THE HERALD QFi THE MARCTT 23. TERMS OF CUOSCRIPTIONr By Ilka or Carrier, ov wetkj.;j.: 50 Bj Mall of Carrier, one month .... . .2 00 Br Mail or Carrier, three month.... ...... 5 00 To Newdealera i . .Per each 100 coplrM.M.mM.M.M..,.nH.. . 00 !Per each 1000 MpieiM.Mm....MW..M 60 00 Wholesale orders for papers must he handed in on Che evening previous to publication, aad , accom pailedj by 'the cash. . i - ' RATES OF ADVERTISING: ' One 8quare, each and every insertion.. 1 00 Half 4 Column, each aad every Insert ion 8 00 One Column, each and ererr insertion 15 00 Special notice, will! be charged, -at the rate of twenty-fire centa per iiac, each iaert ion.. ' A dj'couct of 25 peri cent, from these rates will be made for advertisements inserted one month or longer. . f i; fTXo advertisements " till forbidden will be received. : I ' All brders far papera or adrertiaiag most be ac companied with the cash. Job1 Work done with'neataesa and dispatch, and a a. . .' I- k. atjnoaeraie rases, t RETALIATION. The remarks we ex4 yesterday on the rales of war, suggested by the Sherman-Hampton contro versy,; do not eem to agree with the opinions en tertained -in Richmond. Unfortunately it -is but . seldom that sensible ideas do find a response "in the rebel, capital. The insurgent leaders hare given themselves up to the single idea and pur pose of destroying the country. ;n that topic they hare gone mid. 1 It is a tad realization of the old heathen maxim!: Whom the gods wish to destroy thej first make mad. . We showed conclusively, yesterday, as Sherman had previously shown to Wade Hampton, that foraging was a legitimate war .right ; that Sher man's! army differed in every essential from a band of guerrillas ;. that it was prosecuting perfectly T)rot)fcr and reemlar warfare ; ' and that therefore his sojdicrs were entitled, when captured? to the same privileges and treatment which lh3 custom of all civilized natioirs accords to prisoners of war. If those soldiers commit excesses that is a matter for General Sherman to punish and -not for the commander of the enemy's force to take in his own handsj ; ' Hampton claims the right of judging the con duel of Sherman's soldiers, iand cf punishing them too. Some days ago lie caught a party of them simply foraging and ftnmediately hung them to a convefjicut tree, afSxing an ignominious placard to ihvr bodies. General Sherman, on learning of i'.Ai, cnt a communication to '.the rebel, telling '.u. T'jaf ?uch treatnacnt of prisoners would not be j nuuHr.'J, but that for everv soldier so. hung he s'i ii'tng a rebel from" the prisoners then in hufc'K very significantly adding that he could etand mode of waifaro as long as the rabels could.! Hampton replies by threatening to hang two Federal'soldiers for every rebel hung by Sher- jaan, Iow what a picture is here, presented of the humanity and Christianity . Qf this grea American people in this nineteenth century. The r.ichniond congress thanked Hampton for his , threat ar.d the Richmond press applaud him to ihn ctipo It Viao Vipon from flip fiimmpnrfmpnt of the war ;. s-tudy on the part of the rebels to make a virtue of their fiendishness. So long ago as the first Bull Run tattle the bodies of our fallen feol diers were mutilated and trinkets made from their bones.; This to fire ; the southern heart." A systematic course of starvation has been extended to all mr prisoners in.their hands, thirty percent of whom never return io ns ; forty per cent of the balance come back more dead than alive and total ly un0t for any further service ; while the remain ing, thirty per cent are Q broken down as tore quire jlong and careful hospital treatment to re 6 ore them to usefulness. The massacre at Fort 3,iI!owi is still vividly fresh In the memories of all the t vr !e. The horrible fame of the Libby prison .have retaliatita. The national annyiaf snffeirtdia- j bis Cabinet, And to acconpanj Hrs- itlnqcla to jtxusf let retauatitu jds tae war cry. me reoejs i;. , , "-C"";r -i " ,v 7 such of our ) JLne evuor v 8 u umsooro jneic aurnianc i