; r THE HERALD OF THE ETIO.T. 3 WJLMKiCTOX. . . t. I APRIX J5. RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: f e?r...l:l. $ 30 sr.Maii r Carrier one yeek-.r-.: , -5 rjAnniEDil lleVdJ. f ' . mmmw v -F ia;j or carrier, wre ajontlia......;.. 5 6 00 Ts Ife.vfdcalr.v--. ; j . Per rack-109 eop.ef,....-:....... c hoiVj.u order for ppers must be handed in on f, eentoff previous to. publication, and accow laried br the cub. -., ' RATES OF ADVERTISING: One Square, each And rer injertion....;;. 1 00 platan, each and every in-rtlan. . 8 00 Vne Column, each and every iiijertion......... 15 00 speeiaL xwt.cea. win be charged at the rate of twenty-five cent per lino, eaeh insertion. A discount of 2$ per cent, from these rates will he made forr advertisemepta inserted one month or cnger. . , - . PfXo advertisements "till forbidden" will be received. ' All orders far paper or advertising muit be ac . or.mpamed with the cab-. " .. . ' r Job Wort done with neatness and dumitcfi ' nA ! . j . . uioarrue rate. PKEilDKST JOHSSpX. T8 chnS(rof administration at such, a critical rencd as the present, must necessarily, give rise t- great anxiety in relation to the new President, ami the policy which he is to pursue. There'H'iU te the painful uncertainty which is felt when a n;!cr whOJio character and abilities havo been fully tcd, and whose "adoption tried," is exchanged '-r one who has yet to be subjected to the ordeal ; "hen a policy known, .understood, and approved, is changed for a n-w and untried one. .. Nolc at all acquainted with the past career of Mr- Johnson ws deny that he possesses more th ' T uynRYi.or this city. - I Willi lan committpcd for mutual protection, aud not merely to shoot down like dogs these brutal despera.-loes- tuvu ukj are caught, but tp arrest everj suspi. cious character loafing about public houses, aad eTery gang lounging about steamboat landings In the case of those who are caught in anv PiiPrnin operaH,ns. trial by jury would be an absurdly slow process. The verdict of Judge Lynch is tha only- one appropriate on such- nrMinno T. rdiaary ability. Bat the talents which " marl r?Pe and a sliort shrift." Combined actirfn and their princrjpal ciroBghbldstdef the disorihi .tion of their armies, the war, tnilead of ending, would " degeccrite into an .irregular contest fn which paasioti will have more to dorthan purposetl .They threaten, sometimes ia plain language, acme- " w J j'"vi4u, A (ill U1C UIOUIll&lQH, theoresta, or the cye9. whence, like liUh.!.. ditU, theT mar tnk Dradatorv excursions unan the adjacent country, or even, upon distant points. Ti y expect to separate intonnmi. rninihu no organization, real or supposed, but aa inde peodeat inlaws, to.raid upon peaceable fellow- Citizens... Somo ulk of resuming their occupatida as planter, and of unitiag. periodically; in dig guise, for the robbery and assassination of those uuwn senuments are -weU nnderstood.4 Those already -einrared in this .n1nnjV;nr j murdering business, having no , other 0Qrce4f livelihood, cxi-ect to find in , its coaUnuance fa prontaole vocation. Of eoun if t -x they can no -longer plead connection withde funct organization, or hope1 to have the centence of justice miUgated by the exhibition of commis sions m the rrtel army. Tne signature of 'Jeffer son Uavis can no longer be offered in cxtenuatiqn of marauding, of arson, of the seizure o vessels, and other piratical irregularities. i tu new or tii e livelihood of o j.r (Til .rrJIn . . . bv.w.tU nanare ior some tira tnnma ; v, J erus. question for the government to determine uuir aucn lawlessness is to be repressed. The re cent raiding into our southern counties, attended with the murder and robbery of 6ur citizens; Dnngs this. very, important, consideration to our own doors. Jn cases where tne local police is in adequate to emergencies of this character, and jt may be . mconvanjent or impracticable rlrthe -- b wMUivma iu uairui esienaeu i ntHro rnAfu. Vw' JlT nu1"' . express regions of countrv vith nrml w-.