i a a i r TCJ37ZLiiaH33E.S' &u3?CJEiLJa3& THE i . 1 ' 4 'it' - I THE HERALD OF THE ISIOX. WILMIXGTOX, MARCH 14. HKRLAF LI'. O land boVond tfc-.'. ;ib run ! Iliir Hr tliv idlrery r c-41'..i t. r uij, Hot bright thr o!di:i x:,: i-t loini Eart hold no couottr art 1 1 'ihttie. The dark-brow i Oritur, jiWf!: croun'd Pale a- fhc bow. boforc ih v hriaf, Shrouded in mvterv ? friiind. The dazzling North, theitattlv Vet, 'A'htiie rircrs flow f.- u mount t : TIi- - I'Uth, flowtr-n-i e-tl --fl ji. Iul uiu rtt What they com ;.;;. .'. ivith tf.tl- ? .. a Al. land, all e.ilrr bwntli roar dome, Where Qod i.wr, 'ham: hath hunr th-j ttar,. T h,,e with hr'.Lbl" huniai uipr. Oh world boy i :vl iu c: vstabars ! Th IVjt Ie-enrt'.-i f Mortal Hneae! iir '.i iv. -:i in v.iin'f b y ;-ch to ionm Ami fancy ta cl.r. Itrsi iir.onp Tl; flowcty p itJ . jur which we ycu n. TI v,- Vr.-.-- -Mr v.l t-ri-hr, Fn: licTouii hatitaa ki-ii r ir-.it:i, , T :!'rimn (or i:r bv i'-i. .' ltnoiv Ihr happy4 v Ui.'? lie Tn 'n re .-r. (Unr, ly l: t, Wo know a,ain. t!it-s.!:i k'v Thy :u utAia j.i.nk sjjj,i u'fi v rcat. n Ffietimfvrn:irov Tf afch li.p 'zsh :ir..i nir r.'horo, AfcI til with vcr'f' e vTtc'i t una aw-et eiU i tokr. imrc. For'h, the i n r tl'tvf ' ' ne 4rav.-. rtie fir. th r o.f. the wiiip Wno jined f- thy rri w air, 5r hunnei tbj ?(!cmn invstori! Tbf a;v fhi hopes Ihnt. one lv ino. 1 ; TIp! even aa we prar theta lAi tb; Tb- drrtn tTt ffstl a.rrH dear, too bci utj ul -Ctfirrft . Th? a?i. ation?. ftropjr of i Altnlajr at h-icht ym cnld nht reach ; Tl .n. r. tri'-.i it rln to ?inj ; The thougrt,ioo rait for hnvau epeceh. Tboaltaiit them air.' T( en'tcl Thonl "UaH ke" thttToIr ti!I t hour 1VI-n. tth Ood' eal n bcrtind brow, i We iltini Xhftsx in iiuuutrial pewter ! Tht fcl!owiD 'coaplacntiSco:ii-h njmark up n Bminookl'iam iuad f WicntiflcTln g'.i'Lnnn hil iM fo 5tti-; countrvman thrtt no inaa -of tnsTejWyulxl thmk if. remaining tnv trpt in such cqiuatrv us Scotianti.- To "which the canny 55cot jXeplkl, 4 Haste difforj I'so Ink' ye k iilace no iat frae Stixlin, whaur threrty luouaanU ' ycr oontrjinien ha' been for fiv h'undrn'i year, end theyvo Jiae thecht ' J 1 - A liAD "Pueaouek. .A vkriyman aaceliug a particular, frien', Uke4'4jiin w.hj- be oever e;;ra t Z'cr twn jraacU. lie nuered, 4l yiu nfrAid of disturb-ny-jfMun- s'vl ivde. , . - . tr rrr: -l :7 t , ! - - : QarteriuMterf( Dpabnt((-rprdtiiutiil of ATot-tlaCakroIiaitv.- . , . TJi following ireccy f Qxartrniater Cepurtmrttt ul th !)pfUitrnLtf North. Carolina, b printed for tb UWirMtirff ojBcct ayd oiliera OATiog bMinvM to tranaet with obit braqrik the pvbUe ervie : j Oor;. ildpe. OCee, Cape Fr JJank bulai;r, on Froit dtroeC, near Market; : jfc(?ar Tr4r (Jrtrjarjr. Cantain 0-or C. Window, A . QUI O.TIe- with Ohir Qnarter- DtotiQrUr4iiUr.