, ..... , . ' 1 ( . , , " " ' - ' t '.'- i 1 ,"'-'. - - , ' - 1 i ' ' ' !! i t ' - - ! i ' . -. - -M i y . ' - - , -. i ' . . , ... j ... 1 i . - -..v-",S,"i Mft !i k :?tl.V - Ul--UlViV- renUy. Tor he notedly; ill ' i HMfrfMd turner it. i ;c - . -'. - S5SSH O S P ITAL D in E cfO R Y :i 7 n . ' Jri,Coief Medicsl Officer, nWeiQ. . . efin lrt- Surgeon; Vr! 11 UrFarUnd. tlx Central UotpUH Qeerl 7"" , , ..: ir - virv rrivrroM streets. : K AdlDli! uomer v - f T u.. impdUtion ! , Who Doctor coald.1 appa- liredbut throye and nnrfiM tinaer iu f f th difficulties of life, this provided by Pr-Bertrand. Jlptd in ftyle ptwiiront liixnrVf an! you' enjoyed excellent company, iha Docto himseU' thevyery be?iQfcoihpaoy.. Toil felt no uneasiness or pain, for the Doctor knew his business better than that ; y od went home feeling a little drowsy perhaps, j?t enough 10 to make your bed &m delightful ;ybtr;wnt off to sleep instantly the Doctor ;new. to a minute bow to time it all and you jroke np in the Elypian fields. At least that' was where 50U expected- to wake up. j That, by-the-by was the only part of-the programmer which tb nnrtnr could not make cute of. ' ; ! Now. ther arriTed.at Dr. Bertvand's house mnrnini la i letter from a; young gentleman named De Clerral, in which an application was that the writer might be: allowed to par take of the Doctor's hospitality next day.: This . th usnal form obsered, and (as was also usual) a Very handsome fee accompanied the Ttter2 A polire answer was rewraeu la uub time, enclosing a cawi oi inviiawon ior wse ioi lowing day, and intiDatinghqw fmueh the Doc- tot looked lorwara t? mo, Mtrc- ui uiuiu& rar de Clervars acquaintance. a Hull rainy dav at the t end of November was r ot a'day calculated to reconcile to l ife any wvr r r Soatnern par gi w w k Rrevrer. BerrS llou,e iToifaZ--Sargeon W. A. "reaer, Convalescent Camp Shuti, on! : . i Gttr Iloepiutl.Vornef J. J. Oeer, in rharge. t a. Ho.ptiai:-Zn charge of 'Cap t. of 6th ani Wu!berf;IteT. lie was Splendidly eressea, ana uic uB waistcoat 'button!, tfuda ji eexn tCK prore. that It wus not poTerty which had brought him there ; Just as the dttcr japidity and blankpeSS xfhU weary face seeded to lnaicaw inai c w in capable ot sucft astrengui of tc wywu driroliim to this last resource. Ktf, this was a case of eni : hopejess, flnaUemblome of !-wA. VTfind with DnBertrand, and U seempdhansw aJored .m iv tin triOTljrufc no wouw . bu 11 v .mmc to mnner. wvuoia - Men who baa aireaay omuveuiteni . . . ... hi :!.w..i. .i i-thlSr belief; their lieath, :.thew; fiatural fcu ;nrt in! thethines that happen beneath. uiou wo' ' - , 1 i:v:r. x n men whose rlieariffnaa fcno gwe long ago; ana wnose ooaies pvcre vu ".""" .TP, V - M f in nn in these niue reuuiuu w whispered the doctor rn ie lervmi s, ear 11 cnnnocAH tn know each other. 1ms was alter ine seYanii fyr-T'J L "rTT vm niissinf to tnesaue--aiaui The roomt looked charming. The Doctor had r,inca the fountains to he stopped, rt hf en. to increase the comfort of the 'inA Wted that the creat velvet curtains k. rlmwn over the entrance to the ccfti- OUVUIU w . , OBrrflinrT. The loss blazed upon me nearm, aodthe table was covered with glaring can .11.. , k. "nrwnr -wpII knew the effector these i and how they add to the gaiety of ev WWW - W MAnA 11tT"k W II II .1 I Lilt 1 iLI C 1I1U1 VUUWVN one previously, dieafrprovmg . the same. er -"V DlaceS relind that erythmgwasdnpp moment Elysees, tne ;"W f a Ah:v nn. under the circumstances breUas of those whe were preiuea wta ; inosc I ;f wha thv wereaeinir forced. luione ido nwsj ' .