i : 'r In fhE HERALD OF TIIE IMOX : - if- FILMINGTO?r,r t MARCH 13. TERMS:6f SUBSCRIPTION: Finclc Copy.' rf V.t..,.....l.J..V.'......r..$ " 10 Jir Mai! or Carrier,,qae week......-.......-. 60 hj vail or Ctrrier, one month.. .......-V 2 00 Hv'Uail or Carrier, three months.. ......... 5 00 To Newsdealers -,j , . Per each 101 opie.........-......... 6 00 Per etch 1C0O icopiet.. 50 00 V holesale orders te papers mart be handed in on the evening previoas to publication, and accom panied by tna cash. J v ' . , ' , RATES OF ADVERTISING: One Square, each and every insertion..- 1 00 llalf a Column, each and every insertion.... 8 00 Unc Column, each and every iasertion 15 00 Special notices vfilt be charged at the rate of tWentv-6 tq cent per lim-, each insertion. A discount of 25 per cent, from these rates will "be pi ad s for advertisements inserted one month or loccr. .- pVTSo adrertiiepents " till. forbidden" will be feceired. i All ord.T.fr papers or advertising roast be ac companied nilh the cah. ' Job Wo k done with neatness and dispatch, and at moderate rates, j rand Ualijr of the People. j , GE.YEEAL I'ObciL OF THE CITI ZENS OF VI ILMSGTOX AND VICIXITY. army - (hat ja so highly spoken of, and pleasure that ire are made'a onth-plec'for the li'Iief And this leads to; the suggestion -where are the ladies ? One Is beard from; none are seen.? The federal soldiers 'are harmless to ladies, H-be-baved and polite. The presence of the fair sex on the streets . occasional! .would oiAj tend to illustrate, more clearly there good qualities,. It would do more.. The boys, are weary witftldng and arduous campaigning, and careless o tlreir J appearance because of the ntter absence from female society to ' which they have so long bee subjected. Should tney encounter sjniliDg beauty at-erery corner, how. quickly their appearance would change Cloth and shoe brushes would be in so great demand that Cutter & French, would be compelled to send for an extra ctrgo at once. Then, too, there would seem to be a greater ob ject in cleaning up the streets, and so the sanitary condition of the town would be "improved. In every view of the case good would come f it. Even 'Mayor Dawson's grand meeting of citixens would hare -greater significance were the ladies to come oat and manifest by their smiles a union sentiment. By all means" ladies, jshow yourselves there bright sun-shinxdays, and withhold us from running back, into absolute barbarism. ! " .Come and let us Reason Together. Mayor's Office, Wilmington, March 10, 1865. J T!i citizens bf Wilmington and vicin ity are re-jiutccl. to meet at the Thea trti ou, Tuesday, evening, the 14th inst., at 7 1-2 o'cloqk,. to take counsel to gether, "and confer on the best interests of. car City and State. . . JOHN DAWSON, Mayor. TIte NEWS AXD THK CITIZSNS'.MBET- ; ' j ; ixg. With the news which comes to us from Sli 3r-m.u.:iur'61ieriJan- with the news that continues to Cimc ov of hnioa 'successes in all parts of the country, it seems to us there ehould be uo trouble in Uetermjmiirg .the best interests ot this citv and F'Hie at the citizens meeting 'to-morrow nij;li!.. It was said that Wilmington and. Charles'-' ton were both OTtkcuated in order to concentrate J troops to opp ge J Sherman. ' In addition to the troois