-i -: - -.- m ., .!-.-s F3i 'CiTiFP inira V-.n ifliKininiily I Vlll 1 ' J i ...t-f l-l 1 r - i - i l f i, - 111 At l 1 ' 1 ft I I 1 I 1 1 ft I . l l l ll l , l II la i ii ir. it a k a t i i . -m, i r v a ataxia . i ' - . . i a a r a tit. . i .-- i v. m f ' f If -T i i . w V IHE nERALI) OF THE PSIOX. , i APRIL 7 LOCAL I NTE L.LI C E NCE. ' BtxUThilcind hir presented a , ; ' j-- -non as our cx- A'k npca ranee jr-."j Ho-u-cXca-fke gtonoa, new. from fieh.nd. A li5rlky of banti-g was made from S uTe dee lL to the old cel.bra'ion, of Fourth oiUj. I .I.r the Vto y UjrecUon cf ,he aotborilies, aeol was rung upon tUcr .te house bell in c ehra.ion of the victorr.a -late fired a.'l rockett discharged In market "The church bells! will be rung to-day at 12 o'clock M, io honor tf the recent victory at Rich Bond. - ) STRKETXhTVkees - "liTe cer tainly intrclnced ilproTemcntBwi.tl. their advent. The street comers ae now lettered with the desig nations of the interUungthroughfarc,, so that a si ranger can easily find thc Clt; We know many old citizens who coul i hardly tell rou tb direction of iome of our streets, but now ihat'tle "Yankees 5 hae come, he who runs may read" ti.e dosign :tion of the street thrtuh which he is pissing. : 4 - Aeeival cf tde CEnK.s." The U. S. trans port Ceres armed yesterday afternoon'from New York which port she left' on Monday afternoon at 0 p. m. Her purser Mr. Frank Cleary, will ac cept our thanks for many courtesies. : '.. -!- ' . , . . VIsit op Captaik James. Captain , James, Quartermaster at Fortress Monroe, has been on a isit to oar city duriiig the past few dajs. u-' ; - vn r? ihm km roll in?1 so hi?h and the steamer being so neaetbo lineof brtkers that .' .,!kl . m ilia iVn.im MlininM OYER 500 LIVES MM. - l-t ef",'ri!.,Ii -. Xamcs of a Portion of the Save (1 arid lost. ' i. ST ATEMt E !f T OF "A Death or a Weix-Ksoww Citizkx. Thomas A. Walker, Esq., President of the Wilmington afad Manchester Rai road, died at Sumter, S. C on the 27th ult. v 1 ' i i' j a r Tnr vtue. -Raffaele and Widow's Victim were presented last night j This evening the manage ment announce the intcres'ting drama of the Lonely Man of. lie Ocean and the amusing farce' The Rendezvous, or JTiree Pairs of Lovers. : : Serenade to Gess. Hawlf.y and Abbott. Last night the members of the Orchestral band of the; Wilmington Thefitre, ui:der the leadership of Trofessor Miller,., serenaded Gens. Hiiwley and Abbott, as a token o their enthusiasm on the re ccipt of the news from Richmond. -l-. Persosal. Mr. GW. Cutter, of the firm of Cutter & French, rejurned yesterday from a vis it to the North. f - ! ,j Lats Papers Tally, opposite our office, at Cutter & French's, has the latest papers, I : A Rebel General Rpported l,bai or "Captured on the Oldckadei Rnuuer Mexiao. Matamoras (Feb. C) correspondence of the Houston. Telegraph. ' For two days past,rumors have been 'current that the steamer Mexico, which left our' port on 31onday last,. had beeti captured by a Cuited ; ista es gunboat. General PoITgnac and. frisnds A Wfre on board of her. , After diligent inquiry it affords Bie much pleasure, howcer, tD inforn. you that the ru mor can b traced ito no reliable source, aoll I trust", the vessel - and ? passengers are nerfri ng Havana ly this tinje. Th; steamer Mexico is reported in the latest New Orleans paper as lost in a gale off the coast of Mexico. E'dvHerald.1 An Ill-ration of Texns ifxpected. From