--" . - - - r ". " - -p, ;r- - i.mjAil '-.A. V mm VOL. M'O, 25.;;f-.' I HIE HEIljLLD pa Js probably, iix peffif - cae s$siduOsl yif&ffet-nl if. I'.V ,r-- ' 7 i i i 1 -' ' I- i 1 f J "' " ""' i i r i 1 " rl " I ' . . i ; , j ' ; m, . ,, j ... r .? i v,Uf.i-.iHi Af-miL.'' ffc. I M ITU 111x11 UUU:fl:l iilifeSiijil Z.rIH03. - f ' OF-IHETMO: to B LOCAL fNTEliLICHCH, jjjht in two tew. is cne of the best jd ram aswe Iiayitxwsfedfera ... - i ! - . J " i.2i Loreiaot. . inctiaracie3 13 one pecauanj siv-u to her Tersatiia talents jafgn coined jr,lftsf !i a foacli si:tiracBt to-2TS tct. Tne'Janguage or tne j . 1 ..!( - . ' , fzy is sparkling ind, t&wy, and overflows ..lrn'? many portions' of jtt is pbcticaly.ljeautat. jr. vatkins was most ' eiccllehi a cri jn, and elicited shouts 'of jlaugafcj' by Li3 comicalities. An u'.'i I'arcc, Mr; W. trealei tLo. - audience to f seMdViseTja 04 the Itage now-a-daysL. We c Ziiiacu.ciii 11 uuiu iiuu Jt pFOUiauie iu tfHE POLICY OF - SECHEirAK3r nitrbtsl bill; fdr wc feel sssardd' " fr.oni tie ciiflir.?iasai it bvokcdthit it wouIULat tract a. croirJod house. . jTo-nigli. ?.Ir. and Mrs jWatkins rncr.r in the bcatitifal doraestic viky of ' ?$raile nil Ter.rs," in vljich th?y have established ft high rw.a!ioaf...-. iheilady 1 sirg screr'nl of - those I ttuil'4i i;4doaj iiu 11 wuv.w giuctls Tvlfhoot a Tit.al.' ' - . . Yi sF.?..h 0? .Mk. TAYin.-'-The fundral of JtrV Alfred Taylor too: pi see "yesterday nooji, fro'raliis Lite residence cn front street, and was ''attended tr r. r-t'.mcoui odUgatiori" of 'the JXasonic. -fvater- art meat, together, willi many 1:7 and Tire dc ether niouruic f4 The :i-lcl I'rivnt cts- i .t : . i " i Privy's inttMhtoiico ceeivcd from Nassau, X. P., t tho 14t instahf,i5 to 'the- eflct that n th it day 11 Teljel pinxtb fcvj' ( fl' t!ie j harbor, hnyiuj been rt-fuied thlrnission -by We -"'aiitfibfi- tic.-i. ii.-r ratv.o' Vvns nr.norstocd to' b th'cCbh fc.'err.lo States, bjit nothing Vvas-ptiblxclyknflvhi casrr.;ii; her idbiitiir. ;,Thd tUscriptitin is as fjluu-. is jjijlit hundred toa?' burdenpfs" ' ! - it-;5$-& Larkn-vd, and .i "low-K-iRd -black-'-Slici feds) ' i" , U Jj-'iK 1 lrTI Hit - " r 1 1 .- -i ,14 ' The xpnort that the Secrctary.o the Trensa-. rrpiid decided to: anticijwis immc2iately ; tbq ;Mdy. interest on gold borrfs- i;fprpnaature. 