withdrawn! frem those points. reinforce ncn's were sent . o Johnston's army from Rich. "inonJ, and even th? oil chieffnin, Loe himself, Kent down to stfcp the advance of the Yankee arcij . But it was all. to no purpose. Sherman miVfrl on as steadily as though no opposition w;r.in.hiB wuy; and despite rebel prophesies of his utter destruction, Jie has struck a new Las-, and i.s to l;iy perfectly eecAire. The time when he could hate been destroyed, had the rebels the power' to desftoy him, is pa-?t. . The golden oppoi -t unity has nWn. 4 . 8 eri.uui has pounced down u:cq Early like an engte. upon its p-fey,. and swooped up the rebel army oi the Valley of Virginia, horse, foot and n??, bag ayljhaggage, commander and eub-; . A more complete affair has not bees re. CLEANLIYESS A NO IIRALTH. , ! We are daily in -receipt of communications from citizens in regard to the danger incurred by reason of the filthy condition of the streets and alleys of the town, and are pleased to notice that the mili tary authorities have taken the matter in hand, and with strong details of men are at urk re moving the accumulation of offal that disfigure the highways. No more important wbrk than 'this can be undertaken and it will not be completed when the present accumulations are removed. It is a work that, inthis climate. requires to be' re newed every, day. The. refuse of restaurants, cook-houses and kitchens should not' be permitted to be thrown into the streets, but deposited in boxes or barrels, and hauled away .b y garbage carts every morning. The trenche that surround the city, it. not positively necessarj for roiitary purposes, of which we do not judge, should be filled np to prevent their use by ;the soldiers,, aiid proper places of retiremcntvith deep sinks should be prepared wherever i,ltey will be most convex nient. There ara-other suggestions of a sanitary nature that have beeu. made, but the. authorities will doubtless notreqliire their repetition. Those who have resided in-Wilmiugton longest, and are most familiar with its climate, are really I working themselves into a panic' on this subject. , There is every genefal alarm lest a few day 8 of warm weather, which we are likely to have at any time now, should produce a pestilence iff .our midst. But there is no occasion for this alarm or. panic. As we h-ve aid, the worK is air. ady commenced, and in a very short ttm- the city will' be as clean as a ncnt housewife's kitchen. Tiie labor of keeping it clean will then be compai a tiVely eapy: ! . ,: r . ; t TUEASURir nKGVWJkTMOnS. i The foUowiflJ; for the information f of U partieti interested at Wilmington and vicinity : . . ton.and oter places within this Agency!, wflrbe i1 s ued only to "persons of un'qaifstionablje oy jltr," and q;ho fuiy cbmply-wnth the Ke'erai Treasury ttegu lations by (taking the required oath And filing the the proper bond. A i pucation to keep "Supply Stores' ntt't oe na e to 4be Supervising Special Agnt, or tc an Asststat t Agen'., ) i II. -Allf jjiirtisaVho f?ell goods, vrah-s, and! mer i cbandise without obtaining a proper authority, will be liable to -are their entire stock in t;adeseited, condemned af;dold, us prorided by lwl :rIlI-":N person- rball be interested iai more than one Supply Store in this Agency, andj'the nanfe and location ot" every parfr ?o interetedlnbat be given to thr Suptjrii-ing, or Assistant Spec all A gent, be fore the authority or perhri. is issued. 