, I "" ! , - . . T ; . i, r 1 V .- . . . a 1,1 - - - - - - : - .' ' - V ' 5 -- 1 " f-. . -'-is '; ' V, - , - .: 'V J 1. . M ..1 I I i 1 I L'. I f , I I & 4 I -a 1 a.- V i- ' ' I - v .. i i i " 11 " 1 1 I I B "J iff II -111 I I I J av ' . -T' . . . fr ' . I , - . - i 1 1 - ii . i .- . .T . PMCE te:; CCT. m t i ii w" - m m mm www m m w t 1 k - - v . s f art r ai k-m W''caarv.K .b a. . av a - -. . i. . - .t- .rr r - i i ' ' " " ' -i - - 1 1 iTrn Biimi EimflPR. U 1. XO. 52. HE nEKiLD OF -THE . 3IAY not present at th. wa na of cour.e ic u circumaunw will allow berformeditb M, Davn both - w:.im!ev. ' the unitd sertice vmorrow. fR-.rs of the army B-iC Xi'y. a performance - y. hot. - , . , t. Q3haTC been extenaea aad.riunai.i 4artentt bere. Ue dlfferent " ' J, mftde for the irhe genUemen forming the a-U-Mtae.gl, ,v,;P services for the pur- t htve ion dramatic of creating an . -lbU.r;h7Ure,toCether Wio V4 -7 &c Tickets r .. t .;rmcr. dancing, otc. K iMlecium v. J. Rnok Store. T be procured at Mr-- -TTTin nlaced under obhga- hHASO.-"e , thern ,a Bri General uoage ui W ?"0L:-,,., uoon'-ore than this occ- pcrs. f " , , r ... L . n!mDereu. Kairui De J RvttenDerz, ou ,.80 yi , :f.H nent at this ..w itrect. h r ;;f.rthe7-S01oan. . He may De fonn a, c- Uick's oM stand. ttionerj, &c, at old pnees.- iclotofnewBooas . J Trench's, hs receWed i-- ;..r ... - ?ecial prorisiou fortha diAUlerr cf apjJes, crapes aod peaches; but were persons mapu f ,ctve fpintTnot for ate they arc Itabi pnly U license as manufaeturers if ibeir producar ex ceed one thousand dollars per annum. ' TKACE asbCt-ATIOSS WITH THE RBBL?. Tne new fa'?e r-gulations hate ot yet ccen a,pproTd by President Johnson. f 1 1 THX COTOITXOS OF SCKKTABT SXWABX XVJ SOK S V ORI"G MPORT.V WasDiifOTOK, April 269 A. Hon. E. M. Staston, Secretary of War:-p I . t I. U 1 tn. wmrxnTt that tHO 3eC- retary of State is regaining hw strength rapl-uij, j and wa aoie v learo j . . " Mr. Frederick Seward's condition becoming more hopeful. : . Very respectful lr. ; J. BARNES,1-Surgeon General. KVEU REPORT. . Washington, April A. Hon. E. M. Stahtos, Secretary of War:-- 1 Sib- I have th honor to report that the Sec retary V State rode oot to-aay. md wa.5 bene fitted by it. . .m ,J Bu M.. Frederick Seward is gaining strath as rapidly as is derirable. J . ! Very respectfully, - i J; K. BARNES. Surgeorr General. TEE ' AS S ASS! N S'4 Official from Secretary Stanton. BOOTH SHOT AM8 KILLED HAROLD IN CUSTODY; Boottx's Body in Washington. Arrest of Junius Br atus Bootrj, - . , . - . ka hul 1 and lost Ue qu!ntii of blood, but he is not sertoudj tsjure. - . bHs vbIopoiei " assassi Ca?aia see mile from 8herbroeke, wntet to a species of httaianity, came here the otJwMJr S thatOie had heard Sf th-plo" and he had no doubt they would put ?elecotf if they ' thi fact sent to Washingtoa, but sa-ou e-vded the despatch, came and. le an eS sVock, told us that the plot had been con sus. mated . . , 1LB THE, FAtL rOFi BICIKIOSD -AIi- J ROPCED IS E5BLAHD. OFFICTAlrMPORTjOFJAbMIKAIr THATCHER. FOCR DIINDBED GUNS TAKEN. Correapondence betweeu the ITlay- or ana uenerai wr" Ac, Ac War Departmswt, VTash ngton, April 279:20 A. U. Maj Gen. Jobs A. Dix, New York : j Ilarrold were chased mm iikra m-f KJ- ' Washington, April 26, 1865. The Navy Department has received the iol lowink JV -; - v- w o . ti. , Oyr. . Tirvr WEST UULF ULOCKAiHU I U. S Flagship 3tockdale, - the 12th lust , I hadV e honor .to it.foim jhe department that i n,..,-.B(i mv.ftlf had deuoandel the i . nnnriihnnJ KiiTrenoer of tn ..j... and