- u j 1. rr ' HIE HERAM':.OF." .tni:3 if1 1 1 - f '. '.t-jj - Jf As a miliUrr necessitj, permisafon baa hia - I ,v jtj -. "T ' ' ' ....... TE RMS "O FtSU B$CR J PTI O N t.. lr If m. ins wftaV i If A to a number of, residents' of Wilafnfftonj to oJT their, atorea and e hops, for tie pnrpoTe ct mi W,Z . TCaspnablauantitiea,, o nppy thimmdiu p& onaf njesitie o fokaSiWnU-whafnf tle mit $rlinev theipplfcs of dry xroods and irorr; 1 t ...... j - Jj"nd reporters re fj r f c!?. , . te, for ibsttr' - ' -f ' -ICO T. T.1 C . ! C! A, L:, I , r t " "5Herman is plajed outi If our readers do no r M : f : :" " - ' " 1 ,0;s hear. or read of any g6od newg from South Ciro cSab'nTcoTl ' -- - j Tir.... ... ..u.. -, 1 I - - i umi h c una iwi , w, j . . vu M,. ........... .................. itj; J f? tzUc hi? Jtevc?fjbodr beywU I'RJ1-- . -."T4..vI07J i tout, i in. nit m tnmontmnir in tr,ir.i si t.int i o --.-............... -....... iuj irr 1 n -T yi"-;--, 1 iHi3t,u Central a ijphwww 7 (Lr mm mm wt. r w xrar.wa m rsj r nr. ra i-m . n 1 4- r- I. n the trea'tzz ppe! oaziod br tho exh'. f RATES OF ADVERTIS1KC; " One 5qutrc, each and Jrery Inaert via. .'I'.......' 1 00 Half t'oTanto, eat-Ii atjd ererj iO'eftion;.:...- 8" 00 Une Cvimn, eci .aad?-evert inwrtiofti....'... 15 00 opecij-i ijcici w-UlitK ciargri,t the rata of twentT-II re centi per IUt', each iosertioiu,t , , A dcinfat of 25 perfcent. from tbete rite. will b mad for adTeftiientect,insertcd otfe month or ' fnXo ad,crtieiaeatj 'f till' for bidden"-will be rewved ,; , ' , .. ; K , - All orders for papers or adrertii$ mat be ac eompa&ied with. the ;casp Job Work doiw with,' neaUess -and dispatch; and at moderate rates. I '. ' . . r,.'- . Aorthteetera PrelrredA4-3. &A iey are not-fooTs iKeTtnewlt fhM time tfee i Pitabttrjt; FM;WanfMnd-. Cbleijff.4?.li;13 ..nu'ik. .t. ' .1". W ' ... - 1 r . -' ;MariposaJwiiw-:.;...;i-..-.: rr. - iJ j. 14. Tiftnallj abandoned, and .thajLthe plan had been oatitnTiroop?, v " A: 'k!--' -' V?- .-4 ,4 .TTbsse sales maj be made, uithout tho cci SiCcau thcf Local Special ?A' ?ent of the Treaurv .1) ,n... ; $P'Ies"canfce made to pcrsoni liricg iilifmt th lines, unless tLey.bour a lniiiUrji permit (o. coa lajjahd a pefmit froja the! Treasury Ageck to bar ItEVj'Mft. llKrCUUN'SSPJKECU THE IN- IIXCTJ5fKXTAt;AAT..TIIKKEBi;iL3A. DEHS. Wc lnut anl believe that none of our readers hare emitted to read tje forcible nnd eloqde'nt re Kar'c 6f Mr. Hcpburii, dolivered at the citizens weoii;g o ?ued?y jniglit: a ad printed in' the. colurnu." of th;.s journal yesterday. We trust and believe these remarksj will have a wider circula tion t'.ran our owii imracdiue" circulation can give tlfra. As the leading speech of the first publiq ineM;jihcM i:i. North Carolina ! under' uational pntccLioir, it will te jread and accepted, in con nection viih the reso! iii ions which wore adoptci, both ifi'tiiis country