i. : .:i- O it 3S - -.t t . T (i ? -4 . , .... k-. ,.. Tt T"-- J ': . 1 1 r - 4 - . -. -. - ' a a 1" 4? v W- 5 5 THE DF.R1LD OF THE Ulftv. 1V!i,m1xc;tov 1 MARCH 14. TERMS OF" SUBSCRIPTION: Kir. -lr. f ' r. ' " ' "I.J 'lall . ( . . one wee-k j0 Ait i '"rri r. t-ne month 2 4i 5 00 Br iljsil i Carri - , throe months To N(Mr r't r . 1' .utiiJ I'M eopie I 1.-:- f. w).! iron ... 00 5r 00 " In.'-, i,. i .-- f,,.- DIWrii u-ut bi hndi in on mm the- ."n.. pfevioq to publication, and a ceo is -panedby tha c.vh.'. ' RATES OF ADVERTISING: One SWc. oai:Hand urerr iorrtton..u .1 00 Hatf "o!u an; ach and e'rerv to ertiou K 00 Uni 'jtiiiunis -ai,-i and evrv tn.-rtlon ... 15 00 rat- of SV ' A r.itif,s Hii be cbarsred at the rat twenty-!; c-eutsyer nn-.-r each insertion. A 3i?r:ur.t oi i. per cent, iron thej ratsi "vill ern.d .' for advertisements inserted "one month or ,0RiL'Sv- ... - ,.u .. .. . JJu 1 lertisemente" till forbidden" will be lm. v a ! il . f--. papers or advertising must be ae eoinnit f M-itU the earh. " , JoW Wo. knne with neataes and dispatch, and ;at ra )(Uraterac. ' , - (imrHally otW People. H Vil'IMTY. !i- Conie and) let us licasou Toscther, " I MaTOR'? OlTICE, , ' w .limits of W'ilmii.tcii and rk'r.- Ity-fl'? V?-iij:'teil tp rjcot a ' .tho Thea ttre vii 'luo.iiy overling, the 14th inst., . 'lit l;- Q"J?lock to tako o6unsel to- cctht r.. jihl confer on the best interests ' " cfc,n:;'Ciiyani State. ' JOHNvDAWSON, Mavor. i it. iA iftf. JTiiraingtou wuo h4 l taart iae' Mlretfare oT lhe city Stat wilt fail to attend ' tlwTocetiftj at the Theatre to-night,' It should bn itumens'e. jjojthcring. If there be any in oar nidst' ifo qucxlion tb adtantaes osv ce.-tord-of the union, they snouldie at tbe'tmectlng -.Vta Aid iLy their coon set in arriving at the true i.tere-r.s of the city and State. Union uien should tolf tf-TLro lo'-tiiTocate tiaeir fievs. Merchant-, b.teisl.tw-yers, pq!tieans, clergymen, doctor?, xacchatics, men of, leisure, and men of actiritv i . 'deriry dy has a borne in this 'ficinity is TnUrestcd ; co one should allow any manner of . fall aectlng ; aad e frank expression of sentiment. Del ittfS be afraid to expiess Li-r Opinions. There will be no soldiers there to over. 'moot inlimii&te thf mo5ca. There will be as ptriect freedom of speech as was erer known in 'parVof the United States, at any peri ifl the " hiiUurj Ot' Jha batioa. . ' Wr hare heped, snd; do still firmly believe tha' s Utt tetttinwnt of this meetins; will be almjst unan- Ixaouiljr fjr tire unioo. SUll. if there is a slum,- ' btriajfttjbellio'tfs seotimeat in tho communiy,now 1,JM tho tlm for it t manifest itsslf. - If it be not V &soifetrd to-night, then will the eoncloaion e ' i:laoornro?enWe that it does not exist, and forerer titer cwaters, must Jtida themselves mnd remain . eonoealtd in oblivious tiles ee. " . Time; tita great arbiter of all events witi quick- iy close the, oontrorersy that has plunged oar ' Waotry Into so bitter and protracted and icruel a; df U par. . f he war, to hamsn -view, is "rapidly drawlac to a close. It does seem to .us that no tsnoii Tnaa.esa see the slightest remaining chance f4r fh rrbellion to succeed. O-i every hand we ear onljr cf victory to the national arm. In no t tUrcctioo Are tall reei srers tavctlng with aught bat iwrcmsJ V Their terrftory is ccsiantly ant) rapidly being piwed ; down. '"f They are losiig rt TI0 " lhejr:ue de- Jcnl sAil,;or.iaeu and supplies Ami the VMafHueaK' caaceairatien which ' ususJTy Ives tstrSgiVtr 4dds tidtihi to th lr power. They gala no victories. Ooj the contrary he nat ional sjrrengta ' Is conatslyjSiuxmenang by fresh drafts of taea. Kv' only-are ilu armies- of the tnion held g'ood' la ftunUjw bat e?et7 draft of General Grant for the' bcrtert : of thcte 'arnits to meet the' emerge iicics of the1 . time are , nrniajuQr .met. The purpoae 5 arnesv and determined) eloee the war this , season.. - If ataUUtfa of tH shall be iM- rVary to aremjri a ih'f tjscf,' jen the next eaa7y of the' cvu try w'witaeaa.; sailUeo aaaa niUUe ,UW.r I w),. r t"'"'3- ; 5 li w.gsiOKl ttd t weV'aud thee eoutl tred sac . i . I. - i f 1 J lii 4 r It has breu deurmiaed thai the Ufioa shall te aad j pr etved li wm be. The w tsWeaii:tttsx'UWfWs Mali bt clear t every fhinkiivg snau ? We do . x stop MwUirgwe the n.htevuaaeAs of the cmu-ht. iMight li.rsa-fdj -cicUer tiey will freeiy and fracefally assent to tbe restoration of the unicn, with a return of it.- blessings in prosperity and happ.aess to the Cf-miuuaity, or by a longer reaist aaco place thcin.se. ves in a position to be swept away before the avalanche that will fall upon j those who continue to spir. n the repeated calls of j the legitimate and benevolent. geTrrnment oft".? con-airy to its err ng children to cuuie Luti from 'kcir wandering and accept its torgiveness. OUR COSUI, AT MATABIOKAS, The latest advices from Matatnoms ivjuid seem t: leave no doubt that our Consul has been ordered to leaTe that place. Matam-ras, we believe, is garrisoned by a mixed military force of Imperial isms chiefly Frqach goldish?, however and as the so-called government under which this frce maintains its tenure of the nlnce it ' rrmtri1 l.e - j I the United States merely as a " billic-crcnt." we ' Cannot complain that our Consul has ceased to be Lrecoguized. He held his exequatur from the gov- Mrnment of President Juaiez, and not from that of w . ...... maximitnan. ins position, tuereiore. Lectme exceptional and anomalous, so soon ay the invading army dispose : cussed the. forces of Lite Ilepublu at Matamoras. And, all things t onsidercd, perhaps it is tes strange that ou. "Consul should have withdrawn frotn'liis position at this late hour, than that hcj should have remained at his post so long. ,' . It was on -the lGth of Jantiaiy. (almost two months ago,) that the Senate, on the motion of Mr. Wade of Oliio, moved as an amend meet to the Co utualar Appropriation Bill, that, iftytead of "Mexico," ihe wonls Republic of -Mexico'' should be eubstfiutcd. That au.ciia..... i was so