the.llouston JTexas) Telegraph, March 7 Accounts from New Orleans and elsewhere still point t an attempt on the part of : the Yankees to invade jl'ex as this spring, and seem to indicate that ih attempt will be made either at Sabine Pas, Gdlvcsfon or Aransas, and per haps at all these points simultaneously. The . accounts are brought by persons who have visit ted New Orleans, and give such information os they could derive tiiere. t. AVhether their infor mation is correct or not, we should in no way relax the vigilance jwi which, we watch for the enemy, norlhe energy which we deroie to pre parations to meet hina. . "'" TUe Rebel Accounts of tli Closing of the United State, lion.nlate At Matamoras, Matamoras (Feb, 16) correspof.dence of the . Houston Telegraph. . We are without i Ameriean or United States consul here at present,. the last incuirrbent hav ing closed iU offieeia few dars since for reason (as we know) of a hotice Train the Court of the Emperor Maximilian that his officUl position would no longer bf recognized. Wo are in clined to think the Lincoln government wiU feel compielled to take a positron for or against the Monroe doctrine, relative to this empire at no distant day.. S ' SURVIVaB. V ' ' New York, April 3, 1865.,, The United States steam transport General Sedgwick; Captain Starkey, from Wilmington, N. C, 30th ult.. with .refugees and troops, t United State Assistant Quartermaster, arrived at iliU nort vn-itprdav. Sherenorts as folldwsi. -On th" 31t ulc, at hall-past, ten, A. Mi, off Cape Ilatteras, latitude 3d Uo, longitude 60j discuvjered a steamer in shore on tire, Imnie di.ttely bore down towards her, and foundi her to be, the United States steam transport General Lyon, from Wilmington for Fortress Monroe, wi.li troops and refugees, to the pumbcrof some four or five hundred The weather at the time wno vprv lmiKht-rmis. the wind blowinir a cale from the southwest. . Went as rear her as 'pos sible. Found it impossible to loerkany boat;. Picked up as many as we could trom boats, spars, 'planks, &c. When we L?ft her she i was burned almost to a shell, nd was fast drifting in among the breakers. There. wa.-a schooner near by, picking up persons, but could not:, tell, how many she saved. 1 ;! The following is a list of the names of those wbowcre.left behind in hospitals at Wilming ton : ' . ' ." '' :,:" " t ' i John llaydoh, first officer. j x Philip , Si;th, first assistant engineer, i 1 Geo; Gilespie second assistant engineer. Owen Duganj oiler. ; ' ;! : Richard Poyje, coalpasser. , ' ' ' Y ' VlUanr.Browni second cook.. " . Alni'o Dec, waiter all . of steamer General Lyon . 1 The following is a list of those picked up by the General ? Sdgewick: . . , t Riimnf. LoRser. nrivate. Co. G, Fifth Virginia. M. 11 Orweut, private, Co. E, Fifty-sixth Illmoij. "' i John Kreusen, private, -Co. F, Third Penn sylvania heavy artillery. '. Ira Lewis. Co. A, Eighty ninth New York. Michael S. Brocket, Co. F, Fifty-sixth Illi nois, i Robert Simpson, corporal, Co!;G, Fifty-fourth Ohio. ' ' x,L Thomas Farrar,, refugee, W ilmington, N a .C. Ja nes Edwards, sergeant, Niuety-ninth Tew York.. . J-'. ' I ' Silas Galloway, Fifty:sixth JN'ew ioik. t - - llarehce Dunn, refugee. ' " Geo. Murphy, private, Ca A, ixth New York heavy artillery; i.' , .f ., -J . , Geo. Goole, uouqe iiunoreu auu xiy fourth New York: .'' " - . C. M. Dodson, !fhird Pennsylvania-heavy ar tillery. . -: ' . ' ? - ' . Joseph Fitzgerald, Co. K, Fifty-second Illi; nois. - . w ! " fuFames DempseyHl fireman, steamer u enerai Lyon, , . - v., ,. ; . '.;!. - ' Stephen Kuss?fll, reiugee. - . Thos. C oney, sailor, steamerf General Lyon. Nicholas Brown, sailor, , steamer General Lyon. Ff . - J- - . I. t-i Geo. .AV. Williams, private, Oo. U, riity-sixm Illinois. . - " i j Patrick Bryan, coalpasser, steamer General Kichara uiarxei kjo. j, owuuu :immvw. artillery. 