' ' V" .' : ,i . -.-. ; r r-'.: ..-. f " ; ' ,r : . .," V - ' tf , , " - ' ; - ! 1 1 ' i v- " " -' - j -- .r '., ' . -- '-, ' -::' ; r ' ,' v"-'1 1 1 f A i l! - . AHAnDCZIDt IaATZZZS A7VD PL 4 w. r I ' VleramenlreccaixedthiatirjrUM 1 V 4 i i11 MS J i -. -' V ,''- :. -- J 'VW Hii 'V - U ! :jt .!' that the Vnlte&lSisUs cliims the aneaneof aeacribed' thiiral5 inspect' WILMINGTON,, ; ?fli Vf ' lRCn 'er6TJ eitixea oft'he ittsurMiit temtoanjj tiered that thii omxsJ &y04lb4ria r -fftNli'.- i:- fore by hfewiWb&fttoie of themoiaTe- b006ttouto 1. - . i-.1 that in veu nrntperpn fiitninnna w r cmn wi 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: j5ingl Copri-i 10 Bj II il or Carper injek .:.:... 60 Bj Mail or 0rfit, f-oa iqinth .i.; 2 00 Br Mtil or Carrkr,, three m on tb,. - S 00 To 5ew4ea!erf , . . . ; " . Frf each 100 ooplrtJli; 6 $0, IVr each, 1000 coprieaU.;.............:...... 50 00 V hoieaale orders -fur papers mn$t be banded in on the erenih previous tq publication, and accotn-. R ATSj 'O F( AD VERTISIKC: One Square,' eich a.ntlrery,ia$enMta..m.i.... ;i 00 Ualf a Oolamn; each' and ererjr lnertKn . . 9 09 One OJamn, eadn t.d 'ever. Tiniertion... ....... 15 00 Hjecial notice wiM 'be xbarptd at the rate of twentjr-fiTe cequ pel lim i. acn'iserioh A diacount pf,25,pe,r;icent. from -thtwe ratew will b made for adVertlaemenU ioitrtcd one month or5 MMjrrr. ; ' t" - ' - .; JTo adfettlieinenU rtl!l rorbidden', wiU ba received. . , f .'" ' . ' , . Allordra fr paper or. adrertlsing" must be'ac eonipanied witb the cali. ' ' Job Wo k done with ceataets.and dispatch, and at moderate rates. !" -r " BLOCKADb riUXXEIt, We have received ihef following communication in retard to tie President's order of arrest" und baniahmeni of blockade iUiyiers :.f ; i . To the TdiUt of The Flei-ahi f the TJnioW. i 1 r It ia not tnore than jaat that fVerr ord r and law should be eubpet to discussion, proVidio.-hovrererf it i d;sous8ed' with proprletj and a view to general good ordr and an rbate oe of countrj. In arpb in the bloekale running' order I this 1 seetion of the United States, or anj place lately captured fiom the insurgents, are ou not plaeing- ii wrong construction upon the order ? .The Grst paragraph of the order, we think, upon (careful reading,' will show distinct lj that it des not apply to citizens of this place, Cbrleton or (Savannah. 'The President directs that all persons' who now are, or hereafter shall be found within the' linjitsj of the United Statis, who now are or shal hav- ben engaged in holding inter-! course with the. uenrjrentsbr sea." ' " . '. Whatever inaj belhe ipiuioBS of individtipla, tne' inhabitants of ji tat in- insurrtct-On are regarded as insurgents ol'.enetnifca. ' Now ioburehts ov enr mies who have belligerent rights violate. no laves war and commit no c.-iui5 in running a blockade, and. nnder bo governmerl are? sulij t io .pjojawhrnent ex-, cept the con6scit;on cf th- vessc-la. and goods' cul tured.' ! ' J . .,..:, : , Foreigners epgaed in' runuiog. a. beck-de of a friendly nation a.t e objf Jiab.Te.tto punifbinent by thir own-iorernuient for -violating' the laws of n -uW i . - .- t- ilit). Citiensi rf -i povon.rnent engaged in run ning a blockade of thir! own govermrent ar liable to indictment flir paving-aid und comfort to enemies, lint the very idea of a blockade1 cenvejs i!so the idea of a right b' V the citizens of the'state blockaded to-i un that Ltotad f thy taking ne.rjtk 'nij, hat is, the ca, ture laud con tit cation "of their vessels and goolis. If bluci&au'c i unuers a e or ever, were puft-.- forjohe.tnem.