pentera', ana uecnazucs' : ti S OPECIA!.f;0TI9E0, i HixnQ'aa Dilraicr or w'luiijraTea tartflalrealy szta3e Ifving eorples of men as they have left in their hands,' and to such death would fee a relief lora the tortures they tiow ih folloiring t at town ?Bxb main ; il7ilmiagten. A C.,lltrch list, that all Joiners and Cir- Tools apt now actually m4 inauenw oi ue pecurauua vi i bribe Uovernment, must Jbe tarned Uflzamediiuiv Blh feeiltrnrjriinl f.W f ib' Cavimacfaaaa. Aaalstazic Okat-rmaat-. t.!' endare. j We' have a large pi eponderanee of pria- bummers," as tnej-call themselves, wrno rode I n oners, au-TOa eonaitrcn. x lieiaarauon wiu 9-t?: iJHiTil, for sit so There appears to : exist a most argent demand for immediate action in relation to the abandoned Pi Va Amir anT ai' tliAsaaiutnil 'thVk-VnrK orbs I ..i.:L .J I J- i in. MJB UIOI uJ , BUU vw IMS .iimk .wvm MUOU UJU MUUS (O. IBIS, TtKUniJ , U1U1 SOD1 att. Axes above "the zivaber abeolateJy aeceasarV hotuehold arnosesi sniut also W taraed in. ' m am a rr k nuiiiiiT aiiu ua iiulc ux uuci li. , cm. a-n -LHart-U- w , - t . - Waihem. e .bail seen nave a gooa the twentieth cW under General , Good lfechanie. who bring.Tools, will find imme- manj mow prisoners. Doubtless before the earn- Geary, madO its appearance, stationed guardf Jni diate employment. . HeceipU wUl be sirejo for prop- pairn ends we, shall have Hampton, and Brag, I and around the town, and re-established order., r ertyasen and Johaston, ud Beairegard -whhnherr armies. I The- STWtenth, General Blair, followed and j Rewards rillM paid for Information as to where- We shall also have Lee with the arm of Northern Pssea wrougn,; Danas in juu vias. oowrs ny toois can be Tottad. ing ana men, cHccjiug. 5auus,wluu,!l,ii.UM t-' or orcer ot jtfnir.ticttr tiiWXIT. 3; ' wmwf wwiaj i irtsuit -rag onereo. xais was pn jtaesqaj. une gress, taeiueznaond editors 'and the rest or the other corps of. the Jederal army occupied por iosureent crew. It is' a verr eood time to com- I tiona tx tna tight and left- of 1Py innsboro. 4 The mence vetaliuion; and as these mad people want f burning of stores and the business portion of it so badly, by all neans let ,tb.m have that line j?Ww or policy. I , i .iVav .Mr w'!... -wti iii t f - uit. mm ana &ai-av w M.m in u tun - - . . asu aruA acava n uli aa ifiriM mviia a aa niia an ra ta wiwa m r w i r iam . GOLD. ''' iFrC T tf 1 ' j myiBv. AgBm, -uuuwwu unup mib f ittni .ei or U . 1,1 Mailt. .tv.Af MAkaKt fain a1avn i "tititi hAr 1 . ! -1 .- It is one of he xhenomenon of the tirr es that, -ru- lSZri:-faC .Jtklm .vsr.- V 'H P abandparfU lands, appears fer notwithsUndine the draft lust commenced in the 1 R. Rnbertiinn: K i i f?a.i Hard. Hetii W. R -1 . t-V9"1 BC'nu "gent north for tire, hmidrad Ihonund m : notwith. 1 BOTISton, Uolonel JS- U. Alba, Colonel ABC. r""-y "T-"y. , -V S"Tn'r .piM - - ,. i Kinti nip j . i imrinte anil cnrtia AihaM vara auct iiu icuiuuiiuub n nil ue miiiLarv int nnri . j , . , . I - a. arc -m WIIU1 auM autuv vaa a. n v. u j ; . . V. , .' w"8reM Mtt lBO w 10n r""8 i not destroyed; The DUladne was done crinci Ues, the plan of Jeasiucf o active and reliable oer- of dollars just ' authorized ; notwithstanding that j pally before the arfiral of the -mailt army, and eons, white and colored, will for the present be Richmond is tet neither captured nor evacuated,' I was not: authorized or permitted. As an in- I adopted. Xeases will- bo civn to sneh parties for the confidence of the people in the stability of the f?y".