cepted by the Seuate without n disaeutii.g jroicc. It was on the 2h of, January thai tbe House, with similar unanimity, tapproved the amendment of the iSenare. And since thia jpint declaration took fbrtn inlho body of a public statute, there has been abundant time for thelmperial military authorities in Mexico to be apprised f the fact and to govern their relations loward the agents of the United States accordingly. The matter inter preted in this liglit, is of no grekter "political significance thatr'the expulsion of the Iafe British Consul, Mr. BhtreK, fr .m Chartesssn.' Ii is simply tho exercise of a bHligerent rightj' r - A PAlhtUB. ; ' r i 'Governor ifrown, of Georgia. ln his recent iuos- ,,' . , . .14..;.. I- II Sage to the Legislt nre of that State, says, thjo PreHident Davis i has failed 4" his military ai minist ration, and brocght the country o the .crjr of rnin." 'Brotrii is sevcro oh Jeff "Davis. Ho forgets that he is in tho same boat himself, as nro ail the rebel . leadets in thcSeuth. It in not Jeff Paris Alone' who? hae fslletl; It is the TebclUou. OT the grand coustellatron dt twelve S ates with which it, attempted to cut adrift from the United States, half ore virtually bach in the Union. Mis. soerri, Kentucky, Tennessee and .Loui iana are wliolly clear of .jebels., Virpnia is about a ban-' doned as untenable t fraltors; '-North Carolina is srfarmingwith national forces, and no long r is bt7i in " botrfasre to a u.'ustcifui alliance, Ala lAraa and Mississjppinre jointly possessed by the conJteuding armies, aud are at wholly aben pos session of by the union army, simply because they are not, at this particular time,. worth pos seasing. The luost of the confederacy South Carolina, Plorida, deorgia, Arkansas aud Texas- are marched over at will by the armies of the United States. This is a grand spectacle of waving ' forfeit e, trulir? Had Brown said the r- belllbniU'as' falfed 'and 3rough tjie country to the rerge oi.rttin e.wpHia na.ro uuereu a truism. it aVa"sgc cje: ..( Olptnrc drFsjrt U'falte, S. C., Oc- 1 ciipauoir , oieorffeco-t-t'ujiniti- f'.-erctt'i sFiiurmiiiD tiracK 4y a aor- t' nenfo. ' fitter. &r. The Uulted StstcM stcaru trsxsprt Mftsa- chM tta hft srrlted., She reiiorts that our na- .. m - .- 1 ' vai roTca cpiurea tori wnre, , fpiennia wont: moan 11 u iivy runs fnusrcu just below Ofitcetown, Si C. after tvhwb thf j f"ai- tors sna manner tanaeu ana capturoa ueorge twtrrf; ' 'The1 'Ileber cva!ry innle a chsr-re on thr-tii iu the Mrect. but W-ie trullatitly repul sed,4 witli a hi i'of e)tcral "killed aud , wouti- j . .t .--m :ti7-- t. n; j ' t L uetx una fdkk; prtsuttyr.. vur toss waa one , 4 .ii .-i I'lir'.-wi i'i. t . 1 man sunra oeion.Vin t", ne r.nj ' Admiral ' Db'rre i fls2hin Harvest Moon on rier-ny doVu wa vank l.V a torped.. AI hamls'wertv tkVcd excepting , the "ward . rtxiu stetrart. Gp?C6iU- NOTICEG. t- HEXWJUAUTE 'if POST OF WILMLNOTO.V, : , '"WttJieT0K. If . C., March 8. Osssaat. Oasas V- ,: . ' rKWJLn ' L: jI.