C U S S ?- E CG C A R DO; 4 IEMM "; jnajtle public; ttu sine it has been given to .tne I world, vrzsi upfA CoajrreiS raadfthV people; to Hi- i eycty jacnucg. (Si Ts ex. A (; .- " ' ' i . . -, . 'L ; I nopsis of which te published yesterday; do so -HIE HERALD! OF THE KVIOI. . i JppterL. t i -:,A T2ie flebcla Uesioitacisi;; .liitixr ana yie coauinp j.ac ijammcnco ota-ai- d.nag0q - rV r I V r ilarch 13.1 : icnt:OD,' whilalhe assurance! thMiis w .rvVfF1 59i-ft.5?S '0 mA miMw ThStf Uy aWd abiiwyto. amt it, a: indication cCe' Sffim other's fwctsV gantries, is ihe -nost gehOcUon-. -. t itA'rd21Mv markahle iDcident coinectea WitL' journalism m us ; j .i v Sst Acr davs. ikfore tjia'v.--had rcrcaW sage mil be at once 'COmphea j;;- -v ' Ite ItrSh ftthealuT State; xhil, they and .irvalleir cxtenh.rensibdi. JMWiiS' r 7'. ui, ro-ird 10 ilicin -m,s i b& duly, u the --.'matter, t He -bar pmated- j 1" -- :: T ' T '' J i; - v -"'.. ' ' Ti.s-tr ti...,fi.,i I whether tho 'measures - necessarv- to save tV.e nrHhcrri' giant," V, . and. .. initiated beadDptjad wnrtei, or whj . .. .... :.vi hrihe ehalll)iil owl to drive to her UtC. L-aaauabl?, .d:Bifcbtir caiti-ntion to Jonttln. -wte sayr whatcv er, Congres? - msy ,fi K--7. ar iha vir had actuallr coVieaicJ on" lntea(J to do l" ll:e .pw 11 ,tru!t?JboJr.5l11 -i i I Ar!..;0 tti n,r), f Co. atonoc. 1 fais. m no Ui5ie lor aeiioeraiian ?T.Xf H 5 " A. ti tofff be derot maialjr to the" piibli()aaon cf tii ' Ealitical, aai aai in a ucig- : f:i' i Si: ) NtshAlns litntfcl tlrnnn trail 'v I 1 ; U Si ib -i4 " i- , i M vwiil T f fAvKM--' --o. y .A. f-, 4-;v4r.n! 1 3brrcot!5etr of.the ffay Military, at ifjeTri wirs'ni n" -taelr foup-s find r,ro .arin I.r the "lu.tiBVMMV j 1 , j A utit jrtose anpwaeaaenco jiae oor:9- ; i fv "fiA-t Lva4 Jwas so' shortly lo ensue gatca,of the capitol. Ihe nionieats lost m speech- jj jiTtments are conduct i$ phased tcfjamacteiida ;C''1S,!i ; L'l ;1 ; tirVlrpfn without 'making may prove of the last importance-for ta her former patroui .d be.Ladie of vew;XN t!ie J tvie-v induced la Ks a.-itit.cal vejn. itnoot 0?wot tLe canfee-oy : ! 1 :kenj-tlr4 ittUnaection" with thinaur.us fctlj.t at the expeiue of the cohibatanU. After ,weal or WOi .tte coe.eoy. , - A ; in'JSTiuader fcepJdfrekioiiahe kpEepar to tho bat:b f 5'aaaea it told the yankecst I'yt action is, now vrliat ,i required 4arnisJh?jroaptly,;:: 'j H; -4 !A.-A tVV Ju l niitalca kheir callins; that ihoy proinpt acUon aiid nonng s pore, bove al! nem cuM io-a g-t : .illitary nation, how SJ lioyreyer, the, .x-mtes with the -ii --.i;A;; ..M"V .i-' ii .i v. .Irw.to r,- I'rcsident.ia his anneal for .unaniroirr-vLet Us- ".,.