1 Continued from the 1st page. not slow lo become informed. So they atonce. r -frr tfrftiffiny ' 11 r 11 iri- ;sition tbiAside of theNeuse river, and they are now on tfc2c3jai22r the river,, with the bridge that crosses over into Kjnston -pawauy destfoYea. Our forces followed them lUrvvigottmsly. rill fAripiX fcVKS ovfr the uth desY and .will rcaefy)rcpafe td cross over the river at ones by means of a pontoon , briderevvor by -fi-viaying newmmoers over tue oia ondge, the cars to Pass over. I nDnrehend that 4:1 will be no j difficulty now in driving the rebels DacK irom;anv poinLwhere ihey maTjaee fit to as the army moves along, inasmuch asithatis nearyriioracoJtilJbbi It is now laid up towithin about lour of five miles of Kinston and as soon. as it. can be conrpletpd to the river depend upon it our forces will cross . ' eut where danger was greatest, and displayed., a coolness j cpurage .and. gallantry which have l'wcn the loye and admiration of the army Gen. Cox had two orderlis shot ns&r'hiiain th course' of thetiayand was himself often expog- xm 3 H5, VIIBT. Correspondence Between 'General Sherman ana fjienerai JLaarnmoTU: MisaispairfrHff-miJjrJtortRll 65.-- ding Cavalry Forces. C. S. A. General t--It is officially reported to me that? our foraging parties are murdered' after capture, and labeled "Death to all Foragers." One instence of a Lieutenant and seven men near Chesierville, and another of twenty "near a ; ravine, etgbty rods from the main road," aDout tnree miles I oners4iv rebel'fcsndraa Jc 9mlwhillhelhas &t 'oblainod Ihbld about one thousand prisoners captu- i 3 z . req in various ways, ana can siauuuas longas i Asanas thfiratj5Cj atrpojntoU-by JrJnedSie4eoate ptfWanearm. tn Hebald on the; 1 1th instant, we Una ! taafi o: Colonel John E: MulfordV the highly efficient Assistant Commissioner ojTExchange. j- ' .? :j The promotion of this ..; meritorious officer is as well btstown aft it is deserved. No officer in the army has labored so jaaxd for the inter -J of the government and the, welfare of our - worked "with brain and haD''. .VaJ'.i.i w sacred folds of the flag of f lion- master my dear starting V)sdc he, in 6 tfane Jindin5 4M20Liii llltll iella' aVydTi huy with the little coaHcattles of the, tray round the mays faeck m the street did him, honour, but notielHg" the Major of a night when "is writing but his monthly reportr to Jfiamy fit Atoolsruhe state of the ftolfcLStob'lLlind; r thff Permanent "W"arAiidll theestqTTt (the, ' wholev 1ft id) WoS mi Major's i$mDaru ana dnskd jvith,h,is ownands every nienuiigb fore farnishinff fcfttooto) ? nQto hinliiMU i oX thought and, carr. as ID ,4-F 'v- 4U" frowning 14 -tf tyinui StoJwr bat.;'"?fnd Mai or uoes noiniiig uj uti ca tcu uio i -i -' ? . .ii ' j TirmriM innn mruiL anu - . ' . - yen, but I hardly think these .mmdramJ.if;i. :3 jt AJOB o"couia accompiisn. gest that you give notice to the people at large that every life taken by them simply results in the death of one of your Confederates. 1 rf ' " i. i! ' i . forage on the country. ' ItHs.awa right-as oW as history. The manner of exercising it va riei wit,circnmstance3, and if the civfl author-, ities .will supply 4ny requisition, J will forbid all foraging. But Jm find no civil authorises who can respond to calls for frra ar nw. 1 r oxxAnus; dzoxszsns. If PQ T T n T -n-n . AiritK KJSLATES HOW SHE WENT 02f, Alfg , went over. Ah! 1 Y . 