'tfr?&:; i, , T I -, . John Peoplesollersteamer General Lyon. Isaiah. CleolJy7 private Co:r K;? Fifth Ohio cavalry. w: r, rri.;4. D.,ii.. Cyrus 1 . Wijiiams, uo. r, auuu xwuswor nia artiilery. v, : ; James Gibles, 'first oflBcer, steamer GeneraT Lyon. . Win. Cranston, chief engineer steamer Gen eral Lyon. ; v. . - - ; ., . ; ' ' i Samuel Prcsse, first cook (colored,) steamer General Lyon. !" Charles A: Brady, 'refugees : r "Statement of One of thcf Saved, i Mr Cyrus Williams; a member of Company F Third Pennsylvania artillery, who was acting quartern! ster and. issued rations to the escaped Union prisoners and rcfugeeshas tarnisha us. with the foUowing interesting , particulars:- There - were . on v board the steamer General Lvpn, besides the officers aidCf 6w, two , hun dred i and four men, and .eleven officers of the Fifty-sixth Illinois regiment, Xvho had been mustered out of service and were on tlieir way t;m f Anlistmpnt havinr expired : sixteen men. of the Third Pennsylvania artille-J ry one hundred and wtr wven esca-u u u paroled Union prisoners ; sixty-seven ma'e re fugees, and fully one hundred refugee women and children, on their way north. Besides these t were two commissioned officers : a4 eighteen enlisted men ot the Nin,ety-n nth New York, acting as a guard, making in all rising of six hundred persons on board, of whnnt the suiall number mentioned above is probably all ,-! ' i i .f -, - " J -' - t- - The fire broke out at al6attfUtt. o'clock, on. Friday: roormog from a lignt coming in contact Wllu warrci u. ncrusvuc in , ra snrieadinw" with rreat raMdity vWithin halfnan: hour the vessel - wa? completely in flames.- lae sea 'runts ,roug;.mouawn8 nigu an A scran nf the greatest excitement and con fne!n,0nsQA( immftdiatelv it wsi 'discoverekl that the Vessel Ws oh fire. Women and chil- A rtn ran shriekincr aboul. implorine J to he savedoh one side the tire-aad on the'othcr , . Th o dm in r like a hell." ! ' Scores sprang from the burning vessel only ta be swallowel uo by the maddened waves which still bore the burning mass" nearer and nearer to the roaring and surging breakers. s Ona hnafc w .is launched bv the caDtain of the i- vaw- -. w . - , , m:-'-' t I Genew ALyon, assisted by some' soldiers, but was ..insianifi'y sw'tc, me Louumr- usiu nwuicw. Our informant arid one of the mates succeeded in getring bver a metallic lde-boat, intof whic;h tliov mwl twn or three others p-oL The boat. however, was instantly upsetj they being unable io uecaca tne painter nuui uui "."i, siwmw, and all on bonrd but Mr. Williams were washed out. He succeeded in clinging to the boat, th sWmftr still rnshiuf? with fearful velocity towards the breakef. After many efforts he ULU I l,rt eln mm ati'il Kir t Kf l ifl Af the ooat seven persons were, rescued. 