fUE HERALD OF THE TMQX. MARCH 11. Vhat is home without my Willy 2. , 'Tis my coUa robbed of foyers, "Where tit.v bleeding bjrokeii jicart; . Wou.Ciewl inanyj weary hours. 'TVcul'j be ttmngc to wke at miinigh, And ioi hear ciyfWilJy breathe,. Eark would be my cottage home; Should my darlingi Willy leave. The world wonll seem a blank indeed, The jey?.of life would all be gone, NoMo have Willy bni my knee,. Or hear it. sing its -baby song, iDn : rfiall'it be that Willy, dear, Muf c elumber .'ncathjtlw roses bright? . The precious dust might ttihre be lotted, Willy vould be go Wo worlds of light J ! - The clouds assume brighter hue T.it-ioa of spring-birds -seem nwe dear, A suMehide nils in$- cottage home (, As long as dark-eyed Willy's here. Then couie not near fay babe, oh ! death, Oor tealmy Wiljy from. my rn ; . Whene'er 'tis stid "that '-Willy's gone" ' 31 y ccttcge bomcnrill looso its charms. Ah ! niuj-t these little dimpied cheeks ' ' " - efd und mouldering in the ground? Ac-i t!i ill thelkile chubby feet So early caise their pattering sound ? 'Or. must tlxi little sparkling eyes F,e closed by death's cold icy hacd ? But, oh ! how brvgdt-niy babe wfluldbine In the good and better larid i . . Ear, hark! -what means jthat'nolc-of glory woctiy sounning! through the air ? Mc'.hinks I heareerfiphic angels LecVning little Willy there. Oh. Thou, who gave$t the precious gift, In kindness spare'my little one: , Still help nie sav, through grace divine, ' Tather in Heaven "Thy will be done." Tlio DuvetrsxM t fSrothers in JLivcr pooi A41 Exoitinsf. Scene lc&trc tiou of TSieir Cabinet. The LUwnpor; liroihers were mobbed at Liverpool,. England, n the 15th ultimo. The l'o5t u Ibai eiiy sas : "The ::uu;cti elected Mr. Cummins and Mr HuHnv ah the cojnmfttce to tie the broth- " ers. The Davenports bbjecjted at first, but ul-tirnat-.v agreed. Ira Davenport, who wriggled am! twisted r. irood deal' during, the operation, and at its conclusion turned round suddenly to Dr. Ferguson.- Mr. Cummins . shrugged ids shoulders and walked" iway; while Dr. Fergus s -n iaimeilc-tcly p tapped up, and instantaneous i t BUTT - - ji:-- - v!.f. ' . ;'. . , , . i -. r " ' -! ' 1 ' . ! - : I ' I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. h . ! IN SUTLERS' STORES, DEALERS WEST INDIA GOODS, ;. YANKEE NOTIONS, ' clothing, ;: ; , ' trimmings, GROCERIES, HERALD THE V v ii i if Li I I - A DAILY XEH SIMPER, Will -be printed every- mrein,;(Sunda .'.- . . ; " J j ,ccpied).;at the .;' !.- -! Front St, W ilmiiiglon, X. t. EQUIPMENTS, &c, &jc, &c. Front Street loutli, Kear Market. f . TherETibscribers -announce; to their friends, throughout the army, that thej art; f . .. ' ... .'; g i : ; ': y ' ;v prepared to furnish at wholesale' and retail and inihj quantities, EVERYTHING BIOUIBEB M THE ARMYL Sutlers will'find it to their interest;, to examine our stock hefore going North. Attaelied to the" establishment-is an extensive and well selected stock of , lj, Ira I'avLisport siood tree. iic nt once ere nted a hirjr ?cnat?orr by exposing the back of Iiis hAiid to the audience, 'with bloed flowing from it. . Tl oxcit'emcsnt tLis point -was ex treme, nrrd ;tl though ii was hardly explicable hfw a ivpe could produce a vound frcm which the blood would thus .copiously now, tae taoie8 for the- luonnt seonied to be turned upon the gentieiiK-tt Whose 'orutiility had been so strong lv.animrteiUupon. Mr. "Ira Davenport hastily, an with an indignant expression ,f. - counte nance, left the stage, followed by his brother. Mr. Cuiumins then addressed the juadience, r.ciir'h-In t!;.vic words-: 'Ladies nud gent)e:iii2, you have seen blood ur-on tht? hand of the p:-rsori who has just left this platicrm. That blood was caused by Dr. Ferguson in cutting the rope. Upon this an immense shout of niiug'ed triumph and indig nation aro?e from tha audience, -whose sympa thies it was.at once evident had scarcely wa vered, even during the sensation incident -thev had just witiicsseti. In the noise which ensued Tlr Vii-rji sun n -vr-! i n f TrAx tt-o c? f n no ininrli ble, Mr. Cumming was heard to declare vthat if any inedical man would certify that the wound bad not been produced as be had statd, he would jrive five pound to any Liverpool v char- lXJ ' I,'-. . 