1 The Haxi 4 mum amount thst anv firm may be permitted to,im port for sale, shall not exceed $3000ltK) per month unless Hie Co-jt.inanding General of tbeiDistrict for military reasnsf requests it to bi iarjper. Regular authorised jpirtie keepinjp Supply t?tres," may ell to Qther ' auo Orized jJiplr. $tore" for jresalefthe i Supply u re making the purchag'-'; i)n iBo'lnstancx', however, t' go beynd fhe amount, er! month, de signated in their a iitho; iiy. I IV. Everjr person tonnected with 4 Supply Stoi e as clsik or nssutaut, and nor, a meabfr of , tbe lirm, will bo i tquircd to take the oath of lijalty, and file; the same with the Supervising, tht Assistant, oi one: of the Lotw I Special Agents. j V. Any ;ict or t xpres?in of disloysijltor mat.iestr indicatHm:ot,synipatby and favor fo if the success of, the present! reoejiion,- will beregarced as.sotlicienti US ADQRSTEPATOEKT rif. ' faaiTT or TSk o'b t n i H'C. BrxctAt. OaDis, . j j JXe. :m 16. trlet will comprise all toe territory,. u'uf. cauie'-lor. tie iinmediateeancellatioa of th'e aathoi ity. I Wtntrol in rear of the -ariaieb operati:. j'; , "VII The Chief CenrmisWy Qf SaH,., telle all surplus subsistence safiplie i ,(" Wilmington and vicinity, eauiirp Mien. (1 ' Ceipts to be. given therefor, acd will turjr. 1 over to a Committee to coitposcd thf ti : . . l ...... -i amed enremen, citizens ot iliE',..crk r , ' Messrs. S. D WALLACE, t..v E, Ai KEITH, i "nik . JAMES II. S HACK KU, WILLIAM IS. UTI.iiv. "' " ' T GEORGE ClIAM:off;j - : , JAilESALDEMMAk, Who'-wAr "receive atid issue'tbt 'u-.i. ;, i. j: The Qoartermaetcr l)eprtment w iijl fc.-i . necessary transportation. By command of Major Genera! S k ,'.( .-!. : '" J. A.. CAiil'iKti.; ! Lieut. Col. 'A A . A.-4t;, llrt. CrV., niklrict or Vi;iij;u?ft jtinKickAb Ordeks, So. I. j This iuteitde i to ap'p y to all aie'iiibbrs of the pvux VI. iTh wilt be sutiect to examination bv the teujpervisiiifiror )cpeciI Ageut, or by the proper itcs.lJ ent. ":! f i . chants snd traders will bes permitted to Aseitanl Sp cial Agl VI I. We sell goods loyal p if tip ;thi.- Militai 'Special'-A a - will a ail books and account)! of all Supply StoWs and fiipplies in reosonabil?" Quantities to es," who reside 'withir. the j j it-ket lines -of y Post, without the certincate lot the Local eul. So trader or uierc!janjt, howevi r,. w ed to soil to any pa'rtv permitted br the' Miiitarv authoiilitrf rocome (roin t eionIaict picket? lines, unless" the. per j it at srad Local' Special. A gtnt. is exhiljted t( sa'd trader or mer habt land then Ijo: Greater quantity :aut o-- sold than speohed .by said permit. Alii p ti tu,- coming through said; i.icjcet lines before. uaki.ug purchases are un e teLiotho offiqe of the Lo'cal Kpcriii 1 Agent.' Permits ts cotue and o through tbie jsicktt lines arc givt n entirely by the Military 'a tithot es. ' . - 1. v i VIII. i) inetcfiant or tra er nill be permitted in put chase or take pkst!esdioifif the gjoods and stock. another , Supply biore, without giving in tradi of da J notice IX. Th In obedifence to' orders received f::,nj M,rJt. aeUobeld Cuunandu:g tbe"Uej-irtt.i-. tj b9! j ruuie commanioivne iisi. or " uuur.ifii, l'eir Ktver as ,a Laue. I a at also en... -w ;. . ji::jlies bt Provost M lshrl Gtnerai, v Alfa. ti,. i?'rriued. " - . ' : v oad-quarters are ;estaWi;hed in W; fni-i. E. Lewis Moore, will s.tvc . a..?;. Au at-nt . General, L.iuU: . Col. James F." Handle tf, ju ii, shit e, i-: rappointed Provost JIarsh.il of V.I ,,;, i r'urt.ier stafitappointnients will be n-uJt ;. i , -. 