-VH? r7'. V"'; T ''T:1 sucn aa amount or ;. ana as tney can pi re assurance government and its power to put down the rebel- iw: .T li: of their.ability to cuIUvata; also for rurpentioe and ' i , . xt n n iimh.xi ir ft wm ilia iiMarv 5 m k ,w lion rather Increases day by day. Within the I mfc r.l wfc iU rt.n 1 "rpriviieges. It will be required of all partiesso week preceding the I6th inst gold feU in New his ; plunder, to , the ' hitches, which! ho did. thtt CTec7 reafnbl-eflort willbe to York from 200 to 168 f , closing on the evening of Spoons money, provisions and priyaif clothing 8T? .., empioymens no. ,on.y to rreedmea the latter date, with a downward- tendency. It phras nc0eiiiifi "gobbled up? by the lands,' but 5to white. nd colored refugees who hare vi II HXn htlM. vavar MAn raa.h I fill whioh i. (ha I .. . V 11 '. rf ' . a)! - - .. . " J. .w,. ww-..v- , " Dummers." ana personal proDerty dtsposea ot recently com e within the federallines. Forthann. real valne we hate all along set upon it, and injhat hasty manner which betokened bracticod pose of firing relief as far as nossibteto thoseln which it will probably be actually worth until hoarding the precious metal wiH'not again get as 8acrjjCg eroodaprice for it. as itwill command to-day. nnrnMr There is "n o index .One of thee gentry actual need, it. is understood that the Commanding a new winter bonnet General has determined to tak nniP;nn .. r. adroitness at the business. specie payments are resumed. Those who are oaa ine Daa tastfl Lt0 ,laKc.a newiw?ntfr. DonPet General has determined to take possession, as far as x r iruu lauv aim uii i. wuu uneu udijics we ..on. .t.... Ani,. ... j- . .. . ., ,r I rvvul Mvvvoomi um us itscuir u uy Ul rice 1DU lleioua villian. Mav th&v swell on his .1L:.-n:i.;.fi..ji!:1 . . . . v a. i 1 ' i t ri r uva ii'iuii in i nin arvv-i aan i j "'Vn- v. coruiean.stomacn. we, congratulate ojur neign- m,s;'mn,. AfL Jv 'A ... Zonular sentiment so sensi- bor Britton. that the v mere! v "lookek in" on Mri lhe J PurVe tUi3 mattert is tive and infallible as the gold market. him and his newspaper establishment without ,boed that l lo.I Prti will bring and end la di8turhing ij, single case or pi-ing a forhi. .VJT ITE&DICT10N0.V tfHAOIS.WITH THE ' . RECELSV . ; . The publica'ion to-day of theXorder of General Grant, suspending treasury permits for-trade in Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia', and declaring1 all contracts made under such per mits vojd, will cause general consternation among cotton and tobacco speculators, who have made calculations of reaping large fortunes from their operations under way and in contemplation. xThe object of this order is to cut off all chance of sup- COM.VEERCIAL, We have already printed the ruling ratos of gold in New York on the 16tb, when it dosed" &175, We received yesterday the dstatla of the previous day's (the 14th) markety 'which we append ; ' Closing Pbicks at GAttrAQHEa's X w YoaEvEk'. lxo Stock JBxchange. . f ; New Yokk, March li, 9.$5 P. M. Gold 18lis; Canton Oo......... ,.. i.., 33 Cumberland Coal... ...... .J...... G9 New York Central...... .........j..... 106 brie. :.lii".y.nond-is world wide. It was tha rebels at Churlii? n who, to stop abombardment of that Ciiy ivl'iich had been threatened .for over a year, p it or -leicreeless prisoners in localities where tL? slirll 1'e'i the thickest and compelled them to remain iJierc.- The rebels have the sole credit' of maraijiaiug guerrilla warfare, and tiring into un armed; transports and : railroad trains,' murdering alike defenceless men, women and children. But why prolong the catalogue of fiqndish enor mities! which these people, seemingly psssessed of satanic inspL-viion.liave perpetrated. With. such a catoiogue fresh in mind how absurd, how hypo critical such talk as that in which Wade Hampton indulges. . , " But; the rebels f want retaliation. Sherman's bull is goring theiroxj How virtuously they can talk, j They have talked thus virtuously since the war 'commenced. .They have deceived their own people and many good. people in 'Europe. : But these people are now getting their eyes opened. Loud talk and mere assertion no longer convinces hem. j The studied deceit thai has been practiced co long only makes -the public mere credulous now. . j . . ; : ;; . -r.K , Hampton threatens retaliation. The rebel con-, gress jwants retaliation. ' The Eichmcdlprew blatantly echoes. Vciry, wtaUatioa.' .Well, let us plies being furnished to the rebel forces during, Umison" ;" X"" y the present campaign. The issuance of this order Reading i ....i..... 107 is attributable to the disclosures made ; upon the mi?: cSaU 112 K infamous tobacco and bacon speculation at Fred- Cleveland and Pittsburg........:. I.... 70 VcWo. I ' . Chicago and Northwestern.:...,...:. ........ 