-WIietber'.it- is the -policy of th? governnjentOT its. parpose tp panish All iucb ia a'tnafter that we do not undertakeie tlecidal 1 , . , U . .r f.rOn"- JEPP DAVIS , SPKCI A I4 .3IESSAOE rf i;i 1 A Vpeciat Ws?age-frjow JejGC, IajU,waa raW mitted to the rebel copgress ou Monday the 13th inst. which we shall print hereafter;-; AS candid cooAea':bn of 'the despeirate coVditxoaof?Tel af fairs 'general! it.. :ft -important., : Hojsaja -MJie 't It v ' V ri V ' . a'.i.'I -apiyii 01 ine uonieeraje,oaiesjnowMreaienu, 4nd it ia Ja-greater ydaogetf han -it-has heretofore bcea daring U6warirn:iTje' also kdinlt? theVot leasness of the present rebcl firiiiciAl system, the inefficiency of .the military erganizaiion'' and'the derangement of - affairs generally iuthe confetle1 racy. As measures ef extrication from surrouad ing difficulties, he recommends more rjgorous laws for the impressment of, supplies a,. morr. remorse less conscription and a. suspension ' of the lfabetas" corpus act.;; After j the 'failure-' of the Hanipton Hoads peace conference, Jefff informs us'he jnade, - - y :. -vti ' r. - i ' " ' ' ' '., ' difficulties by a conference between Generar Grant and General Lee,. and the latter wrote to thd former on the subject ;i but' General Grant's reply was that he had no authority to act in such ft c-j. pacity. . ; . , ,; f ' .'; ' . ' had- any hand in tWtfccfc j are Hail.to indidtmfenfpr;ring;Uaaill Wm'rjrexieiveortirouVlitherSU rOh iBalSth ?6Vpnk or about tb,at ate. the stanrTvand areorrT to learn, from j parties in various parte of the county, that -tbje winter ia bed in an; d the pa peri and Aa you apply with the auiiu partial. y anau publication Of the tirst -install ffej tut way, you cao easily chow by okj when aud where. l e orqer it woulu.conie ia cnniast tr procJaoiati.nof thd rres dent, ana its gooa-eQ. cts. Mr. tauoi, n the older and .the reinarkd made in m Ice wiiic.ii led to its publication, we j - " J think were totally uncalltd ler. It ia not an order in this citv until oihcially pub ishad oy ucn3,jiiaw- ley or Abb6tt. j In my Opinion, it U neither xpedi ent, prudent nqr wise, te txcite the fears o women who have no counsel and whose htisbands are away," that have been! engaged in the rade. As tor per sons present whohavebeen connected withblockade running, your remarks do not or eught oot to- disturb theii in the Icafct-. ihe.: have too much of the com mon reasoning power about , them, to be in the least un asy or enjaj;?' ' ' it r - .. c :?a m ilie cowaruiy proieesion u -. . r- h. 1 ouaking in tbetr shoes. 1 jo,kia. In regard -jo this communication we1 have one or two remaf I to 'make. In the firsj .place. Tjias nbt eeryrjody who hasj been engagediin fclocnaoe running been, by so doing, 'aiding and abetting the enemies, of the UtSted. Slates ? -And,-there- fore whether subject i6 the pains and penalties of this particular order cr not are mey not guiuy o .'an offense against the ynited SUtes ? ' " ' - -' We have placed no construction on theordei1 whatcTer," simply referring to the fact of its issu-J ance. Who i affect's j and whoit .does not affect ie do not pretend to say. -: s v V - ' The writer it the above communication betrays a remarkable Ignorance of "executive authority. The President directs provost; marshals, ;and inirshal3 of the United States to execute the.order.. The order therefore comes direct to those officials departmental,' , district or other .intermediate promulgation, to give. requiring no subordinate or 1 t it efficacy. s J j .p-. y ' A guilty conscience needs no accuser.,, ;Oor . correspondent! undertakes t sajr' that 'nobody