V . THE HERALD OF THE tI03 TflLMIN GTOX i .: t 3 . . a h a r i a 4- - tnmi1 them intn th tv.T.rn f the mtn1v.Tr or-U sheeted out to twatj-oae degree?; the prismtU i Front St.- Near IVTaTlr at ! Wantriffht .h with T'thd Wlf .mjjJ V11. PV-, .Cclf XVXdrKei, V D O . " I , . ' , .. :t 1 - 1 ' L. AMVr Oa.An.1 CM. rl 1T ? U -"- ' ' - , ' .'' S, .1 - 1 iiik a ui ill .a uitA - arriuru - in: unvifni iiiit vmrvn . - in. t i . . t. a r - v - ; " . r T . I T . I ' "uoiesa.e oa ieran iJeaier in : ' ' .... i im. ouc ui uuuiucr cduiu' nu. linn eTAiiinti- i -v- - "- - MOIL THE ' VIBGOIA ' l ALLEY, ing, "Hark ! hark I sacb a display ! rlint ' FLOtJR BUTTER OHFVQP 11 . . - :m 5! s r if warfare was coin- on anion the rautm ,r.lsVVl, i011M, tttA panied thisArpridous display. -r'All wu silence I Vvf f; 4 Air ' 0' i After wc had a-ain d-sceiided into -6nr cabin. 1 ARM 1 , NAVY & SUTLER GOODS, us that tbo cantain said tof me iWcll ? durin the last eleren years I have spent mostly in these northern regions I hare'never seen .an-" Y W i l v The President's V Assassination Amons ine ?aolaiers Xbe TIcu Counselled to Calmness. 1 IMEll DP TnR 'llffiflllU j A OAILY 3TEWSPAPER; I Will be printed every morain,' fSaadyB : tji i ': " ' ' t i , Ji'A-"r --A- 'ti;.,.- cepted) at the '., v:;!; , . The Paro; "' JTIcii df Xee's Army Arririnr at Their Horn, - thin? of tflft nurora ft "innrnQfi Vi olnviniia i-i I id display just witnessed.; And, to tll yob the truth, friend II all sT rfn not r-iri wi tlA like eTerJ3gain.l-3Life with th'e Tsnuimaur.j ! TVicirBSTKK. Ta , April 15, 1S65.( HfE Or THB8A8Siy.TK , AMONO J-flE troops or THX TALLEF. Th ftad news of rhc' cssassinatjon of Presi- 1 L J f r T-r . ru. l.ircoin rrcneu i'xsyor weuerat xiancocK ir.T ui morning, ine intelligence spread -.nf Mc jimnnf? the troona of the command a rw! , u - a 7 1 1 O - www :i cenjctc.i aseii cn ine countenances of the ,-fT ' troon. Th rerrimentAl culnr f ',. tr-K.M ir ere forthwith drate in moi r.iinc . . w . ' r - f - , 0- - L . A I - f I I .1 . ihv Leaaquantra uuu s were juneuana arapea, ' AJ X A. I j - - V 1 zrvoa uag put t uaiimasr, ana aii anus 11..! . ..f V,r . . 1.1 .. . iC'l ousiucsa i4iu(j tujcjiucu, except -.jitrertsining' to the indespensable camp du- THE SOLDIERS COCVSELLEO TO . CALMXESE. The officers of the trors eouncelh-d the :jp t-i calmness, and not to permit their feel- j.r.i to -iv iorce' O acts atramst the reb; s ktit wvui J detract from the high character of I'jjcr'rau soldiers," but to leave justice to be kic im out ov tnose rji withoat del: , zo t l a.jvi -e liad a rood effect.- nutwith- ' ; An Authentic Anecdote. I h, uut to leave justice to be lose in high "..authority,, -vrho,. lay bring the girlty 'tojustice' :udi: ' the tcrrcts of Our fall-int irnnn at trariu.il aetn or oar beloved CJuief Alaffis- ... . r :m tx.j ' raw: aa iuniujjr wcpicicu on evPry COunte- at rrrfxr or the kvekt ox the iiECEKTLr an yOL''CE?D OLicr. "I: i? imfortunat f.