4 K- - r ye Wae. ene- svora over ma neaa witn an eiescant iioansn,- Ji ot1iJ "farlinuifi 4 inflicted the Wawfa3 "effectually as ht3 "preder rvt'""Mcesifc didnot appto be diSTef er two brigatLefi-of our. r" t i ! . "to . " Tit sworaea class, don the work or ,ten jmiles distant! when the iof th& tiro mipn wp 5 - ,nyjreinfprcein arrived; j lAfterire fy the siigpiciori of being mnxdererr'in a for- nVi:iMr..Thomaar:ilriIowev. attlhe eld ttaudVf r Hedk A Byan, Market Street JifiWlV, , Jthoriiedtebpexyan'-'intelUence M Perjcna wishing' employment, 'a. house or farm, ser " ivants or mechanies and ih6e, wishing tOrfbire,wiH", niakf licien'liiitti !; iiilf.;. v - By order of Brig. Gen. J.- B. Hiwxrr: : :. : E. LEWIS JIOOBE,- CaptSr A. Gl;f j riven-Jhe enemy out of range a brigade-of at the place of execution: placards I: hare been rhtrv came to us. but not in time to' fife !a ahoti thete&ra ! M-itv dritjr we oweouTselvesiand our brigade to ask-you to correct the mistake. GEO. W JntpEH, Xdeuti, , h MAEESB f" ! aJ , ' t ". GE0.,C. PEBKINS; Lieut V - - .. - .rrVu f n. 1 -V i-J .-- ' . ll. HEADQ'RS DlStJOP'WJLHINGTON," ; . X 1 JV'A Wilmtagtojo.iC.,; March 16tb, UC5. Srtciii. Orders, I rt; , i. ' ; 1 - w J any one otpicnjTrouiiiave, ouite Womi)!etely. it Thcfeces: re viTlain6f?a inohlrb toriiiati-.5 i j-XTrrADVERJISlNC: 1 6o Haifa Goluran2each and evtrr insertion quare, each and;.very insertion....;... '8 00 Que Column,' eaphand every anseion..!....;. 16 00 I Special, notices will Jbe charged, at, the; rate.of ' tw enty-fire cents perlineeach insertion.-, . , ! ' Ajdjsconnt ,o-2 percent, fronr these 'rates will be made for advertisements inserted one month or longer.. I . ,j ' Vv? . j-f ' ffiETN'o jdT.eTh8ernent3?" tilt forbidden". wHl be receired. 4 v i n i - V : : t M r : ' . AUbrdera- far- papers- or j advertising must be ac companied with the. ca'sh t , : ' ' ' . Job Work done with neatacft .and dispatch? and at moderate rates. - j ..:,. . wiiAts iS THB iyiyDi jc': '.';'' JElsewhcre wt print 'a communication, from - Jeff Davis to the rebel .congress,: requesting that body to 'remain in t session afew days longer han theyc h'ad designed doing, as her expected at an early, dar to send a communication which may lequire ycuur their deliberation and action." This :is a very singular: document; to say the least of it. )Ynat can : it .mean ?' : Is it possible, that the rebels are about to give up I Richmond, isTtpw, isolated.'. Every Tiighway'ledingffrom;4t is either destroyed or blocked up with union bayo-. nets. . There hP longer remains' any escane from. tne peieagnrea ciry, nor any means ei supplying its garrison and inhabitants with food. Can it mean then that, failing the success of efforts to re- . . . " -III-' ' 1 JiJI l-X-J ji" V . If". Store communicaiuini iije reuei proBiuenL juicqus submitting to las congress a proposition to oapitu j late .with the yknkees ? Saeh'is theview taken of the matter in spme quarters..