7 wfili-note done at present, or-unless specuia-.;, tors should run up therem:uon.goId bejontl While Secretary ucuuiio?ci i.ueicrmincii.sa tdidminiatGr the financSS'of ih'd gdve'rnaisnt ar to gradually bnn tnem to uie ci uasjes hexvill not do this so adrtJptiy a (d" produco a roTBmercial nahic. The decl'ne m tho uld tri .mium. from causes outside briny potiey "of tha Yrdasury Department, has already been inoru .j rapd than is regaraeu as penenciai 10 ir.e nnan cial? interests of the country and of tha gre rai this decline, which will doubtless go on, butjt is hbpcd.-inore steady tan it5a of lite! Thof fr;toli.tt4tafing;'i'xhi&Sei 3 bjUm' hosfflity &..: tKev po&fiblrr odukl hfuibs i ci jujat,naijpn .nayjbo expedUd in, ri-turj.ljUw 4. 71. ... RWSOjESSACE OF THE'' m lltBSBgOfrglJCTiOr r. 1 parnerfhip and aniraojities.of iadtvidn&li Tie uCBi UlBDJ" flOUKOU kn CliV w:ijras ba.erni;ned H t W ? I Jf.f i c. . to! linticaUtpattiieAjaf portion cfifHfip6i- f '."fc.v' Mf.,i;i;"n , t!irats;ccpec:ly if tiiey prceiv lros the tone .: , -IV.rt 0iv M-rrS ip a ediiUiupUbl,fer has jxor toep poasaion tff fr0npof thcitr ii Jfopt S"4 f ?S thrtuUgcVen.m of th.Unitl States n febia !it fa r gI ofpwcehU comes to. fhlPk.Cf r Mjr nerals CuUrra lafnd bulcnnz Vp, a, quarrel .nitota.natHnfiftif n-i Cn,; , . " V ,':r.tr"na 'unsfettleing of values consequent upon this de- cline has already unfavorahtynetd'govorhH iii'eijt securities and subscriptions' to. the'Qve-. toirtyjoan, though it' s: bclieyed4htln1s' efTo'ct will' only bo temporary and limited. ,,?r . j Mr. McCulIooh's- policy will baeidch4 as IU in- 'dicabd by a due regard to thp.iriteest?, of - thq tiTC jcharac'icr, equally opposed to unduo ftinC.a4 tign or a too gpeedy-i and disastfous' cotttradic 7 i PAY , Itfhas been .irrny in full t it arrives -h ouch- fo "sTxonths' ray -to nearly the whole army. Xhe .t'ui . ...Ml l, J.ll OCil. r anamiey Yiiniuv. ie paiu u j to tup. iom. uj JSebrtiarv. ..Ketary watt ton tiasitreeicct tb'a'B I A I EltlSMAX's FAMBlN.ltANCE.; : f fFroiatthft Oinnbia ira'tiouale (Prince Kaboleoa'j fTt.'ttvfA: unu Knrvi uiin ciivT.uiog mil irerd rebels asaStfs tTonju:stl covefnxtfnt.1? Their cause hasweVcr booa that- of lrberty,;,ty fyat$ erJd Captain Frdnklin. of the wnvv: ruUui.;aiUs iicAiirster, rallrt-v.irav. Iviton and :fiarrttof Gereml Carry's StanV" N Ihing ..efbiUrkatOdcHftd;iitil!t ' aura word is lii-lave3 and tfavef'TfJ 'rh&m$'otc&i :tlnct Vaiv.bJikcimni3Sreit tfelcnliteid tin forcef the South to mtu-r4i-,-t4oiAi;si'AiY.if duta. KThe beneral.ha bailed thb plans of bM enemy py. Tiee.n.ui, oj lurbiis. ituuruita .energy oi nis 1K0 vmtjf s; whilst by -hi 'defatwn&iljnsiict ne ms itirousou iu ehc insurgeiip population a rriea oppsjte lhfc upper obructior..; Ahf ad no .por more taan la mile dtant, were Spanish c Jefi f the latter iv$re two turtto aon-cJaij?. 