-r the Rebel portion of the ..habitants of th is section that the untoward ni hi occurred at a time when fieriem! iinr o-k was doinjj ull in his power, by a con-..2t-?ry policy, cagn n mous andbrave, to in jtln j e p!e ta return to-fbeailegiance ' i ' '-'OV tLf- Itlt'SSin-' Jin-! Jfc klO 'nf nnunn fj -.- o . r - pv-m-t, 1 ..u li, to tht ir uvrn acts for th past. four y tars ! .7 narc iwen uoprivea ot. .Many ofthfse no have heretofore professed rebel sentiments i: tii"! induleaee of the public until the as- L-Mtiution 13 tully invest jjrated, when thev Throve, that the fiendish act was not ' :omptod by tlie' rebel frovernment. but nm i .l.ttM by paitJ.es Iaboni;ff under a hallueina 7 n r lOMlly insane ' It is charitable, thrfi- re. to ir.ako this request public and await the r..';ct in the premises. OiFlCEKS AXD TUEIE COMMANDS OFFERIXG T3 SCRftENDER.- Hag of ftrutc was receiYd n't our pick iiues on the Kernstown. road; this morning 01 Colonel O Farrell. rommandincr thn trenne . . r vvvljj l-apnsu.s uentfa! Imboden's late commaa.f. 1 j force consists of two reciments;- It is un- sto-3d that he stated that if h is tr'nnnc warn portion f the s5 surrendered by General ' Lee, - sus ready to frurrender his commaml nn tKh ras agreed upon by his siiperi ;r officer, llis nmand is incamped in the upper valley. -Jin wn-sts TO CQMPtT WITH SURREX DtR, AND IIIS TRQ3PR DKSF HT 11 r f " Major General Kcsier (.rebel), who was in the ivjwiuiiiuu wncn ae riceivea tr.e news Lee's surrender, informed his'tro.ps that he aijjoot comply with the terms, but should Cutely fight to the bitter end. lie sub?e- penjy staitsd for Lynchburr to assist in the pace cf that place, but had not pruceeded nuuj.13 ueserceu nim e masse ana tarned to their homes. Ro;aer. finHinhim: it in a d lemma, snhaenncntlv atari erf fnr TtK I 1 . . ' T J . V- v. r.o u juiii ciunnscun s army. . IIPABOXD MIS fir i.KK'8 AMfT ILSIinT lit. -VlanV Of tha namlarl man T t-,z I "iwi vr , utt a Or iar r us 'tde in the valley re-jch'd Staunton a day or ri.. miu were vcmn,1m rr than. it hn0 frf, riever again to take up arms againtt the t- sc.iiuieui 01 me country. -.' . .Jfc UJEFKEDATTnUa -w mrtnltTT . o The rebel guerilla bands; in :th vallev and 1 . -w t v- r - - p u uzens maiscnmintely. ; .The - hopes .reil confederacy haying vanished, tlieir j'wpt js. maraer, ana robberv. The aaaainflr general is upinr tb" &nd to rid the department 'of these' ma kers, who, when caught will meet their Talleyrand was one iii the comnanv of Mai. uam ae staei ana anotner eminent jrencix lady "You 'say charmincr- thines to bo b of np sjfld Madam de'Stael to'him : 'which of us do you-like best V , '"'rjf - " ! ine Vwily statesman artfully replied-that he nus ueugnieu witn ootn. . - "Ah, but vou Drefer one of us." contmud Madam de Stael. ' " Suppose we were both drowniDjr'in the Seine to-nisrhf. which nf "ta would you tif In first 7" - - .i, t '! would extend my "right hand to Mad ain de Stael, and my left to Mafiam yonder.' 