1 tar my aear tnougn a .little palpitating feiPTf what Wnrotewuep' W?!9 "ffWont. minster Abbey !h?m: head his wn ronnoact ,v,fcu'xii!M'r'' the people. - I have no doubt this is the occa sion of much misbehavior on the, part of jonr Atn'oaiJ, -However.-ho was npv.r othorwrlaA 'thaa calnjj earnest an'bra- Th6 movements Punish with wholesale murder. oi tne army were directed by him although -,MW$iYW his rankKoaett aftd'the commander of the De r artnr tfnt of North Carolina,: was,advised with Arid Tiifif ciivv4cf iin a Kaaa, , There wai goaie ,,ar tyiery 4 fixing: yesterday raiternoor, tue resujt or natufe of which I have :not learned j -mm v Vu It's pleasant drop ioto f awdoasy dear though a ;!itle palpitating what' corner stairs is for the-build' men, -but Lcannot permit an enemy to jtH&Wtt&yL IT wTXrA1' V0SMLM Wpa.of Gcr. bherman has been heard from at Fay- the Gape Fear river, and' about , the same -dis- oaiuruay morning jsome. gentlemen,, arrived ' not more conveniencea and fWor kf- I ;,JY!.ii u-rliT1 vTr11 Ma. jrersonauy, 1 regret toe-muerreBiinjts en ea- Ub.j m,v;.. yi " V ""o""3 "" JYfi,j 'ifcty"""! UwrtWuu i deredbythisVar;tbUhwerVto be expeo- er ioo ST a Prac ? Iag ?he plasJ unfeas rV , : ted, and I simply allege that those who struck 1 "convinced whichhofds: 8pectadesreslaing .orsi"' i thfirstblctw andtoade war inevitable ought not ?n ) 3 to.chimney.pbts putting them! hwh occasioa be.haA.,got tfiJ?A ; in fairness to reproach us for the natural con- fj1 ss-work like hats at a party and no; a mtnuia ofelere, through V tf sequences. I' merely assert our W.ht ,to I kSiI t9 the matjrben he sKt ,e.Liflg m on forage, and raea frroif tilyo"rafM' fflfr hHM J MO ch, except' stedmomop pieee of .Mtr to the axtendoBittellM JAfKit ifolt!y b4e eJtPr to send it down ifig canaleshanjViWjte. ' c your throat in a straftrht farm or mva ff a twict f between thirtvhilV;w- . .rfftfiXWS mehk'ch6w?A uciuioiD cues Lucre. Ana wnat i (Signed,) W. T. SHERMAN. Major-General United States Army. IId'qiw, jn the Field, February 27. 1865 Major General "W. T. Sherman. : .United Stairfa herefrom CSnhectituti commissioned to take 2itn Inst reached me to-days , In. itlyou state the vote of the soldiers from., that state, afc this 1 tnafc t has hen officially - reported r that your puio- iorueir siai ana congressional election waging parwes were -muraerea' atte says speak- on tha uremisfcH ..m,.i.:t.PaB- andij manner of shapes (there's a row of 'em a MiV f drettM turn ' .1..MJw.9aTitave1me'Sc Wpzenbam's.lodginghousd 4oweif.mw5f n the dedr ILiir IlIJt- , tbe bniinsf.my pbw( hkybraih other Sde of the way) ia that they only work J the Fore yoa'swalldw'it and that I'd quite as soo- Swallow mine plain. thejaarbtii! the dame, rues were -murdered' alter anfUE V 7T.7 A T jt ! fY''Wi.Ta a. a. i i rut - i jnH - - ai r- a j i z ma -a " i k c n ra i i a mu l iiuk.itr xvmu pbit t x. wt rwm n a ext momn.; my amvea lust toa iaiyfnT you go fisia savitaativin Had tarprAl ?lilin",Tn'riTrn-rrTNl,tylJii,' un sicrna i. . f i w it, j i. i m m m uh mam m v w i i iiiii i u , 11 , r i , r , 1 1 k 11 f ,i k, ii i i . jthe Connecticut fesiment which was eantn-Ad'. similar rmm on the 8?h. There were not iar from one tho&J disposed of in the sa.me manner. That. i& ,fco aau ortnera capiuTeu, tne loss ot whioh mkes quite an item.' have i ordered a similar 1 he wounded from the recent battles are be ing careful attended to ,by-our surgeons," khd the extra wants of the soldiers are being sup- isaar Wfe- i: t2t f aASts hWMW eonstantly,at thW trwtf and he.himseff is there much of the time il3 has made out a full Jist,pf the .killed and MJduiiacd, v-h:ch he Isto send to New York (or -.publication. ' . - . . Tl 1. 