. - . . ' , . . - t - - - . L - ' . - 1 . , ,' ! ffe v --t -, ' ' . .. - . ' .-. i ' v.- - -.. : . . : ; . ' ' rf- j. M 'r- . --v. : , ; ' :.x. -I . t,r. . J - -i Hi ' !? l' VOL. 1.-50. 37..' HIE HERALD OF THE I'MOX W, LMHGTOS, H.; t., TUESDAY 5I0RSOG,. APRIL 11, 1805. PRICE TES CEVTS. APRIL 11 LO ; A ! L I NT El-H552 Z's Jvumcroas comp.a-nts have beea made to us 0Q the object of the S furnished our city Before the advent of the union troops under- sold to consumers iv- id feet. ow tne .lanJ it Tvas ; .npr ner moaau v . - . difference in rates certainly not compensated for by tho ,ttaii,y of the gas at leasi we juu , , - Aeiiifl at present furnished is an improvement, s,ncereW piiy our beB.g T 'VZ 1 or irbich is - . : ,.55 lrtinaer Twas U the coming oi me umm . ..r mle the sas was worth only (lie uirncuHiea THE PIRATE SHfiIAIDOAfI. llcr Arrival jit Ulcibonrne He r Captures Statements ly UcrjCap- tain. - ,i iL TA letter from Melbourne, Australia,. m the E"Hsh papers?, gires fome account of tho 4o intf of the Shenandoah, which has arrived in Hobson's- Bay. The Shenandoah, formerly the Sea King, was fitted out at Maderia last Octo ber, ana tas since that period captured and destroyed ten or eleven Federal rnercnatuimn, amongst others the Alma, the Charter Oak, the Godfrey, the Susan, the Kate.Prince, the Lizzie M. Stacey, the Edwards, tho Helena, the Ade laide and the Delphiner All these prized were burur, with the exception of the Kate l Prxnce aud the -Adelaide, 'which,! havinjr English goods on bonrd, were allowed to proceed on their iriv ftfror ransom. The writer sayn': 44 Captain Waddell icadily affordedf;me all inforniation.v ' Speaking of the Kate 'Prince and the Adelaide, which he jraaaomed. the .tormer resp0nsit,le autkorities .here is but one course for forty thousand dollars and the latter for j H,eQ that of strict adherence to the spirit of tone or two, and they are of coure, absolute ly cut off from the" harbor of their own coun try. Thev may obtain a brief shelter in neutral ports, indeed, but only on sufferance, and under rPfr;otnn Trhich make it impossible for them to replaces single gun. which may have become disabled. The example of the Alabama hw what their fate must be. if they should chance to encounter a regular . man-of-war, and but for the blockade and coast operations ."V faave hitherto engrossed the nayal energy of the fed erals, they must long ince have been swept from the ocean: The pleasure of burning prizes and the consciousness of inspiring terror among their enemies may, for aught wc knor, be an ample reward to Captain Semmes and his com rades for the miseries of a Flying Dutchman's. Kiit snch it is at the best. We shall be curious to learn what reception thsse selfjinvited Visitors have nret with m the commercial ana dpmoeraticcommunitvof Melbourne, butforthe , ' ;hnd the nreseat are uo wt , .... t.tY enaitllla. if the rtiflereoce, United States two dollars high latcs even mr create between notes, is taken into consideration. specie and suQcient to guarantee a crowded house. tad Naval Engagements were The tbk. The benefit for the sick and wounded soldiers in our hosfitals takes place to-morrow :lf We think tbe simple" announcement of the fr? ia SI l'nhM-t Macaue a: .iren last evening. , TLe programme to-night em braces a very ent-rtairiing bill of comedy, farce and Jancing. Charles II. is to be presented, with the amusing farce of Make your Wills. Fori New Youk. The iron screw steamer Ceres Vill sail for New York on Wednesday next. She ioneof the $r-est vessels of her class and Las accommodations for passengers. Appuca- C2M vc maue uu.uuiuu cood for state-rooms Teel now'ljing at the wharf, foot of Princess "at-eet. Captain Sherwood and Turser Frank Cleary will do their ntmosi for the comfort of all rho takpassagc with them. - ' ' 4fr ; 1 . Pae In Waihlngtoii. Wasdingtos, April 1. Military regulations concerning, the local af fairs ot Washington have ben considerably tp laxedoflate; and on. and after-. Monday no passes will be required to visit, Alexandria. -o InteruAtlonal Exhibition at Cologne. WAsnixGTOK.