1. ics, tint suppose onlv one of. us could be saved, which would von attcmnfr to rckrnh?" i Talleyrand's dinlomacv was ruifthpd to Us vilest test, but not one whit diseomposed. he nirncu-to iiaaam oe stael and replied :. f ! -'Madam. "-you 1 'who' know so 'manr things uououess know now to swtm. , I GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT, GARDES iAiVD FLOWEE SEEDS, Crockery and Glas Ware. ' LAMPS, LANTERNS, COATi OIL, 1 " Confectionary of all Kind. YANKEE JTOTIONS Oflkers and JM SOLITARY BADGES, rrimming:9 and: Equipments Harness, Saddlery and HorsQ EQUIPMENTS, hats: AND CAPS, BOOTS AD SHOES, erald Unildiiigs, ; Front St., .WHinington; .. C. Speaking of Postmasters reminds us of oine that ti.srured over.? in Fulton Co.. in the rain iof Jld Bnck. , He was a rrnvr n.nnoint.p. nTiil witi all a tittle unsettled in his mind rpsr.pptinr tlho duties o his position, -which we remark paren- ' nirnnnn ' thetically. involved ahouf S30 business vrlv RUBBER fiftOBS OF 4TJ. lillVTIS y; . ' . TJ I : , -mmm-m , UlilJIUI in the instructions sent him. that ho must Inflikft V Til IT9 T5r 4Vfeirfer a 4ouarterlv. reDort". to headnuartflrs. ift-J . JF-tt'-a orWU'ii . 1 .. . . 1 . - ' 7 7 " , . .. wnen tne time came to report to neadauartrrs I ajvd Tlie : Herald of the Mora . !; . . . . . ji . . v Willjbe devoted mainly to th puolication ef th Curtcat News of the day, MOitary.'Politica aa- .- j-' - ' - :-" jd--. - Civil, Arrangeiaents are makiair, acila liji). " :f . : I i ' , --."l .-'f ure jperfected, that wUl gtre io this Journal U.lMUAtl iU3vliiIf l lllIM I im. . . . . for iobtainicg the latest acd moat raliahl :attlli I ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' : - genee of all current events. 1 An efdcient and reliable it .1 . ' -1 " Ilai been engaged at Fortress Monrce, Washl"-" ." " '" ; tonj $.iw York and elsewhere, from waoo w loioV forjfrequent dispatohes covering ell tirrk evcits of interest' thus eaabliog us to Tay :u ncss 'before our readers ffeoueatl- ivtti'jl zay-j in advance of Northern paper?. . . . : Ilarticalar attcation wiH Ve paid io tie . ! . MARKET REPORTS, i k0f the grtat eomaercial centres of the .;cui.'.r v. wh4rey we Lope to make this journal 'ahuic.s tc ota produo'i.r and consajcer, ar.d.- u re.iL guijie' to" all- eagagcd'in.'comlr.-ercial- parau!t. . I ' i: i - Careful attention will he given to tLe ;' I LITERARY DEPARTMENT, Whji'ih will re enViched vi'h electious in ..Trie-: an-' Poetry, from, the pens of the aLieet . a i : c , ....... ' 4' .canjand Portiga writer. . Is. a K?:i, co pso? r expnpe will be ?pared to saake THE ililKAlJ i" ; ' ' ;: ' ; ' I OF (THE UNUN a welcome uitiot W.urr Carnp, Counting rocm, and F:re-fide:n thcout- J ADVERTISERS, he "Spread himself" on the following : j 1 111 tun ' cp nisi . . -. I - iulv the 9 - s - - 1 mr. iames Buckannin nresident of thf nnitAf? States Deer sir Been required by the instruct turns of this post Office to : report quarter ijy i know herewith foolfill that pleasin duty by e portin as follows': The Uarvestin has been goin on peertly and :most of the nabors hive 0t their cuttin about diin wheat is hard it a average erop on rolliu