-I "mcp repectruUyAska a continnan-c of Datmn. ur - " ; - '..vve, to vvetier. xarmtnre neatly rn ir -n - i. I7 "" io organize themselves into vigilance Uim will be executed wffh A ,nt7h n ir -.V to committees for mutual riratPrtiAn 1 14tin,, . cu. t1? .dl.spateh. He still con- SPECIAL riOITjiCgfr peraoBhohd TO-PAVSAP VERT1SEM PHT a,. - uc V r a r - i Jr I) J rT m Ant ten. The Traatar ,a,t: j- Mnwn . fciTe ; Stage Manager, rMrJOHN1 DAVIS: IS91?5 !-ti. bjecka tJtt0A7ETeni0? ApriI wiJI U Presented - Section 35 of Ihc Trewarr 5' the great drama of . . v VCM .Jm-1-",-i j--. ""'fiUM JONATILiX BRADFORD - -v ll-'- - " ' eonfijct trith the same nmt be eon?4crM w To conclude with the laughable Farce of i D. UFATOS, SupcSp'l Ae't Tia h !' THE TWO 'alOMTCOTto. - Wfetd.Aph.i JrfmMHJ) Circle, SlOOs Parr.i-' Abdlldoili. ITonip JPZ cenw; Uentre Gallery, $1 00. .,-,, . - : wr"cu aad .T-Doors open at 7. Curtain rilet7K o'clock. t. StoraKboma. , . i r. The cuty of rentinjrand leasiBgbandnH !! ESH brought, in t!irr h.t.j, ..ji rcceting tor rent, has been. H&gne to Major f T?RESU bronrht. ' " , ; Family Flour in bags,' Corn Meal and Hominy, 1 Wheat bran and Kice down for Cows. v ; rr"p WTICE. j. m me rear of Adams' Fxn tinues to crrr on th ITn AT".:-.. COD- tofore. and rr.nT. MU?lueBS s aere- 47-2t of ' Kear of Adams' Express Office. , c'v,it c Jo discharge with honor to himself th uucs , of Oovernor of a state. orof a legislator -re not always adequate qualifications fcj. f urli an office as that of President of the trnited :a:cs. WeL ave, examples in pur history of some voo wave sl.one in these lower spheres, but have uledhen transferred to this higher one; The .co h.-is shipwrecked more than one political -'Potation. ' ' " ' Tho diflicuMiei of Uiepost, so great in. times, of -anquility, aro; uicrcased n hundred fold now.1 There 5? been no more important period since Ii tcrmat.on of our government. TJic priciples. Copied and the policy pursued by the incDming iroi.ii,tration will determine the history of our untry lor gcemtions to come. ' There seems to, be no ond .to the. ptrplexing po- tical and social questions occasioned by' thenar, :d demandicg speedy adjustment,-."questions zoe decision will not be of local and temporarv fiiiuencc.- but' will reach the vjtalsV our zevcrmaent. H iU require the rarest combina ti'in of political sagacity, moderation,- prudence 'ibeiality and firmness to Uealpropcrly with 'them' Speculation will be busy with the question what will Mr. Johnson do ? He has given-very few in- ..wuue us 10 nis luture policy. In hi VlCTOrOUS determinalinn nmnnn .L . vvLvuiuuity io make-the most summary disposal of tho perpe trators of these outrages will eventually rid t hie country of their presence and their villainy It will not answer the" purposes f a great nation to. have the road to final. and complete pacification blocked by such infamous sco.dudrels. j - , . Baltimore 'Jmitrican.'' SOUP SflFP OF different es , served up daily from 12 M. to 3 P. FaaU, can be supplied at