THE JIERlLti JR THE ETC). SVSE&T Sl!J!! sfe-'i:'! ,! ' ' bmeiAt -: I it .t, . " ' r ! . .-!, X. .1'! !., .. ., 1 1 ii M2V'GTp2r, i 3IA1TCU 28. HO S P IT A V?Dl R R Y . Surgeon Geoj C. Jary-, Cfiief ITedisil Officer, man, whess exposure was to v next dar; and this genUcman, naturally abon vivant was nu&iDg the most of bis time, and committing fetr ful havoc on the Doctor's dish es and wine. Oa the riirht of Do. OWi 1 gentfeman whom, Alfred had not ebscrvel un- uu mcy wer seatc .together at table, bat hr a jc:irraijie lOOKin:? man- Th,.v f.ltr at first of indifferent matters, or cf what went Surreo. A. : JVII.- liJDirtor-rnChier of I On around them.- -They cot on; w"th tt bejpita!?. Ode? on Fa iff rect, rear Dock ' reaving zots. Men arejiot vertr rnf,'w..i, ; c7ifjf uorpuau Arsist nut Srrffeon C. Abbott, "ruaS acquaintances when tfceu duration is onTr.ird street, betr-ecn l'iiac.?s-and fheitnut bkelj to be short, aiji so whe the- wine- bad bt,, JoJrf .vArtV; if circola formo Ume-an-i every manner vH .-urgeon A. I). flmK t?k l3 for men bo -tverc but friends of ir i. L- tvytvn Mixta and fetrectj. - :i nOUr JJH' fin.- ;rX Sur-e-i 31. W. IUbinscn jrr. ' ..! ; . ji jfi Hn-liAimbeirr Street. ' rietl:3r. I i K" l if-ijta. Xo 4, Stctfo 4th. Surroa C, i-t.i tlulovv:!, South- cT -Mark.t You sfe a young jaan, kaid the stranger, af Itria paase, during .which he had okerd Ha Cler va J closely ; -you are young uaa to be din.ingith Dr. Bertram!. ! V j bo Doctor's hosohy i?, I suspect, sui tecKatitItneft pens of all ages re&heJ Al- iTri Vv1 fin8 aand oi 'ooii: exes. liof.?t Lji.that there Jare co ldi tinuous suecessiijo 11" ! wmcn irjo j-H conccutireIv. In slis t officer was in oUji,Uan-. .f I V il.-tUiSaia!KJft'i,k,..i!r,,,4, ' '' his masters attention .t. n;!oii,tlt. WaT at I i - p-?Mv the other ;end of tbe tiliTeVver in thhA i ft11-are. hereby UtvS&d t zi m-., gathered a cfcrtain slrdiro n face. had dronned Lis fnr.- h ,l r.,t.vr i I v Uaivr tLii c?n! tr, i v....AUr .uu; protect. ;u v,-h-5ievtr II'.. ., ..'. ;r. L. A ! . f-S '. X. L . i . u f .. . i. i'iunkt if . Snt - . ? " , . .. r. veti.i- A.-istant Srirfon D. i ; - yuul. Surgeon M. Tuci ' t.i -h o. B.'Pr Ki.J.ler'.- AliU. v . tit '. Af s inhctTSilrs-oa TV. dins . . - - amaaneLtoctor steucsts ' i' soao Re nenlMiave ihem," retorted the iiS iato brlsfterics in m;,7.n J arrnge- of which hinijielf. woukaJJjw.; dinn;r.nin the D jcxoj's T'-L " V?, vliGSl t rworJditBeif ' . r. fool enough to .jut hi3 hapyjv,. iai 6tnan;s: -n cfcar-8 of i Cicrvalo!o.aJdDk ar.' tt V'r. '"'"V-Co.