. - . .. . T7 - - "'u, : r . vM -'-M-i -ny-.- v 1 ' . j HEMIDWIIIE MX. 4 i ' .X--f . .', ,M i' ... ' ."sj-:. ' .... :t;':.J. , DAILY i3WSPAIJDn; Will be printed CTery ( mornicg, (Isundays i 11 .-..-Jt..tf'-i-: ex ff f r - 1 T " f ft l . - " 1' - - ' - i r TriLMiyGTOXi 1 : ' MARCH 13. Corrp6ndence of TUe Herald of th Pnfpn.1 ; ? - hi!e e are aJwija prompt. -condemn ; tiling of a repretcniitjlc chrictff elioaid we not be equally just ts Jacknaw ledge acts of raognapim itjand kmdnef !;!undcr tbe lietr regime of oar cit j't eTerjthing seeas ti be conducted with im coambn ikili'-aod tllit, AntLkt tLc' eame ' time with delicate consideraioa and perfect syiteia, m fcr, reminding one of the Euscegsful . working of an intricate piece of machinery. It can be no eaiy or coreted I ask, ommaodant of friends and enemies under one hVad, ohliged 'to ;ieeXf:. teiltancc of men and women .-of ;: equal phisique, calibre and nation; and doing justice to all. We think an acknowledgment, is particulariy incam beat nppn the Indiei'pf Wilpington ; an expres sion of appreciation; and gratit ude due those who respond so promptly to thei exactions, and hare provided so efficient Tor their defense and : pro jection by night, n ad by dayi "And; while we would suggest ivp- rcciaiion and gratitude to ' the cwicieut ujKjrTis?iou of all, we . would not forget those who obey aud;ckrry oA sorichcertuly and euccostfu ly, the coram.-.nds asignf them. j , , JUSTIQIA. THE FIRSTTnOOPS IX ' WILXIXGTON. Wjlmcxgto4 N. C., March 4thl863 r!rrTvndence of ihe HeTftld ol tht .Union. . 1 hare noticed thai a sort of spirit of section.! emulation i- being manifested among the Iro'opd that compose our aruy now on its grand triumphal march through Ihe j Southern yonteaeracy ,wneu they enter or.pos'ses uwns or pliees of importance recently held by th enemy; as,' for instance, it Was announced by apeis ail home V'Tcnn-. Fvlvani.i troops were tlie first to enter the city of Charleston." Although as' a ldi'ers enlisted in si ' cou.zi6u cause ta should know no sectionalism nor emulation, save thV hpaorable kind which vlirhe conducife to ti.e tationirl weal. yet,. as thi? sort of Yieingi is engendered by a sort of ho-icst local pride, and is rather an incentive ,to the, performance of trete- atid ' nobler deeds," penr.it me, through he coIuuhjs of your haudKome little-sheet to say, in the samov spirit, that Ken tucians were the fip?t to enter this city, the last liuk in the chain of c .try-ports; which bound the deciimng efforts -fof Jifc; of the South to a hope for help from btyhnd ihe tide." W. (J.lK.Wth Ky Vol. Infantry. - MMrmtmmmmiA -. r .- f IN SUTLERS! STORES, 1 -:""! WESTIINDIA GOODS, ,4 t,-'-H' t 1 i - r, r- '. iy , 7. i'j'l' j rt;-7. ' ! if " : ! : Ay. GROCERIES; YANKEE iKOTlOlfS, : ' -s ! C TRIMMINGS, U ccpted)at the leraid ir' Bmiiiiiiim JuvaaJlAUJiJui JFrattt Str VImingtoit, X. f. .'ri-:- ; I ' &C.,. &C" ' ! i The subscribers "aniiounpc to their frietids, throughqutiher army,; that thej art prepaid to furnish at wholed ;:.:::,;:.rdvERVTH!H6;::BEQ "SUTLBEa will find it.to' their mte'rest to1 examine our stock before g&ing North. Attached to the establishment is m extensive atid: well selected stock! of ' "Novels, ; ' '" 1'"- Periodicals,1 '-! ;. 