vxwvia uLua R SALOON . r 45-6t FOR SATR T Y DWELMXG HOUSE, aitaat. Pinnif o.l F k 1 ,n . " -j- . . uciv eireew. with Fnrt.;, fsujtable out Hnaoa - - - -v-. t use, Stables and wZttlUH-rrg 1VT lano. flo of 22 lm m7 t0rC n Fr0lit Str6et A Htqtintiiig Cltj . The spoutaniety -of fcclim- whiI, ,rr,r,!T tho citizens of the metropolis to 'clothe the2r Mcm6,auu Moros vvitn tne Dabjliuients af woe on Saturday, upon the announcement of or the death of the late President, was sotne thmg unexampled. It was a-! net nf to the memory of the dead wholly' unbidden by the public authorities, and not preconcerted by any class nr body of the people. Striking a8 was the snccfacle on that div itwv nntiiin r that presented yesterday when people-bad more leisure to display -the mournful decorations Aimost every -house in tho city not alone in Clio principal tharoughfa but in tlie remoi test streets, was .ipuropriately festooned with uraneries of whitp miA .i ! eniblems ot sorrow for the great calamity which' the country has sustained in the sudden demise of it chief ruler. j In all the churches yesterday the usual festii u; easier as5umed ji fnh m For patieatars. GEO.MTEfes. 38 Market Street, W 1 1 M I ,T 6 T 0 IV , Ji c . Oil L . . - . ; . v. va&Tu one oi tne Auutaots in. this office. Ile w also $ave tke maiiagemtnt of fhipraenta.of eaptared Bf .B:1irtJ' 4. th coat. ol of wca abinjone rsonal Property in the lia o yur. tare and other articles as may La found ia tlxi U pap'pJVllpr'tTreaa-r D, Wfmuifftpn, N-.C.,-April7tht , . 4 II-Kin QoAfttBna District p Wim, soTo T ! - Wi m inert, in f 1 -,;t 11. v 1 .... . Unt superintendent e freedmen for thB .dUriet TVUinjrton; witVhave. the 'general upcr;ot the cblored popBalfon of the district, cistributlcc themjapon unoccupied lands, sapplring tbeCotitit with xar ions and clothing andrfarming impleni and endeavoring tocaase all to lead induitrioad tii orderly lives. . . ,, ) . i Mr; Ashley it also appointed snoeHr-rf , colorjpd schools. f Airperscns coming to tho cittttttT to prpach, teach or in any way labor for thi ciui will report to hitn.: All ippplie of boon ,r-clbth- 'lD,sr other ar teles in tend od for the colore.! rfu pie will be reported to him. ' If poLible the SreCt direcjtions of "donors will be reffected, but to sicuu the foil benefit of benovdntfioTt'it "is'indhp. vie ibi some system be observed. ' ' t - I hp Miller Holmes, Hill and Tavl or-plantation, onthe Cape Fear river; near fortrAndefsdn, ar? !ft apar for tuft use of fretaea. and the'destituie a ;i refugee colored people. ! i' iByfcrder ptBrig. Gcn. JR.HAWLaT : j K. LtiWIS MOOliK;V,apt. 4 1. . ;. : 1 Hkjd Qcaeters DisTRicroF vTiiiij;., , i- W dtan-ton f.u.f ,v ch-lTtii, 1SCC. ' trElVEttAL OffDEES, V . u .... .. " j No. 5.; v. -J - 'V3.vi ' .. AND v I aspect. I he erraons. of the Dastors an'tl,,, 113 inaUfrii- r -.tu .r; i - ".av-n rlhe simrly deelarp .Um,..'.. . . U --w ' prevails; everVwhereN ' - nis aci-t xoucning auusicns were made' br tho JflTpii i x i fooi-u' nc ine hearts bf the congregations were "air infused 'runistration must be Irft ai, -La. admimstration progresses; the 'only .assurance wLich he gives a to -his future is his course in -.c past. jt would have been .gratifying to the i.