" in 1 - wpyn tfeiy M 1 1 til I & ft li I li II: us. , JU - U u-Jitt3ti i-. i - i I, ; ' - - r " - -it ... "i ii . j : s e - i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n . it v IllF. IIKBAU,9F TUB UMOX. -! ' -- . . : . . - MABCH 13, -f1: .i it our ciliiena aa yel,Tj in .he pr.Wctiwxt the.old . HSl , T ; ,7 their colorst - . . . , . i . , J ' .i. iMVk,i immense turnout of! ;.:,L ,Le meeiu.g.on.Tucrf.y nigh ,?.? . S 4. 1 I a1 OA If UtS bU J 1 . t i . I ' , . fc I -... ?7-;ut;h.. Th-u being i jmi m. w - - ! nntf ihe Theatre. ' V U DJ V BUUL -vi- T ,.tpl tO ID mau&tj -i . wj . -iv t . ,r ---v .. . ,rno lUlin" 1 LUC vVVf' 7 ,l . . . I.. , - , 1,1 ,'4 ? J ' tribal .pataft- b-iMinsor the occasion,. .; monM for.'4lte CTCBing, ;Tms- " . ivo T.nmhercd by the 3: fcnerman 'k f.-- in HmeefinTto morrow nishifwiberef6re,be. : fl,e Tiiatre,n : not at me Vour rc -will be n thefetficat- pcrfonnuuce- on - pnt Work ;, already gWen LymeBt to a Yer large numtjcr qf m.cbac,c8 Workmen of all trades.and wuhout L.J- r:rc'cmTloyeV " quart ei master, a,nd . , t rix- ...woni Afr-unsr. iien. m "?sder the cm.ei lunuu. on4 of' thelito'st useful and efficient in -,t:,c:'ion with t'his prmy. ' ' . .. . ' Saturday we took a rnn turouga ui P f Fjivfttt,p;viile NO, E N E,V fi ARi W w - ."1: - - L. ! I, ' no rand Kr,hiii. J todosaHd at Ubat pptW tt bey deserted Wptaty tha lie 6btild placfno teliance uyon enala topetletivtcr itndrH lhe! night ,U naste J li " wU, ni arte iU iiWia moralized 7riTmt of an hdfodl filled with his deserters and. stragglers.. This u the boasted ariby. ' Sbermaa : pickeij fip about ; tboaiilci 'of his Closer ter, who ;Bty the rebel alrV ' ciot ssi to tbgethe. - -.' Shermafefrbnt vs fartheatereeut ther being itoff4mM& Wl4 to,iaU iitei thlrear, aftexhicli th ci4erjtea th selves ithHHHiug demonstration on tne rear : ;l'Q Sherman Y tra'n he now has to . r. OIT II XI5B il a akijus j. v i.1 THE ADViSCEiFROU SEWREtll' -f f - - Discovery of Mf Enemy, in Force Reported Battle and Cajiturc of at eWbern, gives the follofrmiur ird-to. the movement from that place : I -' ?1 - . . ' ' t.m1 i t i thciext;ention' --i.i SERSV SUPPLES. &cV i- 'V ' Frpnv'our Extra orSaturdAv,;ilth.r , ':, Ccrb from General Sherman reach- edii5!ipity; this morning, ; orms r -3- and fuel. . At j prcsea. p- ;; -r ;r uniH3 a fine StaWra.a?f lltts; a foundry, ana ..wwve xv.m r tr r i large caipenfejripg e3taMent,,ith,aU maeWticry WpeHtd'y steams - The daw i l capabKTof tumitig'tout 'twenty thduaaud Clumber daily. Lumber is wrw' being man , U,kVA hviiti tKe riew hospitals the gov- ;:iyi,t 13 erecting in tVe hground justth. u; uo city, anisp io rebujlit . v, 1W out of reaaitv ui'd .which wl ( eP.ia-,a under Captaiu ck.pan. supervision; iftccuuutionof varioixs On ftaturdaWa .: nUiiiber'ot' rollers were rai u r ui'- i-" jr - "m, ; . . , , . . , aansWg?