 , Job W5. k done with neatneai ana dispatch, and at moderate rate. ' '. Vf Grand Kally of the People. GENERAL teUSCIl OF THE CITt VKIXITY. Come and Jet us Reason Together. this soldiers stay away that 'there .may be no ivr timidation. Let the, people talk their sentiments op I ; freely, and express themselves -with; cando and plainness. - SCEXES 1ST IllCIIMOXD, The city of" Richmond rous t present some very amusicg scene.- about these days, judging ironi the pen ana ink sketches of the press of dint city. Fancy a rump Congioss the last - that will ever have an existence in rebeldom held together by threats and ridicme, endeavoring to do business with aminority, while every time the back of the Sergant-atarms is turned some affrighted mem ber bolts for his country home. Look at the Ezaminrr, tuggiug at Jeff Davis' coat tails to pre vent his following the etampeding legislators. Lee stands out conspicuously in the picture, im ploring the civil government not to desert him, while meantime he is making all haste to get hie b:g guns and valliant soldiers away. : Citizens rffsh about frantically, miserably endeavoring to set their houses in oraer, and hang out the mouldy sign of uriion while the crazed authorities trem. blingly assure them there's no dauger. i In the confusion, merchants are sending away their oods; mechanics 'arc packing up their tools tfid machinery; bankers are .securing their funds citizens seeking transportation for their effects ' and hub-bub .and confusion reign supreme all .around. The darki'c's song" De day ob tribu lation am a'cowia' ," seems- to be fearfully real ized.. A pleasant place that Richmond to dwell in just now. - r : x?- ; ; .; toother aaUoriiod VQPP ior reale; the Supply Store maitia;r!jhe purchaV-, ip no instance, however,, to go twrmd the amount, per month, de si tm a ted in their authority, t . ' " " 1 1 . IT." Every peraon connected: with Sapplv 5tore as clerk or assistant, and not a member of tae.firm, will be required to take the oath of lojalty, and file the fame with the Super riaing the AssiiUnt, or one of dhe Local Special Agents. ji " i Y. Any'act-or expression of dbJoyaltrbrnanitest indications of Sympathy and flvof- for the'socceS of the present. rebeUon, wilt oe rearoea as,suncieni .flnso fri-(he immediate cancellation of the authority. This is .intended to appiy to ail members of the firm as well as clerks and assistants. . , VL The -boolf'sand accounts of all Supply Stoves will be sub t:ct to examination byjthe Supervising or Assistant Special Agent, or by the proper Local Special Agent. V , L. . ,A VII.-Merchants end traders Will be permitted to sell! roods and supplies in reosoUable quantities to loyarplrties, who reside withio jthe picket lines of thia Military Post, without the certificate of the Local Special Aeent. o; trader or niserciiant, npwevcr, HEtiDQ'KS DEPAUTMEXT OF '. c j ! . -'V . (at or rria rfEto.) : Vilmingtcn, X. C., e. J27,; IhCZ. -J Srsctati' Oani,r : ' ..Jr-t . . VII. The Chief Commissary will allowea tor sen to ajiy pary inmicu Military authorities .to ceuie from oeyondrai't picket ItnA. unless the netn it of saidL-Scal Special Arnt Mayor's Office, "Wilmirir'on,. March 10, FICE, ), 18G5. J , Th? citizens of Wilmington antWiin:- itj are requested to meet at the C;urt House on Tuesday evening, the 14th inst., at-. 