MR 'Mm 1 , I H :V:frv.r iMfttt - I Milk'' , i :,. J Li l't' ' " u vol i. m 53. WiDIl3ffiT03f,-X.- C, FRIDAY 3I0M??S, 3IAY PRtfE TEX CE.VTS. 1 M S.L ! ".:,: ' " i r i 1 ; "" ,, '" "' " .'. ' ' v . . " " i" . i ' i , " 5. 1085; ; r IUE HERALD OF TIIE Anuy .oTJivlVSaxnaG, and General Gibbon, of iueV-v wp, armea nere rrom uity jroini on a i-ivi i'twat lo-day. The latter brought up, v dx rebel tattle flags, which will be ixiox. n A atrv - n fczrrjr-rris-r-? rr -T-r - , ' - j ' TIO i ht ment has alreally begun the Work .Ti iiakves. Si& l!ie cscupatbc wr :. : ; T"T , 'fC , - " of re!.- Valnltli earntness its expenses- citjj cur army, among ' tfc.. miny charges thtt CENERAU HUHLDUT'S RET!- aud raXlVt if May a large number of clerks' Lave takeri place on U more otsprrikle t!ih the eb'aae iz tW ?pearance of our trhartea and lock?. Frons : Market elreet dock to tbe foot of lc :k street i!ie wharTet hate been tLorothlj re jtixti and replaaked iritli ciafing'tpHee driren ing tiie ffoot. Ve seels Mnloading acd the bum ?f buiiness remind e of " old titte's." : The eni ury ccmimlttee bare alio been busy "With their Iroenii, giving the , whole of water tree t a clear appearance highly creditable. Xew.H IxraovxxEJfTfl. We are pleased to no tice that through the efforta of ooi worthy Mayor, John Dawton, that the water pipea through 'onH principal atrerts are undergoing, repair, du uav ur thinty ppulitiun and soldieis will aoon hate n unlimited mipply of pure water. While the I presui proniLion aainsi ue eaie l ay wronger uriok reaaal'- Jn 'freet-we predict good health' ;-f't?j'- 'l-'lLn.r f:; i ) ;, , Wesuffgeat "that when tv ha. an umplesniply c: the pure element, thatb few water carts be iartea ana tue ausi jaia iaai to anucLs us now , fer the past feV dayt it baa been almost insuffer VTe committed an error in omr paper of yestei- day in saying that the meeting of stockholders of the W. & M. R. It. was called for the shou'.u Lve read ih 18th inst, 25th. It , 1 1 rr Arriybii, The at earner Petit arrived last even ing i.bout 4(oclockt via Fortress Monroe, bringing 'lites tc the 1st inst. Cotton closeJTia New York on the.lstinst . .. V 1 at - PROCLAMATJOX BY TIIE ; DEXT. Mm- ( Ite'tttoYsii ofltestiietions on Traue in the jSoiilIiern Stales, Eas of the Mississippi. nine ORDER. HUMORED CAPTURE OP I0RRESL ITEUESTI.XG 2tIEXICA-y NEWS. am Naw York, April 2? ' lSt!. The steamship Jc'ang Shuey, Capt,. iiUdrctb, j rired at this port j esterday, from New Or ( ' . a. nil tir i ... u I - : lean the 22d. v.Weare under obligations to officers , lor the prompt delivery of , our d s-1 patches. , s - .' . , ; . v , . . The news of tha assassination of the'Tresi dent created great coneteruation among the peo- - ' . ' ; " H i 1 He, ana .ousiiess was entirety suspenGea 'Yeighls very dill. Plenty of tonnage in port; .Cityjery.healtpy:. , , , - - ' s 5 ; ifajctr Gencrts AMI,. Banks, : p.a long ex pec t d, has at length arrived and'axfunvul ccuxin ard,.. Alth6ugh he reception of GenerCi' Banks . wad most eratifvin& yet there were .no 'iumuttuous demonatiations t mar the solemnity of the day. The General was accompanied1 by his family. .General Hurlbut has issued the following or-- der :4 ; ' " . ' ; , General Orders Ko 41. Headquarters, Dep?t of the GtLy, New Orleans, April 22, I860. , Major General N. P. Banks, United States VoJuiiteers, resumes command of the Depart-; ment of the Gulf at twelve M J of this day. The undersigned, in retiring from the tempo rary command of the department, tenders his personal thanks to the officers of ; the command, ot all ranks, lor the willing obedience and gen of the iinoai departments' will be dismissed. : .; 4 ' f ! ts jLvxiLEns . to eichmokd. ' i.Siiriie res.trictionon" travel between this, city atL'Ta hmond ha;? been ' removed, Tiiin dred? of proAs from the North have passed throiigjwherjs lur the latter place on visits of curios, or pleasure, : "Ccn?liUe diwrder has existed here for the pan rsr . 'jhys among the numbers of troops whtr h-.tji p.sjed through this eity. Several haare bien k-fby -fighting" amQng tuemselves pXlPORTAXf MWS. Tfr bel Ram Webb Kuns Out River Bound ior the Gulf She lis) ur Gunboats and rou- at the Rate of Twenty- JveIilesan Hour, i M3uipHxsApril.28, 1865. 'Thbi TictLivrg; llerald of the 20th inst has ade?p? Jh dateoffthe mouth of the Red river 6fi' tluv d,: gi vin-the following important in-telliif.te?