-!- -r-AAAv. T.Anras' nMKiS'TJx:!V!:tft mijV-v'f-mc-'that wrtr waS not .'ih tlieir ;line not 110 ;r in the Wth year thisi desperate j)f,fine;QuaIity,E:eptf in StJocreadj.fprliact ' o'buVi,:, and'tlnt t occl they must take lo st&?' exh1 f fPtjdo of those EuTo ApA aonu.hir.tJ.se. V, hen ?I5. Mawn and!!- ffi Contmen no,h.!o ereiry J p.arXaUe&6' r dcM vvtr. rra,l:ca:iy i.izod un.a lirfth vesol tn.n-o Cx they held, dear to -at take; j j v y RfHSRM1 t--; uu n thhV a ship Wo;iqiu- to the could not, m the very presence of the en caiyV W " i e, ,8 ! y:t L -if tUf7V T w lv Jetrain their sense es quarrel? lonjf enotrgh ri-.j i V --Oy fBALWINi iirfir--,( yond asa:e UoW, intent and defiant. - i ) lroin talcemg advantagoof them - 03, ' A ifrf i & MirkSfef. J ih. vai.Voft r.r.-s a ?o tneir common destruction: ; - - A j' ,- A" .A-'-AA - ft A , cbs. nii Ind crinstn Is the British press : It requires: all our uoiled strength to "wardoff IJif : . vas :noraa: and douiii.earinj. :. Dh areon T?Scr; ana a tk8 least particle otau . e; dc,: luliy ::l:erod si3 $Ut.tiuu. Tho yankee is. 7a;tinS . aro lost, citu iu oeto mecoaa-r.,v..- d ld and .in.aiuu- as I.e Was ibrtnedy 4 5J tl10 ostcicome of ull intelligence-that Mc J: a i l su'::n -ird X.;c cbaa - has aot Wonx- etis. ed between ail parts go-T- AtlorJsey uiaclvCoitiisellbr at awV (fS:- Xia BEOAbiY 1 . . AaAI A: 1. '.; Kiev ail sa ::iisnYa .l-ic ci;ane . iias aoi "a:; oI J 7,-:: y;! ,TUA7TICES.ia-all tbe .Courts oftheStat? aadof L t;;i:en by sanrrlio ai.vjpcr.-on who has been ac- , V i -.wwu,(TJurt7 --u. jA th; Unite(il;Statev Wi!? give peronal'and . cuV'-ri;! to stu.ly Ue policy of tue Uritih. UX"U"S .or- ihe -.ofneLt of aH. V - s prpnipt attentifcn tojhettlenieiit of clffisr T;, t - ) -nt al'Wuys been fcaaous Tor ihe Znqmrcr says ihe -iuess ige ja one ot great ; iawent.o aqiad5,tfceriipa1?rB a ' 1: .? ,!","-v-v i -s -iljd wntv InstiVe Earnestness, and that it plainly arid Ae iiphrftical; "'hli'' ? fJ if 'i-l'u o..-.4t.b ..t u.iat c..:a txwpu.rj jUhj e to 'Abe Gorfweoa TraKfheojrjitrV' yefersAtotho Editor of ATaB,,Hxa.W. or ,xaa. Mp.-n-ouI:-: who.n t btiucves' ur.ablo to IifcJp J eriJU w to- me uortgie.anutiKi country tj .j ... ., ;-i -i. :r,f. .... ..-. V, tiA v Let not Isnch'hopc to csi-apctho' :t.n,cslrc.ffix .P8'1 vrhwa .beset our..eatJge iiarch'iTib;' A'. 4:-: t? i": -f iiaV .. ... . l i . iv. ri win.e th&rc is truth nnl iinrtar: in "The : Ktate-; " 9 - - ,- 1 .1 . -- . -. j - . . Jasu ot 'jS:M;ia venyrear.ee. mi-cce, or 'wazu, 1 v7 ; v AT- -j, -, : , j :i .,. 