- April 1. It has been officially announced to the State Depnrtruent that an international exhibition of machinery, implements, and productions of hor ticulture, agriculture, and forestry, will take lO-if nt Cologne- on the lain oi .may nexi ' i-w o . . OI 1110 ..VJunM ,a irnnt.V.thrPA thousand collars. CaDtain' Waddell expressed his intention of, not so acting for the future, For,' siiid he, 4 in the time to come I must not regard neutral cargoin federal botUms. An Piifmv's shin makes enemy's goods. I I hare Lord John Itiftsell as my authority for thus act ing. It is only giving our enemies an opportu nify to save their property,,; and work against us. I have sii)(fe been very much vexed that I did not hare those vessels. Let our enemies look out for the future, Speaking of his vessel, I asked him was she not the Sea King? ( There ii i i U .Ali'afl T lnr'r was a twmKie irnis vyvs ua uc icpmu. . -; want to know ; shfe is now the Shenandoah, a. Confederate war sif amer I find, said Capt. AVaddell, 'not thcrfclightest difficulty in obtain ing men - half the crews of the captured ves sels jump at tho offer to enlist.' . ! " Judging from her appearance, the .Shenan doah is all her Captain says of er one; of the fastest, tautest and smartest vessels auuai, u up to the present time she has not been! put to her utmost speed. In capturiug the Kate1 Prince she overhauled her although the Katel Prince -was a remarkably fast sailer, and had, a lair wind, with ever stitch ol canvasin less inin 1,-MT-a Thri nrew of the Shenandoah con- sists of seventyifive men, and a -finer fc ft ot let lows Inever trod a deck. She will probably romnin a weirt this nort, as the band of her HcV is broken, and several small repairs are required to her machraery. Smoe 1a incr. Madeira sho has not tuuched.fct any nrf 'lif! lwa Kf- rnnrse kent a shari) look-out lor ehemy's vessels. From this port Captain VVaddell purposes going lor a cruise m iumau andj'hinesc wutcrs, and expresses a confident i.tinf that mi Yankee vessel anoai can wuc near him if he chooser, to make a run for it. their institutions.!' man- under the-auspices Prussia. "-. Waddell bewailed bitterly the nor in which bis . consort the Florida had been t rcate'd. ' What was the conduct, of her rascal ly, blackguardly cuDtors but cold-bhioded mur de'r in shooting down her defenceless crew ? t. nt the wav I Ana yei tuu vj - -. t . -fnf f i,;nn, . 1 . Vk T- Al 11 fl 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 T4 Ij I UWWfc ci v - . ' UUk uyj v" r" r-r-- , "... m,r . rM,nlil.0 linim thi sub ect : ana lULaillT muo.v " v T , " . j' The Schleawls-Holsteltt frlaR. ; Wasuisctgx, April 1. OfBcial information has been received that tlie cabinets of Vienna and Berlin, accepting the prposition-of their respective commissioners in charge 'ad interim of the administration of the j.k;o f TTnNfrmn and Rhleswir -have asrrecd . U X T yJ" v . j to one single instance in tvuicu i, v. WT " of the Confederate navy; have in th'e slightest de-ree overstepped the-bounds of recognised wuf ho si'd were i. m-i The President on Mlaaouri "Affalrai LETTER FKOil MR. LINCOLN TO GOVERNOR FLET CHER. The St. Iouis Republican publishes the fol lowing correspondence: . , 11Qru ! ' " Washington City, March 15, ISOj. "Editor Jlepublicany St. Louis, ilo.: : "Dear Sir: Enclosed I send to you a copy-of a letter recently addressed -by President Lin coln, to Governor. Fletcher, and which has been furnished to me with authority to publish it. Its suggestions are all good, its, tone genial and, kindly, and the effect of its publication will be in aid of the restoration of peace and quiet m Missouri.. ',, Tn PrAKident most earr.eslly desires the prosperity of our people, and to this end there ) nnfhincr that he would not do to . bring back bxus theorder and good fellowship which re liilon ant nivil war has broken up. I hope tho people 'will' receive and read this i lAtfer in tho same spirit which prompted the President to write it, and that they will noton ly carry out its timely suggestions, but co-opei-ate also, with the civil and military authorities, both at home and m Washington, to prevent a recurrence of those scenes of strife and disorder which disgraced Missouri the lat year. "I ain, most respectfully, your obedient ser- vant, 1James S Rollins." mr. Lincoln's letter.'