lands eorn is yallerish and wont turn out more 'than-. ten-or flfWpn booshilj to the aker the healtli of the commotio- tj i uuij luiciuuu lyrezi ise uavin "oroKin Out about 2anda half miles from hre thair is a p. wertul awakenin on the subjie of reiigun j in tne. rotes naboriiood and -many soals air bpm iMade Io know their sins furffiven mis rurinv 0 - - - - - - 7 j Smiih a neer nabur had twins day blforo' ' yjes terday. ;Une ot them 13 supposed to be a seven . . X . . 1. I n. . . I 1 . 1 - M uiuiiuiscr 1 u, jjuur scraggy tning ana wont live out ba f its day this is about 'all i- have to re- p-ri uie present qr give my rspts tomrs Buck- annm ai.a uocnoc rayseir j . yoors Trooly Al iah Jenkins ! j pm at fulton co ills ISC-rf 311 "EC 2ar 3132 JEL "5ST 5 BOOKS AND STTIOERY, - - In fact every thing required by Sold iers or Citizens. w. Ji. CUTTER. "Y April 2t-46tf. ' O. Z. FRENCH. in a summary manner , - ,: y " , , fie troops in the valley are in excellent dis- . An Atmiva nAaa1l ." W gone on deck . several times to look at "iateous scenej and at nine 0VI0 k was iwiamy.hin, going to bed, when the cap- UC me witn tno wora-, uome aoove, Lit arm! Tk U r a 1 n Iitioftt'jkt w& ... v.i, . e j? 52ed, the whole, belt of aurora began to -"C wirn tlAahrn. Thn nash ni! n hint 'got became mvriada : some now dronmnir irea,L d&uwit or DiU' ouen annnc- Kde. whiU rd snaee. Bome tristinf tnemselres into wxwining wiia otners, ime-enormous ser aaa an tnese movements a quick aa. the coald Ibllaw.. It ?aecmed as if there was a Kle ; with theaa heaven! lights tn r4fih ivvcupy tao dome aoove oar neaas. inen mW . - rv : iuoie aren abara . n team ft erowaeo. -- uown. caae : nearer and nearer it appreacned ot goicen name, coxBsc&ting, vruie quartermaster's Dfpartmrnt Department of , m. . . . f iurin varouniii t r rr. 1 ..... -..-.. . in TOl Owinf flirftlnrv tif th Onirtjrmatv'ii Departm nt oi the DepaVt"ent of North Carolina a pnnteu ior. iue information or -omcers ana otners havinjr bugioes3 to transact with tht branch of tLa public. ser vie- : ' - , , j . , Chief Quartermaster. Brevet brigadier General George S. Dodge. Office,. Cape Fear Bank building, on Front Street, near -Market.' j - Atitnnt Chief Quartemattr.-Ca.ns,iTi George C. .Winslow, A. Q. AI. Oifice. with Chief Quarter- De-mof Guarttrzncuter.-ffantnin Samasl A. G. M. Tn chlff .-.f Waf ot. TpaBSnnrtafinn' mtf Office W.ter Street, between Market and Dock. CaDtain II. R. Rlatrman A'. D. Vf Tn fKirrrm nf work-shopa. forage and luel. Office on Water Street, ahno V.rt-o 1 - 1 - -Cabtftin AndrWtr iiniarnW?) ff?r of ihm Trf Cbarjred with the' regulaitida of all resaela in -the va ;aa viuy t Htuumu !Jf lot. Jihtering, towing, etc. Office C ustora , House Dnildincp An ). .k K Li ct.... --- -at 1 -raau, illilTC iUitr&Bb .ItfCCl. j. j - . . BUSINESS CARDS. i CUTTER & FJtEIUCH. -'"' Front St; (SoithJ ntar Market, I w i i; m i s g t o n:; y lc .,: WHOLESALE AND BKTAIL VSAtZ&S IK j ARMY AND NAVY GOODS,; -' ! - SUTLER -STORES? t : -- T.