..snSBSS . -.i . . . . f TJAln Tfc waa dalermmra toaia am iu- ' " - TWVmTrfcTVr I U tro that m number of P5Ple nertltbould take 'plat on Wednesday next at i iff. r-yyiaijii . f AT 4 11 J J ' 1UUA 1 TOG nECALD OF THE TOSIOX. APIUI T 1 l - v TSeALUJTELUCEMCEr Cto.. Wilmi.g". . re,u.-d 1 v .f Mr J.hiD. 'S J"1""1 v tut. r..towd to th. union. It u u b. . -vA .minr their wishes possibly do harm. left TO - ",r within. mg " ',"chd04, . riousl7 injured her: Ot geci kw - sjrtwR sa n. 5SSnU: C" J. b.w.prm had bow Mot. nd .tern ditnagcd." r TEiATEC-Jonathaa Bradford, or the Murde .:AKoad-,de inn, -g lt night to a ry gooa - He company. . The artistes all done wett. and the .pplau-e was frequent. This play u to be re peated ajain this evening, with the farce of the Bonnjctlea. The first piece has receded Z most mftii rehearsals, and will no doub g. off better than last night. We feel sure that mother full houBe awaits its second representa tion, as the cast is a splendid one, aid the plaj as all the embodiments of a good scenic drama. Of course every one Vill go. t Skw GooDS.-Cutter & French, the obliging Ctntlemen opposite our office, hare retired another lot of new goods, t. wh.ch they inrUe toe attention of thf pubUc, and particularly the ladies. Judging by the Urge number we see going there daily, thelad.es' department musVb. rery popu- lar Their adreitisemeni apper- - olumn, and we reeommend such of bur readers a. hare not yet paid them a visit to so immediately: Bterythiag in the way of ladies' dress good, may be found there. Adtwitisxmbjits. A glance atour new adver tisement, for the past few days will not be found ... TV -. -1 arlvjtrtlge aninteresting. Bailey, or me luxuries, withent number, including Icm; Uorrill adtertUes Soup, and to-day Mr. OMham Rice- If anything eod is to be found in the city, notice of it will b. found incur advertising olomns. n'- commanding PHLSOXAX. J1J. cu. ' .v. a rtnL f North Carolina, accompanied fcy Mi staff, amved in the city yesterday after- aoon. . i. i S10 ia7M . . xU .ndeadlV eramme, with the undersunmnginaiii ia9 j xT f TlhiirC toKf;AMyof efor chiefly to tUt of the funeral of General, ThePresidentsLast flOUK. theyt . ;. UU 1VyW , meat has disappeared LVV Ti?.0::? ft ha. not Tet been determined whether to day overhead waa bngM no ca, haTOhe remain, deposited in a vault here, or .3 ... tK tK md countenance. I naye ne rB , -t: Tn- ti Lt.v.i PEEliHQ IH 7ASnKGT0S, p rain. came uwi :r j , And thM vu do m1 m" v- renwaWpingjrthe , 0f the awasain. It looked aa if nature badjoin , .uwaMonw j,,. fondition of llr. Seward and Son. with the aiming of the nation. But toay fof M feeg 0 . tOUUIUUU Ul "a- M.nrehas put on a cheerful face The parka TM is . . financi.i effect of th inW of the White ttn cha.gTn th"admin ward's residence were dressed in bnlhant green, cnange ,n w I. folUge by iustfar . tS-l? government which wilUn present a cheerful and gay appearance, to SgrajBreCl.th finance. Brerytl ng wiU what a contrast with the sadness which reigns. Ja?Sr& with the .sine .ucces. wShn the above dwelling. wMctn" tntiSVaracterized Secretary Mc- t the eates of the walks and drives lead- wnicn na :.tti0n of the Snanoial tail Ollicat av. wn.. and no Dersond except upon official ou- aB rtr woUTlfrMf citizko. iness, oV thoie who have been sent to coydj", Alaree number ofprominent politicia.... menv with Vbereavrd family of " bersCoogres. and ex member, have reached ; gi.irate.are allowed to -secraU e spot or oe feTeai tionsi of the oountry .inc.; disturb the solemnity of the plate even by the, nere ion of ge pre(jidtnt. Anvng the .v- w.w Yrk Heralds! i sound of a footstep. . . fMr Seward's number are Preston King, benators juorgan. f Frm the New lera terMj i -tioned in front ox Mr. aewarq a;i """"f . . 