-jf A-m. of tliem. Certainly Alfred de MZTUr SJdded m be sat dpwr, ko Ub.e. and IT a tuui -iv v 1 - , OFFICIAL. QdaaTsss Dirfror .WiuaixbV, ifi'- ilminrtoa. N. p.; March 7. 186a. ,,. ? 1t(7raf Wrt Afc Z.tfrerei ur.gamer Oe'l . jijCf b"mignei' ,the 'Hr of all. J t-ared, ibtndoned and ooaficabe prepeHy ia the ' turned over to tae Treaiary .Ageati. j I He wUl JjJceiimnueasare ascertain the dacriptfaa,locaSUT, quantity ol tne ctalmaat, oi allegca trnere,! aoeenit or ptvsenc, isu j;va gather tueh iafortiba as wHl tend to! tfce permil neiit distribution of the prplerty. . All periOna areherebT instructed to giro hiai ua mediately, all such iafdr motion within their reaeh All military force undsr taJU-wintaaat are tricUr ebmed to f ffbrd him aid and protection wbeneTer needed, and.withoat further iastmcUaa, th y wiU ;. preVcVt all destruction 6t proDert., and, all pilU ng, jnarauding and unlawful trade,. 'All" this Rap tured, abandoned and coafiscaW propert, U txh bo disposed of tu der claa !y 'esUblished rules th at ire ' Hell deVised, not only for tW benefit of the Ooyera met, but well' for tha protectioa of peaceabl analpjral citizen". . ,., : ,i t eTbeoffiC3of BreretBriif; Gen. iajetts la WD-. EinrtonVoW iiurket Street, next door to tha Dutrict 1 ' with that fine tact and 1 : ' "nln.r I LtAk illctinrrnicripd htm had. .in 'BTTXkm- Duirtrnn.ter'i peparimenir nature ci.0-,..-y - - - i Kortli Caxolin . i . - direciorr of the ljuarterpasier . il. U'th." ne::Jrtment of tforth Carolina .d for the information of -offieer. and others w Y ' . buiiness to transact with thU branch of the 1 PIJLrJl. lRret Bri-atier General GeorodVe7bffice, Cape Fear Bank building, C w7n1?ow, aQ II. Office wlA'CMef Quarter- Bister. ; t? r- Tmh- I C m v. W "- - - - A. u. .'i. tv ' I 4 lu4 n Dock. Office W .ter tstrees, Detyeen p ? Captain II. B, iBUckman, AQV. charge of work shop. forage and tucl. Office onliV ater btrect, i n..i... iarged wiilrthe" regulation of all je"?la; Alt :U. rinJrlemirtiir, furnishing Pi- ut, i;.rhtr;r,r. towk inff. etc Utuce U buuding, on the harf. aWre Markettreot. fustom llouae MRS.' LIRRlPEIi'S LEGACY. Contintiea. : ; 11, . ! . ': A There was a certain handsome street jn Paris, and in thf Faubourg St. Germain, in which there y.-a .M-tftm Jpnrnofl ana accomDiisneu 11 rv c - 1 trr. V ft Will Call 11113. iraii'w tranu. He was a nil his age ws -sowewhere bet Teen Jorty and fifty; man of striking Doe Dr. Ber- and rather reoablefappcarance, with a fine portly figure, Id a han(fsotne and strikingly ifitellient face ; i am was -sowewhere bet Teen forty and fifty; "but therej was one characteristic about his coun oninr trhich evierv one who came in eontact vitb him!mut h4ve felt, though not all would have been able to explaiqyyhaitHtras that a" frPr them. His 'eves were dead. They never chunked, and they rarely mo.Ttdr.The test of lis face 'as as mobile as ino .laces 01 oiner people in -the average, but not sp: with, the eyes. They were of a dijll leaden color, and they ac tually seemed dead ; thf idea being .