-7.The UrvUdif bx Oem'l Coaaaa bding ana-Mtnces ihe' f.HlotaL si .'.atad wthcv as eoiapiiaiac his Cental JaH, Ciivt. iCtn X. V. H.A-t'r, t mi-. ,vru 1 o-'JiesJejr WUslsteat IfMpi-ctor Ot-ural. A4t J4tf. IJJ-mt-t-s, ir i . . tairr .;Aetb;Alsfst AMtatBi.Ue-'l -aal Faai Aj'i- ' Actiag A. C K. m. t-t Ctan ar 3d Lieat. Uaroma-aar V. Fkkis. 6Ui C t. V.N., Avtinjt ft-' dr-Caiwp Br comaiacd (4 Drvti Brlsj. Oee'I Js. C. Abvv Sd Urir. lu lir. 34th A. . awd'p 1 4WC F. F U.M INtiTO.V. lat Li4. aad A. A. O. aad Pest Adj't- HKAD yS IHST. OF WILMINGTON, W;lvisg o. -V. XL Mrch 13, lSC-i., j" .No. 4 ' ; As & niilit. ry necessity, pertnissi.in has been given to a , number of resident of "vTilu-lngton, to open their store and shops. foT the purpose rrf rel'.ing, in j reasirtiable quantities, to s.upij-1 the ituinediatt per ! ?onal newesaitie.- of th trhabit.an s withir. the ijiili- try"lines, the upplie? of iirv o.ods nl.u ioci ie.--, tkeii tliey Mad on kanH irhen tkr pla7e f;tfr by the nati nai troop. , j ' Thcae; sales utay bo made u;tltotit ti,.- c:ti;icat9 of tbe Local Special Aijentof the Treasury Depart ment ; ' ' ' 1 No rajf can be made to pe:son living- Kitbout the Huts. unbMS they show a military pernjit to come in; and a permit from tbe Treasury Agent to buy a ?pe?itied quantity. .- , I ' Nd inioxicatir.tr tir.-cor hasi be. .ild, -without the wi itten DeiinLi jk ul t,.'U Coinmantiant oi the IoL IiYeTft Crig. Gen. Abbott, , Shjald any oi'th - parties i-Mi l ed to dt-tii e to rc plenifh their stock of gnuis ther. as well as ai) who desire to sell pood. 4, waros: aul met chandizo, ar re ferrel for instruct iou, t tl.v fTei.ipor iry Kale ;-'. -lishec by lieaur, Treasuy Agiut By ord.jr of lit iff. Oen. Hawiet: E. LEWIS MOOKi:, fjaj.t. X X. A. (iVn'L The -per-i'.Hs rtfern'd ;-oia h forecoiriV. v. ill be delivered, to the apptte'anU bv' Li.ut. (Jul. ivni.ci .vtt.. Asfiftarit I'rovfwt Marthal. ' TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS A lit altuntion of the fact tiiftt . k CO.. Have opened a .storo at - . Wo. 11 larkct SI reel, (Furmerly occupied ly G. Jl. Fretch, Djjr uwd Slive Me chant,; wltvru. thct otfvi' tiivir .sick ; V v - ' -. aKCKiiuinv iiROVtizo! i I . ! - T Ann , Suvy and Cjtuonrv of AViJjaii.:; tony. C.f ( 'accord tr ti!e VII , Tom,. r.,y rule's of linV l ieu-? :ry lf :tt t-:i: i:t for Vir.uj-I-toti and ieir.it v, ) nt iowilpt t ru es Alt tho go;ds r.re r. wm of ti.e-i beM 'nu'.ilv 1 1.0 1 V tafitH. x. r.uts 'fortsxtc: ;-nu t'li.-i-i V. Sullliol., lack VI C4 ami i C-.dfi . Cro-.ik !- .u d Sti ;.s I liutt'vT, Laic', aau i'nb!t halt. r -' ' L'tiirc, 'iVa aiin! Sit r. ) Iloniminv, Corn Starcli ivA Farina. i . : ' " i Tapioca, Spic i. !!.( C i' -tauts. Nuts, I!a isins a:U Fig?. ; Ixiadon Club and WorwSttr.siiire Sauce. Tomato Catsup and Pepjfrer Sauce. -! " ' ' ' Pickles, Chgw-Chow, end Sardincf. 1 . . . : -A'- Borden's Condensed Milk. I ' j Turkey and Chicken. ; Roast Mutton, Bef and Vcul. ' Sautag, Meat and Mil ce M at. . Lobsters; Oystersind Clsntn. Vegetable. Chicltcn, Ox Tail and Beef fck-up. Green Corn, Peas and Beans. A paraguay &uccoash anj) Tomatoes Cranberry aad Applu Saiice. . Pciichea, Pi Fruits and Honej.