4i q. nA N lfussrs. W. """f.!" hour, of o th. .m-nt or in Mr war d..trt .the IJeta w m0.t lh. AiTeirwnfP'r"6 "' j .T th(SDttblic oos. of the afflicted within. A toc....--. - . c mUtee on , Conduct ol in. t-i?SS io,,! Ld a happy hour listening to all the details, gular "en(ian MrTI0eg eTerY., the tW.OBf.Dii ty oi pv d feuw ivhlla at Jbreaifast he heard tbat Dpear - more p-- and soltmn. In m.ny I peen- w --- " f rtl.. occaaion. Hi- ; house, and sent wora wav n vwre " I?A;Ur.n old and vottne; to rise -o b v 'JV tuP B?7T:,u.rt:: :m;.tftlv in the reception places men, women nu coursc yesterday ana to-uay wistiea 7: ffm neaHy a w J wept as they Oer wept oexorr . , , wifW He seem, tleterm.nec to m. room. " n tu rPheiiion which condiuonof k-l""ww i Mr. Cederieiisew. Washington, April 16, leoo. Colonel B. S. Sakford . ' . . ; lincte i as well this .morning m the circum stances wUr permit. He regain his menuV ofand resolution. The surgeon speak, very He Foor urea, is sun r"-, . , v baa not opened his eyes since twelve o clock (Autui:, DICey SKCOND DSSPAVCH. 117 . . ... , -,t A rnl In 1Z W . n ..J ha inat returned from lneourgeun ucui ---- ,f the Secretly of State, and reports that Mr. Sew. has not been eVwell at any time nc k thrown out Qt the carnage as,u - day. CAC1T! ET ltXEETIlf O. Order from Wary Ieparttaent. The lVew President Position. room He conversed wun mm v "r", room, a- v . rebellion which about niS IUlur pu.iv b - he was about to Submit to the Cabinet. After ne was . 5th M iT-ie. min- nrarda he naa au mwci - T ITi "ster to Spain, and sereral Senator, and Rcpr.- senUtlves. nu:-.. nr1 fincral A t eleven- o'ciock me v-a-ui- Prtnt mlt with hire, and in one of the most fatUfactory and important , Cabinet meetings satistacwry au the futUre uoi- hid since nis ""&""' i i a icr of the administration waa , harmon.ou, ly and 1C?01::. .r.prf on. When it adjourned aSSa.. - h. f.H .tat the Bovero oeir:v j uan at anv nrevious. period ment waa -ru5c a- i - . 111 aami anAn since tae reDito iiuiuw-. , since mo iu T-.iiQTit hud a lone and In Hie atternouii M,uv , a pleasant interview with General Oglrsby, Sena P' ,7 . j l-oi;T,Wftifiiens of his State. Inrthenin? Mr, Colfax a W .gam hi. renuest and Mr. Asumun, ci .o-w-- --r, reqiies-, a HonTAntion in who presided over v-6- "-v.-- f . . 1860 was present. To them he spoke of his ifsii to Richmond and when ey stated that !u . nnpaainess at the No.tb while he wn'SrrtSl capital for fear that sqene tamght shoot him, he replied jocularly Ihat he would have been alarmed himself if fv other person had been President and gone any " t . . . rti r..i nv danger what -there, dui wuui uo . lucio, w ,,o, nf business with ver uenversine on a w,v . - r . . 