tHftf. it.woald.unaouDte.ii' t . ' - .i- .r,o at nur mercy ana mo accorueu, w v "" v. , - ! : odrt,-. th outHide torts. The officei detailed by General Grander and myself 'were me by the Mayor and other u tt.onties near the entrance of the out, and a . . - - . .i ' O f lift. 1. lotice to Visitors to City Point, Richmond aua retersDurg. e Condition of. Secretary Sew- ard and son, 1 T - i - t Vi!.. - 1.1a II - w Afo : i 2-., rna l ;n v ii 2aia. vi uci w C ? vrv county Man- parties, in -n repawn w v--r ' ft ora the swamp in St. Mary a count), aiari j; -digged the followJofir commumca- land, to Garrett's farm, nar Port Koyal, on, the n.J . jV , . ' ' :; Itaupabannock. by t.'ol n.EPr;? "rc ' f ff f.AYO VrT J Gbstlemkn I have the honor t.. acknowledge the n c. ipfcof your communie-tiODat the au s of Lieutenant Cdlonel Pw. G Laughlin, ot the at, flf of -Major : Gene: ol- Granger,- cojmano.ng The barn m whicli tney iooh. r , fired. ! lkioth was shot and killed, and Harr old cap tared. ! Booth's body and Harrold are'now hare. EDYVIfi M. aiAttiy Secretary ef War. : Washimoto.v, April '26, 1865. rh following order has Veen issued by the kr Departiie.it : I 1 iMrvT mrnufiTI AND SOTICB TO VISITORS iu un- PETER?3UE.U. from Washine'on or 'iiireb) pivous desiring to ratRichino d Petcrsbur.' ; lut traaorUti.n on goveru iat vcsels" will not be furnished except it;.ens in the government service f AM persons veiling Cty foint, wcumonu or The JLate Tragedy-Arrwt of JTa- PHibADEiAiiA, April 2G, 136? r..i.,. TiN.xti fi arrtsied m this citv at eight o'cloc'k this morning, and taken to Washington, where he is now co..nned m Ihe Odt apitol pr sou. , I It is understood that his arrest was caossd on uaoiciou of hi knuw-edga of tue mtepuon of uUP uro"her to assassinate President' Lincoln, b"ed up.n his letter .o Wi.k.s, P"" yoHterdiy morning's papers, regarding Rn.h- " The'ep-Us of Porpy s Frs furnish jthe following regarding .herrest of Ju aus Brutus wowing i .he nr vate rst- ft iO! h lie V IVS llvoi. r . for him for Fveral deuce of a friend in this city Ail persons viMt.ng Cty romi, 7ind been or. the qui we tor him tor several tetersLrg w U be required to register th Ja cgd m ft ci c agc Ceites on T-ndi..g at the efface estab isl.e or d ys f u EaU;bote u.pot.and taken in Uiteson indit.g at the omce raia.BW.- hat purpose, and will sunjeci, w t Ujulations etab.ushed by me mnuary -u- tiuntj. m. n order oi me . 1 SECRETARY OF WAR Jab" A. Hardie, Breret Bngndier General Mpc or Gneul. . .lo War UEi-AKrBCTT. Wasbikotos. April -i7. Washington, April 26. Iiti5. HX DAILY EXPfcNSIS OF THE GOVERNMENT. . . f tKf Trfaurv DeL.artmcnt ktthe daily expense ut lhe-governn,H,t haw teen reduce i ueaj y r - Vxce the Burrtndfr of Lee's army. The ? ler ffhnd other n-rce of the Quartermaster's Suucnt is to be immediately reduced fifty, per !thowsd dollars PSEKTIID to the fami- SJsha O. BoberU, f New Yerk has sub JL Un thousand dolUrso the fund for te of the late IXn imposed to increase tho tca lo " i dollar .ItaftSteSi body 5'J"tecay :.:......athfl Fredeutatthe rxecu mmaoiioa anu eiee'rncrv, cmUnaed, and more than usual camv enob nted in admitting those who apply for an tn niw. UOVRlfBSTS OF CRSEBAL BHW- - General BuUer wUl return to 1f"H -morro. Uis appomtmenfio u- inlv urced. but no assign- bat for duty: has yet ben made. I Tbe Ccratnisaionerol Internal Revenue has Wed that wbero persons are engaged ,a man. Iftctaring spiii'S for sale they are liab.e to i- t first tram t.. Wssningwii. x., !t!ted, wasprocuro . ap.n the evidence t a document, m pos-ssiorx o t the Unitecl 8 a.horiUe., - ex.