53E^ ffi-?-.‘.-.':'CT THE HERALD OF THE MIOX TO-DAY’S ADVERTISEMENTS Stage Manager, '.Mr. .TOipEAVIS. BACON & MORSE, No. 34 MAMET STREET, SPECIAL NOTICES WILMINGTON. APRIL 12. Benefit of the Sick and Wounded. OFFER FOR SALE AT TERMS OF SUBSOm^TSO^ Single Copy * $ By Mail or Carrier, one week By Mail or Carrier, one month Bv Mail or Carrier, three months. To Newsdealers— Rer.each 100 copies 10 50 2 00 5 00 6 00 1600 copies 50 00 e-. s f r papers must be handed in on Ere evening previous^-to publication, and accom panied by the cash. RATES OF AOVE^TISIi’ - One Square, each and every insertion A. 2 Haifa Column, each and every insertion s 0:T Zone Column, each, and every insertion 15 00 Special notices will be charged at the rate of twenty-five cents per line, each insertion. A-ffiscount of 25 percent, -from these rates will --- De.made for ?j . v.d.': - : :. irseriM "U ^nnth or ongwr No advertisements “ fill forbidden” will be ' V &''cclnesla.y Kivesaiss^ Aprii ^2tBs. : Miss Eloise Rstpc.es,'and Messrs. Gw. Myers and-T. S. C eKsRB. of the Thaliqn’ Afeelation, haw kindly t01- unteered,--? H will appear in. the stal ling five aw coWedy ot . TEE HEIR AT-LAW. As^od bv the DramaHe company. . LOWEST AIAKKKT PRICES, 50 kegs Butter, 150 boxes Cheese, 6.00. Ibs. Smoked Beef, 100- Lrm 50 boxes Adamantine Candles, Admissis; One Dollar. all ^r/s of the House 150 bbls, Ginger Cakes, received. All orders for papers or advertising must be ac- ••r-omp.;.:.rod with the cash. A . Wo k-b ::: with neatne Nalad dispatch, and at moderate rates. \ , PEACE. As in (he midst ol -the din of battle the bugle | s J-'ienly sounds he cessation of strife, and ay in ! t^e yiokinco the storm a rift-in the clones be-'i lek- . - ro^-i’etur'iiisg calm,, so while our ears are/ sssaiied v.Th the tidings of the terrible struggle''i which--J’fly-es i:i Virginia conie the- first notes of i y U-- ::^ in -Wilmin^ and Throughout the State. B AVI NG con neoted-myself; with .. SIIA^BR, WHITFORD & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, " 'Wholesale asad RciM3’Cliotiliers, .331 BROADWAY^ AY, - Shall be pleased lAs.ee my foxrner friends anffipa- tronSi Gan ofirr the late si yt •,■•». and be-twork- 50- baif obis. Pig's Feet, ' 95 bbl?: Boston 'Crackers. Soda Crackers, 50 4 bbls. Sugar Cakesf 50. M. Cigars, various kind; 50 boxes Figs, peace. As w s columns ne- guJutig?^ are now in progress in Richmond, look- i ing to the settlemriu of the question. Judge 1 Campbell, oneof the three commissioners recently J . cent on aj^'-h errand to Washington remained j heli;r.C in Richmond when the , rebels were evaeu- i ating with the purpose, it is eohn -isedlyadm.Lled,- j . y/Fadm last read aecoiin m ansirip, 0. A BAL .-WIN, 100 boxes Layer Raisins, ICO cases Condensed Milk, ®WLuTI0X Th £ Drill of S^^TT A: 3? AS^WO. Was' dissolved 1st R-brnary’a.-T by mutual, con sent, Mr, Baldwin r'tiras from the‘concern, and ean be found at 331-Sro::dwn.v. i Cot -ro v 1 H 11. ■■■ '•■''lit- ha ' > bear what propositions woudd yc/Ande W.M 1 0 d(>i,-')t,ludgc C^mp Atthb U0 38 3w3’ w COW HUA , ; - - ’ . : . v r ro I ro H i n 1 R 111 UPW. She is a^ dark brindle -wirh •.; .she\: ~ no horns : rro mrok ifot reeoL '.e has' ether marks rhai can be described Gt-L j) any one having- .such a c'ow and'.wants other j proof to oonv nee them. 4 y'peiy-'o that'vU •, I information so that I can gel her will be suitably rewarded. 150 50 30 50 19 30 cases Golden Syrup, bbls. Molasses, gross Matches, cases Peaches, cases Turkey and Chicken, cases Veal and Mutton, eases French Mastard. cases Tomatoes, obtain. issue v mbercd that i'll ’ ..'t that Je . e geSantee' .: in Ins-power to ^ons J. L. BARLOW, At The Herald of the Union Office. ''••38-3r, 100 100 bbls. Potatoes', bbls, and boxes Self ¬ ising .^tr, Head Quarters IUstrict of W Ii mingtox Wilmington, N. C., April 11th, 18G5, j ] '^Genera', Ocders No. 7.