2il3id thobntterip wVre'-threo' or fbtir '"un boa t' . I'ho Ipah by, to th rih t of.tlw rSmij,: oiriMnAb Hove pf 4iie old feueralila&r Iho Tirpregs of the A- decided to pay General Sherman? 4, TT:U77 Iv bfer headed .... , - -.'i t Ilif-hhioi'.d Will .bathe last -rotroat nfMriJM' 7 '-r1 .vVful a6 " Ifin iJaviklaud tho last rmnart belvi;wbic!i 1U:r I reoejj siavery win nnu saeuer. . l . r r ... r W ?,lJ: t'i ly biie, oot nioro. thaiv thn o and a nau snuts aisfemt, -was clearlv- viuibhi !.tlr,l ; Tip .Lrara jras Mrifting quietly. alon'V vhilo thosa.ou board were recaimoitrring, r, lun sud dafy a wreuth of ffmokf; fcoon to riio froui iiautrj' uiaile-atitl tne next instant a lircII shcii tu.and tvhir:cd:di:-ect-oarilngttho'- Lat-rjit' ;ibrrt iwc-r.ty sanpeatfitg in ffrje water .i.ot:t oac beyb.nd. . I vns a apk-aiid iina hall b, 'jpf'oinntly acQrdedvT J AsfT, Ki lxft--ifeOKT?TriP3tVvTS or rf.rki. iv a Tjr-vittrvcs .... ."srtt-r-": '- t' . i.v-it M ii.e, ;u:q :!er siiofi Itjireftjirti'i:at..a reihonstriMiee bis .been ;; TJ,Vtl Vvaa la.Md other, u it struck ::en't"to'e Frcsncb 'goymment: by. theltTnrtd W-e'i? rWtf 5f abrifisi uf ihCt Jjtra. ;v;t StatebMfaistm Paris, ?to'' tbe'eianpeitin ' r5n!f .Qvtr .clW?J her but, very hipit?nttei;- t;onte-ileriite' recruits on belied tae-i1-v-: r , , . ( i . . - ,.. . .. .J . . ... .., JjJ- t:::: n re: V ra. at i;i4.or4 laViabsi-iec was. an tihvv name. tiik ri.:.it rSUJiTH VALLA HASSrE Uoston, March. .CO," MS05. ove, of: the British bark' Sea f-tat.13; that itib Jebcl pJmie i t, 'Bcrniada, . Lirc-fc : J ua'der- ... ut.fntfc amrjreuataa iniortna.to open. rfrcivo-i 'iere,'f!ilt the Sfanlsh:20verriHVn.'tare, airs or littincr oue oi i n.'r .;i;uea tne luriner rep the reb' J rara .s.i-inewall n ii ' In coiIicin to ill- nt Ferrdl, and 'asTs o brodeed to1 ' ea1 th'.-CJ i.-a eq;!: .-;jLnt to a .trzriir.,atoa to her carc.er.as-a,'. rebel cruiser. - 1 -j; ' ."V yi V , h-.!n ::se damage- was !cr.u?cd ia the north 'by rcieH v.-hich'Uet;in -frith the rain 'str.rn of 1 I -r i. '.-.-V, ; " . Vt'- ' "A.." - ,. t - 4iraiil4 do 'BHssVconiieniticl.the Freiich Iin. V -j o-.ii :i- .a '- ciifs -Ie -irn.f-u'fHKJt W wMcthra't'He'war tceu.the feaerlii? and. 4,nr 7 t; . ?' u -v'. i A i -l!!! t 'corii-Htfon$f i)ciice. ' jLoudCespressionslof dis- tnc a-ii"tu o.ba t f erias fiiieaeh 4ure to cron .-APf were li-ht.4kld pie-. -Xu a-'gijlo' ,-.56t.tp-ltfe-act. '. , " fjungt;isncu eicois r-n board th.a Lattra rioj Cpig ;tvrrjaiM a laio't 'for kul 'j.