. ..:.....- -..-..-'. - i- v ,, . ; - ' -. .. . - - . - v '.'-...:-.. v : " . "' 1 - - . r-r.:.- ... ; CTny.auAfcUj. jam i i I n ,. " r "! -. ," ' ! v" ' ' - V" Jr-. : .J-J,V" -s-!j-::; ' 1 I .iff. tIii5ii;--iV;V; Lft..i"-1 i-. . j'-' t IiilJvLijj tAsiir oklt Dart, t,t:.tt 1 ).: ar; ir rt i v 02i IfB ! I 1 ' lift . i kill. I JIU ' , :- on1 t - . . . . f ( . : . ii' . ':..!:'::; . .s- -i - .. , i - - : H1 V A f -A ! f8' the 6a!ch f letter, from rebelIdierS,: pub- fi-fe oi;PTIT: ejbrgi on Sunday last; ite lutre4ftre .HABfiETJSamiVfii r y! rv? .aWcrt?..; 2 oo I a Vnf ache xarn of all the;Sduth .rir-, ; Br i.e.. '.-.u it:i wtilt.-: ...... 5 GO I 'i'0" ko tI& ke to tarrr ft oiiVtheT; l6ok rr'ftrMW rii ?rt j .u.i l'u;.'-Yr' Y ?ato.oloac whdenioved die takmcrbfa Scuttife 150 boxes eeseV ej -f 3' ,'1 k t . t op jjeopje. Jreul a Soalhem editor! v,?mpKcd sMymm ..1- . - -rw-r.nrwim: 'a I H . L T a - 1 a " - ..T a - r t- - . - . ?. .- - -. r r - - ' t - 4 , ---''wr wuuw rawer. sea. me; xan -s i rx-' -.ivr..-i-.w I ; - i cca.or.SataaJiimseJf; than Wlicercr's cavalry. ; -yjfWf.fMUM Cut tho bittcrhess'a-ainst South' Carolina has : eil.'. -v'hj ':;.J' or? ; ct- i.-J. or." : t-jt-v.- i: . t.r 4 . U tyJ if?- ti-L jro.Tj t'.-w iat.?"-wri I K w t. ; inn w i ,v i j a (is'Sa.raiiaador.ed lan.N- PopM thatiri4loal v.. -,c mure cieariv' lnan ' inirtne I. " vy uwa.cs iiuauiamiae ana;e?. - r oi our C3rresnnni!i..ts: ..Thf ia;t. . I ; lou bb!?: .frmr'rrnl-M v u r; I ran?j,(::. Tf ".ft 4 , j '.r I v-viuuuiis u miiosij rising; to - ine ! j r rrfc." J- a ceci. i Ct ,:-,t-t ....; . . j t4'ih. ,c 'o cr vrordbuFyon bi own farm; doubt- 25 ?bbIs-rBosron'CraeUers;, -:f; ' bora i jlucit.:i.. Jst. '. i givt v.:r ' to It i ;n u-' - , - ... .. . -w : , -I ; e uisappcarmg ia air ana ashe I V::;iculv h.s -j ;j : w'oulJ. be -so. nd. ;.Jttey.:. hughed at ."vi cr tiii- , -.Kti ff r.j - --i1- I fuH-o trluiiiphfdi and novv I don't j care v t , .. ... - " .':s 4ml x trow soenme goes to keep thenicb.h ! r. The f)Tv a i?cn .i-sr; The (jiirv.. :: eduiiii.. v . two a o 1 j tue s rao.t - . - n - i'. wvur war "'1 1 v.,..,..viMWIlIj Ol5; ( i Uu- Jwr .o,.Ub-Csirolina "fis Ihp rinisj nf nil tha r . , f1 , . in -i. , una . - v.i .ut j r.-i-.Ejiiipc.v. rfr.-f! vu.ii. "anil even that onahatc is a bond ,of isjrni- ; ' - . ' ' . Y(?n Slrcb 23 ..,, .; ;.. , ,." i "V " ." ,.. ...89 " ' . - '"' I J,: 4 .;"''- ' 545 -T"."V. ro- 1 u?4 Rniy . i. I ..it l.i--::,r uv, tit ...t . .. r . m iu, n-oi ear lucitiiv. i ' - ' J I Treasury fer il.Hingtjn, 1 f JlQ0 boxes Lay Raising 100 cases Condeoe4 Milk .: ;;.vlj5a;;MsGoiicn: b at ti.: OVnu t II .u 1 M v. 5; f-ate vriitji.; the 'tVi?.-: i!rr Airf ; TTilrain rt- n. .N'C.V. inrrl. .. t, i. t ;., r.V& :bbls. -Slolasses; -I 'l'ny'.y ' ''' M ofj aaril ..or niilftary'atoi-py. or of ca'itu-t-' ,' iV-i'j th' - i i : L " :;,:f f v V.'' : abandoned persona! propertr of acr dbrinfi'.i., . . ; 1 ' I Feri'rrl tn ia ffio ' k "fiin'n f.ivr tf rte.War.Pc4arti(.cntl o4; ti,cj. tali.