, , . .1 . I Mum i 1 r"': t II II A I . -... II I! Ik II .:. m t" T m S Tt till I fill fl IVMfc ft . I 1 H it I If W ' , 4 p -a id) wiu fe w t:?t mi sra m " " " - - . L. .. ......I 'III. Jl ..I -1 i a Ji 'Art rtiWVHW III I CkhlbihUCEj: ' 7 D!!!?LHJiIsii D4li5l;5rPW4-JQt?iiw:Bi8te(l Short'of his death bat that his cries br&ogttistance, at the api proach of which the assaiUnfM'eiipfe'ai' ; ! ui vuc tueiu oraerea t)e- men i ' nr 4i ,few;I0(ioiitositrM' '?.-(f;,,L4- .2. ttDjaU27i.aifflBiy et, this I rWl i.I-J":" U10 ''t?t,,' J'l", elT it fh office oT the iroYOst marshal iiLtJhd xne4pf,.thj3 ton. -Mtherto oici'asseies-' (- DKsaricKs.The ;dtf WtrxiS' with deserters fom the rebel army. . eyH ojae,frm it ia difficult to: telL Etery ttym&mfatjhi ' t - country is Ikied with them, iltati are just on cotreealnreaT "wfierefhey i i: sjt-m .rjo&jrtt J - "v qvis jwa&e sreu-ea1. uroers come .ironj. long distances away, where juewia nnqin rid the countrv Liffi a T l 1 fhf linik onI ' 1 - vju,luut,. ,iio icmru LL OUUOIK, WG1CQ was ac- Major tie Pofe t.hi?.momin!BraiJ1ii;W-.tt long distances away . where the clang.apd din of . , , W ViF 4MtltiM-J&&nt M 1! raimogttogg; two nmitoe the .aih: TttSrde,y.V- TfifeV aVe f n L v.-, .sm.r.xtti zrc .yrmv-i'" west ot r..- tftrti rirr; r.v , m i yr 11- n.-'is-'WDsiaered jne: sibxOsts. uAUisuch'iirtw''faWhyufyen to.bifag,'in, tKelPfrnencfs anaieo.bors.who ;mai yet e'hoiaintfBack, - The tow jaffairlv coBrtit iSfK? 3?. MPSWiOnea fhr-Tebel'fule remaining here. So may it eyer biTrhtre-' i h - - . - ' t A.. .n. ..." .penece; ojf tne.past TOgM-teJiWe 'aniple fdrariy (1 , 4finiM mli commuoUr Utathai)a4nMfd sb5erer:aii 'br'aeal 'as 4Tunungton. xrujy Detween tne pestilence, the !.' '11 ' , . I I "'H.I , i.jltJl hit i'jviv. -- 'w'r , Xttil.ll eacefiil return- to the Drotectioh of the United . .al . ...i vi-l i,.. .v...-i.M iCWW ifw: ,a v'Mr- sisces.. 1 in. ujffi i 1 . ...v. , m.irttmifiim- ..uir it nw. vr I ' I lliIIM Klliril ' U PUflD1i1711 TVAa r-')'- -t'r 7 r 1 "TTiTi'-jTr o The jeat..carayaA,pf ifijrinii appro4i:gsthis r1' city from FawelteriUft- liaye. .been' Bferd-rrhm.lJ- rn; DATED UrIi i(EKjsy.,, ., ifid:c;i' H ic ! J rr tnarl ttat I t. ! f Jj i it. I.: ' ,nifnave not DOen appnzed of. Anv,mHifi.iArir' tit ' Coming arnh IS - ' :fU,ri AU?"a t Augusiai was killed at WavtiMhAM. f Eii '.".-.(; defeat GeralEarrWarK anM?Rld:$rba imtttediateiyifcMysJnafeTdf stngyeenA'!eYP' Ml.; .,imi-wijfT,r tv.tr T.Wii latest iinforn(kitfdnf; lafflpedlastgbtout'thtrteeli'm ikMiwAmm iDii'c, Mawri rf X iv J5Ui irVjSchc, a,, .spatehi. dated ii Will hATA it3 OalT. MPtiifn,r umMu r iUirvJfst .-AJtOTHSB-BXFBDi MUs Sxmie. Bailty played Aijdyu3CIIte amusing jafterpioce of tbt.T)ftTne Mhe ii a livelyy-l-g1 -?wnrp V won citlzensucaieeAAiUirwro obtained I f. THa S-r,tf iMU4iu ikMsa.vw. v w mm. AJ: ll - 1 - ' 1 1 . ' . . XL tTon from! the audience, which was we4 deserrti.' f of aevcfaiwj SB company g.is&. JfflSffiSB comm.a.'SM' WaSSS2S' Jllbl-aj, "t Ihea.r. bitter pil-btteSWirUS.Vbf. fiet Tvi JeWis, was sent !MT"3J$I arS5rita5Sa : V ay.ull'''-V''''ta;dr?3; commanding -ffi .; j crcatmg WSfrbEeeTUette prows Ktefljteffltfy "K& securrij uuiiltJ, 4udUiu,J31y. MiJifecS!W-ltefr'n- fJSf?.,i. .... , rwd HpaKasBDp ESS! fhe disturbance,- whereupon a memittuif -ftbel Afeg53a fig$,r ensued with th company of -f- ma. v st$ one 1 ?n ?n t,i4 rptrniflr. r-r-f ni . ihm rnnrlnftt man4Ciiled; one wounaeu, ana gn Btxagsling soldiiWwlf Yef nferrftBher Ww- fofca .Ji.iiroa(L about baUpast ten" o'clock. Xessness wurdb nteil tcTbeaYThis1 case.i.a i?df-r-,j.' lurfret Stl maa Sieved ' that ri!,riMH .'i ' -. . . . " "Jh.. I 1 u lroad about half-past ten o'clock, near m'4 e&l Mds where Lkee.ia. - 7 . v -w3 "tlirfiirTL,(lc4i of BCTrxfotnao'loUowea, the raUroad I abanftbnnienroTKichinohd have been in nro -5o- . w ? , t rinitr f the CarJear .liank. oita4aVdnKdiii,s: , -tHSiifci j m -t I . .. . .Yt , - .' in P Morces came un from towards Wi minrton. anrl ? -t- "t Liv j v- - vn.Ti i r ;:ui-u - j i KzL i .7 ret . . I enectea ajunttiOn with Uox. which cava us an .t ufc vwuv, -w.r - -v- uuaiwuapuwiu.j u, f I B;" remoyeu, also the adyantaffcl of course, of whirhth -ii,-, :rn rn;t .;. Airi;M and i tne reoeis, wer8.-comnteieiy aemoasnea. uoi. maeninerT..'ot ineir percussioo can manfafttnnr I 'rr .x- ;:r " ,vr M 44 , UAV MMI' V jJ WWBV- lWMV- ' . ' .,! -A, X -wwvta Continued- q t It pagt. '4 : ' 4' . 7-' ) " 1 '