- farther carried' out by the livid aiid unwholesome tints of the skin around those organs. - Judged from its hues, the skin might.have mortified. Dr. Bertrand,.ia Fptte of his; dead eyes, was a personage of cheerful, almost gay, -manners, and of, an! unvarying and amafcing politeness. Nothing ever pet him' out. He was also a man surrounded by impenetrable mystery.' 'It was impossible to et at himj or to break down the barriers, which his politeness erected around him. Dri Bjrtxand bad made many discoveries by which! the scientific world had proiUed.' He wa8'a;ricn man, and hjs -pecuniary means had increased! lately in a mirked. decree. iThe Doc- . tor made no secret of his resources; it was part f his nature to eniov luxury and wplecdor, and he lived in both. :flis house, an hotel of mode rate size in the iie.Mauwrisejl.,owrea.in a court-yard of its bWhlT.filled .'.with; shrubs and flowers, was a model of iaste, His dining-room especially -was the realised ideal of what such an an artment should be, pictures; beaotif ul "pictures not pieces of wall furniture decora ted the walls, and these were JsuiXiP at night in the most artful maAhe1ylanipV ot enor mous powef. Thci floor was, padded;nwithvthe most snlrKfid Perstaur carpets, the 'curtains and ehairs were ot tbe! st-Utrechti,ryeL--fn in.acoriroryouklCalways heated to the most lurnrious noint. A fountoin.pjed-.penieK aallv ; thdiight trjcklifi of its water- making music in the beautiful place. ' fMi;i- And welljnightDr.Bertxand natesopenect a dining-room in his house. . Tpy&&nr was a great part of Dr. BeryrapdVl businesi. Jn certain icircles those dinners were highly cel ebrated, but ihey exaiOways 'talked- abOHt under the rose-"wttiY hisperedthat their plendor was fohulous. . that the dishes and the wines reached a paintof 7 perfection . absolnte.y. unknown elsewhere fhai-tbe.giiestwere wait ed upon bi serrants who knew their business, which is aajingdiieh i ,tha$ thenedriBcagff xipon Teleti JUxiU,' tii tte otagoldr ' plates ; ahdjiit vjK is jsalaVwaoTeruai, Itotnn ntTea into the sDirit f. the times, that he 1 and that Bertrand ;Ui b ' vp.ninr. nroefamme. given orders tkat the conservatory fountaiu should be 6tpppid lest it should affect the spirits of his guests. Dr. Bertrand was always yerypaicular that, the spirit of .hHste should -not. be'dampf; A 1 f rd do Clesn-al Was Bdmethmg of an excep tion to the Doctor's usual class f .visitors, - Jn his case Ht was ait) t ennui; not weariness of hfo, oor a longing for sensation , tnat maae ;Wmone of the Doctor' guests. U was a mixture of pique and vexation, with a real conviction of what ha had set his heart upon, asaione caauiuui urxug in him happiaess, was out of his reach. He was of a rashjimpetuous nature.he believed that all his chance of happiness was gone for lifc, and. he determined to quit life. Two great causes ot dinarily brought grist to Dr Bertrand Vjrmll; money troubles and. love troubles. Cle.rvaPs difficulties were of J;he lattfr description. He was in a fever of love jirui jealousy. He was, and had been'tfor some time, the devote J lover f ATndPTOoiselle The'resQ de Farelles, a noted beauty of that day.Uhadone smoothly for a time 'until a certain yieomte de Noel, a cous in of the Jady- appeed . u pon,- the j seetre, an d Anted aejUlevarjjpecoinmg- jeaiou rceruuu un pleasant scenes ensuea, ana nnany a