6Ter. , t. a - i-Ptnark that he saw ir a .nm in ue liiifjuva o ni r. xaauM-""! .dea remark that he saw nditio of Secretary Seward had .m-- Mr. Ashmun was surprised at, and Imeaia,e y, - g.nce ffiorning nd hopes were enter.aiu. with his well known k ndnea i of heart, said U wooyery...Eii;,HKBAU.l o tne emergency course yesterday ana io-uaj s; ;f": best wishes. He seems determined to mamfMtj that he is equal to tne proper & duties oT Chie Magistrate of the NaUon ; The Commfttei- on the Conduct erthe of which Presitlent Johnson was -m member, had . an interview with hxm to-day. Tnet were accprnfari-d by H : Johu , Co eT iffbr. chapman- The latter apptara to be highiv gratined with the resuu ol turn i-; . 6 tt Pridnt remarked tnat "treason is a crinie that hencelorth is to be nUMished, not pardoned." - OBPER TH KAW DEPARTMKST The Secretary of the Navy has issued tbe. following general order : 1 Sf Navt Department, ) I Washinqton. Ann! ID, 18-j ) 'w ... .nnn.inpi with nrofound sorrow to the oAic-rs and men of the navy and " . i j AJirnlum Lincoln. marine, corps me ut-avu - 1 I late Fresiaeni oi iuv vma r s..,rd i. some- down by the h.nd of an th e;l; I "?3r.h .r;M arroDwilling to of the 14th iMt., when .urrouieu pj .. -v , -;r":s-T -i ........ .H. has Undlriends. He lingered ' "'" ""., "i. prom.f. anj ne v. .. T s ctiTjK the fa.M hnl et,.nd?,a.Seven r.";!0. rnr:bout hrtu is t 4irw. .a iw-w-. .. -"mne eou. :;-;.,ftM.tir,iv with too rnucn A gwwmi ,.::"" r..u. to restore cw tsw""; -y v- fij," in the patriot ana sxairsimiu, fc x r..., T.r.Klucinff congestion hdenee to. uie p ny- A-- ar.,;,in th iiiiiii v aua aua v bww n mm i AMaa:sin . MiimiiiiaLi vi v a-i.v,--- .t vf - u, niarfncaSerTftrd, ffhow wise auu " -i .;r 3,, stated : nation was Just "YJa uxM'J.korTv Seward had im- Wlionisw,.. ; " l.hmnn. I did You did not unaerswu , """--7,. , . nt ffi.an what you. inferred, d I w,U take U back and apologue for it U ,ler,r u' care Hr- Aahmon acard to admit h.mself and . t ..minir to converse iur- ther about it. You e JSra Mrriancol7'and m. U, the theatre fhofe." But Mr. Colfax had other eng.ge X expectine to le ,b "Hetb'.. .aid to Mr. Colfax:-" Mr Sumner bV Iherat "BWi-Suto I"- whioh. he got at Kicn o . fc t . u r v v.irs. naa am citu .-, when the terriDie caiawmj i .7 rrv. To him ar gratitude wa jusllv I to him, under God, mortfthan any other perso- ttftt miiHnieu iui v . tit the free. a : av.w haa offered to surrender his com TifTheim. term, are aeeorded to bi a- p.benW. comes " , t t k-mV It lit not known wnetn J . r x?.-nriifiO. r ima rjV the InteresU of society re-5E3S2iSi- bim andhU iniaLu. band 01 mjuw.j-- saranT Secretir, Seward Mw.dthi, -"f STto'oi d of imnrovemtnt. U. conrersed frrtly- I of the inMgr.17 ri.,vic. KWw( "eJKJT. -d. Ui. -"in. . . i.im At Mr. JSewara a re i i". w: ..niwt for the Bide taiung ,W1 .-- . l m-.n'iest-tuoa i Dt'vw- . quit the &unt. of fhe tragic affair in th. wiU as m i .potion and tima- morning paper- were read to him. J ?Uc services of the late President, nd as . . arsassiNATIOX 8AV1S BH U". be pUO.XC Ber nluruilV whlC 8lcu "".r." It tof moan tS -wr "JW"'-.T A had been- since hu tan irom( - nrTt.,eni fu t r directs imi up Kia-Jinp. of his wounds was sn p i ll5 nrdr tne mo- to hL The bood h.d been gather- r,' t.tio.,. : Richmond, to baud to n. Twt hi. face, and: the. daj that he w. mr. . tT f i.err t..1 -in th.u rtarvof War; boti innsiea uic.. d the phyaiciana haa comiawo. i mm.n fisted at Uu mm, fuu rU7. ?! von tell him for me to hand -taPDea P ucme hi check to re- several comm. r.se J betrinnioc at ?t 'Mr Mm-n alluded to the f", &(wbo wa. aa to eo to the theatre, n waa, u - h Uen cooaideranie muunuw-- !??