js affected by the irder j ' but he makes tery great haste to get in a defence of the coftddctof .a large class of peopie, and a special plea of innocence for them. - 1 they,;eed a defence is not . that prima fca'e evldenceV at least of suspicion J: w That there !s quaking because of the pr4er is apparent from .Beriaa'a letter. s" Berian himself seems to present a very marked specimen 1 of 4he Our correspondent talks like, a judge of the laws, of nations ani bellisereat :righ'ta. t On these points ire shall enter ; into :ao dixcuajlonwith hini;-but would simply laak, when lias the TJoSted'Slates goV- ' FiomtheN. y.'Tribune.J Panic always ruhes4a'pokr0oberjyknd pol troonery to $ ptijablc.rcliancs upeb other than its own right arm. " The carter fwhose wheels f-tuck in th mud bawled plaintively to Jupiter, and was jnattrn)ed ta.ut the jgod ejrdjtoosfi that helpetLtnmselvesi The Rebels, Who do not shake in their sbesjismpiy fbecause they have no sh"es to shake ink fancy that they need a Dictator. We do not blame them for bei.g.sick of their Presklen t, andheartilyiired of their Congress; but vrby thej ghqald'sup- pose in.-. t oy ( surrendering nemseives, ooay, Boul and spirit,' Ho Gen. Lee,-they will all be come victoriousraves, we do .upt. clearly com.' prehend.- Le?' may be an . extraorrliriary war rior, but . he canno-t create tb'ose' things which the Confederacy rtost sorely Jacks, viz.: beef, hrt-ad and battalions, f Robert E. Lee," says the RiclinioTtfi Unqnirtr, " by aud wjth.the coji sent ofythe atray arid Ih'e'pVopIe, will gra?p hie scepter .they may wrench from the hands of Mr. Davis and wield it for the safety and security of his country' liberty and independence. " ScHptei" fs ah 'ugly worol,,a.nd the thing itself " t j ' -'1 -i ' ' 1 .1 , is an uncomxaou uienjsu .to- oe usgo: in tne man agement of va republic. A. monarch seems ' to Jbr taken for granted.' '.There , is only to j be? a- r i p I:'. iV.P i'. ' tt;L ti. mi ierca irom xvxng .oea to -rxing jk,oo ao-at is Now let us.ntei following vthe intimations of Anquirer, wnat vgop r me r irst is expec ted to d w'beo he is snug in tlie purple ! VThe wheat was imatenall injured' bj th.cold, fdnrf ; J About the-linie5 heAVrreri (Ohio) Chronicle said tbaff 'the wheat looks bad in this section, ii It looks aa though it had been fecurched by fire-the eectof.UiA.seTerdosti jn JauO-ary','--'-..4-'7 ' ' '"p-' - .- " ; And yet to-day, ibo-4th of March, we can enjojf4the.luxury of, gazing .up.QafieJdafaigrten Myouhg Vegetable life can make them and tne ground, is b erit hel f 'c6vrX" as to bp' visible any wjiere ! inside the jTences. How great-flhe contrast with the openings of the spring of last year. About the 10th of April. . Colonel S. D. Harris returned from an 'extensive tourj through eastern ana central vuioana wesrern. rennsyi- vt nia, and reported that many fields did not y el J exhibit any litw, 'but tha"' two or Hhfeeiv ejfcs J OI sunsmnc win ten wnetnpr, tuese ,nf3 ref mj go undef entirely, or wn'ether theY t'ntll'come to kfe again'' 4''"r;--.:. ' -,ldlr. A And what adds greatly 'to the, j enjoy men tot tnjtaediate aetloa lajrelaUia' to the'abaadonf d iMia. iation and Lands ia "this .! vicinity!'' Until sotu m thorixed Aentrappeiated under the recent ctof Congress relatujg to abandpaod iihdrt trt military necessity that .they; should be oecn.j the" aueptciods1 opening if thef sprTngjolTf 1865 is the wide contrast with lpo4 presented - by ,qux j national situation as well an by natur?.' I A year ago at w ua in uuuui-uuuyuui iu wa.,ia&ue of Jthe contest' 'with febelUon, 'ahot tdoubtrul whether the earth would prddilee a fair supply. 