7 1-2 o'clpck, to tdko .counsel ;to-' i gethor, and confer on the" best interests of cur City and .State. -V JOHN D AAYSpN;. Mayor:' TMU I'ATJGUItATIOX.' "We print this morning a very full and graphic account of t!o very imposing ceremonies attending i i ' the secoml inauguration cf Presi-leut Lincoln. We also reprint j from-a -revised copy, the Presi dent's . inaugural address. In surrendering so much of our limitc1 space to this report- we feel satisCe.l tlr.l woj ould in no way better please our .numerous rcauers. i- ' . : s JUABISE IMELLlGESCEi j Poet or rWiiMixaiON, March 10. ARRIVALS. . Steamer Ashland from Port Royal. StJa uer Champion from fortress 3Jonroe. Steamer Lady-Lang' from West Bar. Steauier Parthehia from West Bar. Steamer Escort from Wst Bar. ' Steamer General Howard. from,West JSa.r. Shooner SO'Erans from New York. - h ' Schooner A,- Green Trom Baltimore. iSchoo ner "John from For t Fisher. ' . TO-DAY'S ADVERTISE IViENTS A IMPORTANT MEETING. f - Sy a call.whicii is printed elsewhere, it wjil be seen (hac the people of Wilmington and its vicinity are invited lo a?tbmbi3 on next'Tuesday'night, in ccuut-il, to deliberate " on tjhe best interests of the citv and State." ; . , . - . The best inferests cf the city and State may be r.ibserved 'in various w:iys.- They' will not be sub served by any longer ampliation with rebellion. It sce,ius ta us that four years of' war ought to bo sufficient (o demonstrate this .to any reasonable , nian. Four year of war haye failed of estab'ish ing the Southerh Confederacy. ' Eighl yesrs of war would brin .ibout; could the war b3 carried cn.b"o ion by' the! South, even, a, , tapre'signal foil ure.. A louger aSlliation' by North Caro ina with the rebellion wcjuld only tend to encourage the rebel leaders lo ijrt tract this causeless and profit less struffgle. War advances neither the commer- 1 , j .... cial, ."agricultural mechamcal or aiiy other indus trial pursuit of a! people. : On thecontrary, these pursuits are prostrated by. the turmoil' and strife anh distruction of war j Therefore, as war cannot advance the industrial pursuits of people, and. as a continuance Of the present war by the people of North Carolina! would only protract a 'struggle that must be profitless in the end,' itseerns to us , that the best interests of this peopte would dictate the , heartiest exertions,, on -jheirpartao restore - peace to the State . f?'" .-. ; ' Inl' there is another Sbnsuferat ion which "may. assist in uetermming tne true interests of our citizens. Here the nalionalarms have coaquored. Ther national arms are eonJtS6ring. everywhere. Thc'-handwritiog is p!ainKnpon the wall that tells tne. aooai or : those who nave recejietl against the bestrgTernment jthe. world eves-saw. i Let the people of Wilmington and "vioiaitv be wise in time. Let them avouch-their deierniiaation to return to SUige Manager, Mr. JOHN DAVIS. Saturday Evening, March llth, 1865, JISSS' EILOISE BRIDGES, Will appear as the; WIDOW DELMAIE, in the Comedy of the SERIOUS FAMILY. After which, . ! i New Song, A Lyric of Mixed Liquors, by Jfr. Van , sttn. . - . -u . MIS. C3JARUES GLEASO ; . 'Having volaiiteer?d his services on the occasion, will give his cejebratad BANJO OBLIGATOR with L cal Hits on the Times. . . Dance, ...m........,;...1.. ......Miss Selin a Warner. To conclude with the laughable Farce of I S&ASIIER.' AND CRASirR. ! Admigtion. Dress Circle, 1 00; Parquette, 50 cents; Centre Gallery, $1 00. r' . r ! . tSDoors open at 7. Curtain rise" at VA o'clock. March 11, lS65'f: ;-; , ' 11-lt CQXCOni) CHAPTER W. 