BSEiiVtF^^sn^c 8 13 0 S' ®J If '11 Fed ^ ‘oral in ? enth •aid DR’ Joan reie.1 reft to WL L-M 57. Til WMJ ■ • ctluitiw • great * among vhte* t TV? AWAI' MAY 8 the greater portion of our o tee late news. Ye haw. ■ or our morning’s issue, tie speech of General Butler, delive r M ' '"' : ^ Amusement.—There vill be no performs.-... at the’’'gl-" At the Court House the Bu Usque Of era Troupe 9 announced. Firs.—-The M ‘ ; mounted to Both” H^For • ••• and fourtr p.. WsSRiW X V M»AY MORSIS. MAY 8. Wk B W ^u (image .m uw ■t’auw- PRIME TEN fy^ 1 vetery of Ma 6 fa j H Seward had a U ^W^^X^T^^T a^ THE OOV^ ^^ W^T K^ML^g^S. Secret Militar y Trial at the Capital &e. & c THE REBEL RAML. of fire on Saturday last a- •f consequence. ^ing -matter see third MEM* ^3.-1 Tais PACIFIC. tlauraing fori »*.■-{■ .sM Preginen*-: Sax k RAN cisco, Auril 28, 1865. In aceorda ice -'th the Governor’s proclama tion yesterday wnsobserved (.hr-mghofo. Oregon as a day of mo rning and sorrow for the death of President Linco n. M. unt Baker has. been for some time in a •date oi 'active eruption, and its formerly sharp yteb:.t hai been flattened down surne ten or fif- ■:?:;: hn died foci. . The California end of the Pacific lUib’oad now employs about two thousand -.1 borors, eight hundred of whom IM 1 self. of the^i a a make ne Tint ? ire-side-- ISEI )T imf. icating ini tion e^il .ewspaper SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE. SWi-S DELE GATION. To-day a delegation composed of the Swiss residents of Washington, Baltimore. Philadel phia, and New York, waited on President Johns son, at the Treasury Department, to express their gratification at our recent victories, and sympathy in our late national calamity. Tae delegation was accompanied by Colonel Lecomte, of the Swiss army, who accompanied General McClellan during the Peninsula cum capture of Richmond, for the purpose of obtain ing for the Swiss government such military in formation as two campaigns have afforded. T^e fiwhw consul general resident of Washington, after an Jnrrodactien to the President by the Acting Secretary of State, expressed the senti ment of the delegation. President Johnson in reply said, 41 I thank you for the sy mpathy which you have expressed on behalf of your countrymen, for our recent bereavement, and for your congratulations upon the success of our arms. We can have no dis- .1’3 will be running thirty-six miles from, amen to-next week. Infix-four miles of the ! trust of the heartiness Of these feeling weakened. Very respectfully, ycur uTt serve J. K. Barnes, Surgeon Gen ru. THE EVENING REPORT. ( SuRG on General’s Office, ( M 1-9P.M. ( Hon E. M. Stant-n, S cre'ary of W. r. Sir: I hive the honor to report that the K-c retarv of State continues to improve. Mr. F. Seward has had a quiet day, and is slowly re- ga ning strength. Very respectfully, your ob’t serv t, j ' J K. Barnes, Surgeon General. ' TRIAL OF ALLEGED CONSPIRATORS. The Itzputtican of thw evening announces iinWii Termicatios of RAF Career. She is Abandoned and Blown Up by her -Crew. So Damage Done i51 Herbert a^ f^a^id Cruise, &C- &C that the trial o c nspirater.s commenced before a military commissum-in this city several duvs since. Representabves of the p'ess are excluded from the commission room, but it is said air mgeme r ts have been made to give offi cial reports of the trial at some future nine.— It adds that the evidence is positive that all the details ot the assassination were carefully planned in Canada, Aid that men who were Trmerly connected with the United States were cognizant of it. ADMIRAL PORTER RELIEVED. Admiral Porter has been relieved of the com mand of the Kurth Atlantic Blockading Squad ron, .at his own request. . ATTEMPT Td ELEN FORD’s THEATRE. - Ca I eo ’ APA-W 1865. 1118 steamer Mississippi f rom N „ , Orb has arrived. ’ v S l l n'f pwt ’ th y w rl,bel ™ Webb rawed r v an s nt oread day at a rapid rate, dis. playing the Stars a d Stripes,but artel-passing. tyr.jt.lMlip .er condensers got out of order, and she was deserted and blown up. As far as known she had inflicted no damage save calling the telegraph,line. A portten of her crew arrived N^r.