01 ine swm or me. iow mere is a cervpuiiy thiafc the old flag will soon wave Jri triumph throughout all btir (dominions I arid tliere is also . . i - "a -' .' . ' ' ' : .-J al"t ' trie ongniest'pTospeeTi ior an exuDerani.narves. On the 27th!ulfc we piiblisfced a paragraph to the effect that all indications pointed , to a large yield of wheat' tWougKout the country the com ing season, and from the fact that thepress gen;, erally has adopted the views of thiatparagrapn as their own,- wecbncldde' that thierqsjpect is most encouraging everywhere; ' V ' h , The 'Peoria (111.) !iyati'sfripi ''yo 'h6 2d, says : . Throiigb the southern 'part of ihef $taCe the wheat crop bevet looked rnoreprumisiri. at this season of tho yearthiri if diies at thel present gion- of country js greater thari it ha4 been in former years.-0 - a ; '- :,:-';,t ,! ' fl'. 1 1", '! Aftef fVuIoVnttfo(a witntfcemuitary Vu,lori. ties, the plan of JeasiaJo active and reliab per. ins? white -and colored, will for the prest A'splendlJ service of. plate.pfepareJl i for' the is. Ax more complete ran J. sunip tuonst;set of plates arid dishes, tit is saidj was scarjCely. .eyer. seefli and( 'thri''spOafacie is' cfculateci jtb give- a grand fdea, iibt only ofil bp'spitab! upon which th'e new Emperor of 'iViexipo isinn ienf, but also of-the extent of hislpecuiary re- sources. .Sil'. . f 1 purph Cqngrcffs has .utterly, failed? and. so be i to legislate.' The treasury is empty and so he is ,to coin money The.arniyv rants are misera bly thjn-f-Gen.jLee is to thicken them! ; The Cotnmis5?:irv Department is not only out of jtiint, but out of everything else and tho Dictator in to replenish it. Having supreme power, he i-'to tax hud to, take, tpeonfisoate and to con- scribe, to make the President his errand "boy," th-.Secretaries hisservants, the people "his pli ant and unquestionin g instruments' The whole scheme Ha$a, smack of plantsition morality abouf it which' ts, truly, .eifyingi Irt '.spite of their straight and sjlkYvhair. t eir fineRoman ndes their strawberry and. cream : complexions, and their unexceptionable , shin-hones, the proud people of the Con.f?erapy,pro to hewGen; L'ees vrood and to plra,vy water tor meyi;i;ctator,,frnS , . . ., , TO, THE PlJiH,i:c,, . The Iegles3 men -.admitted' tot the fjreeif Hos- - - i t. I pital in this city, are suffering? greatlyKfdr the want of bandades and rags, , ue appeal t,o the citizens of' Wilmington in their behalf1 I !t , i , .', Respectfully-yours, r ; ; 1 . ,', , . . H h J'J.rGEER,4 Chaplain; lOgicauy. involves a,TOOsi-asioisning complica tion of principles. The white men are the u? perior race but in order to keep the black men1 tern SPECIAL NOTICES. . , ,-fr A I j t i . . . In charge ofGeer Marciis:2ithV 18G5. 'V- ' - - , j ' ,,ARKT OF THB OHI,f t'i i . . : L Nsw, BeaKg, N. C., March 17tb865. J v ' Special Orders, 1 . ; , :--'.-iA r . ' .,. ' ATd. 30. J , , vi.jJ.'-' 1"V T . J JM V!- J.Ji T - l-t ij : 1 ;. T. G Hentig, C. 8., 'Is' assigned; Wd at r as j Cant. Chief Oommissry of Subsijcance ' District' of Wil mingtoa, and Post Commissary at Wilmington. . f He will report' to the 'commanding Generafi Dis- .L.-.-nr.ii. i-Ll'-- -1 -'- ;' ; "Ti' trict of : Wilmiogton. v-1 i By command of Haj. Gen. -ScKorni,p j w V. A. CAMPBELL, t Lieut . CoL' and A -Ai'l'eneral. ' Lanagcry.iM.M .1.1..3IT. J0H1T DAVIS.; in aa infer jior position the former most, so to spenki abdicat,. and, take upon themselves .the ban r f inerioritvi" there being; m - first-lass A tf-,I Kuma-; heing leftin ther Confederacy ejx- BttgManag, x;entJRobrtV E.