'li; TNSTALLATION.,.of -officers, this- afternoon at 3 X. o'clock. By ordeifofH. P is exhibited to said trader, or mertbant and then no jTPfttpsr nuantiU- must be sold thanSspecified by said pftrtoit. All parties coming through said picket lines befire making purchases are diretted to the clUce of thejLocal Special Agent. Permit to come and fto thriush the picket lines arcrgivtn entirely'by the MiliUry authorit es. . ' j ' Villi. No merchant or tracer will be permitted to purchase or take possession of thie goods and stock in tpade of another Supply Sior without giving due notibe and obtaining permission from this otflce. IX. The bringing of fresh vegetables, fruits, but ter land eggs,; poultry, fresh 5sbr meat, clams, and fresh oysters,, by loyal persons residing in the coun ter to Posts and Town, under the control o the military authorities, to be disposed of to th? ry, navy, and citizens, will be readily facilitated by Per mit Oncers and Local Special Agents. XV As it is. of the highest inipi -ance to the public in'Mr.est that the W$r, Navy, and Treasury D patrt irierits, should act harmoniously,' all Officers, Assist ant and Local Agents .connected ith this Agency, wilV readily answer such inquiries and give such support as may be in their power; to those 'engaged in the military and;navki service, j h '-.. XJ. Until Wilmington' is deeLrgdan open' port by Proclamation of trie President, orjuntii inland com muJiicatJon is opened from an t. to: the port of litau- fort; traders ar this point-must necessauly oe muen j restricted. So long as the blockade continues here, good? ard supplies can" only be bjjought directly to Whjnintston via Cape Fear Hirer asa.military neces eityl Ihe applicant must obtain the consent of the Wa Department at Washington before the Trea.su: ry Department can permit goodi to be shipped di rectly to this place, as at ore 4 a id. ;On th'earrival ol gool3 at this point so permitted, ihey must be first reported to the Local Agent and tbh sold only in ac cordance with the Treasury Regu'.ktion . The Loeal Agept will examine the cargo to ascertain whether it eotmpares ith the duplicate invoices, i ; XII. All parties holding or controlling-personal property within our lin'.s,. including cotton, tobacco, and other productions consigned, (deposited or left .i i . .. ; : k V T lt T witni tnem Dy any person or persuua wnwu me Subsistence ft seize all surplus subsistence supplies to bo l ' i . "t WilmirgtOa and vicinity, causing j memlorandam -ri cejpts to be given therefor, andrwiil turn tin. over tova Comutiitee to bfccmposeldof the t; . named genteKn, itixus f tWiljming ton, tx n it m ' " Messlsr S. D. WALLaIcE; rresid,t:. . f : i E. A. K KITH, JAMES U. SriACKELFOn!). WILLIAM R. iUTLEY, GEORGE CIIAflDOUKX, JAMES ALDERMAX, Who wilf receive and issue tie vup$lie t, t,' poor. - -, , j -The; Quartermaster 'Department! will fun:;i . necessary transportation! 