. ' Executive MansionV f. "Washington. February 20, 1865. , j 'His Exctlltncy Governor' Fletcher : - - It seems that there is now no orgiuiicii iui- tjir v force oi the enemy in juiuwj that destruction of property and life is rampant everywhere.' Is not the cure for this within easy reach ot the pcopie ucuiseivc-s not but le tLat every mau, nuu uii-j - . ber or cut-throat, wouni gladly put an end to A large majority in every The I&icltmoiiIi Virlorv How the Sewi was receive! Iu5cv York. j fFnm the N. Yl Herald, ApriU. ' It would be hniH)sKlblo thr ugh. tho medium of peri, ink and paper to co vey to our raadcjN anything like! a full description ol the unbourul ed enthusiasm that prevailed in this city yes terday'. To do io would require more than ;v hundred editions of -the Herald. To do so it would necessary ti-eall into the service, a hundred vigilant rcportt-rs, each with more eye.n than ah Argus to view the exciting scenes in - every1 psrt of!th city, and more arms and hand, than a Br i; reus "to take a noti on it." To do so we should have to'iecord the, sayings and doings of thecrowds on every street corner; wo should have had to travel in veryliailroad car ot- the several lines tiiat run through the crowd ed streets of our metropolis; we should havehad to remain in all the hotels froni eleven o'clock yesterday morning until bedtime lat night; we should have had to enter all the privaio resi dences of opr citizens to see the joy; expressed, ' the opinions. uttered and; the i-rayeii otfered up for the grand triumpliunt ciose of the bloody drama of the rebellion. In short,; we should nave possessed the pover of ubiquity, which is an attribute it divinity aud not ot Iiiumahiv. There is nb anguage capable of expressing ihe ydd Scenes. ol exaement and the joyful de monstratit'ns'of pati iotism, frni the Battory to. 'SpUVten Duyjel creefc. I People fairly danced. hi me ex issi oi eniiiuMusiu. losiaiu uiai. ujc howled4 would sound ' Haihly and 'flat, but it Would nevertheless be a simple truth. Some are so rg&hizedrUhat under extraordinary emotions, words will not suffice for their purpose; they must roar,. r choke in tho ctfo; t ;to expre themselves tlirough the customary channels. This 'seiehtihe theory isfthe best we can oiler, in. Aar wkmI. to seize, burn: oraes COUlUiHlvt 'i ' T - ' I a trov the dozen-yanked vessels now in" this port! There is, or wouta oe, -noiuiug iu -T of. th a most it , would be, lagical.y s w -a rpnrisal r but. sir. the Confederates are, T am haoov to sav. gentlemen, and please if so, they only need to reach an understanding one with another.; Each leaving all others alone solves the problem ; and sureiy earn would do this "but for his apprehension inn others wiU not leave him alone. Cannot this :iv;xron rlwtmst he removed? Let nfign- I1L 11. IIUU aim un.ii.v - - ii i .111 neakinc, borbood meetings be everywhere called and held b n ntoWomJnn- a sincere purpose lor mutual God to adopt as the provisional flat of those (Tuchie?, wtt shan aiways act up to that standard, tho colors blue, white and red. disposed in . uTn further conversion he said, Had we a horizontal stribes. bearinir besides a yellow field dozen or a score of vessels we could man them near the flag-staff- A' Japauctc Fleet. tr ' A correspondent of the -London limes says: "The purchase of steamers by powerful dai tnios seems to have gone on moro or less briskly in Japan'. No less than' ten Japanese steamers, we learn by this mail, were seen at anchor in the Straits, by her Maiestv's steamer Arrow, which happened to be on a cruise of inspection jUS3,.li for thus, aclin a t . r i . . dozen or a score Id we but iun I.U-UJUI I u II ) . - - i i . caimorx wo wou Id soon urive vankee mercnant- When I wss . taking my leave he said, - Mind, I notify, and I ofc you to n,n Thi f.rr the future enemies hot- tiu :u iw tm., ...... . 