-ct o, -Moh pub- 4lu -- ; 11 Juf ordered. -Th,.e who are wl acquainted lik ly tJ be profitab e as Comman ier 1? R., Franklin, Unued States nav, of the, stuff of Admiral Thatcher, demandii.g th- immediate a)id uncor.ditional surrender ot The'city has been evacaated by the military authorities; and its municipal, authority is now with -my control. Your demand as been granted, and I truU, gentlemen fo? the sake oi humanity that ail the safeguards yju can throw around our people will be secured to-them. Very respectfully; your 11. To Major General Gordo-. Granger, c .mrann- ing Tw,ntv-::Ird army ct:rr,;.iwr . au.ii UK. Thatcher, commanding NVessGulf Squad- rTbe fi t;f the Uuited States Wns then hoist ed on the City Hall, and a portion of tne troops i- i. . i.'.-,'ni to prevent milage.- - The Provost Guard b:ng cstabhsbeJ, wee vroiks around- the oity-whiih are f w.uei.w extern and s.rength were then S"';, f Tins N av V Y ard has been setzetl tfl hnair ot the navy;' bat'most of its contents had been des troyed except some lumber and a. quanti y of soft coal 30 The O-torar and - three river Monitors are now at anchor in front of the city ami down tne Tensas The former and one oi mo uu w. will besent up the Tombigbe river, :where Vie rebel iron clad Nashvihe and gunat Morgan have fied; one me aiunwv : K iteiise Exciteme in lonrJan, i Liverpool Manchester and ! the Country, Advance in American Securities, j i)ecline in Cotton and UeaTf Fall in the Uebel lioan. Trade Snspended in ! 5!aucliesteiv lieopold, ot nelgiattt, Palmerston, j and Kasteii awioui augm iTIasimilian. ' i : ) ' r- - . . , UIOTIO Olf THE SUEZ CANAL Cnt .. Anderson, from iJverpool at eleven o'clock on the orning of the 15th via Queenatown on the 16th instant, arrived at HahUx at five o'clock yesterday .1 She b as Iiry seven ,pawcugcio v . aad fiftyMvro for Boton.r . ' v j Her news is three d a J3 lateral V-iv serious popular .disturbances fad oc cuned m Madrid On the eveamgof the 12th inst.an assemblage in the street waajaddtnly dispersed by a viley o.f musketry. Twetroop i r. . rf . i iiV Kf T... in. tin WIS MU117 ored rgn anu ier. nam' t o td the Casino, was killed. Another gentleman, who was wounded, died ia a few . tntnutet. Some other peis-ns were killed and fifteen wounded, some more or leas seriously. Thert wSs no provocation given on' the ; part Of the people The cbtb ry charged through the s reeis and xxtd saores No prrteUin itiou had been issued to warn the; publia, or. to- lyrbid the u moving.abyu' the stree ts as usunl, I In the French Chambers M. Thiers dVrlareU himself adverS to ihe unity of ItalJ-, tn which he saw danger and no rdi'7 ta France, lis defended the Pap 1 goyrrnment, and favored an aljiam with Austria. .' . . . TThe law throwing epen the navigation of th$ Danish coa s to the nations reciproratiug the 4 c8fin receivett the rcyat saneuon u-- d 15, . ' om IivJia datt d Bombay, April 4.,. At a.cut'av April 6, pieoe gooda wero n(iinl Exth gv2s iv h.t ' ; i i I here had been a seyieo disturbance on tUe Siiet Oat al beieen the Egyptians and .the for eik" lab.retJ r TqiFALL OF RlCnKOHO TIXX KXCrTBMBHT 0TI7V j . -IVS 7ALL, .