-r- s4 At r o-'clockithis evening ;the famous rebel r:ftVetb ran 6u of the Red rirer, pass lag lOljtif gunboats and ironclads hcre and tdescesw the Mishssibpi with lishntinff sneed -,Wei hrst discvere! she" liaiixui lights, emitu.', bo smoke, and looked" like a hugeinass movo :vn a 1 m tne: wa:er. ins fired on from Vhe Manhattan, when eral soldiery conduct they have exhibited. i-se r'tliatolv showed signs of life, and shot levee at twelve M t tinder the ::direcfMjn ofXa'pl; ileet,1 " j- i - , Webster, Chief of Artillery, 'J. Tht Lafavette then started in cursuic of ! TV ti- - a : been issued . 1 V 10 vuig oraer uas 18C5. . by tho r. t t ' ? Executive Chamber, Was'dingtox, April -j, 18C5. j . Being de-irouM to relieve all loyal citizen f v.ird well disposed persons residing in the insur : gounary States from unnecessary commercial restrictions, and to encourage them to return to :-acefal pursuits, it is hereby ordered : First all restrictions upon internal, i .i:ifstic and ! coastwise commercial intercourse hi aitontinued in such part ef the States of Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South, Georgia, Florida, Alabama. Mississippi, so muchjof Louisiana as lies east of the Mississippi river, as shall be embraced -.vithin the lines of the national military .oc cupation, excepting only such restrictions as nrlraposed by the nets of Congress, and regula tions in pursuance thereof prescribed by the Sec rctary of the Treasury, and approved by the Pre sident, and excepting also from the effect of this order the followiog articles, contraband of war, to wit: Arms, ammunition, and all articles 1V')'ui which ammunition is manufactured ; grey uniforms and cloth, locomotives, cars, railroad iron and machinery for operating telegraph lines. . s StcnnJ All existing military.and naval or drs in any. manner restricting Internal, domes tic and coastwise commercial intercourse and trada witti or in the localities above named be r.nd the same are hereby jeoked and that no mil:Xary'or liaval itficer in anyinanner inter rupt or interfere with the same, or with any. boats or other vessels engaged therein under proper authority pursuant to the regulations of theSecrciary of tho Treasury. ANDREW JOHNSON. THE ASSASSINS. i Astotutdln Jlrrelatlona Fortlieomlng. Washington, April 29, 1805. ,The investigation of the cases of the conspi rators is now in progress. When the time ar rives for the publication of the details they will astound the loyal North, and disgust every high "hearted Southernman, by the exhibition of the perfidy and cowardly expedients resorted to by the leaders of the rebellion. Xmmjid for the Srriidef of Coasplrators 1 can WASHiffGtoN, April 29, 1865. Notioo has been civen by our Consul Gener al in Canada that all tho criminals connected with tho murder of Mr. Lincoln must be sur rendered to tho United States authorities. This has a meaning. S. A. HURLBUT, '-"'v - Major General Volunteers. J. G. Jewett, First Lieutenant Seven ty-si-v- CAPIUHK OF BAGDAD, MEXICO, UY CORTINA. 1 have learned from venr good authority that a party of Liberals under Cortina.attacked and captured the. town of Bagdad; Mexico, on the Rio Grande. Bagdadhas been occupied by, a few French soldier?, and there could not have The men. un equipped ana in goo-l spirits and condition. This news 'had a good effect on our troops at 'Brazos, who" were much elated over'the ideajnf the overthrow of Mejia. RAPTURE Of' MERIDIAN, MISS. A despatch from Mobile of the lGth inst, id forms us that General Wilson has captured Meridian, an d that Forrest was captured by General Lucas, after a hard fight, at Eastport, Louisiana. ' been much of an engagement der Cortina were well r layette tneu siarteu m p iir. "T"J x 'Beers of the Manhattan estimate the ri-iJihe Webb to twenty-five miles an hour met tlx? Webb at Tunica Bend, at a quarter ten o'tVek. She hn attempted to run down th Sirat()ga, but was unsuccessful. It if Leliev-ed that the Webbintends destroy ing.oar commerce on the Mississippi, and pro bablw make an attempt to escape to the Gulf. Some assert that it is very likely that'Jetf. Dais ion board. of her, endeavoring to mske his escape to Havana or some other foreign pert . - . , If fcothing happens to her, the Webb can reiicll New Orleans by daylight to-iQ,orrow, and the llouth of the Mississippi. , Caikq, April 28, ' Kbo been obliged to leave thirtjutrter?,tind tbero lire still a large number in the hospital, j ATralee (Ireland) paper has jumped to the eonclusion that, because Captain Oliver Stcier, K K and.MK Edwardj Mears, R. N. ,; tare been engaged in. markidg ' out the site !cr a hew fort in Ventry Harbor, the British go v trnmeot has taken alarfa at the stories of a threatened Fenian invasion, and is preparing to resist it. . ; ,,!'