- Lee. who JwiIU reign ""i "a kind of tp i i , . irin-al PnTtincAn. Pr ii. trvfi' i.rrAiinlm. nd r enroA T VsTa Trfftir rniny ifircb SStfi.'wiIl bn n tfa kli i. - . .... .. -i-- . ' . . . ' I 'i S f t' .. ' :- - ' ' - ' - " by ; several rnilUons.J ot., Man naays, wmte? - i nRrilHATIMim.IinmilW AH ttns.may. e aejightt 1 in ' tneory , but pij-' T ; j p p- fto THINGr STOMPS HEB W he is. the plan will lamentably- break? -down in I Frtincioe PreqaliJ.-Mrsf H. hot be Cadmusi he cannot extemporise crops ci" armrd soidinnorv'ieren- crops 6l :corni ind potatoes: . ; ne may be a i good corama'ndeT ' of armies, hut he inut first j nave- armies to com-' mand. Hjei majr take up arms ..against a, f eapf troubles.- but like King Canute, he w01 find the advancing ocean tooatrong for his regal authorf- ty,: He paay; '.grasp the Fcepter, hnt he will stand in nmcnigreaterneeQ or a iirepreseryer.; He is extelltnt at fikhting ehyif wise,"hfe will fight very ahy indeed of the indigni ty of a "coro nation. -: : .W i'frj x 1 'frV1 '1' i - f-r- ''' i ''.'''Piy;-?Ml f f i':; m w. w w. Kin. . w 1 A 4 wv n w A ' As late aa the Slut of March. 1864. weM TO - DAY'S AD V E itflS EME NTS i . u.-i Watkins. far privileges. It will be required of all partial Rasing that evereasow will be m. . tta to give; immediate emploTment not njy jo fretuuiea Land .'theii families residing;, and remiiuin r , 34 lands, but, ;.t white, and eojored refugees wbo bars recentfy Voa-e within the federal linej. For thDar. pose of' giving relief as far as possible to th.-j-e i aletaU'Beetl,1t - iaertlb'aV'tne CoainisSding . General has determined to take possession, as ur at njay aeeai necessa-yi tnh p reseat crops of ric aaj other articles of food on said abandoned lands, j jFpr the purpo)fexpeditidg- tLis matter it U hoped. that traly IdyaTpartiea will bring and j reliable statements' dt kbaadoned larrdsthefr sitas tion extent and localHy is "-' ' ) Th'e LdealTreasT-rylAgent for Wilmington, Ulti. Sas H. RlVca, Esq' will receive and act updn HfpU. eatioini for leasing the lancti tn question. l., 0f hcej for the present will ha at' the Court U'ou..e.-.- In: a fejr days'fie will probably move to, a rouia ia -he Ct JHatl bdcifc.' ' 'EVir effort ' will Ve n.ade by him' td "cooperate yrlih the military aathuuties in'promotinjr thd objetets afltded to. 1 ?J D iIEATOySup. "Spl Ag't Tr. Dep't. ;J llmiBgton, N:. C , March 20tb 1865; ri 5 ittKA'Q'asKDMt&idT orJT.Mi?roTo, ) i- Wilmingt. n, 'Sj C, March 20th, 18G5. f i j : -iro:''6. 'i " " ; ' NO sale or transfer of eottonfosin or turpi rtina, or of naval or military scores, or of captuinl or Abandoned personal propertyof any descripti('j,-re-ferred to in thVvaH'ous acts of Congressand r ers hi ihe'W.ar Deairtii.ent-ota';thee''bjcctst c. nbs carried into effect Lq- this-District, unless i-the-a hols iraaaaictiQn is subniit.ted,.tothe District Coauiuudir anotie.Treasry AsTt ;; Until the-proper tuition- ties; can be advised of the recent legislation o v on gresa and receive instructions pnder it, or rcana iQrders from the tiepslrtiient : commander, all .lest traasfers, remb'val, or transactions 'of 'whatcT r de scription Co.'jeerfaing" said proporr. except , m h u are necessary to save it;: are positively Ibrbidden, no patter .what , may .oe, the assumed,- authority brc uglit here from other parties. V A-y person vielating thisi order will bt immed a.t;ly. put in clo? .?confinement, or summarily vjki ffosn the District. , , . . , -,liy order of Brig. Gea- Eawley : " r; ! : E. L..WIS AtOORE, Capt. and A A. G. - i- J . '-: . " " " ' ,-' jj