-per ofJtb and JIuIwrv, Kct man-considerably-hpn.senidr. -:Uq was-a ! J. "''-rni fLkrye. . . ' very tall man, acd bid sotnetbinV rvF ih 'ilz. '! i faii.msmcremerits wfi: olten be-1 I w H-Ji?Fps;dly marked I loris age, bat Ihore was'aJj'erv L-i,, u,u' Airii on u, una," tnoygl, he looked ! wesy and ptfcaps-iado!er)t?h wes uot bv aav, 1 .meatjs a b'ase-cuuutenanrr. IaJ i.,..i bolt' uprgKt in bis chr,it ttarhi si'Ttr -b-. :V,ro f:c-r u : 1 h:m With a Fi lHJ;lr .4t r ..--?. , V -I, , v.. tJtifriisL and ti :;. i .. . ioi,. n "f. :r , v r . f it Jf . , usywr.. t. r win ? ! m--r - 'esic said taa; krous some .xooufleonstituijs arc ! Oae JU, I- v ' - V never knows xrhere to have ih w. Vu ; Ah d, r-Mv - : ara not.loe a second; callu. tho o21. erslan.-i . .-if ; ' 'V ' r tJ-; him,; ltc is of aa epileptic cors ;.,-- . e L? m'"" " .'"'"'v r' 4jfcfJ4!j 1 ' v t x ; Tb famLiir uisappl V - ill returned, accompamc! bv four K ;,j who Mawed hinswHS? to t!. ,V. 5 ; wnere Vbe wretched guest w. scsif alreadvbefTun tn ilirlplrf r,.,.4J ;,iii r:-V"! --o w..v,tJ... j. j.- mil n--h l' r n ... - m " ..m re dirnrRrl Mm -n .w-7 ; -- v A- A. (. -r- ; r V. ..S.' l I " i-t1 - i - i. : . t v - e - 1 - i - - - - ;"U!i,:-my lue I he sireameJ. rl , I . uaii,3.u t: ' T . L' U lt. U:IL V : ! . ' - . Quartci k niarlmcnt Department of VUrecioiV of th. Quprfcsrmaster'? hB-;Dej, of .Vorth Carolina. D(.part". rt P.nn-f,u J J!' t'f in'oeiiatio (;f c-.'Iioeracid others to tu.act with w rrTi'r 1 uuumenancc. .Hacked likk- Laving c u j.uM.'c t-. : vi. George S. ).r! cd Front Strcvt ta.-ter. u- 1:1 C.?tr- :f VV'U-- TransMortatioa, etc W .t Seet. hctw2a 3.1 n l:ct an-t Dock. C.Uuv F ;. JJlac-!?:,.; A. ! f. In bar'e r 7r ,;r"C v'il lue- '!: ' ' on Water street. ir... L r-lJauk building,. .! wroant Dy principle. A good " ; .j fronprniN .Ifii innrrb a v- , ... . u van.-i uaricr-- j C.iDt iiu .', i re "T A :i :".virf i. f i....i C." t DOf . .T n I'-iiirinnr .t- . t. v. r.l vessels in tin arriving i.r tNartinf. furnishing r,; uV..'Vrki '! "?r- ef5- Jiice Custom Jiouse- -1 'JUT vo Market Street. CHILD I) (0 n. map woo has good in him, hut in-sttac- j tive y and quiet independent f; any infl,iP nature, kind there t buf; the was. a linen w vessel adrift In ffis owr terrible position one woul d snv that auch nne could have .-u-.-vA. j oi.ary thing se. A tfan under -such ci rcum , stances might oa reused for a little egotism ' j mis.n uc ejected to be ahiorbexb in himself-!. jiju uisown .srouuhes; Lut it .was not pthu stranger, . iib eje wandered imn, I fwt. round the table, and evidently his mind T : A? V ! "tL" pecictions as to u ioti,i nave intLei'ed it-aVayd I want it lJrct .arehby euF.rin, i ;,. , 3.. i:: ana 'dirt i9 ijiJ y a,VtUe f ir' then;a ycmtv little 'ijOai t. Ackcrm.u;, d: t;,licoo;' iw-t !;' -lir wbesemetuing . Ah, it U tlrs fan !;' Tho 1!, nt:.,rto Dhtrh t lh.;" '.Tg Do'was nearh.niLnow, anafIenilc ! illi rill,, 3,, th:!r J,.a,. in a aew, in nous attemot to set at hin maviias got ray life, ti.y mis-pent lifeit 1 . . T i- . . . i aF-eif.i.