.'" '. i M. Brouyn dLhuys,llie French Minister tur Foreign Affairs, ban addressed a defpafh the Trench Ambassador In Enjrland. Teoues - ting him to express officUlly to tho Minisfrr c f tne ueen too mof niui syiapainjr which the d iftih of -Mr Cofylen has excited in France. 'Vh lin ikter for FOr Foreign Auairs eulog aes4Mr.Coi en as one ot tb'o'- rarest lexatnjU of the c"i qualities inherent in thejBnglish chirdt ur.-- lie is, abort all, in our 4ye," says M. D.-wuju d'Lhu)84 "the ' irecnUtiys.. of those ?cra iheats 4!nd thot e; cbsmopoiitaa principles' tefi. which national frontier ind rivalries disappear, jftekhew what; mutual delations could accom plish in our day for thefDroDnetv of people. Cobden, if 1 may be permitted so to say,. was ain m frnational man." S j The London Lancer, at the close of an elabr. rjte article, says it may be concluded th-t'the public need be under little apprehension a ;o tve importation of the Russian epidemic i.i to England. ; , SHERMAN. JOE jrOHXSTOS'S SURRENDER. THE TERTIS OF $URRCXDJCR. Movements of I 'bcrrsp.ondcnt of i the following : j Jeff. Davis, .e; N. . Htrcitt, h&s. RALEtSn, April ton. to Cien eral ;!Tiy aiif took pjfaw.ytsit tilernou I2 'p.VatxNinti. i In cornplifitirji wl?h request of .(Ter.r.n. nvc-unt f-rroeeUPd t-v sneeir.l trair. . W. - ' . r - mo 'tenia v FROM WASHINGTON. Wasuiston, April 29,805. UETURN QF GEXERAL GKAJJT. General Grant returned here' this afternoon. He is satisfied with the condition of "affairj in North. Carolina, and has come to headquarters convinced that the war Ls virtually over. JEFF. DAVIS BOUND' FOR PORTO RICO. A letter was received here ! yesterday from Porto Rico, dated April 12, announcing that Jelf. Davis had already rented a residenee there, formerly occupied by s prominent foreign offi cial. . NEW MILITARY POSTS IS MARYLAND. Military posts are -to be established in the new military distucts carved out of Southern Maryland, and the people of SL Marys, Prince George and Charles counties will for the first time begin to feel, what is military rule.' They have notoriously harbored and aided to the best off heir abilities the murderer of President Lin coln, and nowrelent. Their good intentions are too late. They must now-take the consequences of their aiding "atid abetting the most Heinous crime that has ever startled any civilized com munity. There is no doubt othat many are in nocent : but the fact that Booth . and his fellow; conspirators were harbored and concealed for a J whole week m their midst requires hat all should share the punishment, unless they will point out and'givo up the guiRy( pnes. LEX'S SOLDIERS ORGANIZED INTO GUERILLA BANDS. Guerrilla parties continue to infest the coun try between Washinjn and Richmond. Pa-i roied soldiers from Leo's army have organized predatory bandsC and prey alike on friends and foes wherever plunder invites them. yhe resi dents in the counties adjacent to Washington aro disposed to adopt tho new order of affairs, and go to work to get up crops, but are preveri-M ted by these rebel outlaws. Measures have been taken to clear, them out, and teach them that there is a short shrift and long rope for all such plunderers. AS.RIYAL OP OKNERALS INQALLS AND GIBBON WITH CAPTURED BATTLE FLAXiS, Tile steamer Dolphin renoVts nice in'e the ram Webb htty miles above New Orleans litlf-past six o'clock -on the morning of the inst. She was then going along without : any d image to boats of any kind. . fe telegraph wires leading to New Orleans- een cut. . be ram Webb mentioned in the above dis- , passed New "Orleans safely, but after- some accident happened -to her,, when pras abandoned by her crew and blown up. ays iV. I". Herald of the 1st. inst. Editor reb at 24 doi T bad patd warts she So Herald of the Uxion. THE VERY LATEST FROM EUROPE From the Ne' York Herald, April 30. f ( u,r special correspotldence and files from Ft ope, dated to