-Cs.pti Saxsual T. Ltob, A. H.; Ia-ciwrjc of Wtr Traaaportatioa, otc, Oifive Wstt-r, Strct, betvreea 31 -rkef and lot-Jc- CAptai H. fl. Blackmail, . Q it. In cha-tar-work-ftlMp. fhrvjre tnd taeL OlRce oanTaUr 8 iret, Abonr ilayiru . . - .. Captain Adrw Alwriii, GaptaU of the l;ort. Charjred with Uie ieolaliou of aU M?sel in tka b&rbo,n3 orririn.c t'cpartiajr, faraihinir pi 16tf lijtbteHnpl' iny. tte Office CaVtoui Ili.iua building, oti the Wharf, abvc Market SWeei. .j ' " ' 1 Jld.Qr viutrict 9t tiintliifftu, ClitaitA.L UsVk 1 JcB ubdieec U orders ire eetfd fr Maj, G-n. ruAeld, Otn)ndiif: the DepacCJnan t, 1 bar. br a a mm eoanta)dfUivUUt.uf WUif tun. The Dia'- 9 tiit rilleotiira ail tbd territiary vdsi. aailiury rucuU in- rear oJhe avnuiee j eetief froaa Cp rtr IJirrr a a fse . I am abo wekarfed with the 4iutitMi4fVroroat Slri kal Ceaerd;trithia tbe JtmiU aJf rtbjid. . . i . . i.t.- '.. .; a.. 'aaarUrs ar uWL-W aa WiLaiaAon. . t. Lewia klMirr; wilt err aa :Aaiatont .t Wiener Jainef F. RandletCJa Xew Ifa j ahlt I anointed Pp.to 't Mart bal ! of Wil InU eUMtraAainintiH.iif Will b mdv ikuo. 1 nEADQfJi Uf EKS J'OrtT OP 'Wl 151 WOT 0.1, C UTTER -Sc. WMMJYH WnOLKSALE AD RETAIL DEALEB8 IN SUTLERS' STOKES, : WEST INDIA GOODS, GROCERjS, YANKEE NOTIONS, IIF.RAI.il IIF THE I MIE a daily Jvcu'8PAi;i:ai Will be printed eVery momiTt-r. (Stfnl.irs eje- jferald Bnildiiigs, Front St., Wiljuington, S. L . CLOTHING, j TIlDi MINGS, t 4- r- v EQUIPMENTS, &c, Front Street South, -Sear Marfeet. The Herald of h Unio.i , j.:' , t . V.'ill be ijevptcd mainly lo'ibe paoUafUoa" tat ( i.ircat Xcvrs cT the da . lililAi-j, lSli icttl; AW. . ' . I' 'J e pciiVcted, that wilj gifalo taitaifal. f SSCBPASSEIi FACliiTiES, ' for obtrining live Ujl nad tHi rtltable ia(i!ii- gnce of r.Jl q:rrent TO&ta. i. , ,( j!-d- An eficientiaud .reliable ,f .. V - 5 . v "v-s ,- . ClJBPS OF BRBJPOXD$IS Has been en raced u For tr a gt lfanW. k ton. ew )ork ncil ebiewherw, fmn vhHm WL - - T vaHv The Biibstribors annotmce to, their frienda, throughout the army j-that It hej. art pvcparcu to? turnisu at wli6Iesale ana retail and in any quanpics, j i Lfajr ctqqaat .diapatcbes, 'on&mfwXb 4SUTLEBS Attached m ' 4 T - EVtRVTHSiW KfcOUIHtD IK -THE ARSSYi ' - V"-KTTmS. Tceys eforot0rcaJrft:iiayjem.a will find it tothcir interest to toamme -6ur stock before roinfi: 'Ivorth. hi , , . a . iit - 1 it ' -1 toithe ESTABLiaDMBKT is an extchsite arid Veil selcetiad tcck of' ' v " ' l 'Iji'f'w?" -c Periodical.' N - - ' x-. -. .r ,,V,: .....i -UAH&tolyUWVjAfy ; r.v - , n,rS;,f J . . , Magazines, - ' 1 'V 4 . J Newspapers, , l r ' r.-- A, ; . . V .lA.,u V"':tikH:ii yU&C i i. ., j l :boJi pnodiioer aoLxoniamew irilmington,' N. C, arct, Tth 1865. v o. I'. GS0.ifZj FrEHCH.' - I auida'to.ali maiMil .it, m'i;i.tai J" i.viK SCQTT fic UALDVIN . Ladies, Misses and CMIdr-s ; OUTFITTING , ROQMS. St. fftch'jLn Mk, t SfSio'-J, - .JjFormerlj of Oenia-a Uataar,") Ty3iJrB irhoao Sapnatennce tfrs' abore, !-- jMttacaata'are eoacuetad at pleated to anaance to kmt iorflMfatrtHM and ike kadie of vJfew Vork renerJlj, that, in' efHectba a-ttk the tytmQrffei AKTiSTtS ander br direcMut; .he I. prepared. laralcb;.aaoiBpUTA " : . Ladies, Mi$tituJ Cteklreu's Otdfiijty toi . . a J u ' . . . 