- Or, leans. The remainder left for pa ■.teAnowu. DESCRIPTION OF THE WEBS, Webb was foe well known steamer i Webb, formerly used in this harbor as . , s i ri -1-. - - i a fo’” boat, and as an icebreake: to burn the block on wutoh hord e theatre : , -, I purpose she was spec stands. One house was consumed, ^ beinc it strength - but the military guard at the theatre, and the 1 nowe-fiu 63i k e » if^;^ promptness of the fire department stayed the ^ ^ Xoed by sorA 5 the New Orleans ■ - tor the purpose of towing the heavi- j ly laden'chips to and Coin the ri A She was noted for her power and speed hellion broke out she atill Ar incendiary attempt was made last night Twenty seven rebel flaggy rr by Lee’s army, were presented to the War De- f hundred la- I ^finnd he^eif Lao had her trials and has been 1 • z-vu whura and , , aUoJ 011 10 endat , winces. She has, how- 1 P™en tta afternoon nr Major-General Gib- trinmohed over all, and her bwbirm, pa i boM ‘ 0 H S ’"“to-’” 11 ’’ C ”P 3 - ■ and self demal-hart and will wctoac to ' Tu * HABEI5 bvekoechb xurdbr track will be laid by September. 0:w year WO'-?. July Do - t it is believed the read will be in operation a distance of eighty-six miles, carry- rng it V JI towards the summit of th? Sierra Xc- There is a prospect of greater a less than for some time past, h^grt tenders have advanced to ’e the effict ot fengthing similar qualities ; Mise Mary Harris, who shot Andrew and was, of course seized bv ty ties and converted into a In the latter part of Mav i vessels loader I hi the people .of other countries. Th K AIRO April ZG. xCU). .■-even hundred and eighty six of those on ;ard the ill-fated Saba*.?, 'have been found Ive. The tost are now estimated tit fifteen [hundred. lax our ef ■' lion unria we are fall wire can SUE tat of tke: WORE ' wishes which you ofier to me pppsenally and j ’ your confidence in my administration are gtn- iemphia hospitals are ^i! of wounded the Sultana, many being badly scalded and ition ordered by General A asl rotis and gratifying 0 ; roughs at tn? 1 /1usury Department, in -January j ^y^ a f^ er 4j 1 i last, and who is in prison here, is suffering Un''" ''Trusting that the results may justify this . uduecs, 1 will add that in the United States I j which was to have taken place on We next, has been postponed, until May 10. cifowris of the Swiss Confederation arc always j welcomed as guests or as members of the farni- ILLNESS OF MRS. I,INCOL Her trial, Mrs. Lincoln continues quite seriously iOdis- 1 posed. She is attended by uumeroui; warm ■ personal friend? uenerax Gran I ly. My own how. - in Eastern TeniHgeee. whose ! feuom"^^^ s° 'c jaracteristicgof the Old ■ _ 1 World -is proKd fo be known as the Switzer- : established ; a Washington j land of America.” - > * L ’ Ai foe con cl us ion of the President a reply, „ SV^iO i cthe* were individual- . 8 K 1 ter ? of the arrays ■announces cunt ■.- headqu: be 1/ introduced to him, and the inter mated. termi- ’HaNGE IM THE CABINET, understood that Messrs. Seward, 1 idles have indicated theirdesire Lorne ri proceeding. > h/b-reli'-red of their respeetivoportfolios, of *1 state war ail'd navy, oh the 1st of Joly, the rr.b.-r staler, to General .1 of the current fiscal year. Tim l wo former Arril 28, 1865. ' will be succeeded by Mr. Charles I rimae Generei Washburhe’s order declaring that i Ato , an d Preston King, the latter probably Peril of -April all rebel soldiers within 1 g, John W. Forney. Cl, AtA riia^ he rogirded as Mons, and not [trsBMri rsi’ OENsaAls—wno " is., nr. a , . „ lot snarl . , . , n0mber Of unempi{ , yed generals w>li ue frisoners of Surrendered. SulelOeortheReftelBoveyribrorFtortaa. 