-.-ictwe, l:aV(ji.j-d-.ilh-t sue v-bcmKietU' n. -.Up to this tsjriQ'nd iin? had Lmti Tn:-fWiT i !iu -t-. t- lmtw. i,'f fhe h"::ej to steasn bi-vnud :a:i -p. si..l. 'wasiiiadejnth M'tlyinkr coldrs." " ' 'ir,.j.,-. a, j I.... . i t . . 'h vo:i "lu. tiAtfhVmpbrornd hjtnistf 1 fe ldquait dC.Kh bt,--)' would long continue, to rtlgn. ' fJ"VYSi? m tin nw- : ! M, Obabfi d,t SAuge rtted r;-A;hiIt!hoiux;ci:s!ot hv. -n-. , . J A W W W V 4 L . 4, ipi0IJ:.fSOJafi JiUedkorialInniifthe dterate eovernmea trcmains -nrmj arlt there Z i-,.-0i-.wiiwiy ATY3ii wi'i'toai ernraent, will-eodeayar t: drqso: l&ck.iltA j nuled the hope t iljttf sh j vd aid p't.V i htcn y hc.-i ' ' heluld cut 'her oflronV cturii;i ulU then 4 f ; 'cat-turadier. - - Cabinet. Tht:rs .uy. the lUh mst.t All. rtter nT""'' ' V : i'J'f r,lna,i44-tiofyti4:lf'tX),th6 KidlihAbrja. C 1. 1 J iu- .p -1...: j. - r. .4. : n.'T-:i.i 1 : aj-h t . r . - : 1 . .. . i;;::'':: Ynvt-ni thc.-in.nitfeiratis of ' : - U:.vaas lor mdek. . Ice .Ilidson nttr at lAlbz-4 Wealth, and uoansfiowu oi-o WWe caved. rflrowiUbalftofifarfiidWhijr, March,2Ji et. reaci:e J a ater height - ihin ifchad -for yery interesting ew -: i ; : ly.-: -trria)(ili - A langofoainfeerof hircand gentletnn as- the citv the water cverUued .th isfws-hsbt .Tho news by. tbc htna-o the tail ofc w ilmmj- i yu Iholnromisnd harade of tho firsi t)inn:i- liy'bt.nftrro troops raised uiTder the.reeht - act; l ot Ccmega; mil oviiig to ta racs ttot tilo new o city the water cverllved .Lb istreeUtoi llh of seypval .feet. ; J.Ssvpral. raileSvof'tbe I dorr-a track ol tij .lim.sfjn river ruUrDadfifivre , uLclo;- Vrat'er.. In tj;e 'interior of EenrisT-lvanial bare.brrqn ali- the,SaiW4.nhnaTncr1inT5rVfwb,W T -7 Fedaitil vfore,- iffH 'not .sp.srqats imtmmtxii Poefiiou oftlt Itetk-T-"liiVcrs i in 1 niihijinn.. 4.-j eiitl Cotens4ficntii -rt: V.rtc" oi the' ustassip; .s.i : ...... , - r. , , a-.Gpi-' . KirbyAuiit J' reifisiris -at .VeiM)ft:c Gen. LJJuckccrv is, 34: -alcnitccbcS ' lifd -erii i -'JM .-. Tham '.vm ioycvk reenitts jhaTQ not jel been Eupplie' -vitnr tpe;r mftjrins attd'c-cYtrimB eii (?l ttie: Parade hast' Vhn hbmd. nVe learn tfja Jeeiruif i.ngll'gOi oaraniaiy. iv re:uges . ir;Qm i?auquer ua.T- Vfeaeu ilaMeii lfytlief COtTOU'traao., f , 5 - ' and' vrin:n!nanr.infl f ft. hein"for lieritr- i . - .in - ii.xj n Mlr vt ----- .. oTeuntrv-ih mt-4 l?KJ1Ia'iaicnaraieF; underiUlie:ltommafidi;ij)f x aimi i;i jvww.wi-w "x' ----- 3 ir; uhambiiss, lncsuam.