-i . WESTi INDIA goods;- y ! - . . GROCERIES, v i - YANKEE f NOTIONS, ! CLOTHING, . - j - TRIMMINGS,, , v, r ,;.., :.'EQUIPM2NTSJ&c. BACON & MORSE, lo. 34 MAilBBT STREET, WILLIAM A. COO It. 1 Attorney aud Counsellor ait Law, TlRACTTCES in all thm. Clnma ntthm Q.i r f JC the United Sutea, ; Will .'give : personal. and prompt attention- to.tbe- settlement of claims i ad justment of accounts, And - other professional ; Ibati- Refers i to 4, the Editor, of Th Uxkax or tbs Jlarch lTth. 1865. ?f r lmJ r MQJcllv A.':BAJRER.:'Ti 1 Office 37 Market Street. 1 (Reaxxoora of . Willis' Dra; Store,) CFPER TOR :?ALE AT LOWEST MARKET PRICKS, 50, kegs. Butter, ' . 150. boxes Cheese, , -'600 lbs. Smoked Bef, ' 100: gross Blacking ' 50 boxes Adamantine Candles,- ' 150 bbls. Ginger Cake.", . ' 50 half bbls. Pig's Feet. 25 bbl s. Boston Oackers, ; 25 bbls. Soda Crackers, a 50 bbls. Sugar Cakes, ' 50 M. Cigars,' various kinds, - 50 boxes Figs, 100 boxes Layer Kaisins, - 100 cases Condensed Milk -150 cases Golden Syrop, 5 bbls. Molasaes, . s 50 gross Matches, - "30 cases Peaches, r ' : - - - . . 50 cases Turkey and Chicken, Will find THE HERALD OF THE UNION V til-'. ' 'I' . uabie medium cl communicating with the putL v I Wefetart out with a circulation equal the utihie"- hitherto attained by any newspaper in North Car oliria, and we shall hot rU our effort?, until ' hate established a circul&icn'ucrivalled by( a-y journal in the land. As. we 'are favored Uy the ; i - ! V '! ' .' .. ' ji -j, .... . ' . ' patronage of the public,, so we caa in proporftva favor the jmblic. .OUR SIZE . r.'-.-j-.i.. At yreaeatf the same aa that p. the papers. hitherto printed in Wilmington, will be enlarged a 'ia . : -- - . - .-- . fas e can procure a iheceitiay JBaiirial ai paer from the North. JOB WORK. 25 caee3 Veal and Mutton, 10 eases Frenoh Mostard, 30 cases Tomatoes, 100 bbls. Potatoes,. - . - 100 bbhj. and boxes Self-raising Flour, . Almonds, Pea Nuts, Filberts, Walnuts, Sar- pines, ;im w are, Alilitary Clothing, Coats, Pantaloons, Vesta, Hate and Cape Shirts:-- x vgBuic r. wan a general assortment ot - FANCY GOODS, lOOTS, SHOES, ! Sutlers and citizens nurcbasing are . request ed to examine our stock and prices," as ire are determined to selL - ' March 28. ':. ; r VI: : ' ii- "'i-' C5-lm' 3 OASES l oaad, half-roand, fl t, and taper, at wholesale. ' H. B. 12 UN8 OtJtcb Karen 6ifc-3X4t " We are x.ow prepared to respond to the call cf the, public ha the execution, of. Job Priatin j air Ua jvarioue tranches,. iacladia ; ' CiU-headj, j Circnlare; Hand-Bl&: - f . . ' ' Posters; . . ' - ) - - - . Card, :' -r,.-'7;, f ' ! ' 1 Envejopca, " ' !" 1 ': :'. ' 1 . ParaphW , Blank Military Orders, etc., ete. etc, el Terxaay The rita or rax fjjtion wiU " be fnmiahd to auhser!hr!t. di'Ti ideneee in th oity. cr sent by t , fifty oexa ; perjireek. .,4.1 . ,-l;i ;; .V .C,, , " The Trade will "ba BnrmILi4 W rr ! AfftnL' Mr. T. Tnilr. - a Umni rVfL ' - Frank's, oppcalu the neriU BclUia-j at reae, o&abU ratet. r " J N

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