-cti. .:, 1 carried in tn fIVi ?nA! r:,.;-. . . I ' .. v.. f jJiiuiiiT.imi'sa i;t't e 50 gross Matches 30 cases ?eacliesl;t i i ' SQ? cases Turkey and Cbickent '"K !" -:'"'-V.; I :' ' .25 cases Veal and . Mutton, - i - V. I I . ni .a.... r M i ,.iir v. . . - w . . ' . .. - . j' V V - I r --H . . western ..j... '.49. ; it u:itt. ... i ! b ;.i ;r.i;r:? i ill s,!iv? tj . ' y 7' :;-:ihTresi?m Preferred.; .J V2fi news o: c:. r t . I f i x - " w v t v -ok n iii Dan triuiur hsl f.--h i.fjM.-i. wu :-..j;":V.l-;i.- 1 "'" th'3 ; n thS'th.'for NW.York. ' Ke'fagees in crohi k .jviKljivc...' w ..tjvU ' d' "sr"K ; -sp;e" dn the Sedyewick will be ble. if z-c-i i Tnr;b'-it"i?.".?JKn'taHon;b7 ippljirig to this office; loweveia to-k iho rffi , Y.. .... ... o-v th" r!- ' JAMF.S F. UANDLETT, ai UJ3 n w li eases French SJastard 30 cases ''Tomatoes. . ' :C 10CT jbbls. ''PolatcisVS jM , ,;100 bbls. and boxes Self-raising Flour, Almonds, Pea Nuts, FiiberfeSfalnuts, Sar dme Tin Ware, Military Clothing, Goats, Pantaloons, Vosts, . Hats and CatW. Shirts Together with a general assortment of. y: FANCY- GOOPS,jB06TSfJHOE ic. Sutlers' and citizens purchasing4re request- determined to RAir t'.i i- ' . ' L . : I! i transaction u siibriittcd ta the .'OU'riet Coaic. : and the Tioasary Aircat. i Until tJiu .Mescancb?.ad vtied of the reeent i2 blatiori o grega and reire icstructioris af.dj or V. , Orders from thJ ?eDartm. nt rlw.nn,ir u . .. 11 i I :"- r i ! transfers, rcjnojral, or rawcttons of tv-hatei r, ; ... scription co icerningr'. eaU proper rr. except sur 3 jRre'nflcessarj to save it, are pocitiTely to: hi,;r r ""w wui my ioo tb assumed aut!i.k ' prt ught hero frctn other parties. j. Anypefspn ?iolain;r this order tv if Lbe itn; ' fatelj put in clof' Vconfirierntnt, or susimaritr ri- , Jfrom the District. ; j 1 ; , L B OTMv of Brig. qen Hairier ; j J J ..B;.I.;WlS uObltK-, Upt. and A A: ; j- :- .rlrf I i . v . j, I Wiiminfion, . C, March H'tb, 186i. JSpectaii Okdeue, ) . , ' 1 , JSo. 13. fX. I, . w ... t , Jlareh 2H ' - I oe i.jl ii ,iy. iur. inorna.i Ji. Howev. at h M-a.,i - ' I - : - ; i u r.ii.v.i'im , ... . . . rf w ii c :i 4i. !s. i,t,Vv;rrn7'. U , . j . . l I . . ; . , - w.-a w . . it - . . .. ' , , . t .. . . Vi3 ;.!p; ,5 ( .' ; i -iaitSUs, JANE HBS, wife . n ' Persns wishing employment, a house or farm n-duvitka a.tv;;-.,.:,-.- . , .,7 , , ! --i?c.it c-?r r?,,-,!,-Maine. . ;L v", ;; ' ; f. i. H,: M ' V ' " 7 T. T-. " uW,S re, w.n .i . . . . -' s vji., - r;x ifMjr t r 2 I - 3W JiEBNE, m u., March 17th. 1865 ,1 , . wKe,appn cation to hirrta : . mc 4afc r ? 'w Ii'-s if i . , T.r " " f : 1 rifnds of. too family- are invi I o n . i, aooo. n . i . . i; . - . . . "..? -- 't .. -v.i :d cv . , V : r . ' i ' : J I Spbcial Obdees. 1 t . II Br order of Briir- n w. f . . - i t.nsJv.p'jU r.