5; j - By command! of Major General SSchofield : ' M J. A. CAMPBELL, . I: Lieut. Col. 4t Ai A. General. . abandoned Dronertv. houses, store rooms, and. tenements' by such parties' within ttie Keeel lines can nave no jtorce or. vaiaany. The rent for property of .this discrjiption (notj occu pied by the military authorities) .niiust bo piid to the- Treasury A arent. Jf arties.nolain';- jtouses ana iuirji- llcl. qr.9 district off Vilininirf on, - ., witMiSGTOK, r, v;, siarcn a, 10.1. . o. i.: I ,'-. ;:v- K ! q n obedience ta! orders received jfrorar M C.t. t 'dio'leld, Commanding thVDepartmeut, hon I ;t,. syuie.ommand of the Diatof Wilmington. The !)'s trict will comprise all tfco territory uude. iuihtur, control in rear of the armies operating fr. o (' j,M rear River as ab;ase. 'l am also . charged with the t ' 1 ; .... t ) tlaiiol of Provost Marshal General, jivithih th- doe'crbed. I : ' ' 1 ' ' . Aii-head-quarters are. established) in "Vj ilm'int . Capu'E. Lewis M ore, will seive "as .Assisiant Auioant General, r. j- Liout Col. James F. Randiett,3d New II I -shire, Is appointed Provost. Marshal of Wil.ninton. Furtlier staff appointments will be; made soh.- I jos.r. hIawley, y ! Briar. GenurS. V.-!?. j ' - ' . Head .Quarters Dep't op .WtLM-iNOTON, 1 V Wilmingtop; N. C, March! 7,-1 J-3. . j General Orders, 2. Brevet JJrigadier Gcn'l E. L Hayes, is assigned to the charge 'of alt ci- tuxea, aoanaonea ana conuscaote property in t!,e District, mpre especially such as wil be I event liii.y turaea over to tne rreajury Agentsj He will take immediate meaj-iiros to a'seertain ' t!i bel linesj or known to. be identified with the rebel- j He will take immediate measures to ascertain ' t'.i I iVl i u 1 a 1 i a r j l i ... . - ... . - 1 n lion kviu pe cxpecieo to acconni, ur anu piwjjinjr description, locality, quantitv and tile claimants 01 deliver up the same to be disposed bf as.captuf ed or j , 'nA 1 roperty. leases :givn tor aoancioneq .. - ' .- - - m au,, gather such ln'ormation as will tend to the .pecua nent distribution of the proper.ty. j All persons are hereby instructed jto giU him in nil .,,,.1, ,-. f,....ii: 11 . . ture!belofiging,0 persons within tttte'RebeJlins will, ; A11 miIitary forces uJder this command r triA; b-3 expected to give a strict account of. the same", in ordef-.tbat such disposition may bejmade. of tne same a,s provided by law and the Regulations. 1 i --Xlill. The puschase and' shipment of products bv privite parties is, and will bo,, suspended until full and Specific instructions are received, from the Trea surviDepartmoht. ' A . j! ; I. ' XLV. The office of the Local Special Agent Will, for the, present, be lecated at the ;Cburt House in Wilmington. XXv Brom time to time such in given coticerriing the Treasury Reisrulatjens as may appejar to be a mattei of interest to the-public. - Sup'g Special Agt. Tr&as, Dept. lenertT brmation wiil be HEADQUARTEKS POST OFjWILMINGTON, March S1865. Wilkihgton. N. C Gknsral Oedeus") No. 2.! . . j . : ; ,(-. I.-t-The Brv't. Big. ' Gen'l Qomm the foll.owiag named ofiicersi as Stafli via ; ftndingahn " - - ' (-A,"PAUL REPITOJf, SeeV.. ' ' ' ': " ' 'H Mrel;,',,'V:,t.''V',;.',';":j ll-'lt ' Captain Jahes.B. CAfeTii 16th JT, T. I ' -;" 1 ' " V'1 ' ' '' '.; ' r : i Acting Assistant Iaspe 0 OFFICIAL;' " ' t, Quartermaster's I3cparmeiit Department of Tb5 Tbllowmg directory of the Quartermaster's DepartmfDt:of the Department of North Carolina is printed for the information of. ofllears and others having business io, transact with that branch of the public servic : , 7r r .L.: - sj .. " Chief QwxrtermaaUr.TjZi3XBt Brigadier General .George S. Dodge. Ofjice, Cape; Fear,Bank building, on Front-Street, near, arket,i,r , . . - A9istant Chief Qiiprterina9ter.