1 .... ;' ' :'' The audience now lieean to take matters in totheiown hands. One trentleman led the way, and several others scrambled over the footlights on the platform, with -the view; apparently, of ccminding their. money of JJr. i? erguon. it is viuv iw -j v o . .-3 AAUllCJf 4UU WULUUlIttB IU D4JT lllti Li they did their utmost to keep' the- erowd back, and to protect Dr.-Ferguson andLeichtoa. who . were still cn the f-tage. The numbers, hdtrcx crwere too great for res istance to 'ivail ; and. the next thing witnessed was the"i)Vferthrow of the cabinet, Dr. reruson being pushed back xarda into it. t ITe immediately rose; 'but as! hnucdiateli' retreated, and we are informed that te. the Davonporti, and Mr. Fay' werefbuto u.e builuing-almost as sooaas JtergdsoaijriLs- the stave. , Shortly afterwards, Jlr.;Hulley "was borr.e from therooni ontheshoulders of an adtairir" thron"." ' V.ir:-i- Jv 'The croud on the jiHtftTrm at onceM- J)rbcee-, 8 -ns ciufh a-idicnled structure will never aain baw'tLe scTiitinT or beguile the ' credulity of a British audience. . The scene during the smash-, . ing and. distribution of the rfragnients 'off the cabinet wa teryexcittngA- Piece yfttp thrown P mio tno ajierlesi ana tne" occupanist)! inai; pirt of the ball-busily vied with- those in the body in scrambling for the spoils ttbilo many resorted, probably ''as; a relief to their ' excite- i .y ". k Li? id me exnuaraung occupauon oi iciniug theiaseh-oA dowttironi the? galleries oil i, to 'the stasgi One person ordr fell into itfae "hands of the'polictt upoaa. charge, of brealang onb 6f the" (vyauacs'by wnich the galJeiyis- sapportea. Novels, - . Periodicals . Magazines, Newepapexs, Stationery. tl' i: Wm. B. Cutter. ; 1 Wilmington, N. C, March, 7th, 18G5. , Geo. 7u FEijxcn. G-lm. SPECIAL NOTICES- ii New York, 505 Broudway, r 1 ilfarch 1st, 1865. . 7o my forrfter friends- and pa irons f Wi viington, iVr. C, and surrouniAug Conn try : Having located myself in this City, 1 am prepared to offer at our house, Scott & Bald wtn,).Dxt building below " St. NichoU."? Gents' Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Ties, Ac., Ac., a full asortmen,of'Furnishin Goods, t jjadios Linen Under Garments of all kindt;, beau tifully made accurately cot and of tie bestmatej rial Linen, Cottony Silknd Flannel. Also a com plete assortment for MifiBesp-nd Boys. i .f OiiH hundred Girls work on the premises, and all. trarments made under the immediate supervision of the proprietors. ' Mrs- -WintleV Card appears in' another column to which the attention of Ladies is Uirected. - ' Starch L. Res - 2-4w-ia. ) : - - ') '' A ; , Perrins' CroiTury ig, ) . - " - . . '.''j- : ' io at? ; MUSICAL NOTICE iinstructions IN MUSIC. PIANOS; r . TUNED. i THE UNDERSlGNEDffers his professional ser vices tothe citizens of Wilmington, as a teacher on the Piano,, Violin, Guitar, and to tune and repair Pianos-1 Orders may be left at WhitakerV Book Store, or directed to i 5 . - j ,,- .1 ' ' J. BENEDICT, Pof: oi Musrc ahd " j , '- -. - ucauci vriev - j March ICth, 1665. Ladies, Misses and Children 's SL Nicholas, Block'; 505, dMwni.;:' i (FornieelT51 of . Geiiiri'AiBaiaan ' Hr-rvnRiwhosa SuDeriatendeBJoe the abore .1). sartments are eondUdjs pleased to fliuiounoe pi 1 to her former patrons and. the.Ladiejjf ewYork A AKTrSTES under her .aireetidnehtf il prepared to5 Ladies' Alisses:.and XJhitdrerivOtjitinQ to ',,' Orcler,' ;' " . .1;. '.' v- ,;,,t XADLES'.UNDER lrNEN' a-jJU t Of fine Quality, Kept, in toeK, reaay ioi immeaiat j -'-5teTiyVi1WiiMingtbn7if,,r Fb.'3S-4W' 1 '- "l-i4 ' -''58Mat-ketfctreetj CLillESBOJf Si . . . : ift 4 - 'Wr -1-. ?o J.?tAi? fc t Street, 4 i.uiii t ;.i;y t 1 ' r ' " HAS ALWAYS, the bst fertoondijj fhe rr j -; 1 - idtb 5outh.u No expense' iwped.tcfaraUh, epi-: IvedjQS, TapeSHpoks afid Eyefif, ,s .thiireFtdcfeacitiofthe sealoiii" T ' - :.