aad ri'KdrapC, as an exposi tion C-4he se'ntiA nl bf'thepeople of this state. Mr , JlejburiUs a cilcar thiaker and a logical rt- ijoiHr His grounds are admirably taken ; his pus iiiyiw securely fortified; hfs attacks Vh oily They knew that Johnston had run away from 1 aU ViUU-. " ShermW-aVfJhJraV, ffi )rtS&lKZ TOm DAY'S APVgRTI$Ef9l EKTg Charlotte to transfer seTf.hiaifmya remained 'MtrrsS"' '-gZR ri -trm : l' rjwj, mere 10 remiarce i - vr . . i , r- . . i . - Bragg and make another effort 'to "stoD the con- lSt.Her qrew.aJCy knew that South Carolina had been f Benefit andjlast highf hut ondf the eeent of F'iShould anVf thtartlrereyred tb 'd&eia aeve to sell good, warerf and sserchandiie, urer. pab. i. -fntoxicatmj:f liquor ,hall be sold, wjtLout the .-written permission of tue Cojnmandaat of! the lt BfUa'DritlenAlibott ' '! ' " of --! v,-" 3 ;.--iy?;bl, .4 UEADQ'RS DEPARTMENT OK ji. . C, Wilmington, .N. Feb. 271 ISUo. ) keep Leo's army before Richmond up to 'the fight ? !!;Coiii3eIIor snt'tiiw, ing point 6f courageu'ddeterninatipn. Thew ;')J--' reports "and. speculations are' iasnfr Vff 'll--'. -l'l -v .' !N"ev "drli:. narU .nJ i,!.1 . V.. .,.. T, i M - I - M if - tr , " ,ce uontts of tlie State and of .... oaicuncs. i?ey consmme ine re- LI' sne uaitea States. Will maining reed, badly shatteredrilpou 'which ;thev -f T.P'l?.0; settlement; of jclaimsr . ad-, are leaning : ! ' ? " - - it, . Uut public deception, is: of , short duration:-- Eto? ?f r W H4LD r0P nen tuo light is let m and5 the people see how . ?rctt I863- u Xi . : " k -lC-Sm. uoan--vryra)lc; and ,ip conclusions indisputable. ,he ,jaT3 b imposed upon- indignation1 and r A T.,;tn?nTT.iVl?nCLIlhW Hctalis larnca.ljr.Lut'aispassuinatelv, forcing con-.. wra,h tak- H?e ; place," of confidence, ,and the;de --fe 7 -T!iS'ir Victititi u:;n' the he rsr. Ili. r.ilm Airmifia.i I ceiver. finds a-fearful whirlwind a- wa-u-j o. J. " : . . ' uc iiai rest kji his duplicity RpfEcwAt :0 pees, Y"5-' '- u -1 t 4 t VII-The Ohicf Commissary of Sabsiteuc will Wjilm ingto'icd, ? ici n ty J jcattrinr ibs m o: antl u n rc- 1 &it??ft?ftfTCn tn're,ori d will tuPBj thi fu:e ovier 't'6l'.;CninniiU cq to b5neomp6sedof thblrdJlov.ic nmcd .ficiiUwfen, citiicna of Wilmingtonto w it 1 , J f:4 'SrWtrV.;,! 2XA ;.WALLACB,? 'Pms fden t. vlctiiiti upon- the heiryr. His cdlmj dignified peumjr; disavowing Jhostilifr or bitterness to- wr.r.l; p:it!cal oppounts," aad ch'argi.-ighe bbmj' of the war, uot upon t Jie I'ejj-ie, but upon corrupt inad r ; h';s avowal jot tI;o strong conservative sth.i.r.cac of the masses ofi'-th Is state ; his argu luen; shewing the innifaljsapcrior advantages to .ihc comnioawcaltiif of herFcbiitinnancc in the V V 7 s ,a- t,asr fcas appointed Minister of Public rcoo -ovcrriin.c.aY1 lac5 I-Iits ae handled !. orks and Commerce, he hes also had thoT uT STORE. poooaV JiaiiicBery, and Fancy Articles, LMoks, ht a hoc cry, and Fancy 'Articles.? KCYPTIAN COTTO.V -A d that nolwidistanding the reaction in the cotton market ih .