1 ':..M.r.:'' -.I':': Magazines 7 i Newspapers, ' : ' - : . Stationery, s " fW;M:"B. Cutter.' : !' Wjlmingion, N C, March, 7th, 1865, &c, ,'&c.l Geo. 7u AiXvvi, AVhere w tiie ;X:DiKSC!vt The' manager of a c(uury tm.atrc.ioos.cu mw Hreuuure v".. i he a ts, and turner? with a face" of dismay to thjb prumpier, withUhe qaefStlcirtyf, ? Why, good gtatiouk, where's the tudienct- ?uv "Sir, rc plied the prornpteri irithout- uiovirtff a iiiu.cte, "in: izjizx i.ovr gotie'to. pet -syrie beer,H. The mauag.-r1 Mij.ot thci perspiration fr.jur his braw and said; -"Will he!teturHf .do you think V "Most certainly tie exprfsscs- h'nnself . higMy satisfied with the play, and applauded a 5 o mn," 27.et let the lusijuss proceed,1 ex claimed the manager proudly ; and it did . piW ceed. A A western pKpej- fpcukiii 6C a "potj oat Jiis v . K hi hi-rids in .aim ilier usual" titivi- n 1 w WJ -" " " pi - t- - - . - . m Itgca ot rshjnu ,-ne nns wee Vu", " . wiiliiu the lat fejic. V Jpp vv-"; , Th-.'fotluwi'ng direaorr .wf fbet Qarteruter'8 Depaftbunt oi the' Dcpirtmepi rXrth;CarUn u priotedfw the tninrmation frfficert ;nd othr btving bueine to timMCt'witk'Utaa branch of tke public serxJOv J rj-': rv 11 ;; :' ' ' ; ': r'.:: '"-V- f ae Qrrterirtr:B?eTet BrtUer-Oeneral-Geor,t S. tlodJ Dt2c; Cape. Fear.Ba.nk huildiup, on Front prt;;hea.r Market - i ;'i-il CWiMlov, A.Q. ar . OOcc trhh Cliief iaTter, . arttr. V -' ;'-?--; -v -V. n . rt C.'Mnat Tj LinD. A. Q- U. - In brp of Water Traporta4ionrtC4 Office V.ter, Street; between Market anrt Dock, ( . . Captain K, B.-. Blackaian, A. Q' U,r Tfi cnp work-shop, fontgc aud Uri.' Office bn;Wter Mr ecC, abort Maket..i-v:X-V.'' M3f VV CnUin' AbdrewiAlnworihi'CapUin.vf.tbe ,I ptt- Chrrcd with the rtKaUUon. oftalt esaeU Ip Up. ? SPECIAL NOTICES,, k ' ' ' ' A OAinv. - - ' ,'-;f f; - ' j New York, 505 iSiUsidtvttyj ; v March 1st, 1865. j : 7o mtf ' former friend wd putunm of. Wil- Iluviug located myselt in VMS .u, j. ani prepared' to offer at ur bonder (Scottr-fc Hld win,)- next bmrdiog Delow eti acwiw. I .Kit f!olIrg. cravats Tics, Ac, a. full! aeortment at' Furnishing uo'ur ,TI.Hdics Linen Ujoder Out laenti. of all kind. "beau-t.-.ir.. mu.llvat:Tv oiii snr! f tbe best mat- r-i Ltnen. Uolton; .Silkdind Flannel. - Also acm- ptfte assortment mr.ilitse ana tfova. . One hundred Girls work on ttfu premises, and all tfurmenfs jnade under theiua mediate apervi8i-n of Ihi-proprietorp,' Mrs Wintte' Card ;appeara- ttt hther (jolrima to which theattentioft of Ladies is Hinted; - , ?.Btwij b v; '.. ivrTTTf! AL NGTICE. IN31 KUCTIONS IN MUSIC. PIANOS rriHE UKDERSIGEP iffenT iiVrofeionaraerV I iTiceteh citixen! Wiliainjrtoa, as a teacher n-tho Fin,ViolU. Guitar, and Ho tune and Repair llanpa. , Ordert way I.teft at . Wbxtaker, Book Stoi e, r difected'to . - r ' . I ' : v J. BENEDICT, r'rof. o WufIc acd ; r t , i . ! - Ieaderof Orobetra at Theatre. ,v iUteVlgth;a8CS.4-r;l,s st' w -'"TZTL ZT. -.V.vT - -- - i v i Jul. .j - - ' IT X UIi WBW.; w.t - " ""- toter former patroaa, 4nd ih Ladie of Xew ok4 . - , 4 uj w - - - . r . ;-crtV': r'!fM" . fi.au CtL Conn ?. isr enmaiana i inrre rtvnut 3 i irn iia Stock: ready for Immediate (7 tontar Httnlion PIT en IO I TIRITWTT TROSSEAUL lit V K-7 - 6 it'JlaHJil ft Pcrrtrt Crockery Sigj ,Fel)18-4w : - . 