-p:i$toi,i afti ti2intai-.'. m. .-. : , :1 - V " . - " V j .1 ,1- iKiqnts, tltaMveie f. -d h,i by Ue so, called (Joa- 'ifffdcrjits autljo: j'il'.-L t .Tsriou.i ... j jthat ..a nrttoa' th'd i.t-' ii a i .nt;'- .." smhII inn. nt :o w;.lft.i.i the JJUr-i'jt, n ;cf v.;i t.ik-ii bv unj.u(!ioriae carried him Slilh-ns tf irough the door h? lifted up his voice n2ain. Biucrieaaioua lor hifyohth IiisMost youth I'bout thti tba torn wai zw:. ed bi aod-said be would useitdiferentlylf they .ould -fifbe lawf tIa:iil.oriit,s. All s-tch m,:st, bl.-nutli 0:ey co.uld hW bis screams fir some time xfterthat, ev-ernu .tio Dtor'a padded and ma.' lied house. I he incident wa hnl docedasfate -of excitement in the blhor guests. , , ihe noiso and wproari which fnWn l iu a - - w . - -. V v.. Hi O HJ1 ' atn rturncti in, o- the ifartij h :'.:U:v. thc:J will jmaiily dalt with.; - V ! Bj crdkt o: 'iJrig. Co:;'. .T. ?v. ILuvlt t f',' : '! bH:rm :.i ').;isf car:. & a. a. HEAD S JV( sr. hi'mself; -rtble occurrence were rhellish ; eWry bofl- w-s " ; WmriNCMv, i ri 4vU-P "ir f -?0? s "jxin the;fjoc(cir - arS,' tiaaeto ihimyeU that d tne wdignation foil. What did l is .BMnd;jhomen bv it? He- was an rnhn.. . rP1; ) As a unlit, rv . 1 bt ttie re.t of S. Btrtraid'i Mi.nt. . t. V , ulJSni "fro under felke p-eie. ccs Oh. h.-v we rjinc- t childhood's d.-eanj nl !i)er fcti'l o'er jo-5.doMarte7, ' Vccah each bk i.t af.i hiippv scjeme W made vj'aen v.-i wore free, light-hearted. We life vas a brilliant llover, . or it "asfeprinime with us th?n : Aor dr jaiaedthet ca?e, liks fum!er shower, W mild UfUbe cup aud beni the sis s . Ho I hct, JeBSt2 remarked to De Clerval ,V ;if we .-could-kiKuv wbat:iamiss with cash flL nfh.. otrer ifiivitLtri : ah J h Ihe tairy dream of childhood fade'f, Lk, nomorvjof foaie sunny nucn, lhat eveiiiff clou s too quickly shaded' ( . v:..iao ll14 casa oneof t,hi jiieas asBjUedthw-e. Thete is.a little man j opposite lor instance,, who ha&nct spoken oucl -see he is wting in a furtive laaaoer in hS j pocL-ot-bc-okwriting, perliaps, .u-,some one , w1m3wiII berry,to-morrow to hear wkelha' happened. baton earth bmnh u o.' i f- uiu) unci One would have expected tlmtte would have i-.i:u:.:.i j . uv, uvut? ram a onsiuerat n ri-Un .AZS.' - : a gen ucsnan like manner Here tfaey re,on the conteuiy, sul jee i to scene wfai.-Jr vyas fcorrible.: a u:iiiU'ryiee(.?sitv. n.-r-rrr... . bet.: i;i " I 111 U 5 JI I if. w- . . 