- ' AU. tbe abuTe5 rea ly put iirj iu 2 lb. cans. ALSO,f A fioe assorttttent of.-Fanry Goods, Neglege Shirts, PAPcr Collars, -IkKka and Stationerv. A I It I ' ' I . ".4?ll- i: '...I i-Jiuexai pairune is rrpecnuuy euucueu 1 .iwca,i, ipj 14-4t STORE FOtt j BEST. A SMALL STOKE r UK KKJiT, on rlneeM bt V tvrca Fr at aa.Watr Street, uatil lat Uctv bernest. Apply to 'v J J. StKTAS At inj Aew iiis; saionn. Marh ltb, 1865. v U-St . i" lostJ ' . . MY rjISCHA jOE from Company C, 6th New York' Vols., tarethrt with uiy aewspfper per ii.it to e teilre 19th Army Corpf, fonaewhere in thia catv ot vieiaitr. Ay pe son MndSop- the same will receive the Ihsnka of theiowner upon tearing them at this ofiio. . JOHN AIcBRIUE. March 14, ' U-lt XsRllSOX DBS KOUS OF BOARD. CaX UB- IT tain it er spplytng to tirai Satan 8mltb, at hr rvfraeaceon r roat otr treet. beta-een Orange and Aaa StrevU. MR 0.1 DUdAxt BlIlTtt. v U-fttf , Marth It, 18S. WHITE. OR. QOLU&ED WOUAK.'te Cook. HMB .sait Iron. , Goo4.recsasaML ties ie latmatettd. tlaa 11 TflW OFFJCfi. qa AppTr it .1' uaresxs. less: : Or ica AaV Ex races Ga.,' TT il aiiajrttta.: If areh U. 'C&. TsACKAGC3of Freisht or the 234. Aruy Corwa JL are been received at thlsoOce- The prepef mrt will rlease seas' oreWrs-r lis detiverj. a J.iiDTSWASifSVSI. a .: a. tea. OFFICIAL. TREASVRYRIvJIJLiTIOIN. , Sixth Special Treasi rv Accr.) Wilmingtob, Jf. ,c., March 10th, UC5. f I j The following temporary rule's are announced fr the information of all parties in; crested at Wilmington an i vieiuitv : . ' , -i'fuiit? t . It'-;. ' , ;v- ati-V: tt Wiluin-i. j ton, and othet phvvs. within :hi- At.-ncv, irili be .J i saeu or.iy to .nersor. 4 0 U( . u-.-.-i .:..J c ! .i:v. aid I' wbo fmty comply iththe c" era Trea?ur tiea- ..v.wuc. vf icii.wi .a;:i -aini nun - Hie tbe "Mores ijin-t t ih. e to t e IS AfZ-nt, or to an AwiUi t Air - . . . . ptT,vii;; 'pecial. II. All pitiv v!i(i fell tfmiil-. '.v,;-,(r, r :rr chandise without oUtaini:. a pjjo; -nub.- i: e. ,n oe lUDie to n tl.e:r fnir. e si.-k i-j t ri condemned at t mim'. ay nrovi-J ,! b lw '1, HI Xo i.-i 'ini baJf be iutenvtrJ in wo: th.m' me .Supp! v S:.n c m thi Aolc;' . jud the d.iii.- .i;:d liilie,i .!. r-lit b-(l i v en bicatioii of ev-uv ..i;f ( to tae upet vi iu or Autaia. rectal Ac n't,. bj- lotetu? Mtitt. ttj.-or por:n' i?a'd. Thi 5.ni. mum ait unt tt-t anr firm mar K pemti'tt d to port tor saie, .nall not excera --f JoOu.OO pci im- :tlii unless the Con. mandinjr'(tHiu., :n (,f tb'I)., t,( t ;"..r : militiry reason requ t t. ,,rri kMi ' r ' authmi ji pi li kee.."-:. "uV.iv Stoi-, nn j . toother aat oiiztxi tur :.tnr. t'nfi,u . ! j Supply Str: tnafcintr th. purcA- . 11. m-io-tniKV, i . ucvur, tu o In ; , r.d th nr. iiii.tj'. r-u.ufif h, tie- I firiaied iu thir. s-Hm. ii v. r j I IV. Kve.y pero:i r..ntje:!ed n-ith a Sup'pl ; .v'tore i j as c!"t k oi - :i?is: irt. ami rt ; irivi.U-i' of tf.