38 Marktt tftr at 1 1 - 44a- a "a. a jt - ar. . V . a 1 J3- LAVS il ett tare' Vy 'SottiK.' -4K ekpeM prf inwiuiai-.p, e rtrhea if turti (fgnoAsc carb; ." r- yi WK'I tT- riu.w ,:i ... -:fVlareiii-r ' Ladies and Misses Hoop Skirts , - ,. -v ' . .. , "" - ' ' Qolored 56Buige.. -7 Colored Organdie i Htslins. ' Fine White Lincni fr , ; " ; iaMes 'White attclBroWedttoHosc; White Swiss Muslin,.; v.. J f XJoats4 Spool i Cotton.- ; fc BlackT 51ax ThreacL - Envelopes and Lead Pencils., , ' Foolscaps' LeUer and ote Paper. 1 Agaiei-Peat-rndBon Jiuttons.. t The Herald of (lie Uiiioji. tWill be(devbte2 mainly to the punlicaflou of :hc Current Xewa of the day, Military, Political, anu Civil. " Arrangements are making, and in a tztns- - .1 ure perfected, thai .irill give to this Journal UXSlJRMSSEBFACILriIES, for. obtaining the latest and most reliable intclU- i. - Vv - "' " ' gencc cf nil current events j An efficieut and reliable I CORPS OF CORRESrOXBEATS i . : . .... .- I . Has been engaged at Fbrtrefs Monroe, Wathinj ton, New York and elsewhere, from wihom we loo - , - . ' ' ... . s - . ? for frequent dispatches, ' covering jail Etirrin ! - ' ':. ' ''." -, ' . ' events of interest, tints enabling u$ to lay iho .pews before bur readers frequently $evcraf days jn advance of Jort hern papers. . 1 'r Particular attention will be paid toj ihe - MARKET REPORTS, Of the great commercial centres of the, ccumry, whereby we hope to make this jooriial valuable tc both, producer and consumer, and a reliable guide to all engaged in commercial piurfiuils. ' Carcfii! attention will fce given to 'the LITERARY DEPARTJIEXT, Whichwill.be fnvichcdKW"ith selections iu Vrj? and Poetry, from the pens ot tlje abjc'fc Aineri- i can and foreign Writers. In a vcrd ino piiins or l - ' i . i- espouse will be gpr.red to 'iaakc THE IIEIIAL (jp, THE XNI N "a welcome, tisitanS in eve- I - ' ' -- !'.''-! Camp, Counting roout, hnt Firesidein j be country ' ' ' j : i' p ADVERTISERS, . -" . . ' . ' i Will . find THE 'IIEK ALD OF THE UXIONar uable medium of commui6aSV with; the public. 'Ve start out with a eirculatiorf qual t! the utaio s hitherto attain'ed by any newspaper inlNorth Car- pbiina, and .we shall not 'relax our efforjts, until we have .established a eirculaiion unrivalled by any Journal in the land. As we arc favored by the. 'patronage of -thcpublicy eo.we can in j proportion L favor the public. 1 - ' i i- y . ' OUR .SIZE - I - . - - - '-- . y; ' ''!' - ' 1'At presecV the same as that of the papers hitherto pnntedV so soon as we can procure (he .neces&ari ni ait e rial and ; iy Jt tl V.V : f, . f .. .1 , . . fl V. i 4 .1. iedtet!Tpe?jyfc -r- . - r 4 .:.;:f;;fU:l;?'Iip't 't: : - vl .We are. na; prepared to respond v thf calls - ,U tiie public in the execution of Job Printing in. its various braacjhes, iacIudifj- i : ' ; v HodBlU, ' rvstexr, -Ctrds. iV y ,-7 ; : V:- I'axnphlera. tri ''tete.,;,ettv;;itcit etc. I ; : . . Wiucc T V ilia cit, of aenV MV i"7 f ' , v

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