serious nnarrel: Mademoiselle de Farelles belonging to that class of persons who" are too proud to clear themselves from a false imputation wnen tncjr m;rht otherwise very easily i . do: so.v-r;Tbroiigh ouf, De Clcrval had never oh(?e seen the Vi nnmjo indeed the Dtincinal intercourse between this last and Mademoiselle de Farellei haa-bQeh) hv letter, and it was partly this 'doiTesppadencQ' u;u hnrt hrmisrht the daatTel about. It S vhn rR (Nerval entered the saloon of Dr. Bertrand where the . guests' were, assembled be fore dinner, lie lound nimsei. one oi . eignt or ten persons, all about,-.. likehimseift? gather round the Doctor's table, 'with intentions of. a certain good thoughts made a struggle ; to gain Dosseseion of his miad. - But the die was cast. He had come to tnatniace wu.u uiwm.! -.hnr?Vr- nrrsMiiL and he must zo through iu. tiii ww-j f- 7 - : - .lit thn intent. He thousht, too, that ne ahthftDoctoreyefixed pjtop. Ivm- IIe must oe -A;JmartTtV' -.f:t?- . " Tbe' Doctor seemed a little anxius ai aooui this period of the entertain ment.labd how and then would sigh impatiently to the servants, to Head QaaHera.; . if By order of Brig. Gen '"..: v E. LEWIS MO ORB, Cap 3 ' ilawLET : k A. A. O. do (heir workwiftiy. ?Ando tocjoyBiera.weui. rohi and then some light winej It was Cha- uem. The Doctor's Wine was matcn- j..nrfa lrin.l. PbvsioernomicaiiT they be- longed to all manner of types some being tat in the face, some thin in . the face, soma florid ia the face, and isoine, very pale-in ithe.face. In one respect alone there was similarity among them: thev all wore a sort, of-fixed iimpregna, ble expression vbichtwas intended to be, and tola certain extent was, unfathomable;- sk it has been said that there was every sort of person in this assembly. Here vras; -for in stance, a fat man with a Countenance natural ly iovial, plethoric, in want of a .Utile doctor ing no doubt, too much rf a j " bon vivant" as suredly, but why on earth here now? .If he had come in the morning to coRSuiMhejiDoctor! oribia digestion, one would understand; but what does he dohero , pMsxTV? that to-morrow morning it, will be proclaimed to tho world that he isiuined -,pdn nostor, Ilis affairs will coilapseV hke a bouse made of cards, and he whothasan fJiaM social importance, nd who hhaherto'fenjoy.' - v- . , Vi,o frtllnwa. knows mv-i nncirmn ' HIIIUII vaaw - - 7 tU t ILVUSJL UVOliiWMi O . . . 4 1 that he would nerer oe aonju asain.i True to Jnsoci&Dimy pany, to the last, he comes good spciciy. ourtsij Bertrand's would eyer Berr,nd ! who 7! Here, again, is an individual of anotheres, gridUon aSogHherI AidarW ihinsmft man,hohHtthefixedunfathoraablepression more" developed thap ariini) ing his Wknl:&.ta;doorf and rought him a letter directed. ' Mqnateon ?f iia a- -h.nh&tiaA Wnd on Madame's dres- lilW VMM"' ' w m . sing table. " Madam herself was Jgo thatL nW flft letter lvrmVbefotelthS looS- . hero tcau Yq nr J Rortrand KPemcd r resolved that there shnutdnenQ Daufesin the . conversation, and- toxe himself to t?tters though apparently en joying himself extremely in ordet to keep :it goingat this time. There was one! horrible cirs 3 cumstanee connected with the flagging talk. No one alluded to the future. JSobody spoke otto-borrows It would have v been 'indelicate in the host ; in the guests it would have been fblly.' J:''' '' .'iJ; , V ; 'On such a day 'as .this,'. remarked tho Uoc torVaddressing a distinguished.;, locking ectre jit the; other end "of ; the table, ""you will have missed your drive, in thq Bois,: SE- lie Haron ?' -.''No replied ''the person" 'atldttsfeccf, -'I was. tlicre in the afWnoon fcrltwotholtrA;'- 5r '''. : But tl)eifQ? could yousee ? i - . 