-.; ; yi ; Again1, "it "is 'sucrgested that Jff i&aiaturiug a -plan'for the evacuation of Richmond and.'th' re . ' ( . moval of Jhis' .capital", bag an a bagage? .tq.eo.me . other. point. ' Where that .'point. is-whether'.At- : lanta, Montgoraery or where emains as much, a matter of speculation as he main proposition. IHot is- it cjerv JxlwJtHe lremoal Ic4n be'eflecteil undtr the p'resent Eotnewhat. embarrassed condi tion of affairs around, lttchraondi; v1 Let- ds' wait patiently -and, see- vrhat the result will be. Grant's combinations of the letter "S " are working bciiutituUy. eridaa is sweeping around Ttfchniond ' unoppbfcedJ 'Shot-man is ad- vaacin from the south with but feebje rsistanj;e. Schofild:haskarea;dytartexi cagg on a ioSig' re-" treat. Afiairsil.ok veryiDlueU9 reoeJS. . , ' : . : ' jTIIK siTi;Appi-N.vr " --It The feituaion of iLeiVeVel,varay: in Virginia is net an enviable one It can neither be reinforced nor the ..fed. . Sheridan's sweeping raid'fcas severed last line of comnitltiicdtiou, aLd so effectually has his work bieen.done. that not mPnths of labor pi bridg the and nurr gerous locaii-f tv. must t must take (lie wagon oatt ana tne muq. fther there seeme o be' but; little' hope for the tozeth salvation of PJchmohdLee or the ; febel a.fmy.of; Kortherh Virginia. Eyttit the. daily crfcaa wnion Vance' caired upon the iorth Carolinians io.furniah cannot now. be, made available': KJrabt sitti'hg down quetly on the.. James, has onlyto jWait'br the fruit of hi fopg and arduous , campaign to. fall; at fiis feet. ' And ilieh the- rebellion is at fan end AN I BI PO ItTA KT EXEC UT1VE QRdERi President Lincoln, by an order issued from the Departraent of S(a.ti has directs I 'the immediate arreb oiv nil . persona iuuuu m iuc cvuutrj, wuw. hate been engaged in ot connected. 4wih the rebel blockade vninciW frftde! .'Those of. the. offenders who arc citizens .'or resident aliens are to b mw prisoned during ther continuance of the' war. nnd - . V."' ''" 'ii' r euchjof them cs are non-resident foreigners are to be banished from the country, hot to return while the war Usts, under a penalty sinular :to that of the first named class The "reception of this order in Wilmington yesterday has caused a shaking and a quaking many of the affected class. Owing to the popularity and great success , of the scveu and three-tenth 3 per cent national loan now beiug &o rapidly- absorbed, Secretary o the Treasury McCulloch will, i:. id, shortly put on thr m rwet' an additional ue -.i.ttudred und fifty - millions of these bends,. diff-r;ng trom the present issue oniy in ue pHnicruiw iimi i ney wm . oe .re deemable er convertible one y ur bter. , : 1 ri . " . 1 ; iBKBT HOUSS JJOSPITAL, WiUusptPs. Nf , C, March, Wf 1865, To the Editor of The Herald of the Union In your paper of this date an erroneous account !.V 11 AP . V nnnts iV4 lhTlnnrla null I i&u tiic ipjiii- lire . mux iyivouo, ..jm. iruiiKj ana Dranciies yi ,au, uurooyuiern cunjiuu- es.on which were'Lee's main reliance,.- Even 4 hrcatiphs' And all this .time.. the retuement Pi rebel congress;if 'they persist Jn -their desire. Uenfr4Js.as JJeauregarairpm .copunfton ose to run away.iroru a. dan I1 ' 11 ! HOSPITAL NECESSITIES, J , ' Wilmington; X.'