- f-r- I will bft iVm:..- u tj iJ-ke tin- : :ie ti.e;i!nt; i : ;i t S ,i v o! t!ie L-cui Sp 'c'ai 'A;,c:iO. V. Any act or x ; iadicafiori- oi i'lp.it'iv .11 d ; the p: efi-i.-l 1 ' Iiihi, will b A:l 1.4 il ; , . ' I ".I i: t ma-. l t 'Ti : t iC stirrer1 of nt.ii'ec. a M44;ireut ' ' ' f or M-..r:; :.t.j .: .j--.. i!;i-i.,i, tl.. hiu!io; ity. j 1 j This i- i. r. i...- . r. t, y 1,. .;! ,uc.i:be: . .J t. ,i.-ia I as well t (:: nini tauts. . ' J VI. Hi h.ofcs tr)i ncc-tuntsuf aH'Sujvply St rfs 1 .. :u I. . ... u ... . -. 1 . . 1 .. ? 7 in i,t .-u' i-u n csa 111 i.:iu.in u mic nuiervi.-:r or iv afurar.t r-t ecisi Agent, or by ti e pn jn l.i.e il I -p oi I Agi nt. ; VII. MtTt-'i.ilits r. r.d trk : s . t. ill hv n-riuttU.. to ' ' r'uii ai:c -Rppiu'. in re- vmivbli,' j 11 f 1? t'.-e to layal p M tit. wfi-j; ieide vviU.ttatbe picWet iiiie of thi- Military Io- t. without tho ceirti;icntoThe Local SpvuH. A cent. 'o trader or' met cli.i.,t. l.-v.Jvr. m? f flowed to iell to any paity ptrpiitt'-tl by the jiuiuo. i4,:e-' n' utii'H' iidin v.-viiiu rnto btCKei ? thf p jr. it of aid Uial Spocia! Aeht li ?3 xmtitei KMiii. l ti :'... , ,,r t.iii n hflut and then i.o- : -at : quantity ii-U't o ri. Id il at: fpeei:.v-d !, .--aid permit. All p.irtie-- c- t-iin thi -Hi.. '.1 aid ie..-t linen b ttre r.-aivuifr piirclia.-e! are uirv. ted to th 'Uce of t hi.' Loch I Sov till A rL'iit. lei :..' t- ctj.iuud so I tbouh tb -picket Ifne- are'eav i Military autiiiirit ei. . i en t 'rely by the j VI I L. No ine'cMaiit ht tra ej !v il'. b. jicri tied to ' pu ch n: or tak; op.-e-j.in ; the ;MHh ';n.-d t-ck I in trx-l" oi anoth.-t- Supply S101 , m i . Iio: rlvinp i ia notict! and obuiiiing perii i'ior lto-i i wti.ee. J IX. 'I be briaeiti-Aof t'&fh v. table-, t. uf-, but l tt-r -slid eirK,,f' ifilff , li-eidr .:-h, eat, ti t..f, 4ud Irffh rtlv;-$vv fovui po: e rii-li.. it !! .oun trv to f'Ont i;id;Tiwu. uiolf - tl:e cOntnd u llie. miii'.Arv auth t if i i--. to lc dsp.e.' of to the i ia v. ' nary, and ciin, wdl o-- i,r.t'iiy iaciiitated b I'er- Mi: Ol'icej .-t.ii l,iea! Spetiai Aei.t. '.'f A. As is? or t!,f- I.'-hift impo. .nice ti tl. public 'inurT1hHt the ar. .Saw, nnri -Tr.earv li .-- 1 uien.tr, sooftiid act) a: ii '-iKioariyy at. UthceW. Ar-it- 1 an an. J ici A - 1. 1 .- co.t . - fi ;d v. .1: t;,t .. re.;-ul v Hii-'V.. yncU i: I- - rnci ;: J 6Upotr a uia L-.; in tiU r pvi-r in th-.-u i ;e?, -uch ifd in iiHj i;r.maiM ni.o:.na: terrier. XLT.ntil i4 ii)ii c'oi i t'e' l red an open p-.rt by l'roeta ation 0M1-.-' i'i bideiil, or until inlai d com IUUr:ic;!tic? is op ffOJil ui. to tin port i' itc'aa- : tort, tjHO'.-ri u- tb;- pom; niii-t iii-.'-wa 11) i. 11. uch i tcfti Fete!. If.tvr a tie blf 1 .ti -e-i. i:.- here,'-. , (.licd'aad inpp'-ie!- can :My oe .c 1' vi rarity o I i 'i int. ton ia Ji j e' Kei tiv ; :i- nuuta l'i.eces j c'tv. Tl-e appHea r ir.ut. oi 1 1 :ii : r.e c- nf !.' o t tb j Iiepwrto 1 n t it iuhin;'f in i-Nife the l :ea- I V ! "cpi tiweiit -an pel aitt ..h!? t be liii-pt Ct di I left.v to thi? pl.