11' the Mobile Itouy ^j Wo bare through a gentleman recently ,rom ; that a: report readied thei‘e a short he left that upon hearing or she . = of Petersburg and Kichmond, Governor ‘Iton. or Florida,'committed seieide St ine re- tJ he re- mustered out ofithe service in a we I they do not take the hint and resig i tended to retain onlv about hiteeii siztv brigadiers, There is a report current here Johnson has ordered a general j 1’ ^g subseqo v from th* and Forts There are sone of thi: eh is the abode in the winter, illy Gonstruc- d fitted with 7h*n the re view Orleans, rebel author! i'C oil and madep ram and gunboat.— 1261, she Hewed i ree ’.63 of them: Union squadron at the m her little privateering inc. >uth of the kligk. uihy stopped,.and «-e bear little of acr a^in until She attacked, Trith her conrort, the ram y ‘he "Vest, the iron clad indiafr 'ii, la tee Mtosueippi, and, after a desperate atruA'e. 1 retr I far ; which she seconded Her Arrival Looked for oft the Coast. I til alter foe failure ot Banks’ expedition npth£i : river, when she came down and prepared to I run the with a load of cotton, or per- i bays as a privateer. Information of this tart i -f tehing Admiral Fee's eapa, he despatched o. i fleet of iron-clads and gunbeate to the month of I their ■ to prevent ner escape, He Monitor Manhattan P^epar&ti®yt§ Made to it jcdred and. lent 7 of Old Cap- ^r... Haris or of ^ew Defetsled. dec.. New Yop. The rebel iron-clad ram i Page, March. which, sailed froaa LasoOn . Is evidertlv on her way to e Her i won-clad Lafayette—the latter a . speed. Under cover of darkness, : Webb eluded the blockaders. i The Webb was six hundred : fib Captain , foe 28th of j nd 1 VlcHen y I TS is. Fort e Niagara, Commodore Craven, and the corvette Sacramento, Captain Walke, and the vessel of some however, the ane c.xty-^ve tere burthen, had a draught cf seven feet of water, and her general dimensions were as fefl- 10W3:—Length, one hundred and ninety-one feed breadth cf beam, thirty-one fort ; dept! of hole, twelve feet. She was built ku 1856, and wae a sea boat. Of her armament, we have The H' dge, but suppose it was light, .ieiaatoi' oit tile AssF-salit^o tiOfe - J?.m?3 Guthrie, who will t La bfo ator from Kentucky and occupy ther a position! a’ leader of the democratic and corserTativ© side made a speech last week in Louisville.-— He sail be scarcely knew what to say on that solemn occasion, except to repeat what he had said four years ago—that this Union c?.n rn be severed. Art no man be so deluded as believe ’ ifo a thing possible- Hehadseen and conversed with Mr, Lincoln but three times in his life, tert was, politically, at variance wim him, yet he had yielded him the eunport"" due to every good citizen in the trying cwcumstan- bvLfoifo. he wte surrounded, aud as far as were debarred by the twenty Aeur nour rate from giving pursuit, she was to get away from thb coast and so far ahead that chase was use less. From Lisbon the Stonewall proceeded to the Madeira^ where she coaled and took in supplie-, but was ordered away after foe exa ration of twenty-four hours. From Funchal she steamed to TeperJie. where she again coaled and provisioned, and was compelled to go to sea agfoh in twenty-four hours, on foe 1st of April. Sue is evidently making her way to some of the intends of the West Indies, whereshe wfil again oners and bounty jumpers. SURGEON DRUMMED OUT- A Surgeon named J. C. McKee was drummed out of hospital here to-day, fa presence fa* iorrateo, for -writinga ecarxilonE hrirr rRowing over the assassincaon of the late President Lincoln. The letter was intercepted. 13 expressed afhis mild fate. RETRENCHMENT has commented ia dead earnest. Besidec Jr dismissed of quite c; number of cie-kc, "y H transport, steam fogs, barges, 1 fo. were di- carved from the public service. Expense^ are thus^eduoed by a lbw items many thousand doi- lars.. to 10 met wita some forced to fy to the difficulty in regard a, he left the law iving, out lailure a men of this stamp .he time of the beginning ■rill be enl necessary I to reepo® Aon of Job iclud»g. was P. ^v ^d dashing young lawyer A uterabforr-uKce at the Orleans, b -jv r f.A.fofo'.g manhood he ailisd a man 1 - E>n'c at Colambpr, Ga., in amort oru- He A d the State, and sought re- ieme wHtG-n at* Washington, rebel port H left here that she'can enter, as her draught of water is too .great for Galveston, rhe may m M ' danh into some' of our A Arid era ports, and the Navy Department fins maid Us, fosters. Caris 1 w7 v Mitel b ete., e ' e ” * L^ 0 ? ,S ’ •ribere, deli’ eT( ' >r gent bv ^ a private letter t, we have be^ri *ng extract •.