-Hion to nave heard from him in that address the -x-iaration that he would puiue, the policy 'of the aiBraiioa. of President Lincoln. :. This declaration he . is reported to have '.made at 'ubinetmcetin-held after the inauguration. The tact that he retains the old cabinet is another in. !;ation of his views and purposes. On one point he will no doubt differ from th 'ynnnt; and that is. in his treatment of the leaders iu hiar against t he ."union' nn this subject he haseclarxd himself frequently and explicitly. . n hi address on the Srd lost in U'a.hington, he say. : I amia favor of- ,f . OT bnt ia my opinion evil iCcr3J shouId'-be punished. Treason is the highest kaWa in the catalogue of crimes, and for him tk & uilly ( it, &c, I would say death is tea easy aVuniBa. ment. My notion- is that treason must hk&l odious, that traitors, zaast be punished andV, p.rrerislved, their social "power broken, and tSv1 most be made 'to feeHhe pewltcheir crimeg? ien, yeu ask rae what I would do, my reply is I woald arrest them; I would try them ; I would convict thexn ; 1 would hang. toem,i&e,, &c. These have been his nmfarm declaraUons from the .ommencemect the : atrnggl , He said to tav. repeated them since he entered npoa hi. oSc? 'President. vOar readers iwiU find in naoUicr column an expwaioaof hisyiewa on the 4......Uy U9 pUranra lowaros the seceded sta'cs. He, wiU endcaTor to conciliate the masse, and restore thorn to their proper relation to the .union, cat will not re.ognUe or have anrcommn rucation w;th tho.e who have official reUtioa to the conicueraey. or acknowledge IU - . This i .Irtnf 71 .'' " 1 - " . . woeen oisclosedas to c au purpose or tke new adminigtraUon.1 uorco: u we ehau learn aa the oecasioM fbr Ze: i ion present themaelyee. f y . , . . 0 preacners to . u terrible event 'Mli' ,0J F u..Ki iu- wiioie nauop tnto monrninn- Th virtues of Mr. Lincoln : wcr..beamifblyipari. atfd upon, and the manner" of hi a .ifw. cribed in language , that drew tears alike froni fie sternest, aud most sensitive auditors. H may Ob inwy sma or Abraham Lincoln that the v or s of the gjeat dramatist" the evil whicH u.u uo mes aiter tqem nd no siificatiort in his death; for whatever pf weakness or error uumno naiurc encaiied upon him, as upon all uieuia lofgouen.- ine good is not to be " ini lerrea wun nrs Dones." i The nmr,w rtf genial iuVture,h'ii honest ; 'purpose, his ever earl ues ueire oo unto otters .nae would be done unto by them, ia a ublimA- P.h&m- spirit of charity and fbrgivenesS, w.11 remain with this people- until the last record of their national existence is efiaced.raW. : 1 r The-e can Wno better evidence of lihVLfA estimation lnwhich President Lincoln's characi ter.hasbeen hold abroid than the . manner in which thoiiews 'of his 'assassinating K,. received in the' British"rrovinee .UIui encouragexaan) which the rebel raiders ' met vvith Irom a'portion'of-the CAna'dian -"--- -'"t : "wuiue very, eene'-ni t hi airaiiik irl" v ,r1;rT"J iarth and snationCp V CJ -Wyf e demon Is again opened. . Officer and citizens can have iade ta measure -r32?,;Ja' IN Ih4lie latest style ahd superior PAOTS a i ner. man-" ur CUTTER IS OEX'CEIXKI). . A .Vf ;, hani3?0,,ie lot Of 8CPBBB Mel- toaand tla?nel suits adapted to the sea son, on hand. ' , . " ;V " H. h: Mxjysoy & co. Topy Friendsjn Wilmington :and Tlirbuffhout t h v sfftA H AVilnnecte myself with - ; SHAPER, ;WH ITPORTl A rn i MERCHANT TAILORS, r ' Wholefiale and detail Clothiers, Xt eiH ao inevitable aUitary;necessity to r .tuii..u meetjUie expenditures calie xt for in a ministerinp: the . civil alirs of ;hft Dutrict a.:! CitX4 theuollowing taxes. ire hefefer;'let ied . Tp6a all goods wars and taechaBii'J hVoxi into the District5 on and ' after Jifarch 1st; one -hdf or one per cent, to be laid -aecordinV