1 v ' k ; or ar:y ot i;.lic.states on t!o cLntiUenisuoh Mncnp orcur aangers,jaere ;JS: no evioence-oi f ; iii Xj 1 J , J Xi j ... . ,- r,. ;nit.,P.v : :lior. t.i, na-. V:i- A :iiu - i tui ' u j uawitt success. -r iu ou& i tkuGGIST A XD GHEJi I,- ou JvoceiLb'prccept whenever 3tj recurring to IhpasUiiStory of th pres- :JJt . 1 . iniv m uatortn:! a, to' incur the , wrath offc S035?, or indulging m -cnmmmation, Jit - J - .. -:t, : t:. itish Hoci. It U strengtli -tbatjfie- --.!7. r.:T.'"y .rcriptips c,;:,;, hr.'.unky fron li:;t .a.a.nanuons anima.i. vm iiow ucgin, an. I Inarch 1 gciice of all current fkentah: !; - An etHcient and' reliable ; . ute perfected,' that; wpl' give ft thia Jeurnat' s A fotjj' obtaining, the late ? ;fc at4 xaoet reliiblo lntclH . V Uas'been enffacred-at Fortress Monroe, Washin- . tonj i ew i ors ana- ei sewnere, iroirvv xiin w loof 1 .yji: : --..-.V. - - ... . ' . ' fori frequent dispatciies, cavenng' all 3irrint !4 v ! : -A -j' " ':. ' j i' ' . ' " is , Cvciita of infeyestf tlrjar'eciabling na' to. lay ,. 1 I- ' .lr ' .. ... .! .ill' . ..-. i Si", rle. before our readers frequently 'fecveraltkya ' 'A f'. -j-.':!? .' " A-. '-A. rA" ' - ia adancc bf Norflfcm -pdcrs." LAA . .i, ril X'articnlai: attention thj r,-::ih Qkn. to i-;Vvk; her profciamathn i'cted to.tha S.ti-psthening;pff. pnr mtana 6t; -;? ;r IlJOHiS' i of :-.t;.rAl!ry :Ii2t i, itrtvgupcgortjtabtf ftait ; A - - ' " ' A. A .A' i ,A$A v'v! Avl'!i - i'- "! :i -lu-ir V.T.V U:,6: this Ctmi:- rAff'"" ; U.FrJ CE i aa.I residence j trv. s': Zt s.o frhy thi3 should not "be . ; . ; , PALMEO ilS' - ' ' 1 sarc3 go;'a 1ST. A:iLAA;- n-.yl ' , ; . .... V , ! ,;. ,A 4 a7 MAiiasTiSirifettTt iiji Of fthe great commerciai centres of the ccualry . A. Iron.l'ronl JStoro,, : . ! . .-fA x : AArA ' s.:'' : accxrrS'tely cbaifcbniiaVd' ' T : A " -rwaereoy ,-wenppo. te-maKettJus.jocrna: vaiuawe- doV. 1: v.-..:;Li bo jri'cctly. -caAif lent with tha rrbcle c:uua.:i or U:cat jU-i: throughout- rIe .to all-engaged.- ii cbxajcKciar pursaits. oaf S&orrr Street? 'u "'-V'-AU A'- A A itj'iiarejf 6-tiv ?; Careful attention trJU be given. fo the V.e sy.r.'j'irHo-; hA 'fr-siX t-.i.be-a lltvle as to:ii?r.od trl2- faciiity v.-.th . wii::h.(l:cut Bri taiti 4ta- Lrv:i hrr.usha !6 sc::d. iiuio. in tl.i ; e-jneert of the J'tifor?. 1 V.'ho that lived "a contu;y or'cyen half a ccn- tu fcUC ry. v v. i-.-A i-.tivo fl-:evi.d it. possible'--fua't Ax u::.: - ojuii have. -ha pwcnctf T 1 BuVVe sui !.'' It t ',,-itii avbiisndnsr. , its. with ihlvi- d:rA-, f': r.::' c-ft builios ar3 always tiio first o ue::u.ab vi:c:i : al ila::gor .preicats-. itUl.: . H - rAt. . :-l..?