1 ri . . . '.m! garters. , . : .'-..n-i say , at, - yon number of Conlederatfi snlHi firs fn hn A dred.' fou cliaracterlze your order in proper terms', for the public voice even in your oWn county' where it seldom dares to express itself in Vindi- w,,uu u iruia, nonor or justice, will rij m J , ri "-, up signs ir houso to show thft - which you take your.smokb ix. .Vjf t Belhor 'here befdpVi va.i,. kA t. - -: w - - jvU1 raiuy u oar in my. asy.chair lay ownc j. quiet roo- - ,knv,-.. 'J '.VJ ST, POTIISCO. T. to' t 5-i Tldem, of the Council. Dc- ?,: "KK1? of ifairs-Trial of From tha Turk's Islands Standard, Feb, li,V, P.08 to ohiit the great er U1 r pnvase correspondence from that . , - v oiio wing iex tracts -gj Ve a good impression of the new order of things whiofc have been recently estbiished',-; q- ti Ji t?AN7I4GO;f,eb,.I, 186,: feince I last had.tlws bleasrin 'fu change in the Administration has. taken .nlacej ' general JSateedoi fhfirVt JPresid acree with von m nrrtnnnn;n . ,- murder, f your order is arried out Before dismissing this portion of yQUr letter, I beg to assure yon that-Yor everv cni,i;QW mine murdered by you, I shall have executed at once two yopr gm, in all cases, pref erence to any officers who may be in mv hanrl,. In ratiwknsiA o x i V. ?t?y VY fiwffl?pi TP inake Karuinff th ro- to sav that Tlrnmi: f- ji T V F ima mriof ia the Killing Vriso -.ter capiure, ana tnat 1 da Hot belisve 'pftmff "'ea any.ofyours, ecef flndet circumstances in which it was perfectly leo-iti. cnt during the finrjl j ,tiio uay ioiiowmg tiio rotreat of theSnan iard- from thUi irolW i'Stte wi fcdc uoMiion. wasirrn n n.'c v. o k ; i i . - , o " 4 '119, anu "y.M.iuuuiiu, MIWBlODPr ftSt fh astry Wduc'e'd him to rcsfgn, when Qeneral xoiauco was even more unfit than kftda adapiej lo meet their" views tof keeping, iW! . ' . TifKwvsiiurnjBuence oalcedo wa fuspected and, accused of irucklinirto.thftlfinib.'j wHsnoi. xnis execution proveduhirAl 1 dijaatisfoctinn, Wftl lne3o wnfTth U1 citizens wnom thew hnn -a,.s - , iitw L -ww, ciuwn an ot your men WnO are Cauffht burning hrmn " tl:. , Ti-ii . r &, ,"uuiw' -liusf oraer . ; " 1 , a , J aii(nv inS Jour men to destroy ttWta,djrii tf ypwr right to forage on x.i . , . - oil, UUtiS mkm ui ngnt. uuc tnere is a riaht soldef J oi jparASo tnan this. andt-ohnMtSnftteiYfrtsi rcL a--LvTTeels and them absol . ' vuu ii j t n ir r i r l - : kat every man has to defnn hi u land fallina over the tai own eas ovh Lodging House JSTurhber Eighty-one Nor folk street Strand London situated midway bw twe... "w wv amea;rt-it anything is wiiere it used to, hZ "1 osOt hgtH? tailing Jh;e;msves-Limitetl but called Unlimited &y Ma joirj packman rising up everywhere and rising up into flagstaff's where they can't sro any hih- ux, juut iuy mma oi tnose monsters is, give me 1 landlord's or, landlady's wholesome face when a come -on ajourney and not a brass1 plate tilth an electrified number clicking but of it which it's nc in nature -Can be ; glad I io ; Se4 tiifi nd to which 1 don't want to be hoistfld UtA, MAi.oa v-uo , ana- leit tnern . tiaflw help with the.Ti4Sb'- 4ul raiu weinff riere raw (tear T hfl callj to tnentiyn fyft fcafcUl ikn abfe BKIfiogs as a business ;honam: to die!in the he clergy parti v Ha'd oatint i f , - hwuu onciuuea m Hatfield churchyard when lying ohcl'aiaih'o my feoor Lirriper ashes to ashes an d dust "dilsfc.... iui- ive ner snouia VUl yqa any ' pWajny dear .