- "and ttctetoef JMm; !f1.IS .'. liliV nnaRrrroinsrrerjairs'. tnrep hun'droi. .1, vW -and iild probably enter Fayetteyille;. on' W1; j :ept a ooinpany QfiScput3 llxis irp, '? &k 'Had hhoiting? f yecouf L-'JZln-Ao -tfV th ' e5xneditiun-: The ioxt-elition hs yeachf diSaatJiVesx Crock. , vvhejr the tir my mkoncra force consiitftg of tfokl division; 1). it.' artd S. P.! Le's DivUioa,!" from Virginia. SevoiO . . i ' i ' - ii .iml miri -rrt tiro lvS ' In Sherman's tra n uu uuv V! gkjmiusumg.na1 ia--x V '" - fanIey f 'destftuto fourl&a negroes, to ,ay that Maj. O.borne, "-' 'J . ' IT. 1 .-..li-nTir1 illllU! ail hundred .prisoners, siv -r - PT"wqn'j but yeturau. soiuiers, y r 6hargin all the militia and reservnaud other ' trash he captured. At Cheraw aooui six. uuu ared seilior reserves took the oath jof jallegixnce. and Werie 'discharged.' ' . ' '; ;r jj J . ." ! 'erywhere on the route from lumbia;jlie ' k.- ,.WW aVriiv. irtia theuwarm- ""M-Li! i!noW mn'n'insted ibv all classes ,. ..f'H f t -' rot :. i.JlKU ; nnn. vtiUi. tbe umpn .cause , VJH r y hopeless .1 any .lujuwrjouutwiu-uv" Struggley say .iU be 'bu a useless of blooa.' Acting du tijib sentiment 4.i, -vi snldiers aro deserting inicrowds, and th'e'maiy population are resisting Qolscriptionl VirjU'l. Thk enthusiasm of the ; rV ill M I r II" LtJ tfc V1V1 v - r . , , , sidered, of the 'sacriticej is an - guue. retarded by But aside a little orusnvwti-u u i-aWly, capturing- bcu'ntoen p.u,-, . ..' hm built and repaired. .InAe-iCar renter .shop a vefy .largo ifercp of won is employed r. . "fAvedufv of making coffins.. ; ?Thc cruelty of ;Le rebels to Mir frisonets-is ih'eto made -tdani-.v.. . a-m! fkfttr nihvfelraroled crisun-' ; n-irtcr The covernment furnishes i;rtli . , , . . t ; - - ad,board - . : - -a' uitUmen on Jiis trRirch." .no aib-i T ... . s, ;! - -lew merit to-sutieryiseiul-'-he.-seOTSriwy' . - itll'-'Him- aS-p'aiM)--? i. ' -iTf I "... T..l TJ. na'AVMi "HI .- " iT 1 v r. t mill rt.'i.ViHJ- I -.Ws Piidges,,. .a?y,.B4tfcVftT r1 The march of.Generai odw.h- r?r i; sltound an xpelleU reprcsentbtivj,iji Mrv. Jphn The first stage to eolumbiafbs Davi-. This gentleman is roaMyvproTin iimslf 1 K5fai?W. Jy $ih& 'At' Coj'5bia soul -oV tne' cLte? 'ii :&Vtr!n lf .f.SeU- Sneisf aefieaiiloof most ay KfrB - , Vfin. fcW 4?ctrabd uUL.wd5abidana stores , in tWs. ideas. Anderson raaAHumOW k, and,dr fcHh roars f .feSter at every ' g oJcnp'ation was , .WSf, ' T?I)isft.eaete hich mied the, sireets. Htfedreda of .'r'The 'rarcji has-been' somewhat Ww rk'inSL and swopfen streams, frnm tbJsi .it to been k. most sigaf success Noifitirig of moment ?Jhas , occired nt any .kfmWre-ias been abunda' ice ftd eat at al ' melUid-tb sare;; without ;any dats- Ori the ' .' f' ' wlifttnvc?! except for commissary tie.pat.Ms.! . r . v ,T . the siugi items A.coffeand..ugar, Itefugees, .;nr4i deserters and negroes havd:, hke tho, IdiefstedanlbWbu than -the orqmaTy raiou . y - r . rtsiierman .dpubtl , , m . tvinf: ,on; if. wrtiibl riot 5 be Satnniay .