4I had bimicrbtfore me wiih torches. I had the idea that it .might 'prove.intetesting.' And was it V' inouirod another spectral J personage, looking ; sufldtfnly: a if he rather H resreUod havini: committed himself to the Doc tor's hospitality before "trying UiH new.expen ment.i J 44 Was it interesting? ' ! ' i tt Not in the. remotest degree, replied the Baron, in.- an extinguished sort of vpice; and to the other's evident ; satisfaction. It ' Was im possible to go beyond "a foot-pace, Nothing but a grey mist was to be seen on all pipesthe hor ses were bewildered' and had , to f be led. In ,short, it was gn experiencoto makq a man com mit sui- ' .yiiininj,tpa l- MaroB 7th, 18G3. f ; t General Order.. So. 3 .All persont io this DU- 4nct are hareby eajoincd to briag in aad deliver to -;Capt. Ackermap, at the olSce of Brevet U ijradier (Jeneral.il ayes, next 2oor to.P'utrict Headquarters, all. rifles aad moskeUf fd. .thelc. apjrtQQntje, fworarpt,t nilHry Waapoas ao'i euip-. meats, thatrWeie mrmly hel'l bJT M letcallod Coa- r federate author ifiee.1 ' ' t It U known that alare qa ntlty of small arms of rartoas descriptions were left in thd Diat-lct, ani that a portion" thereof was taken bt unautuoruet persons about the tiaia the town -as occupied bj the lawful authorities.' All such must b proOaUj Urnedjnv ofthe4 partiei aoldin theia will be aaa marily dealt with. ..v t ... . . , Bj order of Brfe. Gea. j. R. Itf w ter : - , i . : Ei LEWIS , JIOO-itE, Capt. & A. a, a. i there was only the letter lyrnbefo ing-ffhiss. dinincr with 'wVi'ti.0,r1 I. iIak nnt sneak a word." ; SucbguesU as tbWdrvaPwrererOf n nTNmfmmi nhr-nrT. The riffht man in the. right place was a tall laded youngiSoafe.whonV i'Ad nbsttrvd lAsniiv tbjst-r ihe, vimr?eyt? toiece,Ttoo languid f ikS-ftand,? r Tewm so drtven to lean. ; Ha had, tf handsome coun- Wdid rVot fwl i&Jad CHABJ-Lau.ftuDow,. A1j me stronerlvto rcccommehd this salr "mi," cried the'Dbx5tortfi? aJ6nd.roVii'tMy .chief is. particularly 'good at it;'! The Baron had got upon fan awkward tack, and it? was ne cessary to interrupt him. Dr. Bertrand well knew "how difficult it was.pn theiejoccasipns; to keep tint horrid word; which tW' Karon Jial f o nearly spoken, out of thtr converSJition. Ex dry body tried to avoid it, but it would come up. & ! Lv-i ' t To bd continued) j . . , corner - m-v -rtWT!?ifi HOUSE, sitaated Spfnnd and Dock streets, with FarniUre and. Piano. s Soitabifr outf; Houses connectied-rCarriage House. Stables nd Wood House.- For.partiaulara, apply at my Store tin FrontStreet. V ; FAMILY FJJlDIt-EAMbTi FLOP , MmFmltJjr r TTi wn ii.i'f.ASSf Mf'mT beat 1'amiIT tlOUr j r'; II I at. wn ear tilill. ; . ... EIHAFE OPENED A StORE on' IfHncess,- be-, twAWater and i Fwiflt Strefor ; repair inff batches, UIocm, i Jewnry, ana au mui w -"'fs Hbina. Gold andSilver YareCstomoHcifed.'" f ' Marci:17th; 1865; I rf-f IMt General Orders, . " ! A'o. 4. 'r i I As.a railiUry iece?Hrlpernirisioii'has beengiven, ! jto a number of re.