-pers own flesh, and hlon.l fli - ti. . oilcloth- i bowevr, :&Sh?T5 b7w r nim wHnt K a T J ai '."'. " ' ..i T:".i.v of two 'gentlemen that I shonid have iudeed -to be .in tbeTeatheKbed'tradi if thhad HSUh noun,ed;th .PPatancp.r firing .yonr'tbaneJ sir S jotto-thiaiesotw hat, nvet on TO&'wiiB.mj feflmgs r ,in MWnta windpwl nf.Gentlemten; Paaj x)C:iaKmbS.-i" ana reaay 'to -drop- a .t,,, jn) . snies.bis ow.nrlvbrimnMd harMh-i'M.' ' Joshua4l4itr$r;J)a4;whibped 6fi5itstTpe!g in'tLe passage for.a military disguise he goes into such a tearing , pasaien; that.ihef tip4 ft:'6ff his ' ,M( head and icv8 it up. to the. mailing with' hfi 'foot " where it gredlong; aiterwads .-Majdr'T ": BajS' be coojna .advise: , nTa what'to- dc with 1 w Joshua v my. .dead and eonor Limner's' awti youngest brpr,, - $Iadam--t .sayi- the: Majot 'm h A-rrlW. , ii.. i . 1, J I 1 J t-? ' . as a Christian Madam' istian tqu cannot -mjpau' I7ur words.' says the rMaior 'bv thk- Xordrldo!' And inteed:the ftfa u mprits a very passionate man 'fer Ks iizelhad a l i Wnexl JoshhaXirfTpeT hears n- betwix'us'h& turhShiVorf Oia ' ie with ,; th higgesfe:; half "ahtf '"says ! jaemQve me .to imyiiile"" ddrio Hi , . rr, . T.-",' v;4V rvJ ,,we psf;ana4 wiinnippare brxghit dasrhad fferi-himtfae cohyemUc Ar fTl -ounmotber'nittlest or j . -c v - " o'erv Qia-.marj and boy ,n my country, whatfxfireWit WOUld Shrvrtf Hnnrn aa . k ' 11 .t, , . rlvsdirite hSffv; Would shoot down, as he 'would a wild beast cmmtioiioswwthtfcV'lof cabinet tne men who are desol IOU are nartinnlnp in do(inin i iu4ijfk .. l;., r, " u ciaimi T ""gnts." iway l ask 4if you UTOJyT ot the amonethem the rlht tn ithe exrutinn of ;i:r"- Atv Auri,oun(? a " Y . , " 13 pompewea I'thfl 'authorities -r - - v hlju omental. Morcion snrl a.ui'-nLs:, : u rv1 rt .ii wrV'l wiT'w iaont notice: to burn fcV me causes ana erounda fn rrnA v.." . ... - rT- a. a xiuu UKHn EiirrannAHarf fflmujtrj to resign in a body, and a lew days af- Maior malrinfr T.nrtAty;ta?TSJiJ. T ,auV---"j;-" r:iTij. t t x - . " i a ' r ".f '" M " jjwaq cotton- ana x says to the Jajor. 'Major take mr kevs - ttjpfof the line J and settle with thesentlemfji brainhever: ,gooa.f . wnva ..f-a ' d wjbeiii f htA cannot wear' ha ..4. : tr'a-A agxf fT ""V3 J? Fe ail- - iganing not Deirvr.wifaNtofttThll B4I Oe aShna JhaiXaBfKVhelpyiel-" " 1:1 WeMiir.i;troobld in hii VafPim TOSiaiw,' wfr&W--" iMutWfr'9 e oiitninsnjsbrjD u mauiimg tneir wemen. uuuo a,,u. """.aj jTt awnisfifWff t idwihobVb 4er Poland ' " rr proionrwnTcn is always accorded in ciTiii, even that Th m:n;.fr.n i 'KLJiJi . . cw .. wnara to non-combaOBfa:.: li jfiaeiiGaa manrwiereaso ialspbeautiful an as wrong as tha ra anec u asjrfojujedf which Gen. Bemrf Ti .wu5' rooomg. caem, jas was .iJWMMrflfrJ WJ!??8? !d Ppeti-ate even darker crmlhtfa&cV a mcro iTovWa! n.n " ; ,frL.. lS; ?"ra.estOo black. to be mentr.ned?