1 , , . toms make enemies' goods; and, that under no .:.n.Bt!n,w shall I otherwisfe .YeardT vessels sailinc under a Yankee flag, for ' (again he re- neited 'I iiave' the authority ol your across a lew Lord in order to ascertain the reliability of some re ports to the effect that the Prince of Nagato (Chiusiu) had begun rebuild his batteries. Theo reports were found to be incorrect. The steamers at anchor were said te be a portion of a fleet assembling under thirty daimio, for the pUTDOSe Ct puniuioj; uaw, lur ivoeiiiou arainst the lycoon already assembled eotcmoorw : Lotas RfArlr Tarthaire. Co , O . . , i-i t The UUtcn uonsuiaic uuuuings The names of the vessels are thus given by a Japan trouble caus- , Iio One, barah, iohkien, ft! in an j smopoute, laotai, Gazelle nLnnPi( 1 l it . v,. nf hrwtirrs canturea irom mo XV. UU1UWI v. - . , . --:o..,o .coi, tnl-n were landed, the excite m,.r.t in KrMlbmirncia intense: the Shenandoah : . r,i.i xrith rrntrds of boats : but up to l v ..nioca nndpr verv Peculiar circumstance has ben allowed io put;foot on i v.t - - The London Times editorially Dcwau d bv the arrival ot tne oueumuu i.i:., m nir the evens au woe " one. It adds :- I tt in Tiiwnn's Bav was cn ui ait ..........j, i. , i security in the future, whatever they may nere tofore h ,ve thought, said or done aooui . or abput anything else. Let all such nicer, anu ivairinn- all else, pledge each io cease uaw.iii. others, and to make common cause against who ever pend.-ts in making, aiding r encouiagmg further disturbance. The practical mtans me. 11 best know how to adopt ana appiy. aiu meetings, old .friendships will cross the mem- or, and honor : and uurisHan ciminj m to help. . ; .. t.. ii "Pleasecnsider wnetner u may uui. to suggest this to ine no.y buhuvu purv- iiissoun. , - , - T Yours truly, a. i- explanation, of the patriotic exhaustiioli of lungs that occurred yeaterday'.- Huzzaing and cheer ing were heard as never they were -heard before. Singing also formed pan t of the popular mode of letting off the exuberauv feelings y i the masses. Down in wall street a ch&rus, which Maretzek can never hope to rival, . almost made the' an cient piles of stone and brick tremb'e in sympa thy; j More than ten i thousand human being-i chaunted, as with one viee, the iibw favorii4 national hymn of " Glory Hallelujah," with 'an accompaniment of shouting and j4mpmg and stamping beyond all description Those who did not hear if will have to imaginie the effect ot such a union of throats' in a locality Vv hero such different performances are generally wi.t nes ed. ' ' ' :Thi rage. fr flags was immense. ; The news; of Saturday Mid Sunday hady he effect of indu cing hundtedis to niakeiaraid on the fl'g tores early i yesterday morning, and tte consequence was that the supply on hand was very nearly exhausted before the intelligence of Richmond's fall arrived. Half an hour nfer thei receipt of the capture-of the rebel capital there was, not a single large flag of a national character in! th e whole ciiy left unpurchased. Every ihousekeep-. er .showed his loyalty and satisfaction by exhib it in'g the Stars and Stripes from soriic port urn of his establishment. . -The City Hall prouflly diRpHyed her usubI quota of national, State and municipal banners. The Custom . louse, Post QlEce; .exchanges, hotds, churches and ail pub lic buildings were crovvned with 'the.! victorious ensign of the Union. 'Some houses had a flag from every window, two or three on the roof and more over the stoops' and doorways. .Tho railway cars and ; horasis ere decorate 1 with miniature flags. , Carts, stages and wagons all over the city displayed the fame symbol of loy alty, and indeed it.Vrould be more difficult to tn uil' cerate the places1 that did not have flags oa them than thoe which did. Every spot where a piece of bunting could' properly b fifctmei was so decora tea. ? . Tle Cotton 1 tle JXetoel Ste- , . The supply of cotton on hand in the rebel states has been, and must remain a moovcu 4uT Ltion at least, Parties who have made the suo- iect a study, and who have, pernap, gouu portunities ior compiling sum m. -Sown the supply at I,2u0,000 bala; others yut the amount as fiigh as 2,000,000. The quesUon of the supply is discussed by the Memphis A .a no filliVMra y l- .i cim rnr i.,. n iiKii estimate. it Desima (Nagasaki) are announced for sale t- unexpected, and she ? s f me Jf If tne rebel authorities are really and will probably be brought by ihe Eoghsh for nother vessel, and reported by the aune rf lUVent cotton from falling into or fovommmt" ih Rnval Standard. Btlore long ner ic-. r.jrtiaaa o' I T . . . i . nHioor WOD 1 tan ft-pr w fiiscioseo. anu, wo determined to our hands, they jactTtiv several nun- chief officer y, can