1 V ttrvfer, r LADIES UADhU JutNX, OAxtfOacJUjKept in Htftck, readjrfor iataediate Feb. .Partlcalar attea':kn riren to r .. as. BALDWIN. -Forme-lj of Wilmington, M Market tr et- m dABEXBOX SALOON l.i4 . 8, If ftrktt, Street. HAS AXWAYS de Vaara U bo foand in thf &)dk. H aaxpenfff U i'parvd 4o farauk apl curi tharmrat dalieaciarf tb an.- J . 1T335 OiBiL air OFflCE obA ceaideaee. oa jAeee4 MtreeL :n.r- fomth ofllakefc " - THircll tVlr J QPCCIAL DTtOgOV .... - arenjut. lt. - ffit:toia-i"i an next li& t?M&otur r c iieattrth, Draaaw, Coiltt' i.fab, Tiea, V4a, afallarnHaMtof FtAiidaTaad. ' ktdif. XAaea spader Oat meat f all kladU, beaa .i'ntjir oia4,WcratJr:t 4, f tbe kt aiate n i-Unn, CUca tiCajid FlanneL' Ala a em tJaVliiAnrtieal4 Tor Wmmd tnfflttfts Ott HiAdMd Olrb wxrt tba preiaUer,ia4 ait r raaewtr jsade ajadw.tkeiapira'iat aaperaipia; ol vr pt'fprloCuCa. Alra ttf'iacie'a Xard . appears :1a MM.rhrr cUmmn to which kattetfon Af Ultei b . - I .-!' ii V .'. . 1- r ' 'A1 I aWa .-iKwoFiai-HaiAiv' : ':;TpAB?fiPAnT Uentbraeean tbe terrier ,Sm ;4rV lreanl(ire'r a a b;w u- ..f. , 1, w . h , , ; 'v .".y vV'. : I :.a.fr.!iepiatriet aer bJU2aamd?; , Wifl fidtnEf HERAI'TiIrAtDl ' Mi . u r - , Aaakdt Aitttoliim- I Wt4itimtttli a circulation qu1 i3ttero 7 ' vtH.kVTbal?blef CoakW:PttbaiateBe!, wU(,i ,;;-r.-'' jl v - -w ' r 4 " . Wv.i ceipta t9&ea titrJor ft.4w WM1 u : Jt n;,.- '.f' ota aa. Hea tapja( aowig -. -j -r - -wJii "ivQ V t'4-r;' BisifwaBitUtIiatfJ!fiUtoiBt OLU'ClEIi. , k- : - "iVO r'-y.U:- Umtn) fLl. 1Vili.LACE JVaeMeat. w' - l'5 . '.' iiftr '.l.rr-.4-W r.r BAKklTy- JtfWttka lnU;of 4:, ..V . ? VitaixToi.K. C. arcj ISO- ft . ; .fV . i tareb -1.' . "i :. in' i: u 44. -A.-A11 aaHiUrr c5ler tk-crrrtee tA tba i , ,., ,U ,.,r...., , , i Wba ra aado tbe frmtbaKort . iao vaanewwKer4Jpaiiaeat wu raayn.u i ,j aryji A aasiaaarjr lraaNftloatf? : '. iti i';;ovt. 1 arad to aaA iAiL 'JLuJ , . , - - . r f : . Pit I - - - . J . i III - .4 . ... . r... -r" , il.iiOaaVaar J j airlvartke 43e o tke Fvn Caanaaadant ana TTTuarJx' .f.iiitvo-. .;., -(rtciu rackter tkeir aatnea. I I. Bret .Brigadier GritAOEVll Ji aarai Met are h CaptAeUrak ai tbalaydlotf CrrTttsUHpaa'Lr - i wnvri uiicii bcmvoo witvuw. twwniw I ui ir. fttf:' I tJfHSei a.d taaibiti MatttlOaeef, .i jioi'-.rj Cardau.r !'..: L.' P'l 1- . T , k . akfvtaji bj vkat aatbaajjt tk ara ara tMr bailaeea. Broroarof t a Bi4u Brlr. Oea'l Joe. CLAaaorr. - t. F. iiU.MiXGTOX, An UeL ca4 aV, A. rat A t. ..W.. 1L. i! il. ' - tWfttl iithrltlM. All kJ. .tf. I TTTT7 VVi 7Tm C omClS 07 OSKCLL 4 A WGX. tl jht- l t&MA to, ar tia aartfw kebUaf tbeat . arilt ba 4 V!' TH Trada Bill ba tvpeSd Sj tcr Caatral m .a - a tx im r . . . b A . . 7 w" ' t. -b - 1 aressa at mi i iaa uarau BesCr?a.Bl - ..." 1 la A,U. .eisissi: -i h a 4 ? & Jscdss; cart.

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