1.... 3234 O i (yftlCflirn. ur Krnrthtvaetatt. PiofaVrfll ' CfZ Chicago and Rock Islarid:....... 93 THE UESUIiT OF REBEL CRUELTY, rits&urg, Ft, Wayne and Chicago... J B8 The startling fact has been derived from rebel wiposa......y........;:........... ..; j tutis tiuu uruiu trcaa uu me can. ompial sources by a. correspondent with the Array after thb call at 175. of the James that during the past two years sixty -four thousand national soldier? have died in rebel prisons Of these thirty thousand were buried at Andcrsonville Ga.; twelve thousand at tanvillc Va and ten thousand at Richmond. 4 5 ' ( 11 V Salts of Gold New York, March 17. Gold, tv h, was steady yesterday moriDg, jave way again late in tne atternuon, and clpsed down town at 169. Stocks were fit m. in th morninjjry But closed weak. aUovtrnments sold heavy. At the evening board gpld elosed at 167M- I ; t , WASHIKCTOM ITEMS. Washington, March 15, 1865. MEDALS OP HONOR PRESENTED TO" SAILORS. To-day five sailors, who were a more the f teen wno, unicr Xiieutenam vusning, Dtew up-: the rebel, ram Albemarle, when eleven were captured, two drowned-and two escaped, were 1 I " J - 1 . A 1 , TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS Stage Manager, ....Mr. aIORN DAVIS. Fourth Night of the JEogagement of - Afff.& MRS. HARRY IV ATKINS will be Thursday Evening:. March 23d. I86&, presented with medals of honors (prepared by presented the thrilling legendary drama pf the Nary Department. Each medal was accom KATHLEEN MAYOIIRSEEiV. panied by. a letter from the Secrelary. sayine J ... , U f.i. -rfllonf. nn; w;rte r, Kathleen" .Wavoumeen....... Mrs. H. it was awarded for gallant anTtoefitorious con duct. The namfes of the recipients are Henry Wilkes, R. II. King, Bernard Ha wley, William Smith and Richard Hamilton. v rRESIBRNT S PROCLAMATION. TO DESERTERS. lne F-ovost.JMarsnai uenerai nas issued a circular in conformity with 1 the recent procla mation of the President, pardbning deserters on certain conditions, instructing all officers and employees of 'his bureau to give prompt atten tion .tb'. the receiving and forwarding -of such deserters as may present themselves1. in 'accord- ance wun iu pruvisioiio. xne -oecreiary oi War has directed that no reward be paid.for the arrest of deserters who may be arrested - snbse quent to the receipt of thiat orderjby the District Provost Marshal. , ' v- 1 ! RUMORED ARRIVAL Or. RKBEI 11 ACE COliMISSION- ""' Vr Eits'AT ctiTPoiirr. . V';-'" ' There are rumors in town of the arrival of peacd commissiorrtrs from Richmond at City Point, rn route for Washington. These reports have led to a good deal of talk and all kinds of suppositions ; but , they "hare- ilot as yet been ascertained to be true, : The -probabilitT is. that they grew out of 'the successful" operations of our military forces in closing in on the 'lines around Richmond. ' - ; j'1 - '' GENERAL B00KE3V DESIRES SERVICE IN THE PTEXD. " A strong effort baa been made to have Gene ral Hooker assignedHo an active command, i It is understood; that he has been applied for; and will soon be sent into the field. ; - t X. ;: THI KXW CONSCX CENERAL TO HATTli !i " 5 Prof. H.' E. Peck, of the Oberlin College, Ohio,5 has been appointed commissioner and - consul general' to tne .republic of Hayti, vicerB.! J"; Whidden, resigned The salary is seven thou sand five hoTidred dollars ptr annum.- t.'k L; 1 r' 1 1 THE PRESIDENT'S , HEALTH UCPKOVlKC. ? The' health of Un Lincoln b so greatly ii provsd that he ws? ble to-day to give audience to a host of visitors, including the nernberi of Terence 0'Modre,....t....r..i...4...