-idctt eT Wltuiington, to, open thir stores' aEd sho l'6r the purpose of Belling, ia , reasonable Quantities, to supply .tlje immediate Vr feonal necessities of the.iababitan s within the mV jtary lines, the supplies uf dryoods and groctries4, thai they haf on hand when the place icee taken by tho national troops. , ; J " :. ! "' " ! These sales maybe made withoutthe certificate of 4hel.ocal Special Agent of tbe Treasury Depart ment. .- , " f i No sales caa be made to persons living without the -' lines unless thcythow a military permit to come in; and a permit from the Treasury; Agent to buy a specified quantity 1 i' No intosicatinsr liquor t hall be sold, without the j'ritth permissiok of tie Cbaimaadant pltbc J'oit, ( ,: ' Brevet Brig. Geni Abbott. t , v Should any of th parties referred to deaire to re- ! ' kplenish they- stocks of gao Js they, as well all who S desire to sfll goodij, wares and merchandise, are ri-; fcrred for instructions, t the Temporary Uules pub. Hshed by i Ilea ton, Treasury Agent. f By order of Brig. -Gen. Hawikv : ' T':'r E? LEVIsFmOORE, Capt. & A. A. Gen'l. ! The permits referred 10 in fhe foregoing, will tw delivered to tire applicants'' by Lieut. Col. Ilandi;,., j , Assistant Provost Marshal. . 7 -'- . ii ; i rr 11 , " ; " S- Head QcUaixas DiSTatCTOF WitMiiroTos,) " '; . ij .Wilmiflgtoa, C, a.-ch 17tb, 18G5. J ' ' , H- . So. 6- . , ) ..... ' - V '.! ' :i It bein.au in ei itable military necesdty ta raiso 'a fund to meet texpenditurea caliel for m ad-a j 4 'ministering the biyil affairs of; the District and " Icitr, the foilQwixig taxes are hereby letied j 1 4nto the District 0 and after March 1st, one-h-dC f One pereenU to be- laid according to the sworn , voices Exhibited to the Local special a gea ; ( '.t TrMinrr tSttartmeht.' torwhcm it will be piid, i . I f . 11. ; supply ixores auinoriiea. i wjw s.tmmij- , 3DeprtriclaT&g iauthodty ' to aeil $2,000 per : konth will paJ$ per' month those whe have eV taority .to sen. o vr jKfv.1rt!v . will pay $5 permonthj i 'v-fVri- , 1 III. AU tradara atid grocer nct.aathorited to ifimport will pay oMe dollar per Month for tliir per i HlVi Binii tblesahd Bowling Alleys, thr Uollars for each table and each alley r er monlbl iiYJ: Oarttani Drayt; fifty centa peh. onthr"" U'.'u'vfd hr taa'second third, fourth iad. ;llfiB sections will ie coU'ecVed by.'asd pal tc. titmt,; ' Alaa:ldol4fca.4J5aTer,tet.B Monsieur read it, and ',&.Jm - -iJWlU H ,V; DK-BertrwaL and hia facets deadly f aifcdtiist Wtf 22fttfettreciV i iTOTPT? nf W KloreJi has jmall A qaanay,i)tTobceo,.lefMfam. f STOBAGSJ "STOMP!? r"1 TO RAGE for Iieht.aruciwiu)Vcwu t TH A Tl. rn 1 . ., f- iu.-.: t-.ft ; H 31 ft 1 S"OU.j. iVKaaaeivrer. ,aai j By order of BilqeiuJosirADAwwT., ? ;w .tr VB. LEWISi liOOBiCCapt ,aiAA.;Geai p tf ri' i.L- rW all' rrbaadf. ear- ' -tlcuiarlt back yards, where natter 'detrimental b m - " Df&iu.u TOiicuM, 1 t: . , l icauae themtoV:l" .UJi fal Mdrbpuh'wwcacaMeD,Mie tio :ye1ajwFMot n if, UilOO xoay bp teraiiliinBwedaiid tiosa:UfUio5 boq tbeii caabtiin fmlbyi d .ta r iMHrnsv miw i .rjOSBTtt 7. ABBtTT,'; I Brevet isriz- uea., wmaiawDj Wllmiifjooi March JOtb; 1865. t ! t,u s.e"o (.lieif 'i -til could wtfh; ) . .--. ( - . ! . J . i . : ; : - ' -! . - 1 i , I .

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