- . tit:.ni- .... ..a. iiw WStt&ftvMCl UlhayA r.Awiifid if von havo nf nrriot.kir srv Cr f. W,'.' , ' w iV",u- iue COtnm issian. f t. hfisn oflWA4v7Kfirn Km. U I have 9 Jii tii m.-Minrue i.Vn Pot-,,, fmg. " .-iner its surrteder by .tne. Mayor wwhr , calrj-offcfirs ... ' llKO ' iate demmded profeectrorxih..urdprilyo'aN L .ill I mi erdrwear' ftfiiStMas nw shprjgh working I vow when penhjlesjs iiVJ:irnlibafc?M' is tnaii. low kcr '8 Ho ssJL: -It-saye-a 1 . ! !i ft i f f . - . fcvnfl ,oTT" i.it i.viii-- 1... :-n ;:. fl iratoo ha iitnie?M3i aTl ; j we va'ion and exnos h-fhrr ' l(Dgin,Kar the strath "of his5a lave PoifftillijSy ButeKruwv-there'scrood in -all of fcfiew. where JLtwlsnan'If5,' 2 , supn m?jusiu5 mucn as ever they . iilmWTI'i &t Rorpnt 51V-'Y "b.t!.?wwvcrtj ?uiMfM.v -r- - t, t-, nen nrstksa; o cae nooc a :rr 1 1 e ffTi into s laid the whole city intb ashes, l.eavinc amid its Jj d&nt whether it is that ,Wn , manis Lincolnshire for hia ncketwri4neyLkw riiiurm' ruin- thousands of old rusn dheJrllejraiSianrRWfir as; cne luaior cawTOW fv?m ftaflt Khfcih'tljaf.nasl.iahTOoM mv i noor , Lirri- ,U in- thousands of nlfl arun jftid.heldlessi3riisn.bQhiYfir as the Maior c?ht Uciildren, who are'"1iKiy4,to perish of star- and mind Jya ytbrngftfetf his ;v,.v,,r .1 nVyhn- i laf was. and in We than he i alQi;- iU1 !fcu as I , Xb Indfo, iuiiic tr.in.-iui rv .! I "hvj ri'sneciea flip u'n iri'iifr-iiiv , "T o .' -t;s. loursoidiers M.J ULLfUli.' I ITltl ... hout. -. r -ywv, oi . aian, insult those ttSThan that xrejtn- lile. (Uswe o W4 r nfTrnmw Kr,,ka er it is sd or whether it is.not .J.rvt-rt Arms vvHifI.,nifcr- !ia,a.I'IJl'J,t'' "to" U,l.l 1 Ac.rt.ya rt onTT" Kinf. t.1 tiJ- f T r" r , i' .1 j. -i .Llri, 1 A i T - T . . - " - m- MOT Vl A.Mn n m-x r IaI 9 M Mil 1 E 1 fUl E K V m, m Til k. a A mr -jm r r n a . . tiro &ufiua lJu MCMiiwneainrTTffTmignt nave meanrxtr keeDoCAjDtt8rf4d i sealoiid bf.ir A regardless, of .e -management of,hFrfftd fcWdJunctioh company; Ccstquently the i TT ut 'Styr el Griper and Japeat .TOTSft ParloLkTSf oixmtf &$ XX .Tias oo ti rou Q la -kA i w.iowua VI U1S IC t -4-1 T . ".V ' 'fBC XI c iiii;e man n 1 1C THE LATEST. i In eonfiviirkn whose natural I have only to SinienThf tcniay (January tfi; ktep nj the ports lonen fa t.hA orcrgr, producuW r&Ju.. m .T i 7 ri. anu which : wLti??0rJul? Lr:fy?On0asAh yoa. protectotr Offo Ap tobacco y (Jaauiry wherever yop have. ank-tffc puttloonr ; or 4'4f tt a5. ot he synonvmons with vnn iro,, w .o ou cents per one hundredj takiL l.111 SUAWa? In !fe$tinlhlltflH iTtnemSsfofaH cr " . 7'1fti??V, derand publiacre'iitr r,- . t 4fiHAfiagr Wftnto txirwJlwqrTT'TT A. iieneraU 1 b.JTrtrs-eyes when wasktanexllta ofifeiTthiirkiuba nrtchrsHbuld la whole ntouthl), najitCra6oKpi w6uld have beenwofd-- x i xxxu. n uu ft. a luiu u V4 ; kvf Lilts it 11 1 11 c 1.1 ri i k.u LninTffn nan rnirni rn i kiitti a hyti n icrn ir a ni - - . , , i j i &Jli4f . - v vwv iiv lx4 t v via. A.JL a uxuw unfuioiwv .-rw-w uea iwuwas speni inive J'farn tMMsn misreprcseitbwl?t)zcnnam'sjwp-jl,- -z m " 'V ACt. gngji , rot, mod conhtersiVnp Kv tha .XtS. to!tm2mSftmijJ.'diieU':n. a TheiehsP of responsibility eijter t irsefycselter worth thmlfcey4W5fr pg&aps lonjghti -And shatei-I Save paUforJrj timeV er Joshua l-ifrfpertwilttt? wlHhf? .f., ened anl 3rBlBn3nlhad l-ostrntlr correct j!wedreiaiUrmajfcftOT V To be Centinued. v. -5 and pretty. i

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