-.'-e. n a tore nhl. fir the a: 1 ival of j j;ood.- at this pbin't V permit i-d, thet inuit be-first ' I J cpotted to the Local Agent andthn aold onlr in ae j cot dance w ith tho, Treasury (emulation . Tl Local Apent will exmiiKj? the caro 10 hueertaiu wnetnor it corupai esv ith the duplicate invoices. XII. AI' parti? holding; r controllir. pTfonal picrty witr-.in our-line, ioe'i din r cotton, tobacco, and othr productions ciiivin- "i, d.-pOKitd or left with them by any person oi- j-ersons within the Re bel lines, or knowr. to be identilied uith kthe rebel lion will be expected to account fi'rand promptly deliver tip the eame to be'di?p fed of af captured or. abandoned property.' b-fa-ei" givon for abandon d75 bouses, store roo t. e andeiietnen by uch part'ts within Ihe Rebel lines can have no force or validity. The' rent f-r property of thii di criwtion (notocCa pied by the militarv anthorlti-s mutt be paid to the Treasury Agent. ; Parties boldinc; bout s and furni ture belonging to personSiWi'bin tbe Kebel lines will b'i erprrted to give a strict aecoaut of the same, in order that, such deposition iray be made of t e same as prorided by law aol the K halations. XIII. 'hepucba.-e and hipuirnt of products bv pi irate parties Is, aud. will b", snependrd until full and'specifio instructions are received from th Trea urv hesartuont. i XIV. Jhe office o' the Lndal 8 pecial A pent will, for the present, be heated at the Court li uae, la Wilmingtoa. XX. From time to time such information wiil be given concerning the Treasury h'eg-iiatiens a may appeal to be a mattei of interest to the public. P. HKAIOV, . Sus'g Special Apt. Trai. Dept. - - ; ; Hed. QtiAaTMts Dkp't or WiutisfiTox, 1 Wilmlngtoo.1!. C , 3arch 7, 180 . f , General Order; 2To. J. Brevet Brigadier Gen' I E. L. Haytt, Is assighed td the charjre of all esp- tered, abandoaed and eontiscab c property in the' District, more especially ach as will be erentually snrned oyer to the Treasary AgeaU. He will take immediate measures to ascertain th description, locality, quantity and the claimants, 01 alleged owners, absent - or prsMt, and generally ) gather such Intersaatioa as will tend to tie per ma neat distribution of the propertyr " J AU persons are hereby. lastracted to give hiss 4m mediately all sack ifcormatiunwlthin their reach All military forces aadar thh;iMfiaad am strictlr' esjoiSed to afford bim ahl sod proLrrtioa whenever needed, and arltboat lariber lnsuactioaa tbry will pre V eat all. destra'etkm orproPeTt""aad tlItpiUa njr, maraadiag and aala wfal trade, UJ this cap feared, abjandoned aa coacabhf rrrjiTtjr. W tA b cjfftosed pfjar der ,els,UjtMhe4 1 als 4bst.,are weUdevUed, not 'only tot the benefit f ll Oa-ceaH Meat, bai as well for the protection of peaceable : aad ley ml etUsea-. j The ofioe of Brevet Brlx,'ttea. Flgee U la TTB ' Miajrutoa Market Street aectors , L Dad QaartArs.n ; 4' J ' 3 ttawusT t ji. LBWuy hooilc; cptLVA. A a. 1 .' . .. - i.

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