to' tip rwcrrt invoijees exhibited tu the- Lopal' Special -kgect f the lVeasury Departmenta to whom'it will be pud II. -j Supply stores, authorized byf tho Treasmt Department, haying authority to. sell , $3,C0O mo!5i'.. PJ$3 per month; those o hava aa- thorny to sell over tte aboye-nifeatictted axoaat will py S5 per month. .: IIL : All traders aad jrrOcers ,not acthoriil to import will payone dollar per. toonU fsr t uir pr. mits. IV, Billiavd table's and TtowUnUlarA. dollars for each' table and each aUey per montt. ' l CTt8 Orays, ; fifty eWts per ni'oath. Thd taxes levied by the second, third, fourth anJ fifth Sections will be collected by and paid to Li a . h A' Pt Randlett, Prov. Marshal pf tTVilminrtoa tE ll9JiE Capt- i.nd A. A. Ocn'l. 1 W AD Q' -Spl"' MOT 0 WlLM0T05, oa'v ;-c'' 20,h' i66S- ofjnaval or military scores; or of captured or ioa, re- abandoned personal property of any descriot firfii . !n T. a . " "4iwua CM otf UonffMM and order. f. 1 . luf ! ar wepartnn carried into effect in,, this Diitrirt!-.r Vv- -w. XT " O.-a-I - X" Jf -.r.P' ice loss which a. a.. ' We have frequently .been told by the rebel leader, througthe colnmaa of thRichmeai prew, tht iawa of tht lossjof thiif cipiut iSd he cause cf orderTiV"4 lue loss. w?ch .-tK ?i?i.-a.:ClL8994- government had always regarded a eminffiM1 intention A-': ' P-i;-if7. ?Pght , m his intentions. which had the? atrociona raUfa,.ua.neT itself , with flags iff token of its jo, ftS was compeUed instantly by the ties.to lower them. In MontreaVT1100 St. Joh th r f Nto and . , ww.aM vi uuitvr, is. ueSCTJ. t j intense, and the eridehsesbf iho.-5S?-'f "T. , U1K.C(' I a f Htbe f aWectf, caabc " . avrwu-icw unlet lhn hl tranaacUon Is submitted: the DisiW C,nA and the Treasury Agent. Until the proper authori ties can be advised f Ka Shall he uleased to.ee tnrSV al manship. I " ? lilf ATI epartwt ' omm,nder.lI ailei. senption concerning said propertr. exwotwch I l?15r..tA:f toT r5wn iMy ; oe thoisuiniid; authority brought hereromjotherparev!.. ",4 Pielating this order will be. imrnad ately pat in cidlconfinemant' or suotntrilr eieated h BT 0'iof Brig.Oen . Hawley : V 33 1 Broadway,; N. Y; The firm of . .'. . . . ' : ; ' 4; -Scott BAatiiliviiv, 'Siii .-V'i"4:. (405 Broadway Y V iv : globe SAtnnr ' Front; Streety fpHE Proprietor of f the-above tabi&hment hi 1 lve to inform his' former patrons JndAP Tn fli rJ,!11 PntertV nd MechanlcV Tools not nW aetsallv naeVr - . ww.uc Luc aiiaf nm nk A i . r tne oreezo and pledges himse T that luthing aaall bi a ran q'as Disraicr or witsf ixoroir, 4 Wilmington, N. C., M rch 21st, ; 1585. f . ... .. - . " .i -r ' otice is hereby giren, tnat ail Joiners and Car- 4tf gte expreeion to the svmnathv ;). ottx losa through) the medium of a trahlln fi: ms,t5onToked by the Jiyer- These evid n ed et'tne apnreciation in WhiVK if, 'i-,-a..i ExesuUve was held will ro far ftn-vif k ce8 For 'resentment that mav m Ja a.stixut the poploj cfthe: proricks.J2iyad. th?S hPaptomake Hthe favorite'reaort af CP- Blackman, Assistant Qnartarniaster jart bly afford. A; caU ia respectfolli sollrft -All , Axes abers thenuaber abwlctely aecear AprH 17th,1jS&B PjttL, pforp hohold purposes, mast also be horned ia. v ? wooq neeosnie was onng oois, will had imme diate employment, i Jteceipta will be given for prep, erty taken. . i V; ZiP:. ' Bewards will be paid for Inform Uoa as te where Tools can be fomtL"'- V,.; j '.' v;jf: -Byotderbf Brig.?en.aaAwxetv? . . ;. Aisrn , . , j " 51 Apra 29th; " n this orauB: ! ' i -' v- "