.Cm arch 21;1865 ;i To the Editor of The Herald of the Union : i'ttttX ' I reported here a few days ; since with nearly a hundi ed patients fronxKilpatrick's divisibu: of cav alry, and was assigned to duty with' theni in this hospital, under the management of .Surgeon Plun kett. ' Every attention is paidito.the suffering and sick that circumstances can allowbht there i? a de ficiency of bandages, lint, brooms, towels, utensils, &c, which we have no means o suppTyins 'anTd f i uu.vJjr.i ;m-fiuo -pruper uisuiiarge qi -.our duties 'as philanthropists 1,we doijwhat we can, and are persuaded it wants onlylto be known through the columns of your well circulated paper,;wKat. wequire, .and there is enbugh pub lic spirit and sympathetic? beneyolence in the ; te community to more than supply the wants! of those who" have so nobly st niggled f or t heir . icounj try4 and are entitled to tenderness and1cinVminis eratiop. f r - .' i ;.; .Insert this in your paper and oblige, , JAMES MOORE. . . Surgeon 9th Pennj Cavalry. , v 1' Heury A. Wise 1raTs a. Picture sthe gitualloni v OFfom his SpeVch to his brigade and the- Virginia i Noihwestern Ymriniaihas been ileftk 'f the" ehemy,;arid it hsfee from secessic. The w ant df alt jnaeansof defence, at t Haitbra ' aba Roanoke 'Island abandonesi the. garner ofrratV: 'and bf 'the' -Sity !ot Norfolk- andj of the' navy yard bd Of "the. lerriniac.. abandbned' Eastern -Vir 'gfnfpand bVrlpp'ed ns , still jrnor -pf.' our wlrnn mcahicf siivply und Uletbv..h4 retreat frtn the lYork peninsula (pss siui.more pi provisions and hmhitions of. -vvr, rand pposedl Kichinortd io uie oiooav, maecwive iOiut8.i,v ue seven' days-. :Dou Mfurrder. and (divided Annies left Ten n esee! and TicksOuirfi , bqvh to fall ,Y. betTfeeW Qispbtifig , ; c6mmarider& and '.conflJctiag eona; M i?smm V-l fVl iKV-A tf? A f TV. O I ll l ' "V tiC-nrt.lU si.biliky, .The deatl Jackson, left ihe rail lilUllU. 1U1 Vlllll I 111 'be scborged and. deyastatedj ,; , T,he , neglect 'ofs Coleilslari? exposed. Mdrr;8;,lalarjd i to eiptufe? and Cbarles9n'tq' bombardment; .b.oib bj - land ifjd' fitea ; .Th'e . re'Kr ; mo vment Itrond tbe wesX ( tern oef.a ot tue iennessee ,as rrQpuisea and ... ...i --S-'' ;j " 'ni j i;i' ex.- . t pcrippiea jne army pi.o wuieiierman zias; i ! a . 1; .! 1 and to .capjure; Savana i . . ::z. 2xr,-- .J., L11;. lT.. 'l w c&no.mpeatelby t bis engi-4 neerintfin the State oi tGeorgia,' ahoL Joseph Etj . Jihnstdh's retifeniert cane measOred oniy by tt.Vfr:.v-fv?r",w rrrVT' 'an M b-KoV rher .Uas fallen ,hnd Hyv Jatnesl WkWtlif r4...6W;fmvna . Pet t.A JJ i.i'it7i-i.' 7) 7.".,. yf r,n.nJ - 4i I aii v8jwi i. - vuc,Knwk -wit- i luiuieuiaie aciiun mreiauou to me auanuuneu i liu fiwU'provinoS iand nunHiqns fJ war endiiphtU- Rations and Lands1 in this "vicinjtr. Until soni an4 lasa-ye&fyd&ippwL TheBttdddand gu hppi?ed Agentj appointed, rvtherecebtlact br poising evacuation. pf;Nprfpand)the,.-blam'UtLlIfii:' V i,., Li . .v cut d the army is 'advancing. jandithreatfniMMbftGitj Hall building. 