(j3Mn George Cv Winslow, A. Q, M. Office 'with Chief uaTteT-: .master. ' f;J i'vh' f it- - i. ;; i'hh Depot Quartermaetcr.-r(ja.ptin ' Samuel -Tj Lamb;. A. Q. In cnarge ot Watqr Transportation. ec., Office .Water- Street' between Market and Pook Captain II. B. Rlackman, A. Q H. tn chafsre'bf ' the old fold while1 the ddor'is' held open to them and 'they are inviUd in. r- By so doiwr Ihovi will i. i By so doing Ihoy will find . only greater jfavor in tho sight of tlnose who have authority, j, I - ; v tU'ft. - ' Bar why argne 'and disctrs CHfi'Jatter '? ' The call, it is true, is addressetj to au. Eyorbo.Jy, no , matter what bis political, sentiments may; be, is invited to attend this meet ing.' It is no? a union meeting, or a sejtssSonmeetiBg; demoeraiie or republican; yankeeV abolitionist' or .whatsoever other claa tnere rnaybe. It ,is simply a mecting of citizeus called o copoli on ihe best iaterests of.the city and State. In caUing auah a meeting,'' Mavor Dlwson hks displayed hi3 cVnservktJtsm" and patriotism: -fe eJSpfe' eVd to." take 'counsel Captain H. Blackman, A. Q work-sbops.! forage and fueL 'Office bit Wk'ter Street, above Market. ,i.m. .. ;:' t u r.m . ; t , 1 ? ;;f Captain Andrew, A VQswojthCaptain'bf the P ort. Charged with the regulation; of ,&Vll vessels in , the, harbor .and 'arriving or depa'rtiiig, 7 fnmis'hiri' pi. loti lightering, towing, etc Office Custom House - building, on, the wharf, abv Market Street. ' 1 -i , ' Sixth SpiciAn TBkA8URT4AoBseT; V , . WilmvagtonN- C,,Mairch Jpthj 18S5 j f. '' -The following temporary,ralesf ' are - annoanced for the' information '6f all parties interested at Wilmingtof and icltfit .'.."u-KVf: -I ' I, "Permits to keep Supply Stores1' at tTilming-. ton, "and dther places Withhi this AgeheyV will be is-' ueu ouij tu persona oi unqursiioaaoie loyatl who fully comply" with the gederat Treasury lattons oy tasingtne reuirett oaJth an the proper bonds. Application ,o; keep Stores" mmt be made to the Supervisinir Special Ag?nf, or to an Assistant Agents s ';'"' ' 1L All parties who sell , goods, wares; and finer- chandi&e without obtaining a v proper authority vill be liable to nave their entire stovkin rade eiaed, condemned aad sold as provided by law. ; : III. ' No person shall bs interested in more -than-oneJupolv Store in this Aerencrj and th-TMmp n location of every party ao intereatecL; must be give.! totbe. Jsupervu1ng. 9r Asituit SciaiAgpnt, be fote the authority or permit4sri&sued. The x-i. mem amount that any firmi mar be 'permitted to imJ port for sale, shall not erree $3000.00 ner nrontlf usleAstha Coaanlaning General oj tha District for luxury renins reuoeij fc fQ-;.Q larger; .fitgWr.t autnoriaea partif , aeepig fcupdy 8tot$fc pfj seU, cpmpris 1 nces cr Hia ,'H. AH'y, ispectdr General. 1st; Lieut; F. J1. H uktik'qtq th' T lj Ijl. Ai t'y Apting Assistant Adjutant Uenl an 1'ost Adyt. "Vos., ijd Post Q. M ll.WotsC 1st LieuL W. H. Auous, 7th Conn j Acting Afe QM 1st Lieut. Geobob SJ HAksO 7th N '- ' " k'cngfAV.dr-ist'and'ipo Cfommtssarj. 2d Lieu t.I)EFoitRESX WFseris tth Conn, j VIs., ff ,. ' -;; ;2 , . - Acting JrideerCamp. .