-...Mr .. h . WatkiSs. Watkin. To conclude with the laugba bid Farce of . WHO SPEAKS FIRST. To -morro w, "Friday, beUefi t o f a" ; MRS. HARRY WAT K I S 50. AdwiitrioiuDresB Circle,- SI 00;. Parquette, ir-Doors ojpen at 7i Curtain rise a t 7 o'clock. VAX SICKLE, - L. -Tobacconist, Wo. Ii, ITIarl&etjStreet, A FTER three -raids onr hia Store, hi a small JOk quanta yof Tobaceo; lelt. 1: 6tv reliable.ttements of "abandoned lands, their situa tion, extent and locality. The: Local Treasury Ageni for Wilmington, Clvs- ss II, RircH, Esj., will receive and act upon appli cations for leasing the lands' in question.- His of- ficei for the present, wi'd be at the.Court House In a few days he will "probiblv mofe to a room in the City Hall baildin?. Evefry effort wiU Ve mado by hint to co-operate with jbe military authorities1 in promoting the objects alinded to.- . I- . D. HEATOX, Sup Sp'l Ag't Tr. fcep't. Wilmington, X. C., March 20tb, 1863 . 3t ' - - .V : ti . . , ; ' to 'citizens. ' ; As a neesary sanitary measure all grounds, par ticularly back yards, where matter ' do trl in,ental to health is collected, will be persops occupying premises cause them to be cleansed ivittouf -M y. The of fal and rubbish which cannot be autelyt turned may , be drawn without the immediate city limit,. For this purpose, if necesearyajl cart, wagons ordrays may be temporarily impressed, and thoi not having them can obtain .them by 'applying to Lieut. S. S, Hicks, eth Conn. Vols., at the ProvcBtiIarshars otEcij.; By order of j j JOSEPH ABBOTT, ! Brevet Brig. Gen., Commanaing Post. "Wilmington, March 20th 18C5 cleanscl at o6ce. All are hereby directed to i iHEADQ'RS I31ST. OF ILIINGTOX, . WilminctonJ N. C. Mnrh fSpn'cikh OaDEas,") - . ' . xio:i3.-. )-.-. ' T.P 1 ' exVka'ct.1 -r ! -! . ' lY.j Mr. Thomas II. Hqwey, at the Id etand of Hedricfc Ryan, Market Street, Wilmington, isau thori led to Intelligence OlBce. Persons wishing employmenta house or farm, fer yants. or mechanics, and tho.e wishing; to hire, will m-ike japplication'io him. ; f 1 i By order of Brig. Gen. J. R. lUwufir : ! j E. LEWIS MOORE, Cipt. &A. A. q!i'U I New York, 505 I5roartt .-i V. 1 T T March" 1st, 1865. 7c SI0I1AGBI1ST011AGE!! QTORAGE for light ariicl&-, not contraband, may l ine ODuunea m iau raiaa a. -i . It CASSLDEV A fAN" AMRIKGE'S r STMED. A SMALL Colored Boy, about 4 years pf age.-r -ti. Any information of. his whereabouts will be thankfully received by the subscriber, or the m.ith er of the boy. 21 It BEJ. JlOTTE. ' k MARE AND COLT, which the otfne? can have r by proving property: and paying charge 3t 1 -CHARLES H. HUSSELCV " TO BEST. ' --4- v-: A -VALUABLE RICE PLA KTAT 102' on the V Cape Fear; Rivei, ibout efi-n ilea abort VHU mington, with a good Threshing Machine anJ Corn Mill. AtUtched to the Rice Plantation lav. a ;0orn Farm, con taininsr about aixrv-five or MTit. f Undv enclosed bv an excellent,' fence, t , Ua the prentiie ( k a eomfortable D weiline; House with six rooms, ana an otner aecessary ptuidias. h- . ' , ravment inn De receivea in a porUon of the pro- lactam ' ' .; '"f I, ; D, B. BAKKK.; ? 17 lOt f my former, 'friends and patrons of Wil- C.j and surrounding Cairn fry : I Ifaving located - myself in this C?tr, 1 am ntAin4 rT i. - ' J .. if'-. . n t j"5: wA-ias onr. nouse, .(ac-'-rf Jjaia w in;) ;next building below " St. Kicholas." t 'GfDt' Shirts, Drawers Collar-, Cravat, Ties., Ac; Ac., a full assprtmentof Furniihing Gooda'.'; i Ladiea Linen UnderGarments of all kindbea tifnlly made accurately cut and of the ieel mate !ri,!t'B11 tton,Sflt and Flannel. Alsoacom--Plftt tsiortment;ior Misses and Boys. . ? .ttndwdQIs;wEki on the premises; and all rfnl?ae under the.immediate supervision of -the proprietors.,' Mrs. Wintle's "Card appears- la ; another column to which the attention "of Ladles I directed., M- fl RcSpectfnH v. O.' 8. BALDWIN. March 1 2-4 wis. i- :.. rr fiiFEj OPENED. A STORE on, PrinceM. be. iween water-ana from1 aire-, Tor repairing .WaohesClocka, Jew. Irv; and all- kinds at Glass, ChlaaJ Gold and Silver .Ware . Costoni sol 1 d ted. March 17th; 1865. ROBERT ,W: PATTEN. i sr.: 'is v-.M ',j-:r.-,--j -if AiiiaQfiff- : . .. A SEVPiXa, MACHINE .Wheel and ?TredW 'xXirAUaGold, aad Silver, at mr Store oa .iMSaichtU 2S4Sr' : lf-t

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