1 ? Thn rfpffl.fh.mpnt nf Pennsvlvahia soldiers to rhich Mr Williams belonged was on its wav;to Gen. Ord 8 command, -now. battling . in front of T- 1 1 TI" : -.I . n i.,., Knvn xwieiimonu. HIS eiptiiunw un uu-iu viic "uiir ing steamer was a lile-long one, and the brave soldier's lip quivered as herelated r om of the harrowing scenes which' occurred on the ill- is w. T- jr--' ' 5 t - . ' - : ijf. wrritVTT 4ffi. ilimiiGT05.Ji. Ctt IflilllAI UUiiiiinu. r,fl - " jyiiiLilXLJ Ji, rKfAi??:.-!!, ibatfrt spite of anefeffJrtili. PARTICIILAES W'THE : LOSsJOF TIIE1TRASSP011T iGES.LY0X. ?r PMCE Wt CliiJIL fated stea ler. NAMES OF A PORTION OF -THE LOST, j Tko fr!l,wInop nampi Of members of thie Fif- A taw q w ty-sixth Illinois are furnished oy a surv iving comraae. .:: ' i- OFriCERS. . Sergeant John Morriss. Sergeant H Dillingee L Perry 1 J Iielloms i . . Ord Sertr E D Rovel . leck Graybill ; CorplMaddox J 7 CorpPAtbert Sinallhouse ' Corpl Wilhido ; ( f i H Corpl JVI ; F- Pjumraer Majnr Jas. Files Captain Weber Capt Dunquary Luut H S Dunlap Lieut Gowdie .- Lieut Ran k ins , Liput Haulbeck Lieut Joiner -Lieut' McKenzie Lieut Jos G riser -i r 4 ' John Fields I v ? A.ndrew" Nation s r ranK opry. Bessie, Veitch James Street '. COHPANY B J Stratberh ) KthprV John Miles h brotners n,; ctvirms GJHeeney " J.wJCutill Felix Davis J T Selvidge ' M Rawlings Wm Stephenson. JGSlankard bauil Miles D MUes brothers Wm'Somers J K Carrier Jas Dodson Jas Perry f" Jas Hancock Sol Harding, , John Lacer WmKJrawford II n sen Raines R' Evans S Williams Robt Davis D Williams'" i ! Howell -D6bbs COJirAVTF. I W WUifred , Mat Bruckett . Mat Humphrey August Pressel David Mergn" SamV Williams COMPANY K. ' i Thos Burksicr ; Thos Redder Richard Larks' Robt Branch Edw Mitchel strictions consequent opon the oppression of the rebellion-: v . v t . , f A ; ;;. tb cisi or Dcrin 'xikclvLtifc 1 u- s The finding and -sentence in the DevKa and .Cjsbill (Nlf Jinrl; ibpmrt brokers) cases, iiied, before , General Brapg"! military 'cohimtsi fIon, ;df which Colonel N. C. (ipmaii,: ;Wsf3 v "Department, is Judge Advocate, have been, con J filmed by the Secrettry of War.' John Devlin j Tl Ts sentencetl to I en y ears in the penitcntK ary, and fined three thousanil dollirs ;'Jioes Devlin . fe ven yeaf s and five . thoaiand dollars . fine John Cahill, five' years imprWnmcnt,-! Theyiare )wbe.8ent to Clinton prison. Ttiis ia,"a. the first instance (bf alargc batch' of similar ca - -ses, and which brings io light the" hnmn6c frauds practised on lhe ; governtn-nt- Steps . are being taken to bring to justice these offen-. ders in' other parts ot the country, and pre yen t a jrect rrence of the frauds. , The commission Li jiug iorward rabidly iri the?examination.l TnE NEW YORK (jrAkAXTlXE WAREHOUSE. . I Mr. Simeon Draper, Collector cf the port of New York, left here for , that city this evening. He has been authorized by the Secretary of thc Treasury to proceed at! once (6 Albany and confei with Governor Fcnton in relation te thc legislation "required by the State. of New York, inconnection with the quarantine warehouse authorized to be constructed by an act of Jhc last Congres, for which twenty thousand dol lars were appropriated. 