1 1 reasoaable.Wnnt5h-..e .. ' . oc"g,Mi sonal necessities clf-tl iphX... JT . r goods and- Kroct-riee. ihc.Doc xr bowed before this storm of , whathdocnurrJrE mrabe at ; ' uuiy 11 k l.u.miv,nr4n .V rk WRUIPEB'S LEGACY. BIT CHAELES DICJ2SISTE. not know how to live, nnr ii t: i i v - vi, nUvr K..j7:.. l ... . ,u"lM- t n cu. ne couiUOflir tarnrftse i o n. l i , aps, ,fi never to be bet-1 Woutdbey do hii thft' . j nu. 'co t H TCI I -WP r-. in the-extreme. Th.r, l 'T ,H,. ititutioas that defied alUfJ;"? C0P' l Utiles can b lade la nm,nc!;.,,;., L . . .,;.-" peowe vfaa n...? .... V wiiao l. i l nr iiaw ia iiita . r . - . - j iiuua II Cent Tor my part, 1 spent 1 1 e day at the Louvre -i'J a Utile mill wifh ft t : features o-jt ot drawing.' He-was a gentle -Dan who had hitherto been unsuccessful 1. . ting on cud to iiiailf. U Kd cidovrn, an once-sewn un when he had the i I 5n ' , . , JUSUI?C b tk eighth of J d.mch. lie hid nved from dining pa.itol, J0111 he hatedeverer" to.pUp il.ejkeyrli.iIo ; and he had. jomo.d atrf window just ;R til0 lo ho a . L . a".' "J r-r. .iiu t-cart, I spent .tbo day at the tC s Pictures 'Dear me f aid t.heentleman twho had 1 - -r iiuie aeemeu to ii iu wii.oM no, .can or wjHidwar no o i er. One woold.have thqugftc that he would ?lve remame4athome. But aiUeem afraid -x- avine, anu xne JafftorAdEeakes errv thir g so very pieasint. Li& : here is a new turprie for.ufc." f t Dr. Dtrtrand was .an energetic person, and a man .at r.sour, .Jgot only had he, in consid-e-afcusE of the fiwr and the rain. -caused thfn. i tain to l e Ktminrt'.?' fir?oia a, i .j , iiiiu oeen twice over IJie onteasite taf h had a,anged that .soeie musieans should Le placed . where the j&Wers used ito ahdw, in! or uei uiai a novel Airoluxury; nsnghtibe given lo this ptjiicular festival. Nor I were tbele 'com mon musicians, whose performaaee. .might have .D.u.-u..wm labour ican cneeritilness into th cyert how to regret. new their stores and shops, f, rgasoaable quan tiic.s to apnal necessities cif -tlie'ij .Wy lines, the supplies ,,f d,v that then had fill 1j 9 r rT t r sales i in ay) be KadoVithon h. r . - thbeal 8ecial At of . " 01 k- " un-. Jenart- iout the ,aa brdught p ? lt lrio?ZZ brated iear, and tiie DoatardmiA v y ofettiog a good xamphT "ft eoon tolto wed by 1 to already ha If-drJnken gue "fV wecame; worsr. iha ( , ' , m. 11 r I nc-a 4 I. L 1 En.- nrri - i..-A ''l,u,u,u come toxirtiftif h'ouor flifl'i l, Vi.r i ...... . .. irritt ,;JtJ, 1 w,l"t the i .