—Sametd S. Ashley. ass j s tant superintendent of freedmen for the district of Wilmington, will have the. general supervision o r the colored population of the district, attributing them.upon unoccupied lands, supplying thedestitu^ 1 with rations and clothing and farming implement- 1 and endeavoring to cause all to lend industrious^ 1 orderly lives, ■ Air. Ashley is also appointed s ipei ibtend -J ® colored schools. Al] persons coming to the dis^ W to preach, teach orin any way labor for this will report to him. All supplies of pooks or ci^-B ing, or other articles intended for the colored ple will be rep rted to him. If possible the spec; L; directions of donors will be respected, but to sect ■ the full benefit of benevolent effort it is indispen ' ble that some system be observed. 'Ihe Miller, Holmes, Hill ar.d Taylor plantatio on the Cape Fear river, near fort Anderson, are s apart -for the use of freedmen, and the destitute ai refugee colored people , X E. LEWIS MOORE IIkad Q’.ns.District or WILMINGTON ) Wilmington, N.C., April 11th. 1865, ’t Order*-----Three years ago this day a portion the troops of this command took possession of f oi Pulaski, Here also are men who were engaged® the epture of forta Wagner and Fisher and J siege of Sumter. To them .the Brigadier Gq^jB commanding takes.great plea sure in publishi^® foil wing dispatch, received by -him from General'Schofield, commanding the department.■ “It having been reported at these b ead quaitr.W that a salute of 100 guns was tired at Wilmingto/W the 14th day of April, 1861, in-honor of the kliW fort Sumter, the commanding general dir/c s ti ® you cause a salute of 100 guns to be fired on the]® ol the pres- ir month, from rebel guns and with J ammunition in honor of the restoration of the J and stripes over the same fort.” 1 Gaft, A, C. Harvey, 15th Indiana batten! charged with the execution of the order and heJ consult with Lieutenant R, Williams, oepot J nance officer, as to the selection of guns andaiJ nition. E. LEWIS MOURE, Ito.vo'Q’l^ District of'AYilf.u.-gtCB Wilwingt. h. N.C., March 20th, lS65.lt GENERAL'' )itDERS. ) S ' - JW08 T&W O RDERS whieinmay be Ijft at WhitaWr’s Book store or the Druy spore of Mr, Willis, wi 1 be. Ill'll be I pj’Ohrpthy attended':U .; L. J ' ' * iew^- ntvl pupils For the Piano, Violin 'ccepted, . J. TEN EDD T. Davis wa '-Almonds, Pea Nuts, Filberts, Walnut: dine: Military Clothing, Coats, ■ amnesty. Dow far this request, Bros it ” ro.V' 11 he -grant£Al, we. can only JU' • he people of the norm, u*o-p?i. c vije ,u.ioha .-Riles or ■•’■.•, sons.sh^d by rebel hanch. ■■-■"yiA-'-'NA/r, a representative ' f , ofA' ■ people,. is already plc:. ^Aj-v-dDess of every enemy. Le\ ... . that peace may be restored—a peace ~'^-Nii,.^' Prof ro.-or of Music.' lULSj .Ou? . 'Ana ■swill «h ^IL:.. A; Si provjukox* ri'-tn r . • ■ ■ rod unusually in- • uruing* Full "details, with uh '' edncsdaj . board to \ ■rom. AG . u h u’/-r’'‘■visRod • 'i.-Bh x^ York c Ha^ae'e? apply • I- Omf>SPEED, Ag’t. f hi ci alp jspiila ■ The f th e life/t unate WlTH/Kx w - anhoo/ J ’ foa s : flattie lor rl ■ aipro Pantaloons, Vests, Ilats and Caps, Shirts.— Together with a general assortment of FANCY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, fe Sutlers and.citizens purchasing are request- ^ ^?AAV Tlinc our stock and prices, as we are arch 28.- . ‘ .... 38 MaTliet Street, No. iS. J No.sale or transfer of cotton, rosin or turps or of naval or.military stores, or of captura abandoned personal property of any ‘descriptk: ferred to in«thc various acts of Congress ands 1 of the War Department on these subjects, c carried into effect in this District, unless thei transaction is submitted to the District Comm and the Treasury Agent. Until the properac; Les ban m- advised of the recent legislation | '' --v $nd receive instructions under ti, nn orders room the repairon out 'commander, all transfers, removal, or transuctions of whatej scription m.-merni-ng said proportv. excepts are necessary'.to save it, are poririvel wlorl no matter what m-j. yy tiro -assumed air - Fought here from other parties. ■ Any person. •• ^ly put in/ 1 : jm’ the Du •: By pr/tc-M iM.bg this order will bei '•.