4 j ' " . - ' . . ' . . ' - i . ...4 t , T 3 t - . 1, ., t . i ,1 ' - ' - ' v , 3 : . ' 1 - - . . ' ' II IV- . . .- - -aa-a-aMi 1 . c; . , . ; I II - 1 II .n .... ' , HE ntliALD OF TU llj'ldS'. I VibMINGTOX, j j. BIAIICII IT. "- tOCAl-1 NTELUCEMCE. pliATII OF TUB RSBEL MAOIl OKS'L WIIITI3SO. ,ICnl xumot to the effect tnat Oereral Wl"t- oand, receireJ it the time of his captur, , J, are now pmed to be eaUed upon to announce Jsa.h. whicb occurrid on Oor.rnor'. Island. v,r Vork Car, on Fridi Ut..jaat oneweekago. i, remains -ere taken to the city and buned "hh becoming aolemn.Ue, from Trinity Church, ai SuntliUT last. .' .-, framthe X 1V4 f l.,U,. " 'f following particular, and the subjoined .Vetch d the deceased : ; ' ?,1fuVt1adf beVri J to-o.r frou, ..i honr aruse iuc miv.v eofc.., ted in xe- lca Muun, iuur v - TTr,itpa States ser Hatch. Uo-aon .V"" E. Kir by ong v.bpm y ere Major Gtnerals Baldy a.1 Wood Cbarks P. Stone Join 1 . warm recepUm froi? hcr former friend ja r''- ' . . . ! Eqi ixoctiAt Stokx. The Ternia equinox teoe upon this retUn iritb gret iolence last eiremng Wiudnd vnin triomnhed o rorelled in sheer wantonness Ihrouhojit the, night. A sorry night it ira, triftly, for the soldier on the march, or the manner at sea. & ng"1- ft"cC4 fortabte on sncK a.night. i ; terra Jirnu-yiM all that eouia pe consme FJRO.t- WASJIIKG John P.! Hale Appointed " ilinls- ter .to Spam. BRevlsiott of Trade negulajlious I'll, - . I r iOFIKlttAIIO-Y OP ABlI AP- POIJSTiaiEWTaS. &e St. Patricks Pat. Toayis the annifersa ry Qf Ireland's patron saint, St. Patricks Eerif where where a tfuf Irishman is o be found ftoky ing, mirth' and fdlirHy: will prevaiL The devout f!atholio will repair 4o the sacred altar. to -offer thanksgiringfor the bright example left by the ' - bly famous dead., and close tne aay conTiTiai uu joyourfy. So mote it be. ' aa w w -y " " id me cause 01 t-u , v j iri he corn 1 Datue 01 nun iuu j ' remained Third bri'Jeof Hennr.e rd'& corps, l.e remained wi i th ainv during tht foUoiriiig ycJ?r'UcW' fcin the seVen davs batUei in front of ' Lichmond.; eVonunanded a di'vifioa at f.is time, having ben Emoted Ma:dr General-, Id 18 La wa? nt to WilminTtun to cocstrucl tae. aeienct-a wi- uv-- ur:i5 o 1 CoMxa- There are three boats yet up tbc; rirer, which are expected dawn momentarily with refugees, j The great caravan of these pilgrim seeking refuge from rebel conscription and perse cution is looked for daily. General Hawleylji straining eveVy nerve to 'arrange suitable accom modations for them wien they arrive. ; ; . , : " . Rev. Me: -Hep.durs's.. Speech. So' grea yas. the demand for tie eloquent 'speech of Rev, Mr;-' Hepburn, which we printed yesterday, that Opr. entire'edition was exhausted early in the day. jjlf the popular demand will justify it we arc pxeparted to print a second edition in pamphlet form. 4 i - it , Cleasio.thb Stkeets. Gen Abbott is buy organizing a strong force of contrabands for duty on"the streets. The streets need the work and the colored population need the exercise. Hand down the eboveJ anjl the.hoe ''' , ii JJu'iii'mii PRO CJLAillATSO BY TIIE If Washington :March iq;l865. ifcSI7MPT10I OF SPECIE PAY3TEXTS fe- ; expected; , ' Ti is the iioectatibn of the new .Sedretary of the TreasurY, that from the proceeds of thx? lare arcounta 'of Southern products known to fcave fallen io the. Hands' of, our victojrious ar Wi?ps a fundlwill soon he aecumulftted which jwlll enable ;pfh governnient to resume Bpecic payments muzh sooner' than is generally be- iieTed. .' ' . ! . " JOHN r (HALE OUR MJNJSTER TO SPAIN. j Hon John P. Hale, 'of New Hampshire, has been appointed and eon 6 raved as Minister - to .gpain. Tliis nomiqation , has taken surprise some of the Iparticu'ar personal friends of Mr. Lincoln, wiff hove ben