- f uujuuu I ver. "Didou observe what iiar o.ii ,.r -j v . li24t Setitleman 'Thfl.fin Ct !?s tamiharl . ituu nua 1IKK. tvlo.TT.. f ... ' . . - Bf"-aa iof bis'f.milia par iarl a scene, I yaembly. The Doator had caused performers of choice, Ability, to bo alec:ed, sxA. ttieir music llyomfccky ehanca was the reply, 'he nai tck in .vcession of three ofyour Lost pove -tu Ilyamed dhes. I was ihinkJngZ-bu t is rxt for na to speaJc-L f - "b--oui . now stqle gently i tlie senses of the gut s-s 1 able. , ',. - - -ii- t " v Mvl(ii:"U, ()HP 11 J n..ti-ik( . " How ireH this ma understands his busi- ness, reurcrkedf" De U.erval to hi neighbor. tuin..aB2'St rr-atihniit hitn ' g cnat varies more in JLts ef musi3 according- to the cir whicli we hear it. it will to rcat extort, r.rove either sdmulati g.xr sad stif more, ot coarse, , doe tiie cfibct An... 1 1 tr - . . i v. i . kfbilW CaK it iuUted.' ? ll,e 2 f v;. " started, with the wiue Tiiis pouleej -:tid jtho i) - - , ' irdat'ig iiKjessantly, iti lights"' Pushing m we praiioursfives T,tJS h on "i'WaUM effect -of -Ahe musie wasei- UK I hat rim JW!- . XL "2S CU fr-wi?ucM a wave l..fl ltwg'in the extipimoi Aud thin it had b?en .,;eetcd with no coarmon kiil. t .ueUing music, -tjicb a makes mido up of ;i selection ofj lunt tunes that csmed to gtr J , Y, h is. Whit were vou!thinkin 1 1 was thiokinff. monsieur ,Af.iu. V. n" judicKmato ut three preparation s 0 such Z l stre -th next to each other '. I ? tH.true,-ah5werfed; the Jctd f w; i mikva note of the case1' i wid ..cnwhile De Clerval and hig neighbor had fa 1-n .aaairt in to coiivefen.femr. i.T" or naf iu uii, .wwpaaion. u appeared as' if h ;Vcriii t -oiigbx ihis-dininrr roonVnf .ul AiQ. stl11 place for o ycMtng a man. " clor a no It 1 .too young; toj be here said T). n. tj be tod arise :r 4 "wter y ears ,o, replied the other ; X have h 4 lUlOXU-Alihir he of t,6 Co Brevet lirUr. Gen. Ik 5 T ,ui 0 Should any of tb- parties rtferrcd to desire, to re feleuuh their .tocka of goo JsHhey. as a 1 fcrrea for instructions, t It he Tewnor irv r -i , l Hihed by . Hea tol, Trcasarvat ' 1 j Iiy order of Uri- Gen. lUvinJ, ' J E. LEWIS ymmV f. ' ' j" T-vvi Vap:. .A A. A. 0nl x"f tbtt forewng, n-ni bo ndiett, ;The perujita referted io Hhb Qi-AnirU D.sruicT of Z ilruujo-to i V . i ,'J " ,r')-s, c aiso ; . . . , ii ociar aa inevitable mi . , "ma iiy io T einnnnif nr.i0 . 1 1 . . . ministers h -.:L- .JT. -e ipr m ad- ajfund to; meet the! City, the folio n-imj axes are. hereby lei ied and wares ami m,.ry . . Jt one t)int tL i.rU " ei "lie-iifiu -o . m orn ... j- ii raent i i. ... . fiL-t soddIv -Mmi "w,utep4 I i - --H flnf li...'i . . r " .vuo rer autlibrixH Department. ... " '. ' ' eai"J orcr tie iLrA. ,.. . aa - . I - I V'lliril ' ill)! m f tvill pay monh. I Iff; in j . i i . aii Lranfri It 'was not J of-what I ani .doin o 1 T i V . r W"Y ?'paJOBe ioltarWa VT-. .w. . ;,' . . - o u one rase cnance of mits. r v - i . uirier- cne:thmt?l)ut happiness after tornv mic - .u;.il unceo1 f ' . r vigorous al-;Uhe chance 1m fuled' 7dZ i",4 ; L4. ' ! P"1.1 