& ; .. ,1. Thc news of the. all of Bicbmond created an, tchseexciteme -t in England, hut it ,amVd too. lale to admit of trcipaurf geikrallyitniaKnt-. T jv- ... ..it of thmirketsnad.'osoa fora the- law n 4iv hagon Li.avrco i " . Ktt him. "Alice. M- kNo conours in the recommendation to the, also con .ui Ti.;i hnqJnes is sau Ja" Both tin trt Tue,- i!v w D,.t ft uct. ..is. scria-"I, Tt e"; ative of his tnai ue r , rA. Yo k, vrhere his mother ls presented . . ' . ,or aon's misconduct. He waa ar- EES SJt vS and taken to Waabn. . Tiii'T n . BOOTH A bvm . -ITT;,U The Buffalo Eipieea" savstnatwnen J-Wilkes-Booih plajed in that city, three years ago. he bnke a nlate class window m the store of O. 1.. sS?y wherlat'of rebel trophies were -.lei-h ibhed. He arrested, p id .damage and a fine of fifty Ml.ra, nd the affair was- kept kndow inhls rage at .eeithe eSon of weapons taken trom "be attempt of Zaikb! to coMMiTsiycnn:. ; rV. am the W ashmiton SUf, AprtI 25. i tioaplot,atteoipKu , , h -reirt- oat y? lie Med Wiac- effect oi ."the news couW aoVle fyVf devcloptd The Lpndun Mkw at th. army of V r Vihia so k.g deemed ii,ii.cibIcK tlif pnde th tlr, the cefttr the iadelof i coofedery, hals bn not qnly- t.euttn- bnt shattered. . Th Divis ti-vewsment now vagrant and fugiUve R?h,nond, wni. breezed irand gave it for a Yule a diguity wh en if could Lerer aiiired whil4 it rciwftinod ssaeog thecutfott plic u.na,wheroit haditsuse, Was set on fire by departing guest attUe centre army foVht witballits old tena ityanieiaa we can nn doabt ; but it ba bce broken up by racn who as we ha oftm WennMd, 'erc the rleVSrvi Northern eUiesiTAvu, began the Jluntville and TuscaloOHU , J , . j3.,uthe armies n densely two nowerful rams-wor? sunk laSpaiiish river. - . a cUk. tne attempt .to burn Titvr before the evacuatitn. ..V - , V(U Vnded in obtain bat an exec.rtioii,.wniw . n Ar naval forces are K!nin2- uu and remov , . ; populated uitivo, i r V V .1 i YtlrkVnded m notain bat arte re now busi y engaged J set Ari ri caM, (ving; the obstrucaonaiH. v D. P -UA 1 have T)r.Vd t6 the main snip uiuu J , 7 be very formidable and full of tor edcej, ai- thoneh wo are reiuvviuo w.cu. - hform the Department tlat !:e T , t .inotFnroHVa 'torocdo while ennzti in this woric, as well M a lianoh Q. tho ttoemmti and that the hr - Althe. i .1 i.:t- rl,o,-,.;no. for - tornedaes m Brakelv river. A'so that Jthe gunboat Sciota : wasaniik yesterday,, while undc way. ranuuig across the "bar, in twelve feet of water. There is a prospect of raising this is- vessel j and reparing her damages. ' The report of the camnvtnding oSec..fc.u visei thL - lost, togetherswith the her of kil ,d and wounded, vtin forwarded as sect, as. re , , So fiir as-ascertained the number of gucacap tn d by the army and navy will not Llt calibre. The amount of ammumtioxi ttnd'ordahnce stores is also ery avg rv reectfuUy. your obedient ee.vjnt: H'K "J lATCIIKRv Acting .Kear .Admiral, H " CooTmau'ding Wt &lf ToilonGideob-Weiw, Brerarjoi.tbe vrj. Waehingtari. ia fljuncs and de ca,P" . e a...:iiA :-fhn fall of Riehmond leTthe cvnledetes thr a. Jd n every id . T. is a tr,.adou3 yrxce tobiv Ar :he luxury of pahing an arxay Nashville, and rfuiV g until te.cveulh liout ,u free a!7d arm tbegroee. T. . ,ht. oirewnetaAtWai'd HqixcOt ' v , will be looked f vj f tfrin erue ;; the Vlb oof the wai ttie ir.aagum ion fo t a Z nd wiaespr.adgueriaaco. .fl of uakown, duration muypringfriiav the c.. the other SugUeh pp rs are a. e-r - yec, udLi ;he newf. ' . ' Oar despatches from hverpoot, vV 15h of AprgiR,the .yea.. leporruo ecct S;new, Aaeri ' Rif hrnondi- the uuiws.l topic to uay . 1 h friLl of the Mo-th-lie greatly glared at rirkos succesacnd ar. m ttreegihcred: in the conviction that tiie Sisal taumpL ,oX tr v I cobv.w ; - Krt h hiatiiftated toe linear. - niton est faith Ju ihe rebel cause tunrurittV' taVahla a gos;Ci &cspoc,&ocj. r I I i A ' 1 .b. . . A Mr I II W III .kJ L-A W A laB W it.vta Hv.cuey tu