the 15th of April, contain the fol owing interesting details of the summary of tn news by the ' Africa, telegraphed to the 11 f r&Jd trom ilaafax Bfrdn de Meyendon to General 'StetJlelfan was h t such a public5' piece of homage as was rep r seined by Reuter's telegram. ' It was nomi n:lly ia return for the civilities received by R issiao o&cers at New York. General de Mon t actio and the General Commandant de la V ace were present, as well as three or four I assian generals, tke United States -Minister, C eneral King, and the Secretary of-Legation, r. Hooker; but the entertainment appeared I I have no political meaning," nor were any after (inner speeches made. ' ., J Captain Pegram, the commander of tha Nah- j .J!-. - tJ u... .1 .: ""....'.'".' 1 1 vine,: me Jirsfc American re dci cruiser wnicn drossed the Atlantic has left Southampton (Eng.) ar the Confederate (?),Sfates. - v , vI. , Late letters from Australia say that the rebel irivateer Shenandoah was last seen off Capt. 'cbaSick, and was believed to be waiting off the oasi to intercept Ameriean ships; several of which, from New York and Bosten, were then fine, ' -.BV'-';'-'-!.' - - ; Le'tters received in Madrid from St. Domingo gay that the Spanish troops "there tare being carried off by disease in hundreds. In one gar risdn of one thousand men. four hundred and General Ingalls, Chief Quartermaster of the Wfifly-eight soldiers and seventeen officers have fJch stair.' ! The place'bf coaferene; .fhe.;same sif wb'.cu tpe previous .meeting1 took place, wae the .rahn tjouse' of Mr. lienoott, oijj the, side o. 't he xi:'1 tfoad, iiearly five miles bVond flic statio:.'. ' i. ih a small frame cottage fivith - garden, ;.pu ev rounded by shade trces la the front - rocti fhich was used by tho ifamily both as paricr ajnd bed-rooni, the nneetiijg took, place. lUaerui Jfh'erman wiw'the first jjto ,'hrrivo. TLe trail. cBnveyinglOenerai Johujton from the o'taer tl -'.rpc.tion met with an accifent, which detained a; few hours'. He madelhis ftf5pearnnc aot ut tivo o'clock, -and, .greeting;: General Sherman vipry warmly, they entered the honre, nud, n the apartmertt above menierTed, Were in" earnest -discussion for upwards oPan' hour. At , the ci d ot that time the genera j dfiicers present wt;c iivited in, and the stipulitions were read, eijjr -efl and delivered. The fficrs'Of botli ar mil -si Were now eajled a and. a general itttrodacucii tfok place. The intercrang; of, cjnvers&ticii was unattended with any outward' symptom of animosityThevariou battles between Sber nasm and Johnston wereji. dkeuised with "gXtei.t earnestness, tandfa tone fof polite deference ' to tie rival claim oithe contesting arinies tnaikd the opinions -on either sfde. t 'j ' . r:' . THB'tES'. " ' The termft of eurrendejr are substantially the same as those gragted to General . Lee. The surrender will take pla5e formally at Greensbo ro, and the details-will be arranged to day. The surrender furthermore embraces lII the rebel trrops-in North Carolina, South' Georgia aid Florida. The5iyimberin this Statf under the rminprliafo mm man A F C.c.- TLhnii 11 ;orresnondent of the London Post, writing LL.tvntv.five thnimiTi ; frJm Rome, says :The Minner dven bvlir&l 'J tfislacAL jnBxTnv4 rt.miWri:i-"t.' joenera ,jonnston, thrOdgfiotfth'ttitervi-; seemed much depressed ;lbut expressed hie desire for peace. The-juggle, wa a &ow tir- iy Dupejeas, anu tne ICrther eBusipn .ci Dtot-j aSs- nt only in vain but criminal. He said tha all the rebel armie? would surrender as Mo; that of Lee's and his arinv wasJtnewn. it a? fortunate thine ibr theleountrv that sacb liu- njane and christian: soldiers as Lee atd John ston had control f t he Waning fortunce of the rebellion, or otherwise "--perhaps the land Would have been deluged With- further and useles? bleod, shed in the vain obpe of the eucoese c-f the rebellion;' s ' ' , - , about sunset and both the commanding gene rals and their staffs aiid the accompanviLg ofScers separated, v iGeneral Sherman arrives in town about nine o'clock, and as :aooa a tle news of thesurrender was , made , known the riga de bands around thfe cmr burst fort h into niusie, wh3e those, who iwore possessed of the requisite material iDdulced in a nvrotehnic 3f I ,... i'5 " . uiiisy. j 7J Q EM xr al or am t SoeflNorUi..:daj.He- Winently satisfie-J f CnHihd on tk ei Mb t . 1 v