7 Every feffoptwill ,kej made tur irarmn at the. beeinninc ot the; war, for our intasio and destruction, is fast tending to i territory divided rTby.hJ. S 1 U I ' WltiUII Ut 1 1 CU AMIUtjA (VIVOS,. CAI'V4 .MU 'A letter" irbin..Yoktbjima ! describes the'be 1 tiding pf , two tmerv: alleged i to have been 'ao bbtifipHoes, an 0xe repeat assassination' of Briti'sii infftfterKJ ' Th wriWiva'j i.nU'.'i-.'l'-'K -V' ' 1 The dodr orjeocd. and man boimd witii cbrds and bndfofded , was led through Hhe croAvdJ and made to kneal. down on '.a mat b laced be fore a Kol'e dug to receive liis bloPd "and bead. l ne mtenaaniK arcw ais cioiikr aown nis neck,and gave a few prrliminary brushes - with the hand bnwards, as if to stroke the hair all one way. , The executioner was one! of the Ty coon's soldiers, ;wbo had purchased sinew sword blnde, and, had asked permission to do the, du ty and thus try his weapon. Aller securing the linen round the handle, and carefully wet ting the blade, be , took up his posit ion" deli berately :bn the left-side bf te vietem, arid rafs in the swrd high above bis" head with bo'th naMl., let. it lalF with a swoop which severed -tli nwk MiiirJr4!tr 1!h hlrf 1 trie Kedl tm maiir -.v'uV i rrriwl iiii, ..and tbi j ap'-i red to liud soinv !;ul4?fiicuJty rii getin-'; i:n to -kneels 'Vub sfifnitied his approvnl-I ''hnte vee!,,- . ' atd it Sfas nen thiown. jrtto'the hn ;k. The'o-her t . Steamer BeaufqrtH'ljsj ..-;;.; ChasV : , . ;; ? " V .Eli?a Hancox.r i j Vgt earner Edward "Everett. Schooner Jqa.;v,&-t ' JXl::.S . ' jvBpdkin.V'Kit ' QiPECIilL NOTICES r -1 Hbad Q'rs DrsTaiot h Wilmikgtqn, , tt?i j. at n if vUninil, i, 10U9. Ill - NO. 6. 1 No sale of transfer of Cotton,osin or turpentine, 6r of naval or military stores, or f captured ' or abandoned personal property of ;ny tdescriptioiii, rc- ferred to in tne various acts ot vongress ana oraer : . j i :. i .. W i I " . . 1-" '. ' " of the War Pepar tm ent on. tbiae -subjects', can be p'rders f r pm.ae epar t trani ferteHBovlii. e 1 scription concerning saidprQpjertr. except snch as brought here from other parties Any person violating ihis orjder will be immedi ately put in close confinement,. Or. summarily .ejected -from tne-District.: .. . J,, . f . fefU By order Of BHgt Gen."flawlej : ' i I E. LfcWIS it UQRE, Capt. andA. A, G. AEcAK lOElj '-liik S ATS b?-;FEiTSr- H ' ;mTlONS;;!fW;'.'. Tb ereappears to ejpt a mos;t urgentemand for .Com ere; the purpose of aumipg,cantrjti, it senis aa urgent mHiWry necfssityat ther shpuW :be .occupied-; .yiz vv.su& yut ta vf& Hnwwu. 'After ffiill fconsu?tatrorf with' ttie military ajithori- tife'a, the plan of leasing to active and 'reliable per 'son's,' white, and s colorddi wiil; 'fbr'tBfe .r'esenif ' b4 adopted., ,Leasaswill. be. eiveu-, tboh'.Tartie3 for assurance oe and. carties'so- leaepg thati,every'reasonlabie .effort ill.bemade toj give immediate einplVmen't riot only to frediqen ahd'1.their families 'residiii and J Remaining on said 1 tus i i- .v:'uj';'. i a. JLI'!U-.'. iCi iu!i ! reidentlv corfi within thft fpAerai linpis I Frtr t.h.tirfri 7 r: ' : r-- :r; . pose oft , ging reljLefas far .as ibj those ih AWtUUI UCCU. XI) JS ; UUUC1 O bUUU UUftL LUC .IJ ILUliXlMllli' may seem necessaf, bf th'e prtsbnt crops of rice, knd; 'rvtiinT. 