-r tnie corrrpaiw oiLtiapt. field. werj aiMrrr'?d'hV.TWT,T- tr. rA':.4.htt-fii'ltk' o?ibx)seLw"nJue:vc rtiiit the betcea Phikde Ula.and, arrisburvas to ponfefewilmc 'Vif . U ..'BVUJ CU W .JL!H1 . 1 111. 1 1 I Tv IvTl T7 W .5. la ctl er-rnvtibiU ,f itjicidnfrr f..sVthe wesais have bceh.T6nd!--iictV rininwHrn-l. ... Ii -xtiMad. Fro:u tlie frtaaodtf saWaeTMircli .21.) ! e.-ini from the 1$ nhhburgh yirqinian ii ric :nnoiss;nc8 was mau uvtr tnc yrnge Alexandria Jdtroad Cn Ffce-diVlisajTd twss found that tho, rod was not injured as Jica aj auticipaioil r All tha briigva between fo&fish 1'cnot ah'd North iCanJ'en. .-a : ditahca f twenty-four aaiJes, Vcrj3 left untouched ; -and "so ail between tocknsh arid Tya rirtr, jais- Dce'of rihtAPTi. mil-ftJ- CC.1lr dMtructionV Tier burned sixjbr.dgejiJagieTi1,.or.e thou; "a three hundrW fet.j i:hV, txM sly abou' ne and n h.alf miln ni- track about Afrinrto'h pot The 4 epoU at f Nortli Garde., , Cqtcs- Icklub.'-Arrlriirtba and New Xiiagor H.ill ComraodoTIoiilns not latt.. TFroui th. Ridhraoad ntili IMafchiSn The irli.t.1 kf nAmmh(Ur- Ilollins Will" DC' erased ? ; fc learn wat tno xepcivot nis.trsaiu w lot CQrnct. .Despatches1. received; i' th;cij.J fcradict the report eapJiaucaiiyj..ir e'scommukaUenrt xxo .threejif I i has coiitikaiea bis lincsrind; JfAyMqffS TKn,f.' HrT?Wf Wfttn Ihtfi west MOQdam, i lirimea. lyui paraae on iq uarnveaarfiaay eve1iin:dt 41 o'clock. '- ! .. ;.th A, i i'hBTithe first eompanyj of c negro. jldiers wiil'in fVirsntfia. tH-lWas orsraftrzGd 'rlbout 4hibnllrvfjlV) tar Dr: GbalnbliifrniUireieiiipIol'1 'ees.ox thdiioipit sls. i lie men . erei on tne JinftAdtiritrnr tho recent raidj i it -att U'& u: Jjucccry is, jjjt; NatchitceljcS'-'-i'ir'. isaiA'e?.andr:a. e;r rcispoctlyt .:wero 'ith tHcig, a:' they ara -aHivg lor aa t a ttacldfdom 'car" YrbV"'. ' "f r . .'.; . . , Juujgd Gz&m a ie Isvryer.'-has'bcen s'-.tit. ''by "tbdT nibbtannd G.yatnen'y tbe ' TrasV1 " '' Missisjs'pp. bepi tic iii oto Ukt-'ekai-D ot thtf ' ' ' " r; ilc U su e d 1 1 pa trn as.. W c a r.r. o aucps tii l no coi. tonhfelE Iehderfariment jinfes .Xfemv lUa . , m Jj-iivei pr:ce: t; as a- m-ine -1 tfucr.il .. Gov cm m vii t is takVni Dir. ; : 4 ; " Fie? U-adqjsnp be - ef fcCea.aknjr.t'io lir. ' cf:thcMli?i.-issipui llfer ai.d :iibvri,l. per.