-prospects of the country continue fteadilj. :.to improve, owing to the judicious! cx ertiojis of the, Vicoroy for th developmeiife of its resources by. all modern aid. Since Nubar id master ty nanner. uig,i-nplv, that ourreadciTs itt'-amji: skill:'ul and t masterly nianner Wc :ik this morn w.yg'f- tv-jll th2e wprdj, :and then answer to them selves whether the rebel balersthe so-called governii-ii:t pf the soj called Southern Confedera cy uo d.v-crving jf p blic coundeuco. Mr. IItf'.Iiirn, la his Iiwtidtmsnt. says.: ' i : - r " hit has l-eirt tVh course of the confederate govsm nrnf from its b?ginin??- It was founded A t Wnitaket-'s iDook tqre! AtWEitafctfr's jBobk Store. ' J At.Whi takers Book Store, Mrch 171 1'. i V,5nV W.. . JAMES IK SUACKELF0UJ), U n .. William it;utiEtr " r - TeCi7e njlae tte supnles' to the gooks, Stationery, aiid rityATW$terS- 'f '' ' ; v. !.tf:'.''-'- Books, fetation, rr. niirf TorV.r a:..S ' i : ' . ;" " 'i'Sfc 7 rf f.:: .,, .V i T 1 At WMtakeie'Bdok Sfor5.-Pr -- ttttorwanertTJ.ar'tment - will - furnish v r transportation.;; ! orks and ComWroe, he hes also had "theiraii: l T?R0M T i wnv under his rantrnJ ?mrl nr,A, ... r-. j Jl red and v , . . , ' "- mc uuvi tor- : imnav nrv. i K!ir,ltvl.nr i .Tu . - , riuut?h. -ine : 1av1.w-- uucu 0' maeeu, that j tte forehead. , . , . . -'-J -uuvm, ,inoi tnc merchants coraDiain that ton is accumulating at Alexandria, wbcro the-litres holders are waiting forjbetter prices , to rpalize. ifns latter circumstance accounts for the rate of er change remainirg higher, than 'is utuil at the i prescntperiod of the year, the quotation nbw vu fo tnai not much gold Jsjim By command of Mji' General SchoVield : , LiedtCel. & A; A: Oenerah -4- L?l' cnIih St;Ut i4tVgb'vonfe ('fK i white tOW, with.no hd.rns; also a ,f Ao-I-1 ' , Hoi so i an old bay, white spots ia n "obedience to' ordi I . TT ' t . ' . . r 'w v u,jNT.pi, iN, u, llarcti 1665. tte forehead, is guilt d en; 'right shoulder and) as a small sore 4ot,? hiVback.. . Any: iqfpf iaatiou con cermncr theia will be thflnfiiift- t-n ?;K-r ly rewarded March 17 eis received fi-:a M.aj. 0-n. KTate of cWil to. continue i ..TT HAVE ' upon ,hfiJoe,r;ecf;Valo tigh,,; a,herigbujns!daW nds .wring to be raid for nc T? L Chiua. Gold! cnpi.oa introduced; it.. wa3 denabneed-by some - ff-) WPe having to bo. iiqui. March l7ik lP65 - a: vhat n,evr shouhj be in a free country. Thdr Crrosui"?r was in vain, and we had a eonserin tion law as sweeping Ruthless and cruel a j ever disgraced the Jegirfation 'of any country. T.scvy year addad Ut . its severity ard i: justice; until at last Mv. jDavis demanded that aU cxerpfions shonld'be abolished, and the power to tktvatl-men.for the becessary ho:ne duties should be vested ia him; he