'br-t iATdd UF 4 Anil) X 4.iJ n kbU vl.UI 1 1 J 'i pt &v rD0? expediting i.is m'atterit is haea !that trulr; loval nartiea will brino-AndiinAiii (Tii. IT iVf-tn-rr t:n I.J.J i 1? th-Ppeiehtf -wid-be at the Court House.-.' In: a few davs he will nrobablv hkitp tn i rnnm in' 5 lM . .i . .tii..Uii:! si-ge igeir:;, j TIN PARALLELED SDCCESS OPi 1 .Tuesday. Evening, March 21st; 1865.' willef grveri the secoad f epxesmtation f Mr:H Watkina grand seno-coinip drama ther ... -u v., if Htif, H1DBES DAB1. ! pitol.i;;..:..:,V..:U J.Mra.' H; Watkics. U a genuaatteb olor, A;.li'..Mr : U Watkins. . fd eoncludewith the .laughatfc-Faree ! 0 r ) I Guy Opodlucjc, ..iU......Mr. I.''T."AMeroh. it.".,-.-. , .. x,i eentsf Centre 6al ery, $1 jopC J .ql '"poOTsopeii I at Cortam tisea t 7 e?cleeki X llnxch it; 185. j - ::v j . Jg.lt ' ' ' t ' ' ' , 'r ' " ' ' "" Vlh 1 - : ;l- LOS Ti il carrie.a into enecinr inis!iwjj;i,,unit'Ba jtMv transaction ii' submitted to ?the'! J )isttict 'pmidr and the Trsury'Agent. n'td the proper, author ' .ties can be adviseS" of' ihe recent Vgisfation of Con- . grs -and :racites "Inatructibiis under it, or rpceire meK cam mander, rallt iwlesl :rahsictiions of whatever de- are necessary to save it, are positively forbidden, nd -.,mkttei:wt; iny ; beT JhefUajfoed authority reliable statements, of abandoned lan (jls-theifitua tion; extent and locality "t , , ' W-h.- V, ' Tttfe LPcal Treasury Agent fo Wilmington,, Ujuys pfliningibhi NC March 2(jtb, 1865. ! . 3fe A G0Lp SLEEVE BtJTTOJK. w)tb a Masonic den 1 il ticelAnf-AUi 'A'- rirartt'vcifl'Frr n;.'fUra Will t"r! paidV-'lth'p -VT . J!. .-lS tV--Ia Mtrj 1 K1' Stff v.-Cartsand l)rvs, fifty cents per Vii.onth.T- ;,..f ' ,' ' , .....-'. vt.ui;-- f. ffaxes1 levied' y the" second 'third", Vourth'aijd, " ' III III imfllH llim Hill - - ' ' ' "" "" '' lr" -""- '." .. imnllrH-. .. i,,... in I I .r 111! nil I Hll i I 1 " . t p Wilmington; N.. C March 7, lSC5-'f';T': , L', X. JBay, assigned to' the. charge, of all cap- . txirea, aDanaonea ina. cpnnscaoie'properiy in in , District, more especially auch aa wilf bei eventually v . turned ever to the'.IreasuryAgents';; '52:' ; 1 He will tai:eoteasve,t6' ascertain " tbi J. description locality, 'quantity and the claimants, oi. eSd owners' absent or preseut'apd generally. ; nent attribution' bf thVpropertyl , ;l . ..f.;'' 4 . ---.'-3-:-i vtt-jiir'.-.'li ;- Vv"''. '. ' i Alt persons are hereby instructed to give him ha, M . mediately, all such information within their reach. All inrilUarjffbrcei tinder ibis eommandf are strictly joined to afford Jtiim aid' and prptecltan wnenever ' ."" preyent a bfestructionpf tprbpertyj and" alf 'pIla-'. -; well tfevised.Njaofc only fo r the benefit pf the Govern- , rtj .Vi.'f m1 By'order of Brig,'Gen. ilawjuz :( ,;AtlifcUx.t "-.'i at 11 E; LEWIS MObRE, Capt.- A A.A. G, , ;'j , ; ii''aHfeijigTBug DBPr. .or!WitiiiseTojr,V - Wilmington K. C. March 7th,il8C5. J General Ordexa-No. 3. Alfpetsbne in;thU Dis-; t-iit are hereby enjoined to f bring In' and 'deUrer to, , Capt.;Acker!aao atl th ottcb of BrWeVriidie? v Geaeral Hivea. -next door.tOf Di3trict'Ue4aouarters;v v all iriflea and; muskets . aid , fheir jjappurt.enanfees,?