aMes and ,JTu th Uoot inhlsiArith i rt,i,:f..a'.:T,vr' "?lDng :n oiiara for each tMi ". -J.. ... " ,wreo Jthu,g.. Lkii i hT. Doctor wa. up iFthi? ' d r ?artWad. DrirVfif w' i 1 . I C T - - lVikHA(T I . .M I '"!! - ". . . - 1 - - . f - - " - V UJU III 1 Pffl 1IA I. 1 ' kr fit' I . l .... a . v . I - l . - w i t : fail .1.1 v n 0 . n M A v ha A A I I I . W S". ' 1111 . f - f - ' - W i I . t f 1,,;, p observe. Iip. rerukrthis shv Jwa? inifsactionlttrid s'. u thns nsvli rayrtii0,.extdish: wbi i, n ul!sbl h'' Ilt M - fr nionh. per month. '. (J! rftC:a4e.or-aikins5;.invsriab .ii UM! ih ;hl da.eo i-,.,t-.,r,. . . . i . " " i:gl-ii.e,J TheDbct. ; rt'r,nc to h tonics- a(lvvav!d! Y . - I -ka4 lli Jill. ,i a .-), t''hi whjcu fAT. f.. , ij.iiffc was apause I'crhans T ' ni 1 r f niweetioiig will betoli i , r 1 n r ''.j 4Vr -rvU and his ee ghbouf .n-ei-e silent fori toTi exeoo aga(nsi was prenster-I I !' r LElVfs ".ff ir- - .,a.u :l turn n-.tVi.r..w,.o; ft...; Ji - j : . f .:n s ; L -Fpsierouv at nnv " '. 13 HQOre. fa.. -f . - v- h,, miil II-T Vaie4aS" I.?; . B "V ?tt! wnscr treat on .-1. . "i: .. . ' " V A- :d:p2mosteyerv hod 7 rus ;ed i reaT Wm ;eUo ; J. r-r --, " 4, 4,; , J - stu,, si C.J M sh 2 ' xne ui?u was a. novo tv rvnn h. ;:V , f " ' -v1 ;' eiceuens ..nractme iiAr tl, firen; uv. all - I V h -' h . Ti V-- ' . ' : it; " rrwa? cyiOg its wor snU o;s- f cberc.ies. in olni!l a . . iWigue Ulk it wis !. prehef rom indu .... ,. . a v i i i iv oi I a-M.,, l it. . i ; t t i -- y s JipS' VThere i 'a' line- loW i j.-.i.rVrSl . ig ri n .ur lus. eeiff?:i.tV, time j ...... -1 -v ill- a.iu,-',wo.i.v4i4iitt:Hervr.anU uM.inf.-o.U.-4UUii,eiUr.J- -il. -c'sjvn. Andtheaf?noF,u,ri,i,l. T.'?-' 1 tT . . . VC1 ru" .. u iuoors W:'.-f.l .1.. i . . i . T. x v. . i :. v.ineaa -ri. n n Mia a' an i.tmf Km., !.. J-,. f'.-M,...'. ,.,u:,j i . t v.iofvni wi:s, ;a .vni.o of his'' por- - s v -nsL"n b . .r " 4 K . 'Hc twie ,oui and es- ertftal Bl . I :i-a to an tnat w. 9 goin-' oi ; i v - . . r i r- : . -"v ,uurc no more. I r,-:4 win as ?d miss har'iL' r ,w ... i i- r ; . : t : I 'fiiQS uvirit-'d?lr 7 .i j,ir. . . f. : mru jina: aiwavs races th-s. Rt-w, n,, 1 L V fwll-1,,J,;V 1 bad !ii-d-itc-nge.d m:.n bose bustness if. was to-re .1; Weather-'crvk. "' ! i 1 " - f "Tn;j .W t vr "r Peers'! and HecharU' r..;:i. - . v. jv til - ni.ffFATr - 11.- r . . t v.. - in t rr.n- . . i hiifmi ft rfefttu-r.. r- Wft ardi of the j bancr iau run oat to resbd; us Jeda,, . -Tin, - yQgg Jiocr.' anj ;tr- hrt.r-i its. l -t-fe m u.:j I. J- ' .. .- Giaod ifof-l, L:i-t.7T:?"a" adopted bycur Pprithn Ptaeat. jL" "' in,a!-- wv -i , ca 10.- prop- I 'I xu-ardi will bTii J :Tr ' . pr of iiri-. dial IlAti.Hr., ' .3 rri.cro -1 J 4- 4 -A -1 '