systematically persecu ted by Mr. Jtate for two years past. jTJiey, say, the 8UTest;-ay ty the President's yfajvor is to oppose his ol cjr.anji abase His friendf . , L ' AD'JOUttSHENT OP THE StTPKEUE ; Coj'aT. Tl2 Supreme Court " adjourned tc-lday until the first Monday in December next. ! BElt OF TRADE RECyUItATIONS. LEE'S AR1IY LEGGIXG FOU DREAD SCIIE.TIES FOR ITS IIELIEF. Gov. Vance's Appeal to the People of North Caroliuu.. From the Richmond Eamiacr, March Two very extraordinary exhibition of dodu lar feeling are now to be witnessed repectiTelj in the NortH and in the South. Il the former they have a loan before the people, which ocs pif .wth av rapidity unprtwJentcd in the histo ry of such, affafrs. The sale of bonds iii ll tha States is declared to reach an aggregate ot ser-i eral miUions a 4ajr. The loan u rendered thus popular by the small denomination of. the bondft, the high iriterest they bear, butf cioro, especially by the general belief which prevails that the war is nearly t an end, .iud that tho . present- is the last loan in so tempting ti form, whicji yrill be offereil to tho pubbc. At the Sotith a popular subscription ts just set on foot which promises to outstrip the Nor iherq project in the enthusiasm of tha response r which it elicits. The auoscription which, at the. suggestion of the teublic, has ben jopened by the Secretary cf thP Treasury, is quite dif-s ferent in form. i proposes donations t3 the Government of Turhls and property of every ftTmi. A largi capitalist leads off with, asub scripjtionof 200,030, in currency, (these fig-N ureal look large, but $200,000 in Hebcl cur rency is worth 1Juty$2;,000.--JtZ7or. conp ling his prefter with 'the condition that twenty-four-iother persons shall make a iiko donation. The ichallenge will be accepted" and the five millijon dollars thus 'realised' by the '.Government will be-employed in paying olf Gen. Lot's ar- uiy. It is undfistood to bo the intention . of the 's Tflind 2uria!r tr-.e last wees m .far.uary. lie bore his 9 iij'vrtunes with great forti-tmi-', an4 gained the rpeet of b'u captors by Ji s ch..e i"uli?ess in captivity and illness. H was forty vcr- of Hire, nve feet Un inches in height, of dark 3. iiw nair Ol me saujc - j ? ci-ar. - 111s wne is cniiiDlesijoa aud e bein'' tiuccil vri of Smith 'ilie. orth Carolina. He hsn !ar bt-i of rclatire in Connacticat and Maine. I)eerters'DIs.fram5iisel tiialeSs ISiey zieport lVithin Sixr 5nv: Whereas, te twenty-firsl section of the ad of Cbnres approved on the 31 icsta-t entitled Extremely liberal subscriptioni havi been made of Confederate bonds, silver' ;latc, corn supplies, and other commodities of liko value. The strikmu; leatu-e ol these donations is; that Cf rKn Tinaclirv 'ti rorisp. .is snc.n ' as 1- thexr srfi flbsolutB ffifts to tJiO CaUSC, fr ': which ll 1K0 f.lo. VAmilRtii-ins fcerotoforn i fho Gnvernmpnt 19 not rOOU'irCd to 10 OUnt lor P,jJwlc , ijui -. , . a adepted, ana make tnem more pmeucai auu available far thes purposes for hich he.y were jihtended. .,,; .;- ' 4 v t .j : -' ; ! ' v APFAIltS AT M ATA MORAS. , 1 A geutl.2an who has recently iirxtved from iMatamoraslMex ic'o, reports afFairs as ye'ry.un !satis!actorjr in that vjcinity. Persons who dj !clftre their pvmpathy 'rvith the Union cause' arc 'subjected tp'a renewal of the old jTexkn bowie 'i .. i 1 .