-f-,: AVe hrti--1! ?o:r.o rr.a-j einca the oaAjtly-cr tae' mc-rch ;:us, uud ryiLt-ji s an 4 otncrs- Of JSeTr tk to'raise a saia ol'inione to give .to:tho'"jgtt2 hnt o.AJfr,- ana cV::v-of tlii corvJjjveaxsar., t.a n c!--.tu'i ...Co i i : ,h - ftf t!w valuahlecr.vt.ce.-l. t- ;h2 rr.un!rv,'ar.d especlajfy tnjlsp ;:qi-rchanti ba;r.a Wsi year. . Mrl- Charles; II... ?Jafslill, rC.5U;T'wl lUi'tU-'iiinikvi, i vw ".w '-'hj-. is i,ow duiimiuitW :Und3oti6 sJT.rof- tweu,-tv-.iv.; ib.j;:arid dv-ibu air.b.r tliitf ov5cei'i and cre .y, ti.icrlfegiTai to cacti ' he h: controlled mulv :ijf.rr:sk and .ieitJ;ily-tai li:thc: ran!: oiho iadiyidna .-Am appropriatd c-cni-flc ;i r- -:::n.i!.K-s thti- nionev. i .Tht Y6lttfwiHg as.Si. Proprietor. :H K..J";uF" Ji M; ;;iaH'I -'T r-- ' will be. paid to the j A: iTijjhni be eiiriche l with' sole'ctionsia"jtros6 ; I . I t-. i - ..,.. - Ji ? . i . A' " t andli ostrv. fcani the toons. of the-ahlojjt fki QITVATEJ) on Jr:mt;Dear Market street, and bp- inVxiXZJs Jp,A .fTi ; v - f O lsitc general tiodjre'a-.ollice.; Loe.sceoiu-1 -.A ? ;T4'A';r.?? - - i:V -itoi nt . al linnr.4 fl thp nicrUt. ;. li C&i 'O-itT W li ' U'L i a I .Si'- ' "PY A -OSJS!" r A. .'-.A, i J And nil thmlMn2Ua .iV-i!i!I-" . ,?i'-AA-- ..ff-v?- -HilA:Hr ,S ,uw A'i -Ai t-T"v.u ; , JiA. ill iArv-:U;u ltOmilE UNION ?" ;A4:0Ua?ypEIteffeRgKCi ViiA-F-X-, -H' qtn4;Counting roow r .'0 fnd Foreign wntw s.j -dh'a. 'ca:di'.no pain3 or ' I ! ' . ' A,-:.'AAvVniivf:fvi-- : : A"'- M cre .iTrill 1 be "spared io Daabe . THE HERALD ; t . a .wlconieTiiaht 'in every "FOK SALS. ' ;..-H ."117""?; Iouse and Lotion Fifth street, hetwe.!i jjilar- 'jjJL'-ke t and Princess... Also a' conipietu" 16 of rtousVhaitf and Kitchen Furtitnre.-. OatlieprerWilsa. necessary faro-all out-iiouscs, kitchen, stabies, is Minn T K:ou:;n ti:e ;.vpor:i-nuient, I as decitled. uo'aby.ithe, I.l'i i "i "i t .'T. . . ................ -.r W ; Lot 230 feet deep bv; fitly isct wjui, lor, furthvr pCrttciilaTSnaaire:of the subscriber r if AA ";March 2I-5tf Jr. -a v. - A ' V"3I . it 3r0 tl A 1 :;--A..-LA2SB ASSOSTMBSTiJi Chief il-i'iiiecr .j.. . .A...,v. -v "'' ; v' l'a v u.'kSt r..... ...'. vt "3 i Tl.re, Ao:i stersvrgclToV OF GRO GKERY ' AHB1 ASS J OIL, &p.,rat. rr? .i-v. V--' Second AsVisUat Kaghsfiat-c.Xtt??A'T' 5W, Throe Th-d Asstant.Iagiiteara-aea V-1 -VA s m.. vv. ;,vr...,v:5'-- -J Ca Pav Gun: Be Two Ac.nicr rar.itey s- oac $ir).Z . -tA H...iZtL .il. -' Surroor.5 steward......,.. ............... ..lii.-' VS0 Pa Via'.' Tl; Pwenty-four sai'Tcn", ech 40..1..........-rr. J)C Sixtee:i frvlioan' $icraC!,;Hfc!t S-Jf;."..."..:1. ; 48j ' , - I "trail o eicrk. ......... Y.;vi,iVW'fsat -Va f mast -if clerk.