ouuv . TT Ia matfrillIy While Genetft Grant w on a trlaUla onshore toxoid an JW " ,ess0 ,he .oprfr. rBcsidc. comparatirely WUe liovcrnor. is wus uuucnw . - , 1 nn,tnrt ; m rw! in the soum.uiis yc( " . . . .uonnpa GATrSi ! W.w.. . J . youthful book-peddler traversed the cars, crying. Jjlie Oi uiiw. . i -j . - . , , a( . ladia flCiUDVins tneoesv f .v.A 4u. - i;Vo fonv Gene- f the Shnonrloah- to take in coal, and to re uuymu wiah-.6r----:r!r. , , :- - -- ,rhoM Pmtn(1s were ral Grant turned ever, tne pages oi pair . W9. oiacuiujr . . D , osnallv asked. no 13 mis -an auuu. .uuuti iud vwuiuwttuu" v iL casuauy asiteu, .,u;,. . .j ,C r rnnt when the mad a IO0K Ot inoiguaiioii iiiiii ilij liu jjacuuib -vv-v.., - ; . . 1 . . . k n I I 1 II 1.1 111 1 J .1.1 a.. w. w . t :r ir i . cnt , miscnicvous. iv maiiv rpfnfrpa leave io kiuv iavv..-r - . anomi lirvn what ine reu-f uuc Hi vi:i.-i . . .i . I : " Wt cahin I cuuuuj v...- t - - i - ... . i . n I T ri a -ww ii u a. 4 v...-i Dm TrtTP n Ln kiiuui t uv ' 1 " h ctnr.V is flnrmented-by tno-orop of I860. - These facts induce i the belief II M.tv Cf VtBCB IllM.I. I LI11A 11V any weii-yutotvu uuoiuvo-t m hot. Hrin" him eust reolicd- "Yon must be a darned greeny left: r . , . ,! rSttokoWGeneR,! Gran. !" After thU volley, VIt is stated that the. Shenandoah has coe the Lientenont-Genera of course turrenderea, 10o late mair;. ; I merce in tne Ausirauan se. rr how trade with those colonies under the Atner- andtwught his biography . ilirjbaldl will revisit -England during this xonth or next- lie will go .to Liverpool, New castle, Glasgow; and some other towns, where he has private friends, whom he much desires to see; ' Potatoes aro seventy fi,yg TVi eig Ti t v rppf s Tra i out reason,) that as soon as the present which cannot much longer, endure, subsides, cotton will again fate the upper tendency ariC Litpriallv advance.. That it., will attaia the rt . n mhiithft since we presume vtTi;aM prices will doubtless further descend; but we can find no reason Act the lief that the present low rates wui ioag f i van. , . . ,ti.ir ThU' however, nvtv be taKen as a. any designs upen these,-but we are m muen of ttoa question.,. - ' . - r afriiid that Carrfain Semmes. u VjM ican flg, and six vessels that wers , nearly from New York and Boston were expected nrrirA 11 III1 r English or Butch titli.v- " w , iin to ha seen whether tne .neuaii ma to civlorsJ It re- doah has not much One! of the .asl Crows of tSic Bebcl, - t xuiii-t;oci. . From the lUchm nil Whig, '3Iarch 31; A Yankee campaign was fievrr known to fail nml whv should thev Stall tncso rjienuiu inonuoiuui of strategical; kill J.A lirt n shnrrie to mar their elaborate ,1 vuivl w . . . . : . . i. harmonious propositions by tne intronncuon .j IWkat, ftr more . ' it. - . It and of any disturbing element- Uwyiootsoiairincy are So captivating, they involve so marry- deli cate combinations and i movements, that they n,ast be the works or genius ; ana must inevi.- ably'be successful, unless seme nnmiBsccn usk- ter fchonia mierveni-. ( j-u bui, Feen disaster has invjiriably happened just at the-time when yankee hopes were at their cul minaiioa ; but, as such irccidentJ are not by any means to be considered in the future, bow over often they may have happened in the past, no account is to be- taken ot tbem in these beautiful plans which yankeedom is always so busily constructing. 'If the cotifederacy could have been conquered by a programme, its fate woald have been scaled long agM. Nothing was ever conceived more perfect, more copsist ent.Tnore.logjcal, thMU the various, rn-ogramnies wnich have been cocsMucted for the capture oi liichmond ahd the sulPSation of this obdurate confederacv. And perhaps, nothinghas had a .tfevt in stiniulatihs vatke hatred asaihst i rfiarri t h esei plendidly conceived pb jcclntl v irTeitible broirremmcs. ixi.-v-- J -- . . J ': 1. instance, could have teen more pcrlect. harraonioa?. more beauti.ful m .rvfl. r4an of last venr. Wrant crossing. 1 Tlapidau with one hundred and forCv thcusand. i L hU Lack, and marcbins Straight on H;ch mohifnwn the northJ f Butler. wiOl an armynC j. nmi .- I i ' '.-:." . ' . If 1 - s-: r t i ! - i i ; . 4 I t V. f ' - - . - vi

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