'f DESEKTIOKS FROM THE REBEL AUM1KS. ISomo idea of the depletion of , the rebel ar- mieS from desertion may bn obtained from t ic faet that during thc month of Fdbrirary the oath was administered to twelve hundred antd thirty nnie, and during March 'to two thousand eight hundred and sixty deserters from LceV army, atj-the, office of Colonel Ingraham, in this city. , Osirt'h.cndred and thirty-nine arrive here to day, on the steamer prince Albert, from City Point; ' ' ' h . OFFICIAL C0XFIRHATI0S OF IB The Rebel Capital in Possession i of General Grain. OE2; WEIOCZE iFIRST TO EXTER "ff jtE REBELS FIRE THE CITY. th fit '. . L W AsniXGTOX March 31 lSf5. i 0f ARRIVAL OP TnE' PRESIDENT. S The return of President Lincoln is still delay-; ed, much to the annoyance and disgust of the large number of persons who are here . on heavy expense inpursuit of apppi6tments?.Thereis' no certainty as to when he' wilf return, as his presence at City Point is mors important just now' than it would be in Washington, except to r?Bfo'- codIiak n fore-said., There is CTOCd .nnr fnr thti hpliflf that verv important! Etsul wiU arise from tnis visit, originally undertaken as a. relaxation and for sgnftaVy reasons, bnt which circumstance may make one of the most memorable in history. ; . ! : THE REGULATIONS BEGARPING TRADE j WITH TUP; ! ; KEBEL STATES. i There is flo probablity that any . material chango in the Treasury regulatious in Te&T& to, trade with -the insurrectionary Stafes wul of mimtdatety required. he operations un er , these" regulations finvebeen temr.orny sujpea-; ded by military orders ; but it. is hetoed that, a few dayswiU witness, the remoyaVof these re i.:...:rv ..t, .cnmntr n " le'rititnate tr ce, i-i o .Tnloinn nrosf ribed bv lyongress and the Treasury DeDartment. : vn MASSES TO ALEXANDRIA REQC1RED rru. L X kf mnit.rr tii!o W-beins gradun'ly relaxed as the rebellion fadf awy. , Alter to , day no passes" will be required, for persons vis-itin- Alexandria, which is the first time since the 'commencement of the war that accessl to any, portion of Virginia has been permi tXcdibout paAes rrom the military uiu0res. suit is highly giatifving, and lib "preliminary to the removal of ll m;litarTj-re- LEE REXBEAtWfC TO JIV- The Union Troops iu Tursuif. fVo arc. in possession of ihost impor tant and cratifyinff. news, Jliis morning. the summation of whicli .is that Rich- , jupcial information "a oeen receive, i )V General Hfiwley , to tlic .effect that Armifts of the Potomac and Jame, under! General, Granty havo-succecded in capturing the rebel capital. v y One of the?de&pafches,Miated atucn. Sherman' IieadquaVtefs, and thcf ne " ' V-. . ' wKichjives the most , of the Jew details received, is as follows; ... 4;r . Grant has.capturcd Richmond., lllc his taken a' large number,of pris oners:;.' 1: . ""' ; 'f ; i - ; . jLec has fallen back onDanville "' ;G rant is pursuing.; . bithlmrr tho l)ribui4newsftfe of the variou? desnatches which have passfdover tht- :'.h'n!fffti omittedito cive the date of th capture, ibtit fromr other indicatiQn wd have reason, to belicVe that the vicu -rrcjus ' cOnsummation of the- i, campaign against Richmond took place on Monda v lajt. It will be remembered that Shci -idan, by a movement. against th South side Railroad, had drawn off -ft largo fotce: of the enemy from the defence of Riclonich opportunity's err. -braceli'lfe General Grnt'vtQ thjor in a '&jum;n' from the righUt -, t ,. TbareJn expectation of further det mkches containing later intelligence. ' y X LATER, "-."j r-J-'-"' Wae Department, I j . j Wski.sgto2i, April S 10 a. m. j TtiMaorGeneral-lix. -. The iclfowing telegrcjn from the Presidcrt. anhoimcin the-evacuation of Petersburg, aud , 1 4 tCpn'iiwd op tit It fiX9L I--"'? f '

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