-. -juure-iuun , i l To Mfl&srs. Aricfe and,Quimby, "L-ta wL'bronMt t'dispatc.hes m.J through to tbi city W arq indebted for tlio above particulars;:; arejtho ;same e,nt, t4kt commuuiea;witK,eb. Foster on iW Oheo on .tHo' otfisroh. of ..vbdrnianjapH , . o i, - TIipv am brave and en 3 terprit-pl fellows,.and;de5esvl,ior government. -ctr.-kJirld and cautured -Tiie Nation troops have captured l'vpmv onersiiad Vv U. esculent s;rrits tb.:alv, and-iho mcn eager fortho iray. fne reb. bave'abou't; 13,D0t; men, .me of .w.h.1 VTS to pay the debt of nature,' for' the :ar -surely 4jound to capture Kinsu. 'ipJtsbniW inf of the railroad is jprorc.sfc'ina lfX9b'- 0 expect dispatches ' toay when wo ;n!l is-.no an extra." ' Later intelligence has been roceW-l tli;S k--?. . . i .. . i: -' ! I city thro u -.in reiu-.-. . . f Frin this information it app-ar that th -rebels attacked Gqn, ScoiicKl on ' drove his advance back: some fhye min. u.u forces tben rallied, and -bom- rdpV .rein forced, chargcd.b;ick ulou tbu enemy) .n 1 drovo theVwitli much slaughter into, and tlirongh Kinston. . - ' i , , ' ' , The. rebels withdrew to-rards (joUbvr.. h Our troops now occupy Kins.iou. j 1 We shali expect further partlcuhr ' twlay.- k . i i i i m ' 1 r! "r7"" i i ssU; of the i tlje darino i fiom.Gen. r.mii'irmatioiLbt'iil 4 c Defeat of l- t 1 T T 5il.sn n.;tr ! i TIic Victory -br0:MlorIoii-: nt first lieponew.; i nrr v -f'-V-f 1 Aiishvillc. t v. L-r- f-r'li'f '4'i. -I : , I, - I i. " - . L I j w fLiirm th i ' ! .13 a in T V A TEES IHISDHEIi m iu m. - Oicial Jispatclies" fioia general Sraiit and tJic Kecretary--6f-:M nr.- -r : i i Ui.'ir5inor.xlra :bf atu.rday; iktH. t; -iift firminir' the repdrt of iho Svof Sen: .SHeiidaniu -a-1xcW VcaMufed with aeTHtindrf ?; Tru'rlW-hrohrrht to the tion-of tthe place. --1 . - ..Yi:f tiM. tnese laminca r - -jjl 1 r 1 . : bib . - . T . . . kH u 1 r . x trevflle, 1 . 'I :i.JHtKhkftWLi5 least said tkfe L fiVaamdiU into OTe .4 7l jV.X theashinor away bfbridge ht -sm. Af .tliemUhav&-evideiuUy.nuataken ftnd blew and whirwu w l . 3 1 n(i trestles. '.rtnA A'jz-Ji. mdAVl v,LH -Ai-'?one' river, .xrear W JTl XHeaenl i. tion of :tbe place. SriirSft v?b!oVnn Dt eri 5fjuld cXkUU.UftWfeWVr4tHkitrt (hat : wfsll,Wa-A.i this trntrom. any iild .... .'la l..mNcirt.iUlHlr.T-; - in i ri tj r..ni.ire tuiui,vfc,Ti'-T w that .F?W 1 . . 1 . AWj. V1 MWTTirilfc. UiW there are no flaw lo.be had, or is xaere .v-w.- ,- f .. , i I V 1. , 9 V

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