- iC.tJ ,1,V.A Ait l-i a 'rn ' kiiite iicign,yli ierJor n ?uuy utu cuwo.uv. eyes, it)- i l-KNEi'IT or Miss'4ise IjUIDGES at the Wil ;:i.t,TOX TiiEATiiE. Miss Eloise Bridges, the de serving .favorite of VTilmington theatre-goers, takes a be'iieSt at thcthealre to-night, and to liicrrow n!ghther engagement in this c ty termi nates. Since, the occupation of the town by the national army ahis lady has- drawn admiring crovds4o the theatre nightly- Surely one who has contributed so'largily and so successfully to the entertainment- and j-divcrsion of the , soldiers and the public will Mi ' be "permitted to depaii without a substantial testimonial of a preciation. lis Bridges, to our limited observation has not -displayed tracendantT abilities i$ anyhroWJ Yet her versatility is such, ind her rtpertpvt o exten sive that she never fails of satisfying an audien ce ll er especial admirers claim for her, more pariicu lar roerit in traody.. It has been onr misfortune -to see her .only in comedy, and the romantical nensecse that is neither,' comedy nor tragedy that (Comprises the bulkef the popular sensation plays of the present dap;,f ';t-.'. i'VJ'nf Z. fer. - , said service or :renort themservar to a provisi marshal within sixty days after Ih? piocla ua- turn liereinaiter nsemiuritru, aiinu usuajno-i aiiu nv.'n in have voTunUiih' relinquished and frf- feited their rights of vtizenhip and their righ nn havinor been made fer, . such of act of Congress. . ) has confirmed the following to be by brevet :: I ! ftneral John W; Turner, L. C. O l . . . . , r t-, n -V Andrews, -John YV. McAiuiien, imr ra, Henry iayis and Alfred Solly. ' ;i - Brevet lrigadier General Swayne 1$ conhrm- !ed as brigadier general. " . . , l v The fculoiwmff noimn'itiona have bean con-' in tne tuture. From the indications manifested in eyery di rection, these voluntary donhtions, these gift offerings of the people, hid fair to be very con siderable iu amount, and will prohably; reach beveral hundred millions 6t dolhrs in value ' An important part of ,t be scheme contem plates a contribution Mirations' for General Lee's army,- npon a.plafl so simple and prompt in iliJ execution as to ensure s jees. 1 I hese exhibitions of patriotic libcrahty will rfver. . Ue waj Jookcq u-u ui "m - - . ; eii act to amend - tne -eorai .ici. ni-ictu- AVilh'anri&CfeaiTd'epof Nw iUrt ph-4ja.-, IvaiA-a.jjrwM llWnWvW.t-Vrv?$" ablest casiar.Avito thcfat ,f t6r6y Ide-tdr'the enrolling ai;J :- corfilk'ed by the Senate as Solicitor and tho 'army upon the camjyign-about to Mpert lit rCn calling oufe the1 national forces and for -other Sfi f the Nay ' JJepatt- terrible earnest. When the soldiers know that the failurs of b'nilcrV laovemeat against tort r i.ijer, , porpci,ca requires ; tnat m f.clUition ;o tnc jS- the refcc-1 p c lauded tte engineering aiu v j other aAVful penalties ot the crime ot-aese.' tion . fi bv recnt UV::V?; 4,t n Fi,herGen. WhitinV from tho military or nava .service, W i The Senate J 7 who have Oescrted he military oriiavjii-serx ?OT n .flls 1 m.i'd.firii 11 .vi tians'i'rrttl from Fort r.i.o United SmfiMwho stialt . Jjor reiuinno , 1 "j- 1 n "4b rkva:r ' . 1 1 T i . 1, xTl t ?ennm. of as ongaaicr generais uyjreve v . . .lorcvcT'ineauauiv vi - - 1 n.lnpt Spnrw M T.nvc 1 1 th iew loric. or profit undfr Vhe United States, or ot except ; i i . IIalI Maine artilf?rVt inff any riihls of citizens thojef, ana ad per ;j r,tAnor hh.a-.ft Albright. 202d Piennsvlv .1 . i - ! n a.. To-uight-ire"are to have Lucretla Borgia, 'when 4. abilities'Sn" Heary jtragedy will find an f op : poriunity t for. developnent. ; 'On the .Wilmington, bctrds she has had, Trith.few-cptrdns. .mos defects that may have been noticed. .For Uiia lea- son we are inclined to Accord Her more iieni t&an she l as exhibited under tile unfavorable ausrices cf tier acting.!- Shs i .certainly a very .handsome" woman; is possessed of . a rich, 'clears musical toice ; reads ; with perfect distinctness - ai d cor rectness, and is nkturalj graceful and eaay in u ker actions. She dresses with good last e. and ,hec manner qpoa . the stage U pXl that .thft mpst .fastid ious critic could deoiand. , la pidvAtewlife she has the reputation of being a most estimable woman, far above reproach:" lt has "bee her misfortune to be coinrtelled to Vrsslh Waal four years in vhe W - . .'