-P5.iheT intended to start, and they L ?aat orher members of the family ,icr . -ir on unn- iGn2-r : ior & - . . ...,,.- s-ward. spoke about wau 7, - fti (3eneral were wounoeu f :?ThT v. .HV the Freaiaeni Trd not wiilr tLt oldest son W-nlt v. This Gwn,l L.rteTas they had both been cuua sever. of 3 W llll BJW v-r- r W jfc h TVa m BWMi advertised to be there . unhe P and said Un nas thn Deople in tne mimas hr f. T Ar1 von this tnem, . wv x j Secretary of th Navy. a.lS W ' MSKMSS Of COKGRtM WA7 - linu aaa v.. r . . oa j vjl nd er-reoreseotative 5.naior r own - , . . iM .f.Iilino... have bsued a nonce request f r Iu. ha. heea in some ox wio u j . - . ft thi Senate snl House 01 " Seled.nm II. JftICl VYashi. on tonxeet r . o j. . nnhew of Vie See rf 1 . K t tn-morrow. rro. . rirar tax. a UW. a.4.b.r -iU a, Frti'tW. .uer Uk. t I.U.r.. aad w.-a, .111 a Pray tell what river this can be, litf th as aafoldthemutery.- rt c ciiriAnv rmraKSIOS. O etreet, oeiweeax yr cl WHmiagton, ten rim ana -!. W. FOS KB, Agent in Charge. IV.. Anril 17. 1664a . .. ph you at banx ran. . t w. wltn-Doku gr!;- .Q- neT to retttJI4 and leit xneiy . . a jnnr State. Ue met the assaaxn adinin was then fel ed to tte noor uy t0 tered with navy pxsto bft ehambers break the px.tol W:ifiip0itd of, the fr.m tne Darrei. rrrur.- j attJielteij ,be dastard went nto the Jvte goldi8r 1011 a tti Tr.C.rTlKAfJI MXT be foaad at all times at B aIAHT f ilea farnlshed atreatoaablorat "-. ill .IVUj.. - Washington Uu "-"d fifty oficers. wounttea,cmv-- rHA.CTS. S m fomlinson, said to be a A man named 0. M. Tono , aergyman. was if Mr. John- amiStion, fPt jliola he will m yJb same pion meet the same xate. ouc - charac among certain classes that arrests of thxscnarac- ter seem to bec6me v' tDVio sscaxTAax sswAan's coapzoM r5S3h? a Secretary Seward's, condiUon J ara to be improving. He eat ,np . short um JoLda That el his son leuenaa - uecticut amved at daatard went . nto Jg&fa nd soldier with four hundred Secretary. TJe inal,,. pons injured. Zd and fiay officers. I nurses were the only 7 . gj,. cosDiTiof i'rr mrninir i crit rredericlc bew- . , nnietW aUenine, ical nditxonjy; naclou. of lavin? tike. ".,:.." tt; ani;nn r " oinr on arouna niw. . , what wf ?UL r thm mosthonefnl W$r hi. rOT.rr ; it is neceaaarjr order to atve nis sysiea nwc w ! . . h.M iaiv it tne A Cabinet mo'ng w,. iw mra nf Mr. IXCUUIUHJO, " uw . . s& Jr-denia"-" - 1 room cf Mr.. couiucn, i 'TZZL -k- .TSJo" Vth. &nace to-morroj wLh aview so r : f t .kv In relation to toe xunerai cenuivB. v. - late President ut the uni'eu a3iic. MtX LXJICOI.N RKKAINi a.." . - thoai who ar As yet lew viiwr, w-v y, .n- ., known to sympathiie deeply in the fazrulj at 5r.r" kL d Emitted ta the executive. I4hU hoiref deep - affliction. maueion. l.v-Oene ; Mrs. L,i n coin naa " t - r, f , , i t n V, Tood and her two sons, Robert and Ka been Witn uer ' , , . S"Uive any visiiaof condolence and l!L coaaented to see only Secreary Stanton, uf Jhl CX wbo had si interview with b.r to ascertain her w shes inrerJ S'uaVfS ceremoiuea.. Uer sister r Mr,. im.l.y, who has been nclhwilh htr. is x . Ttected to arrive he.T oa- Tuesday, next. K.fhas been. rnoc. rroraiedby this d,; jlidmourniul tragedy, wbien, oayn e greatest trmmplH hw beft ber f h Sh57greatnesd and goo aWiS was Ut grea AaaX2,