1 JOS.K: HAT( r.v, B;ii;Ge:i; 1.'.. .V, " HeI Qt"AKTf.R8, DkPT 0';f Il.'.ii St. " "Wilmington.. N. C. 3l.ircli T ; f i '". General Order, .Aro.,'2.1iJrevt i'.rij.M l 1 Et L. Hayea, is nr signed to the ch'argi- - il. tured. abandoned and eonfjpiih"' nr-.f, ,,; ud obUiniiikT permission from thir office, i , t ... , ... ,1 rinzinjf- of "fresh vegetable Jtruits. but- ;lrlct, more ep, ially such as will 1; , ,. ,., ter &nu - ffly?; poultry, irti"ii Jt"n rucur,! cutia aca ,"""v mc- ncasmj .iv-. irem 'MHtjif. umovi pw su.' K reswinj; ib uie ouu- i j. ne win take iu; mt-ciiaU. injeasut e 'o try to. i os t and town, under thet coatrft o-- the miiitnryl aijith rities, to be disposed ?f tjpthe firmyi navy, and jriiizyns, w II bV readily facilitated by Per mit Otlice! and. Local Spe i' Agent. ' ; " X. As-itli o theiijhest iiuporianjce to thie 'public interest thiat the War, Navy, and Treasury "lirpart-. ni-nis. -shojuld act hartnniaoutly, ali Htlic ers.j Arfit aitr. and I.ffeai Agents coiwiectcd with ti is Aencv,,; wil readijj answer uch . inquiries j and give.mchr suppot t ama be in their .po-er toj tho 'e engaged in the tiiiiitarv ami naval service. I- .'. ' -f XI. Untjl Wilmington i deel red an open prt by J'rocla'oatiion of tt-t- Pretidi'itt, or niiti! iulat.d coia-ii.unic-atica is opened Yoin an to thie'po'rtof IfVrati-' lort, ttadeis at this point must necersai ilv b? touch J.I! t description, locality, .quantity ami t!. :'u-:-r. alleged owner, absent, or pTc-er.t, alii:: .m. gather fuch imorwa tion s w ill tend t ti r i, nent ditributiiii cf the-protie.-tiv. ! . Xll pecFOn? ar e hereby instructed '.to jplv li iiiTuniici i , n s.uvu ix, uyinHuon w 1 1 niti i I In. :'- f 'All military, force under tLiccouuri.ir.'j -enjoined t fiord h?ni aid and prorcttilo: ... : needed i a id wlitbuut fur ther iiistt ueWoj: , ,n V : , : prevent all destruction of prvperiy, . a in. p.. vng. maiaueing and unlawful tradj. ,'A ; it-red, abandoned and confiscable .-f. ,4 'x J disposed of. u der cleat Iv esfabliIi.-:.i L.'.- Jinn- i- iv W dr-ioo alt?':n' A 'AW filch iii New 15edficrd, wJiose practice is quite extensive in doctoiii?g dull saws?, puts out a.' sign in the form of a hardsaw with these words, "attw-dentist," painted on it. j , .corded. during thejwnr. And now Lee is compelled to send away frorr Kichmond another detachment - a stioug orce-rtoguatd his lacK door at Lynchburg. He will be wise to look out how he sends troops away, or Grant will pounce down aifoc him some fine moriAg, nd serve him quite ft uucermonioualy as did Sheridan Early. ; The principal towns of Nocth Carolina are one fier the other falHng into the, possession of the aaati .nal forces. , "Beaufort, Newbern, Wiimfngtoo, .Iayctterrie,. Kins ten these already float' the stars und stripes." The same emblem s wilL fly over Jol lsbon and lUleigii and HUkboro and Greens boro doubtless before .many days.