.T .... . iCthe" re ease from soutlr, an'ftriprlsbamen seems she return presept irhich. r, who shall herenftcr desert the' miiltarv or naval serviop, and. all persoj;s who beiri daly enrolled shall depart the jurisdiction of the8 ui trict in which he is enrolled or go beyond tne limits of the United States -yi"th inUjot to avoid any draft into" tho miliia'.y or naval .service d un ordered, shall be liable t-. th peualties of this section,-and the Ihesident is hereby authorized find required fon hwi! h on the passage cf this act to issue' his '"proclamation, setting forth the provisions of this section, in Which proclama tion the President is requested to notify all deserters vcturnlng within sixty, days, 03" alore said, that they shall be pardoned on condiUon of returning to tlieir regiments and companies or to such other organizations as they mat be. assigned to until Vlfeey shall have, seryexi ior a -c . r. . -1 4.,1. .lln-il ttm HAM LINCOLN. President ot tne uniwa States, do issue-this my proclamation, as requir ed by said act, ordering ab requiring all de serters to return to, their proper Tosts; and f do hereby notify them tr avail ceserters wno snail within sixty day's from the date of this proea matiofl' viz.:1 on or 'before the 10th daV of May, IRfiS. Ttum lo service, or report themselves to l a provost roarshtl, shall be pardoned, on con f iJitioh that they return to their regiments and companies; or to such other ; Organizations jas tKft'v mav be assigned to and .strve the'Vemam- shabby support, a fact that goes far to excuse aiyr l der of their original term, ol enlistnJent, and,' ia aUUlLIOIl Uieit-lU, O JJtWUU tuai w vug luuuiugi by desertion. ..'"".-- -I-'-- ' - i In testimony, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused tbe-seaL-of -.the United States tcibe aiBxed.' - ': 3 ' 'CDone at the city: of Washington t,bis 11th day of March, in Ihe yeas of.onr Lord 185and of eighty-mnio: ! . . . . ',.' - - v By the Jresideat, v-.f ' . . i William zUi Se ward, Seiy. of State.' '.- t.s" ' ' . ','. , ..... 1 i. i : 'PwiLAnKLPHiA. March 1UU.? T !v, : T . i- r ' y JiT Cooke reports the.sale of -Seven thirties, to day atl $4.521,300. 4 The Jargest Western Colonel W. W. Ht-nry, Ninth Vermont. Colonel Ambrose A. Stevens, x tun regiment .-if- - - Krtceran reserve corps. ; , Colonel The mas W. ennett, Sixty-ninth in- r1in.ha."'- 5 - ." . . ' i Colonel Jfohn L. Bevrrndge, Eleventh Illinois j cavajry. , : ---l 'v' . , . ' Colonel dames M. True, aixty-sixioiiinnoi. Colonel ji. IJ. Greer, Seventy-seventh Illi nois. I ' ; ; ;: !. Colonel IJeriry White, Sixty seventh Fehn- sylvania. I .: ' - ' - J . tjolonei ifoos. Jrv tieain, euui.uumj Colonel James M. Kiiby, 101st Ohio.' $ Colonel-Isaac R. Sherwood, Tilth Ohio. Colonel Henry .S. Commager, Sixtjr-seTenth J- Colonel Benj Dorublexer, Forty-sjxth ! - . , .- '- - J -i. . ' T"'r 7 r " " ' - 1 . .. -, .... i Colenel Thomas E. Chapm, Nmety-iixth Uli- HOIS. . ' I '. ' ' " .'i o' Colonel Theodore Reed. i" f Colonel R. 11 Jackson. : v , L j Colonel A. T. Tprli, Sixly-ieventh Ohio. J C Colonel G;, Tarran, "fifth United .State colored heavy artillery V L e Colonel. Wm. J, Palmer, r'Htcenm rennsyi- vanla cavalry. . ,' . I'. .C. Colonel tferman Baiggs, ot the yuarterinas er's Departiroent.. . : ? , ,;Vf ! . , ; Colonel James A. Ektn, of thp . Qu4rtermas- ier's Deparimeni,,vVC- '. . j, . ..- . ... Colonel William Uartsuh, Assistant inspector General. " ' "'"' V; .Colonel Paul A. Oliver Fifth New:lt't" f Colonel Raines Wood- ilr I30fch Kcw YotK Colonel Henry:D:Kingshury,a89thOhio. ; . ilj t- 1 !.n ct,-l mitiscriotion'waa wwu.vw, irum.caiiiuuj -" i to the north tat the conclusion of her I r, . . nilL' o iic' ;A.