jwould detail men to-practice medicine, preach .thctgofpel. make laws,; edit the ! newspaprs &c andjihus have absolute control over the lives nd ejHaions of all the men in the Cou.itry.M,V.hai a tliiui,- was that to bo matte in ixiis irej Amer.can, country;! Then came a moat -j. , , ' j -- V -;pnla, Cowi&iz&iiif; the Departinent, 1 ixtrv bj as . tsi;o command of rh Di.etj rtf trJIWii r,rf n fl Tu i n: -j i ,. ' vi. m,4w ly U by GEO. W WTr.T r i rf friet will co:noii( all Uid territarv uh&i- cllhRelieJ Cjl"4' ?to. " rol n Tear of jthe arrays o ting , trpm C pa Corner Second and. Market Street , HitiitlL--ti2t lJi . Ji-jties of Provost, Mtr halGeneraL with'inf theii mits io.fnbed. : : " 1. ; ' - c.. r f pi headquarters are-estahli-hedin Wi(luiingtn. rjt.NyitJ-jE. Lewis M-oorerwill serve as Assistant !. ir.:. ..... - ;. -i ( ....:'" r. h, 1S63. -r :lClt: ,4 i' te??'HE: on ri&ess,: bV x roue -i,Fe ts, far : r-pairin- J oci.-;, j e vi-i lev: and a ! t nf ;nv, . ., R 0 li EST W . !PA TTE.V. 16-6tn WMTEB. 'iSi -1- : i. r...;r. -.h:vv ATilitart. Since the 45th da? of lastCDe-i A S EW J Kti . M A C n I v R fii VJ ccmber our captures;bf hrtfllery.frem the rfebeM AlsoJd Gol and Silver, atr Ste"on. hon,; field and .Sieg0 pieces, brass, fatal' and xMSL eS tevKQBERTlATTEN smooth bores and rifles. AmcnV.nr. :,,) ' Wr.-i.ofMi ,r manufactarie; of all sorls.and zrs, frotii the lit tie howitzer of k flv ing caralfy squadron t3. .the' ponderou taahcg.tny-moun4pd.Arnistrong ftuns of lorts Fisher and f-.wll l v- v.--. v.r? ..! follows': .: ".-A ' ; . '-.'; t . . a-.1 T? ir-j.1! ..; a:. Col, James F. Randlett, 3ii :Xe w 11 . ?p- -.Li., v, is fit urthr statf appointniehts will bs made son appointed Pri.vodt Marshal of Wd fiingtaa wasted; X ? 00M vC?K white or, wloredl for a fmair tain Irt Ann r tn N -iv-ic-b- - " " ' - r.- '.: ; t, .c . . ii , ..... f rfrr . .. j. ! ... . -- . A- bTTearing i. at this office; Gr O LDj PEN; set in x 1.1 .KiL ;vJi.i: J-V. JOS. it. HA W Li. V !'f--i' Gen.' 0.s. Vols. . f Hkad JOuArters . Bep't . i .r.. Mnijtoa,' C.V MarcVTV ISj.. W ) r , 4lGrfl Orderly Gen'l -"a'f. assigned to the charire 6f-aU! cp- lurea, aonpooect .and coifigcab:e. pvop-e jty iu the iiiatricmore especially such.aj wilt be even taally turned nTAr fr. f ho T-o-i. .1 '"i-cr win iaae immeaiat-i nr.inra- o. .u rfvr.pv on. iocaiur, quantity and the.claimants, oi rfl.ei.ed-owfJ.r: 'LLlriK';r .J- . - i. i , . J----T- -7 --. v. ieiwuw a, general.; ff? ehoraw tkniis will nd tibe 'prma' ' I nCdi4rtbutioni)fh tiivktirii Hdltinnji i f ' " . -Onsiesa of cnrnint r.nma,ii , cp- - . . . j .-..,i,,i0 VI aaiu- i Vtious CQastUueacyjithe; .ant of-fgood fliith in U9 i'n l.tsemsui. oi taa nnnrM(i Ar T. .. i the ei?MloUswe-ee thrt j ik.:..'.. k I to finish iftructiQB,oJiiTerj;r;. i;T- ' jui Let tl.r whoara an UhgerinV .ffectfe foi BrEC?ii Ibe rebellibn ponder, jhfa ekuiottte o!f rrietanees