- "or, if Slier.' i . ' ' V v' ' - 1 . 'i. nuu eouU not be ropped whgni marching frcm "Savrinnah" into die. State, he "certainly caunot;bc resist a d cckw that to his victorious army 'is added the popreiful focfe yedex the command ot General ScUo reid : ciu ull the doubt Cul ones, if anj ,auch there bv tbat.-tlere .are ; naiionaL Iroopr. enough in Xortk jCarblina to-day .to couquor.the unttea armies ortke rebellion. '.TiWrefore, hy should ihere be any question as to five Mty f lite 'tncwent asv it co cerns the f t:le 1 iliia.ciiV iad Slate ? With i tkW tWre- A n a. AJ, th rroc.awaJ on and dfHi;. vf. Gvaeruor Aaee i caanet liold tiliStaU !o3sr crat of lie Unibql' 'A few rliii- x: demtriVe ' tare 11 ih 'li Li.;;-. A -tti i t iti iicf trMCtion. : Tl . Mwe now " MAHISE ISTELLIGEiVCE. 1 Pear or WtxiNarov, Marcli 1L; Steamer Vorth 'Poh1''-"-1 ' f ' ':'" Matagorda.- ,. ,...A t " Christopher. llth.Str. Stonton. , ' , ,I'arthenia. : ' James S.' Green. .- IN BEjlOW.. J Schooner Virgini-. , ,- ;.'...--pace. ' ,i ... hii.-':. V ,Mary. .. . , Steamer Cloud. - 12th.-Steamer .Vorth Point. ' . " Champion. ' sl Brig Humboldt. : ; r 6 ' FROM BJL0W. r H!f . Steamer Walis if$2 . f s; j f i TOm DAY'S ADV E It TI S EM EN TS Sagean5gerM.;4:! Mocdar Evening, MarVh 1511,. 18C5'. fi r : h, t; mi sj isi ots Bft i oo-esi IrIr 'f&WS tyttoa Bu?wers Latlj of Lyons; or; Love and jPriile. i stricted. "jo lonjr as t"e blc I:adek?onfiriUi s here. :od andsupplies can 'only be brought tl tree tig-'$' VV'i iniufrton via Cane Far River as al miiitarv necesv-n sity. The applicant must obtain' thf r'risent o' ttiih well devised, pot only' for tht beriffi ?! i'l : G War Department at .abin"'tiu before jthe i'reahu Ml 'ment. but an well ftir tbl M. a -;..- ii eyi i Linen b ... j.eruiii. jf-iu tli we riuppcii oti reet y ti this .dace, as aioreiid. . Cju the arrival of goods. at tVis point permitti-d. tbfv n.ust be first reported t the. Local Agent and th -niold ni v in ac cordance with the Treasury Kegillatjon J Tu? Local .y. ji j Quart' Agent will examine the cargo to'asqertain wlKSiber' ! , - 4 F" it eoroparqs 'with the duplicate invoice. !'. XI L. Alf parties , holding r cootriollinig personal : property ithinour lin'esinclidiiug fcotton, tobacco, and othr jproductions consigned, deposited oj left." with them: bv anv person or persons Within the Re . - ; ; Jri . i.si. ' 'A j . . ..! ..- i i wei imrr, n) n w ue weniwen WUft iBfrieoci- lion will, bte expected to account fot- and promptly dellrer npltlie same to be disposed of! as captured or abandoned property..- Leases giren'for I abandoned ' hoC?es, stqre roo -i s., and tenements, by such ptrt'es! within thelRebel lines can have no foirce Or validity i. The rent f'T prooerty of- this discrintionj (not occ'u J I ill ' Jt; .i ... ... ! - . T . . and tora: citizen. Tho olhVj of Breve'Brig. Ger: 'iBingion, on .Vi a ;ket Street, next Io.r ij t!:.' i ift: f By order of Brig. Gen. Hxw'i.ky : 1 ' E. LEW IS MOOIIE, Cim ..IV. A.,A. U. pied by the military authorities) must bel paid to the" Treasury Agent. Parties holding houses and furni ture belo.