-'! mjenlHh'atVwere .fornierly held by t-e fp-caired Cpn-.. that; a, porti, hereof -w'aisii taken biakothorliel ' tpetsbna aboutj: thej time (thiWwnjwa odctrpiod bj V . th la w.ful authorities; All such jnjqV bpromptrj ; 1 turnea'in, or tne parwooiamg. cneci fwu.v?j bbu c rmariy dealt with. ; , - ' 4 'y ', By crder of B(rig. Gen7 J. Hf w wx-i.U-- . It : I TT 1 H . . V r yC f i JEAfrOS' DlStbF.IMJ ( . j. AV.itMJ d ioj .i fClplii rch 13:' 1864ir- J . , As .a'fetfitafy bWe'sklty'ermistibn habcen gjlyen. ,. (to a, number. of residents : ofWnJington ,o open c tneir stores ann saDps, ior tnei purpose cr seume, in ttiat t&e'y hftft oyi hand yjA tfo feas Jajce by the nanonai xroops. ... vn '.' o-Uus'J i n j jfo into xicatbig iqofftllber:sol'd Without' the' writtei permi8sidn of totf Commandant Pf'theTpjity'' BreyetErj fi;t.;t.obw ' ,Ur Should, nj, of )ihe parties' referred fO'iieeire- to plenish their-etocks;of goD4stbey,.1wrwe51asaU wha jlesire toell gpds warer,and mercbn4i?: arere-1 ferred fpr instructions, tt Vtjj ;Tempwrary Rules, pub; asneoty m. aaion, areasurrva(g?ni.j1r ..j ' jj; t' By order Of BrigV Gen. HAWtst: E.IiE Wl S UOuEE. CaDt. A . A. Gen'l. .1 - iue permru reierrea 10 in ino 1 oreg oing, win ds , delivered to the applieuts by' UikCKfoVRtt&AtJ'1 caaiUnrorbstMitri?jaLA i-sria j Tfliifi.a ,pcj:i It being an 1 inevitable militarr nece- itv to falsa' a fund. .to? meet ; the-ependiturO call e 1, pi? in ad-' miniiriiig , lue ciyu BJiairi pi s j-up pismos anu . City) the 'following :azea are; nereby levied r ).;;Upon alloodswares and merehamdlse brought into the Distriet Xn land after. March lstvone-half of one per cenWtobe laid. ;aecording jLd tv.aironi inTpi?es! exhibited tt: the Lpesl $p e rial A gent tf the Treasury Depart men t, toVhom it will be paid, : II-1 Sappiy stores aatborlied f by the Treasnrj Debartment.' haTiD althoritr to sell S 2.0 00 en inohth will pay $3 per 6hy those who have au thprittpilsell ever -ti e abOTe-rmentk)nei amonsi r will rtaf. iSa:lier!xnoiitb' m "' d 4' i '-': . .? .''-"f"' pay. Bjn ucrmonuki III. 11 traders' and grocers' nt t authorised id import will pay.one dollai pMsr nonth for t uir per- iilYixEtlUa-d Ublea, and. Bowling Alleys, (three P and loyal! citizen?v,h ii f f- r-"",,.--?The joffioe p f . Brv,et "Bri.! Gen Viksyt is in Wil- mineton, on Market JS tree t, toext door to the fclstriet1-0 reasonable uantiti, ,to eup'plyithe immediate f'per- 11 sonl njjee,sftis.2Q ' 'tiry lines, the, supples tdry( gflodg and 4 grdcerie'f'V '' (' :' lheie sales 'in ay'be made withou the, cettftcaejOf l.jj. thesL6cai pe'ciat g&& Y tlieTreasury DeparU I - , , ment I tWW''f: I ' ' ih JPsalesfcaia be mftde'to v, ' yn.es, ialeii JtheyhoW 'c'pme. r in; and a perinit' fro ni' the- Treaiur'Agent' io'buy 'a0 ' ,necifiedbiiantitvil .WlpMc' ,u .njv r? i: j- ' rittEAn QtJAKTi,s Dmiuct'ot p7n-MrIiDf 1' ' v U Hj ! Wilmington, N.U, arch 17th, 1865. J . V ;Geneil Oasas,i Wf-- -V4-' '' '"; " V. " " t 4 . . r t. .' 7 r,(f.p V 4 y'-'A t 1 .'..: "!' . ;l.-j; ?" :' . Mi i c - i : j ' ' . ( i .1 in i