--x Brv,$vlrig; Gen'l JosiXLr Abbott;; t ' 2d Brig Is t. DirV '24i A; OV Comdfgi 1 but?' if V -lt ; :Y. -:'? ;: F.MF. HUNTINGTON,; , ; d Post Adj't. X' V'. t ii". , 1. , . " ltLieutl..and A. A. G. ':.; HEADQUARTERS POST 0 March 9.,1865n ': Wilmikqtox. N:'C. I.-rjAU myitarflicers M ,th4;; isrvipe the Uni tedj S ta tes,anivingri V :, this iPbst on I leave; or absent if rom. their o ram and; will; ately at-lhe Tt&e&Usti the Postf Commandant' stud WILMINGTON; enjoined to a fiord hirri aid and protection! whe needed, and without further instrucjtions tlfy will prevent all flestructui of property' anil ai! i;Jng, marauding and Unlawful trade Ail this cap tured abandoned and, conflscable property, is to bo disposed of ub der clear I j established rklh .that a'ro well devised, not only for 'the' benefit!. of the Govern ment, but as well for; the protection of pear'eabb and loyal citizen-. .'. 1 '- '! The ofSce'of Brevet Brig. Gen. Ilayeris ia Wil mington, on Market Street, 'next door to tlie Di.-t;!:' Hea,ct. Quarters. i ;. j 1 . N?y order of Brig. Gn. IHwi.'ev.S 1 0 E. LEWIS MOORE, Caplt. & A. A. O, ITeadquaetehs Ditr r. of WrLMixaTo.v, ) . Wilmington N. C., 'March 7th, ffeJo. ' , General Orders,1 A'o.f 3. All person: ih thia Dis-t-kt are hereby enjoined to bring im andj deliver tc Capt. Ackerman, at the office of Brevet Brigadier General Hayes, next door to District Headquarters, all rifles and muskets and their ! appurtenajie.'s, swords, pistols, and military weapjons; and equip- ' ments;that were formerly h'eld by tuje eoioalled Con federate authorities, j It is know that a large quantity , Of smll arins 0! . tarioTis, descriptions were left in the' Dist-ict, ai; fiat portion thereof was !iakeh bjr uajauthoi u.i persons about the time the, town was occupied hj' the lawful authorities. All such mikt be prompt! turned in, or the tparties holding them will b sni marily dealt with. f . !.; , 1 - iBycrderf Brig, Gen. J. R. ILiwiet I J j E. .LEWIS M00RE,;Capi.t A. A. G. register their haoes. H'd Q'rs Dist. oV Wiliuiii-toii, ( ' "X ' '. '-"'rl.----- March i5, ltr,o. j Sfscixn Oaxxas, t i iu. j ; IreyeV Brigadier Generil -JOSEPH fC. -AB-BOTT, commanding 2nd Bric-ade, 1st Division, 21th AC., is herebj assigned to duty as ' Commandant of me rost nr wtiminf . feporimmedi. GOVxmofBri., nAwtlE- IK The couimahders of all vessels; "not navaf; arriving at thi3,"Port, will on arriymg immediately report to these, Headgwtersaud au pa&eaers wnp,; are, ciTan-p-,jiniormauo MVI&MOORE, Capt. jand A. A. G ?J0.9KOt'il-. CAROLINA ARMY OF l'HE OHIO, ?,?: K. ViiaHsarow,' NCv'31arch 1st, .i i 1Y. Brisr. General Jos. RL Hwler i jtvrbv M' - fcioed to the command of the Dis trfet nff Wilmhic-. 'tonj which will enbrace all the territory under mil- dtay control In rear of the army opera ting from Fcar-River at a baie. f . f f a n-. Hawler: will be responsible-for ' the crotee- ar- a,, ; at.wUAWHS A'OSTTOF II.lrT!rnTftf " l"r " r- 'f : VttirtMPii, ltoA&-tmiS653ii TM-rtcii. I.the'depot .-.at Wilmint6n.'.Cte, Fi H ! ireneraf urar ipr i.-tv .XneTcomaaderi --or 1 rtapa me una o: raui oaa: in .rear, off. tne .army, na perr?sia 1 charge f ari;t irSC 4l' perform the duties of "prprost Marihal troops now atihis ;-Pos'mel.udinceyr!aIe6e for the District under his edtaiaand. , eit3Or pmphers. jvill report . at &ese., Keaduar. ' .-, - . v . 1 2 .,'. i I 1st .LJeuUiios)i,15iHafl Ao ttJir.Gai If yi Assistant AcTJdtant General. ft

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