-igiug to persoufwiihin theiKebel Hues will oe expeetea to give a strict account pr the tioe, in order ihatj-snch disasi tion may benoiadejof t'ie same as provided br law and the R infatiins-J -.' ' 1 - XIII. ! rbe ppschase ad ihipmntiof products by pfiai.B pariies jr, huo win oe, sospenuea until inn ana specinc instructions are received: from th Trea adrv Depart mont. s XI The -office o' the Local Special Agent win; for the present, be tceatxd at thtrCprirt tt.usi it Wiiwipgn..r.; !;i -j,. lsr : , ' ; XX.- From, time to time such Information will be given- concerning the' Treasury it eeta ti ns a m a y a. . . a. j..- .r,a ' . mpKtii: io o jnauey p iuierest to t;ne puouc .JopV Special Ag. nEAioK, ; Trm Dept. ., . .- HTAiQtrA-aTee& Dep. ur Vv;iijti-it-N-,J Wilihincn . t'.,' Marrh 'M, j General Order. jVb. 3. All ptnonf in f big h t-ict are hereby enjoined to brir g ia h 1 dMir Capt. Ackennar, at theoftceof JJrcvet lir;ii General Hayes, nextooqr to iJi-ri jclLdrter aU. rifles and muskeg and their ajvurtLinr swords, pistols, and military tve-ip'os arwJ ei ments, that weie' formerly held by t-e called Co federate authoiities. i - --'.'.-'.-...-- j -. 1 .-, . j His known that a large quantity of r:i!!4r:E! t tarious 4escrIpti6o were left in th.c !j:stii-t,-a: nat a portion thereof was taken bv' anHHitru person About the time the tovn wai occap. J- h(f lawful authorities.' i Ail such xnat bt tmrntd in, or the parties holding theiaj will'n -fH aarity dealt with. " f f r v T ,t By c rdr of Brig. Gen. J:'B. IiU licy : ; I , V.E. LEV7IS MOORE, Capt. A, i. ' After which, t fTrfff rjC. "f " .Liqaors,.rMr; rft Osj.Bfc inWuut ui Mie iRQgoaote" rarte of - ' -'! j i v IN AND OUT OF PLACE. HLBtre CaI r 5i 60., ; iT'L'71V'Z?r. '!.fr.-;.V,ar TV 1 4 77 c'cleck. I uiHusr. owri in ioi, service or tne i rL r "L ' . - - , j il' . &' J v ' v . f r. , " I A. C. is .hereby aaained to dutr as C , , E A D QUA R T EJttS POST 0 FJ&tfL MI X G'T.O !f GxjKsaAti Cartas l'-v-ii'' -" !- 1 unitea ?ita ansencjropi their Comieand wI. rrp rtCuterAhtiiiahaev,. , :r;!v., 't? -"v 4 fc.VRrW'., esseis jnot naTaIf J f this Pert, wili on arr.rliig 'immeaUtelY 'r""' neqnrierr ana utn isn J a list f t paatensrers who-, are etrilaa , ai i(or9Uett aj rs ,s mnorjij . uar their btfftii..". ? . . Ky erderof i7 : I ' J '- ' i. : s ;.,. t r iter i tli'.;BferVBrier JOSEPH C. 4 onins3'lBl 1 i . a; IP a nr. ? r rntKivv o ! Ai ; sm .--.-J r 15.1 At ..new waia Wi'irmjt ' i inia .a tM o. i : i . i 1 i i fi iii Ail i i . .... . -. are hrem and ". .-.J ; Si J- Hi r:!'"; v kJ-F.1 JlUNTi VtWn v ! ilxj txrIaiiMeca;d QItt Adt. . ladle eTTribraingUnC i f egard to conduct of fie' isajffck! irniy-pridrf- bajue it It . ur -v - BBTjoara i a en with rooms mna'anntrxttMi .is. . f ir cvTamand or Bnir: . XEWrS MOORE, Cap. an!d A., A. C. HliyH? DEPT. OF KOR.Til CAUOLIXA, .1 ' i i ARMY OF THE OHIO, WiiVtcernv V f 'llmr'Ax 11. 1' rac;Au Oanxas. b Xo;18. n m - A 1. tliig. Cemeral J. Han lei its lrt alcard in the eowwarid nf the District of Wiimicf bkb irillembcace ail. the Urriturr BBdr.j lfitf Mr.'pAl In. m f aF fha as-v uniiir ft tin? v ttat liiver as a, bare. l;vlinwb5y,wiUhVef ''f llk lrU1 jjif - the depot at rVTUu: ia'gMiiV Cfapiu Fcst HJ pi ipr use ri raii oau id rear ot en- a. rf-iy TheX4;nder. J 'i BrordefBrtBrlieni o7t., , WVWh . A r . 1 -, . - w jk wv. .t irvt r-;i t-;.t ... . ; i . ; ' 10 r).: i- 1 A -2 7 "A IT