-,f.,i t Kwfw :Lr,ni ii , i . .. - ----- i rvrr. liiein neiDu.ivi; juuiiiuMniiiwa.K'i-ir'v" engagement here; she would irtTii4b a J t;nn ffr f.Bma nnder SlOO.: 'y- -11' if in force Reticle oil 11ic) jnpphrv4looisiac--A Nephew of Efx-CJov. letclser Rilled. . .;" , :VU WASBIaTWMtttcH l1 On Thursdaiy night a part Vf Rebel cavalrr andef a neohew of x-Gov. Letcheri a) tempted it&tipike'a crossing at3Iuddy BrjanihtOfrthe Ubpcl Potbmac; ihey were met byj tliej& pickf Ms of the First New llampshira cuvahfy,,3 who drOTn them iback, killing youns ftfheir and ten oarty. ' -' y ...' l,V:;,Mr,: '"''- rrillas under one of the, 4ioeheloes, are near Leesburg.- ;i.p flsn ,urle nt home are Biiik m iK'avy eomr;- Lutioris of their means to the commni- causc and deyoiinjj ail in thir po'vcK even trench, ing upon their subsistence, to support and en- . couiage taeinown exertjona in the tieid a new spirit will seize-:them and gvatifyirig results musVsoon unsue. ' 1 j Gov, Vnmfe d Appeal. ( To TftE PeoHLB OF NoUTIil'OAHOl.tNA ' Fjslw-V ClTlEs-Tno iiecee-jities bf bur country, W lePseufed by our Confederato auihbriti, impel me t ) ;apiaal again Co your genca;qsity. i1 You 'are avjare that in .consequence jof in terrvpiion to our milroid eomnu itic-.illons by recerii movements of the enemy, the -subsistence of General Lee'.s-army has become'greatly jeop ardized. For at lcgst a Jbw mouths, thatt army tvill have to rely for subsistence upon j North Caroluia and Virginia alone. I am informed by the .Commissary Department that the usual method ol' collecting supplies; tclil hi insvjffi- cientj or the purpose. j- ! , V In refference to this point, I need only cite the aut hority of General Lee himself, who writes as follows in regard to a simiUr appeal to the people ofVirginia. A ;.: ' u 1 cannot permit, myself to doubt that the people will respond to it when they reflect up on the altt rnatiYa presented to them. They have simply to choose t whether they wfll con tribute such commissary , and quarterpaster jeiores i9 they can possibly spare tosupport an arniy which has already ; borne ana done- so much in their ,behalf, or. retaining their; store maintain the army of the: enemy engaged in 'their: subjugation, ,1 am aware ihat a general;, obligation ui this nature rests lightly n most. . men-each'cing disposed; to leave itt discharge to bis neighbor) but I ani confident 'that oof citizens will appreciate theif 'fesporisibility in Jh cae, 1 and will not petnrit ,an .army -which, by God's blessing and their .patriotic support, has, hitherto resisted the etforts of our enimy, to suffer through their neglect'i j . Jt seera?, therefore, that mitc.ll depe ds vp ' on the tolurtary action fth people. fKorlh Carotin and Viryini ; arid trusting that -what ererl we bayc to ; spate will be promptly and . patriotically-- brought Coward for J.h;e mse of yoar afalry in her hWr of trial, the follow--in" pfen fs v submitted;! which W being acted upon jni the Stafo of Virgiuia ith" ibe best results. IcJs undetstosKl, also, that prorisions will be. received either as salesi loams or j dona tions: j- - , r i4 't : , tl' e i T.vt Avi-rv. citizen who f cm. pledge a.mseli the rations ef one S'-ldler" forl '.'montlis with- Jut'djsigna ing any particnlar oldie tsa the recipient of the eontnbu'.ttn , v ' Y. ' t Q ' lt those thus rnle.!aSnx . lheme.T2s furt dred aud eighty pounds of i3our, or their euiTa-,. U:nt in beef br meal, to De t.c j est cdiiHnissttry agent, I I ; vut ; 3. Let the dhbr'binW'rff uTcr-5r , , A '' i -i .! 1 - i i ft-ivv-; r r . - . . - ' 'i .j. .--- it ! - .' . - . ' . . I ' ' I- ' . - .. !.. ' '., -1 ';'! . -''! r ; . " '..v !f-.'j;.j v. -.. . : n . - - . ' -.. "... r-. ' - J ' j

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