-vlP tUa' residence t of Mr Pi-rrv. I ' - ' 'v .r ' If - - :j - w Jf-n lllCSfc rHn 1i ri fl S-Vvi. Jt. '.-. :i. ; ffitVtK.i...L.. . :,l fihiof flora mi nF Snk,;.,.... i nA'i . . - I NlUf-Blt RKI? IJ U,..k Kil o.- ( the U, ' - i rebel oair.Oy a.oei-v,.Wf b - 'FrouTand after thihaift .iJL rs ha tbc ;TtU oitl;o ?,h,lc wVS.;: Ste -rV ! ;K:.:Srriirt!i triffc Wflmington. ! , : : : ;n,w ! AuU-irf, . V u"! 01 i - 1 ' j:i!f i , i,,. A. CAJIPBELL;. , . h aJr comWandWKaior:Gener.l Rrn . . ernmeiitj gratify : cays thnf the playe. l " fixed events." bets oa xnent in ing wat "We not the rebellion .has pc;;!. the Kda f rr njigbbors ovrr thejwatciv : if llrer r.rc airea tn-j clined to vUId u'thA ..t " 1 -Aa.;.. . "ire no all Che mom cmu ifcrir;!vki . Tdi, - . The foUpiringr rules are hereby estaMhed for the pticularly back Where matter detrimental to .w.. .w t,T.i.njua uoni OHBIDSBH With I Ul.auu IS COilfdca.ttVlII ha olnan.J . ... w . j . . w j. , " rr I v ... . . i. v'v"oiu once, au Commwarjdepartment;yr.;::. . .persons occuptIBjr preifes arVhereb'dii ?he Brigades cbmposiDg tbe risfen of this lat ause them to jfie ! efeansed 'witiaon atli'r ' The of vrill draw ratibnsthronghHheirriffade mnl4a I faLand jubhjsli fehjch ctfnbtlbl.fill: 1 A ryv All . rezxmaata and' detachment the drawn withnntli ?..-V-l .f.- a. .. ' will draw from the j post commissarvldii'pv.t iUik this oui ooae-if tjr..i' .it i.--. . w regular tationretnrn fU r-lDem Cin ribfim Ihsm Kirnu:.-..!, . A. 1 ) r : Tv-iW v-iaay Assist. 40 't. Ucn. 'iqii: . --:i;- ; ::--fu,-- .pjt'ia' necsaarV anitarT jnead. ii :Ai. l. lion is soured.-: ih"ELfenar begins to crjtcrtain lhe hrylloyiaz iiuaiu a tr-i i j i ii' r.T-tr i r t i " i - ; . i ; ct -,-t ' - t w via uci a i Finn hissed dojio lf o;FrVB;a- e:kl, ' f ! Pfe at the,PrpVt8t hal'l aware of tlie near irefUuKcc and " P r&.h Xviij. 'ZWT -i - ert me p-.-ip.ts o. tcnr?o dornnv -r -.-f -i - t rt(r:;i.L lJ nitf.aSUl ey-can help ibt:iu-fSt- HW ltointrtoo. Uailii 20th t " already easpo?ahoutjfcrrthert,S.ofcx:ric..v- ffice" farg4Hcontrka . . himself. ficbfHhv JIcxiean; dileram . mk njhrT.ato JWl??toAil "' ' skies, in fia, ner,r locked b,-:W. 1 ?::M1 rW fRPS and abroad, hero trith the d and, ftfeftV. u,' Mfe 9oadefe !oj.et thflf ti the unconoJuerabler force of - trUand 'r rl fj- hl i '.n.; Atful ? ' ' i. Saturdarafternoon, the lSth in.t. i' are Tunquibbin- erferr foe " i r'A " - " f ''AiAte phfnutltube Ao.thabft.aj stWEM' V . . JOSEPH C:A'flP,TT' '' ' : f treason pd,lfr,- .I-'.Aj fr-;, A ' . iM' jr.M?, i 1C&rrtt2i?4t" r.Un:tob.a-ilftfti Mttofcuk afcd .FUcntL, Alao aiconi- vVPnUho hatred cf ca soTdicrs fcr ?o Ufc Ca- r T- r., , . -l.: it i . ' - ' ' sv'J ffpntif raen-.eri .fcoirt b . n d S'id fprnKh- I ,CT ,c:a"uS aoaEao iana3, appears lor 'difected. l' ik c-a apIicatioaivi.?P?s ' 1 . .i aa1 arch 1. ,-t. .4!

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