- ' proceedings, thoush ttfrbulent. irero Exceed "yly goo hamored, and they, erb ,enHTenei' by a fevr hrlesquQ addresses,., delivirpd Xrom the platforja, hx those ;ia the body, o tb hall--la the meauiirne, 'jsomp , nrty ppUceisaja. Thad arrived ; tuej occupied the stage. aud'tUdt hU A pottioa.of the right oTm'of ' the 6gor lwae' 3 March Ur.n-Ynxs.&i y;T j v rt?nys;Ti inocted jffi by tho young man placing bis hand imrrmT ftC! t5 "f TTf f Tl''uJi.',4t upon it as he dropped from the alleFV.Thbi ilW&lmfV&i Tiadie3 and Misses Hoop Skirts. k . ' ' '- ';;, " "';'' '':' Black .Muslin, DeLaiie. r .:'-.' "5' ! ; ' - --uU' "- " . Oblorea DeBaigo.. . , oldred Organdie Muslins. Black St, i - jTine WHte JLmen., Ladies White and Brown Cotton Hose.; -7; ' '?v;V-ai.S J--V,' .' '. r ;-: (Jciitle! Senaif , nose. -. ; T White Swiss MrislinL i Coats Sbck)l Cottdri.r lj Pen Holders and Steel Pens. .Hi V Envelopes and LeadPencils. GbnisylTootb Brushee, Hair PirisJ te3l . OFFICE And , rsidenca an.pSecond 4om ; .h kMfWltiin?ltllGri3v , I - - -1 11 - i rtr.v rBT4ir f u iiw 1 irin . 'jar a. yv r.- . liiuw ' i! L.tftt CW ' MarcK 9th, 1865: -f- ; .- If.?! T? , n:?;.f fu--?v . i . . 7t i ; i - The Herald of the Uiiioii, " ' ' ., . i Will be devoted: mainly to the p;uilic:itiu o f th Current Xews of the day, Mllitaryj -Pulijical , am r . ' --J -i Civil. Arrangements arc making, and ni a jjneas- ure perfected, that will give to this Journal ' ! ' i'xsDRi'ASSED facilities; i r. . - ' 1 ! ! for-obtaining tho lates.1 and most rieliabfe intelli gence of all current events. ; '' :. . . 'V ' . ' r-. ; .' I ' : An.efiicient and reliable j CORPS OF CORRESPOVDEATS Has been engaged at Fortress Monroe, ! Waihing . i 'ton, New York and elsewhere, from Trhoni'vde loo . - ' i ' for frequent dispatches.1 covering all fdrriuj . ' j ' . ' l events of interest,, thus enabling 1 us ito lay the news before our readers frequently several days ','"' , ' ' - -1 . i in advance of Northern papers. . j Particnlar attention will be paid; to tilio . MARKET REPORTSj Of the great commercial centres of the country, . " ; -i whereby we hope to make this journal aIuaJ)Io i s . ' ; tc both producer and consumer, and ja .reliable i . 1 ,.)-.'. jguide to all engaged in commercial pultuns. 'i ' :'' ( ' " '' I .' I CarefuT attention will be given tv tliQ IJTERAlti DEPART.1IEAT, Which will be enrifhed with selections in ' Prose' " and Poetry, from the pens of the ablest Ameri- . , i i i can and Foreign writers. In a word, nb pniin.s or xponse will be spared to make THE IIKRAL OF THE UNION a weldomevuiiant iin icvc- Camp, Counting- room, and Fire-si Jc in tlie Cottntr ' .. i ' , ADVERTISERS, 7 ! Will &ai THi: IIEKALO OF THK U.N!O V.4 uable medium of communicating with the public'.. We start' out with a circulation equal t tjhe utmo s hitherto attained by any. newspaper in jjorih ar- !" '.''., '. M ' '.'" " ... ".,';. -i , ' . olina, and we shall hot relax our efFortsj, unl.il we ", . '''''.'' .; ; ; ' . i I, have established a circulation unrivalied by ttrty ' ' :'" . ; ' " ( i '' Journal in the land. As we are favorefd ty the . : -! " ' . . i. patronage of the public, so we can in jiroportiop favor the public, . i I .1 f J : ' ' ' '' : ' OUR SIZE ! 'i ; 'iu'ii. At present the, same as that of the papers hitherto printed.in WihTaingtbn, will be enlarged! so soon as wecan.procBPe .me necessary jraaUrial and paper fron the North, i j j. ) 5 1 JOB TOE. ,. . i.. . ... . i 1 Weareftiow .prepareil to respond o the calls . J ' . 1 . : j - . ! r ! ' the publla in. the execntion of Job Printing ih . c; ' ' t ; ; its various' branches including, , j i Bill-headg, i i Circulars, ;. Hanld-Unis,- Cards, , flnvelopca, ; Pamphlei!-, be ' ' ' 't1' -5 - MiKtarr Orders. ! ' etc,, etc;, etci; etc.- f -.s'.A::. u ':-;,:? - ; ;' .! ) - t ttrmjTnt iizbALo or .nra- Uso. jwill u r furnsh&l to subscribers, delivered at tieirires-" . . lueaces in uris ciiy or sent oy mau,ai icu-iy.caeniS; (, t. f . ? per j-jnca,oppaaito ue Meraia'iMuiaiftg, res-- onabUTatea.,. . : ,f -r 4 J.--- f-r 7 V

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