-iti rgftTrtMl foirl supplies.' Ihe Staatnshui Mohiwbiktr -ml'tlri b"v On the JLaiiiM iiut. for . I e w Vo.ki, s , -,: . Cotfcinj is quoted at Wa., Q, 72H for coqd or- cjnary lomiauung- (pugar, mojasoSj nur aa.i aiUirGl-'ivlthoit natcTk " ' " ' - Kraia a .?eerv it sfrtetF Vithtri :ibbSfeways,;(v the London 3V5jtf that It "is-'tbV bllne'Sng ltshx Vfarernerl1 tieltkt' 1 aroitoC placed :tthdet Jthej cnaucerdf- havt6g';cralai3iirggd Uncn us thai w&'ciTHldt admit? tlt'-.a" t OvPtV thkt tm mlioiV Englishman eipects tsich a .service from? nqublia raa.iOur -goy-ernn.eA Kim nnlV ntesevere 5n U present oursV -1 eti ft w fa i rJv kn d bbhorablfl -and repel- jtmz all aiiiuat iretehsiobffrjllen: cpra-l maim m wrD-oort OfcaunafcBu.;uus-ijaiwtiv, arz pieyna wasnaunoc neea ia uisquk wwwubo, although'our neighbors should "IJecbmVuurea- 1 rTh 4Vndon'iSfczr taVer itb'd following re WCTfiVfiVd ;ratig in Liibolnius overj one bundrpd thousand names; of; vrbich eightyl tau- Sana are viteciiTe io.r eie3. inr .siiuuiwjire- fer to heaA thit Gen, Kirby Smith was movin 'sdme portion of this immans'c force to "this side Ot liie Aiissisipt Xiver. 'Prhai liieArniy of the Potomac. i ..llSAbQri4;Tl5;fsisAb PjSTEBSXIURCfV - ' ', - 1 ! ? t;473rarchr2othf 18tia T f Some deserters who came :over this morning reportea icaya lorco oi union ;cavair j u oc CUpicU - iiUTMl ilt:f- - Bl Richmond "and 'Danville LThchburff lkaifroads intersect each 3I6,Tcm cata of 1 lie llci j ix : : Memphis adVices ofj . . . i lie, i!!.t ilarch, ,;1 jo,. , ,.. tbe 'irUtii" ihf. stiilo'! that . r , ... a nurnierjOi ieiei oeficriers ma rcius I A, Lawivea ir.t re. , : vw ;;"'-' ' : Jut.-lu rtjiv...i t-.i i r-.t 4 ji. . u . i. cornrjaiiu uia -ivicu yuuv (espiray4js ulqui. jjrr tne re f s-i quuuw ess -cparii.jvui w-unwia'.u. HlotT iM h aii fcs 6f tht ? B'rg Dlifck arid M is.ii ;4'Weiiihis Bulletin; lusv infjnaat-.cii (that -Forr?tti riita three thousand cavaby. is ot West Point i -actison a t Venango;: .wirhi tUxeo supplies. : f (.-otsbn was nuoteii at JlemDhls at fift V'cenis. for middl.xg. Tbft; receipt for. Iha wt jrLvi. x-- t clusivdf of d ccial permits. annJuntcd o hlK Luu-,,. ' drcd bales. -Suf plies Hver4 perihittccl tik leave! r - -' ; - 'fi ' i .- i I,; , . 4 i ' Tne 4crtnTliirtle. A: . , .-ui nuui'j uu,.n..ba U was tore; . Weatber-'ebcLf i-' " . f PhwdelpdiaJ i hursdav, i?larch 23. v. . - , IUUI M4k. II UOiV 4.44W I .T- , ' i U. .I V. .1. " ' . ! tthe. 'It i tics Aorjiayjat $i,V?i av, inciuaingor.e i gjw;' - . . this is true the: last rebet lines ot:T3iiaa'i P'evri-'T,T,7tVArt' .tniJfi-4t"f..'ff . marics.TligfSAirf which isam cUy About rtbWty.of Waiitb;arM;t rU. H,; , !...; . ; .f ' ,V. . . " t -; :.' - .v. -.;-:;-.:;.. J ... f';;; : ' - 4"i.I... . .. ' .---: -.i. 4Ji. wis. te'ioBa. . - i 4 lAWtiV-'.. '1

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