-.' ......" ........ ...... ..i.vi , .J',-1 er . .:.v. ...... t atsw.iia ,...-.,........-"?'.';. 4, ia I mat er-oa f-ov aao r. - r i drty-two petty actts,' each ' arcragin;' -J 4 ). .. i,4s One ordinary sdixa;M kilted y -iaoiyitO 't i : -1 to liis i.iuu i y ..... i... 00 One ordinary seaminV wounded,. v. m..4..y'j .invv Eleyn f:;st class tlreiTiin, each $3'j.,vi.J Nine second il!tss ii'rericn, cac'f S-.-,. 4,M27Q: Tweray-twa laadsnien. r':.:; ' . . : - if l 'V- ,' .-" ..- 4"i i'' A'i-JT' .:':;'' '.A 'Vp.! fjA;aAA ACfea iARHTA2 0APS ra?TYr-oWELfdN& HOtbSE, ;'sitaaW -co men ! of i i i pcotm aim sireeu, mtu-r urnirarc xca iiiib'j "Soi1bJe ,.qyt II oasea .conaetedf - Carriage Thirteen coalheavcr's, A5jiJ3ti5lit;...ts'iJ-325 Tvf first class boys, cah $20.". -j' 45 Second oiass boy. .... .L.v. .i.,".V..'.. i?v;m'r, ! f15 Amount apportipael.j.... ..'..?M:.?,.:t. f.$OG0; Total oSccrs. aad crTvi. .v. Aifv. ;.JVi.t ..ii. "lCl lib me, Sta,b.Je$' and Wood House.' Foe particulars, apply, at ifljrJStoreea Front StreeLAAf .n ! vfAi Vlin- I - r f ' .CE0 YERS. l. vv. ,,'.A i ii , ror saie; uyj . ... a, ' U ' 3 IIIAnnpi UNION a- yal- comrdunicathjjjrfTrith the public circuhilian unrivulled s by 'anr - 4 . ,-... V .... i .. . . , . . il 'A'si vVe d're.faToredby thft . .. i f the pjibUc, ' So- ve canf ih proportioa f t ?if.-AfAA?.;'; V iat of. tne papers hitherto r j n; naersinea Degj leavH.to. inform frieads At presaat tne- game as rjy nfl tbs.public'pjaeralJrythejhaa iiagiih-Are H -; ' ' -: ' sBuwd hwol4,ba3iBcss.-;!a;1tt4 ' rinWdliia'TVMin''tonl' market? street whre'they Viiralfetf bimoadj ?"?r J.? 'necessary maUriar ani f4U'affpidvAlffawo;aadf- f;as;Tf ca'jy procure .fhe rwii .. v;- --. it,-.V':A. ."m-V il ie,! aref now prepared to respond to the calls cf :;;-Af j 4Trt4 : 'i -1 Vr--5W :f Wfl itafwrioirahches; In eluding, i; .A, .1 .v: , i i- CQqnajSAiAISM I?R0VJSI?SCS:1 j 1-CireuUrs: : ' . ..A-j.r, .. - irrr AS, bir,perrai3sio?i- erne HiFitfr j tidrities.- AH 'A)i-t A- Aiv-'Al ' i : K JHL' ..rpetied-bi:,Stur,f whfere-iMarbe-. foiind a A-rf aaAA: ;- ? " A-1 nops.. . small snnniTfii in dpsi noniuvntsUj-AAariaa i 1 ji'-vc-r s ? vri.; t- . . x uibUieis. . jrill be- enlarged bo ; soon ' vieTob&AAc", at modei ato jirkeatAre-ldm alL.'U Olfe 'X'J:- ' 'March IStb, T3BS:"'Y ' - s .lTlai-"! fv-iAA Vff' : -n? BEAiASHIt 4:A-i . ? m ete. J -. .- - I - UlankW MihaiT'OMers,' etc.; ete,, ' ctcl" ' '' l.rr.wmX-l nrrwrnrTyv'l peviuraisaea ip suoscnDeriueuyercAat rrw- . 41 'I . 1 .4 1 I -4 ..... ' 1 1 . .","" ' A?' i ' " LFru tae Pet.rsbg ; Ivrprew, Mcb 16.1 ; d Sach ot thxJtcSmMtfrisa-af.com ' 1