•■..he t, ..or summarily Sifi,.HBlj sions, &c., at in March 18th, 180 on of the Milica toie, u here ma quality of U PriE undersigned b . 1.- robtlr on hand, Fresh Fish and OystersNervdav - '^fohearx pf this .■home Z ^~i-rrst begun .' " i efl . l V u tip a tin , Is attain openc -•an have, 1 usado J ■ ■./. Hawlo’ LEV IS t TORE. e. ;•;.. aro: A . ' ” ilmineon, N . C., March 29,18& 1 ,' General Order No. 7—The effiper of thcfy - i cers: cf the g.-uai-il, the provost guard, and di •ota, are heir .y directed to arrest and exam;! oro is of all enlistee men found on the street- Officers and citizens- measu^- stores, or private houses, either j night, and.if Zny by day ar- witaout t pass of their regimental o . (unic.^ they | shall Sy fount are on du: detachment coins or if any in :J ri ted.' Site was- -kind and, guild ro; y Pung tcpiries was her aim. May 1 ' w.y woo V-rungud Uie'L n.-iy o.-.hau ns-: ' ! toro riiem. Sleep gent’lv, d;k'l-j;in- ! ■ pugn number, . - . ■ the troasuros cT tfta taR7 1 F»“U. CELLING l iana. .Suitable out louses connected— : A ^e toe;,., st and man! (WEB i A .!>.•. 3 Foe stret-iA without written; I Quarters, they will be atois reittedto the provost p-uard house By order of Brevet Brig. Gen’R Jos. C. As; nE-and A. A.A. 'H ymr pappy childhood, the svmpa- c-cmi^ni'i n. f your youth remains to' u -m -iy. Now are thy troubles -n.L.,1 ; Mia? R. E. **** ' ■ ' y ' 'V U^ after ahor ’ '■ • .■ ' Cl; • t. :• V/A RI),'th.'—h|v son ho str-rnT n^.. when a.i arnunerL in the b 1 TOroro my STOre on Bron, TOftoI. I ro ! " TO GE o, kyj: BS, . ; ■ '''MTiE^j^mro:/ ^ro;^ ^pewR^ ®y^IMh rovery-^ani^^ lot of rv?YKn MeL A LAS T deceived on hand. auTTjiR: & ■FRENCH’ Thro, ^ H- MUNsdN A .^ omplete, fit is at ail times Gay springTi^ Come wf rirUrrfs and flor. \ - - r Ruty makes a >unq^ % bo ■ 1 - floats .. yvery br - V . "things whispeTs—God is tos A ’ i - .s- LSJhat beauteous bo- Andri the: 3 .• - ,-igel 1 sHka'd y&ARi-u^.s Post of Wilmisr j Wilmington, N. C., April 1 ; isa : Smith, lbth 1. :-. hifaniry, having been de: Major General Sherman to orwar ! .all detail by nging to his army, has established to . - l,i - -JP —•-.^mg of the Banff of Nut I 1 °Hm-«. tup sta-v's-.-' and all officers now at tail( belonging co eitiier ,-,f j., ‘j'-rps. of G^ral 'man’s Army, will report to ain *ith. Giatek-. j .Border of Brevet Brig, Gap. Jos. 0. Ac - F. F. U^TINGTON, - y^c’ .-. 4 months My D-p where ad loo pure for earth , . „ ’ WJIPMEMSX 'JITTER & FRENCH'- . F , ' A S SI L ®™ MMISHIWG GOODS. MAGAZINES' !A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT PERIODRUALS, , ILLUSTRATED PAPERS, And all iju? latest Papers, At (’UTTER * FRENCH’S/ gone to rtst. ay, thy w 11 be done: a ones'-weep, bill kiss tho-ynd. wel wa bin. lent, not given; til:;: it * as reclamed by heaven. IW,>«PISS x 1 ATM WASTED, / " - ior out dvov business klh ' • ^^o in business here in the city or lu y. - -,. n give satisfactory reference. Ad- April 11, 1865. II, at Herald Office. 37-2t* at ^ A just, r/toeivod by OUTTER Y roEAron. ! R ;t rubbek:.goo»s, OF'ALL KINDS, at ' ■CUTTER & FRENCH’S. ’ ’CUTTER & FRENCH’S! - - /TT^^ 8MIWG ■ KTVm num A ! ®Y GOODS, UW ASHY ATO NAviA.WS CUTTER & FRENCH. April 3—3t ♦ieut. & A. A. A. 1 Ilr.ADQ’; ; Depa-h i wi-m - - Admy o New-Berne-, V, (; General Or-he-a.^} Norton Carolis darch 15tb, 1865. 'from and after this date and until the 1st (December next, no disinterments of bodies' permitted in this Department. ' By command of Major General SCHOFIELD. . Official.:; J. A. Campbell, Assist, Ad’tf F. LEWIS - t.andA-A Abandoned Houses, Tenements Store Rooms. The duty of renting and leasing abandoned! ana More-Booms in Wil iugton and ieeeivii receipting for rents has been assigned to Major Grave's, one of the Assistants in this office. U also have the management of shipments of ear and abandoned Property and the contiol of ’atjiiiidone''I’ersonal Prope r t^ i 'i n .4.he line oil t tuce and other articles as may be found in this D.HEATOJ Try., . Sup’g Sp’l Ag’t TRas’y ^ Wiimington, N- C., April 7th, 1865. 2

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