IKAD.Q'RS DlSTBICT OF WltMIBfSTON, ) ; Wilmington, NC, Mir ch 21st, 18G5. j" Notice is hereby givii, that all Joiners' and Cir .penterf V and Mechanics' Tdols not now actually used by the Government, must be turned in immediately to Capt. Blackman, Assistant- Quartermaster, jatt above the Custom Rouse.. .' , All Axes abore vthe number absolQtelynerctiry oi household purposes, mait also be turned in; - - Good Mechanic who bring.Tools, will ?find imme diate employment. Receipts will be given for pi op erty taken. ! . . ''. Rewards will be piid for information as to where :o4 canefouna;,?'i:? lTxih: jjiyj order' o'rBrigGen. 'BXVixy3. ''' :"" ' ' 1 E' LEWIS MOORE, 't.apt. and A, A. O. ;. fT. i j - '-. . ; -. - .: . i-. ;,.. , Mi f HEADQ'RS DlSTfi 05 WILMINGTON. , r. i Wilmington, N. C, Marcn 16tB, 18C5. Specs aj, . Orders, i-- ", .5 -; ; ' . - -1 ( IV. Mr Taomaa ?H. Howeypat the eld stand of Hedrick. A yaHi Market 8 tree V Wilmington, is aa thoted to open an Intelligence .Oulce. . ; ' Perf'mawubng employment, a house or farm; er anjf orechanicsji'and thOiewishing to hire, will m'e-application' to! him,--!'-.' H:-';",-.;'- :;iJ itderWBrig I E. T.T?WT tUHlRK niMl. l 3b1. A CARp j KjyiYorli S05! Broadway, :nHrr 'f'';'ttH ,':'.' March 1st; 1865. &yjbrmeryHcnd and pa tron 'cf.Wl-- 'f&nton'AK&V,faii& gitirtunding ' Country r practice, t There is iv ene living- whdran'ei: J Tingapcatecl- myself 1 in this UtjrI am, tract blood irom a tnmp. tvm? ; oert wiri ; Tfo tH.-vii x ?vl ' ft 1 Pupated 't ofierat our house, (bcolt a. uaia WHERES MT WlPKflKf 'irv? T,win- Bex DUjuaing Delow " oi. wicuuim. :JLTgittQn!!epttc;.fe Shirts, Drawers, Couars, xravaw, nwf rnV Garments Vf all Wads, beta- t parDoot bpen at 7. Cartafn rise a t U o'clock; 1 tlfnlly jaade accurately cat and P the , best w ate- r,,t.' 1i.vc,f-v. -'.i--.t4iif": "TtiJ c:n n-.lJi Alan a com-.' Mm-MM - a iii iii n tiiLuuii n a a aw - - jl afcaa jL-i-w-bv -ia - pjete astortmnt'jfor. Misses and Boys. One hundred Girls work on the premises, and all srmentsmade under the immediate sapervuian ot k. -.w..; fm ; If - Wiim?m Car A anne-LTa ia Mill? 'AttAtcfced tb-titV Kfee PtntatiV. ia a"n7f : YXttt??'???': . '7. ' Farm contain in about sixty-five or Seventy: acres f:100111' TP-TO-6.? i.a-au.-. - vi .t iiu, csivseuuj n exceueii4 iencev'j vatJ- I vtreccea. jfceapcctuij premise, is, a comfortable D welling; House., with six TIic Crpp : Propect: f or i 18G5. ; : a - x -..- - --j r . a- i. rooms, and an ntnr ngcostirr hniMinn s . ... ' I How geluTunan andyn.MfuUrethe V, 'Payment will be received & a portion ciUeprltig"? '? l -i. ai.:-. ..- -... -.- -.... 1 n.l.ififk .oee, v: s a .v-? 1 .. iC.-. a ; - l.-t-i season is was.j,ong.ie-u(wr.sverT i . ti-w I-rS. ibui uibi mire nos o siugvr w!. vw ii . - - .. . : !' JUtenougn, Je in.. spring ur unaeri warmer i . iUIi -XiJLiili. ' ' I BU? wirii: L'A : Grocery nd;Comn.isilonow,l Mi - - . t-.t-. ..-. v ,-'- . jrm a an u ia vc j a uirr w miiii wivtvtti ttoorii jt- if w;l po ,? wprapljthavhrtiubl vf iiw uvui, iu r ui u vctoeer next. Apply at ine ' ; -. A VAT.TT AUT.l- Riri.. Pl.l VT1 TTOV. i- t rA 'Cane Fear Rivi thiit !t mil. iW. TO .l I ersc-mnta Tmufa htkIap tltft Immediate aaoerVlln 01 uniigiuu,.niiH pvu i umoiDF. Aiaiuineitiui. vara mill ' a 44, a iW. pf-. i. -.sr- s; -'-ai- - . nrf IT .! ; i iEWXBD. wm he paid'to any oae WtfrwUi fmf nistt sach evidence aa will convict or tne osaac tb persqnrho et tft firejnear CladbbvpHfi Btaaa 0 aaitfi iHILi)idmtlllwcb 20-3t J AnVfiataidayaiteriiooii; the 18th lt-f; s Visit juk ywn y ft f , ,. .Jd3-ht---I-". . Jo, ;-.- . ..e-r- z v - i it.- i .