— 1 went foie afterncoE TeQin st^fo- opposite wait the Ywweyon fa theatre, and into President lean the bed on which he krefolted. pis The room is in tir e rear os the hall, w-tnon B 13 301311 an S plainly be •'W^ Tully, at , ,he Herald ^ 1 -1 neatly for^i-- the AG irman family by thermo - common vOcMo—o vn the houBe. V Clarke rented Theoid was made np. He sleeps in "Prosidonfs doaii: as nenal. Upon k Tfok wen Uto H 0 Mm urao by, were the shoes b HXeot wore MMIM. , Clarke rornam- Pl-dent \ hou e forms Gy in »oe. G taking the President over to Y until tour o’clock m the Ort TO RICHHOItp Ha one is avowed to pass from Washington to Eichmond .00 a goyerament yessol. 'There are no other eonveyanees. Passengers who go via Bali-more do not require a paas. Sever, _ wp.vR turned, caek Lyre to ds StOSE” NOU } Mosby- foe guerrilla chief, is still harbored ! by rebel inhabitants, across the Potemae. Hr- sw.te end creel command state that the reward ot- , fered for Mosby is not enough t insure- hisj destroy her if she attefohte the teat- iron-eWs have been quietly placed in foe dfoei ent harbor?- and other measures taken that will render abortive any raid on cur seaboard ue Boaueke and steer iron-ckcEjteJ care ’or New York, and a forpddo boat will also be & t eady for immediate service, I w?^ rumored yesterday that the iliCMual KOSHER WHSKEAT-OUTS- iy-d ,wn spoken on Friday last, out foe r&ncrt eoiirely unfounded. Great vigilance ie, r maintained by the naval vessels xn the tabo , and &^ sve always ready for he could consistently with his convictions to dutv- Nu event fo'his life had sh-cke. him ^ much as the assassination of the President, it Veams that he was to have the honor or sup pressing 'he rebellion, and he (Guthrie) war willing that he should reap all the Honors 0.i As the State of Kentucky had sent him to th- Senate of the United States, he intended th have supported IK. Lincoln’s admimatr&uor for as his ev n convictions of duty and of J-' ; -oubfic policy would permit him. _ He said ID ! 1* was more unfortunate for thereby that I Lincoln fell by assassination than Ia heyTeJ other means- The heart of the nation v for pea-c with a restored Union, and the pec 'looked to President Johnson, io give the o. - • try peace- Lie said Pres. Johnson like, the . president came from the people He had : ved them wiki ability in Congress, as gover State, and a tue United States The Star-says: it Mosby was at Salem, near ^y arrenton, Friday,’and is rtill ' harbored in the neighbor- huod by foe rebel fohfoitents. His command have deserted him en ire'y, four hundred bav- in^ drived at Win heater, paroled, Some ^ hem offer to bring in Mosby for five thousanci dollars.. COMDITmN OV-rTtiE SEWARDS, Surgeon Generals Office, May 1. Hen. E. M, Stanton, S^cro’ary of War.. , i Sis; 2 taye foe honor to teport that foe Sort witnessing a naval combat inthe bay ox £ barl strong h pc in him. t 1 have an opportunity of I ths new President would bring to .he on. * New duties the same earnestness at P . A ring ' offi 5 ISs-mjuM S3atuM of Atoralkalis. “ Am-cpter. ■ [Moren ths Albany Journal Ap 11 28.] esolu fon has passed the Assemfoy confsr- ■ .wf.r noon the oommteSAoners of foe 1 nd of To mail succeeds. Coming from the 1 ; as he dess , he ^1 naturally obey the foe people in shipping tee poncy ot .— 0 g-. meni da fog his ifomi-foiration. ■to perm t for citizens ot re .value of President law itol fok. It is ci Moat ...out twenty Tit in the 'C h etatuo v Zhe go ■

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